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The semi-terrestrial amphipod Talorchestia longicornis (Say) undergoes Y-axis orientation and has a hierarchy among orientation cues. A previous study found that they used sun compass orientation and moved in the onshore direction of the home beach in both air and water. The present study determined whether this species could also use local landmarks and beach slope as orientation cues. They oriented upslope in simulated darkness in the laboratory on both dry and wet sand with threshold slopes of 2° and 4°, respectively. When tested outside in an arena in air on wet sand, they were disoriented when sun, slope, and landmarks were absent as cues. If presented with single cues, they moved upslope, toward landmarks and in the up-beach direction of the home beach during sun compass orientation. Using paired cues, sun was dominant over slope and landmarks, while slope was dominant over landmarks. In the presence of all three cues, amphipods displayed sun compass orientation in all test combinations except when slope and landmarks were paired together against the sun, which evoked a bimodal response. Thus, the hierarchy of cues for up-beach movement of T. longicornis during Y-axis orientation is the sun, then the slope, and finally the landmarks.  相似文献   

Recent research has focused on the different types of compass cues available to ball-rolling beetles for orientation, but little is known about the relative precision of each of these cues and how they interact. In this study, we find that the absolute orientation error of the celestial compass of the day-active dung beetle Scarabaeus lamarcki doubles from 16° at solar elevations below 60° to an error of 29° at solar elevations above 75°. As ball-rolling dung beetles rely solely on celestial compass cues for their orientation, these insects experience a large decrease in orientation precision towards the middle of the day. We also find that in the compass system of dung beetles, the solar cues and the skylight cues are used together and share the control of orientation behaviour. Finally, we demonstrate that the relative influence of the azimuthal position of the sun for straight-line orientation decreases as the sun draws closer to the horizon. In conclusion, ball-rolling dung beetles possess a dynamic celestial compass system in which the orientation precision and the relative influence of the solar compass cues change over the course of the day.  相似文献   

Polarized light helps monarch butterflies navigate   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
During their spectacular migratory journey in the fall, North American monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) use a time-compensated sun compass to help them navigate to their overwintering sites in central Mexico. One feature of the sun compass mechanism not fully explored in monarchs is the sunlight-dependent parameters used to navigate. We now provide data suggesting that the angle of polarized skylight (the e-vector) is a relevant orientation parameter. By placing butterflies in a flight simulator outdoors and using a linear polarizing filter, we show that manipulating the e-vector alters predictably the direction of oriented flight. Butterflies studied in either the morning or afternoon showed similar responses to filter rotation. Monarch butterflies possess the anatomical structure needed for polarized skylight detection, as rhabdoms in the dorsalmost row of photoreceptor cells in monarch eye show the organization characteristic of polarized-light receptors. The existence of polarized-light detection could allow migrants to accurately navigate under a variety of atmospheric conditions and reveals a critical input pathway into the sun compass mechanism.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate alterations in the reproduction induced by acanthellae and cystacanths of the acanthocephalans Acanthocephalus tumescens and Corynosoma sp. in the amphipod Hyalella patagonica from Lake Mascardi. Specimens of H. patagonica were separated in two categories: paired amphipods (joined specimens during precopulatory mate guarding period until fertilization) and unpaired amphipods (alone specimens). Different analyses were performed: first with paired (n = 406) and unpaired (n = 375) amphipods, and second only with female amphipods (n = 1949), that were classified into three categories (without internal oocytes and eggs, only with internal oocytes, and with eggs). Also, carotenoid extraction was performed of amphipods uninfected (n = 75) and infected (n = 105) by cystacanths of Corynosoma sp. Unpaired amphipods had significantly higher prevalence of cystacanths of both acanthocephalan species than paired ones; but such differences were not found in prevalence of acanthellae. Female amphipods without internal oocytes and eggs showed significantly higher prevalence of cystacanths of both acanthocephalan species than the two other female categories; while females with eggs had significantly higher prevalence of A. tumescens acanthellae. Amphipods infected by Corynosoma sp. showed lower carotenoid concentration than uninfected ones. In Lake Mascardi, there is indirect evidence of both reduced mating success and female fecundity of H. patagonica provoked by both cystacanths species (A. tumescens and Corynosoma sp.). However, infections by acanthellae seem to have no effects.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(1):150-158
Despite being the most studied of all avian orientation systems, important questions still remain about the sun compass of homing pigeons, Columba livia. White it is well-documented that the sun compass is usually learned by young pigeons during the first 10–12 weeks of life, the mechanism by which it is calibrated to adjust for seasonal changes in the sun's azimuth is not known with certainty. Previous experiments using short-term deflector loft pigeons indicated that the sun compass may be calibrated by referencing celestial polarization patterns. The present paper describes important measurable changes in the previously reported orientation behaviour of short-term deflector loft birds, and suggests a correlation between these changes and the presence of a massive upper-atmospheric dust cloud of volcanic origin which significantly altered natural skylight polarization patterns in 1982 and 1983. Moreover, it is shown that when the short-term effect was absent (at times when data from previous years suggested it should be present), the birds were also not using sun compass orientation, as demonstrated by their failure to show the standard ‘clockshift’ response to a 6-h fast shift of their internal clocks. These results support the hypothesis that reflected light cues, rather than odours, are the basis of the deflector loft effect in pigeon homing.  相似文献   

Vision plays a paramount role in some spider families such as the Salticidae, Lycosidae and Thomisidae, as it is involved in prey hunting, orientation or choice of substrate. In the thomisid Misumena vatia, for which the substrate colour affects the body colour, vision seems to mediate morphological colour changes. However, nothing is known about which component of visual signals from the substrate might be perceived, nor whether M. vatia possesses the physiological basis for colour vision. The aim of this study is thus to investigate the vision of this spider species by measuring the spectral sensitivities of the different pairs of eyes using electrophysiological methods. Extra- and intracellular electrophysiological recordings combined with selective adaptation revealed the presence of two classes of photoreceptor cells, one sensitive in the UV region of the spectrum (around 340 nm) and one sensitive in the green (around 520 nm) regions in the four pairs of eyes. We conclude that M. vatia possesses the physiological potential to perceive both chromatic and achromatic components of the environment.  相似文献   

The effect of a naturally acquired infection by three acanthocephalan parasites Dentitruncus truttae, Echinorhynchus truttae, and Polymorphus minutus on the reproductive potential of their intermediate host, Echinogammarus tibaldii (Amphipoda) from Lake Piediluco (Centre of Italy) was assessed. During May 2007, 1135 amphipods were collected from two different samplings and examined for larval helminths. Forty-five amphipods were infected and of those, 16 were infected with D. truttae (intensity = 1-3 larvae), 15 with E. truttae (intensity = 1-2 larvae), and 14 with P. minutus (intensity = 1 larva). The sex ratio was nearly 1:1 in all examined amphipods. One female infected with D. truttae contained six eggs in the brood pouch and another female infected with E. truttae contained five eggs. However, none of the eight female amphipods harbouring P. minutus larva contained eggs in their brood pouch. Uninfected females of the same size and body length as that of the infected females contained between 20 and 32 eggs. No acanthocephalan species were found to co-occur.  相似文献   

Talitrid amphipods use many cues for orientation during forays between temporary burrows and feeding areas, and for locating beaches when submerged, with visual cues being particularly important. Little evidence exists for polarized light among these visual cues despite extensive orientation by celestial and underwater polarized light in other crustaceans and in insects. We used electroretinography to assess spectral sensitivity in the eye of the beach flea Platorchestia platensis, and behavioral studies to test whether linearly polarized light serves as an orientation cue. Two spectral classes were present in the P. platensis eye with maxima at 431 and 520 nm. Non-uniform orientation of amphipods in the laboratory arena required either light/dark or polarized cues. Scototactic movements depended on arena conditions (day/night, wet/dry), while orientation under linearly polarized light was wavelength-dependent and parallel to the e-vector. Subsequent tests presented conflicting and additive scototactic and polarotactic cues to differentiate among these responses. In dry conditions, orientation parallel to the polarization e-vector overcame a dominant negative scototaxis, confirming that polarotaxis and scototaxis are separate orientation responses in this species. These behavioral results demonstrate talitrid amphipods can perceive and orient to linearly polarized light, and may use it to orient toward preferred zones on beaches.  相似文献   

Studies on avian navigation began at the end of the 19th century with testing various hypotheses, followed by large-scale displacement experiments to assess the capacity of the birds' navigational abilities. In the 1950s, the first theoretical concepts were published. Kramer proposed his ‘Map-and-Compass’ model, assuming that birds establish the direction to a distant goal with the help of an external reference, a compass. The model describes homing as a two-step process, with the first step determining the direction to the goal as a compass course and the second step locating this course with the help of a compass. This model was widely accepted when numerous experiments with clock-shifted pigeons demonstrated the use of the sun compass, and thus a general involvement of compass orientation, in homing. The ‘map’ step is assumed to use local site-specific information, which led to the idea of a ‘grid map’ based on environmental gradients. Kramer's model still forms the basis of our present concept on avian homing, yet route integration with the help of an external reference provides an alternative strategy to determine the home course, and the magnetic compass is a second compass mechanism available to birds. These mechanisms are interrelated by ontogenetic learning processes. A two-step process, with the first step providing the compass course and the second step locating this course with the help of a compass, appears to be a common feature of avian navigation tasks, yet the origin of the compass courses differs between tasks according to their nature, with courses acquired by experience for flights within the home range, courses based on navigational processes for returning home, and courses derived from genetically coded information in first-time migrants. Compass orientation thus forms the backbone of the avian navigational system. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

It is not yet understood how migratory birds sense the Earth's magnetic field as a source of compass information. One suggestion is that the magnetoreceptor involves a photochemical reaction whose product yields are sensitive to external magnetic fields. Specifically, a flavin-tryptophan radical pair is supposedly formed by photoinduced sequential electron transfer along a chain of three tryptophan residues in a cryptochrome flavoprotein immobilized in the retina. The electron Zeeman interaction with the Earth's magnetic field (∼50 μT), modulated by anisotropic magnetic interactions within the radicals, causes the product yields to depend on the orientation of the receptor. According to well-established theory, the radicals would need to be separated by >3.5 nm in order that interradical spin-spin interactions are weak enough to permit a ∼50 μT field to have a significant effect. Using quantum mechanical simulations, it is shown here that substantial changes in product yields can nevertheless be expected at the much smaller separation of 2.0 ± 0.2 nm where the effects of exchange and dipolar interactions partially cancel. The terminal flavin-tryptophan radical pair in cryptochrome has a separation of ∼1.9 nm and is thus ideally placed to act as a magnetoreceptor for the compass mechanism.  相似文献   

Optical density is used as a convenient indirect measurement of biomass concentration in microbial cell suspensions. Absorbance of light by a suspension can be related directly to cell density using a suitable standard curve. However, inaccuracies can be introduced when the pigment content of the cells changes. Under the culture conditions used, pigment content of the microalga Chlorella vulgaris varied between 0.5 and 5.5% of dry weight with age and culture conditions. This led to significant errors in biomass quantification over the course of a growth cycle, due to the change in absorbance. Using a standard curve generated at a single time point in the growth cycle to calculate dry weight (dw) from optical density led to average relative errors across the growth cycle, relative to actual dw, of between 9 and 18% at 680 nm and 5 and 13% at 750 nm. When a standard curve generated under low pigment conditions was used to estimate biomass under normal pigment conditions, average relative errors in biomass estimation relative to actual dw across the growth cycle were 52% at 680 nm and 25% at 750 nm. Similar results were found with Scenedesmus, Spirulina and Nannochloropsis. Suggested strategies to minimise error include selection of a wavelength that minimises absorbance by the pigment, e.g. 750 nm where chlorophyll is the dominant pigment, and generation of a standard curve towards the middle, or across the entire, growth cycle.  相似文献   

Pigment absorption property of two arctic microalgae species (Skeletonema marinoi and Chlorella sp.) cultured at three temperatures (0, 4 and 8 °C) was analyzed. Carotenoids and chlorophyll (Chl) c were positive factors to the high cell activities and primary productivities of S. marinoi at 4 °C and 0 °C, respectively; whereas Chl a had a positive effect on Chlorella sp. at all three temperatures, and carotenoids had a relatively high effect at 0 °C. The absorption locations of photopigments were analyzed in detail using both fourth derivative and Symlet-6 wavelet analysis. Both methods precisely detected pigments with a relative large content; the fourth derivative analysis specifically detected the existence of a Chl a peak at about 410 nm and showed better differentiation of diatoxanthin, whereas the wavelet analysis distinctively indicated the existence of chlorophyllide a, β-carotene, and Chl c. The separation limit to pigment peaks of the fourth derivative spectra (4 nm) was 1 nm higher than that of the wavelet high-frequency spectra (3 nm). The wavelet high-frequency spectra were more stable in detecting pigment locations and were more effective in discriminating microalgae. Small algebraic difference of 10−16 between the reconstructed absorption spectra obtained by the inverse wavelet transform and their corresponding original spectra also showed the validity of Symlet-6 wavelet in the detection of pigments. Another specific discovery of this research is the existence of a Chl a allomer in Chlorella sp., which was detected by both methods.  相似文献   

To acquire more information about the identification and use of the sun and other celestial cues in the sea–land orientation of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator, we carried out releases in a confined environment during a partial solar eclipse and at sunset. The sandhoppers were unable to identify the sun (86% covered) during the eclipse nor to use other celestial compass factors of orientation. This was probably due to the low level of light intensity (close to the minimum level for orientation recorded at sunset) and to the variations in intensity and pattern of skylight polarization.  相似文献   

Summary In the compound eye of the moth Antheraea polyphemus, three types of visual pigments were found in extracts from the retina and by microspectrophotometry in situ. The absorption maxima of the receptor pigment P and the metarhodopsin M are at (1) P 520–530 nm, M 480–490 nm; (2) P 460–480 nm, M 530–540 nm; (3) P 330–340 nm, M 460–470 nm. Their localization was investigated by electron microscopy on eyes illuminated with different monochromatic lights. Within the tiered rhabdom, constituted of the rhabdomeres of nine visual cells, the basal cell contains a blue-and the six medial cells have a greenabsorbing pigment. The two distal cells of most ommatidia also have the blue pigment; only in the dorsal region of the eye, these cells contain a UV-absorbing pigment, which constitutes a portion of only 5% of the visual pigment content within the entire retina. The functional significance of this distribution is discussed.  相似文献   

In Asia, the red dwarf honeybee, Apis florea, is notorious for its absconding habit. Interestingly, such colonies show a bimodal frequency distribution about a noonday lull throughout the year. Because slight errors in reading the relative position of the sun near its zenith results in very large orientation errors in the waggle dances of other honeybees in the tropics, we postulated that the frequency distribution of absconding in the red dwarf honeybee relative to local clock time could be explained in similar fashion. The frequency distribution of absconding by the red dwarf honeybee with respect to time was found to be bimodal with a pronounced lull at noonday, which in turn is related to the altitude angle of the sun. So, these bees largely avoid flying off between 12:00 h and 13:00 h on the one hand and that their preferred departure angle of the sun is between 55° and 65° on the other. Given the difficulties of taking an accurate reading of the sun at angles ±6° of the sun's zenith (resulting in a 1 h loss around noon) and the 2 h required to reach consensus over the final direction to be flown, the bees are simply left with two time windows, morning and afternoon, in which to abscond and, indeed some 90% of the red dwarf honeybee colonies do so. The noonday lull is not associated with high temperatures for any given day. Absconding is not inhibited by high temperatures.  相似文献   

Direct observations on foraging behaviour of scavenging lysianassid amphipods have been limited, and no previous study has examined the effect of food odour quantitatively on the behaviour. The present study recorded the swimming behaviour of the amphipod Scopelocheirus onagawae using videographic techniques before and after the introduction of food odour (amino acid solution). S. onagawae showed consistent nocturnal activity swimming at a high speed (16.8 cm s− 1) with an approximately straight trajectory in various directions before and after the introduction of odour in which the amino acid concentration was below the behavioural threshold concentration for this species (1.0 × 10− 7 mol l− 1). High speed multidirectional linear swimming is thought to be advantageous for these amphipods, enabling them to survey across a broad area. After the first encounter with the odour plume above the behavioural threshold concentration, the amphipods slowed down their swimming speed (ca. 9.7 cm s− 1) with a short time-lag (ca. 0.42 s), and thereafter they frequently turned so that they remained within the odour plume. Once moved out of the odour plume, the amphipods quickly returned to the plume with a shorter response time (ca. 0.1 s) than that in the first detection of the odour plume, suggesting that the sensory adaptation is involved with the tracking of the odour. Our study demonstrated that chemoreception is a major factor causing behavioural change in scavenging amphipods at the edge of the odour plume.  相似文献   

We provide evidence for the use of a magnetic compass for y-axis orientation (i.e., orientation along the shore-deep water axis) by tadpoles of the European common frog (Rana temporaria). Furthermore, our study provides evidence for a wavelength-dependent effect of light on magnetic compass orientation in amphibians. Tadpoles trained and then tested under full-spectrum light displayed magnetic compass orientation that coincided with the trained shore-deep water axes of their training tanks. Conversely, tadpoles trained under long-wavelength (≥500 nm) light and tested under full-spectrum light, and tadpoles trained under full-spectrum light and tested under long-wavelength (≥500 nm) light, exhibited a 90° shift in magnetic compass orientation relative to the trained y-axis direction. Our results are consistent with earlier studies showing that the observed 90° shift in the direction of magnetic compass orientation under long-wavelength (≥500 nm) light is due to a direct effect of light on the underlying magnetoreception mechanism. These findings also show that wavelength-dependent effects of light do not compromise the function of the magnetic compass under a wide range of natural lighting conditions, presumably due to a large asymmetry in the relatively sensitivity of antagonistic short- and long-wavelength inputs to the light-dependent magnetic compass.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive visual pigments are widespread in the animal kingdom but many animals, for example primates, block UV light from reaching their retina by pigmented lenses. Birds have UV-sensitive (UVS) visual pigments with sensitivity maxima around 360–373 nm (UVS) or 402–426 nm (violet-sensitive, VS). We describe how these pigments are matched by the ocular media transmittance in 38 bird species. Birds with UVS pigments have ocular media that transmit more UV light (wavelength of 50% transmittance, λT0.5, 323 nm) than birds with VS pigments (λT0.5, 358 nm). Yet, visual models predict that colour discrimination in bright light is mostly dependent on the visual pigment (UVS or VS) and little on the ocular media. We hypothesize that the precise spectral tuning of the ocular media is mostly relevant for detecting weak UV signals, e.g. in dim hollow-nests of passerines and parrots. The correlation between eye size and UV transparency of the ocular media suggests little or no lens pigmentation. Therefore, only small birds gain the full advantage from shifting pigment sensitivity from VS to UVS. On the other hand, some birds with VS pigments have unexpectedly low UV transmission of the ocular media, probably because of UV blocking lens pigmentation.  相似文献   

The observed wavelength-dependent variations in the phototaxis of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus inform us only partially about the spectral characteristics of the sensory pigment of the eye, since these variations are also linked to the absorption spectrum of the accessory pigment(s).
  • The absence of phototaxis between 420 nm and 500 nm is due to the lack of sensitivity of the sensory pigments at these wavelengths
  • The absence of response between 650 nm and 700 nm is due to a drop in the absorbance of the accessory pigments, which consequently no longer play a screening role at these wavelengths
  • The existence of oriented responses between 350 nm and 420 nm and between 500 nm and 650 nm, is due to the joint intervention of the two types of pigments at these wavelengths
  •   相似文献   

    Polarized light (PL) sensitivity is relatively well studied in a large number of invertebrates and some fish species, but in most other vertebrate classes, including birds, the behavioural and physiological mechanism of PL sensitivity remains one of the big mysteries in sensory biology. Many organisms use the skylight polarization pattern as part of a sun compass for orientation, navigation and in spatial orientation tasks. In birds, the available evidence for an involvement of the skylight polarization pattern in sun-compass orientation is very weak. Instead, cue-conflict and cue-calibration experiments have shown that the skylight polarization pattern near the horizon at sunrise and sunset provides birds with a seasonally and latitudinally independent compass calibration reference. Despite convincing evidence that birds use PL cues for orientation, direct experimental evidence for PL sensitivity is still lacking. Avian double cones have been proposed as putative PL receptors, but detailed anatomical and physiological evidence will be needed to conclusively describe the avian PL receptor. Intriguing parallels between the functional and physiological properties of PL reception and light-dependent magnetoreception could point to a common receptor system.  相似文献   

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