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A preliminary electron microscope study has revealed the presence in lysosome-rich fractions, isolated from rat liver, of hitherto undescribed cytoplasmic particles, called "dense bodies." Approximately 0.37 µ in length, the dense bodies often possess an internal cavity and external membrane. They contain many electron-dense granules 55 to 77 A, or less, in diameter. Such dense bodies are also visible in electron micrographs of parenchymatous cells in liver sections. The correlations between dense bodies and lysosomes are listed, but until pure preparations are available it is not possible to assert that dense bodies and lysosomes are identical.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the fixation of isolated rat liver mitochondria was undertaken. If the criterion is adopted that after processing, the mitochondria should resemble as closely as possible rat liver mitochondria in situ, the procedure found to produce such preservation was that of fixation in suspension in veronal-buffered 2% potassium permanganate. Fixation in osmium tetroxide produced variable results, while mitochondria fixed in glutaraldehyde were contracted. We suggest that in cases where fixation procedures modify the morphological appearance of mitochondria, the significance of such changes must be treated with caution.  相似文献   

大鼠舌乳头酶组织化学及扫描电镜的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验采用酶组织化学法和扫描电镜对大鼠舌乳头的酶活性及其表面结构进行了观测。结果表明。大、鼠舌菌状乳头和轮廓乳头的味蕾处Mg^2 -ATPase为强阳性反应( ),ChEase为中等阳性反应( ),使用ChE Ag^ 染色方法显示。味蕾含有丰富的神经末梢,结果提示ATP可能是味觉传导中神经递质或调质。  相似文献   

Fine-structure observations with two different fixation procedures showed that phialide necks possessed a thickened electron-transparent wall layer. Phialoconidia developed from a wall layer which originated 1–1.5 μm within phialide necks. After conidium initials blew out of phialide tips and organelles entered, conidia were delimited by transverse septa which did not appear to be plugged by Woronin body-like plugs. Instead, septa appeared to become functionally complete by continued centripetal growth. Conidium-delimiting septa moved distally out of phialide necks as subsequent conidium initials formed. During this distal movement, septa increased in thickness and lamellae appeared on the conidium side; mature conidia had bipolarly lamellate cell walls. Conidial walls had a thin, ridged electron-dense outer wall layer and a thicker electron-transparent inner wall layer which increased in thickness centripetally after septum delimitation. Conidia were usually uninucleate and possessed conspicuous storage vacuoles with lipid and protein contents. Conidia also possessed numerous presumably lipid droplets. Multivesicular bodies were observed near conidium-delimiting septa and conidium walls which were increasing in thickness.  相似文献   

将银显影染色技术应用于免疫电镜胶体金增强反应,通过电镜和图像分析仪观察分析其效果。显示:温度20℃时,随着银显影4、6、8min,10nm胶体金颗粒分别增大至11.46nm、15.12nm、17.15nm,使其在电镜较低放大倍数下易于观察,高倍镜下观察抗原定位清晰准确。在胶体金免疫电镜中,小直径金颗粒较为敏感,但低倍镜下不易观察和摄片。本实验方法克服了这一缺点。要获得理想的银显影染色效果,须控制好温度和时间;温度偏高,银显影反应速度过快,不易掌握;时间过长,金颗粒过度增大,呈现不规则形态,而且易使背景着色。  相似文献   

The epididymides of rat testis were fixed in glutaraldehyde and cut as frozen sections. The sections were incubated in lead nitrate solution containing as a substrate either ATP, AMP, creatinine phosphate, beta glycerophosphate, or phenyl phosphate. Then they were postfixed in osmium tetroxide, embedded, sectioned, and examined with the electron microscope. In the sperm tail, when ATP is used as a substrate the reaction product (lead phosphate) is observed both in the tail filament complex and on the surface membrane of the mitochondrial helix of the middle piece. In the tail filament complex, this product is seen near the nine paired peripheral and two central filaments, and in the matrix between the outer coarse fibers. But the product is not observed within these filaments and fibers. In longitudinal sections, no periodicity of the deposits in the complex is observed. When the other phosphate compounds are used as substrates the reaction products appear on the surface membrane of the mitochondrial helix, and are not found in the tail filament complex. No distinctly different localization of the reaction products is observed when substrates other than ATP are used. Possible relationships between the structure and the function of the sperm tail are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

An examination of the fine structure of cartilage and bone matrix at the distal epiphyseal line of the femur of a newborn infant has revealed the following information. Cartilage matrix is composed of a network of widely spaced fibers without obvious periodic banding. Calcification is first seen about the level of the third chondrocyte capsule distal to the furthest penetration of the capillaries. It starts as a haphazard deposition of crystals which have no obvious relationship to the location of the fibers. The process of calcification is completed before ossification commences but the central zone of matrix remains only partly mineralized. Bone matrix is formed over a bar of calcified cartilage. Fibers, recognizable as collagen, are deposited in a loose network in a narrow zone between the osteoblasts and cartilage. These fibers are 2 to 5 times as wide as the fibers in epiphyseal cartilage. Calcification then begins in the osteoid, crystals being first laid down irregularly on or close to the fibers. As they increase in number, the crystals tend to line up along the fibers and eventually are arranged so that the periodicity of the underlying collagen is emphasized. In such an area the fibers are more tightly packed than when uncalcified. There is no change observed in the calcified cartilage at this level. The extracellular matrices of this epiphyseal cartilage and bone can be distinguished from one another in the electron microscope.  相似文献   

体外神经干细胞克隆球的超微结构-透射电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许汉鹏  卢春蓉  苟琳  鞠躬 《细胞生物学杂志》2002,24(4):251-254,T004
为观察培养的神经干细胞克隆球内部的超微结构特征,采用无血清培养技术,在体外进行小鼠纹状体神经干细胞克隆球的培养传代,经过免疫细胞化学鉴定后,对单一的神经干细胞克隆球进行固定,常规透射电镜观察。结果表明,神经干细胞可以在bFGF等生长因子存在的情况下,在无血清培养液内增殖生成悬浮状态的神经干细胞克隆球,这种克隆可被诱导生成神经细胞和神经胶质细胞,电镜下,神经干细胞克隆球内部细胞相互间可形成特化的膜性结构,细胞内可有小泡出现,部分细胞有凋亡的形态。  相似文献   

Various aspects of the ultrastructure of the dividing nuclei in the large radiosensitive amoeba Pelomyxa illinoisensis are demonstrated. Evidence of nuclear envelope breakdown is presented, and membrane fragments are traced throughout metaphase to envelope reconstruction in anaphase and telophase. Annuli in the nuclear envelope and its fragments are shown throughout mitosis. During metaphase and anaphase some 15 to 20 mitochondria are aligned at each end of the spindle, and are called polar mitochondria. The radioresistant amoebae Pelomyxa carolinensis and Amoeba proteus do not have polar mitochondria, and Pelomyxa illinoisensis is unique in this regard. The shape of the P. illinoisensis interphase nucleoli differs from that in the two radioresistant species, and certain aspects of nucleolar dissolution in the prophase vary. Helical coils in the interphase nucleoplasm are similar to those in the radioresistant amoebae. A "blister" phase in the flatly shaped telophase nuclei of P. illinoisensis is described which is interpreted to be the result of a rapid nuclear expansion leading to the formation of the normal spherical interphase nuclei.  相似文献   

Conti, S. F. (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N. Y.) and M. E. Gettner. Electron microscopy of cellular division in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 83:544-550. 1962.-Exponentially growing cells of Escherichia coli were fixed in formalin, exposed to uranyl nitrate, dehydrated at low temperatures with ethanol, and embedded in methacrylate. Polymerization was carried out at -70 C, by exposure of specimens to radiation from a cobalt(60) source. Electron micrographs revealed that cellular division occurs by the centripetal growth of the cell wall. The fine structure of the cytoplasm, nuclear apparatus, cell wall, and cytoplasmic membrane was also studied.  相似文献   

Each phialide had a thick-walled neck region located immediately below a light microscopically inconspicuous collarette. The thickened wall of the phialide neck was multilaminate, with layers of different electron transmission properties. A developmental stage in the formation of the first conidial initial was observed. Conidial initials blew out through the thickened neck region, increased in size, and were eventually delimited by centripetally developing septa. Mature, winged conidia had an electron-opaque outer wall layer and an electron-transparent inner wall layer. The wing was formed by separation of these outer and inner wall layers and buckling or wrinkling of the outer layer. As early as they could be discerned, conidial initials had developed the electron-opaque wall layer which characterized mature conidia. Each conidium-delimiting septum became bilayered; the upper layer formed part of the conidial base, and the lower layer became a portion of the wall of the next conidial initial. Phialides lacked an electron-opaque wall layer, and they possessed areas of abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, as well as free ribosomes. Lipid globules were also abundant, especially in conidia. The distinction between phialides and annellides was questioned.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the uterine epithelium has been studied in estrous, ovariectomized, pregnant, and pseudopregnant rabbits. Tissue for light microscopy was fixed in Bouin''s solution and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, by the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) method, and with methylene blue. Tissue for electron microscopy was fixed in 1 per cent osmium tetroxide in White''s saline and embedded in Araldite. The uterine epithelium in estrus is comprised of ciliated and non-ciliated cells. After ovariectomy the epithelium becomes reduced in height and PAS-positive material disappears. Multinucleated cells are formed in the epithelium in pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, and in the non-pregnant horn in unilateral pregnancy. They degenerate during the 3rd week of pseudopregnancy and during the 4th week of pregnancy in the non-pregnant horn. The formation of multinucleated cells is believed to be under hormonal control. The uterine epithelium in contact with the blastocyst changes into a "symplasma," presumably under the influence of a local (chemical?) effect produced by the blastocyst. This change is not seen in pseudopregnancy nor in the non-pregnant horn in unilateral pregnancy. A complex infolding of the basal cell membrane of the epithelium accompanies the "symplasmic" change. The remaining uterine epithelium in pregnancy shows a well developed ergastoplasm suggesting a production of secretion materials, some of which may be available for absorption by the fetus through the yolk sac or paraplacental chorion.  相似文献   

A procedure is described whereby preshadowed replicas can be obtained from frozen biological specimens which have been cut and then etched by sublimation of the ice from their surfaces. Electron micrographs showing details of the internal structure of plant virus crystals are presented to demonstrate the values of the procedure. Crystals of purified tobacco ringspot virus and squash mosaic virus and some portions of turnip yellow mosaic virus crystals have been shown to exhibit hexagonal packing. Sections through in situ crystals of tobacco mosaic virus show the rods to be parallel within each layer and arranged in a square net as viewed end on. Individual rods in each layer of the latter measure 300 mµ in length and are somewhat tilted with respect to the rods of adjacent layers. This results in the formation of a herring-bone appearance when a crystal is cut perpendicular to its hexagonal face. It is suggested that the procedure outlined here might well serve to supplement other procedures for the preparation of many cytological specimens for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The contractile responses to barium and the ultrastructure and ionic composition of mitochondria were studied in vascular smooth muscle. In normal rabbit portal anterior mesenteric vein (PAMV) and main pulmonary artery (MPA) smooth muscle mitochondria were frequently associated with the surface vesicles. The average distance between the outer mitochondrial and inner surface vesicle membrane was 4–5 nm. Ba contractures of MPA were tonic and of PAMV were phasic. Incubation of MPA and PAMV with Ba resulted in the accumulation of mitochondrial granules, followed in the MPA by massive mitochondrial swelling. Oligomycin and anoxia inhibited the appearance of mitochondrial electron-opaque granules and prevented the Ba-induced mitochondrial swelling in the MPA. Electron probe analysis of mitochondria in PAMV incubated with Ba and containing granules showed characteristic Ba signals over the mitochondria. Electron probe X-ray microanalysis also showed a highly significant (P < 0.001) correlation of P with mitochondrial Ba, in an estimated elemental ratio of approximately 3 Ba/4 P. Mitochondrial granules were still prominent after block staining of the osmium-fixed, Ba-loaded PAMV, but electron probe microanalysis showed no Ba, but only U, emissions. Tissues incubated with strontium had electron-opaque mitochondrial granules and deposits in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. X-ray microanalysis of mitochondria containing granules showed the presence of characteristic Sr and Ca emissions. The presence of Sr was similarly verified in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. These findings indicate the energy dependent uptake of divalent cations, in association with phosphate, by mitochondria in vascular smooth muscle in situ and the possibility that mitochondria may contribute to the regulation of intracellular divalent cation levels in smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Discrete localization of stain in pericanalicular granules was found in 10 µ frozen sections of formol-phosphate-sucrose-fixed liver stained by the Gomori acid phosphatase technique and examined in the light microscope. The staining patterns, before and after treatment with Triton X-100 and lecithinase, were identical with those previously reported for formol-calcium-fixed material treated in the same way, and it can be assumed that the stained granules are identical with "lysosomes." Examination in the light microscope of the staining patterns and lead penetration in fixed blocks and slices of various dimensions showed nuclear staining and other artefacts to be present, produced by the different rates of penetration of the various components of the staining medium into the tissue. A uniform pericanalicular staining pattern could be obtained, however, with slices not more than 50 µ thick, into which the staining medium could penetrate rapidly from both faces. The staining pattern produced in 50 µ slices was the same both at pH 5.0 and pH 6.2, and was not altered by subsequent embedding of the stained material in butyl methacrylate. Electron microscopy showed the fine structure of fixed 50 µ frozen slices to be well preserved, but it deteriorated badly when they were incubated in the normal Gomori medium at pH 5.0 before postfixing in osmium tetroxide. After incubation in the Gomori medium at pH 6.2, the detailed morphology was substantially maintained. In both cases lead phosphate, the reaction product, was found in the pericanalicular regions of the cell, but only in the vacuolated dense bodies and never in the microbodies. Not every vacuolated dense body contained lead, and stained and unstained bodies were sometimes seen adjacent to each other. This heterogeneous distribution of stain within a morphologically homogeneous group of particles is consistent with de Duve's suggestion (9) that there is a heterogeneous distribution of enzymes within the lysosome population. It is concluded from these investigations that the vacuolated dense bodies seen in the electron microscope are the morphological counterparts of the "lysosomes" defined biochemically by de Duve.  相似文献   

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