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Optimal number of matings in two aphidophagous ladybirds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. The present study was designed to identify the optimal number of matings required for maximum fecundity and egg viability in two aphidophagous ladybirds, Cheilomenes sexmaculata and Propylea dissecta .
2. For this purpose, ladybirds were subjected to different numbers of matings and the reproductive responses were recorded thereafter.
3. The Gompertz model was used to draw asymptotic graphs for fecundity and per cent egg viability in both ladybird species. Ninety-five per cent and 50% of maximum theoretical fecundity and per cent egg viability were predicted from the model.
4. Ninety-five per cent maximum theoretical fecundity was obtained after 13.25 and 12.95 matings in C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta , respectively; and 8.95 and 11.25 matings were required for 95% maximum theoretical per cent egg viability in C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta , respectively.
5. The results of these experiments clearly support the existence of an optimal number of matings in these two ladybird species leading to maximum adult fitness.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study investigated prey consumption, egg production, percent progeny loss, reproductive, pre- and post-reproductive periods, reproductive time ratio, reproductive rate and bioconversion efficiency of four aphidophagous ladybirds, viz. Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius), Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus, Coccinella transversalis Fabricius and Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) on Dolichos lablab Linnaeus infested with cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch. C. sexmaculata had the highest bioconversion efficiency, reproductive rate and reproductive time ratio followed in rank order by P. dissecta , C. transversalis and C. septempunctata . This study indicates that C. sexmaculata has a narrow ecological relationship with A. craccivora . The increased allocation of resources to reproduction as indicated through a high reproductive time ratio and high bioconversion efficiency of C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta suggest that they may be better adapted to compete for this prey with larger species like C. transversalis and C. septempunctata .  相似文献   

A few matings are sufficient for females to maximize their reproductive success, while male fitness usually increases with an increase in the number of matings. However, females of a majority of insects mate multiple times. This presents an evolutionary puzzle and brings an understanding that some benefits are associated with it. Therefore, to understand the costs and benefits of multiple matings, we performed an experimental study in a ladybird beetle, Anegleis cardoni and observed reproductive performance and longevity of adults as direct benefits and offspring development and survival as indirect benefits. This is the first time that the effect of multiple matings is being evaluated on offspring development and survival in a ladybird beetle. Results clearly reveal that females directly benefit from multiple matings in terms of increased lifetime fecundity and egg viability, but their longevity decreases with increased number of matings. Best-fit curves on lifetime fecundity and percent egg viability revealed that maximum fecundity and egg viability were both attained after 17 matings. Developmental duration of offspring decreased and their survival increased with an increase in number of matings. Developmental duration was shortest after 20 matings and longest after a single mating.  相似文献   

Development, survival and reproductive performance of coexisting ladybird species, viz. Cheilomenes sexmaculata, Coccinella septempunctata, and Coccinella transversalis, of the tribe Coccinellini were studied and compared to assess their coexistence and ecological relationships. High values of life history parameters, viz. developmental rate,immature survival, fecundity, egg viability, reproductive rate and conversion of efficiency of ingested food were recorded for C. sexmaculata followed by C. transversalis and C.septempunctata suggesting that the former has intrinsic advantages over the latter two species. This could possibly counterbalance its disadvantages, like relatively smaller size and weight, thereby making it competitive. The developmental period increased with increase in body size. Exceptionally high fecundity after single mating has been recorded in C. sexmaculata. The egg viability, however, was lower than in both Coccinella species.  相似文献   

In species where females gain a nutritious nuptial gift during mating, the balance between benefits and costs of mating may depend on access to food. This means that there is not one optimal number of matings for the female but a range of optimal mating numbers. With increasing food availability, the optimal number of matings for a female should vary from the number necessary only for fertilization of her eggs to the number needed also for producing these eggs. In three experimental series, the average number of matings for females of the nuptial gift‐giving spider Pisaura mirabilis before egg sac construction varied from 2 to 16 with food‐limited females generally accepting more matings than well‐fed females. Minimal level of optimal mating number for females at satiation feeding conditions was predicted to be 2–3; in an experimental test, the median number was 2 (range 0–4). Multiple mating gave benefits in terms of increased fecundity and increased egg hatching success up to the third mating, and it had costs in terms of reduced fecundity, reduced egg hatching success after the third mating, and lower offspring size. The level of polyandry seems to vary with the female optimum, regulated by a satiation‐dependent resistance to mating, potentially leaving satiated females in lifelong virginity.  相似文献   

The effects of conspecific adult interference on the reproductive output of an aphidophagous ladybird, Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) were investigated. Ovipositing females were subjected to physical interference with conspecific adults (0 to 4 males or females) in Petri dishes and the effects on egg cannibalism, oviposition and egg viability were recorded. The absence of interference was related to the lowest egg cannibalism (0.00%) and higher fecundity (336.30+/-32.16 eggs) and egg viability (95.83+/-1.60%). Fecundity decreased with increasing physical interference from either sex. Egg viability declined with increasing male density, but was not influenced by conspecific females. In a second experiment, evaluating the role of conspecific adult chemical tracks on fecundity and egg viability, it was observed that adult chemical track density (fresh and ten-day-old) was negatively correlated. Egg viability was not affected by the presence of adult chemical tracks. The decrease in fecundity was not affected by the sex of the adults making the tracks, thus revealing that the chemical constitution of these deterrent compounds was not sex-specific. Conspecific interference in a Petri dish reduces reproductive output, as a result of physical interference and response to what seem to be oviposition-deterring pheromones present in adult tracks.  相似文献   

When females mate multiple times it presents an intriguing problem for evolutionary biologists due to the high costs and not very apparent benefits. Yet, this behaviour must have higher benefits than costs to be maintained by natural selection. We studied possible benefits for multiple mating by female leaf beetles, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, both with multiple males (polyandry) and multiple times with the same male (repeated matings). For polyandry, we tested the material benefits hypothesis, as well as fertility insurance, by mating females to varying numbers of males and looking at sperm received and fecundity. Although there was a relationship between amount of stored sperm and number of matings, we did not find the predicted positive relationship between fecundity and number of matings. Thus, the material benefits hypothesis was not supported. For repeated matings, we tested the sperm and nonsperm material benefit hypotheses by mating females to a single male varying numbers of times on one mount. For this set of tests neither sperm number nor fecundity was positively correlated with number of matings, therefore neither hypothesis was supported. Interestingly, in both experiments, there was a significant decrease in hatch rate with an increase in matings, demonstrating a cost of polyandry. These findings, along with previous research, suggest a cost of multiple mating with a possible role of seminal fluids in the reduction in female fecundity.  相似文献   

Abstract The mating behavior of Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) was investigated in detail. Protandry was evident, as males mature earlier than females. Predicted age of sexual maturation of male and female ladybirds was 7.12 and 9.33 days, respectively. Males performed courtship in six steps, viz. approach, watch, examine, embrace, mount and attempt. Embrace is possibly an appeasement act, while examine serves to recognize mate. Chemical signals initiate male attraction toward females. Visual and tactile cues appear to secondarily help in mate recognition. Mating lasted longest (275.40±12.23 min) when it occurred between unmated individuals. It was much shorter (176.60±5.60 min) when prior mated individuals copulated. There was a significant decrease in mating durations when adults were subjected to five successive matings. Fecundity and percent egg viability increased significantly with increase in the number of matings.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Despite the importance of Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin‐Mèneville) in coffee production worldwide, there is a lack of information on its reproduction. This knowledge will help in mass rearing, and support the development of behavioural control techniques for this insect. The present study determined the effects of delayed mating and previous matings of male L. coffeella on fecundity, egg viability and frequency of female remating. 2 The highest levels of fecundity and egg viability were obtained from matings of 1–3‐day‐old females. When females mated at 5 days of age, there were reductions of 40% in oviposition and of 43% in egg viability. 3 Females mated with 2‐day‐old virgin males were more fecund than those mated with older males; egg viability was also low (18%) from females mated with older males. 4 Virgin females that mated with virgin males laid a greater number of eggs than those mated with previously copulated males. Egg viability decreased with the increase in the number of previous male matings. 5 Five‐day‐old females remated in greater proportion than 2–3‐day‐old females. Females that copulated with males that had previously mated three times had higher rates of remating than those that copulated with virgin males. 6 The results obtained indicate that 1–3 days after emergence is the optimum age for mating. The implications of these findings for the control of L. coffeella by synthetic sex pheromone are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In the present study the influence of maternal and paternal ages on reproductive performance of an aphidophagous ladybird, Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) were investigated. Maternal age strongly influenced fecundity and pre-oviposition period while paternal age strongly influenced the egg viability. Maternal age also influenced percent egg viability, however, at lower levels of significance. The results revealed that the fecundity and percent egg viability increased up to the respective maternal and paternal ages of 30 days and thereafter declined, indicating the onset of senescence. The results of the present study can help in better mass multiplication of the ladybird concerned and in laying foundation for further age-related studies.  相似文献   

Females of many insects mate multiply but why they do so remains controversial. Here we investigated the effects of multiple matings on female reproductive success of a New Zealand seed bug, Nysius huttoni. We found little evidence for females to gain material (nutritional) benefits through multiple matings because the number of matings did not have significant effect on female fecundity. Females remated to the same males or different males produced similar number of viable offspring, suggesting that females do not obtain genetic benefit from remating in terms of offspring viability. With the increase of the number of matings, however, overall fertility rate significantly increased and daily fertility rate declined significantly slower over time. These results suggest that females remate for the replenishment of sperm. Five matings are sufficient for females to maximize their reproductive success, and additional matings appear to be superfluous. However, the females of this bug mate as many as 68 times if males and females are paired for lifetime. This can be explained by the convenience hypothesis, i.e., females remate superfluously to minimize the costs of harassment by promiscuous males.  相似文献   

It is well established that females of many species exhibitpolyandry. Although such behavior often increases female fitnessby augmenting fecundity or enhancing the genetic diversity andvigor of their offspring, it often reduces female longevity.It has been argued that trade-offs between these costs and benefitsshould limit the degree to which females remate. However, theexistence of highly polyandrous species suggests substantialpolyandry benefits and/or minimal costs in some systems. Femalesof the leaf beetle, Chrysochus cobaltinus, are extremely polyandrous,providing an opportunity to examine the factors influencingthe evolution of such behaviors. We compared the fecundity andlongevity of singly mated females, females that mated multipletimes with the same male, and females that mated multiple timeswith different males. Compared with females in the single matingtreatment, females in both multiple mating treatments exhibiteda significant reduction in latency to oviposition and, due toan increase in daily egg production, significant increases inlifetime fecundity. This difference diminished as the time sincelast mating increased. There were no differences in fecunditybetween the 2 multiple mating treatments, indicating that mateidentity does not influence the material benefits of multiplemating. Surprisingly, female longevity did not differ amongtreatments. The pronounced fecundity benefits that females gainfrom multiple mating, coupled with a lack of longevity costs,apparently explains the extreme polyandry in this species. Inaddition, the existence of material fitness benefits via conspecificmatings raises the intriguing possibility that in a C. cobaltinusChrysochusauratus hybrid zone, heterospecific matings may confer similarbenefits to Chrysochus females.  相似文献   

The outcome of male–male contest competition is known to affect male mating success and is believed to confer fitness benefits to females through preference for dominant males. However, by mating with contest winners, females can incur significant costs spanning from decreased fecundity to negative effects on offspring. Hence, identifying costs and benefits of male dominance on female fitness is crucial to unravel the potential for a conflict of interests between the sexes. Here, we investigated males' pre‐ and post‐copulatory reproductive investment and its effect on female fitness after a single contest a using the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. We allowed males to fight and immediately measured their mating behaviour, sperm quality and offspring viability. We found that males experiencing a fight, independently of the outcome, delayed matings, but their courtship effort was not affected. However, winners produced sperm of lower quality (viability) compared to losers and to males that did not experience fighting. Results suggest a trade‐off in resource allocation between pre‐ and post‐mating episodes of sexual selection. Despite lower ejaculate quality, we found no fitness costs (fecundity and viability of offspring) for females mated to winners. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of considering fighting ability when assessing male reproductive success, as winners may be impaired in their competitiveness at a post‐mating level.  相似文献   

Abstract Direct costs and benefits to females of multiple mating have been shown to have large effects on female fecundity and longevity in several species. However, with the exception of studies examining genetic benefits of polyandry, little attention has been paid to the possible effects on offspring of multiple mating by females. We propose that nongenetic effects of maternal matings on offspring fitness are best viewed in the same context as other maternal phenotype effects on offspring that are well known even in species lacking parental care. Hence, matings can exert effects on offspring in the same way as other maternal environment variables, and are likely to interact with such effects. We have conducted a study using yellow dung flies ( Scathophaga stercoraria ), in which we independently manipulated female mating rate, number of mates and maternal thermal environment and measured subsequent fecundity, hatching success, and offspring life-history traits. To distinguish between direct effects of matings and potential genetic benefits of polyandry we split broods and reared offspring at three different temperature regimes. This allowed us to demonstrate that although we could not detect any simple benefits or costs to matings, there are effects of maternal environment on offspring and these effects interact with female mating regime affecting offspring fitness. Such interactions between female phenotype and the costs and benefits of matings have potentially broad implications for understanding female behavior.  相似文献   

Polyandry promotes enhanced offspring survival in decorated crickets   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Although female multiple mating is ubiquitous in insects, its adaptive significance remains poorly understood. Benefits to multiple mating can accrue via direct material benefits, indirect genetic benefits, or both. We investigated the effects of multiple mating in the decorated cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus, by simultaneously varying the number of times that females mated and the number of different males with which they mated, measuring aspects of female fecundity and elements of offspring performance and viability. Multiple matings resulted in enhanced female fitness relative to single matings when females mated with different partners, but not when females mated repeatedly with the same male. Specifically, polyandrous females produced significantly more offspring surviving to reproductive maturity than did monogamous females mating once or mating repeatedly with the same male. These results suggest that the benefit females gain from multiple mating is influenced primarily by genetic and not material benefits.  相似文献   

Irradiation of the adult grain mite,Acarus siro L., with substerilizing doses of fast electrons significantly reduced fecundity and egg viability. The number of spermatophores found in the bursa of treated females was also considerably reduced. However, no change in the shape of the spermatophores was observed. It is not known whether the decrease in fecundity and egg viability was the result of the drop in spermatophore production or to the death of sperm cells.Fast electrons had less effect upon, fecundity than the same dose of gamma radiation. However, irradiation by fast electrons had a similar effect on egg viability (expressed in percent), number of spermatophores produced per individual, and the number of adult F1 progeny.Fast-electron doses above 0.4 kGy caused sterility ofAcarus siro.  相似文献   

Omkar 《Insect Science》2004,11(2):113-124
Abstract  Reproductive behaviour of two aphidophagous ladybeetles, Cheilomenes sexmaculata and Coccinella transversalis was studied. A premating period of 5.0±0.5 and 11.7±0.4 days and a pre-oviposition period of 5.5±0.7 and 12.7±0.5 days was observed for C. sexmaculata and C. transversalis , respectively. Males of both the species exhibited courtship in five steps, viz . approach, watch, examine, mount and attempt. Sexually immature, recently mated and ovipositing females rejected male advances in both the species. Chemical, visual and behavioural cues probably play a role in mate recognition. Quiescent mating occurred in C. sexmaculata , whereas abdominal shakings in the form of bouts and strokes were characteristic in C. transversalis. C. sexmaculata had a relatively prolonged mating duration (133.4±z8.9 min) than C. transversalis (37.9±2.0 min), possibly due to the absence of active processes, i.e ., bouts and strokes. The active processes in C. transversalis decreased with multiple matings in a day. Unmated adults of both the species mated more vigorously than the mated ones. Reproductive performance of both the species was best after multiple matings.  相似文献   

The effects of sublethal concentrations of chlorpyrifos, cyfluthrin, and hydramethylnon on adult longevity and fecundity of German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), were investigated. Longevity of males declined linearly with increasing doses of insecticide. An LD50 of cyfluthrin decreased male longevity by 52%, whereas an LD50 of hydramethylnon reduced male longevity by 81%. Longevity of females increased linearly with increasing sublethal doses of chlorpyrifos, whereas all doses of both cyfluthrin and hydramethylnon decreased longevity of females. Fecundity increased linearly with increasing sublethal doses of chlorpyrifos. Number of oothecae formed, oothecae hatched, and number of offspring produced in each ootheca increased with increasing sublethal concentrations of chlorpyrifos. In contrast, fecundity declined with increasing sublethal concentrations of cyfluthrin and hydramethylnon. Formation of the first ootheca occurred approximately 8 d after mating for untreated females but generally longer with sublethal concentrations of all insecticides. The period between oothecae hatch and the formation of subsequent oothecae increased with successive oothecae in all treatments.  相似文献   

Abstract The optimal number of mating partners for females rarely coincides with that for males, leading to sexual conflict over mating frequency. In the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus, the fitness consequences to females of engaging in multiple copulations are complex, with studies demonstrating both costs and benefits to multiple mating. However, females kept continuously with males have a lower lifetime egg production compared with females mated only once and then isolated from males. This reduction in fitness may be a result of damage caused by male genitalia, which bear spines that puncture the female’s reproductive tract, and/or toxic elements in the ejaculate. However, male harassment rather than costs of matings themselves could also explain the results. In the present study, the fitness costs of male harassment for female C. maculatus are estimated. The natural refractory period of females immediately after their first mating is used to separate the cost of harassment from the cost of mating. Male harassment results in females laying fewer eggs and this results in a tendency to produce fewer offspring. The results are discussed in the context of mate choice and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Effects of polyandry versus monogamy were assessed for the beetle Phoracantha semipunctata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) by comparing measures of female reproductive success, including fecundity, egg viability, time until eclosion, and clutch size. The effect of intermittent presence or absence of a male was also evaluated. Polyandry was detrimental to female reproductive success in comparison to monogamy. Fecundity, egg viability, and clutch size were lower, and time to eclosion were increased for eggs from females with multiple mates compared with monogamous females. Intermittent presence of males had no effect on female reproductive success. Possible explanations for the decreased fecundity experienced by females with multiple mates include sperm competition intensity, costs of male harassment, and exceeding the optimal mating frequency. Females may reduce costs associated with polyandry by spending less time on host logs where mating occurs.  相似文献   

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