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An actively and passively mode-locked Nd:YAG laser, producing 30-ps pulses of 1-mJ energy at 532 nm, has been used to photolyze (carbonmonoxy)myoglobin (MbCO) and generate its resonance Raman spectrum, which was recorded with a vidicon multichannel analyzer. The photoproduct spectrum was obtained by subtraction of the MbCO spectrum, obtained at lower incident power levels. Comparison with the spectrum of deoxyMb, obtained with the same apparatus, revealed frequency downshifts of approximately 4 cm-1, for bands at 1604, 1554, and 1542 cm-1, which are identified with porphyrin skeletal modes v10, v19, and v11. These frequencies are known to correlate inversely with the core size of the porphyrin ring, and the shifts imply a larger core size for the photoproduct than for deoxyMb. Similar shifts have been observed for the (carbonmonoxy)hemoglobin (HbCO) photoproduct; in that case, the shifts persist for longer than 20 ns, whereas they are absent in the MbCO photoproduct spectrum within 7 ns of photolysis. The unrelaxed state of the heme group region is therefore suggested to be maintained by protein forces, which relax more rapidly for Mb than Hb. This may reflect a tighter coupling in Hb of the out-of-plane movement of the Fe atom with the proximal histidine-containing F helix.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase will catalyze the chlorination of certain substrates by sodium chlorite through an intermediate known as compound X. A chlorite-derived chlorine atom is known to be retained by compound X and has been proposed to be located at the heme active site. Although several heme structures have been proposed for compound X, including an Fe(IV)-OCl group, preliminary data previously reported by our laboratory suggested that compound X contained a heme Fe(IV) = O group, based on the similarity of a compound X resonance Raman band at 788 cm-1 to resonance Raman Fe(IV) = O stretching vibrations recently identified for horseradish peroxidase compound II and ferryl myoglobin. Isotopic studies now confirm that the 788 cm-1 resonance Raman band of compound X is, in fact, due to a heme Fe(IV) = O group, with the oxygen atom derived from chlorite. The Fe(IV) = O frequency of compound X, of horseradish peroxidase isoenzymes B and C, undergoes a pH-induced frequency shift, with behavior which appears to be the same as that previously reported for compound II, formed from the same isoenzymes. These observations strongly suggest that compounds II and X have very similar, if not identical, heme structures. The chlorine atom thus appears not to be heme-bound and may rather be located on an amino acid residue. The studies on compound X reported here were done in a pH region above pH 8, where compound X is moderately stable. The present results do not necessarily apply to compound X below pH 8.  相似文献   

By using pulsed and continuous wave laser irradiation in the 350-450-nm region, we have characterized Raman scattering from horseradish peroxidase (HRP) compounds I and II and from iron porphyrin pi-cation radical model compounds. For compound II we support the suggestion [Terner, J., Sitter, A. J., & Reczek, C. M. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 828, 73-80; Proniewicz, L. M., Bajdor, K., & Nakamoto, K. (1986) J. Phys. Chem. 90, 1760-1766] that resonance enhancement of the FeIV = O vibration proceeds by way of a charge-transfer state. Our excitation profile data locate this state at approximately 400 nm. Compound I was prepared at neutral pH by rapid mixing of the resting enzyme with hydrogen peroxide. Each sample aliquot was excited by a single, 10-ns laser pulse to generate the Raman spectrum; optical spectroscopy following the Raman measurement confirmed that HRP-I was the principal product during the time scale of the measurement. The Raman spectrum of this species, however, is not characteristic of that which we observe from metalloporphyrin pi-cation radicals [Oertling, W. A., Salehi, A., Chung, Y., Leroi, G. E., Chang, C. K., & Babcock, G. T. (1987) J. Phys. Chem. 91, 5887-5898], including the iron porphyrin cation radicals reported here. Instead, the spectrum recorded for HRP-I at neutral pH is suggestive of an oxoferryl heme with the same geometric and electronic structure as that of HRP-II at high pH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sato A  Mizutani Y 《Biochemistry》2005,44(45):14709-14714
Picosecond protein dynamics of myoglobin in response to structural changes in heme upon CO dissociation were observed in a site-specific fashion for the first time using time-resolved UV resonance Raman spectroscopy. Transient UV resonance Raman spectra showed several phases of intensity changes in both tryptophan and tyrosine Raman bands. Five picoseconds after dissociation, the W18, W16, and W3 bands of tryptophan residues and the Y8a band of tyrosine residues decreased in intensity, followed by recovery of the Y8a band intensity in hundreds of picoseconds and recovery of the tryptophan bands in nanoseconds. These spectral changes suggest that the change in heme structure impulsively drives concerted movement of the EF helical section and that rearrangements toward a deoxy structure occur in the heme vicinity and in the A helix within a time frame of sub-nanoseconds to nanoseconds.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectra are reported for single crystals of cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) mutants, taken by using a microscope equipped with a variable-temperature stage. The spectra are similar to those observed for the mutant proteins in solution, but there are detectable differences having to do with the coordination and spin state of the heme. The Asn-235 mutant contains a mixture of six-coordinate high- and low-spin states with a detectably higher fraction of the former than in solution. Upon cooling even to 223 K, the heme is converted mostly to the low-spin form. The Phe-191 mutant likewise shows a high/low-spin six-coordinate mixture, together with a preponderant population of five-coordinate heme. Upon cooling, the high-spin six-coordinate population converts immediately to the low-spin form, while the five-coordinate population does so more slowly. This behavior is intermediate between that of native CCP and the Asn-235 mutant, consistent with an ancillary role for the normal Trp-191-Asp-235 H-bond in the proximal anchoring of the heme Fe. The Phe-51 mutant shows a dominant high-spin five-coordinate heme population in the single crystal, whereas in solution the six-coordinate form is dominant. This difference is mimicked by adding 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD) to the solution and is attributed to the dehydrating effect of MPD, which is present during crystallization. Upon lowering the temperature, the five-coordinate heme converts partially to a six-coordinate high-spin form.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of the two heme c-containing tryptic peptides of Pseudomonas cytochrome-c peroxidase have been determined. The tryptic peptides were isolated from two cyanogen bromide fragments of the protein. Both heme-binding sites have the Cys-X-Y-Cys-His structure characteristic of c-type cytochromes. The sequences of the two peptides show distinct homology with each other, suggesting the occurrence of gene doubling during evolution of the protein molecule. The function of the heme c moieties in the catalytic cycle of the enzyme is discussed on the basis of their homology with the proximal histidine region of peroxidase (horseradish peroxidase and yeast cytochrome-c peroxidase) and cytochromes (horse cytochrome c and Pseudomonas cytochrome c-551).  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy have been used to characterize the three vibrational modes, CO and FeC stretching and FeCO bending, for carbon monoxide bound to reduced horseradish peroxidase, with the aid of 13CO and C18O isotope shifts. At high pH, one species, I, is observed, with nu FeC = 490 cm-1 and nu CO = 1932 cm-1. The absence of a band attributable to delta FeCO suggests a linear FeCO unit normal to the heme plane. The data were consistent with I having a strongly H-bonded proximal histidine, as shown by a comparison with imidazole and imidazolate adducts of FeIIPPDME(CO) (PPDME = protoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester), with nu FeC = 497 and 492 cm-1 and nu CO = 1960 and 1942 cm-1. At low pH an additional species, II, is observed, with nu FeC = 537 cm-1, nu CO = 1904 cm-1, and delta FeCO = 587 cm-1; it is attributed to FeCO that is H bonded to a protonated distal histidine, the H bond strongly lowering nu CO and raising nu FeC. The appearance of delta FeCO in the RR spectrum suggests that the FeCO unit in II is tilted with respect to the heme plane. At low pH, the population of I and II depends on the CO concentration. I dominates at low CO/protein levels but is replaced by II as the amount of CO is increased. This behavior is suggested to arise from secondary binding of CO, which induces a conformation change involving the distal residues of the heme pocket.  相似文献   

Complex formation between ferricytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) and ferricytochrome c from yeast [cyt(Y)] and horse heart [cyt(H)] was studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. On the basis of a detailed spectral analysis of the free proteins, it was possible to attribute changes in the spectra of the complexes to the individual proteins. At pH 7.0 both cyt(Y) and cyt(H) binding induces an increase in the six-coordinate low-spin configuration of CCP from 9% to 19% at the expense of the five-coordinate high-spin state, which drops from 84% to 74%. In the free and complexed state, CCP exhibits a constant fraction of the six-coordinate high-spin form (approximately 7%). In addition to affecting the coordination state, there is also a cyt-specific structural response of CCP to complexation. In the cyt(Y)-CCP complex, the peripheral vinyl and propionate substituents of CCP are more rigidly fixed in the protein matrix, whereas binding of cyt(H) only slightly perturbs the conformations of these side chains. The biological significance of the conformational changes in CCP are discussed. In contrast to CCP, there are no detectable structural changes in either cyt(Y) or cyt(H) upon complex formation.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectra are reported for native horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) at 290, 77 and 9 K, using 406.7 nm excitation, in resonance with the Soret electronic transition. The spectra reveal temperature-dependent equilibria involving changes in coordination or spin state. At 290 K and pH 6.5, CCP contains a mixture of 5- and 6-coordinate high-spin FeIII heme while at 9 K the equilibrium is shifted entirely to the 6-coordinate species. The spectra indicate weak binding of H2O to the heme Pe, consistent with the long distance, 2.4 Å, seen in the crystal structure. At 290 K HRP also contains a mixture of high-spin FeIII hemes with the 5-coordinate form predominant. At low temperature, a small 6-coordinate high-spin component remains but the 5-coordinate high-spin spectrum is replaced by another which is characteristic either of 6-coordinate low-spin or 5-coordinate intermediate spin heme. The latter species is definitely indicated by previous EPR studies at low temperature. This behavior implies that, in contrast to CCP, the distal coordination site of HRP is only partially occupied by H2O at any temperature and that lowering the temperature significantly weakens the Fe-proximal imidazole bond. Consistent with this inference, the 77 K spectrum of reduced HRP shows an appreciable fraction of molecules having an Fe-imidazole stretching frequency of 222 cm−1, a value indicating weakened H-bonding of the proximal imidazole.Resonance Roman spectroscopyHorseradish peroxidaseCytochrome c peroxidaseCoordination equilibrium  相似文献   

Hashimoto S  Takeuchi H 《Biochemistry》2006,45(32):9660-9667
Ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy has been used to characterize the structure and hydrogen bonding state of the distal histidine (His42) in horseradish peroxidase (HRP) complexed with carbon monoxide (HRP-CO). The HRP-CO - HRP UVRR difference spectrum in D(2)O solution at pD 7.0 shows two positive peaks at 1408 and 1388 cm(-)(1), which are ascribable to medium-to-weak and strong hydrogen bonding states, respectively, of the protonated imidazolium side chain of His42 in HRP-CO. Both His42 peaks decrease in intensity with increase of pD with a midpoint of transition at pD 8.8, indicating that the pK(a) of His42 in HRP-CO is 8.8. The CO ligand exhibits two C-O stretching Raman peaks at 1932 and 1902 cm(-)(1), the latter of which diminishes at alkaline pD and is assignable to a strong hydrogen-bonded state. It is most probable that the imidazolium side chain of His42 forms a strong hydrogen bond with CO, giving a His42 peak at 1388 cm(-)(1) and a CO peak at 1902 cm(-)(1), in one conformer. The other hydrogen bonding state of His42, giving the 1408 cm(-)(1) peak, is ascribed to another conformer forming a medium-to-weak hydrogen bond with a water molecule in the distal cavity. The present finding that His42 can act as a strong proton donor to CO and decrease the CO bond order is consistent with the role of His42 as a general acid to cleave the O-O bond of hydrogen peroxide, a specific oxidizing agent, in the catalytic cycle of HRP.  相似文献   

T G Spiro  G Smulevich  C Su 《Biochemistry》1990,29(19):4497-4508
Because vibrational frequencies are sensitive to structure, RR spectroscopy can provide structural information about kinetic steps in protein transformations when carried out in a time-resolved mode. UVRR spectroscopy has shown that the aromatic groups of the HbCO photoproduct respond with a delay of 20 microseconds and has provided direct structural evidence that the 20-microseconds kinetic step is the R-T quaternary re-arrangement of the subunits. RR bands of the porphyrin ring show that the core relaxes via a 0.1-microsecond protein motion, which probably allows the Fe atom to attain its full out-of plane displacement. The Fe-His stretching frequency has an elevated value immediately after CO photolysis, in part, perhaps, because of the protein constraint on the Fe displacement. It relaxes on both the 0.1- and 1-microsecond time scales to its value in R-state Hb and then decreases further to its T-state value. These changes may be connected with reorientation of the proximal His side chain. At very early times after a photolysis pulse, heating effects may be an important aspect of the protein dynamics, but further experiments are needed to understand the RR response.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectra are reported for FeII and FeIII forms of cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) mutants prepared by site-directed mutagenesis and cloning in Escherichia coli. These include the bacterial "wild type", CCP(MI), and mutations involving groups on the proximal (Asp-235----Asn, Trp-191----Phe) and distal (Trp-51----Phe, Arg-48----Leu and Lys) side of the heme. These spectra are used to assess the spin and ligation states of the heme, via the porphyrin marker band frequencies, especially v3, near 1500 cm-1, and, for the FeII forms, the status of the Fe-proximal histidine bond via its stretching frequency. The FeII-His frequency is elevated to approximately 240 cm-1 in CCP(MI) and in all of the distal mutants, due to hydrogen-bonding interactions between the proximal His-175 N delta and the carboxylate acceptor group on Asp-235. The FeII-His RR band has two components, at 233 and 246 cm-1, which are suggested to arise from populations having H-bonded and deprotonated imidazole; these can be viewed in terms of a double-well potential involving proton transfer coupled to protein conformation. The populations shift with changing pH, possibly reflecting structure changes associated with protonation of key histidine residues, and are influenced by the Leu-48 and Phe-191 mutations. A low-spin FeII form is seen at high pH for the Lys-48, Leu-48, Phe-191, and Phe-51 mutants; for the last three species, coordination of the distal His-52 is suggested by a approximately 200-cm-1 RR band assignable to Fe(imidazole)2 stretching.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Thyroid peroxidase was isolated from porcine thyroids by two methods. Limited trypsin proteolysis was employed to obtain a cleaved enzyme, and affinity chromatography was used to isolate intact thyroid peroxidase. Enzyme isolated by both methods was used in the examination of the heme site of native thyroid peroxidase and its complexes by EPR spectroscopy. Intact thyroid peroxidase showed a homogeneous high-spin EPR signal with axial symmetry, in contrast to the rhombic EPR signal of native lactoperoxidase. Reaction of cyanide or azide ion with native thyroid peroxidase resulted in the loss of the axial EPR signal within several hours. The EPR spectroscopy of the nitrosyl adduct of ferrous thyroid peroxidase exhibited a three-line hyperfine splitting pattern and indicated that the heme-ligand structure of thyroid peroxidase is significantly different from that of lactoperoxidase.  相似文献   

The resonance-enhanced Raman spectrum of eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) from horse and human eosinophils is reported. Based upon the spectral energies, distribution and depolarization ratios of the high-frequency skeletal modes and upon the presence of weak bands assignable to vinyl substituent groups, we conclude that the heme prosthetic group is high-spin, 6 coordinate protoporphyrin. The Raman spectrum reveals clear differences from lactoperoxidase (LPO), an enzyme which appears nearly structurally isomorphous by other physical techniques; the data indicate a stronger axial 6th ligand in EPO. Mechanistic implications are discussed in relation to LPO and myeloperoxidase, an enzyme present in neutrophils and monocytes which contains a unique functional active-site chlorin.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra are reported for Fe(III), Fe(II), and Fe(II)CO forms of site-directed mutants of the cytochrome c peroxidase variant CCP(MI), cloned in Escherichia coli. The Fe(II) form is five-coordinate (5-c) and high-spin at low pH, but it is six-coordinate (6-c) and low-spin at high pH except when the distal His-52 residue is replaced with Leu, showing the sixth ligand to be the His-52 imidazole. Although the Leu-52 mutant stays 5-c, it does undergo an alkaline transition, as revealed by upshifts and broadening of bands assigned to vinyl C = C stretching (1620 cm-1) and C beta-vinyl bending (402 cm-1). Similar changes are seen for CCP(MI) and other mutants. Thus the alkaline transition induces a conformational change that affects the vinyl groups, probably through changes in their orientation, and that permits the His-52 imidazole to bind the Fe. The RR band arising from the stretching of the proximal Fe(II)-imidazole bond contains components at ca. 235 and 245 cm-1 for CCP(MI), which are believed to reflect a double well potential for the H-bond between the proximal His-175 imidazole and the Asp-235 carboxylate group. Loss of this H-bond by mutation of Asp-235 to Asn results in the loss of these two bands and their replacement by a single band at 205 cm-1. Although the Fe(II)-imidazole stretching mode cannot be observed in the 6-c alkaline form of the enzyme, the sixth ligand in the alkaline form of CCP(MI) is photolabile, and the status of the Fe(II)-imidazole bond can be determined in the resulting 5-c-photoproduct. For CCP(MI) at alkaline pH, the conformation change induces an increase in the 235/245-cm-1 ratio, reflecting a perturbation of the H-bond potential. In the His-52----Leu mutant, a 205-cm-1 band appears along with the 235/245-cm-1 doublet at alkaline pH, indicating partial loss of the proximal H-bond due to the distal alteration. The effect of mutations that perturb the H-bonding network that extends from the distal to the proximal side of the heme is more dramatic: at alkaline pH, His-181----Gly, Arg-48----Leu, and Trp-51----Phe mutants show an Fe(II)-imidazole stretching mode at 205 cm-1 exclusively, indicating complete loss of the proximal Asp-235-His-175 H-bond.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy is a valuable tool for the study of the dynamics of heme-protein interactions. In particular, the photolysis of a ligand by short laser pulses allows for the examination of the dynamic evolution of heme-protein interactions subsequent to ligand dissociation. To date, such studies have been confined largely to hemoglobins and myoglobins. Here we present the results of the first transient Raman study of a peroxidase. Resonance Raman spectra of horseradish peroxidase were obtained within 10 ns of ligand (CO) photolysis at a variety of pH values. We find that there is only minimal relaxation of the heme pocket of horseradish peroxidase in response to ligand photolysis. This relaxation is pH-dependent and most probably involves the heme vinyl substituents. Such behavior is in sharp contrast to the transient behavior of most hemoglobins and beef heart cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase will convert from a five-coordinate high-spin heme at neutral pH to a six-coordinate low-spin heme at alkaline pH. Though alkaline forms of other heme proteins such as hemoglobin and myoglobin are known to contain a heme-ligated hydroxide, alkaline horseradish peroxidase has been considered not to contain a ligated hydroxide. Several alternatives have been proposed which would be stronger field ligands than a hydroxide ion. In this report we provide resonance Raman evidence, using Soret excitation, that alkaline horseradish peroxidase does in fact contain a heme iron-ligated hydroxyl group. The band was located for isoenzymes C and A-1 by its sensitivity to 18O substitution and confirmed with 54Fe, 57Fe, and 2H. An isoenzyme of turnip peroxidase was investigated and found to also contain a ligated hydroxide at alkaline pH. The observed peroxidase Fe(III)-OH frequencies are 15-25 cm-1 higher than the corresponding frequencies of alkaline methemoglobin and metmyoglobin and correlate with changes in spin-state distribution. This is explained in the context of hydrogen bonding to a distal histidine which results in increased ligand field strength facilitating the formation of low-spin hemes. It has been demonstrated that the ferryl/ferric redox potential of horseradish peroxidase is markedly lowered at alkaline pH (Hayashi, Y., and Yamazaki, I. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 9101-9106). These observations are rationalized in terms of oxidation of a ligated ferric hydroxyl group facilitated through base catalysis by a distal histidine.  相似文献   

Peroxide compounds of manganese protoporphyrin IX and its complexes with apo-horseradish peroxidase and apocytochrome-c peroxidase were characterized by electronic absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies. An intermediate formed upon titration of Mn(III)-horseradish peroxidase with hydrogen peroxide exhibited a new electron paramagnetic resonance absorption at g = 5.23 with a definite six-lined 55Mn hyperfine (AMn = 8.2 mT). Neither a porphyrin pi-cation radical nor any other radical in the apoprotein moiety could be observed. The reduced form of Mn-horseradish peroxidase, Mn(II)-horseradish peroxidase, reacted with a stoichiometric amount of hydrogen peroxide to form a peroxide compound whose electronic absorption spectrum was identical with that formed from Mn(III)-horseradish peroxidase. The electronic state of the peroxide compound of manganese horseradish peroxidase was thus concluded to be Mn(IV), S = 3/2. Mn(III)-cytochrome-c peroxidase reacted with stoichiometry quantities of hydrogen peroxide to form a catalytically active intermediate. The electronic absorption spectrum was very similar to that of a higher oxidation state of manganese porphyrin, Mn(V). Since the peroxide compound of manganese cytochrome-c peroxidase retained two oxidizing equivalents per mol of the enzyme (Yonetani, T. and Asakura, T. (1969) J. Biol. Chem. 244, 4580-4588), this peroxide compound might contain an Mn(V) center.  相似文献   

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