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R Fuchs  M Daune 《Biochemistry》1972,11(14):2659-2666

Evidence for the reversible binding of paraquat to deoxyribonucleic acid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence for the reversible binding of paraquat to calf thymus DNA has been obtained using equilibrium dialysis and thermal melting point determinations. The data indicated the presence of at least two populations of binding site with affinity constants of 6.2 X 10(4) and 7.1 X 10(3) M-1, respectively. The binding capacities of DNA for paraquat were 66 and 480 nmol/mumol DNA nucleotide, respectively, and were equivalent to one ligand bound per 2 DNA phosphate groups. Putrescine inhibited paraquat binding to the low affinity sites without altering binding to the high affinity sites. Scatchard plots of paraquat binding characteristics indicated the presence of positive cooperativity between the compound and DNA. Thermal melting curves of DNA in the presence of paraquat and the endogenous amines putrescine, spermidine and spermine, provided evidence that paraquat cross-linked to DNA with a similar affinity as spermidine. The thermal melting point data also suggested the presence of positive cooperativity between ligand and macromolecule that possibly resulted from a conformation change in the structure of the DNA molecule. Paraquat competitively inhibited the binding of ethidium bromide to DNA and this effect was reversed by Na+. From the data, it is suggested that paraquat binds primarily to the negatively charged phosphates on the DNA backbone but is displaced into the interbase region occupied by the intercalator ethidium bromide. DNA binding of paraquat may, in part, account for its weak mutagenic activity.  相似文献   

The binding of [(3)H]3-methylcholanthrene to the DNA of hamster fibroblasts was studied by using chemical methods for DNA degradation. DNA depurinated by mild acid hydrolysis released approximately half of the radioactivity at the same rate as the purine bases, but the resulting apurinic acid still contained radioactive carcinogen.  相似文献   

Plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays important roles in dormancy and stress responses, but its binding sites have not yet been fully elucidated. In this report, we suggest the utility of biotin-labeled abscisic acid (bioABA) as a probe to investigate ABA-binding sites on the plasma membrane of barley aleurone protoplasts. BioABA was approximately 100 times less effective than ABA in inhibiting expression of gibberellin-inducible alpha-amylase and in inducing expression of a reporter gene fused to the dehydrin promoter. To ascertain that bioABA could bind to ABA-binding sites on the plasma membrane, we used fluorescence flow cytometry to measure the fluorescence intensity of aleurone protoplasts treated with a combination of bioABA and fluorescence-labeled streptavidin. Addition of bioABA increased the fluorescence of aleurone protoplasts in a concentration-dependent manner, but addition of non-active bioABA derivatives did not. Furthermore, the increase in fluorescence intensity observed upon addition of bioABA was eliminated by co-treatment with excess ABA, but it was not eliminated by co-treatment with other plant hormones. These results suggest that bioABA binds to ABA-binding sites, and that bioABA should be a valuable probe for investigating ABA-binding sites on the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The binding of echinomycin to deoxyribonucleic acid.   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Echinomycin is a peptide antibiotic which binds strongly to double-helical DNA up to a limit of approximately one molecule per five base-pairs. There is no detectable interaction with rRNA and only extremely feeble non-specific interaction with poly(rA)-poly(rU). Heat denaturation of DNA greatly decreases the binding, and similarly limited interaction is observed with naturally occurring single-stranded DNA. Association constants for binding to nine double-helical DNA species from different sources are presented; they vary by a factor of approximately 10, but are not simply related to the gross base composition. The interaction with DNA is ionic-strength-dependent, the binding constant falling by a factor of 4 when the ionic strength is raised from 0.01 to 0.10mol/litre. From the effect of temperature on the association constant for calf thymus DNA, the enthalpy of interaction is calculated to be about -13kJ/mol (-3kcal/mol). Binding of echinomycin persists in CsCl gradients and the buoyant density of nicked bacteriophage PM2 DNA is decreased by 25 mg/ml. Echinomycin interacts strongly with certain synthetic poly-deoxynucleotides, the binding constant decreasing in the order poly(dG)-poly(dC) greater than poly(dG-dC) greater than poly(dA-dT). For the latter two polymers the number of base-pairs occluded per bound antibiotic molecule is calculated to be three, whereas for poly(dG)-poly(dC) it is estimated to be four to five. Poly(dA)-poly(dT) and poly(dI)-poly(dC) interact only very weakly with the antibiotic. Poly(dI-dC) interacts to a slightly greater extent, but the binding curve is quite unlike that seen with the three strongly binding synthetic polynucleotides. Echinomycin affects the supercoiling of closed circular duplex bacteriophage PM2 DNA in the characteristic fashion of intercalating drugs. At low ionic strength the unwinding angle is almost twice that of ethidium. Likewise the extension of the helix, determined from changes in the viscosity of rod-like sonicated DNA fragments, is nearly double that expected for a simple (monofunctional) intercalation process. On this basis the interaction process is characterized as bifunctional intercalation. At higher ionic strength the unwinding angle relative to that of ethidium and the helix extension per bound echinomycin molecule fall, indicating a smooth progression towards more nearly monofunctional intercalation. Two simpler compounds which act as analogues of the quinoxaline chromophores of echinomycin, quinoxaline-2-carboxamide and the trypanocidal drug Bayer 7602, interact with DNA very much more weakly than does echinomycin, showing that the peptide portion of the antibiotic plays an essential role in determining the strength and specificity of the interaction.  相似文献   

Summary DNA is a weak chromotrope and induces less hypsochromic and hypochromic metachromasia in basic dyes. DNA induced metachromasia is also more susceptible to the presence of salts. In the presence of excess polyanion as well as salts, the spectral shift to a shorter wave-length, which is observed when DNA and dye are present in equivalent amounts, does not appear. The compounds of DNA with dye like methylene blue and acridine orange are not stoichiometric generally; DNA and dye form 11 compound only when forced by the presence of excess of dye.C.S.I.R. Junior Research Fellow.  相似文献   

Dimethylglycine dehydrogenase (EC carries out the oxidative demethylation of dimethylglycine to sarcosine in liver mitochondria. In vivo, the enzyme uses tightly bound tetrahydropteroyl pentaglutamate (H4PteGlu5) as an acceptor of the one-carbon group generated during the reaction. The purified enzyme can use, but does not require, H4PteGluB and under these conditions formaldehyde is the one-carbon unit produced. It is reported that folic acid may be covalently linked to dimethylglycine dehydrogenase in a specific and saturable manner so that only 1 mole of folic acid is bound per mole of enzyme. Covalently bound folic acid blocks the subsequent binding of H4PteGlu, and does not inhibit the rate of dimethylglycine dehydrogenase activity in vitro.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]podophyllotoxin to tubulin, measured by a DEAE-cellulose filter paper method, occurs with an affinity constant of 1.8 X 10(6) M-1 (37 degrees at pH 6.7). Like colchicine, approximately 0.8 mol of podophyllotixin are bound per mol of tubulin dimer, and the reaction is entropy-driven (43 cal deg-1 mol-1). At 37 degrees the association rate constant for podophyllotoxin binding is 3.8 X 10(6) M-1 h-1, approximtaely 10 times higher than for colchicine; this is reflected in the activation energies for binding which are 14.7 kcal/mol for podophyllotoxin and 20.3 kcal/mol for colchicine. The dissociation rate constant for the tubulin-podophyllotoxin complex is 1.9 h-1, and the affinity constant calculated from the ratio of the rates is close to that obtained by equilibrium measurements. Podophyllotxin and colchicine are mutually competitive inhibitors. This can be ascribed to the fact that both compounds have a trimethoxyphenyl ring and analogues of either compound with bulky substituents in their trimethoxyphenyl moiety are unable to inhibit the the binding of either of the two ligands. Tropolone, which inhibits colchicine binding competitively, has no effect on the podophyllotoxin/tubulin reaction. Conversely, podophyllotoxin does not influence tropolone binding. Moreover, the tropolone binding site of tubulin does not show the temperature and pH lability of the colchicine and podophyllotoxin domains, hence this lability can be ascribed to the trimethoxyphenyl binding region of tubulin. Since podophyllotoxin analogues with a modified B ring do not bind, it is concluded that both podophyllotoxin and colchicine each have at least two points of attachment to tubulin and that they share one of them, the binding region of the trimethoxyphenyl moiety.  相似文献   

Nucleolin, also called protein C23, is a RNA-associated protein implicated in the early stages of ribosome assembly. To study the general conformation and map the nucleic acid binding regions, rat nucleolin was subjected to limited proteolysis using trypsin and chymotrypsin in the presence or absence of poly(G). The cleavage sites were classified according to their locations in the three putative domains: the highly polar amino-terminal domain, the central nucleic acid binding domain, which contains four 90-residue repeats, and the carboxyl-terminal domain, which is rich is glycine, dimethylarginine, and phenylalanine. The most labile sites were found in basic segments of the amino-terminal domain. This region was stabilized by Mg2+. At low enzyme concentrations, cleavage by trypsin or chymotrypsin in the amino-terminal domain was enhanced by poly(G). Trypsin produced a relatively stable 48-kDa fragment containing the central and carboxyl-terminal domains. The enhanced cleavage suggests that binding of nucleic acid by the central domain alters the conformation of the amino-terminal domain, exposing sites to proteolytic cleavage. At moderate enzyme concentrations, the 48-kDa fragment was protected by poly(G) against tryptic digestion. At the highest enzyme concentrations, both enzymes cleaved near the boundaries between repeats 2, 3, and 4 with some sites protected by poly(G), suggesting that the repeats themselves form compact units. The carboxyl-terminal domain was resistant to trypsin but was cleaved by chymotrypsin either in the presence or in the absence of poly(G), indicating exposure of some phenylalanines in this region. These studies provide a general picture of the topology of nucleolin and suggest that the nucleic acid binding region communicates with the amino-terminal domain.  相似文献   

After treatment with NN-di[14C]methylnitrosamine, samples of DNA were isolated from rat livers by a conventional phenol procedure and examined for the presence of phosphotriesters. A method of capable of detecting relatively small amounts of 14C-labelled phosphotriesters was developed and used to establish that these products account for 10-12% of the total methylation pattern found after treatment with this agent in vitro. The significance of the presence of phosphotriesters in DNA is discussed.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are intimately involved in epigenetic regulation and, thus, are one of the key therapeutic targets for cancer, and two HDAC inhibitors, namely suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) and romidepsin, have been recently approved for cancer treatment. Because the screening and detailed characterization of HDAC inhibitors has been time-consuming, we synthesized coumarin-SAHA (c-SAHA) as a fluorescent probe for determining the binding affinities (Kd) and the dissociation off-rates (koff) of the enzyme–inhibitor complexes. The determination of the above parameters relies on the changes in the fluorescence emission intensity (λex = 325 nm, λem = 400 nm) of c-SAHA due to its competitive binding against other HDAC inhibitors, and such determination neither requires employment of polarization accessories nor is dependent on the fluorescence energy transfer from the enzyme’s tryptophan residues to the probe. Our highly sensitive and robust analytical protocol presented here is applicable to most of the HDAC isozymes, and it can be easily adopted in a high-throughput mode for screening the HDAC inhibitors as well as for quantitatively determining their Kd and koff values.  相似文献   

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