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The apparent photosynthetic Km (CO2) of air-grown Dunaliella salina is 2 M as measured both by the filtering centrifugation technique and by O2 electrode. These cells are capable of accumulating inorganic carbon (Cinorg) up to 20 times its concentration in the medium. It is suggested that air-grown Dunaliella cells are able to concentrate CO2 within the cell. Analysis of the efflux of Cinorg from cells previously loaded with H14CO 3 - demonstrated the existence of an internal pool which has an half-time of depletion of 2.5–7 min depending on the conditions of the experiment. This finding indicates that the internal Cinorg pool is not readily exchangeable with the external medium. Furthermore, the influence of the presence or absence of unlabelled Cinorg in the medium during the efflux experiment on the half-time observed indicate that efflux of Cinorg is not a simple diffusion process but is rather carrier-mediated.Abbreviation Cinorg inorganic carbon  相似文献   

The northern geographic limit for Halophila johnsonii and Halophila decipiens has been reported as Sebastian Inlet, within the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. Surveys conducted in August 2007 determined the new northern limit to be 21.5 km north of the previously known limit. This new northern limit is a 10% range extension for H. johnsonii, a federally threatened species. We conclude that these range extensions are recent, based on (1) the small size of patches; (2) unusually good water clarity conditions due to a recent drought; (3) recent mild/warmer winters; and (4) a recent mechanism for transporting propagules, the numerous hurricanes of 2004. Although this recent range extension is considered ephemeral, similar range extensions may have occurred in the past and may occur again in the future under favorable conditions given the high capacity of these two species for dispersal to favorable sites. The northern limits of these species should not be viewed as static locations; rather, they must be considered dynamic features.  相似文献   

Starch grains are a ubiquitous component of plants that have been used in tandem with phytoliths, pollen, and macrofossils to reconstruct past floral diversity. This tool has yet to be fully explored for aquatic plants, specifically seagrasses, which lack phytoliths and are rarely preserved as macrofossils or pollen. If starch grains in seagrasses are morphologically distinct, this method has the potential to improve seagrass identification in the fossil record in such cases where its starch is preserved (e.g. scratches and occlusal surfaces of tooth enamel from seagrass consumers). The goals of this study were twofold: (1) to determine if starch is present in seagrass material and (2) to assess how starch grain morphology differs between different seagrasses.This study focused on four abundant and ecologically distinct seagrasses from the Caribbean: Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima, Syringodium filiforme, and Thalassia testudinum. Starch grains were observed in all species except S. filiforme. Grains from H. wrightii are typically observed in side-on orientation, are sub-round to angular, and are fairly small (3-19 μm, end-on). Grains of R. maritima are small spherical grains (4-8 μm) that have a centric hilum and a straight extinction cross with a median angle between the arms of 90°. Grains from T. testudinum are large (9-31 μm, end-on), conical in side-on and round/sub-round in end-on orientation, have a slightly eccentric hilum with an obvious particle, and prominent lamellae.Visual assessment and comparative statistics demonstrate that the morphology of starch grains from T. testudinum, R. maritima, and H. wrightii are significantly different. With more extensive research, there is potential for the positive identification of starch grains from an unknown seagrass. The ability to identify seagrass from starch grains could facilitate the identification of seagrasses in the fossil record and supply information on seagrass evolution and distribution, climate effects on seagrass distribution, and the diets of seagrass consumers.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical conditions, particulate matter and N-uptake were characterized at two sampling sites at the eastern German coast of the Baltic Sea (Pomeranian Bay) over the annual period of 1997 (February–November). The inshore sampling sites (5 m water depth) differed with respect to the potential influences of river run-off and salt water exchange (mean values of salinity: 7.05 and 8.72 PSU), respectively. The mean org-Cdiss/org-Cpart-ratios (4.9 and 12.6) fell in the same order of magnitude (1.0–12.6) as values of neighboring inshore waters, and increasing values reflect an enhancement of the trophic level. Beside differences of nitrogen concentrations (dissolved inorganic nitrogen: 1.8–23.8 and 0.9–9.9 mol l–1), particulate nitrogen (4.30–41.01 and 2.69–9.08 mol l–1) and absolute uptake of N-nutrients (mean sum of NH4 +, urea, NO3 uptake rates: 0.141 and 0.087 mol l–1 h–1), specific uptake of 15N-labelled nutrients (NH4 +, urea, NO3 ) as well as the relationships between the measured variables characterize distinguishable inshore systems. The high variability at the shallow sampling sites prevents, however a simple resolution of the seasonal courses. Light dose could be identified as a potential key in order to describe long-term variations of N-uptake at the station with higher organic matter concentration (station KW), but phytoplankton development is better reflected in the seasonal course of N-uptake at the other station. Specific nitrogen uptake rates (NH4 +: 0.0009–0.0353 h–1, urea: 0.0001–0.0137 h–1, NO3 : 0.000004–0.0009 h–1) and relative nitrogen preferences indicate extraordinary importance of reduced nitrogenous nutrients (NH4 +, urea) at both stations throughout the year.  相似文献   

By using the stable isotope 15N, we have measured in situ the uptake of nitrate and ammonium by the seagrass Posidonia oceanica, its leaf epiphyte community, the brown macroalgae Halopteris scoparia and the suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM). In Revellata Bay (Gulf of Calvi, Western Corsica), which is a very nutrient-poor region, the specific uptake rates (V) (μg N g N−1 h−1) of SPOM measured at ambient concentrations are 10-1000 higher than those of benthic primary producers. Macroalgae have intermediary V, between the seagrass leaf and leaf epiphytes. V are quite variable and the reasons for this variability remain unclear.Despite the difference of specific uptake rates found between benthic and pelagic primary producers, when integrating the uptake fluxes for a water column of 10 m depth, the contribution of benthic primary producers to N uptake fluxes (g N m−2 h−1) is significant, corresponding on average to 40% of total uptake flux. This results from the dominance in terms of N biomass of benthic primary producers in this shallow nutrient-poor area. When reported for the entire volume of the Revellata Bay, the contribution of benthic primary producers is reduced to 5-10% of total N uptake flux.Although this contribution could appear relatively low, it results in a significant direct transfer of inorganic nitrogen from the water column to the benthic compartment. By this transfer, the benthic plants act as a biological pump incorporating the pelagic N into the benthic compartment for a time longer than the characteristic time of phytoplankton dynamics (month-years vs. day-week).  相似文献   

The ability of plants to rapidly replace photosynthetic tissues following defoliation represents a resistance strategy referred to as herbivory tolerance. Rapid reprioritization of carbon allocation to regrowing shoots at the expense of roots following defoliation is a widely documented tolerance mechanism. An experiment was conducted in a controlled environment to test the hypothesis that herbivory-sensitive perennial grasses display less flexibility in reprioritizing carbon allocation in response to defoliation than do grasses possessing greater herbivory tolerance. An equivalent proportion of shoot biomass (60% dry weight) was removed from two C4 perennial grasses recognized as herbivory-sensitive, Andropogon gerardii and Schizachyrium scoparium, and two C4 perennial grasses recognized as herbivory-tolerant, Aristida purpurea and Bouteloua rigidiseta. Both defoliated and undefoliated plants were exposed to 13CO2 for 30 min, five plants per species were harvested at 6, 72 and 168 h following labeling, and biomass was analyzed by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The tallgrass, A. geraiddii, exhibited inflexible allocation priorities while the shortgrass, B. rigidiseta, exhibited flexible allocation priorities in response to defoliation which corresponded with their initial designations as herbivory-sensitive and herbivory-tolerant species, respectively. A. gerardii had the greatest percentage and concentration of 13C within roots and lowest percentage of 13C within regrowth of the four species evaluated. In contrast, B. rigidiseta had a greater percentage of 13C within regrowth than did A. gerardii, the greatest percentage of 13C within new leaves of defoliated plants, and the lowest concentration of 13C within roots follwing defoliation. Although both midgrasses, S. scoparium and A. purpurea, demonstrated flexible allocation priorities in response to defoliation, they were counter to those stated in the initial hypothesis. The concentration of 13C within new leaves of S. scoparium increased in response to a single defoliation while the percentage and concentration of 13C within roots was reduced. A. purpurea was the only species in which the percentate of 13C within new leaves decreased while the percentage of 13C within roots increased following defoliation. The most plausible alternative hypothesis to explain the inconsistency between the demonstrated responsiveness of allocation priorities to defoliation and the recognized herbivory resistance of S. scoparium and A. purpurea is that the relative ability of these species to avoid herbivory may make an equal or greater contribution to their overall herbivory resistance than does herbivory tolerance. Selective herbivory may contribute to S. scoparium's designation as a herbivorysensitive species even though it possesses flexible allocation priorities in response to defoliation. Alternatively, the recognized herbivory resistance of A. purpurea may be a consequence of infrequent and/or lenient herbivory associated with the expression of avoidance mechanisms, rather than the expression of tolerance mechanisms. A greater understanding of the relative contribution of tolerance and avoidance strategies of herbivory resistance are required to accurately interpret how herbivory influences plant function, competitive interactions, and species abundance in grazed communities.  相似文献   

Here we describe a simple method for pulse-labeling tree seedlings with 13CO2(gas), and then apply the method in two related experiments: t (i) comparison of carbon allocation patterns between t Betula papyrifera Marsh. and t Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, and t (ii) measurement of one-way belowground carbon transfer from t B. papyrifera to t P. menziesii. Intraspecific carbon allocation patterns and interspecific carbon transfer both influence resource allocation, and consequently development, in mixed communities of t B. papyrifera and t P. menziesii.In preparation for the two experiments, we first identified the appropriate 13CO2(gas) pulse-chase regime for labeling seedlings: a range of pulse (100-mL and 200-mL 99 atom%13 CO2(gas)) and chase (0, 3 and 6 d) treatments were applied to one year-old t B. papyrifera and t P. menziesii seedlings. The amount of 13CO2 fixed immediately after 1.5 h exposure was greatest for both t B. papyrifera (40.8 mg excess 13C) and t P. menziesii (22.9 mg excess 13C) with the 200-mL pulse, but higher 13C loss and high sample variability resulted in little difference in excess13 C content between pulse treatments after 3 d for either species. The average excess 13C root/shoot ratio of t B. papyrifera and t P. menziesii changed from 0.00 immediately following the pulse to 0.61 and 0.87 three and six days later, which reflected translocation of 75% of fixed isotope out of foliage within 3 d following the pulse and continued enrichment in fine roots over 6 d. Based on these results, the 100-mL CO2(gas) and 6-d chase were considered appropriate for the carbon allocation and belowground transfer experiments.In the carbon allocation experiment, we found after 6 d that t B. papyrifera allocated 49% (average 9.5 mg) and t P. menziesii 41% (average 5.8 mg) of fixed isotope to roots, of which over 55% occurred in fine roots in both species. Species differences in isotope allocation patterns paralleled differences in tissue biomass distribution. The greater pulse labeling efficiency of t B. papyrifera compared to t P. menziesii was associated with its two-fold and 13- fold greater leaf and whole seedling net photosynthetic rates, respectively, 53% greater biomass, and 35% greater root/shoot ratio.For the carbon transfer experiment, t B. papyrifera and t P. menziesii were grown together in laboratory rootboxes, with their roots intimately mingled. A pulse of 100 mL13 CO2(gas) was applied to paper birch and one-way transfer to neighboring t P. menziesii was measured after 6 d. Of the excess 13C fixed by t B. papyrifera, 4.7% was transferred to neighboring t P. menziesii, which distributed the isotope evenly between roots and shoots. Of the isotope received by t P. menziesii, we estimated that 93% was taken up through belowground pathways, and the remaining 7% taken up by foliage as13 CO2(gas) respired by t B. papyrifera shoots. These two experiments indicate that t B. papyrifera fixes more total carbon and allocates a greater proportion to its root system than does t P. menziesii, giving it a competitive edge in resource gathering; however, below-ground carbon sharing is of sufficient magnitude that it may help ensure co-existence of the two species in mixed communities.  相似文献   

Uptake and utilization of inorganic carbon by cyanobacteria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the cyanobacteria, mechanisms exist that allow photosynthetic CO2 reduction to proceed efficiently even at very low levels of inorganic carbon. These inducible, active transport mechanisms enable the cyanobacteria to accumulate large internal concentrations of inorganic carbon that may be up to 1000-fold higher than the external concentration. As a result, the external concentration of inorganic carbon required to saturate cyanobacterial photosynthesis in vivo is orders of magnitude lower than that required to saturate the principal enzyme (ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase) involved in the fixation reactions. Since CO2 is the substrate for carbon fixation, the cyanobacteria somehow perform the neat trick of concentrating this small, membrane permeable molecule at the site of CO2 fixation. In this review, we will describe the biochemical and physiological experiments that have outlined the phenomenon of inorganic carbon accumulation, relate more recent genetic and molecular biological observations that attempt to define the constituents involved in this process, and discuss a speculative theory that suggests a unified view of inorganic carbon utilization by the cyanobacteria.Abbreviations Ci Inorganic carbon - H-cells Cells grown under high CO2 - L-cells Cells grown under low CO2 - RuBP Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - WT Wild type  相似文献   

Summary Using carrier free32P, tagged single superphosphate and86Rb, the efficiency of different methods of plant injection and soil placement techniques for fertilizer application was examined. In the plant injection techniques the radioactivity was fed to the palms through growing roots tips, cut ends of roots, stem injection and leaf axils. The application of radioactivity through the cut ends of roots was most efficient since32P was detected in 10 m tall palms, four hours after application. In stem, leaf axil and growing roots tips injection the32P was detected after 8, 12 and 18 h. Out of four methods of soil application, the quickest recovery of32P in the palms was detected after 7 days of placement when applied by the hole method. The32P activity in the palms through circular trenches, strips and basin methods was recorded after 8, 8 and 11 days of application respectively. The accumulation of86Rb was significantly higher than32P. With plant injection technique the accumulation of activity was found to be significantly higher than with soil placement methods. The rate of radioactivity absorption was 10 to 60 time faster in the former technique as compared to that of the latter. The application of radioactivity through cut ends of roots and circular trench methods, were found to be better and may be recommended for nutrient application in coconut.  相似文献   

The affinity for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and the mechanisms to use HCO3 as a source of DIC for photosynthesis were investigated in two morphotypes of Zostera noltii Hornem. Both morphotypes were collected at Ria Formosa lagoon (Southern Portugal) at two different levels in the intertidal. Affinity for DIC at saturating photon fluence rate (PFR), estimated as photosynthetic conductance for CO2 (gp(CO2)), was reduced by 75% in the Z. noltii plants adapted to shade conditions (lower intertidal) in comparison to the sun morphotype (45×10−6 and 182×10−6 m s−1, respectively), indicating that the plants acclimated to sun conditions (higher intertidal) had a higher capacity to use HCO3 as DIC source for photosynthesis. Since external carbonic anhydrase activity was negligible and a large inhibitory effect was produced by Tris buffer addition, this HCO3 use was attributed to the operation of H+ ATPases creating low pH zones in periplasmic space. The photosynthetic CO2-flux supported for this mechanism was calculated to be 53 μmol O2 m−2 s−1 in sun morphotype, about 80% out of maximum photosynthesis rate. In order to determine the possible photosynthetic energy cost of the HCO3 use, the effect of decreasing light on photosynthetic rates and gp(CO2) was estimated. Photosynthetic conductance decreased in both morphotypes at non-saturating PFR. This dependence of gp(CO2) on PFR indicated the existence of a positive interactive effect between DIC and PFR which was more pronounced in the shade morphotype since the ascending slope of O2 evolution vs. PFR curves at limiting PFRs was reduced from 7.2 to 2.3 mmol O2 mol photon−1 at 4 and 0.5 mol m−3 of DIC, respectively.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) metabolism of the hermatypic coral Acropora pulchra and its symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) was investigated using 13C and 15N isotope tracers. A. pulchra was incubated in seawater containing 13C-labeled bicarbonate and 15N-labeled nitrate (NO3) for 24 h (pulse period), and subsequently 13C and 15N isotopic ratios of the host coral and the zooxanthellae were followed in 13C- and 15N-free seawater for 2 weeks (chase period). Under our experimental condition of NO3 (12 μM), C and N were absorbed by the coral-algal symbiotic system with the C:N ratio of 23 during the pulse period. Taking account of concentration dependence of NO3 uptake rates determined by a separate experiment, C:N uptake ratios under supposed in situ NO3 conditions (< 1.0 μM) would be > 3.0 times higher, if the photosynthetic rate did not change. During the pulse period, more than half of the absorbed 13C and 15N appeared in the host fraction in organic forms. 13C:15N ratio at the end of the pulse period was similar between the host and the algal fraction, suggesting that algal photosynthetic products were translocated to the host. It is also implied that C:N ratios of the translocated products change depending on N availability for the zooxanthellae. During the chase period, atom % excess (APE) 15N of the zooxanthellae constantly declined, while that of the host slightly increased. Consequently, APE 15N of the both fractions appeared to approach a common steady state value, suggesting that 15N was recycled within the coral-algal symbiotic system. As for C, > 86% of C photosynthetically fixed by the zooxanthellae accumulated in the host at the end of the pulse period, and had a turnover time of ca. 20 days for the host C pool during the following chase period. C:N ratios of organic matter newly synthesized with NO3 exponentially declined and converged into 5.7 and 4.5 for the host and the zooxanthellae, respectively. This suggests that organic compounds of high C:N ratios such as lipids and carbohydrates were selectively consumed more rapidly than those of low C:N ratios such as proteins and nucleic acids.  相似文献   

This study reports the novel use of nucleic acid stable isotope probing (NA-SIP) to identify metabolically active ([13C]-acetate assimilating) bacteria in freshwater biofilms. Currently, a little is known of the factors affecting the structure and activity of these complex microbial biofilm communities, although it is likely that they are influenced by riparian vegetation through attenuation of light and alteration of allochthonous inputs of carbon. NA-SIP was used to investigate the effect of varying light regimes on [13C]-acetate assimilating bacteria within laboratory biofilm microcosms. Differences in clone libraries of 16S rRNA and rRNA genes from 13C-labelled and unlabelled nucleic acids indicated differential uptake of acetate and the rapid transfer of 13C to organisms at a higher trophic level. Biofilm communities incubated in the dark changed least over time and retained a significant fraction of phototrophic organisms. Incubation under elevated light caused the greatest change in bacterial community structure. Contrary to expectation, a complete loss of chlorophyll containing organisms occurred within this treatment, challenging current thinking that elevated light promotes communities dominated by photoautotrophs in nutrient enriched environments.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effects of the application of 13C (1.256 atom%) and 15N (1.098 atom%) dual-labeled maize residue compost (MRC) on the nitrogen and carbon uptake by radish, komatsuna, and chingensai as compared with the effect of inorganic fertilizer (IF). The vegetables were grown over three consecutive growing seasons over 4 months; compost was applied at the rate of 24 g kg–1 soil. Nonlabeled nitrogen fertilizer was applied to the compost treatments in the second and third crops to compare the effects of blends of compost with N fertilizer to fertilizer alone. The N uptake and yield of vegetables were significantly higher with the recommended inorganic N treatment. The vegetables took up significantly (P < 0.05) lower amounts of N from MRC than from IFs during the three cultivations. The values of the N uptake derived by fertilizer application to the plant exhibited significant differences among different vegetables. Nitrogen recovered by komatsuna and chingensai from MRC was 7.3 (6.6%), 2.7 (1.8%), and 2.3, (1.7%) in the first, second, and third crops, respectively. Radish, komatsuna, and chingensai recovered significant amounts of C from MRC in the first and second crops, with negligible C recovery in the third crop. The initial loss of fertilizer C in soil at the first crop indicates that the microbial decomposition decoupled substantial amounts of 13C/15N-labeled compounds early in plant development, thus giving the microorganisms a preemptive competitive advantage in the acquisition of easily available 13C/15N-labeled substrates. It is concluded that a combination of compost and inorganic N did not supply sufficient plant-available N to increase vegetables yields or N uptake over those of fertilizer alone. The data suggested that higher productivity of vegetables might be achieved after the accumulation of a certain amount of residual compost N.  相似文献   

The allocation of carbon (C) to plant roots and conversion to soil organic matter is a major determinant of the size of the terrestrial C pool in pastoral ecosystems. The aim was to quantify C allocation to roots in contrasting pastoral ecosystems. Pastures on long-term research sites in Canterbury, New Zealand were pulse-labelled using 13CO2 within portable gas-tight enclosures. Sites included Winchmore (with or without superphosphate fertiliser, and with or without irrigation) and Tara Hills (low, medium or high grazing intensity with continuous or alternating grazing). Separate micro-plots were labelled in late spring, summer and autumn at Winchmore and in spring at Tara Hills. Herbage label 13C recoveries were greatest one hour after pulse labelling and declined by 21 days, whereas in roots they were initially lower but generally continued to increase until 21 days. The greatest recoveries of 13C in roots, one hour and 21 days after labelling, were in summer and autumn respectively. The proportion of label 13C allocated to roots by 21 days was 0.50 in the absence of superphosphate and 0.41 in the superphosphate treatment, and was 0.39, 0.43 and 0.51 respectively in spring, summer and autumn. Irrigation had no significant effect on root allocation. The low stocking rate at Tara Hills, which had the greatest herbage biomass, also had greater total 13C, tussock herbage 13C and root 13C recoveries than the higher stocking rate treatments. Inter-tussock root recovery and allocation of 13C to roots increased with increasing stocking rate, whereas tussock root allocation was greatest in the high and least in the medium stocking rate treatment. By 21 days there was a greater inter-tussock and tussock root recovery and lower inter-tussock herbage recovery in the continuous than in the alternating grazing management treatment. The root allocation was generally greater in the continuous than in alternating grazed treatments, except for tussocks one hour after labelling where the reverse was the case. In conclusion the 13C pulse labelling showed pasture plants allocate more C to roots with low soil fertility, high grazing intensity, continuous grazing, and in autumn.  相似文献   

In southwest France, thick humic acid loamy soils have developed from Quaternary silty alluvial deposits. On these soils, most forest lands have been converted to continuous intensive maize cropping and the loss of C upon conversion to intensive agriculture has been shown to be significant. The objective of this study was to determine if a study of natural 13C abundance in soil organic C makes possible an improved modelling of organic carbon turnover in the cultivated horizons of soils in this landscape in southwest France. A chronosequence study is realized by comparing C pools and C-13 natural abundance of three forest sites and 14 adjacent agricultural sites, whose ages of cultivation ranged from 3 to 32 yr. 13C ratio is found to increase with time of cultivation. The fraction of C coming from the maize crop increases during the first decades of cultivation, and reaches a plateau thereafter. This equilibrium level is reached after a few decades of cultivation. The decrease of the initial C pool is fitted by a simple model assuming that about half of this pool is mineralized during the first yr of cultivation whereas the other half decreases at a slower rate. Therefore, a general bi-compartmental model is proposed for describing the soil organic carbon dynamics in these soils after forest clearing and intensive maize cropping.  相似文献   

Summary The availability and turnover in different soil fractions of residual N from leguminous plant material and inorganic fertilizer was studied in a pot culture experiment using wheat as a test crop. Plants utilized 64% of the residual fertilizer N and 20% of the residual legume N. 50–60% of the N taken up by plants was recovered in grain and 4–8% in roots. After harvesting wheat up to 35% and 38% of the residual legume N and fertilizer N, respectively was found in humic compounds. A loss of humus N derived from legume and fertilizer was found during wheat growth but the unlabelled N increased in this fraction. Biomass contained 6% and 8% of the residual legume and fertilizer N, respectively when both were available. The mineralizable component contained upto 28% of both the residual legume and residual fertilizer N. Only a small percentage of the soil N (3–4%) was observed in biomass whereas the mineralizable component accounted for 7–14% of the soil N. In this fraction legume derived N increased during wheat growth whereas unlabelled N increased in both the mineralizable component and microbial biomass. Some loss of N occurred from residual legume and fertilizer N. Nevertheless, a positive total N balance was observed and was attributed to the addition of unlabelled N in the soil-plant system by N2 fixation. The gain in N was equivalent to about 38% of the plant available N in the soil amended with leguminous material. The additional N was concentrated mainly in the mineralizable fraction and microbial biomass, although some addition was also noted in humus fractions.  相似文献   

Uptake and degradation of EDTA by Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It was found that Escherichia coli exhibited a growth by utilization of Fe(III)EDTA as a sole nitrogen source. No significant growth was detected when Fe(III)EDTA was replaced by EDTA complexes with other metal ions such as Ca2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+. When EDTA uptake was measured in the presence of various ions, it was remarkable only when Fe3+ was present. The cell extract of E. coli exhibited a significant degradation of EDTA only in the presence of Fe3+. It is likely that the capability of E. coli for the growth by utilization of Fe(III)EDTA results from the Fe3+-dependent uptake and degradation of EDTA.  相似文献   

Summary Carbon isotope discrimination () was compared between populations of dominant perennial plant species, differing in life expectancy, in two deserts with contrasting vegetation types. In both deserts, plants of the shorter-lived species showed significantly higher and greater intrapopulation variance in this character compared to the long-lived species. These results indicate underlying differences in gas-exchange physiology, and suggest a positive correlation between water-use efficiency and lifespan in desert plants. Differences in variance for this character may reflect greater microenvironmental variation experienced by shorter-lived plants and/or different forms of selection acting on water-use traits. Spatial distributions were significantly clustered for the shorter-lived species and significantly uniform for the long-lived species, indicating that competition has been important in the development of the long-lived populations. The long-lived Larrea tridentata showed a significant, negative correlation between and Thiessen polygon area, suggesting a positive relationship between water-use efficiency and longevity within this species. This relationship was weakly supported in the other warm desert species, Encelia farinosa, but was not observed within populations of the cold desert species, Gutierrezia microcephala and Coleogyne ramosissima. These results suggest that reflects key aspects of plant metabolism related to lifespan; these differences may ultimately influence interactions among desert plants and the structure of desert plant communities.  相似文献   

Analysis of stable isotope ratios is increasingly used to reconstruct diets in passerine birds, but studies of diet–tissue isotopic discrimination for this avian group are scarce. We determined 15N and 13C diet–tissue discrimination factors on whole blood in the red-throated ant tanager (Habia fuscicauda), an insectivorous–frugivorous passerine. Birds were fed an isotopically uniform, semi-synthetic diet of dog puppy dry food, soy protein isolate, wheat germ, and other ingredients, during 92 days. Average (± SD) diet–tissue discrimination was 2.6 ± 0.2‰ for N and 2.2 ± 0.1‰ for C. Nitrogen diet-tissue discrimination was similar to the values found previously in other passerines fed animal protein and it can probably be used to accurately reconstruct protein dietary origin in passerines feeding on animal protein (e.g., insects). In the case of C, diet reconstruction might be affected by metabolic routing of dietary nutrients.  相似文献   

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