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The Mbuti pygmies, hunter-gatherers of the Ituri Forest of Zaire, trade forest products and labor for agricultural foods. It has been assumed that the Mbuti lived independently in the equatorial forest prior to its penetration by shifting cultivators. We assessed forest food resources (plant and animal) to determine their adequacy to support a hunting and gathering economy. For five months of the year, essentially none of the calorically important forest fruits and seeds are available. Honey is not abundant during this season of scarcity. Wild game meat is available year round, but the main animals caught have low fat content. This makes them a poor substitute for starch-dense agricultural foods, now staples in Mbuti diet. In general, in the closed evergreen forest zone, edible wild plant species are more abundant in agriculturally derived secondary forest than in primary forest. Similarly, they are more common at the savanna ecotone and in gallery forests. We suggest that it is unlikely that hunter-gatherers would have lived independently in the forest interior with its precarious resource base, when many of the food species they exploit are more abundant toward the savanna border.  相似文献   

The density of a Japanese serow (Capricornis crispus) population, which has been in stable habitat conditions and free from hunting and predation, was investigated by direct observation of serows at Kusoudomari (336 ha), Wakinosawa village, Aomori Prefecture, Japan, during 1977–89. The vegetation, composed of mature mixed forest ofThujopsis with deciduous trees (43.2%), secondary forest of deciduous trees (23.4%) and a plantation of coniferous trees (30.0%) showed little change during the study period. The serows were counted 17 times each winter for 14 consecutive years. The serow population maintained a stable density with a mean of 12.5 individuals km−2 (SD=1.4) ranging from 8.6 to 14.6 km−2. The ratio of the proportion of kids (<1 year old) to serows more than 1 year old decreased, but density did not decrease during the study period. Though extremely severe winters with heavy snowfall in 1984–86 caused a decline in serow density, the density recovered within a few years. It was considered that the stability of the serow density resulted mainly from the stable food supply and the lack of human disturbance, such as forest cutting in the habitat. Stable population density for a long period is probably related to the social organization of the serow.  相似文献   

In the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands there are several bioclimatic regions which result in many different and fragmentary landscapes. Results obtained from monitoring 18 localities in Spain allow an outline of the aeropollen dynamics of some of these environments. The major pollen types are: I. trees: Pinus, Qvercus, Olea, Cupressaceae, 2. shrubs: Corylus, Pislacia and 3. herbs: Poaccae, Urticaceae, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Plantago and Asteraceae. In some locations Alnus, Artemisia, Buxus, Betula, Castanea, Eucalyptus, Populus, Ulmus, and Ephedra also have to be considered. Quantitatively, pollen from trees predominates over that from herbs and shrubs, although at some localities this trend varies. The first pollen grains found in the weekly atmospheric analyses are from trees (winter). In spring tree pollen grains share the atmosphere with herb pollen. For this reason it is usual to find peak values of pollen content in the atmosphere during this part of the year, while winter and autumn are characterized by low pollen counts.  相似文献   

During six consecutive years (1993–1998), aBurkard volumetric pollen trap was continuouslyoperated to sample pollen from the air of thecity of Murcia. The aim of the study was toelucidate the spectra of airborne pollen andthe variations during the year, and toelaborate a pollen calendar. This time spanincludes the end of the period with severedrought from 1990–1995, which particularly affected the south-eastern region of Spain.The total sum of daily average pollenconcentrations amounted to 148,645 pollen grainsbelonging to 93 different taxa. A daily averageof 74 pollen grains/m3 and 11 taxa wererecorded, with maxima of 1157 and 27respectively. The total pollen amountregistered in a year correlated with yearlyrainfall, but there was no relation with meanannual temperature. As for annual fluctuations,there seemed to be no influence by totalrainfall or temperature. Spring and winter werethe seasons with the highest pollen counts andpollen diversity.From the 93 identified taxa, 36 are included inthe pollen calendar. Noteworthy findings are:(i) the presence of Thymelaeaceae,Robinia, Betula, Castanea,Zygophyllum, Caryophyllaceae andCannabis, (ii) a long pollen season ofChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Urticaceae,Poaceae, Arecaceae and Plantago, (iii)the occurrence of summer, autumn and winterflowering of Artemisia, (iv) the lateappearance of Corylus pollen, and (v) theminor presence of Casuarina pollen duringthe mid winter and late spring.  相似文献   

Sri Lanka has a long tradition of forest product use. The relationship of people with a dry zone forest was studied using a sample of 48 households in two villages that varied in distance to the forest and access to the market. All households interviewed collected subsistence forest products and a majority of them also collected commercial products. The daily peak-season income from commercial gathering was 4.5 to 7.7 times the daily labor wage. There is a strong gender specialization, with commercial gathering dominated by men whereas subsistence gathering is almost exclusively the task of women. The average forest-derived household income in the village closer to the forest and with better market access was nearly double that of the other village. Family size as a proxy of labor availability was the main discriminating factor between those households who did and those who did not gather commercial products. A small inverse relationship between forest gathering and size of household agricultural land (particularly paddy rice) was observed. No clear relationship was found between total household income and forest derived income, contradicting the view that commercial forest gathering is an exclusive activity of the poorest households.  相似文献   

Abstract. The results of pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating are presented from three northern Apennine sequences; Lago Padule in northern Tuscany and Lago Pratignano and Ospitale in the Emilia-Romagnan Apennines. This is the first detailed pollen stratigraphic information from sites in Emilia-Romagna and north Tuscany and extends eastwards the area from which information on vegetational history is available. The sequence from Lago Padule is one of the most complete Holocene records known from the northern Apennine region. Lago Pratignano has the deepest sequence of organic sediments (1544 cm) and the fastest rates of sediment accumulation (up to 28 cm per 100 years) providing the highest resolution record for the mid to late Holocene periods in the region. High rates of sedimentation have also occurred at Ospitale where organic sediments are 780 cm deep and began to form at approximately 5500 bp. The record from Lago Padule is compared with Holocene records from two nearby sites and a series of Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones is defined for the eastern area of the northern Apennines. The main features of vegetational change identified are: (i) a‘pioneer’phase of rapid forest development during the early Holocene followed by the establishment of an upper forest belt dominated by Abies, and a belt of mixed deciduous forest at lower altitudes; (ii) the appearance and rapid expansion of Fagus between approximately 5200 bp and 2900 bp forming a mixed Abies-Fagus association in the upper forest belt; and (iii) the overall reduction of forest cover, and dominance of Fagus in the arboreal vegetation from around 2900 bp. The scheme of Regional PAZs for the eastern area is used as a framework for the review of pollen stratigraphic information and radiocarbon dates from other sites in the northern Apennine region. Characteristics of pollen records which can be identified in sequences from across the region are identified and the chronology of similar changes in pollen stratigraphy is examined. The scheme of four regional PAZs for the Holocene period is shown to be valid for the entire northern Apennine region. The examination of a series of pollen records shows that Fagus appeared earlier in the western than the eastern part of the region during the mid Holocene and became dominant in the northern Apennine forests post 3000 bp. The impact of anthropogenic activity and climatic change on the spread and development of Fagus are discussed. The palynological evidence which is now available from the northern Apennines is compared with information for the region shown in the‘European pollen maps’of Huntley & Birks (1983). This study provides an updated review of the representation of different tree taxa in Holocene pollen records from the northern Apennines and illustrates the role of the northern Apennines as a refugium for trees during the Wurmian Lateglacial.  相似文献   

Subsistence hunting among the Waimiri Atroari Indians in central Amazonia, Brazil, was studied from September 1993 to October 1994 to assess the current levels of resource exploitation. Hunting effort, harvesting yields and species composition of the hunt were recorded daily in five villages varying in number of people, location and age of the settlement. The Waimiri Atroari harvested a total of 3004 individuals of 41 species in one year. Lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris), white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), collared peccary (T. tajacu) and spider monkey (Ateles paniscus) represented 87% of the total yearly game weight. Sex ratios of spider monkeys killed were heavily biased towards females indicating a stronger hunting pressure on those individuals. Harvesting yields was proportional to hunting efforts indicating no evident game depletion in the study period. However, capture per unit of effort was significantly different among villages. Differences in total game mass harvested may be explained by local resource depletion associated with age and size of the settlement. However, this relationship is confounded by the capacity of some villages to exploit distant hunting sites. Data obtained in one village showed that harvest rates were higher in hunting sites located far from settlement indicating game depletion in hunting sites surrounding the village.  相似文献   

Analyses of pollen, macrofossils and microscopic charcoal in the sediment of a small sub-alpine lake (Karakol, Kyrgyzstan) provide new data to reconstruct the vegetation history of the Kungey Alatau spruce forest during the late-Holocene, i.e. the past 4,000 years. The pollen data suggest that Picea schrenkiana F. and M. was the dominant tree in this region from the beginning of the record. The pollen record of pronounced die-backs of the forests, along with lithostratigraphical evidence, points to possible climatic cooling (and/or drying) around 3,800 cal year b.p. and between 3,350 and 2,520 cal year b.p., with a culmination at 2,800–2,600 cal b.p., although stable climatic conditions are reported for this region for the past 3,000–4,000 years in previous studies. From 2,500 to 190 cal year b.p. high pollen values of P. schrenkiana suggest rather closed and dense forests under the environmental conditions of that time. A marked decline in spruce forests occurred with the onset of modern human activities in the region from 190 cal year b.p. These results show that the present forests are anthropogenically reduced and represent only about half of their potential natural extent. As P. schrenkiana is a species endemic to the western Tien Shan, it is most likely that its refugium was confined to this region. However, our palaeoecological record is too recent to address this hypothesis thoroughly.  相似文献   

Aim To use surface pollen and vegetation relationships to aid the interpretation of a Holocene pollen record. Location South‐west Tasmania, Australia. Methods A survey was undertaken of surface‐pollen samples from the major regional vegetation types: alpine, rain forest and moorland. Relationships between vegetation type and surface‐pollen representation were analysed using twinspan classification and ordination. A core was retrieved from moorland vegetation, and interpretation of the fossil pollen sequence was aided using relationships detected in our surface‐pollen analysis. Results Regional vegetation types are reflected in the pollen rain of south‐west Tasmania, despite the over‐representation of important rain forest tree species in samples from non‐forest sites. twinspan classification of the surface‐pollen samples identified the following indicator pollen taxa for each vegetation type: Astelia alpina (alpine); Lagarostrobos franklinii (rain forest); Leptospermum and Melaleuca (moorland). Detrended correspondence analysis of the surface‐pollen samples clearly separates samples from each vegetation type. Correlation of the ordination axes with environmental data identified a dominant temperature/altitudinal gradient in the surface‐pollen data (R = 0.852/0.844). Application of the results of the surface‐pollen analysis to the fossil sequence revealed that fire‐promoted moorland has dominated the local environment around the core site for the entire Holocene. Changes in fossil pollen composition also suggest that temperatures increased through the Late Glacial to peak in the mid‐Holocene and declined thereafter, a trend consistent with other sites in the region. Main conclusions Pollen spectra can successfully be used to predict local vegetation in south‐west Tasmania. At least this part of inland south‐west Tasmania has remained forest‐free throughout the Holocene, conflicting with the dominant palaeoecological paradigm of a mid‐Holocene dominated by rain forest. A comparison with pollen records from moorland vegetation across the region suggests that fire‐promoted moorland has dominated the landscape since the Late Glacial. We suggest that burning by people through the Late Glacial (if not earlier) facilitated the spread of moorland throughout the region, greatly restricting the expansion of rain forest. The continued influence of fire throughout the Holocene in this perennially wet landscape argues for a revision of the dominant human‐occupation model that depicts an abandonment of the interior of south‐west Tasmania in the Late Glacial in response to the expansion of rain forest.  相似文献   

Aim There remains some uncertainty concerning the causes of extinctions of Madagascar’s megafauna. One hypothesis is that they were caused by over‐hunting by humans. A second hypothesis is that their extinction was caused by both environmental change and hunting. This paper systematically addresses the second hypothesis through examination of two new pollen records from south‐eastern Madagascar alongside other published records across the island. Location South‐eastern Madagascar. Methods We reconstructed past vegetation and fire dynamics over the past 6000 years at two sites in south‐eastern Madagascar (Ste‐Luce) using fossil pollen and charcoal contained in sedimentary sequences. We investigated drivers of vegetation changes and how these, in turn, influenced faunal species in the south‐east, using published climatic, archaeological and faunal records. Further, we also used published records to provide a synthesis of environmental changes on the whole island. Results Vegetation reconstructions indicate that the mosaic vegetation in the region of Ste‐Luce was highly dynamic in response to climatic changes. The open woodland, surrounding the littoral forest, transformed into an ericoid grassland between c. 5800 and 5200 cal. yr bp , possibly in response to a moderate drought recorded during this period. The littoral forest was more stable between c. 5100 and 1000 cal. yr bp , with only some minor compositional changes c. 2800 cal. yr bp and between c. 1900 and 1000 cal. yr bp . Significant forest decline, however, is observed at c. 950 cal. yr bp , coinciding with a drought and a marine surge. A comparison of these results with a synthesis of published vegetation records across the island shows asynchronous vegetation changes in response to various droughts during the Holocene, except for the 950 cal. yr bp drought event, with evidence of widespread vegetation transformations and fires across the island. Main conclusions Pronounced climatic desiccation between 1200 and 700 cal. yr bp may have been the slow driver framing and triggering vegetation transformations and decline in megafaunal populations. In addition, hunting by drought‐impacted human inhabitants and competition with newly introduced cattle would have amplified the impacts on megafaunal populations, leading to numerous extinctions in this period.  相似文献   

The plant stress hypothesis states that plant stress factors other than herbivory improve herbivore performance due to changes in the content of nutritive or defensive compounds in the plants. In Norway, the bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is important forage for the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) in winter and for the moose (Alces alces) in summer and autumn. The observed peaks in bank vole numbers after years with high production of bilberries are suggested to be caused by increased winter survival of bank voles due to improved forage quality. High production of bilberries should also lead to higher recruitment rates in moose in the following year. We predict, however, that there is an increasing tendency for a 1-year delay of moose indices relative to vole indices with decreasing summer temperatures, because low temperatures prolong the period needed by plants to recover in the vole peak year, and thus positively affect moose reproduction also in the succeeding year. In eight out of nine counties in south-eastern Norway, there was a positive relationship between the number of calves observed per female moose during hunting and a bilberry seed production index or an autumn bank vole population index. When dividing the study area into regions, there was a negative relationship between a moose-vole time-lag index and the mean summer temperature of the region. These patterns suggest that annual fluctuations in the production of bilberries affect forage quality, but that the effect on moose reproduction also depends on summer temperatures.  相似文献   

Forecasting pollination would help allergists to establish an appropriate prevention for allergic patients. Previous studies have related meteorological variables to airborne pollen counts; patients suffer allergy episodes before the peak of pollen is reached. A 10-year study was done in Saint-Etienne (France) by a multi-disciplinary team (medical doctors, meteorologists, plant biologists). The frequency distribution of patients with pollinosis was obtained from mid-January to August every year. The meteorological station recorded the temperatures daily; pollen counts were obtained with a pollen trap. The maturation stages of trees (ash, birch) and graminaceae (dactyl and meadow grass) were followed by weekly sampling and provided the exact date of pollination. Mathematical models were built to predict the developmental stages of plant growth and the values were compared with the exact dates obtained every year. The frequency distribution of allergic patients was either mono or biphasic according to the evolution of daily temperatures. The maximum peak of patients always preceded the peak of graminaceae over the 10-year period. Different models were found to adequately predict the pollination dates: a Q 10-based algorithm best described the pollination date of trees; a weighted Q 10 algorithm best reflected the pollination of graminaceae.  相似文献   

Since 1967 annual pollen deposition has been monitored in the semi-natural mixed deciduous woodland Draved Forest by the Geological Survey of Denmark. In this paper, we analyse the variability in pollen accumulation rates for the eight most common deciduous trees, and their relationships to monthly temperature and precipitation. High summer temperatures in the year before flowering have a positive effect on pollen deposition for several species. A positive correlation between temperatures during the flowering season and pollen accumulation rates is found for Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior and Corylus avellana. The amount of precipitation can have both positive and negative effects on pollen accumulation, depending on species and on time of year. Linear modelling showed that combinations of monthly climate parameters could explain between 10 and 80% of the variation observed in different species. There were marked differences in the time series of pollen accumulation and pollen/climate relationships for some species between traps within the forest related to the location of trees near the traps. This underlines the importance of using multiple traps in a region for this type of study. Time series analyses were used to test for cyclicity in pollen accumulation rates, which could be caused by resource limitations or internal biological factors. No significant autocorrelations were found, although Alnus glutinosa showed a tendency towards 3-year cyclicity. These results indicate that, with the possible exception of Alnus glutinosa, temperature and precipitation are the main factors controlling the annual variability in pollen deposition of the trees in Draved Forest.  相似文献   

Indigenous forest reserves represent approximately one fifth of Brazilian Amazonia and pose enormous challenges for sustainable natural resource management by native Amazonians. In collaboration with the Kayapó Indians of A’Ukre of southeastern Amazonia, we obtained a game harvest profile of over 1360 forest vertebrates consumed at this village over a 20-month period, including 743 mammals, 361 forest tortoises and 256 birds from a minimum of 42 game species. This amounted to a total of 13,775 kg of game animals harvested over the entire study (mean = 26.2 kg d−1). We also obtained some 450 km of line transect census data of midsized to large-bodied vertebrates within the core hunting catchment of this village and in an unhunted but otherwise comparable site upriver of A’Ukre. Population density estimates of 16 of the 18 species censused were significantly depressed by hunting by central place foragers within the village catchment, and a number of harvest-sensitive prey species showed clear evidence of local depletion. For the time being, however, we can conclude that hunting was sustainable at the landscape scale largely because source-sink dynamics in the context of low village catchment density is made possible by large surrounding tracts of primary forest that remain unharvested or underharvested.  相似文献   

The phenology, flower morphology, pollination mechanism and reproductive biology of Epidendrum secundum were studied in a semi‐deciduous forest at the Serra do Japi (SJ), and in the Atlantic rain forest of Picinguaba, both natural reserves in the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. E. secundum flowers all year round, with a flowering peak between September and January. This species is either a lithophytic or terrestrial herb in the SJ, whereas, in Picinguaba, it grows mainly in disturbed areas along roadsides. E. secundum is pollinated by several species of diurnal Lepidoptera at both study sites. In Picinguaba, where E. secundum is sympatric with E. fulgens and both share the same pollinators, pollen transference between these two species was recorded. E. secundum is self‐compatible but pollinator‐dependent. It is inter‐compatible with E. fulgens, producing fertile seeds. In contrast to the population of the SJ, in the Picinguaba region, floral morphology is quite variable among plants and some individuals present flowers with characteristics in‐between both sympatric species, suggesting that natural hybridization occasionally occurs. The anthropogenic perturbation is probably the cause of the occurrence of E. secundum in the Picinguaba region, enabling its contact with E. fulgens.  相似文献   

Failure to recognize factors contributing to variation in habitat models like resource selection functions (RSFs) can affect their application for projecting probabilities of occurrence, and thereby limit their relevance for conservation and management. We compared seasonal RSFs (2006–2008) for 16 adult female moose (Alces alces) with home ranges located in western Algonquin Provincial Park (APP), Ontario, Canada, to those of 14 adult females located in provincial Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) 49, 40 km west of the protected area. Wildlife and habitat management practices differed between regions: hunting was higher in WMU 49 compared to APP, and APP preserved large tracts of old growth forest rarely found in WMU 49. Seasonal RSFs projected expected similarities in moose resource use between regions (e.g., responses to wetlands and stands of eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis [in winter]); however, we also observed differences consistent with the hypothesis that animals, through effects of hunting, would shift habitat use seasonally and in response to roads. We further observed evidence of functional responses in habitat selection due to underlying differences in forestry practices (e.g., responses to stands of old-growth hemlock forest). Given the close proximity and shared biogeographic region between study areas, we believe that observed spatial dynamics in RSFs were ultimately reflective of divergent management strategies between areas and ensuing differences in predation and hunting mortality risk, and functional habitat.  相似文献   

Various pollen sequences from lacustrine deposits close to Lago de Sanabria (NW Iberia) have for several decades been a key source of information for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of SW Europe, though their interpretation has been the subject of some controversy. Here we present two new pollen sequences obtained from this area, and a new palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the region. The available pollen data reach back to before 18,000 b.p., a period of very harsh climate with seasonal (non continuous) sedimentation and a landscape characterised by herbaceous formations dominated by Gramineae and Artemisia, and scrub formations dominated by Ericaceae and Cistaceae. Subsequently sedimentation became continuous, and various regional forest expansions are apparent. At a local level, the first forest expansion began about 12,000 b.p., when Betula pollen reached 70% followed by peaks in Pinus sylvestris-type (>80%) and Quercus robur-type (40%). The Younger Dryas saw a retreat of woodland formations in the area around the lake, with broadleaved deciduous woodland (largely oak) retreating at mid and low altitudes, but with pine woodland persisting in more sheltered sites. The climatic improvement in the Early Holocene favoured re-expansion of woodland, dominated by Pinus sylvestris-type at higher and Quercus robur and Q. pyrenaica at lower altitudes, until anthropogenic deforestation commenced around 4,000 b.p. The disappearance of natural pine woodlands in this region is probably largely attributable to human interference.  相似文献   

Diana Bass  Geoffrey Morgan 《Grana》2013,52(5):293-300
The relevance of allergy skin prick testing in the diagnosis and treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis and pollen asthma can usefully be interpreted in relation to the timing and duration of seasonal symptoms and the presence of pollen and mould spores in the air. This calendar has been constructed from three years continuous observations of pollen and Alternaria mould spore counts between January 1993 and December 1995, using a Burkard 7‐day volumetric spore trap. Of the total airborne pollen, tree pollen comprises 65%, weeds and herbs 11% and grasses 18%. Unidentified pollen, “other”; group, accounts for 6% of the total airborne pollen. The most numerous of the tree pollen is that of the introduced trees cypress (Cupressus spp.) and privet (Ligustrum spp.). Grass pollen is seen in small numbers throughout the winter but shows a rapid increase in spring to peak in mid to late November. Weeds pollinate from early spring through to summer. Alternaria mould, which is a risk factor for childhood asthma, occurs mainly in late spring and summer but is present in small numbers intermittently throughout winter.  相似文献   

This is the first report on Mazahua knowledge and classification of plants and mushrooms and the roles of these resources in the local economy in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. A total of 213 useful plant species and 31 species of edible mushrooms were recorded. Fruits ofPrunus serotina, Rubus liebmanii, andCrataegus mexicana were the main wild fruit gathered by people (7.47, 4.40, and 1.82 tons of fruits per year, respectively), whereas their availability in the territory of the village was approximately 302.6, 6.0, and 34.188 tons.Brassica campestris, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Chenopodium berlandieri, and Amaranthus hybridus were the principal non-cultivated greens consumed by people (4.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 tons per year, while 23.6, 3.78, traces, and 46.0 tons, respectively, were available). Extraction of medicinal plants is low but gathering ofTernstroemia spp. flowers endangers local populations of these plants. All households of the village used fuelwood (1,767.2 tons per year), mainly of pine and oak species. Strategies for sustainable use of these resources are discussed  相似文献   

Early and mid Holocene local vegetational history, with special reference to woodland communities, was revealed by pollen analysis of a radiocarbon dated lake sediment profile from Lake Miłkowskie (Jezioro Miłkowskie) in northeastern Poland. The main factor controlling the dynamics of woodland composition changes until ca. 1950 b.c. was climate. After that, the role of human activity became increasingly important. The results of high-resolution pollen analyses provide evidence for early woodland disturbances caused by Mesolithic people at ca. 6950 b.c. Several episodes of human impact, differing in scale, and separated by subsequent episodes of woodland regeneration/stabilization were noted. The first traces of local crop farming, shown by the presence of Cerealia pollen, were recorded at ca. 3800 b.c. in the Paraneolithic/Neolithic period. Animal husbandry as well as cereal cultivation played only a marginal role in the economy, which was traditionally based on hunting, fishing and gathering through the Neolithic and the early Bronze Age. The change in economic strategies from foraging towards farming, starting around 3750 b.c., was a long-lasting process. An increase of productive economy took place in the middle Bronze Age at ca. 1400 b.c.  相似文献   

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