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Interspecific hybridization between Dioscorea alata (2n = 60).D. deltoidea (2n = 20), D. floribunda (2n = 36), D. composita(2n = 36), and D. friedrichsthallii (2n = 36) has revealed levelsof crossability consisting of successful crossing and normalgermination of hybrid seeds, successful crossing but poor germinationof hybrid seeds, crosses not successful due to a pre-fertilizationovular breakdown, and crosses not successful due to post-fertilizationovular breakdown. In general the three Central American species with basic chromosomenumber as 9, namely D. floribunda, D. composita, and D. friedrichsthalliiare cross compatible. In crosses involving D. floribunda withD. composita and D. floribunda with D. friedrichsthallii viablehybrids were obtained. The cross between D. friedrichsthalliiand D. composita is also successful but germination of the hybridseeds is greatly reduced. The cross of D. composita female withthe male D. friedrichsthallii was an exception to the generalcompatibility between these three species. In this cross thefertilized embryo aborted after attaining four-celled stage. The crosses between the two Old World species with basic chromosomenumber as 10, namely D. alata and D. deltoidea with each otherand with the above named three Central American species werenot successful. D. alata had pollen grains which rarely germinated.When D. alata was used as the female parent, the pollen tubesof other species grew down the style but no fertilization tookplace. The reciprocal crosses of D. deltoidea with the CentralAmerican species gave differential results. When D. deltoideawas used as the female parent no fertilization took place. However,when D. deltoidea was used as the male parent the fertilizedembryo aborted after attaining globular stage.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis and a comparison of endogenous levels of gibberellinsbetween the semi-dwarf rice cultivar Tan-ginbozu and the correspondingnormal cultivar Ginbozu have confirmed that Tan-ginbozu is agibberellin deficient mutant and that the semi-dwarfism of Tan-ginbozuis controlled by a single recessive gene. A step in the biosynthesisof gibberellins that is blocked by the mutation in Tan-ginbozuhad been considered to be the synthesis of ent-kaurene or anearlier step. However, the rate of production of ent-kaureneby Tan-ginbozu was almost the same as that by Ginbozu. By contrast,accumulation of only a small amount of ent-kaurene was detectedin Tan-ginbozu, and the amount that accumulated was similarto that in Ginbozu that had been treated with 6.9 x 10-8 M uniconazole-P(an effective inhibitor of three oxidative steps in the pathwayfrom ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid via entkaurenol and ent-kaurenal).The height of the treated Ginbozu plants was reduced to thesame as that of Tanginbozu plants. Resembling Tan-ginbozu plants,Ginbozu plants that had been treated with uniconazole-P respondedwell to ent-kaurenoic acid and slightly to ent-kaurene and ent-kaurenol.Since the growth-promoting activity of enf-kaurenal in Tan-ginbozuwas similar to that of ent-kaurene, our results suggest thatthe mutation in Tan-ginbozu blocks the three oxidative stepswhereby ent-kaurene is converted to ent-kaurenoic acid. (Received June 9, 1995; Accepted February 15, 1996)  相似文献   

The wildtype leaf blade of Pisum sativum possesses proximalleaflets and distal tendrils, which may be altered by two recessivemutations that affect pinna morphology, afila (afaf) and tendrilless(tltl). Using morphological observations and SEM, the variationin leaf forms along the plant axis and leaf development werecharacterized for plants heterozygous at the Af and/or Tl loci.The Af and Tl genes interacted to affect many characteristicsof shoot ontogeny, including rate changes in leaf blade lengthand complexity increases, as well as time to flowering. TheAf gene retarded early vegetative development and acceleratedthe time to flowering. The leaf phenotypes of these heterozygousgenotypes were specified mainly by changes in the timing ofmajor developmental events. The data support the hypothesesthat both genes are heterochronic in nature and that the pealeaf blade consists of three genetically- and developmentally-determined regions: proximal, distal and terminal. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Heterochrony, leaf development, shoot ontogeny, Pisum sativum L., garden pea, afila,tendrilless .  相似文献   

The few available records on the association of the diazotrophheterocystous cyanobacterium Richelia intracellularis epiphyticallywith Chaetoceros compressus are restricted to the Indian andwestern Pacific Oceans, whereas the association of R. intracellularisas an endosymbiont in other diatoms is ubiquitous in warm oceans.From ten cruises in the western Pacific Ocean, the Richelia-Chaetocerosconsortia were exclusively observed in the periphery of thegeographic proliferations of C. compressus, coinciding withthe overlapping area of the populations of asymbiotic C. compressusand R. intracellularis as an endosymbiont in Rhizosolenia clevei.  相似文献   

Measurements of CO2 compensation were made over long periodsof time for Coffea arabica and Bryophyllum daigremontianum.For each species there was a marked rhythm in the level of CO2compensation, even though all major factors of the environmentwere held as constant as possible. The rhythm in Coffea wassusceptible to phase-shift and had a period slightly greaterthan 24 h. The rhythm in Bryophyllum had a period of c. 23 h.These observations show that the rhythm is probably endogenousin nature.  相似文献   

Graft transmission of the floral stimulus was studied in homograftsof Kleinia articulata (SDP) and heterografts between K. articulataand K. repens (LSDP). While receptor shoots of K. repens graftedonto induced donor plants of K. articulata flowered readilyin LD (16 h) as well as SD (8 h), graft-induced flowering failedto take place in LD receptors of K. articulata. Neither theinduced shoots and detached leaves from induced plants of K.articulata nor the induced shoots of K. repens could evoke theflowering response in the K. articulata receptors. Increasingthe donor pool of induced leaves even up to ten per receptoralso had no effect. It is known that the very young leaf primordiaof K. articulata are photoperiodically sensitive, and it seemsthat they may prevent the stimulus from reaching the apex. Key words: Kleinia, Flowering stimulus, Graft transmission  相似文献   

The actions of red and blue light in the photomovement of chloroplastsand the polarotropic response were studied in the protonemataof the homosporous ferns Pteris vittata L. and Adiantum capillus-venerisL. In Pteris, polarotropism could be induced with blue lightbut not with red light, while both colors of light were effectivein Adiantum protonemata. The photomovement of chloroplasts inthe two species studied by both polarized light and microbeamirradiation, also revealed similar responses to red and bluelight as the polarotropism; i.e. both colors of light were effectivein Adiantum but only blue light was active in Pteris. The resultsin Adiantum were consistent with previous results, which ledto the conclusion that both phytochrome and a blue light-absorbingpigment are involved in the two responses (Kadota et al. 1982,1984, Hayami et al. 1986, Yatsuhashi et al. 1985). By contrast,phytochrome is not involved in either polarotropism or chloroplastmovement in Pteris. Since the phytochrome system is evidentlyactive in every other photoresponses so far investigated inPteris as well as in Adiantum, the present study suggests thata phytochrome system specific to polarotropism and to photomovementof chloroplasts is absent in Pteris. Discussions are presentedon the possible involvement of two phytochrome populations ina fern gametophyte cell and on the possible lack of dichroicphytochrome in Pteris. (Received October 7, 1988; Accepted March 8, 1989)  相似文献   

GILL  J. J. B. 《Annals of botany》1971,35(5):947-956
A cytogenetic study has been carried out within the diploidCochleariae. This has demonstrated that all the 2n = 12 taxaare chromosomally homogeneous, as are those with 2n = 14. Itis therefore suggested that the 2n = 12 group be recognisedas C pyrenaica DC, with the morphologically distinct specimensfrom France and Spain at present regarded as C. aestuaria (Lloyd)Heywood being given subspecific rank in C. pyrenaica. It isalso suggested that all the 2n = 14 taxa be regarded as C groenlandicaL. Some doubt is expressed on the existence of C. scotica Druceas a species, as all the specimens of this taxon examined provedto be tetraploid with 2n = 24. Genomic analysis has shown thatthe 2n = 14 group is a primary tetrasomic derivative of the2n = 12 group.  相似文献   

Cytological Studies in the Laminariales   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
EVANS  LEONARD V. 《Annals of botany》1965,29(4):541-542
A cytological investigation of British members of the orderLaminariales has revealed the presence of a very large X-chromosomein dividing nuclei of female gametophytes and young sporophytesof Saccorhiza polyschides. This chromosome pairs with a smallY-chromosome at meiosis. A chromosome which is conspicuouslylarger than the others has also been detected in the femalegametophytes (and young sporophytes) of Laminaria spp., Chordafilum, and Alaria esculenta. There is some evidence that thisalso pairs with a smaller chromosome. Chromosome numbers determinedduring the work are as follows: Laminaria digitata, L. saccharina,L. hyperborea, L. ochroleuca, Saccorhiza polyschides, hap-loid31 and diploid 62; Alaria esculenta, haploid 28 and diploid56; Chorda filum, haploid c. 28 and diploid c. 56  相似文献   

Near-isogenic lines have been produced in pea to examine theeffects of genes at the r and rb loci on the growth and developmentof the seed. The rb alleles were found to have an effect onthe growth of the testa as well as on that of the embryo incontrast to those at the r locus which only affect the latter.The relationship between the fresh and dry weights of the embryosof rb isoline and the double mutant differed from that of theround-seeded wild-type line. Furthermore, for this relationship,the double mutant line very closely resembled the rr isoline.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Embryo, growth, pea, Pisum sativum L., rugosus loci, seed development, testa, wrinkled-seeded  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative distribution of surface phytoplankton,as related to hydrographic conditions, was studied in the Gulfof Naples in February 1979. Previous work has shown that the Gulf of Naples is a diversifiedecosystem, due to geographic and hydrographic features as wellas man made eutrophication, that can be subdivided into twomajor parts: a coastal subsystem and an open water one. Hydrographic analysis of the winter situation at the surfacefully confirms this picture, as it identifies two distinct watermasses corresponding respectively to surfaced Tyrrhenian IntermediateWater and to Coastal Surface Water. The structural analysisof phytoplankton reveals three assemblages of species characterizingdifferent water types: 1 - the Ischia and Procida channels affectedby the advection of Volturno river and Cuma outfall plumes;2 - the coastal area of the Gulf proper, namely the bays ofPozzuoli, Naples and Castellammare; 3 - the open waterhemislocated beyond the 100 m isobath. The channel area assemblage is dominated by diatoms, particularlyby fast growing species, such as Asterionella japonica, severalspecies of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia hebetata f. semispina.The coastal assemblage is identified, among others, by the diatomsCerataulina bergonii, Hemiaulus sinensis; the dinoflagellatesGlenodinium lenticula, Exuviaella compressa and Porella perforata.The open water assemblage is characterized by the diatoms Coscinodiscuscurvatulus and Hemidiscus cuneiformis, the dinoflagellate Amphidiniumacutissimum and the coccolithophore Coccolithus haeckelii.  相似文献   

The effects of two food sources on life history traits of Daphniagaleata, Daphnia cucullata and their interspecific hybrid. D.cucullataxgaleata,were studied. For each taxon, two clones were reared on botha green alga (Scenedesmus obliquus) and a filamentous cyanobacterium(Oscillatoria limnetica). Reproduction on Oscillatoria was generallylower than on Scenedesmus, but a positive population growthrate was still achieved, except in one hybrid clone Life historytraits showed differences among the intraspecific clones. Daphniacucullata, the smallest of the three taxa, was the best of thethree in utilizing Oscillatoria as food, but D.galeata and thehybrid did not differ clearly. The clones within the taxa alsodiffered in the extent they could utilize Oscillatoria as food.The results are discussed in relation to the co-existence ofthese taxa in nature.  相似文献   

Shoots of higher plants grow upward in response to gravity.To elucidate the molecular mechanism of this response, we haveisolated shoot gravitropism (sgr) mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana.In this report, we describe three novel mutants, sgr4-1, sgr5-1and sgr6-1 whose inflorescence stems showed abnormal gravitropicresponses as previously reported for sgr1, sgr2 and sgr3. Thesenew sgr mutations were recessive and occurred at three independentgenetic loci. The sgr4-1 mutant showed severe defect in gravitropismof both inflorescence stem and hypocotyl but were normal inroot gravitropism as were sgr1 and sgr2. The sgr5-1 and sgr6-1mutants showed reduced gravitropism only in inflorescence stemsbut normal in both hypocotyls and roots as sgr3. These resultssupport the hypothesis that some mechanisms of gravitropismare genetically different in these three organs in A. thaliana.In addition, these mutants showed normal phototropic responses,suggesting that SGR4, SGR5 and SGR6 genes are specifically involvedin gravity perception and/or gravity signal transduction forthe shoot gravitropic response. (Received November 21, 1996; Accepted February 17, 1997)  相似文献   

Shells of the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanictis Gmelinfrom Newfoundland waters were examined for borers by directstereomicroscopic and X-ray radio-graphic means. Young shells are first attacked by the boring sponge, Clionavastifica, and the spionid polychaetes, Polydora websteri andPolydora concharum. The former settles almost exclusively onthe lower valve, but as it grows it often spreads to the uppervalve via the hinge region. The spionids settle on the uppervalve or occasionally on the periphery of the lower valve. Older shells are bored by the cirratulid polychaete, Dodecaceriaconcharum, which usually settles in empty Polydora burrows andenlarges them as they grow. The bivalve, Hiatella arctica, settlesin Cliona holes. The burrows formed by the borers can be recognized on the radiographs.However, the identity of the present inhabitant cannot be predictedwith accuracy because the original borer is often replaced bynestlers. The rale of growth was documented by making sequential radiographsat monthly intervals from May to October 1968. Rate of growthin all forms appears to be temperature-dependent. The watertemperature increased from 1°C in May up to 18°C inAugust. Polydora concharum and P. websteri grew more rapidlyfrom July to October than in Mayand June, while Cliona and Dodecaceriaonly grew during the months of July to October.  相似文献   

MANN  D. G. 《Annals of botany》1981,47(3):377-395
Infraspecific variation has been investigated in the marineepipelic diatom Hantzschia virgata using light and electronmicroscopy. Although the variation pattern in this species iscomplex and to some extent discontinuous, allowing the recognitionon phenetic grounds of four or five discrete infraspecific taxaincluding vars. virgata (= H. insolita), gracilis, leptocephala(= capitellata) and wittii (= intermedia), it is concluded thatto split the species would be imprudent. Variation has beenfound not only in characters such as valve outline and size,or stria density, but also in ‘qualitative’ characterssuch as raphe, fibula and girdle structure, characters whichhave often been assumed to be constant within species, generaor taxa of higher rank: previous generalizations about the usefulnessof certain characters in distinguishing taxa of a given rankare seen to have been incautious. Hantzschia virgata (Roper) Grun., diatom taxonomy, infraspecific variation  相似文献   

The underlying toxic mechanisms of the red tide dinoflagellate,Cochlodinium polykrikoides, were studied with respect to thereactive oxygen species-mediated toxic effect. Cochlodiniumpolykrikoides generates superoxide anion (O2) and hydrogenperoxide (H2O2), as measured by the cytochrome c reduction methodand scopoletin–peroxidase method, respectively. The capabilityof C.polykrikoides to generate these oxygen radicals was relatedto the growth phase: the highest rate in the exponential phaseand a gradual decrease in the stationary phase. Other phytoplankton,such as Eutreptiella gymnastica, Heterosigma akashiwo, Prorocentrummicans, Gymnodinium sanguineum and Alexandrium tamarense, alsoproduce H2O2; the rate of H2O2 generation by these species waslower than that of C.polykrikoides. The exposure of liposomalsamples to intact or ruptured individuals of C.polykrikoidesresulted in severe membrane damage, such as liposomal lipidperoxidation. Cochlodinium polykrikoides-induced lipid peroxidationwas significantly reduced by oxygen radical scavengers, superoxidedismutase, benzoquinone, catalase and mannitol. In addition,lipid peroxidation of gill tissue of flatfish exposed to C.polykrikoidesincreased with increasing algal cell density. These resultssuggest that reactive oxygen species generated from C.polykrikoidesare responsible for oxidative damage leading to fish kills.  相似文献   

Observations are recorded for Ascophyllum, Pelvetia, Himanthalia,and Dictyota in addition to Fucus which has already been describedin a previous paper. Fibrillar disintegration of cilia has beenobtained in all except Pelvetia, in each case to give nine peripheralstrands and a central pair. This corrects a previous error forthe hind flagellum of Fucus. Some facts are given regardingthe internal organs associated with the parts of the cilia insidethe body in Himanthalia and Dictyota. A proboscis similar tothat previously described for Fucus has been demohstrated inAscophyllum and Pelvetia, but is absent from Himanthalia andDictyota. Himanthalia differs from the other Fucoids in therelative lengths of front and hind flagella. Dictyota has onlya single flagellum. In all, the front flagellum is a Flimmergeisselwith two rows of hairs, which, in certain cases, notably Himanthalia;have very long hair points. In Himanthalia there is a largespine near the distal end of the front flagellum borne on onefibril of the peripheral series. In Dictyota there is a rowof smaller spines at the front end of the flagellum borne ina line between the two lateral rows of hairs. These spines inDictyot can be used as evidence regarding the internal symmetryof the whole cilium which is summarized in a diagram.  相似文献   

REID  J. B. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(2):163-173
Late cultivars of peas behave as quantitative long day plants.The reason that they flower between nodes 20 and 35 under an8 h photoperiod is shown to be because the leaves and maturestem produce a more promotory ratio of the flowering hormonesas they age. Later formed leaves may also start with a slightlymore promotory ratio than the leaves produced at a lower node.The gene Sn controls the production of a flower inhibitor andit is suggested that the activity of this gene in a leaf isgradually reduced as the leaf ages. From grafting experiments,the site of action of the gene Hr is shown to be in the leavesor mature stem and not at the shoot apex. This supports a previoussuggestion that the gene Hr is a specific inhibitor of the ageingresponse of gene Sn. Gene Hr is shown to cause a substantial delay in the floweringnode of decotyledonized plants of genotype If e sn hr undershort day conditions, suggesting that Hr has little effect inthe cotyledons. It is argued that the gene sn is a leaky mutantand that gene Hr does not control a photoperiod response inits own right but has its effect through the Sn locus. From a comparison of intact plants and self-grafts of the lategenotype If e Sn hr it is shown that under the conditions usedphysiological age may be of more importance than chronologicalage in determining flowering in peas. Reasons for the smalleffect of defoliation treatments on flowering are discussedas well as possible reasons for the promotory effect of decotyledonizationon the flowering node of late lines. Pisum sativum L, flowering, ageing, genetic control  相似文献   

Relationships between Photosynthesis and Light Intensity in the Tomato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PEAT  W. E. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(2):319-328
Curves were fitted to the rates of CO2 uptake (P) of singleleaves of tomato against light intensity (I). It was shown thatan asymptotic curve of the form P = abpI gave a consistentlybetter fit to the observed data than the rectangular hyperbola.Saturating rates of photosynthesis, estimated as the asymptoteof the curve, showed marked changes with leaf age, being maximalat or shortly after the start of the experiment, in small rapidlyexpanding leaves, and falling continuously thereafter. Photochemicalefficiency, measured as the slope of the curve at zero lightintensity, gave no discernable trends with time except in visiblysenescent leaves, when the value decreased appreciably.  相似文献   

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