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At eight different dates during the 2000 growing season, δ13C and δ18O were determined in the phloem of adult beech trees growing in natural beech stands in south‐west Germany differing in stand density and local climate. In addition, stand transpiration, precipitation, photosynthetic active radiation, relative air humidity, water pressure deficit of the air, air and soil temperature, soil water potential, and sugar concentration of the phloem sap were determined directly and evaporation and canopy stomatal conductance were modelled. All parameters were related to δ13C. The study aimed to identify the time integral within which the δ13C of organic compounds transported in the phloem is an indicative measure of these environmental influences. δ13C of soluble carbon transported in the phloem was well correlated with mean stomatal conductance in a two‐day integral prior to phloem sampling but did not depend on either light intensity or soil water availability. A strong positive relationship between δ13C and δ18O pointed to observed variation in δ13C of phloem sap being a result of variation in stomatal conductance. Bulk leaf δ13C was a poor indicator of changes in environmental conditions during the growing season. From these results we conclude that the analysis of δ13C in soluble carbon transported in the phloem is a reliable indicator of short‐term changes in Ci/Ca. In contrast, the δ13C of structural carbon in beech foliage represents an integration of a range of factors that mask short‐term influences responsible for Ci/Ca.  相似文献   

Aim The hair of grazers provides an isotopic record of environmental and nutritional signals. Here, we assess the effect of altitude on the carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of the hair of ruminant grazers and its relation to grassland vegetation, to evaluate the use of hair isotope data for ecosystem reconstruction, animal nutritional ecology and biogeochemical studies in montane environments. Location European Alps. Methods We sampled grassland vegetation (pure C3) and the hair of ruminants along an altitudinal gradient (400–2500 m), and analysed their isotope composition (δ13C and δ15N). Results were compared with published effects of altitude on 13C in C3 plants at the species level and on 15N at the community level. The study was complemented with a comparison of diet and hair isotope composition in ruminants held in confinement. Results δ13C of hair increased (c. 1.1‰ km−1) and δ15N decreased (c. 1.1‰ km−1) with altitude. The same changes occurred in local grassland vegetation, and in regional to global grassland data sets. Offsets between hair and vegetation 13C or 15N (‘diet–hair shift’) were independent of altitude. Sheep (Ovis aries) and cattle (Bos taurus) exhibited a 13C shift near +3‰, but that of goats (Capra hircus) was larger (+4.2‰) in alpine environments and in confinement. The diet–hair shift for 15N was more variable (+2.1 to +3.6‰). Main conclusions Grazer hair provides a faithful spatially and temporally integrated record of grassland isotope composition, useful for ecosystem and environment reconstruction. The effect of altitude on hair 15N is important for studies of trophic relationships: an altitude shift of 2000 m produced the same effect in hair 15N as would a shift from an animal tissue‐based to a plant‐based diet. The similarity of altitude effects on δ13C of individual plant species, vegetation and hair indicates that the effect of altitude on species‐level ‘intrinsic water use efficiency’ scales up linearly to the community and landscape level.  相似文献   

Day-to-day variability in the carbon isotope composition of phloem sap (delta13Chd) and ecosystem respiratory CO2 (delta13CR) were measured to assess the tightness of coupling between canopy photosynthesis (delta13Chd) and ecosystem respiration (delta13CR) in two mature Nothofagus solandri (Hook. f.) forests in New Zealand. Abundant phloem-tapping scale insects allowed repeated, nondestructive access to stem phloem sap 1-2 m above ground. delta13Chd was compared with delta13C predicted by an environmentally driven, process-based canopy photosynthesis model. Keeling plots of within-canopy CO2 were used to estimate delta13CR. By including a lag of 3 d, there was good agreement in the timing and direction of variation in delta13Chd and predictions by the canopy photosynthesis model, suggesting that delta13Chd represents a photosynthesis-weighted, integrative record of canopy photosynthesis and conductance. Significant day-to-day variability in delta13CR was recorded at one of the two forests. At this site, delta13CR reflected variability in delta13Chd only on days with <2 mm rain. We conclude that the degree of coupling between canopy photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration varies between sites, and with environmental conditions at a single site.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of meteorological, pedospheric and physiological factors on the water relations of Scots pine, as characterized by the origin of water taken up, by xylem transport as well as by carbon isotope discrimination (Delta13C) and oxygen isotope enrichment (Delta18O) of newly assimilated organic matter. For more than 1 year, we quantified delta2H and delta18O of potential water sources and xylem water as well as Delta13C and Delta18O in twig and trunk phloem organic matter biweekly, and related these values to continuously measured or modelled meteorological parameters, soil water content, stand transpiration (ST) and canopy stomatal conductance (G(s)). During the growing season, delta18O and delta2H of xylem water were generally in a range comparable to soil water from a depth of 2-20 cm. Long residence time of water in the tracheids uncoupled the isotopic signals of xylem and soil water in winter. Delta18O but not Delta13C in phloem organic matter was directly indicative of recent environmental conditions during the whole year. Delta18O could be described applying a model that included 18O fractionation associated with water exchange between leaf and atmosphere, and with the production of organic matter as well as the influence of transpiration. Phloem Delta13C was assumed to be concertedly influenced by G(s) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (as a proxy for photosynthetic capacity). We conclude that isotope signatures can be used as effective tools (1) to characterize the seasonal dynamics in source and xylem water, and (2) to assess environmental effects on transpiration and G(s) of Scots pine, thus helping to understand and predict potential impacts of climate change on trees and forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes were employed to elucidate energy flows and trophic interactions in Lake Apopka, a hypereutrophic lake in central Florida, U.S.A. Isotope compositions of lake biota ranged from −27·1 to −3·0‰ for δ13C, and from 3·7 to 13·9‰ for δ15N. The food web was based primarily on plankton production with diatoms, Microcystis and zooplankton dominating the diet of fish. Carbon isotope evidence showed that pico- and nano-phytoplankton were not a direct carbon source for fish, but were important to zooplankton. δ15N mass balance estimates indicated that planktivorous fish obtained 48–85% of their diets from zooplankton. The ∼3‰ range of δ15N in gizzard shad reflected increasing dependence on zooplankton as fish grew whereas the positive relationship between total length and δ15N of largemouth bass reflected increasing predation on larger planktivorous fish with growth. The broad ranges of δ13C (−25·9 to −9·5‰) and δ15N (5·8 to 14·4‰) of blue tilapia were indicators of diet diversity. Two presumed omnivores (brown bullhead and white catfish) and piscivores (black crappie, largemouth bass and Florida gar) were found to depend on planktivorous fish. However, stable isotope data revealed no trophic links between blue tilapia, an abundant fish in the near-shore area, and piscivores.  相似文献   

The carbon isotope composition of C4 grasses has the potential to be used as an indicator of changes in the isotopic composition and concentration of atmospheric CO2, especially for climate reconstruction. The usefulness of C4 grasses for this purpose hinges on the assumption that their photosynthetic discrimination against 13C remains constant in a wide range of environmental conditions. We tested this assumption by examining the effects of light and water stress on the carbon isotope composition of C4 grasses using different biochemical subtypes (NADP-ME, NAD-ME, PCK) in glasshouse experiments. We grew 14 different C4 grass species in four treatments: sun-watered, sun-drought, shade-watered and shade-drought. Carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) rarely remained constant. In general, Δ values were lowest in sun-watered grasses, greater for sun-drought plants and even higher for plants of the shade-watered treatment. The highest Δ values were generally found in the most stressed grasses, the shade-drought plants. Grasses of the NADP-ME subtype were the least influenced by a change in environmental variables, followed by PCK and NAD-ME subtypes. Water availability affected the carbon isotope discrimination less than light limitation in PCK and NAD-ME subtypes, but similarly in NADP-ME subtypes. In another experiment, we studied the effect of increasing light levels (150 to 1500 μmol photons m?2 s?1) on the Δ values of 18 well-watered C4 grass species. Carbon isotope discrimination remained constant until photon flux density (PFD) was less than 700 μmol photons m?2 s?1. Below this light level, Δ values increased with decreasing irradiance for all biochemical subtypes. The change in A was less pronounced in NADP-ME and PCK than in NAD-ME grasses. Grasses grown in the field and in the glasshouse showed a similar pattern. Thus, caution should be exercised when using C4 plants under varying environmental conditions to monitor the concentration or carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 in field/glasshouse studies or climate reconstruction.  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in the leaves of Bryophyllum daigremontianum were studied comparatively under closely controlled (phytotron) and semi-natural (greenhouse) conditions utilizing measurements of natural carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of the total leaf matter. Abrupt transfer of plants from long days to short days resulted in an overall increase of CAM in mature leaves (no. 3 from the apex and older) and thus in a higher CAM level for the whole plant. Study during the course of a year in semi-natural conditions showed that a progressive increase in length of day and day night temperature differences (February ← June) activated CAM but only a passage to short days (June ← October) produced the maximum CAM. Under the experimental conditions employed, the maximum shift from the C3-type to the C4-type of metabolism was observed in plants subjected to semi-natural progressive variations in the environment, i.e. the δ13C values indicated that for plants in the greenhouse the total carbon flow entering the cells was mediated by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity.  相似文献   

We investigated the extent to which plant water and nutrient status are affected by intraspecific competition intensity and microsite quality in a monodominant tussock grassland. Leaf gas exchange and stable isotope measurements were used to assess the water relations of Stipa tenacissima tussocks growing along a gradient of plant cover and soil depth in a semi-arid catchment of Southeast Spain. Stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate decreased with increasing intensity of competition during the wet growing season, leading to foliar δ 18O and δ 13C enrichment. A high potential for runoff interception by upslope neighbours exerted strong detrimental effects on the water and phosphorus status of downslope S. tenacissima tussocks. Foliar δ 15N values became more enriched with increasing soil depth. Multiple stepwise regression showed that competition potential and/or rhizosphere soil depth accounted for large proportions of variance in foliar δ 13C, δ 18O and δ 15N among target tussocks (57, 37 and 64%, respectively). The results presented here highlight the key role that spatial redistribution of resources (water and nutrients) by runoff plays in semi-arid ecosystems. It is concluded that combined measurement of δ 13C, δ 18O and nutrient concentrations in bulk leaf tissue can provide insight into the intensity of competitive interactions occurring in natural plant communities.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope fractionation in metabolic processes following carboxylation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) is not as well described as the discrimination during photosynthetic CO(2) fixation. However, post-carboxylation fractionation can influence the diel variation of delta(13)C of leaf-exported organic matter and can cause inter-organ differences in delta(13)C. To obtain a more mechanistic understanding of post-carboxylation modification of the isotopic signal as governed by physiological and environmental controls, we combined the modelling approach of Tcherkez et al., which describes the isotopic fractionation in primary metabolism with the experimental determination of delta(13)C in leaf and phloem sap and root carbon pools during a full diel course. There was a strong diel variation of leaf water-soluble organic matter and phloem sap sugars with relatively (13)C depleted carbon produced and exported during the day and enriched carbon during the night. The isotopic modelling approach reproduces the experimentally determined day-night differences in delta(13)C of leaf-exported carbon in Ricinus communis. These findings support the idea that patterns of transitory starch accumulation and remobilization govern the diel rhythm of delta(13)C in organic matter exported by leaves. Integrated over the whole 24 h day, leaf-exported carbon was enriched in (13)C as compared with the primary assimilates. This may contribute to the well-known--yet poorly explained--relative (13)C depletion of autotrophic organs compared with other plant parts. We thus emphasize the need to consider post-carboxylation fractionations for studies that use delta(13)C for assessing environmental effects like water availability on ratio of mole fractions of CO(2) inside and outside the leaf (e.g. tree ring studies), or for partitioning of CO(2) fluxes at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   

In the present study, the high‐resolution stable carbon (13C/12C) and oxygen (18O/16O) isotope ratio profiles in the wood of the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata Lam., a tropical tree species lacking distinct growth rings, were investigated. Variations of both isotope ratios revealed a remarkable annual cyclicity with lowest values occurring at the latewood/earlywood boundary (April–May) and highest values during the transition from earlywood to latewood (October–November). Based on the current knowledge of the physiology of this mangrove species, as well as on the current literature available on high‐resolution profiles of stable isotope ratios in tree rings, possible driving forces responsible for this seasonal pattern are discussed. The annual cyclicity, together with a conspicuous isotope pattern appearing in the El‐Niño year 1997, promises great potential for tropical dendrochronology.  相似文献   

An application of stable carbon isotope analysis to the mechanistic interpretation of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) effects on growth inhibition is described that is particularly useful for small plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana that are not well suited for gas exchange studies. Many investigators use tissue δ13C, relative abundance of 13C and 12C, as a proxy for water use efficiency and as an indicator of environmental effects on stomatal behaviour and on photosynthesis during growth. Discrimination against 13C is enhanced by both high stomatal conductance and damage to photosynthetic machinery. Because the thinning of the stratospheric ozone layer is permitting more UV-B to enter the biosphere, the mechanisms of action of UV-B radiation on plants are of particular current interest. Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type Landsberg erecta (L er ) and the UV-B-sensitive mutant fah I , deficient in UV-absorbing sinapate esters, were grown in a controlled environment and exposed to UV-BBE doses of 0 or 6–7 kJ m−2 day−1. UV-B exposure decreased dry matter production and δ13C in both genotypes, but growth inhibition was generally greater in fah I than in L er . The fah I mutant also had less leaf greenness than L er . Changes in leaf tissue δ13C were detected before growth inhibition and were evident in treatments of both genotypes that did not cause marked growth effects. This suggests that the effects of UV-B contributing to increased carbon isotope discrimination in L er may have been primarily associated with high stomatal conductance, and in fah I with both high stomatal conductance and damage to photosynthetic machinery.  相似文献   

Abstract A negative correlation between water-use efficiency (W), defined as the ratio of moles of carbon in the plant to moles of water transpired, and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) was established for barley in pot experiments using 12 cultivars. The correlation was strong in two independent experiments in four different controlled environment where ambient temperature and vapour pressure deficit were varied and plants were either well-watered or given limited amounts of water. Variation among cultivars was found in both Δ and W and rankings of both parameters, according to cultivar, were similar in different environments. Limiting water usually increased water-use efficiency of plants. Total dry matter can be substituted for moles of carbon when calculating water-use efficiency but the correlation between W and Δ were calculated using the carbon content of dry matter. There were differences varied significantly among cultivars. Despite these differences, correlations were also large between whole plant W and Δ of any of the plant parts. The amount of dry matter partitioned into reproductive growth varied genetically, as did the effect of stress on the partitioning. Growth, W and Δ of barley were compared with theory derived from gas exchange properties and with other literature. The effect on W of variation in vapour pressure deficit in these experiments was removed by multiplying W by vapour pressure deficit to derive the parameter, k(Pa mol C/mol H2O). This allowed comparisons among experiments with different vapour pressure deficits. The mean k for these barley cultivars was similar to that calculated by others for grasses. However, variation was found, and, in contrast with previous work which treats k as a species constant, we conclude that there is promise in selecting for increased k.  相似文献   

Abstract. The export of assimilates from mature leaves towards the young leaves was investigated: 100% and 65% of constitutive matter of leaves of rank 0 (the youngest leaves at the top of the plant) and of rank 1, respectively, originated from other parts of the plant. Photosynthesis of a particular leaf covers the total carbon requirement of that leaf only when it reaches about two-thirds of its mature size. When pairs of mature leaves were excised, the young leaves increased their own autotrophic growth while the level of assimilates exported by the remaining leaves remained unchanged. The existence of permanent pools in the leaves that export the assimilates was demonstrated; about 50% of the carbon, both in the soluble and insoluble fractions of mature and senescent leaves (ranks 5 to 8 from the apex), was not renewed by turnover. It is shown that the 13C-enrichment of the components of the starch-malate sequence in young leaves results, at least in part, from the incorporation of imported carbon chains. The significance of the δ13C diagnosis in CAM determination is discussed in relation to the origin of the constitutive carbon of the leaves.  相似文献   

The natural 15N abundance (δ15N) of epiphytes and its N sources were studied in the canopy of a lowland rainforest in Costa Rica. Vascular and non‐vascular epiphytes and canopy soils were collected from four canopy zones and analysed for N contents and δ15N signals. In addition, the N concentrations and δ15N signatures of bulk precipitation, throughfall and stemflow were measured during the wet and the dry season. The δ15N values of epiphyte leaves decreased significantly from the lower zones (means of ?3·9 and ?4·3‰) to the upper zones (means of ?5·4 and ?6·1‰) of the canopy. In contrast, δ15N signatures of canopy soils (average ?0·3‰) differed little between the zones. Bulk deposition was enriched in 15N (+4·3‰) compared to all other potential N sources and was higher than throughfall and stemflow (+0·5 to ?1·3‰). δ15N values of atmospheric deposition were inversely related to those of the epiphyte leaves, whereas N isotopic composition of canopy soils did not vary significantly. Consequently, it is concluded that the variations in foliar N isotope composition of epiphytes were not simply caused by utilization of isotopically different N sources, but by different 15N discrimination during N acquisition.  相似文献   

The scales of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus were used in place of dorsal muscle, which necessitates killing the fish, to study food webs from the δ13C and δ15N isotopic ratios in the organic fraction. As scales are composed of both organic and calcified fractions, a protocol for scale decalcification was first devised. The δ13C and δ15N values of the decalcified scales were then shown to be closely correlated to those of the dorsal muscle, demonstrating that scales could be used in place of muscle to study food webs. Changes in the δ13C of whitefish were determined from a scale collection that extended over the period during which the trophic state of Lake Geneva was recovering.  相似文献   

The impact of experimentally intensified summer drought and precipitation on N2O and NO turnover and fluxes was investigated in a minerotrophic fen over a 2‐year period. On three treatment plots, drought was induced for 6 and 10 weeks by means of roofs and drainage and decreased water table levels by 0.1–0.3 m compared with three nonmanipulated control plots. When averaged over the three treatment plots, both N2O and NO emission showed only little response to the drought. On the single plot scale, however, a clear impact of the treatment on N2O and NO fluxes could be identified. On the plot with the weakest water table reduction hardly any response could be observed, while on the plot with the greatest drainage effect, N2O and NO fluxes increased by 530% and 270%, respectively. Rewetting reduced NO emissions to background levels (0.05–0.15 μmol m?2 h?1), but heavily enhanced N2O emission (18–36 μmol m?2 h?1) for several days in the plots with largest water table reduction. These peaks contributed up to 40% to the cumulative N2O fluxes and were caused by rapid N2O production according to isotope abundance data. According to N2O concentrations and isotope abundance analysis N2O was mostly produced at depths between 0.3 and 0.5 m. During water table reduction net N2O production in 0.1 m depth steadily increased in the most effectively dried plot from 2 up to 44 pmol cm?3 day?1. Rewetting immediately increased net N2O production in the topsoil of the drought plots, showing rates of 18–174 pmol cm?3 day?1. This study demonstrates that drought and rewetting can temporarily increase N2O emission to levels that have to date only been reported from nutrient rich and degraded fens that have been drained for agricultural purposes.  相似文献   

The Amazonian freshwater fish, Semaprochilodus insignis , varies in carbon isotopic composition during residence in different habitats within its home range. The results indicate that carbon produced in black-water systems contributes to fish stocks harvested from white-water systems, and S. insignis populations in the Central Amazonia are more integrated than previously thought.  相似文献   

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