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The community structure of macroinvertebrates occurring beneath cobbles during tidal emersion was investigated in an intertidal cobble field on the east coast of the south island of New Zealand. In order to test whether the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) holds in less exposed shores comprised exclusively of smaller rocks (cobbles) we measured 1) the size frequency distribution of cobbles (mass and basal surface area), 2) the incidence of barnacle encrustation as an indirect measure of cobble disturbance, 3) the abundances of the dominant macroinvertebrates occurring beneath cobbles (the crab Hemigrapsus crenulatus, the chiton Sypharochiton pelliserpentis and the snail Diloma zealandica), and 4) macroinvertebrate fidelity beneath a range of cobble sizes. Only large cobbles were found to be encrusted with barnacles, indicative of their greater resistance to physical disturbance by waves and currents. Mark and relocate experiments indicated fidelity to a given cobble over two tidal cycles was 11-14% for crabs and did not vary with cobble size. In contrast, fidelity to medium and large cobbles was higher for chitons (26-45%) and snails (17-31%) and generally increased with increasing cobble size. In contrast to the predictions of the IDH, there was a positive correlation between increasing cobble size and increasing species diversity of organisms found under the cobbles. This pattern is not simply attributable to greater space available beneath large cobbles as there was a significantly greater density of macroinvertebrates beneath medium and large, compared to the small cobbles. Increasing species diversity with increasing cobble size appears to be independent of patterns of species recolonization associated with small cobbles being subject to high disturbance or interspecific competitive hierarchies associated with low disturbance beneath large cobbles. Instead, factors such as aggregative behaviors, and reducing vulnerability to predators and desiccation stress are likely to explain the relationship between cobbles and their associated macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

Studies of stream benthic macroinvertebrate size distributions describe assemblages from random small area samplers or cobbles. Large organisms are often underestimated in these samples because of their mobility or low densities. This study compared the performance of cobble collection and a Hess sampler with electrobugging (using a backpack electroshocker to collect macroinvertebrates) to determine whether electrobugging could improve estimates of the biomass of large organisms. We sampled 12 stream sites, collecting cobbles and Hess samples and conducting 3–4 consecutive electrobugging passes (repeating until attrition was observed, following with kick samples). Electrobugging collected more biomass of mobile taxa than cobble or Hess samples, and collected greater taxonomic richness, particularly at sites with low algal biomass. However, it was less effective at collecting attached and immobile taxa. Electrobugging extended the size distribution range by up to eight size classes by collecting larger macroinvertebrates than the cobble or Hess methods, and collected significantly more taxa per size class. Size distributions created from only cobble or Hess samples clearly do not represent the entire benthic community, but our results indicate that electrobugging provides a means to improve estimates of the biomass of large, mobile taxa, providing a more accurate estimate of body size distributions.  相似文献   

In the longitudinal continuum of the Kupa River the vegetation cover and substrate type were the important environmental factors influencing the spatial differences in the biomass and community composition. Of total macroinvertebrate biomass, a significantly greater percentage of trichopterans was found on boulder and cobble substrata covered with moss (54.3% on boulders, 55.8% on cobbles) than on substrata covered with periphyton (9.9% on boulders, 14.8% on cobbles). In the potamal, trichopterans were markedly reduced (<2.5% of total macroinvertebrate biomass) on gravel substrata. A comparison of the Shannon diversity index values suggested that for trichopteran species diversity the substrate type was a more influential factor than vegetation cover. On the other hand, multidimensional scaling analysis showed that trichopteran community composition was related more significantly to vegetation cover and river area than to substrate type. In the rhithral the vegetation cover was an important factor influencing the functional feeding group composition of trichopterans. The spatial distribution of scrapers and filtering collectors depended significantly on the vegetation cover associated with substrate type, and shredder trichopterans were related to vegetation cover only. Predatory trichopterans made up 17–65% of total predator biomass, and in the rhithron area they were correlated significantly only with vegetation cover. On gravel substrata in the potamal, vegetation cover did not affect the spatial distribution of shredder and collector‐filterer trichopterans significantly.  相似文献   

Rocky littoral communities of the Azores are dominated by macroalgae where turf formations represent the main life form as on many subtropical and tropical shores. The present study aimed at describing and classifying benthic intertidal biotopes of the Azores using clear quantification and data analysis methodologies to be used in similar studies for spatial and/or temporal comparison. This numerical approach intends to have management and conservation applicability. Thirty study locations along the coast of São Miguel island were characterised by substratum type (cobbles, boulders or bedrock – different stability levels) and exposure to wave action (high, medium or low exposure), from June to August 2002. Algae, sessile and sedentary invertebrates were recorded along transects, and the more conspicuous taxa quantified. Community structure is mainly shaped by substratum stability – unstable cobble communities are separate from those of more stable boulders and bedrock. Boulders present an intermediate community composition between cobbles and bedrock. Exposure to wave action induces smaller variation in community composition. Sixteen biotopes have been recognised. Ultimately the present paper provides an objective set of biotope definition tools for a broad public whose interest focuses on spatial and temporal comparison of coastal communities and associated habitats.  相似文献   

1. We examined the response of a predatory benthic fish, the longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ), to patchiness in the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates on cobbles at three hierarchical spatial scales during summer and autumn 1996, and spring 1997 in a southern Appalachian stream. 2. At the primary scale (four to five individual cobbles separated by <1 m), the intensity of foraging was not correlated with the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates/cobble, regardless of season. 3. At the secondary scale (i.e. foraging patches <5 m in diameter) we found that benthic macroinvertebrates were patchily distributed in summer, but not in autumn or spring. Concomitantly, in summer, longnose dace foraged on cobbles with a significantly higher biomass of benthic macronvertebrates than nearby, randomly selected cobbles with similar physical conditions (i.e. longnose dace tended to avoid low-prey foraging patches). In contrast, when benthic macroinvertebrates were distributed homogeneously (spring and autumn), dace did not select patches with a significantly higher biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates than that available on randomly selected cobbles. 4. At the tertiary scale (i.e. stream reaches 11–19 m long), the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates (per cobble per reach) was patchily distributed (i.e. differed significantly among reaches) in all seasons. Among reaches with physical characteristics preferred by longnose dace, (i.e. erosional reaches dominated by cobble/boulder substratum and high current velocity), we detected a significant, positive correlation between the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates/cobble and longnose dace density in all seasons. 5. Our results demonstrated that both spatial and temporal patchiness in resource availability influenced significantly the use of both foraging patches and stream reaches by longnose dace.  相似文献   

Among the hydrodynamic forces experienced by intertidal organisms, drag and the impingement force are thought to have the greatest effect on macroalgae. These forces are modified by biotic factors such as algal morphology, reconfiguration, and the presence of a canopy. However, much of what is known about the hydrodynamics of macroalgae has been garnered from low-velocity laboratory flume studies. Few field studies have measured drag and none have directly measured the effects of the canopy on force. To examine in situ hydrodynamic forces imposed on the turf forming macroalga Chondrus crispus, compact digital force sensors were developed that measure and record the 3-dimensional force imposed on a macroalga without disturbing the surrounding canopy. Sensors were positioned within natural Chondrus beds and the effects of the canopy, algal morphology, and sea state on in situ hydrodynamic force were examined. Additionally, the predictions of a new model for drag on flexible macroalgae were tested by simultaneously measuring force and water velocity. Digital force recordings indicated that Chondrus only experience drag; lift and impingement force were negligible in all combinations of factors. Canopies significantly reduced drag by 15-65%. Morphology and size also influenced drag, such that lower forces were imposed on small planar algae than large arborescent individuals. Further, planar algae experienced low drag in all combinations of sea and canopy state, indicating that these individuals may not be as susceptible to wave disturbance as arborescent individuals. Overall, these data indicate that the ability for Chondrus to grow large, arborescent individuals is dependent on the drag reducing properties of the canopy, while more hydrodynamically harsh habitats may be accessible to planar morphologies. Additionally, these data suggest that drag models for canopy forming macroalgae must incorporate the effects of the canopy to predict drag accurately in situ.  相似文献   

We studied the sclerobiont community associated with organogenic and lithic cobbles from soft bottoms in the Khao Lak coastal area (Andaman Sea) that was damaged by the 2004 tsunami. The 15 cobbles examined originate from grab and hand sampling carried out in the years 2006 and 2007 in the depth range of 4.6–15.2 m. A rich endo- and epibenthos was identified, mainly consisting of algae, foraminifers, sponges, cnidarians, polychaetes, bryozoans and bivalves. Associations on each examined cobble show similarities in composition and structure being characterized by a few dominant groups. Differences were noted in the degree and pattern of colonization, distinguishing for each cobble an upward and a downward side at the time of sampling. The mean total coverage is 15.09% being higher on the upper sides (17.4%) compared to the lower sides (12.8%). Calcareous algae, bivalves and sponges prevail on upper sides, while bryozoans prevail on lower sides. The sclerobionts distribution allowed to infer the orientation of cobbles on the seafloor during colonization. Major colonization values, exceeding 30% coverage, were observed on organogenic cobbles located in the proximity of reefs or collected from below 12 m of water depth. Conversely, cobbles from the shallowest stations result poorly colonized, independently of their composition. The water turbidity and wave motion as a possible cause of the observed distributions were discussed. The Khao Lak cobble community seems to be largely unaffected by the tsunami event, as suggested by the estimated biodiversity, abundance and coverage of sclerobionts.  相似文献   

To understand the extent of changes in the habitat structure of macroinvertebrates due to channel degradation, the amount of pools and riffles and bed materials were determined in upper and lower reaches of a fully sedimented dam in a mountain gravel-bed river. Pools occurred more frequently and individual pools were longer in the lower reach than in the upper reaches; the total length of pools in the former was four times than in the latter. In contrast, individual riffles in the upper reaches were longer than and the total length double that in the lower reach. The main bed materials in the upper reaches were moderate-sized cobbles and boulders (diameter 10–40 cm), which generated moderately steep and long riffles. In the lower reach, these materials were scarce and the main bed materials were large boulders (>50 cm) and bedrock, which generated steep and short riffles; finer materials (<10 cm) dominated in pools and runs. The reduced total length of riffles in the lower reach was partly associated with the steepening of individual riffles, which may be due to the shortage of moderate-sized cobbles and boulders. Macroinvertebrate biomass at reach scale, which was estimated based on the total lengths of pools and riffles, was more than two to four times in the upper reaches than in the lower reach.  相似文献   

Sargassum muticum was first observed in Scandinavia in Limfjorden (Denmark) in 1984, where it is now the most abundant and conspicuous macroalga. Despite the ecological importance of Sargassum, few studies have described seasonal patterns within Scandinavian Sargassum beds. We quantified the dynamics of macroalgae among years and seasons along a depth transect through a typical Sargassum bed in Limfjorden. The annual investigations (summer transects 1989–1999) showed a gradual increase in the dominance of Sargassum, especially at the 2–4-m depth interval. Significant seasonal dynamics in macroalgal abundance and assemblage structure were observed in this depth interval; the mean cover of Sargassum varied from ca. 5% (autumn and winter) to 25% (mid-summer). In comparison, encrusting algae had high and relatively stable covers throughout the year (ca. 20%). Other perennial macroalgae had low mean covers (<2%) characterized by a few patches of higher abundances. Except from a spring bloom, filamentous algae had low covers throughout the year. Within this relatively uniform bed, Sargassum abundance was positively related to boulders >10 cm in diameter and species richness was negatively correlated to depth and stones <10 cm in diameter, and non-correlated to other algal form-groups or grazer densities. Thus, in Limfjorden, the distribution of Sargassum is determined by large- (>6 m) and small-scale (<1 m) depth differences where low light limits Sargassum at depth, physical disturbance and sediment stress limits Sargasum in shallow waters, and the presence of stable boulder substratum facilitate Sargassum. Competition for space from other macroalgae and herbivory are probably of minor importance.  相似文献   

Resilience-based management aims to promote or protect processes and species that underpin an ecosystem''s capacity to withstand and recover from disturbance. The management of ecological processes is a developing field that requires reliable indicators that can be monitored over time. Herbivory is a key ecological process on coral reefs, and pooling herbivorous fishes into functional groups based on their feeding mode is increasingly used as it may quantify herbivory in ways that indicate resilience. Here we evaluate whether the biomass estimates of these herbivore functional groups are good predictors of reef benthic assemblages, using data from 240 sites from five island groups in American Samoa. Using an information theoretic approach, we assembled a candidate set of linear and nonlinear models to identify the relations between benthic cover and total herbivore and non-herbivore biomass and the biomass of the aforementioned functional groups. For each benthic substrate type considered (encrusting algae, fleshy macroalgae, hard coral and turf algae), the biomass of herbivorous fishes were important explanatory variables in predicting benthic cover, whereas biomass of all fishes combined generally was not. Also, in all four cases, variation in cover was best explained by the biomass of specific functional groups rather than by all herbivores combined. Specifically: 1) macroalgal and turf algal cover decreased with increasing biomass of ‘grazers/detritivores’; and 2) cover of encrusting algae increased with increasing biomass of ‘grazers/detritivores’ and browsers. Furthermore, hard coral cover increased with the biomass of large excavators/bio-eroders (made up of large-bodied parrotfishes). Collectively, these findings emphasize the link between herbivorous fishes and the benthic community and demonstrate support for the use of functional groups of herbivores as indicators for resilience-based monitoring.  相似文献   

1. We compared microbial biomass (bacteria, fungi, algae) and the activity of extracellular enzymes used in the decomposition of organic matter (OM) among different benthic substrata (leaves, coarse and fine substrata) over one hydrological year in a Mediterranean stream.
2. Microbial heterotrophic biomass (bacteria plus fungi) was generally higher than autotrophic biomass (algae), except during short periods of high light availability in the spring and winter. During these periods, sources of OM shifted towards autochthonous sources derived mainly from algae, which was demonstrated by high algal biomass and peptidase activity in benthic communities.
3. Heterotrophic activity peaked in the autumn. Bacterial and fungal biomass increased with the decomposition of cellulose and hemicellulose compounds from leaf material. Later, lignin decomposition was stimulated in fine (sand, gravel) and coarse (rocks, boulders and cobbles) substrata by the accumulation of fine detritus.
4. The Mediterranean summer drought provoked an earlier leaf fall. The resumption of the water flow caused the weathering of riparian soils and subsequently a large increase in dissolved organic carbon and nitrate, which led to growth of bacteria and fungi.  相似文献   

Competition between reef-building corals and benthic algae is of key importance for reef dynamics. These interactions occur on many spatial scales, ranging from chemical to regional. Using microprobes, 16S rDNA pyrosequencing and underwater surveys, we examined the interactions between the reef-building coral Montastraea annularis and four types of benthic algae. The macroalgae Dictyota bartayresiana and Halimeda opuntia, as well as a mixed consortium of turf algae, caused hypoxia on the adjacent coral tissue. Turf algae were also associated with major shifts in the bacterial communities at the interaction zones, including more pathogens and virulence genes. In contrast to turf algae, interactions with crustose coralline algae (CCA) and M. annularis did not appear to be antagonistic at any scale. These zones were not hypoxic, the microbes were not pathogen-like and the abundance of coral-CCA interactions was positively correlated with per cent coral cover. We propose a model in which fleshy algae (i.e. some species of turf and fleshy macroalgae) alter benthic competition dynamics by stimulating bacterial respiration and promoting invasion of virulent bacteria on corals. This gives fleshy algae a competitive advantage over corals when human activities, such as overfishing and eutrophication, remove controls on algal abundance. Together, these results demonstrate the intricate connections and mechanisms that structure coral reefs.  相似文献   

Rhodolith beds are built by the aggregation of free living marine benthic coralline algae. Herein, we described phytobenthic communities associated with subtidal rhodolith beds in northeastern Brazil and tested the hypothesis that depth affects their structure. We compared macroalgal assemblages from depths of 10, 15 and 20 m. The genus Lithothamnion was dominant in these beds. Rhodolith density was similar at different depths, but volume decreases as depth increases. Sixty-seven species of fleshy algae were collected. The red algal order Ceramiales was dominant. A distinct community corresponds to each sampled depth. The shallower depth presented higher values for biomass, number of species, Shannon-Wiener diversity, and Pielou's evenness. When depth and water transparency increased, the number of species and the abundance of macroalgae decreased.  相似文献   

The general hypothesis that morphological, physiological, and ecological adaptations of macro algal functional-form groups can be related to the level of disturbance encountered in a natural environment was examined. Two articulated calcareous coralline algae (Amphiroa van-bosseae Lemoine, 24% cover and Corallina frondescens Post. & Rupr. 20%) and one non-articulated coralline alga (Lithophyllum sp., 16%), all late-successional predation-tolerant strategists, comprise most of the community cover on stable bedrock substrata at Punta Las Cuevitas, Sonora, Mexico. Conversely, Ulva rigida C. ag. (26% cover) and a ralfsioid crust (23%), shows to be early-successional opportunistic strategists, cover more of the disturbed boulder habitat. Porolithon sonorense Daws., a stress-tolerant strategist, is uniquely abundant on both substratum types (13% cover on boulders, 10% on bedrock). The sheet-like and filamentous algae, prevalent in the temporally unstable habitat, generally show greater productivity (>2×) than the thicker and calcareous forms conspicuous in the more constant environment. It appears that selection for delicate thalli with high productivities, as well as selection for tougher morphologies having lower photosynthetic rates due to greater proportions of structural tissues, are widespread, divergent evolutionary forces among marine algae. Experiments with captive sea urchins (Echinometra vanbrunti Agassiz), in conjunction with fish-preference data published for some of the same algae studied here, offer strong support for the functional-form model. Parrotfishes, rudderfishes, surgeonfishes, damselfishes and E. vanbrunti, in the Gulf of California, preferentially feed on delicate, early-successional, sheet-like, and filamentous algae, while rejecting or ignoring the more structured, late-successional and calcareous algae. There is no significant (P > 0.05) gradation in calorific content between the first four of the six functional groups (i.e., Sheet-, Filamentous-, Coarsely Branched- and Thick Leathery-Groups), but the mean value for these fleshy forms (2.6 kcal · g ash-free dry wt?1) is significantly greater than that for the last two groups (0.3 kcal, Jointed Calcareous- and Crustose-Groups). The approach used in this study demonstrates a realistic technique for predicting macrophyte community composition from knowledge of the disturbance levels in a given habitat or the reverse. The form group-disturbance relationship has important implications for future biological monitoring of rocky-inter-tidal and subtidal systems.  相似文献   

The Response of Experimental Rocky Shore Communities to Nutrient Additions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this study was to determine whether the experimental nutrient enrichment of littoral rocky shore communities would be followed by a predicted accumulation of fast-growing opportunistic algae and a subsequent loss of perennial benthic vegetation. Inorganic nitrogen (N) and potassium (P) was added to eight concrete mesocosms inhabited by established littoral communities dominated by fucoids. The response to nutrient enrichment was followed for almost 2 1/2 years. Fast-growing opportunistic algae (periphyton and ephemeral green algae) grew significantly faster in response to nutrient enrichment, but the growth of red filamentous algae and large perennial brown algae was unaffected. However, these changes were not followed by comparable changes in the biomass and composition of the macroalgae. The biomass of opportunistic algae was stimulated only marginally by the nutrient enrichment, and perennial brown algae (fucoids) remained dominant in the mesocosm regardless of nutrient treatment level. Established rocky shore communities thus seem able to resist the effects of heavy nutrient loading. We found that the combined effects of the heavy competition for space and light imposed by canopy-forming algae, preferential grazing on opportunistic algae by herbivores, and physical disturbance, succeeded by a marked export of detached opportunistic algae, prevented the fast-growing algae from becoming dominant. However, recruitment studies showed that the opportunistic algae would become dominant when free space was available under conditions of high nutrient loading and low grazing pressure. These results show that established communities of perennial algae and associated fauna in rocky shore environments can prevent or delay the accumulation of bloom-forming opportunistic algae and that the replacement of long-lived macroalgae by opportunistic species at high nutrient loading may be a slow process. Nutrient enrichment may not, in itself, be enough to stimulate structural changes in rocky shore communities.  相似文献   

Disturbance and organisms on boulders   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
K. A. McGuinness 《Oecologia》1987,71(3):420-430
Summary The tops of intertidal boulders on the east coast of Australia may carry a half-dozen algae, while the undersides may support a dozen or more species of sessile animals; mobile forms such as molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms are also common. These organisms are disturbed when boulders are moved by waves or buried in sand. Experiments were done to test the hypothesis that these disturbances are responsible for the reduced diversity and abundance of the assemblages on the undersides of small boulders. Boulders on one shore were bolted to the substratum to prevent movement by waves. In two separate experiments on another shore, boulders with and without attached organisms were buried in a few centimetres of sand. All experiments included relevant controls and were done high and low on the shore using rocks of several sizes.The assemblages of algae developing on the tops of all stabilised boulders, regardless of size, were similar to those on boulders free to roll indicating that, in contrast to results elsewhere, disturbance by waves was too infrequent or slight to affect these species. The tops of rocks were also rarely buried in sand and the main influences on the community in this situation were apparently exposure at low-tide and grazing gastropods.More species, however, did settle or survive on the undersides of rocks which were free of sand or could not be moved by waves; thus disturbances were important in this situation. In the absence of disturbance low on the shore, much or all space was occupied and sessile species such as sponges and ascidians overgrew other forms and reduced diversity. This did not happen higher on the shore and here diversity was simply an increasing function of rock-size. Overall disturbance played a similar role in all places — it killed organisms and created free space — but the final effects on the community varied depending upon the species present and the actions of other factors.  相似文献   

2010年4月—2011年3月对烟台养马岛潮间带大型海藻进行了逐月调查.在养马岛潮间带共设置了A、B两个点,对大型海藻物种组成、生物量以及与环境变化的关系进行了研究.结果表明: 调查区域共有大型海藻35种,其中红藻24种,占总数的68.6%;绿藻6种,占总数的17.1%;褐藻5种,占总数的14.3%.夏季优势种以褐藻和绿藻为主,秋、冬、春季优势种以红藻和褐藻为主,鼠尾藻在各季节中均为优势种.大型海藻生物量呈现夏季高、冬季低的特点,生物量最高值出现在6月,A、B采样点大型海藻生物量最小值分别出现在1月和11月,具有温带海域藻类变化特点.温度、营养盐和pH对大型海藻生物量有显著影响.

Increased plant biomass is observed in terrestrial systems due to rising levels of atmospheric CO2, but responses of marine macroalgae to CO2 enrichment are unclear. The 200% increase in CO2 by 2100 is predicted to enhance the productivity of fleshy macroalgae that acquire inorganic carbon solely as CO2 (non‐carbon dioxide‐concentrating mechanism [CCM] species—i.e., species without a carbon dioxide‐concentrating mechanism), whereas those that additionally uptake bicarbonate (CCM species) are predicted to respond neutrally or positively depending on their affinity for bicarbonate. Previous studies, however, show that fleshy macroalgae exhibit a broad variety of responses to CO2 enrichment and the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. This physiological study compared the responses of a CCM species (Lomentaria australis) with a non‐CCM species (Craspedocarpus ramentaceus) to CO2 enrichment with regards to growth, net photosynthesis, and biochemistry. Contrary to expectations, there was no enrichment effect for the non‐CCM species, whereas the CCM species had a twofold greater growth rate, likely driven by a downregulation of the energetically costly CCM(s). This saved energy was invested into new growth rather than storage lipids and fatty acids. In addition, we conducted a comprehensive literature synthesis to examine the extent to which the growth and photosynthetic responses of fleshy macroalgae to elevated CO2 are related to their carbon acquisition strategies. Findings highlight that the responses of macroalgae to CO2 enrichment cannot be inferred solely from their carbon uptake strategy, and targeted physiological experiments on a wider range of species are needed to better predict responses of macroalgae to future oceanic change.  相似文献   

Fourteen species of echinoderms and their relationships to the benthic structure of the coral reefs were assessed at 27 sites—with different levels of human disturbances—along the coast of the Mexican Central Pacific. Diadema mexicanum and Phataria unifascialis were the most abundant species. The spatial variation of the echinoderm assemblages showed that D. mexicanum, Eucidaris thouarsii, P. unifascialis, Centrostephanus coronatus, Toxopneustes roseus, Holothuria fuscocinerea, Cucumaria flamma, and Echinometra vanbrunti accounted for the dissimilarities among the sites. The spatial variation among the sites was mainly explained by the cover of the hard corals (Porites, Pocillopora, Pavona, Psammocora), different macroalgae species (turf, encrusting calcareous algae, articulated calcareous algae, fleshy macroalgae), sponges, bryozoans, rocky, coral rubble, sand, soft corals (hydrocorals and octocorals), Tubastrea coccinea coral, Balanus spp., and water depth. The coverage of Porites, Pavona, and Pocillopora corals, soft coral, rock, and Balanos shows a positive relationship with the sampling sites included within the natural protected area with low human disturbances. Contrary, fleshy macroalgae, sponges, and soft coral show a positive relationship with higher disturbance sites. The results presented here show the importance of protecting the structural heterogeneity of coral reef habitats because it is a significant factor for the distribution of echinoderm species and can contribute to the design of conservation programs for the coral reef ecosystem.  相似文献   

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