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The synthesis of a radioactive cytokinin with high specific activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
6-benzylaminopurine-[p-1H-benzyl] at a specific activity of 10 Ci/mmol was synthesized by reacting p-bromo-6-benzylaminopurine with carrier-free tritium gas in the presence of 10% Pd/C. A radiochemical purity of 97% was obtained by a one-step purification of the tritiated reaction product using cellulose TLC. This simple procedure yields the highly active cytokinin, 6-benzylaminopurine, with tritium at near maximum specific activity in a known, stable position.  相似文献   

Stable abscisic acid (RS)-[3H] was synthesized at a specific activity of 21 Ci/mmol using a basic alumina catalyzed proton exchange of 1-hydroxy-4-keto-α-ionone with T2O followed by a Wittig reaction. Abscisic acid -[3H] of specific activity 102 mCi/mmol was synthesized after carrying out a base catalyzed tritium exchange in solution.  相似文献   

A method is described for the assay of proteolytic activity, based on the digestion of L-[4,5-3H]leucine globin. L-[4,5-3H]Leucine was incorporated into the substrate at the stage of haemoglobin biosynthesis, using rabbit erythrocytes. Assay methods for proteolytic enzymes have been based on the digestion of haemoglobin, serum albumin or casein, and the determination of the trichloroacetic acid-soluble products [1,2]. More sensitive methods have been developed by using haemoglobin labelled with a fluorescent [3-5] or radioactive marker [6,7]. These methods avoid the errors which beset the Anson procedure, such as interference by impurities (purines at 280 nm and reducing compounds at 700 nm) [8]. However, methods using labelled proteins as a substrate present a number of problems, the most troublesome of which are the high blank values and the use of non-physiological substrates when chemically modified proteins are employed. In the present communication a simple and sensitive method for the assay of proteolytic enzyme activity is described. This is based on the digestion of L-[4,5-3H]leucine globin by proteolytic enzymes and radioactivity measurement of the trichloroacetic acid soluble cleavage products.  相似文献   

Isolated plastids from crude extracts of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Sungold) leaves released a factor on extraction with Triton X-100 that inactivated Rhodotorula glutinis L-phenylaine ammonia-lyase (PAL; EC in vitro. This PAL-inactivating factor (PAL-IF) was found to be proteinaceous in nature when tested with pronase (EC, peroxidase (EC and nitrate reductase and the protection of PAL from PAL-IF by ligands indicated its specificity towards PAL. The inactivated PAL inhibitors reported earlier. It is suggested that inactivation may play an important role in in vivo regulation of L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity and phenolic biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of 5′-terminal methylated (cap) structures in unlabeled mRNA based on oxidation with NaIO4, reduction with NaB[3H]4, cleavage with P1 nuclease, and separation on a strong anion-exchange resin by high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc). Model compounds (cap 1 dinucleotides) were used to show that no structural alteration other than cleavage of the ribose ring of 7-methylguanosine occurred under the conditions used for oxidation and reduction. It was shown that the enzyme tobacco acid pyrophosphatase could be used to cleave cap dinucleotides containing unmodified or ring-opened ribose moieties and could also be used to release [3H]pm7G′ from NaB[3H]4-labeled rabbit globin mRNA. All five known cap 1 dinucleotides were resolved by hplc. The cap of rabbit globin mRNA was identified as m7Gpppm6Am, in agreement with other methods of determination.  相似文献   

Sodium borohydride (NaBH4) is regarded as an excellent hydrogen‐generated material, but its irreversibility of hydrolysis and high cost of regeneration restrict its large‐scale application. In this study a convenient and economical method for NaBH4 regeneration is developed for the first time without hydrides used as starting materials for the reduction process. The real hydrolysis by‐products (NaBO2 · 2H2O and NaBO2 · 4H2O), instead of dehydrated sodium metaborate (NaBO2), are applied for the regeneration of NaBH4 with Mg at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Therefore, the troublesome heat‐wasting process to obtain NaBO2 using a drying procedure at over 350 °C from NaBO2 · xH2O is omitted. Moreover, the highest regeneration yields of NaBH4 are achieved to date with 68.55% and 64.06% from reaction with NaBO2 · 2H2O and NaBO2 · 4H2O, respectively. The cost of NaBH4 regeneration shows a 34‐fold reduction compared to the previous study that uses MgH2 as the reduction agent, where H2 is obtained from a separate process. Furthermore, the regeneration mechanism of NaBH4 is clarified and the intermediate compound, NaBH3(OH), is successfully observed for the first time during the regeneration process.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the enantiomers of bupropion, (rac)-2-tert-butylamino-3′-chloropropiophenone 1 (Wellbutrin®) is described. The enantiomers were compared with the racemate in both the tetrabenazine-induced sedation model and the inhibition of uptake of biogenic amine assay. No significant differences were found in their potencies to reverse tetrabenazine-induced sedation in mice or in their IC50 values as inhibitors of biogenic amine uptake into nerve endings obtained from mouse brain. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The major objective of this study was to combine an HPLC method with a galactose oxidase/NaB3H4 labeling method to allow both a chemical quantitation of individual glycolipids and analysis of their 3H labeling. Neutral glycolipids in whole cells were oxidized with galactose oxidase, and the resultant aldehydes were radiolabeled by reduction with tritiated sodium borohydride. Gangliosides, oxidized with galactose oxidase, either were reduced while in the native state in the whole cell or were first extracted and then reduced. Tritiated glycolipids were perbenzoylated and separated by HPLC. Ultraviolet detection of the derivatives was at 230 nm. Incorporated radioactivity was determined either by collecting fractions from the HPLC separation and counting on a liquid scintillation spectrometer or with a flow-through counter. The order of the derivatization and reduction is critical. Reduction of glycolipids prior to derivatization yielded sharp uv and radioactive peaks. Perbenzoylation of the oxidized glycolipids prior to reduction yielded multiple uv peaks, a noisy baseline, and broad radioactive peaks which did not always have a corresponding uv peak. The labeled neutral glycolipids were stable at -40 degrees C for at least 14 days, and gangliosides were stable at -15 degrees C for at least 14 days. When samples were stored at 20 degrees C there was a time-dependent decrease in the glycolipid/internal standard uv peak area ratio for GbOse4 and GbOse3 apparent by 28 days after perbenzoylation. The distribution of radiolabel among peaks showed no change with time or temperature. We adapted the technique to allow 3H labeling of glycolipids from monolayers of cultured glioma cells and from mouse brain synaptosomes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

[3H]Batrachotoxinin-A benzoate ([3H]BTX-B) binds with high affinity to sites on voltage sensitive sodium channels in synaptoneurosomes from guinea pig cerebral cortex. Local anesthetics competitively antagonize the binding of [3H]BTX-B. An irreversible local anesthetic, procaine isothiocyanate (PRIT) and a tritiated derivative ([3H]PRIT) have been prepared. PRIT inhibits the binding of [3H]BTX-B in a noncompetitive, irreversible manner (apparent Ki=13 M) whereas the parent compound, procaine, inhibits in a competitive, reversible manner (Ki=40 M). The dissociation rate of [3H]BTX-B from sites on the sodium channel is greatly accelerated in a concentration dependent manner in the presence of PRIT. A 50% increase in the dissociation rate of [3H]BTX-B is achieved in the presence of 0.98 M PRIT. [3H]PRIT binds irreversibly to three proteins in synaptoneurosomes with apparent molecular weights of 20, 42, and 68 kDa. Protection studies with procaine and other local anesthetics suggest that only the 68 kDa species was related to local anesthetic binding.  相似文献   

DNA shuffling技术可以定向进化干扰素,获得比rhIFN-α2b标准品更高比活的干扰素.rhIFN-α2b基因与Infergen基因用DNaseI酶切成30-50 bp小片段,回收之后进行无引物PCR 重聚和有引物PCR扩增基因.将重组基因连接到载体pUC19中,转化至DH5α并挑选阳性克隆测序.将测序正确的突变基因连接到载体pET30a中并转化至BL21(DE3)中,然后诱导蛋白表达、SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳和Western blot分析.经过表达细胞诱导、细胞裂解、包涵体变性、复性和单克隆抗体亲和层析之后,获得高纯度的重组干扰素.经测定纯化后的重组干扰素比活达到5.8×108IU/mg,比rhIFN-α2b标准品高出5倍左右.实验结果证明此实验方法对提高干扰素的比活是有效的,可以获得比标准品更高比活的干扰素.  相似文献   

王纲  李勇  董伟 《生物技术通讯》2006,17(6):1011-1013
血清钠离子和钾离子的测定在临床诊断上意义重大,其常规检测方法火焰光度法和离子选择性电极法都需要昂贵的仪器且操作复杂,因此近年来开发了一些均相直接测定方法。本文综述了近年研制出的血清中钠、钾离子的各种均相直接测定方法,评述了各种直接测定方法的优、缺点。血清中钠、钾离子进行均相直接测定有着准确度高、重复性好等优点,可在临床生化自动化分析仪上应用。  相似文献   

Site-specific proteolysis of the N or C-terminus of histone tails has emerged as a novel form of irreversible post-translational modifications assigned to histones. Though there are many reports describing histone specific proteolysis, there are very few studies on purification of a histone specific protease. Here, we demonstrate a histone H3 specific protease (H3ase) activity in chicken liver nuclear extract. H3ase was purified to homogeneity and identified as glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) by sequencing. A series of biochemical experiments further confirmed that the H3ase activity was due to GDH. The H3ase clipped histone H3 products were sequenced by N-terminal sequencing and the precise clipping sites of H3ase were mapped. H3ase activity was only specific to chicken liver as it was not demonstrated in other tissues like heart, muscle and brain of chicken. We assign a novel serine like protease activity to GDH which is specific to histone H3.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conserved histone proteins play a very important role in the regulation of eukaryotic gene expression by undergoing post translational modifications within the tail regions. However, their role in tissue-specific gene expression and development remains unclear. In this study, we provide evidence for in vivo tissue-specific proteolytic cleavage of histone H3 in the liver of adult white Leghorn chickens, which we believe to be regulated by tissue-specific protease activity and epigenetic markers. The cleavage of histone H3 in the liver of adult chickens is very unique, and can serve as a model for studying tissue-specific changes in chromatin organization and gene expression. For the first time, we have identified and partially purified histone H3-specific protease activity that is distinct from histone H3 protease activities recently reported. Together, our data provide evidence of proteolytic processing and identification of protease activity that is specific to histone H3 in the liver of adult chickens, which may be involved in the regulation of gene expression during development, aging, and age-associated diseases.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of [7-3H]16alpha-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone in high specific activity has been studied. [7-3H] dehydroepiandrosterone (13.9 C/mM) in trace quantity was oxidized by Streptomyces roseochromogenes (NRRLB-1233) for 5 min at 27 degrees C. The radioactive products were chromatographically separated, identified and their radiochemical purity established by isotopic dilution analysis. [7-3H]16alpha-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone (2.5 x 10(7) dpm) was obtained by microbial hydroxylation of substrate (1.9 X 10(9) dpm). In some cases [7-3H])5-androstene-3beta, 16alpha, 17beta-triol in a small amount of radioactivity could be found at the prolonged reaction for 30 hr.  相似文献   

Traditional methods to localize β‐glycosidase activity in tissue sections have been based on incubation with the general substrate 6‐bromo‐2‐naphthyl‐β‐d ‐glucopyranoside. When hydrolysed in the presence of salt zinc compounds, 6‐bromo‐2‐naphthyl‐β‐d ‐glucopyranoside affords the formation of an insoluble coloured product. This technique does not distinguish between different β‐glycosidases present in the tissue. To be able to monitor the occurrence of individual β‐glycosidases in different tissues and cell types, we have developed a versatile histochemical method that can be used for localization of any β‐glycosidase that upon incubation with its specific substrate releases a reducing sugar. Experimentally, the method is based on hydrolysis of the specific substrate followed by oxidation of the sugar released by a tetrazolium salt (2,3,5‐triphenyltetrazolium chloride) that forms a red insoluble product when reduced. The applicability of the method was demonstrated by tissue and cellular localization of two β‐glucosidases, amygdalin hydrolase and prunasin hydrolase, in different tissues and cell types of almond. In those cases where the analysed tissue had a high content of reducing sugars, this resulted in strong staining of the background. This interfering staining of the background was avoided by prior incubation with sodium borohydride. The specificity of the devised method was demonstrated in a parallel localization study using a specific antibody towards prunasin hydrolase.  相似文献   

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