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Summary The gemmule coat of Spongilla lacustris is histologically single-layered in the gemmules studied in this work. This single layer is comparable to the classically described internal chitinous membrane of Leveaux (1939). It has been found to contain collagen with an axial period in electron micrographs of about 120 Å and is bounded internally by a thin dense layer which is separate from the internal gemmular cells, and which may be chitinous.Gemmules of this sponge studied during March to June of 1973 respond to 230 mOsmolar solutions of small molecules by: 1. undergoing no change, in which case the substances are freely permeable to the gemmule coat and cells; 2. displaying shrinkage of the cell mass, in which case the substances are permeable to the coat but relatively impermeable to the cells; 3. displaying folding of the coat and cell mass shrinkage because the substances are relatively impermeable to both the coat and the cells; and 4. displaying complete collapse of the gemmule due to impermeability to the coat. The lipid solubility of a substance is directly related to its ability to penetrate the coat. Further, molecular size and charge are also of apparent importance.Substances which penetrate the coat and remain osmotically active (are not metabolized) inhibit hatching. Low concentrations of sodium chloride (23 mOsmolar) have been demonstrated to reversibly inhibit hatching. Higher concentrations cause irreversible damage at 20° C but have little effect at 4° C, indicating that damage is related to the metabolic level of the cells. Once hatching is stimulated by increased temperature the cells become progressively less sensitive to an increase in osmotically active substances.Inhibition of gemmule hatching can theoretically occur by: 1. an addition of solutes to the gemmular fluid, or 2. through an increase in concentration of intragemmular solutes by water withdrawal.Our results raise the question of whether the inhibition of hatching by gemmulostasine, reported by Rasmont (1965) and Rozenfeld (1970, 1971), is due to an osmotic effect rather than to a specific physiological one.Based upon the results reported here and on the work of Zeuthen (1939) and Schmidt (1970) we propose a tight coupling between the intragemmular osmotic pressure and the triggering of hatching (cell division). Any substance which increases intragemmular osmotic pressure to a large enough extent will inhibit hatching. Furthermore, it can be hypothesized that hatching is normally triggered by a decrease in osmotic pressure due to water movement into the gemmule, the movement of solutes out of the gemmule, or to a combination of these.This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (GB-37775) to T. L. S.  相似文献   

Summary Different antibodies against actin, tubulin and cytokeratin were utilized to demonstrate the spatial organization of the cytoskeleton in basal epithelial cells of the freshwater sponge Spongilla lacustris. Accordingly, actin is localized in a cortical layer beneath the plasma membrane and in distinct fibers within the cytoplasmic matrix. Microtubules exhibit a different distributional pattern by radiating from a perinuclear sheath and terminating at, the cell periphery; in contrast, intermediate filaments are lacking. Cytoplasmic streaming activity was studied by in-vivo staining of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum by means of fluorescent dyes. Single-frame analysis of such specimens revealed a regular shuttle movement of mitochondria and other small particles between the cell nucleus and the plasma membrane, which can be stopped in a reversible manner with the use of colcemid or colchicine but not with cytochalasin D. The results point to the microtubular system as a candidate for cell organelle transport, whereas the actomyosin system rather serves for changes in cellular shape and motility.  相似文献   

Both the Grp170 and Hsp110 families represent relatively conserved and distinct sets of stress proteins, within a more diverse category that also includes the Hsp70s. All of these families are found in a wide variety of organisms from yeasts to humans. Although Hsp110s or Grp170s are not Hsp70s any more than Hsp70s are Hsp110s or Grp170s, it is still reasonable to refer to this combination of related families as the Hsp70 superfamily based on arguments discussed above and since no obvious prokaryotic Hsp110 or Grp170 has yet been identified. These proteins are related to their counterparts in the Hsp70/Grp78 family of eukaryotic stress proteins but are characterized by significantly larger molecular weights. The members of the Grp170 family are characterized by C-terminal ER retention sequences and are ER localized in yeasts and mammals. As a Grp, Grp170 is recognized to be coregulated with other major Grps by a well-known set of stress conditions, sometimes referred to as the unfolded protein response (Kozutsumi et al 1988; Nakaki et al 1989). The Hsp110 family members are localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm and, with other major Hsps, are also coregulated by a specific set of stress conditions, most notably including hyperthermic exposures. Hsp110 is sometimes called Hsp105, although it would be preferable to have a uniform term. The large Hsp70-like proteins are structurally similar to the Hsp70s but differ from them in important ways. In both the Grp170 and Hspl10 families, there is a long loop structure that is interposed between the peptide-binding ,-domain and the alpha-helical lid. In the Hsp110 family and Grp170, there are differing degrees of expansion in the alpha-helical domain and the addition of a C-terminal loop. This gives the appearance of much larger lid domains for Hsp110 and Grp170 compared with Hsp70. Both Hsp110 and Grp170 families have relatively conserved short sequences in the alpha-helical domain in the lid, which are conserved motifs in numerous proteins (we termed these motifs Magic and TedWylee as discussed earlier). The structural differences detailed in this review result in functional differences between the large (Grp170 and Hspl10) members of the Hsp70 superfamily, the most distinctive being an increased ability of these proteins to bind (hold) denatured polypeptides compared with Hsc70, perhaps related to the enlarged C-terminal helical domain. However, there is also a major difference between these large stress proteins; Hsp110 does not bind ATP in vitro, whereas Grp170 binds ATP avidly. The role of the Grp170 and Hsp110 stress proteins in cellular physiology is not well understood. Overexpression of Hsp110 in cultured mammalian cells increases thermal tolerance. Grp170 binds to secreted proteins in the ER and may be cooperatively involved in folding these proteins appropriately. These roles are similar to those of the Hsp70 family members, and, therefore, the question arises as to the differential roles played by the larger members of the superfamily. We have discussed evidence that the large members of the superfamily cooperate with members of the Hsp70 family, and these chaperones probably interact with a large number of chaperones and cochaperones in their functional activities. The fundamental point is that Hsp110 is found in conjunction with Hsp70 in the cytoplasm (and nucleus) and Grp170 is found in conjunction with78 in tha ER in every eucaryotic cell examined from yeast to humans. This would strongly argue that Hsp110 Grp170 exhibit functions in eucaryotes not effectively performed by Hsp70s or Grp78, respectively. Of interest in this respect is the observation that all Hsp110s loss of function or deletion mutants listed in the Drosophila deletion project database are lethal. The important task for the future is to determine the roles these conserved molecular chaperones play in normal and physiologically stressed cells.  相似文献   

Here we report on the study of the effects of different antineoplastic agents, including cytarabine, 4-hydroperoxyifosfamide, the activated form of ifosfamide, vincristine, and paclitaxel, with regard to their capacity to modulate the amount of cytoplasmic and membrane-bound heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70). Hsp70 levels were measured in the myelogenous leukemic cell line K562, in the human colon carcinoma cell line CX2, and in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) under physiological conditions (37 degrees C), and following non-lethal heat shock at 41.8 degrees C. A concentration of 1 microM and an incubation period of 2 h were determined as non-lethal, since none of the different antineoplastic agents induced necrosis or apoptosis in untreated or heat-shocked cells under these conditions. Our results show that tubulin-interacting agents, including vincristine and paclitaxel, but not DNA-interacting agents, including cytarabine and ifosfamide, selectively increase the amount of cytoplasmic Hsp70 in tumor and normal cells, as measured by semi-quantitative Western blot analysis. Mechanistically, a vincristine- and paclitaxel-induced tubulin assembly, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy, might be responsible for the elevated cytoplasmic Hsp70 levels. Interestingly, an increased membrane expression of Hsp70 following treatment with vincristine or paclitaxel was selectively observed on tumor cells, but not on normal cells.  相似文献   

Two freshwater sponge species, Ephvdatia fluviatilis and Spongilla alba, were maintained in a continuous-flow laboratory culture system at several different water temperatures. Experimental results suggest that sponge growth rate is affected by water temperature and that it is affected differently in the two species. The results correlate well with field observations on species abundance at different water temperatures and thereby support the view that water temperature is a factor determining seasonality in these species.  相似文献   

The survival and viability of sea turtle embryos is dependent upon favourable nest temperatures throughout the incubation period. Consequently, future generations of sea turtles may be at risk from increasing nest temperatures due to climate change, but little is known about how embryos respond to heat stress. Heat shock genes are likely to be important in this process because they code for proteins that prevent cellular damage in response to environmental stressors. This study provides the first evidence of an expression response in the heat shock genes of embryos of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) exposed to realistic and near-lethal temperatures (34 °C and 36 °C) for 1 or 3 hours. We investigated changes in Heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60), Hsp70, and Hsp90 mRNA in heart (n=24) and brain tissue (n=29) in response to heat stress. Under the most extreme treatment (36 °C, 3 h), Hsp70 increased mRNA expression by a factor of 38.8 in heart tissue and 15.7 in brain tissue, while Hsp90 mRNA expression increased by a factor of 98.3 in heart tissue and 14.7 in brain tissue. Hence, both Hsp70 and Hsp90 are useful biomarkers for assessing heat stress in the late-stage embryos of sea turtles. The method we developed can be used as a platform for future studies on variation in the thermotolerance response from the clutch to population scale, and can help us anticipate the resilience of reptile embryos to extreme heating events.  相似文献   

Two indigenous fish species, brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario) and stone loach(Barbatula barbatula) were exposed tocomplex stressors (mixtures of environmentalpollutants) in laboratory and semi-fieldexperiments (aquaria connected to stream water)and in field studies. As a biomarker of effect,the level of the 70 kD heat shock protein(hsp70) was quantified in the liver of troutand loach. Laboratory experiments withdifferent pollutant mixtures did not mimic thehsp70-inducing or inhibiting potential of fieldconditions, whereas effects of long-termexposure in the bypass systems showed asignificant correlation with effects recordedin feral fish. Laboratory as well as semi-fieldstudies revealed the stress response to followan optimum curve, resulting in a maximum hsp70level under stress but rather low hsp70 levelswhen stressors (chemicals, high temperature)become too severe. Consequently, the hsp70level in the liver of both species was highlyseason-dependent with two peaks in late springand fall, and rather low hsp70 levels insummer, particularly in fish exposed to waterand sediment of the complexly polluted stream.In winter, the low hsp70 level of lab controlswas elevated by exposure to natural streamwater only, but elevation did not occur undercontrol conditions independent of apre-exposure to polluted streamwater two months earlier. Despite the highvariability of the hsp70 level within one yearand among five subsequent years, patternanalysis indicated the prevailing importance ofwater temperature on stress protein response.Temperature alone, however, could not explainthe regularly observed low summer levels inhsp70. Non-linear regression analysis on labcontrols revealed an optimum temperature(Topt) for the highest hsp70 level forboth fish species. In both investigated streams, thechemical influence led to a decrease in thehsp70 level only when Topt was surpassedby the ambient temperature at the same time.Otherwise, the chemical impact resulted in anelevated hsp70 level relative to the control.The study demonstrated the suitability of hsp70stress protein levels to integrate the responsedynamics of several different stressors and,therefore, to effectively function as abiomarker for the integrated effect of allenvironmental stressors acting on an organism(not only of chemical pollution). Rathercomplex kinetics of hsp70 elevation anddecrease should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family of molecular chaperones are highly expressed in tumors. Inhibitors containing a pyridinium-modified benzothiazole, such as JG-98, bind to a conserved, allosteric site in Hsp70, showing promising anti-proliferative activity in cancer cells. When bound to Hsp70, the charged pyridinium makes favorable contacts; however, this moiety also increases the inhibitor’s fluorescence, giving rise to undesirable interference in biochemical and cell-based assays. Here, we explore whether the pyridinium can be replaced with a neutral pyridine. We report that pyridine-modified benzothiazoles, such as compound 17h (JG2-38), have reduced fluorescence, yet retain promising anti-proliferative activity (EC50 values ~0.1 to 0.07 µM) in breast and prostate cancer cell lines. These chemical probes are expected to be useful in exploring the roles of Hsp70s in tumorigenesis and cell survival.  相似文献   

Sitodiplosis mosellana Géhin, one of the most important pests of wheat, undergoes obligatory diapause as a larva to survive unfavorable temperature extremes during hot summers and cold winters. To explore the potential roles of heat shock proteins (hsp) in this process, we cloned full-length cDNAs of hsp70, hsc70 and hsp90 from S. mosellana larvae, and examined their expression in response to diapause and short-term temperature stresses. Three hsps included all signature sequences of corresponding protein family and EEVD motifs. They showed high homology to their counterparts in other species, and the phylogenetic analysis of hsp90 was consistent with the known classification of insects. Expression of hsp70 and hsp90 were highly induced by diapause, particularly pronounced during summer and winter. Interestingly, hsp70 was more strongly expressed in summer than in winter whereas hsp90 displayed the opposite pattern. Abundance of hsc70 mRNA was comparable prior to and during diapauses and was highly up-regulated when insects began to enter the stage of post-diapause quiescence. Heat-stressed over-summering larvae (⩾30 °C) or cold-stressed over-wintering larvae (⩽0 °C) could further elevate expression of these three genes, but temperature extremes i.e. as high as 45 °C or as low as −15 °C failed to trigger such expression patterns. Notably, hsp70 was most sensitive to heat stress and hsp90 was most sensitive to cold stress. These results suggested that hsp70 and hsp90 play key roles in diapause maintenance and thermal stress; the former may be more prominent contributor to heat tolerance and the latter for cold tolerance. In contrast, hsc70 most likely is involved in developmental transition from diapause to post-diapause quiescence, and thus may serve as a molecular marker to predict diapause termination.  相似文献   

CX+/CX- and Colo+/Colo- tumor sublines with stable heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) high and low membrane expression were generated by fluorescence activated cell sorting of the parental human colon (CX2) and pancreas (Colo357) carcinoma cell lines, using an Hsp70-specific antibody. Two-parameter flow cytometry revealed that Hsp70 colocalizes with Bag-4, also termed silencer of death domain, not only in the cytosol but also on the plasma membrane. After nonlethal gamma-irradiation, the percentage of membrane-positive cells and the protein density of Hsp70 and Bag-4 were found to be strongly upregulated in carcinoma sublines with initially low expression levels (CX-, Colo-). Membrane expression of Hsp70 was also elevated in Bag-4 overexpressing HeLa cervix carcinoma cells when compared to neo-transfected cells. In response to gamma-irradiation, neo-transfected HeLa cells behaved like Hsp70/Bag-4 low-expressing CX- and Colo-, and Bag-4-transfected HeLa cells like Hsp70/Bag-4 high-expressing carcinoma sublines CX+ and Colo+. Immunoprecipitation studies further confirmed colocalization of Hsp70 and Bag-4 but also point to an association of Hsp70 and Hsp40 on the plasma membrane of CX+ and Colo+ cells; on CX- and Colo- tumor sublines, Hsp40 was detectable in the absence of Hsp70 and Bag-4. Other co-chaperones including Hsp60 and Hsp90 were neither found on the cell surface of CX+/CX-, Colo+/Colo- nor on HeLa neo-/HeLa Bag-4-transfected tumor cells. Functionally, Hsp70/Bag-4 and Hsp70/Hsp40 membrane-positive tumor cells appeared to be better protected against radiation-induced effects, including G2/M arrest and growth inhibition, on the one hand. On the other hand, membrane-bound Hsp70, but neither Bag-4 nor Hsp40, served as a recognition site for the cytolytic attack mediated by natural killer cells.  相似文献   

Organisms cope physiologically with extreme temperature by producing heat shock proteins (HSPs). Expression of Hsp70 enhances thermal tolerance and represents a key strategy for ectotherms to tolerate elevated temperature in nature. Synthesis of these proteins, together with other physiological responses to elevated temperatures, increases energy demands. A positive association between multiple and single locus heterozygosity (MLH and SLH, respectively) and individual fitness has been widely demonstrated. In molluscs, MLH can decrease routine metabolic rates and improve energetic status. Juvenile Concholepas concholepas live in the intertidal zone and are constantly exposed to temperature fluctuations. Thus, these young individuals are exposed both to thermal risks and the large metabolic costs required to cope with thermal stress. We evaluated the effects of allozyme MLH and SLH on basal (control animals) and induced (stressed animals) levels of the Hsp70 in juveniles C. concholepas. Juveniles (n = 400) were acclimated at 16 °C for 2 weeks; then 100 animals were exposed to 24 °C (stress) and 100 were kept at 16 °C (control) for 2 and 7 days. The variability of 20 loci was analyzed by starch gel electrophoresis. For SLH effects we used 7 polymorphic loci. We quantified expression of Hsp70 by Western blot analyses. Hsp70 expression increased markedly (~ 90%) with temperature. We found a positive association between MLH and basal and induced levels of Hsp70 in the 2-day exposure experiment. Regardless of temperature, Hsp70 levels increased with MLH (r2 = 0.7 and 0.9, for basal and induced levels, respectively) reaching maximal levels in juveniles with intermediate and high MLH levels (2 and 3 loci), and decreasing slightly (but not significantly) in juveniles with highest MLH (≥ 4 heterozygous loci). However, after 7 days of exposure to thermal stress, less heterozygous juveniles attained the same levels of Hsp70 than more heterozygous juveniles. Given the faster increment of Hsp70 in C. concholepas juveniles with intermediate-high levels of MLH, these individuals could be less affected by thermal stress in the intertidal zone. We found an association between specific loci genotype and higher Hsp70 levels (basal or induced). In comparison to homozygous juveniles, heterozygous juveniles for several loci showed higher Hsp70. However, these associations were not for the same loci in juveniles exposed to high temperature for 2 and 7 days. This suggests genotypic variation at some allozyme loci could be more important in the period of initial response to high temperature and others can be more important in the response to the chronic temperature stress.  相似文献   

In the present work we reported a semiquantitative detection of messenger ribonucleic acids (mRNAs) encoding the human heat shock proteins Hsp70-1, the stress inducible member of the HSP70 family, and hsp90alpha, the inducible member of the HSP90 family. We investigated the change in the expression of these mRNAs in tissue samples taken from the right atrium of 48 pediatric patients, soon after the ischemic period during surgery to correct congenital heart diseases, in which a crystalloid cold cardioplegic solution was used. No significant variations were found for either hsp70-1 or hsp90alpha expressions. Moreover, we searched for an association between the hsp70-1 promoter region polymorphism and the expression of the hsp70-1 in a smaller group of these patients (n = 27). The -110AA genotype was on average significantly associated with a decrease in the hsp70-1 mRNA level (P < 0.05), whereas the other genotypes -110AC or -110CC did not seem to be associated with the hsp70-1 expression level. The lack of any observed increase in the hsp70-1 expression level may be due to the high basal level of the Hsp70 protein in the tissues examined.  相似文献   

The population biology of Camallanus lacustris (Zoega) and the status of the eel, Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus), as its definitive host have been studied in a small Devon lake. No clear seasonal pattern in prevalence and abundance was observed, and recruitment of the new generation may occur in all seasons. However, reproduction exhibits some seasonality as adult nematodes were the commonest stage in the parasite population from early summer onwards and production of first-stage larvae appeared to occur primarily during this period. These larvae were viable, and shown experimentally to be infective to copepods. The occurrence of the nematode and its development to full maturity in eels, the absence of its typical definitive host ( Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus) from the lake and the absence of the nematode from other species of fish in the lake indicate that eels serve as the only, true definitive host of the nematode in this locality. It is suggested that account must be taken of this alternative host when the population of C. lacustris is investigated in the future.  相似文献   

The properties of molecular chaperones in protein-assisted refolding were examined in vitro using recombinant human cytosolic chaperones hsp90, hsc70, hsp70 and hdj-1, and unfolded beta-galactosidase as the substrate. In the presence of hsp70 (hsc70), hdj-1 and either ATP or ADP, denatured beta-galactosidase refolds and forms enzymatically active tetramers. Interactions between hsp90 and non-native beta-galactosidase neither lead to refolding nor stimulate hsp70- and hdj-1-dependent refolding. However, hsp90 in the absence of nucleotide can maintain the non-native substrate in a 'folding-competent' state which, upon addition of hsp70, hdj-1 and nucleotide, leads to refolding. The refolding activity of hsp70 and hdj-1 is effective across a broad range of temperatures from 22 degrees C to 41 degrees C, yet at extremely low (4 degrees C) or high (>41 degrees C) temperatures refolding activity is reversibly inhibited. These results reveal two distinct features of chaperone activity in which a non-native substrate can be either maintained in a stable folding-competent state or refolded directly to the native state; first, that the refolding activity itself is temperature sensitive and second, that hsp90, hsp70 (hsc70) and hdj-1 each have distinct roles in these processes.  相似文献   

Using mRNA isolated from Neurospora crassa mycelium, grown for 14 h at normal growth temperature of 28 degrees C, and heat shocked for 1 h at 48 degrees C, a cDNA library was prepared in the expression vector lambda gt11. Following immunoscreening of this library with a polyclonal antiserum raised against a 80-kilodalton heat-shock protein (HSP80), cDNA clones containing 1.1- and 1.4-kilobase inserts were selected. Analysis of the partial nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence of the cDNA clones revealed a remarkable extent of homology with other eukaryotic stress-90 family proteins; 85% identity of the amino acid sequence with that of yeast HSP90(82) was seen. The C-terminal end of the sequence contained the MEEVD motif, characteristic of eukaryotic stress proteins with a predominantly cytosolic localization. The gene for N. crassa HSP80 was mapped to the right arm of linkage group V, using restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping. Its expression during heat shock and recovery was monitored by probing Northern blots of RNA isolated from mycelium grown under various stress conditions.  相似文献   

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