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In former studies, dinucleoside polyphosphates were quantified using ion-pair reversed-phase perfusion chromatography columns, which allows a detection limit in the micromolar range. The aim of this study was both to describe a chromatographic assay with an increased efficiency of the dinucleoside separation, which enables the reduction of analytical run times, and to establish a chromatographic assay using conditions, which allow MALDI-mass spectrometric analysis of the resulting fractions. We compared the performance of conventional silica reversed phase chromatography columns, a perfusion chromatography column and a monolithic reversed-phase C18 chromatography column. The effects of different ion-pair reagents, flow-rates and gradients on the separation of synthetic diadenosine polyphosphates as well as of diadenosine polyphosphates isolated from human platelets were analysed. Sensitivity and resolution of the monolithic reversed-phase chromatography column were both higher than that of the perfusion chromatography and the conventional reversed phase chromatography columns. Using a monolithic reversed-phase C18 chromatography column, diadenosine polyphosphates were separable baseline not only in the presence of tetrabutylammonium hydrogensulfate (TBA) but also in the presence of triethylammonium acetate (TEAA) as ion-pair reagent. The later reagent is useful because, in contrast to TBA, it is compatible with MALDI mass-spectrometric methods. This makes TEAA particularly suitable for identification of unknown nucleoside polyphosphates. Furthermore, because of the lower backpressure of monolithic reversed-phase chromatography columns, we were able to significantly increase the flow rate, decreasing the amount of time for the analysis close to 50%, especially using TBA as ion-pair reagent. In summary, monolithic reversed phase C18 columns markedly increase the sensitivity and resolution of dinucleoside polyphosphate analysis in a time-efficient manner compared to reversed-phase perfusion chromatography columns or conventional reversed-phase columns. Therefore, further dinucleoside polyphosphate analytic assays should be based on monolithic silica C18 columns instead of perfusion chromatography or conventional silica reversed phase chromatography columns. In conclusion, the use of monolithic silica C18 columns will lead to isolation and quantification of up to now unknown dinucleoside polyphosphates. These chromatography columns may facilitate further research on the biological roles of dinucleoside polyphosphates.  相似文献   

The importance of continuous beds (monoliths) as separation materials is connected with their better chromatographic properties and easier preparation in comparison to particulate-packed columns. Moreover the tuning of porosity as well as surface chemistry can lead to obtaining of highly selective materials, especially useful in separation of biologically important compounds or even microorganisms. To obtain high selectivity for such analytes as e.g. proteins, it is often important to have a knowledge about their shape, size, charge and finally charge distribution. This article presents our considerations on the charge distribution on the monolithic stationary phase and surface of such species as proteins or microorganisms as well as its eventual influence on the separation or sample preparation processes and tuning of their selectivity.  相似文献   

Three molecularly imprinted monolithic columns with different length but almost identical column volume had been prepared. It was observed that the separation factors of diastereomers and enantiomers were almost unaffected by column length. However, the short column with dimension of 38 mm x 8 mm i.d. showed much lower resistance to flow rate so that it could be operated at much higher flow rates. By combining stepwise gradient elution with elevated flow rate, the diastereomers of cinchonine and cinchonidine and the enantiomers of Cbz-DL-Trp and Fmoc-DL-Trp were successfully separated within 3 min on the short column with dimension of 38 mm x 8 mm i.d. Based on the above results, a cinchonine imprinted monolithic disk with dimension of 10mm x 16 mm i.d. was further developed. The SEM image and the pore size distribution profile showed that large flow-through pores are present on the prepared monolith, which allowed mobile phase to flow through the disk with very low resistance. Chromatographic performances on the monolithic disk were almost unchanged compared with the long columns. A rapid separation of cinchonine and cinchonidine was achieved in 2.5 min at the flow rate of 9.0 ml/min. Furthermore, it was observed that there was almost no effect of the flow rate on the dynamic binding capacity at high flow rates. In addition, the effect of the loading concentration of analytes on the dynamic binding capacity, namely adsorption isotherm, was also investigated. A non-linear adsorption isotherm of cinchonine was observed on the molecularly imprinted monolith with cinchonine as template, which might be a main reason to result in the peak tailing of template molecule.  相似文献   

Active or allosteric site arginines can form diverse interactions with ligands including different types of cation-π interactions, H-bond interactions and non-bond, non-canonical interactions. This provides many opportunities for creative structure-based drug design to improve potency, introduce novelty, and modulate MoA (mode of action), and even to achieve selectivity. This digest will use some recent drug targets of interest as examples to illustrate different types of interactions and how these interactions impact on potency, MoA, and selectivity.  相似文献   

Weak cation-exchange (WCX) and HILIC modes columns were prepared by on-column polymerization of acrylic acid on monolithic silica capillary columns modified with N-(3-triethoxysilylpropyl)methacrylamide anchor groups. The polymer-coated columns could be used for HILIC mode separation of pyridylamino (PA)-sugars and peptides including a tryptic digest of BSA, while for weak cation-exchange mode for the separation of proteins and nucleosides even at high linear velocity. The poly(acrylic acid) coated monolithic silica capillary columns showed greater retention toward PA-sugars than a polyacrylamide coated monolithic silica capillary columns prepared in the same manner. Proteins and nucleosides were separated effectively at pH 6.9 using the same column. The column provided fair permeability after the polymer-coating step. High-speed separation of proteins at u=4.66 mm/s with high efficiency was shown to be possible, while high-speed separation of nucleosides has achieved within one minute using the column at u=8.67 mm/s, suggesting that the column will be suitable for the second dimension separation of multidimensional HPLC systems.  相似文献   

Rare earth (RE) metals are essentials for the manufacturing of high-technology products. The separation of RE is complex and expensive; biosorption is an alternative to conventional processes. This work focuses on the biosorption of monocomponent and bicomponent solutions of lanthanum(III) and neodymium(III) in fixed-bed columns using Sargassum sp. biomass. The desorption of metals with HCl 0.10 mol L(-1) from loaded biomass is also carried out with the objective of increasing the efficiency of metal separation. Simple models have been successfully used to model breakthrough curves (i.e., Thomas, Bohart-Adams, and Yoon-Nelson equations) for the biosorption of monocomponent solutions. From biosorption and desorption experiments in both monocomponent and bicomponent solutions, a slight selectivity of the biomass for Nd(III) over La(III) is observed. The experiments did not find an effective separation of the RE studied, but their results indicate a possible partition between the metals, which is the fundamental condition for separation perspectives.  相似文献   

Computational protein design efforts aim to create novel proteins and functions in an automated manner and, in the process, these efforts shed light on the factors shaping natural proteins. The focus of these efforts has progressed from the interior of proteins to their surface and the design of functions, such as binding or catalysis. Here we examine progress in the development of robust methods for the computational design of non-natural interactions between proteins and molecular targets such as other proteins or small molecules. This problem is referred to as the de novo computational design of interactions. Recent successful efforts in de novo enzyme design and the de novo design of protein–protein interactions open a path towards solving this problem. We examine the common themes in these efforts, and review recent studies aimed at understanding the nature of successes and failures in the de novo computational design of interactions. While several approaches culminated in success, the use of a well-defined structural model for a specific binding interaction in particular has emerged as a key strategy for a successful design, and is therefore reviewed with special consideration.  相似文献   

In nature, assembled protein structures offer the most complex functional structures. The understanding of the mechanisms ruling protein–protein interactions opens the door to manipulate protein assemblies in a rational way. Proteins are versatile scaffolds with great potential as tools in nanotechnology and biomedicine because of their chemical, structural, and functional versatility. Currently, bottom-up self-assembly based on biomolecular interactions of small and well-defined components, is an attractive approach to biomolecular engineering and biomaterial design. Specifically, repeat proteins are simplified systems for this purpose.In this work, we provide an overview of fundamental concepts of the design of new protein interfaces. We describe an experimental approach to form higher order architectures by a bottom-up assembly of repeated building blocks. For this purpose, we use designed consensus tetratricopeptide repeat proteins (CTPRs). CTPR arrays contain multiple identical repeats that interact through a single inter-repeat interface to form elongated superhelices. Introducing a novel interface along the CTPR superhelix allows two CTPR molecules to assemble into protein nanotubes. We apply three approaches to form protein nanotubes: electrostatic interactions, hydrophobic interactions, and π-π interactions. We isolate and characterize the stability and shape of the formed dimers and analyze the nanotube formation considering the energy of the interaction and the structure in the three different models. These studies provide insights into the design of novel protein interfaces for the control of the assembly into more complex structures, which will open the door to the rational design of nanostructures and ordered materials for many potential applications in nanotechnology.  相似文献   

Solvent induced forces (SIFs) among solutes derive from solvent structural modification due to solutes, and consequent thermodynamic drive towards minimization of related free energy costs. The role of SIFs in biomolecular conformation and function is appreciated by observing that typical SIF values fall within the 20–200 pN interval, and that proteins are stable by only a few kcal mol–1 (1 kcal mol–1 corresponds to 70 pN Å). Here we study SIFs, in systems of increasing complexity, using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations which give time- and space-resolved details on the biologically significant scale of single protein residues and sidechains. Of particular biological relevance among our results are a strong modulability of hydrophobic SIFs by electric charges and the dependence of this modulability upon charge sign. More generally, the present results extend our understanding of the recently reported strong context-dependence of SIFs and the related potential of mean force (PMF). This context-dependence can be strong enough to propagate (by relay action) along a composite solute, and to reverse SIFs acting on a given element, relative to expectations based on its specific character (hydrophobic/ philic, charged). High specificity such as that of SIFs highlighted by the present results is of course central to biological function. Biological implications of the present results cover issues such as biomolecular functional interactions and folding (including chaperoning and pathological conformational changes), coagulation, molecular recognition, effects of phosphorylation and more.  相似文献   

The activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) is important for synaptic plasticity and the normal function of the brain. Arc interacts with neuronal postsynaptic proteins, but the mechanistic details of its function have not been fully established. The C-terminal domain of Arc consists of tandem domains, termed the N- and C-lobe. The N-lobe harbours a peptide binding site, able to bind multiple targets. By measuring the affinity of human Arc towards various peptides from stargazin and guanylate kinase-associated protein (GKAP), we have refined its specificity determinants. We found two sites in the GKAP repeat region that bind to Arc and confirmed these interactions by X-ray crystallography. Phosphorylation of the stargazin peptide did not affect binding affinity but caused changes in thermodynamic parameters. Comparison of the crystal structures of three high-resolution human Arc-peptide complexes identifies three conserved C–H…π interactions at the binding cavity, explaining the sequence specificity of short linear motif binding by Arc. We further characterise central residues of the Arc lobe fold, show the effects of peptide binding on protein dynamics, and identify acyl carrier proteins as structures similar to the Arc lobes. We hypothesise that Arc may affect protein-protein interactions and phase separation at the postsynaptic density, affecting protein turnover and re-modelling of the synapse. The present data on Arc structure and ligand binding will help in further deciphering these processes.  相似文献   

Looking at the new and often disputed science of epigenetics, we examined the challenges faced by scientists when they communicate scientific research to the public. We focused on the use of metaphors to illustrate notions of epigenetics and genetics. We studied the “encoding” by epigeneticists and “decoding” in focus groups with diverse backgrounds. We observed considerable overlap in the dominant metaphors favored by both researchers and the lay public. However, the groups differed markedly in their interpretations of which metaphors aided understanding or not. We conclude by discussing the role of metaphors and their interpretations in the context of a shift from pre-deterministic genomic metaphors to more active, dynamic and nuanced epigenetic metaphors. These reflections on the choice of metaphors and differences in encoding/decoding are important for science communication and scientific boundary-maintenance.  相似文献   

A precondition for the chemotherapeutic treatment of a variety of virally-induced human diseases and malignant conditions is a highly selective interaction of the drug molecule to be used with it's biological target. To ensure the development of novel, effective drugs, it is essential that the biological target is well characterised with regard to it's structure and activity. Such characterisation relies upon adequate amounts of pure target being available. One of the most important enzymatic importers for antimetabolites is the enzyme thymidine kinase. In this article an in vitro protein expression system is described which facilitates the production of milligram amounts of pure and biologically active thymidine kinase, from a number of important biological sources. Results have shown that the in vitro produced enzyme has the exact biochemical propeties of the in vivo enzyme. Thus the in vitro protein expression system is an ideal vechicle to facilitate an in depth investigation of the enzyme's biological properties.  相似文献   

Xie BB  Chen XL  Zhang XY  He HL  Zhang YZ  Zhou BC 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1461-1474
Identification of protein interaction interfaces is very important for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying biological phenomena. Here, we present a novel method for predicting protein interaction interfaces from sequences by using PAM matrix (PIFPAM). Sequence alignments for interacting proteins were constructed and parsed into segments using sliding windows. By calculating distance matrix for each segment, the correlation coefficients between segments were estimated. The interaction interfaces were predicted by extracting highly correlated segment pairs from the correlation map. The predictions achieved an accuracy 0.41-0.71 for eight intraprotein interaction examples, and 0.07-0.60 for four interprotein interaction examples. Compared with three previously published methods, PIFPAM predicted more contacting site pairs for 11 out of the 12 example proteins, and predicted at least 34% more contacting site pairs for eight proteins of them. The factors affecting the predictions were also analyzed. Since PIFPAM uses only the alignments of the two interacting proteins as input, it is especially useful when no three-dimensional protein structure data are available.  相似文献   

The effects of columns (Nucleosil C18ODS, MZ-PAH, YMC-PACK C30), column properties (inner diameters of 4 mm, 3 mm and 2 mm, pore-width 10 nm and 30 nm) and eluents (methanol, acetonitrile, acetone, water) were tested on the separation of algal pigments. The length of columns was 250 mm and particle size was 5 μm. Flow rates and gradients were adjusted to optimize peak separation; remaining chromatographic conditions were kept constant. The resolution of chromatographic systems was tested with pigment standards and various algal cultures. Total flow rate and retention times decreased with decreasing inner diameter, whereas pressure, sensitivity and peak-width increased. Pore width had negligible effects on the chromatographic separation of pigments under the test conditions. Only with acetonitrile as eluent were all the taxonomically important pigments resolved adequately: zeaxanthin (Cyanophyceae), lutein (Chlorophyceae), fucoxanthin (Bacillariopyceae), alloxanthin (Cryptophyceae), peridinin (Dinophyceae).  相似文献   

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  • •Automated analysis of protein complexes in proteomic experiments.
  • •Quantitative measurement of the coordinated changes in protein complex components.
  • •Interactive visualizations for exploratory analysis of proteomic results.

脱氮硫杆菌(Thiobacillus denitrificans)中的Sox蛋白在硫代谢过程中起着至关重要的作用,硫化合物需先与硫氧化基因族(sox)编码的蛋白质Sox YZ二聚体共价连接后才能与其他酶发生相互作用。利用同源建模法构建硫化合物载体Sox YZ蛋白的二聚体结构并验证了其合理性。二聚体相互作用分析发现Sox YZ蛋白的溶剂可及表面积(solvent accessible surface,SAS)为10 922.92,疏水率为50.85%;亚基Sox Y和Sox Z界面处共含有12个氢键和1个Π键来维持其三维结构的稳定性;二聚体表面呈现明显的正负电势互补,两亚基界面处氨基酸残基的VDW作用能和静电作用能分别为-80.925 13kcal/mol和-323.856 57kcal/mol,这说明静电作用是二聚体形成的主要驱动力;Sox Z亚基的残基Thr28、Arg31、Lys32、Ser64、Gly65、Val66、Ser67对Sox Y亚基活性位点构象的稳定有重要作用。  相似文献   

Protein–peptide interactions, where one partner is a globular protein (domain) and the other is a flexible linear peptide, are key components of cellular processes predominantly in signaling and regulatory networks, hence are prime targets for drug design. To derive the details of the protein–peptide interaction mechanism is often a cumbersome task, though it can be made easier with the availability of specific databases and tools. The Peptide Binding Protein Database (PepBind) is a curated and searchable repository of the structures, sequences and experimental observations of 3100 protein–peptide complexes. The web interface contains a computational tool, protein inter-chain interaction (PICI), for computing several types of weak or strong interactions at the protein–peptide interaction interface and visualizing the identified interactions between residues in Jmol viewer. This initial database release focuses on providing protein–peptide interface information along with structure and sequence information for protein–peptide complexes deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Structures in PepBind are classified based on their cellular activity. More than 40% of the structures in the database are found to be involved in different regulatory pathways and nearly 20% in the immune system. These data indicate the importance of protein–peptide complexes in the regulation of cellular processes. PepBind is freely accessible at http://pepbind.bicpu.edu.in/.  相似文献   

We compared amino acid solvent accessibilities and helix propensities in data sets of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis proteins. These species reside in very different environments and hold very different physiological properties. From the observations, it was proposed that the cytoplasm of B. subtilis is more ion-rich compared to the cytoplasm of E. coli, which might be more hydrophobic; therefore, during evolution these differences have resulted in different protein folding tracks. Such inherent differences imply that the results of bioinformatic analyses of protein structures might depend on the species from which the proteins are picked. It is also suggested that different cytoplasmic environments cause E. coli and B. subtilis to be appropriate for expression of distinct types of proteins.  相似文献   

The cystatins form a superfamily of structurally related proteins with highly conserved structural folds. They are all potent, reversible, competitive inhibitors of cysteine proteinases (CPs). Proteins from this group present differences in proteinase inhibition despite their high level of structural similarities. In this study, three cysteine proteinase inhibitors (CPIs) of low molecular weight were isolated from human seminal fluid (HSF) by affinity chromatography on carboxymethyl (CM)-papain–Sepharose column, purified using various chromatographic procedures and checked for purity on sodium-dodecyl PAGE (SDS-PAGE). Matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization-time-of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) identified these proteins as cystatin 9, cystatin SN, and SAP-1 (an N-terminal truncated form of cystatin S). All three CPIs suppressed the activity of papain potentially and showed remarkable heat stability. Interestingly SAP-1 also inhibits the activity of trypsin, chymotrypsin, pepsin, and PSA (prostate specific antigen) and acts as a cross-class protease inhibitor in in vitro studies. Using Surface Plasmon Resonance, we have also observed that SAP-1 shows a significant binding with all these proteases. These studies suggest that SAP-1 is a cross-class inhibitor that may regulate activity of various classes of proteases within the reproductive systems. To our knowledge, this is the first report about purification of CPIs from HSF; the identification of such proteins could provide better insights into the physiological processes and offer intimation for further research.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work was to investigate for the first time the molecular mechanism of complex formation between bromelain (a positively charged enzyme) and carrageenan (a natural strong polyelectrolyte, negatively charged) using spectroscopy techniques and thermodynamic approaches. The Bromelain-Carrageenan complex showed a maximal non-solubility at pH around 5.1. The solubility was dependent on pH and ionic strength of the medium. To re-dissolve the formed complex, the pH was changed and 500 mM of NaCl was added to the initial solution, proving the columbic mechanism for the formation of non-soluble complex. The formation of the carrageenan-bromelain complex increased in 8 °C the enzyme thermal stability, while its biological activity was not modified. The amount of total enzyme recovered in solution after precipitation with around 0.08% w/v of carrageenan was 85–90%.  相似文献   

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