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A cationic amino acid copolymer (CP530) with a molar ratio of lysine, leucine, tryptophan and phenylalanine of 11:2:1:1 and a Mr of about 2300 was prepared and its inhibitory effects on the complement cascade was compared with those of polylysine with a Mr of about 3000. The effects of these two cationic peptides appeared to be at the early stage of complement activation. CP530 and polylysine inhibited the binding of C1q to insoluble IgG aggregates with a concentration required for 50% inhibition of 0.7 and 0.9 mM, respectively. Both compounds were also potent inhibitors of immune hemolysis (a concentration causing 50% inhibition, 0.5 and 3.5 μM respectively) as well as well as assembly of EAC cell intermediates required for formation of C3 and C5 convertases (a concentration for 50% inhibition of 1.0 μM for CP530 and 3.8 μM for polylysine). However, CP530 was shown to be distinctly more effective against the activation of C1r·Cls complex induced by insoluble IgG aggregate-bound C1q, requiring 0.15 mM for 50% inhibition compared to greater than 10 mM for polylysine. The 50% inhibition value for soluble IgG aggregate-induced activation of C1 in whole serum was 0.7 mM for CP530 and 5.0 mM for polylysine. The greater the inhibition of C1 activation by CP530 than that exerted by polylysine could be attributable to the presence of non-lysyl residues which provide the structural basis for specificity and potency.  相似文献   

The relationship between HL-A antigens and rosetting of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) with peripheral human lymphocytes has been investigated by incubating them with HL-A antibodies. Although sensitizing the lymphocytes with HL-A alloantisera had no effect on their ability to form rosettes with SRBC, further sensitization with C6 deficient rabbit serum as a source of early complement components inhibited the formation of rosettes with SRBC. The involvement of HL-A alloantibodies in the inhibition of rosette formation was shown first by correlating the HL-A phenotype of the lymphocytes and the HL-A specificity of the alloantisera and, second, by specifically absorbing the HL-A alloantibodies from the alloantisera. Complement was needed to inhibit rosette formation since this effect was lost when rabbit serum was treated to inactivate complement. The participation of complement's classical pathway in rosette inhibition was shown by chelating the Ca2+ ions by EGTA treatment of the C6 deficient rabbit serum. Perhaps, binding of HL-A antibodies and early complement components to the lymphocyte surface disturbs the distribution of the receptors or affects the charge of the cell membrane, thus inhibiting the rosette formation with SRBC.  相似文献   

When a solution of glutamine is added to solid 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole, a mixture of oligo(glutamine)s up to about the 11-mer is formed rapidly. On standing overnight, the solution deposits a precipitate that does not easily redissolve. We have studied the inhibition of this precipitation by glutamine-containing peptides. We find that the alternating peptides (arg.gln)(4) and (arg.gln)(8) are efficient inhibitors of precipitation while arg(5), (glu.gln)(4), and a nonalternating octapeptide of the same composition as (arg.gln)(4) do not inhibit precipitation even though all the arg-containing peptides readily adsorb to oligo(glutamine) precipitates. A possible structural basis for this difference is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of artificial model membranes on the complement system was investigated. Incubation of the model membranes with human serum resulted in consumption of complement haemolytic activity when phosphatidylserine-containing vesicles were used. The activation of the complement system appeared to proceed through the alternative pathway. This conclusion was supported by the failure of [125I]Clq to bind to the membranes suggesting that the classical pathway was not involved. Although always obtained when phosphatidylserine was present in the model membranes, the activation of complement was enhanced by the contemporaneous presence of phosphatidylethanolamine. Liposomes prepared from lipid extracts of red blood cells were also able to stimulate a concentration-dependent activation of complement. Fresh, intact erythrocytes, however, could not initiate the same effects unless opsonized by antibodies. When artificially aged in vitro, red blood cells were lysed if incubated with normal human serum or with Clq-depleted serum. However, no lysis was obtained if the 'aged' erythrocytes were incubated with serum pretreated with ammonia to destroy the C3 component of complement. It is suggested that one of the mechanisms of macrophage recognition of senescent erythrocytes might be provided by the activation of the alternative pathway of complement if phosphatidylserine becomes exposed on the surface of the aging cells.  相似文献   

T cell hyperactivation and complement consumption are prominent features of the immunopathology of systemic lupus erythematosus. Although complement activation is secondary to autoantibodies that form immune complexes (ICs), the trigger for alterations in human peripheral blood T cells is poorly understood. To study the impact (on T cells) of several types of preformed ICs and terminal complement complex, also referred to as C5b-9, we incubated these immune reactants with peripheral blood naive CD4(+) T cells as well as Jurkat cells and analyzed their effects on cellular behavior. We first assembled the C5b-9 in situ on the membrane and observed its assembly primarily on a single site where it promoted aggregation of membrane rafts and recruitment of the CD3 signaling complex. However, C5b-9 alone did not initiate proliferation or commencement of downstream signaling events associated with T cell activation. When T cells were treated with ICs together with nonlytic C5b-9, changes associated with T cell activation by possible antigen engagement then occurred. T cell antigen receptor signaling proteins, including ζ-chain, ZAP-70, Syk, Src, and Lck, were phosphorylated and organized in a synapse-like structure. The cytoskeleton formed F-actin spindles and a distal pole complex, resulting in a bipolar distribution of phosphorylated ezrin-radixin-moesin and F-actin. Furthermore, ICs and nonlytic C5b-9 induced T cell proliferation and IFN-γ production. These results raise the possibility that ICs and the nonlytic C5b-9 modulate T cell-mediated responses in systemic lupus erythematosus and other related chronic inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   

Cells from the spleens of "normal" swine, which were pretreated with pronase to remove surface membrane-bound immunoglobulin, gave an enhanced hemolytic plaque-forming cell response to sheep red blood cells in vitro in comparison with untreated controls. The enhancement could be abrogated by preincubating pronase-treated spleeen cells in preparations containing antibody to sheep red blood cells. This effect was demonstrated by autologous sera, immune sera, and all three known classes of porcine serum immunoglobulins, including IgM, IgA, and IgG and could be removed by absorption with sheep red blood cells. Surface membrane-bound antibody exerted its effect by binding to the nonadherent cell population. The response of normal spleen cells was unaffected by antibody treatment. Pronase-treatment was not mitogenic, did not function as a polyclonal B cell activator, and did not selectively eliminate T or B cells. The results indicate that removal of antibody from the surface of lymphoid cells enhanced the humoral immune response invitro and confirm that membrane-bound antibody can inhibit response to antigen.  相似文献   

Fucoidans and laminarans from Laminaria cichorioides, Laminaria japonica, Fucus evanescens, laminaran from Laminaria gurjanovae, other beta-D-glucans (translam, pustulan and zymosan) and lambda-carrageenan from Chondrus armatus were used to study the effect of water-soluble polysaccharides from seaweeds on the alternative pathway of complement (APC). beta-D-Glucans and fucoidans under study differed appreciably from each other by structural characteristics, and also by degree of purification. beta-D-glucans, on ability to bind complement, ranked in a line according to a degree of their purification. Highly purified beta-D-glucans under study did not reveal an ability to bind complement. The fucoidans were divided conventionally into three groups according to their action on APC. Highly sulfated alpha-L-fucan from L. cichorioides with the greatest activity toward APC and caused 50% inhibition of reaction of activation (RA) of APC in a concentration of 0.5-0.7 mg/ml. Opposite 50% of inhibition of lysis of erythrocytes by sulfated heterogeneous fucoidan from L. japonica was achieved with 20 mg/ml. All other fucoidans and lambda-carrageenan have activity at 6-10 mg/ml concentration. Decreasing the sulfate content from 36% up to 9% in sample fucoidans under study was not reflected practically in the 50% inhibition concentration. Apparently, the degree of sulfating of fucoidans did not influence their action on APC. But the positive influence of fucose in structure of polysaccharide was obvious.  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated that shows that fragments of C3 are potent inhibitors of immune responses. A low-molecular-weight fragment of C3 and fragments possessing leukocyte-mobilizing activity have been shown to block both antigen- and mitogen-induced human T cell proliferation, and to block mixed lymphocyte culture responses and the generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes. The same fragments inhibit the development of secondary in vitro antibody responses of rat lymphocytes. C3b can be shown to inhibit the polyclonal activation of human lymphocytes by pokeweed mitogen, but it has no effect on T cell proliferation or on the generation of cytotoxic T cells. We now propose that different C3 fragments selectively act on various lymphocyte subsets and thus play a profound role in regulating both immune effector functions and the intensity of the immune response.  相似文献   

The fate of a microbe in the host is determined by various molecules of the innate immune system, which recognize the microbe and enhance its interaction with antigen presenting cells. This 'natural targeting' phenomenon, however, does not function when antigens with limited immunogenicity enter the host. Peptide vaccines, for instance, require adjuvants to induce immune responses. As a surrogate for the natural targeting mechanisms, antibodies against selected receptors of antigen presenting cells, conjugated with the peptides, could be used as targeting devices. Here we review various antibody-mediated antigen-targeting strategies, paying special attention to complement receptor-mediated targeting. We also describe and summarize our method of single-chain antibody-mediated targeting of viral epitopes to complement receptor type two and discuss the perspectives of single-chain antibody-mediated antigen targeting.  相似文献   

Purified human C3 was found to inhibit rat in vitro secondary antibody responses. Fifty percent inhibition of antibody-forming cell development occurred with C3 concentrations of 26 micrograms/ml. This decrease was not the result of a general toxicity or a shift in the antibody response kinetics. Using cell mixing experiments, we could not detect a C3-induced suppressor lymphocyte or macrophage. C3 was active when added to culture early (day 0 or 1 or during a 24-hr antigen prepulse) or late (day 3, 5, or 7)--the early addition being more suppressive. Regardless of the addition time, there was a characteristic 48- to 72-hr lag before the inhibitory effect was manifested. C3 could inhibit antibody-forming cell development after stimulation with the thymus-independent antigens, trinitrophenyl-Brucella abortus and dinitrophenyl-Ficoll, as well as the thymus-dependent antigens, dinitrophenyl-bovine gamma-globulin and chicken gamma-globulin suggesting that C3 was not selective for B memory cell subpopulations. Further characterization of our C3 preparation indicated that the majority of the suppressive activity resided in a small m.w. protein resembling the C3a fragment of C3. Human C3a preparations generated either by trypsin cleavage or zymosan activation of C3 were also tested in our antibody response system and were able to inhibit antibody-forming cell development. These data implicate C3 cleavage products as negative regulators of antibody formation.  相似文献   

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