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Physiology, behavior, habitat, and morphology are used to determine the degree of adaptation to life on land for amphipod species and systemization within the four functional groups of the family talitridae. Talorchestia longicornis is a semi-terrestrial amphipod found in the supratidal zone of estuaries. The present study investigates the physiological adaptations of this species to life on land through measurements of osmoregulation and respiration. Over the salinity range of 1-40‰, T. longicornis regulated its hemolymph hyperosmotically at low salinities and hypoosmotically at high salinities. The isosmotic point was about 27‰. Analogously, hemolymph chloride levels were well regulated being hyperionic at low salinities and hypoionic at high salinities. This species is capable of respiration in both air and water. Slopes (b values) of the relationship between weight and oxygen uptake rates ranged from 0.316 to 0.590. Oxygen uptake rates were higher in air than water and at night versus day. Q10 values were slightly below 2.0 for respiration in air for amphipods, irrespective of weight. These physiological adaptations, along with its behaviors, habitat, and morphology, place T. longicornis within the Group III sandhoppers of the Talitridae.  相似文献   

The semi-terrestrial amphipod Talorchestia longicornis (Say) undergoes Y-axis orientation and has a hierarchy among orientation cues. A previous study found that they used sun compass orientation and moved in the onshore direction of the home beach in both air and water. The present study determined whether this species could also use local landmarks and beach slope as orientation cues. They oriented upslope in simulated darkness in the laboratory on both dry and wet sand with threshold slopes of 2° and 4°, respectively. When tested outside in an arena in air on wet sand, they were disoriented when sun, slope, and landmarks were absent as cues. If presented with single cues, they moved upslope, toward landmarks and in the up-beach direction of the home beach during sun compass orientation. Using paired cues, sun was dominant over slope and landmarks, while slope was dominant over landmarks. In the presence of all three cues, amphipods displayed sun compass orientation in all test combinations except when slope and landmarks were paired together against the sun, which evoked a bimodal response. Thus, the hierarchy of cues for up-beach movement of T. longicornis during Y-axis orientation is the sun, then the slope, and finally the landmarks.  相似文献   

Visual cues play an important role in crustacean shelter-seeking behavior. We hypothesize that Synalpheus demani, an obligate crinoid-dwelling snapping shrimp, uses visual cues in host location. We tested shrimp response to rectangular visual targets that subtended 10°, 30°, 90°, 180°, and 270° in a circular arena in background seawater and in seawater containing host odor. In background seawater, S. demani oriented to solid visual targets of 90° and larger, and avoided the 10° and 30° target. Orientation to targets is interpreted as refuge-seeking behavior. Avoidance is speculated as predator-avoidance behavior. Shrimp oriented to large visual targets in sea water and host odor. The presence of host odor altered avoidance responses of a significant number, but not all, shrimp to small targets. Host odor also increased shrimp activities in the arena. Synalpheus demani oriented to 90° patterned (vertical and horizontal stripes, and checker board) targets, but they did not orient to 270° patterned targets. This was interpreted as positive scototaxis, which is common in many crustaceans. Thus we conclude that visual orientation of S. demani is similar to that of free-living snapping shrimp.  相似文献   

This is the first demonstration that sediment contaminants can influence the reproduction of amphipods. Groups of Paracorophium excavatum from a slightly contaminated estuarine site were held within laboratory mesocosms containing four copper-spiked estuarine sediments (Cu 14-46 μg g−1 dry weight) and a control sediment (Cu 5 μg g−1 dry weight) at 15 °C for 28 days. Copper sediment concentration did not affect the amphipod sex ratio. Female maturation was inhibited within copper-spiked sediments but female length was similar. Juvenile recruitment occurred only in sediments containing less than 20 μg g−1. Males were significantly larger than females in the control sediment (Cu 5 μg g−1 dry weight) and male length decreased linearly with increasing copper concentration. The copper concentration within whole body tissues increased with dry body dry weight in all sediments except the highest copper concentration. Following 28 days of exposure, none of the female amphipods from the copper-dosed sediments was brooding embryos. In contrast, brood size of females in the control sediment (Cu 5 μg g−1) was similar to field samples. Because low concentrations of sediment copper affect the maturation and growth rates of male and female amphipods differently, these life-history traits could affect the population structure of amphipods exposed to copper contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

Delta-like 3 (Dll3) is a divergent ligand and modulator of the Notch signaling pathway only identified so far in mammals. Null mutations of Dll3 disrupt cycling expression of Notch targets Hes1, Hes5, and Lfng, but not of Hes7. Compared with Dll1 or Notch1, the effects of Dll3 mutations are less severe for gene expression in the presomitic mesoderm, yet severe segmentation phenotypes and vertebral defects result in both human and mouse. Reasoning that Dll3 specifically disrupts key regulators of somite cycling, we carried out functional analysis to identify targets accounting for the segmental phenotype. Using microdissected embryonic tissue from somitic and presomitic mesodermal tissue, we identified new genes enriched in these tissues, including Limch1, Rhpn2, and A130022J15Rik. Surprisingly, we only identified a small number of genes disrupted by the Dll3 mutation. These include Uncx, a somite gene required for rib and vertebral patterning, and Nrarp, a regulator of Notch/Wnt signaling in zebrafish and a cycling gene in mouse. To determine the effects of Dll3 mutation on Nrarp, we characterized the cycling expression of this gene from early (8.5 dpc) to late (10.5 dpc) somitogenesis. Nrarp displays a distinct pattern of cycling phases when compared to Lfng and Axin2 (a Wnt pathway gene) at 9.5 dpc but appears to be in phase with Lfng by 10.5 dpc. Nrarp cycling appears to require Dll3 but not Lfng modulation. In Dll3 null embryos, Nrarp displayed static patterns. However, in Lfng null embryos, Nrarp appeared static at 8.5 dpc but resumed cycling expression by 9.5 and dynamic expression at 10.5 dpc stages. By contrast, in Wnt3a null embryos, Nrarp expression was completely absent in the presomitic mesoderm. Towards identifying the role of Dll3 in regulating somitogenesis, Nrarp emerges as a potentially important regulator that requires Dll3 but not Lfng for normal function.  相似文献   

Daily ingestion rates of the pelagic hyperiid amphipod Themisto libellula were studied in the marginal ice zone of the Arctic Fram Strait by feeding experiments, respiration measurements and an allometric approach based on body mass. Amphipods were collected by stratified multiple opening/closing net hauls and Rectangular Midwater Trawl (RMT 8) in August 2000 during the expedition ARK XVI/2 of R/V “Polarstern”. T. libellula occurred with abundances of 0.043 and 0.015 ind. m−3 in the upper 30 m of the water column at two RMT 8 stations. Based on respiration data, the daily ingestion necessary to cover metabolic energy demands measured 1.9±0.6% of body carbon per day. Actual prey consumption during feeding experiments with Calanus copepodids as prey was very similar and accounted for 1.9±1.5% day−1, indicating that feeding on Calanus can meet the energy demands of T. libellula. In general, experimental results were slightly lower than the maximum potential ingestion (2% day−1 for an individual of median body dry mass of 32 mg) estimated by an allometric equation based on body mass, but feeding experiments showed a strong variability. Reduced metabolism and low ingestion rates of T. libellula are consistent with low ambient temperature, large body size, slow growth and long life span of this polar species. The effect of the active pelagic life style of T. libellula on metabolism and ingestion rate is discussed in comparison to the sympagic (i.e. ice-associated) amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii of similar body size living in the same environment. In relation to the mesozooplankton biomass in the investigation area, the predation impact by T. libellula was low. However, high-Arctic conditions also limit the secondary production of principal prey species, such as Calanus glacialis and Calanus hyperboreus, so that even low predation rates may affect the growth of prey populations.  相似文献   

The entomopathogen Bacillus sphaericus is one of the most effective biolarvicides used to control the Culex species of mosquito. The appearance of resistance in mosquitoes to this bacterium, however, remains a threat to its continuous use in integrated mosquito control programs. Previous work showed that the resistance to B. sphaericus in Culex colonies was associated with the absence of the 60-kDa binary toxin receptor (Cpm1/Cqm1), an alpha-glucosidase present in the larval midgut microvilli. In this work, we studied the molecular basis of the resistance developed by Culex quinquefasciatus to B. sphaericus C3-41. The cqm1 genes were cloned from susceptible (CqSL) and resistant (CqRL/C3-41) colonies, respectively. The sequence of the cDNA and genomic DNA derived from CqRL/C3-41 colony differed from that of CqSL one by a one-nucleotide deletion which resulted in a premature stop codon, leading to production of a truncated protein. Recombinant Cqm1S from the CqSL colony expressed in Escherichia coli specifically bound to the Bin toxin and had α-glucosidase activity, whereas the Cqm1R from the CqRL/C3-41 colony, with a deletion of three quarters of the receptor’s C-terminal lost its α-glucosidase activity and could not bind to the binary toxin. Immunoblotting experiments showed that Cqm1 was undetectable in CqRL/C3-41 larvae, although the gene was correctly transcribed. Thus, the cqm1R represents a new allele in C. quinquefasciatus that confers resistance to B. sphaericus.  相似文献   

Otx2 is expressed in each step and site of head development. To dissect each Otx2 function we have identified a series of Otx2 enhancers. The Otx2 expression in the anterior neuroectoderm is regulated by the AN enhancer and the subsequent expression in forebrain and midbrain later than E8.5 by FM1 and FM2 enhancers; the Otx1 expression takes place at E8.0. In telencephalon later than E9.5 Otx1 continues to be expressed in the entire pallium, while the Otx2 expression is confined to the most medial pallium. To determine the Otx functions in forebrain and midbrain development we have generated mouse mutants that lack both FM1 and FM2 enhancers (DKO: Otx2ΔFM1ΔFM2/ΔFM1ΔFM2) and examined the TKO (Otx1/Otx2ΔFM1ΔFM2/ΔFM1ΔFM2) phenotype. The mutants develop normally until E8.0, but subsequently by E9.5 the diencephalon, including thalamic eminence and prethalamus, and the mesencephalon are caudalized into metencephalon consisting of isthmus and rhombomere 1; the caudalization does not extend to rhombomere 2 and more caudal rhombomeres. In rostral forebrain, neopallium, ganglionic eminences and hypothalamus in front of prethalamus develop; we propose that they become insensitive to the caudalization with the switch from the Otx2 expression under the AN enhancer to that under FM1 and FM2 enhancers. In contrast, the medial pallium requires Otx1 and Otx2 for its development later than E9.5, and the Otx2 expression in diencepalon and mesencephalon later than E9.5 is also directed by an enhancer other than FM1 and FM2 enhancers.  相似文献   

Although many macroalgae that occur throughout Western Antarctic Peninsular waters are known to produce defensive secondary metabolites that deter grazing, the rhodophyte, Palmaria decipiens is palatable to several sympatric meso- and macro-grazers. It has been hypothesized that high levels of mesoherbivory by amphipods may account for the conspicuous lack of filamentous epiphytes emerging from the thalli of marcophytes in this region. Nonetheless, Elachista antarctica is a filamentous phaeophyte found growing within, and emerging from the thallus of the rhodophyte P. decipiens. It is surprising that E. antarctica occurs exclusively in association with a palatable species of macroalgae considering the standing biomass of other chemically defended unpalatable species is very high. We tested the hypothesis that E. antarctica grows on P. decipiens due to the host's overwhelming palatability compared to that of the epiphyte. That is, the hypothesis that mesograzers prefer the host over the epiphyte, grazing around emerging filaments. Choice and no choice feeding assays with live tissues of E. antarctica and P. decipiens were conducted in three different trials with four sympatric amphipod species (Prostebbingia gracilis, Gondogeneia antarctica, Oradarea bidentata, and Paraphimedia integricauda) commonly found in association with P. decipiens. G. antarctica consumed both species but ate P. decipiens at a faster rate than the epiphyte in two of three trials. P. gracilis, O. bidentata, and P. integricauda fed on the epiphyte, E. antarctica at faster rates than upon P. decipiens. Aggressive grazing of the epiphyte by this suite of amphipods indicates that differences in palatability and differences in grazing pressure on host and epiphyte do not explain the exclusive epiphytism of E. antarctica on P. decipiens.  相似文献   

The precise mechanisms underlying Bacillus thuringiensis-mediated killing of pest insects are not clear. In some cases, death may be due to septicaemia caused by Bt and/or gut bacteria gaining access to the insect haemocoel. Since insects protect themselves from microbes using an array of cellular and humoral immune defences, we aimed to determine if a recombinant immunosuppressive wasp venom protein (rVPr1) could increase the susceptibility of two pest Lepidoptera (Lacanobia oleracea and Mamestra brassicae) to Bt. Bio-assays indicated that injection of 6 μl of rVPr1 into the haemocoel of both larvae caused similar levels of mortality (less than 38%). On the other hand, the LD30-40 of Bt for M. brassicae larvae was approximately 20 times higher than that for L. oleracea larvae. Furthermore, in bio-assays where larvae were injected with rVPr1, then fed Bt, a significant reduction in survival of larvae for both species occurred compared to each treatment on its own (P < 0.001); and for L. oleracea larvae, this effect was more than additive. The results are discussed within the context of insect immunity and protection against Bt.  相似文献   

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