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The aim of this work was to quantify the intensity of sediment mixing induced by the gallery-diffusor (functional bioturbation group) Hediste diversicolor as a function of density, using particles tracers (luminophores). In order to assess the impact of density on sediment reworking, a 1-D model was used to obtain sediment reworking coefficients such as Db (biodiffusion-like) and r (biotransport). Densities used in this experiment corresponded to population densities observed in the sampling area (Saint-Antoine Canal, Gulf of Fos, France): 144, 288, 577, 1153 indiv/m2. At first, results showed that neither luminophore maximum burying depth nor the more marked tracer accumulation areas were influenced by density. Thus density did not seem to have any influence on size of galleries or complexity of structure. Then, density-dependent relations with Db (biodiffusion-like mixing) and r (biotransport) were highlighted with an observed process intensity rate twice as high at highest worm density. On the other hand, Db and r per capita coefficients were negatively influenced by density. Db and r per capita at highest density were equal to ∼ 20% of individual Db and r obtained at the lowest density. Finally, this study showed the importance of density which appears to be a key parameter in the functioning of the sedimentary ecosystem.  相似文献   

Effective management of eutrophic ecosystems requires an understanding of how nutrient input affects the structure and function of benthic communities. The effects of nutrients in soft sediment habitats can be influenced by a variety of factors including sediment characteristics, hydrodynamic exposure, and the presence of bioturbating macroinvertebrates. We used a large scale exclusion experiment (400 m2 areas, n = 6) to test if bioturbating lugworms, Arenicola marina mediate the effects of nutrient enrichment. We incorporated small plots (30 × 30 cm) dosed with household garden fertilizer within the lugworm exclusion and corresponding control areas and predicted that the effects of nutrient enrichment would be greater in the absence of lugworms. We found that the increases in nutrient concentrations were higher in the absence of lugworms, but only in the less permeable sediment in the low intertidal zone compared to the more permeable sediment in the high intertidal. Contrary to expectations, the accumulation of nutrients in the plots did not affect the organic matter and chlorophyll levels in the sediment. Interestingly, there were overall negative effects of nutrient additions on some of the most abundant molluscs, Hydrobia ulvae, Retusa obtusa and juvenile Cerastoderma edule. Possible explanations for these adverse effects such as the changes in the sediment chemistry or the physical presence of the fertilizer in the sediment caused by the nutrient additions are discussed. We conclude that the effects of nutrient enrichment in soft sediment habitats on benthic assemblages are determined by the interplay between the presence of bioturbating macroinvertebrates, tidal height and sediment characteristics.  相似文献   

Fluxes of oxygen, inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and denitrification (isotope pairing) were measured from January 1997 to February 1998 via intact cores incubation in a shallow brackish area within the eutrophic Valli di Comacchio (northern Adriatic coast, Italy). Rates were measured in the light and in the dark in sediments colonized by the rooted macrophyte Ruppia cirrhosa and in adjacent sediments with benthic microalgae. Ruppia biomass (25-414 g DW m− 2) exhibited a seasonal evolution whilst that of microphytobenthos (12-66 mg chl a m− 2) was more erratic. Net (NP) and gross (GP) primary productivity was 1.15 and 6.89 mol C m− 2y− 1 for bare and 25.4 and 51.7 mol C m− 2y− 1 for Ruppia vegetated sediments. Nitrogen pools in Ruppia standing stock varied from 43.6 to 631.4 (annual average 201.2) mmol N m− 2; the macrophyte N content was correlated with DIN concentration in the water column. Estimated N pool in microphytobenthos was one order of magnitude lower (from 2.4 to 14.5 mmol N m− 2, annual average 7.2). Theoretical DIN assimilation calculated from NP was 127.8 and 1112.6 mmol N m− 2y− 1 whilst that calculated from GP was 765 and 2282 mmol N m− 2y− 1 for microphytobenthos and Ruppia respectively. Measured annual fluxes of DIN were 974.6 and − 577 mmol N m− 2y− 1 in bare and Ruppia vegetated sediments meaning that the two sites were a source and sink for DIN and that from 25 to 50% of Ruppia annual DIN requirements came from the water column. During the period of this study total denitrification was lower in the macrophyte colonized (92.3 mmol N m− 2y− 1) compared to bare sediments (163.3 mmol N m− 2y− 1) as a probable consequence of higher competition between denitrifiers and phanerogams. At both sites the ratio between denitrification of water column nitrate (DW) and denitrification coupled to nitrification (DN) was >1.6 due to little oxygen penetration in reducing sediments (< 1.2 mm) and scarce nitrification activity. DW (0-35 µmol N m− 2h− 1) was significantly correlated with water column NO3−  (2-16 µM). Theoretical DIN assimilation to denitrification ratio varied from 12.0 to 24.8 for Ruppia vegetated and from 0.8 to 4.7 for unvegetated sediments.At Valle Smarlacca, Ruppia may influence nitrogen cycling by incorporating large DIN pools in biomass which is scattered in surrounding areas and fuels intense bacterial activity. With increasing anthropogenic nutrient input and insignificant organic matter export in the open sea the already severe eutrophic conditions are enhanced and may accelerate the decline of the macrophyte meadow.  相似文献   

This experimental study quantified and compared particle-mixing and solute transport by the polychaetes Marenzelleria neglecta (2 g ww, 3200 ind. m− 2) and Hediste diversicolor (2 g ww, 800 ind. m− 2) in Baltic Sea sediments. Particle tracers (luminophores) were added to the sediment surface and their vertical distribution in the sediment was measured after 10 d. The rate of particle mixing was quantified using a gallery-diffusion model calculating the biodiffusion coefficient Db and the non-local transport parameter r. Bioirrigation was measured by adding an inert solute tracer (bromide) to the overlying water 1, 1.5 and 2 d before the end of the experiment, and quantified by calculating the net bromide flux and fitting the bromide profiles to a 1D diffusion model providing an apparent biodiffusion coefficient Da. The two polychaete worms displayed similar particle-mixing and solute transport efficiencies (based on total biomass) despite different modes of bioturbation. However, H. diversicolor was a more efficient particle-reworker and M. neglecta a more efficient bioirrigator, on an individual level. H. diversicolor buried a higher percentage (13%) of luminophores below the top 0.5 cm surface layer than M. neglecta (6%). Db did not differ between the two species (2.4 × 10− 3 cm2 d− 1) indicating a similar rate of diffusive mixing of the top sediment, however, the non-local transport parameter r was 2.5 y− 1 for H. diversicolor and zero for M. neglecta, suggesting no significant particle-transport below the biodiffusive layer by M. neglecta. The average individual net bromide fluxes obtained were ca. 0.01 mL min− 1 for H. diversicolor and 0.003 mL min− 1 for M. neglecta, corresponding to an area-specific rate of ca. 12 L m− 2 d− 1 at the used densities. Da did not differ between the two polychaetes, suggesting a higher individual solute exchange efficiency of M. neglecta considering the much higher ventilation rates reported for H. diversicolor than for Marenzelleria sp. The ongoing colonization of Baltic Sea sediments by M. neglecta at high densities may thus lead to an enhanced soluble release of both nutrients and contaminants. These results add information to the understanding of the potential effects of the invasion of M. neglecta on sediment biogeochemistry when competing with and/or replacing native species.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to measure the impact of benthic invertebrate diversity on processes occurring at the water-sediment interface. We analyzed the effects of interactions between three shallow water species (Cerastoderma edule, Corophium volutator, and Nereis diversicolor). The impacts of different species richness treatments were measured on sediment reworking, bacterial characteristics, and biogeochemical processes (bromide fluxes, O2 uptake, nutrient fluxes, and porewater chemistry) in sediment cores. The results showed that the three species exhibited different bioturbation activities in the experimental system: C. edule acted as a biodiffusor, mixing particles in the top 2 cm of the sediments; C. volutator produced and irrigated U-shaped tubes in the top 2 cm of the sediments; and N. diversicolor produced and irrigated burrow galleries in the whole sediment cores. C. edule had minor effects on biogeochemical processes, whereas the other species, through their irrigation of the burrows, increased the solute exchange between the water column and the sediment two-fold. These impacts on sediment structure and solute transport increased the O2 consumption and the release of nutrients from sediments. As N. diversicolor burrowed deeper in the sediment than C. volutator, it irrigated a greater volume of sediments, with great impact on the sediment cores.Most treatments with a mixture of species indicated that observed values were often lower than predicted values from the addition of the individual effects of each species, demonstrating a negative interaction among species. This type of negative interaction measured between species on ecosystem processes certainly resulted from an overlap of bioturbation activities among the three species which lived and foraged in the same habitat (water-sediment interface). All treatments with N. diversicolor (in isolation and in mixture) produced similar effect on sediment reworking, water fluxes, nutrient releases, porewater chemistry, and bacterial characteristics. Whichever species associated with N. diversicolor, the bioturbation activities of the worm hid the effect of the other species. The results suggest that, in the presence of several species that use and modify the same sediment space, impact of invertebrates on ecosystem processes was essentially due to the most efficient bioturbator of the community (N. diversicolor). In consequence, the functional traits (mode of bioturbation, depth of burrowing, feeding behaviour) of an individual species in a community could be more important than species richness for some ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

The effects of the polychaetes Marenzelleria sp. (Polychaeta, Spionidae), nonindigenous, rapidly increasing species in the Baltic Sea, on benthic nutrient fluxes, denitrification and sediment pore water nutrient concentration were studied in laboratory experiments using a flow-through setup with muddy sediment from coastal regions of the Gulf of Finland. In addition, different forms of sediment phosphorus (P), separated by chemical fractionation, were studied in three sediment layers. At a population density corresponding to about half the highest measured in the northern Baltic Sea, Marenzelleria sp. increased the fluxes of P and ammonium to the water column. No effect could be recorded for denitrification. Since the previously dominant species of the area, Monoporeia affinis, can enhance denitrification and lower the amount of dissolved P in the pore water, the replacement of M. affinis with Marenzelleria spp. may lead to increased P flux to the water column and decreased denitrification, further increasing the ammonium flux to the water column. However, sediment reworking by Marenzelleria spp. also oxidizes the surface sediment in the long run, improving its ability to retain P and support nitrification. Therefore, the impact of Marenzelleria spp. on sediment nutrient release may not be as drastic as the initial reactions seen in our experiments suggest.  相似文献   

Thein vitro effect ofNereis diversicolor on denitrification has been studied in PVC tubes filled with a coastal marine sediment defaunated by sieving. The first aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of sediment defaunation on denitrification (denitrifying population and Denitrifying Enzyme Assays). Sieving induced a loss of 70% of the initial DEA. The number of denitrifying bacteria was 10 times lower than inin situ sediment. In the top two centimetres, the DEA rose by 75% of its initial value, after 82 days. Polychaetes were only added after a return to near pre-disturbance levels to ensure that our data on the effects of their addition would not be disturbed by changes in the sediment. Introduction of Polychaetes increased the denitrifying population and DEA in the first layer (0–2 cm) of the sediment after 15 days. After 45 days, the surface of the polychaete burrows in sediment was 1.3 to 1.5 times higher than after 15 days, resulting in an increase in solute exchange between seawater and the top layer of sediment. An inhibitory effect of oxygen on denitrification was detected in the uppermost layer only.  相似文献   

Aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of two key environmental factors of estuarine ecosystems, salinity and hypoxia, on the physiological attributes in reed plants (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel). Growth, leaf gas exchange, water (and ion) relations, and osmotic adjustment were determined in hydroponically grown plants exposed to hypoxia at varying NaCl-salinity concentrations (0, 50, 100, and 200 mM). Plants grew well under hypoxia treatment with standard nutrient solution without added salt and at NaCl concentrations up to 100 mM. Reed plants were able to produce and allocate phytomass to all their organs even at the highest salt level (200 mM NaCl). In plants subjected to hypoxia at various water potentials no clear relationships were found between growth and photosynthetic parameters except for gs, whereas growth displayed a highly significant correlation with plant–water relations. A and gs of reed plants treated with hypoxia at varying water potential of nutrient solutions were positively correlated and the former variable also had a strong positive relationship with E. Leaf Ψw and Ψπ followed a similar trend and declined significantly as water potential of watering solutions was lowered. Highly significant positive correlations were identified between leaf Ψw and photosynthetic parameters. At all NaCl concentrations, the increase in total inorganic ions resulted from increased Na+ and Cl while K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ concentrations decreased with increasing osmolality of nutrient solutions. Common reed has an efficient mechanism of Na+ exclusion from the leaves and exhibited a high leaf K+/Na+ selectivity ratio over a wide range of salinities under hypoxia treatment. In Phragmites australis grown in 200 mM NaCl, K+ contributed 17% toΨπ, whereas Na+ and Cl accounted for only 11% and 6%, respectively. At the same NaCl concentration, the estimated contribution of proline to Ψπ was less than 0.2%. Changes in leaf turgor occurred with a combined effect of salinity and hypoxia, suggesting that reed plants could adjust their water status sufficiently.  相似文献   

Field observations and experimental evidence have shown that bioturbation by the southern African sandprawn Callianassa kraussi may significantly influence the abundance and distribution of the filter-feeding bivalve Eumarcia paupercula and the grazing gastropod Nassarius kraussianus. It was hypothesized that (1) sediment reworking by C. kraussi negatively affects microalgal growth on the sediment surface, leading to a reduction in food intake by N. kraussianus, (2) sediment deposited by C. kraussi will also diminish the food uptake of E. paupercula by interfering with its filtration mechanism. To test these hypotheses, manipulative field and laboratory experiments were undertaken in which N. kraussianus and E. paupercula were added to treatments with and without C. kraussi, and their survival and gut chlorophyll-a content measured. The effects of C. kraussi on sediment erodability and on condition of E. paupercula (tissue mass/shell length) were determined in a second experiment. In the presence of C. kraussi, (1) microalgal consumption by both N. kraussianus and E. paupercula was halved; (2) condition and survival of E. paupercula were significantly reduced but survival of N. kraussianus was unaffected; and (3) sediment erodability was increased. A significant negative relationship was established between sediment erodability and condition of E. paupercula. Evidently C. kraussi exerts a strongly negative influence on the feeding of E. paupercula and N. kraussianus, and this may explain the scarcity of these organisms in areas containing high densities of C. kraussi.  相似文献   

This study focused on effects from Monoporeia affinis reworking and ventilation activities on benthic fluxes and mineralization processes during a simulated bloom event. The importance of M. affinis density for benthic solute (O2, ΣNO2 + NO3, NH4+ and HPO42−) fluxes and sediment reactivity (mobilization of NH4+ and HPO42−) following additions of organic material to the sediment surface was experimentally investigated using sediment-water and closed sediment (jar) incubations. Three different densities of M. affinis were used to resemble a low, medium and high density situation (1300, 2500 and 6400 ind. m− 2, respectively) of a natural amphipod community. The degradation of phytodetritus (Tetraselmis sp., 5 g C m− 2) added to the sediment surface was followed over a period of 20 days. Benthic solute fluxes of O2, ΣNO2 + NO3 and NH4+ were generally progressively stimulated with increasing number of M. affinis, while no such correlation was found for HPO42−. Solute fluxes were initially enhanced 1 to 2 days after the addition of phytodetritius, caused by mineralization of the most labile organic material and a food-stimulated irrigation by the amphipods. There was no effect from the activity of M. affinis on total denitrification (Dtot = Dn + Dw) or denitrification utilizing nitrate from coupled nitrification/denitrification (Dn) for any of the densities examined. Denitrification utilizing overlying water nitrate (Dw) was only about 10% of Dtot. Dw was significantly enhanced for the highest M. affinis density investigated. The reactivity of the sediment decreased progressively with increasing density of M. affinis and with time of the experiment. However, enhanced ammonium production at least 6 days after the organic addition indicated excretion of N-containing organic compounds by M. affinis. In conclusion, large spatial and temporal variations in density of M. affinis may be of significant importance for benthic solute fluxes and overall mineralization of organic material in Baltic Sea sediments.  相似文献   

The influence of natural populations of the sub-surface deposit-feeding amphipod Victoriopisa australiensis on sediment biogeochemistry was assessed by randomly collecting 21 sediment cores in a zone of Coombabah Lake, southern Moreton Bay, Australia, where the benthic infauna was dominated by this species. Cores were incubated sequentially to determine sediment–water column fluxes of oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon and inorganic N species, followed by incubations to determine rates of denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) using the isotope pairing technique. Finally, each core was sieved in order to determine the population and biomass of amphipods present. Whilst all measures of overall benthic metabolism (sediment oxygen demand, and effluxes of inorganic carbon and nitrogen) showed increased with amphipod density, with rates being stimulated 70–220% at the highest categorised density range of 2,500–3,500 ind m−2, only the correlation with dissolved inorganic carbon was statistically significant. In contrast, there were no discernable trends between amphipod densities and any of the N-cycle processes with the slopes of all correlations being very close to zero. These results highlight the differences in mesocosm simulations of fauna effects, which primarily relate to shifts in rates of organic matter turnover, compared to natural sediments where fauna effects relate more to induced changes in rates of organic matter deposition. Therefore, while mesocosms represent a powerful tool to investigate the mechanisms by which fauna influences microbial metabolism in the sediment, only studies of natural sediments can determine to what extent these mechanisms function in situ. Handling editor: Pierluigi Viaroli  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates include noxious microalgae responsible for the formation of toxic red tides and the poisoning of molluscs and crustaceans, resulting in important economic losses. As a consequence, the life cycle of these algae has been extensively studied, but the dormancy phase (cyst) in the sediment record is little known. In the intertidal zone, bioturbation, an important biological process resulting from the activities of benthic fauna, significantly influences the movement of particles in the sediments. Laboratory experiments have allowed comparing and quantifying the movements of fluorescent microspheres resulting from the activity of two polychaetes annelidae, Nereis virens and Nephtys caeca. The particles, which simulate 45 µm diameter dinoflagellate cysts, are deposited in flat aquaria at the surface or deep in the sediment. Photographs of the aquaria were taken at regular intervals, to observe, in a non-destructive manner, the movement of the particles and to calculate, using adapted software, the optical reworking coefficient (ORC) over time. A difference appears between the movements of the particles generated by both species of polychaetes. Nereis virens create “permanent” galleries that carry the microspheres deeply in the sediment during the digging, bioirrigation and feeding, and Nephtys caeca homogenize the particles in the first centimetres of sediment during its erratic movements. The study shows that the bioturbation generated by these organisms can modify the distribution of the 45 µm diameter dinoflagellate cysts in the sedimentary column, burying them or raising them back to the water-sediment interface.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of individual members of the two dominant functional groups of the Macoma balthica community on fluxes of nutrients and dissolved organic carbon between sediment and overlying water. The biodiffusers M. balthica and Mya arenaria and the gallery-diffuser Nereis virens were added to microcosms containing sieved tidal flat sediment, using identical biovolume for each treatment to facilitate comparison. Both functional groups enhanced fluxes over a control without macrofauna. The gallery-diffuser had the greatest effect. The two biodiffusers had opposite effects on the flux of nitrate. M. balthica, which lives near the sediment surface, caused nitrate release whereas M. arenaria caused nitrate uptake. Both organisms increased the release of ammonia, but M. arenaria had the greater effect. We attribute this intra-functional difference not so much to different functionality as to interactions between organisms and the depth distribution of pore water constituents. Because the burrow of M. balthica is located within the nitrification zone of the sediment, the depth averaged concentration of nitrate in its burrow is higher than in the overlying water, and burrow flushing leads to net release of nitrate. In contrast, the burrow of M. arenaria includes both nitrification and denitrification zones, which lower the depth averaged concentration of nitrate below the concentration in the overlying water. The functional group approach needs to take the processes that control sediment chemistry into account in order to predict fluxes sucessfully.  相似文献   

Concern for the increasing occurrence of coastal zone hypoxia has generally focused on the direct, short-term impact of reduced dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations on the survival of commercially important species such as fish and crabs. Copepods, especially the naupliar stages, are important pelagic food web components, yet only a few studies have considered the effect of reduced DO concentrations on their survival and population dynamics. This study considers the impact of both lethal and sublethal DO concentrations on copepods. Acartia tonsa were reared at 25 °C at saturating DO (normoxic control) and reduced (hypoxic) DO concentrations of 1.5 or 0.7 ml l−1. Oxygen concentrations were maintained in replicate flasks, by bubbling seawater with air (control), or mixtures of nitrogen and oxygen. Egg production, but not survival, was significantly higher in the controls compared to the 1.5 ml l−1 DO treatment. Survival and egg production were significantly lower at 0.7 ml l−1 DO compared to the control. The results suggest that the sublethal as well as the lethal effects of hypoxia may have important repercussions on population and community dynamics in coastal systems.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of organic additions on nitrification and dentrification were examined in sediment microcosms. The organic material, heat killed yeast, had a C/N ratio of 7.5 and was added to sieved, homogenized sediments. Four treatments were compared: no addition (control), 30 g dry weight (dw) m−2 mixed throughout the 10 cm sediment column (30M), 100 g dw m−2 mixed throughout sediments (100M), and 100 g dw m−2 mixed into top 1 cm (100S). After the microcosms had been established for 7–11 days, depth of O2 penetration, sediment-water fluxes and nitrification rates were measured. Nitrification rates were measured using three different techniques: N-serve and acetylene inhibition in intact cores, and nitrification potentials in slurris. Increased organic additions decreased O2 penetration from 2.7 to 0.2 mm while increasing both O2 consumption, from 30 to 70 mmol O2 m−2 d−1, and NO3 flux into sediments. Nitrification rates in intact cores were similar for the two methods. Highest rates occurred in the 30M treatment, while the lowest rate was measured in the 100S treatment. Total denitrification rates (estimated from nitrification and nitrate fluxes) increased with increased organic addition, because of the high concentrations of NO3 (40 μM) in the overlaying water. The ratio of nitrification: denitrification was used as an indication of the importance of nitrification as the NO3 supply for denitrificaion. This ratio decreased from 1.55 to 0.05 iwth increase organic addition.  相似文献   

Increased temperature, atmospheric CO2 and change in precipitation patterns affect plant physiological and ecosystem processes. In combination, the interactions between these effects result in complex responses that challenge our current understanding. In a multi-factorial field experiment with elevated CO2 (CO2, FACE), nighttime warming (T) and periodic drought (D), we investigated photosynthetic capacity and PSII performance in the evergreen dwarf shrub Calluna vulgaris and the grass Deschampsia flexuosa in a temperate heath ecosystem. Photosynthetic capacity was evaluated using A/Ci curves, leaf nitrogen content and chlorophyll-a fluorescence OJIP induction curves. The PSII performance was evaluated via the total performance index PItotal, which integrates the function of antenna, reaction centers, electron transport and end-acceptor reduction according to the OJIP-test.The PSII performance was negatively influenced by high air temperature, low soil water content and high irradiance dose. The experimental treatments of elevated CO2 and prolonged drought generally down-regulated Jmax, Vcmax and PItotal. Recovery from these depressions was found in the evergreen shrub after rewetting, while post-rewetting up-regulation of these parameters was observed in the grass. Warming effects acted indirectly to improve early season Jmax, Vcmax and PItotal. The responses in the multi-factorial experimental manipulations demonstrated complex interactive effects of T × CO2, D × CO2 and T × D × CO2 on photosynthetic capacity and PSII performance. The impact on the O-J, J-I and I-P phases which determine the response of PItotal are discussed. The single factor effects on PSII performance and their interactions could be explained by parallel adjustments of Vcmax, Jmax and leaf nitrogen in combination. Despite the highly variable natural environment, the OJIP-test was very robust in detecting the impacts of T, D, CO2 and their interactions.This study demonstrates that future climate will affect fundamental plant physiological processes in a way that is not predictable from single factor treatments. The interaction effects that were observed depended upon both the growth strategy of the species considered, and their ability to adjust during drought and rewetting periods.  相似文献   

The abundance and diversity of nirS-harbouring bacteria were evaluated in a potato field during a growth season using culture-independent techniques. A total of 182 operational taxonomical units were identified and most had low homology to known nirS sequences, which suggested the discovery of new denitrifiers. The diversity was significantly higher in the furrow, followed by the hill and the near-plant region and was inversely proportional to the denitrification enzyme activity. In contrast, the abundance was not altered by soil locations but was significantly lower at the end of the growth season.  相似文献   

Spermidine/spermine N(1)-acetyltransferase (SSAT) is the key enzyme with regard to the maintenance of intracellular polyamine levels. It is an inducible enzyme, which may participate in adaptive responses to environmental stress. However, little is known regarding its responses to oxygen or nutrient deficiencies. Using microarray assays, we discovered that SSAT was enhanced under both oxygen- and iron-deficient conditions. However, RT-PCR revealed that the SSAT mRNA was not induced; rather, an mRNA variant was newly expressed. In this variant, the splicing-in of 110 bases induces early termination, generating a truncated isoform which lacks catalytic motifs. The variant expression occurs in other cancer cells and was irrelevant to both hypoxia-inducible factor 1 and to the redox state. We attempted to determine its role, using stable cell-lines. The expressed isoform was found to promote cell survival under iron-deficient conditions and blocked the cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. This isoform may contribute to the progression of tumors of a more malignant phenotype under poor conditions and may constitute a potential target for anticancer therapy.  相似文献   

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