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The aim of these studies was to determine whether auto- and alloreactivity can arise from T cell recognition of MHC-peptides in context of syngeneic MHC. Four synthetic peptides derived from the first domain of the HLA-DR beta 1 * 0101 chain were used in limiting dilution analysis to prime T cells from HLA-DR1- and HLA-DR1+ responders. The frequency of T cells responding to these four peptides was similar in individuals with or without HLA-DR1. In both cases, the peptide corresponding to the nonpolymorphic sequence 43-62, was less immunogenic than peptides corresponding to the three hypervariable regions 1-20, 21-42, and 66-90, eliciting a lower number of reactive T cells. Experiments using a T cell line with specific reactivity to peptide 21-42 showed, however, that this response can be efficiently blocked by adding to the culture a nonpolymorphic sequence peptide. This suggests that alloreactivity can be blocked by use of monomorphic (self) peptides. The binding of both "monomorphic" and "polymorphic" synthetic DR1 peptides to affinity purified HLA-DR 1 and DR 11 molecules was measured using radiolabeled peptides and high performance size exclusion chromatography. The data showed that the polymorphic as well as monomorphic synthetic DR1 peptides bound to both DR1 and DR11 molecules. Competitive inhibition studies indicated that the monomorphic 43-62 peptide can block the binding of the polymorphic peptides, consistent with the results obtained in T cell cultures. Taken together these data suggest that anti-MHC autoreactive T cells are present in the periphery and that both auto and alloreactivity can be elicited by MHC peptides binding to MHC class II molecules.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of "novel" MART-1 and Tyrosinase class-II peptides was assessed in transgenic mice. Tyrosinase(141-161) peptide was found to be immunogenic and endogenously processed in the HLA-DRbeta1*0101 and HLA-DRbeta1*0401 transgenic mice with peptide specific production of IFNgamma or IL-5 respectively. The MART-1(29-43) peptide was only found immunogenic in HLA-DRbeta1*0101 mice.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) molecules play an important role in cell-mediated immunity. They present specific peptides derived from endosomal proteins for recognition by T helper cells. The identification of peptides that bind to MHCII molecules is therefore of great importance for understanding the nature of immune responses and identifying T cell epitopes for the design of new vaccines and immunotherapies. Given the large number of MHC variants, and the costly experimental procedures needed to evaluate individual peptide–MHC interactions, computational predictions have become particularly attractive as first-line methods in epitope discovery. However, only a few so-called pan-specific prediction methods capable of predicting binding to any MHC molecule with known protein sequence are currently available, and all of them are limited to HLA-DR. Here, we present the first pan-specific method capable of predicting peptide binding to any HLA class II molecule with a defined protein sequence. The method employs a strategy common for HLA-DR, HLA-DP and HLA-DQ molecules to define the peptide-binding MHC environment in terms of a pseudo sequence. This strategy allows the inclusion of new molecules even from other species. The method was evaluated in several benchmarks and demonstrates a significant improvement over molecule-specific methods as well as the ability to predict peptide binding of previously uncharacterised MHCII molecules. To the best of our knowledge, the NetMHCIIpan-3.0 method is the first pan-specific predictor covering all HLA class II molecules with known sequences including HLA-DR, HLA-DP, and HLA-DQ. The NetMHCpan-3.0 method is available at http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/NetMHCIIpan-3.0.  相似文献   

MHC class II tetramers have emerged as an important tool for characterization of the specificity and phenotype of CD4 T cell immune responses, useful in a large variety of disease and vaccine studies. Issues of specific T cell frequency, biodistribution, and avidity, coupled with the large genetic diversity of potential class II restriction elements, require targeted experimental design. Translational opportunities for immune disease monitoring are driving the rapid development of HLA class II tetramer use in clinical applications, together with innovations in tetramer production and epitope discovery.  相似文献   

Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we examined sequence-specific binding of DEK, a potential autoantigen in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, to conserved Y-box regulatory sequences in class II MHC gene promoters. Nuclear extracts from several cell lines of different phenotypes contained sequence-specific binding activity recognizing DRA, DQA1*0101, and DQA1*0501 Y-box sequences. Participation of both DEK and NF-Y in the DQA1 Y-box binding complex was confirmed by 'supershifting' with anti-DEK and anti-NF-Y antibodies. Recombinant DEK also bound specifically to the DQA1*0101 Y box and to the polymorphic DQA1*0501 Y box, but not to the consensus DRA Y box. Measurement of the apparent dissociation constants demonstrated a two- to fivefold difference in DEK binding to the DQA1 Y-box sequence in comparison with other class II MHC Y-box sequences. Residues that are crucial for DEK binding to the DQA1*0101 Y box were identified by DNase I footprinting. The specific characteristics of DEK binding to these related sequences suggests a potential role for DEK in differential regulation of class II MHC expression, and thus in the pathogenesis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

In recent years, the use of cynomolgus macaques in biomedical research has increased greatly. However, with the exception of the Mauritian population, knowledge of the MHC class II genetics of the species remains limited. Here, using cDNA cloning and Sanger sequencing, we identified 127 full-length MHC class II alleles in a group of 12 Indonesian and 12 Vietnamese cynomolgus macaques. Forty two of these were completely novel to cynomolgus macaques while 61 extended the sequence of previously identified alleles from partial to full length. This more than doubles the number of full-length cynomolgus macaque MHC class II alleles available in GenBank, significantly expanding the allele library for the species and laying the groundwork for future evolutionary and functional studies.  相似文献   

The study of cellular events in the bronchi of asthmatic patients shows significant epithelial destruction. The ciliated cells are more often destroyed than others in the respiratory epithelium. Using highly specific monoclonal antibodies, we detected that the epithelial cells were positive for HLA-DR antigen expression, whereas those from healthy subjects were negative. The aberrant expression could be explained by the presence of T lymphocytes in the asthmatic bronchial mucosa. The activated lymphocytes (CD4+) are known to release gamma interferon, which is a lymphokine that induces or enhances the expression of HLA-DR antigens. These cells, which are known to mediate cytotoxicity in an Ag-specific and Ia-restricted way, could take part in the shedding process of epithelial cells in asthma.  相似文献   

Spatial arrangement of pig MHC class I sequences   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones were assigned within the pig major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) by polymerase chain reaction-screening and Southern blot hybridization using sequence-tagged site (STS) markers and BAC end-rescued sequences. In all, 35 BAC clones were discovered containing 12 anchor genes of the SLA class I region and two genes of the SLA class III region. Twenty of these 35 clones comprised two distinct class I gene clusters, each spanning about 100 kilobases. One cluster enclosed three class I related genes (SLA-6 to -8) and two genes (MIC-1 and MIC-2) more distantly related to class I. The other cluster enclosed typical class I genes, of which three (SLA-1, -2, and -3) were transcribed by fibroblasts homozygous for the H01 haplotype which we used to construct a pig BAC library. Ordered clones are certainly helpful in isolating agronomically, biologically, and medically important genes. They would also be useful for inducing genetic modifications in pig cell lines.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) causes infectious mononucleosis, establishes long-term latent infections, and is associated with a variety of human tumors. The EBV gp42 glycoprotein binds MHC class II molecules, playing a critical role in infection of B lymphocytes. EBV gp42 belongs to the C-type lectin superfamily, with homology to NK receptors of the immune system. We report the crystal structure of gp42 bound to the human MHC class II molecule HLA-DR1. The gp42 binds HLA-DR1 using a surface site that is distinct from the canonical lectin and NK receptor ligand binding sites. At the canonical ligand binding site, gp42 forms a large hydrophobic groove, which could interact with other ligands necessary for EBV entry, providing a mechanism for coupling MHC recognition and membrane fusion.  相似文献   

The acid release of endogenous peptides from immunoaffinity-pure human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II proteins HLA-DR1 is accompanied by an 18% decrease in intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. The effect is totally reversible upon readdition of an autologous endogenous peptide fraction. High-performance size-exclusion chromatographic (HPSEC) binding and release studies with a nonfluorescent HLA-DR1-restricted influenza matrix peptide IM(18-29) prove the fact that Trp residues of the HLA protein change their fluorescence intensities. Since the far-UV circular dichroism spectra of HLA molecules before and after peptide release, DR1[NAT] and DR1[REL], show very small differences, we can rule out the breakdown of secondary structural elements under release conditions, although DR[REL] consists of disassembled alpha- and beta-subunits, as evidenced by HPSEC. Quenching of DR1[NAT] and DR1[REL] using the neutral quencher acrylamide results in a 20% increase in total accessibility of the nine-residue Trp population whereas quenching by iodide yields only a 5% increase. Both results taken together tell us that two Trp residues, preferentially ones located in apolar pockets, become accessible upon the release of peptides. The significantly smaller fluorescence enhancement upon binding IM(18-29) of DR3[REL], exclusively lacking Trp-9(beta 1), and the missing tendency to reassemble under the influence of IM(18-29) compared to DR1[REL] suggest an important role for position 9(beta 1). The region around Trp-43(alpha 1) should be responsible for the binding of IM(18-29) to the alpha-subunits of DR1 and DR3, respectively, as verified by fluorometric HPSEC and SDS-PAGE. Obviously, our findings are in total agreement with the hypothetical MHC class II model, whereafter Trp-9(beta 1) and Trp-43(alpha 1) besides Trp-61(beta 1) are constituents of the binding groove of DR1. Extending the homology to MHC class I products, we postulate the existence of three hydrophobic pockets in the binding site of DR1 with the cited Trp residues being juxtaposed to contacting apolar peptide side chains in HLA-peptide complexes. According to the deduced two-residue-contact model the minimal consensus motif for DR1-restricted peptide antigens consists of two hydrophobic residues lying 14-16 A apart in the bound state of the peptide.  相似文献   

Correspondence to: D. I. Watkins.  相似文献   

Delineation of antigen contact residues on an MHC class II molecule   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
This report describes a detailed mutational analysis of a major histocompatibility complex class II molecule--the alpha chain of the Ak complex. Each residue from 50-79 was replaced by an alanine, and the effects on recognition of Ak by panels of antibodies and T cells determined. The results provide the strongest existing experimental evidence that the antigen binding site on a class II molecule can be modelled on the crystal structure of a class I molecule. The data have also permitted the delineation of residues that actually contact antigenic peptides.  相似文献   

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