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Climate change will be with us for decades, even with significant reductions in emissions. Therefore, predictions made with respect to climate change impacts on coral reefs need to be highly defensible to ensure credibility over the timeframes this issue demands. If not, a Cassandra syndrome could be created whereby future more well-supported predictions of the fate of reefs are neither heard nor acted upon. Herein, popularising predictions based on essentially untested assumptions regarding reefs and their capacity to cope with future climate change is questioned. Some of these assumptions include that: all corals live close to their thermal limits, corals cannot adapt/acclimatize to rapid rates of change, physiological trade-offs resulting from ocean acidification will lead to reduced fecundity, and that climate-induced coral loss leads to widespread fisheries collapse. We argue that, while there is a place for popularising worst-case scenarios, the coral reef crisis has been effectively communicated and, though this communication should be sustained, efforts should now focus on addressing critical knowledge gaps. Communicated by Environment Editor Prof. Rob van Woesik  相似文献   

Best practices for improved governance of coral reef marine protected areas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Coral reef marine protected areas (MPA) are widely distributed around the globe for social and ecological reasons. Relatively few of these MPAs are well managed. This review examines the governance of coral reef MPAs and the means to improve coral reef MPA management. It highlights common governance challenges, such as confused goals, conflict, and unrealistic attempts to scale up beyond institutional capacity. Recommendations, based on field experience and empirical evidence from around the world, are made for best practices at various stages of MPA implementation.
A. T. WhiteEmail:

The results reported in this paper demonstrate suboptimal experimental designs in some of the previously published manipulative methods and provide insights for the improvement of in-situ nutrient studies on coral reefs. Overgrown 0.5-liter porous clay-pot diffusers (“mini-reefs”—following a decade of recruitment, colonization and competition) were utilized to evaluate protocols for studies of controlled nutrient enrichment on coral reefs. A commonly used fertilizer, Tree Food Stakes resulted in detrimental 11-fold and 20-fold decreases of fleshy algae and calcareous coralline algae, respectively, relative to the Control treatments; while blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) became significantly (6 times) more abundant. Osmocote-filled mini-reefs showed no such negative differences in mortality from the Controls for any functional group. By avoiding the pitfalls of inappropriate sources of enrichment, insufficient durations of colonization/competition studies, suboptimal study areas and inadequate nutrient detection limits in future research, the potential to provide new insights into the nutrient status of coral reefs is greatly increased.  相似文献   

Sponges biosynthesize a wealth of secondary metabolites, many with novel structures and strong biological activity. Such compounds may serve multiple ecological roles including anti-predation, anti-fouling functionalities and are implicated in border defense or attack during spatial competition. Relative size of benthic organisms may also play an important role in competitive interactions. To determine if a relationship exists between individual size and bioactive metabolite production in the context of spatial competition, we examined three sponge species with different morphologies: the massive Coscinoderma matthewsi, the club-shaped branching Hyrtios erecta, and the fan-shaped Ianthella basta. Extracts from sponges of various sizes and competitive environments were examined using a cell based bioassay as a proxy of bioactivity. For I. basta, sponge size was correlated with bioactivity; the largest individuals generally being the most bioactive. In contrast, there was no correlation between size and bioactivity for either C. matthewsi or H. erecta. Bioactivity of sponges in this study were however highly variable among individuals, regardless of levels of competition. The prevalence of encroaching organisms was not correlated with sponge size for any of the three sponge species, suggesting that potential bioactivity is not influenced by surrounding competition.  相似文献   

Marine Protected Areas are usually static, permanently closed areas. There are, however, both social and ecological reasons to adopt dynamic closures, where reserves move through time. Using a general theoretical framework, we investigate whether dynamic closures can improve the mean biomass of herbivorous fishes on reef systems, thereby enhancing resilience to undesirable phase-shifts. At current levels of reservation (10–30%), moving protection between all reefs in a system is unlikely to improve herbivore biomass, but can lead to a more even distribution of biomass. However, if protected areas are rotated among an appropriate subset of the entire reef system (e.g. rotating 10 protected areas between only 20 reefs in a 100 reef system), dynamic closures always lead to increased mean herbivore biomass. The management strategy that will achieve the highest mean herbivore biomass depends on both the trajectories and rates of population recovery and decline. Given the current large-scale threats to coral reefs, the ability of dynamic marine protected areas to achieve conservation goals deserves more attention.  相似文献   

For clonal organisms that can suffer high levels of partial mortality and still recover, the conditions that influence infection and development of disease (e.g., abiotic stressors, population density) may be very different from the conditions that influence recovery. Recovery from infectious disease may increase if an individual can mount a defense before infection spreads throughout its body. If pathogens spread within an organism from an initial infection point, growth form—in conjunction with size—can influence the amount of time before all the tissue is diseased, and recovery precluded. A simple model of pathogen progression within individual sponges predicts that species with massive growth forms will be most susceptible to being overwhelmed by pathogen infection, and branching species will be most likely to recover. These predictions may help to explain the seemingly contradictory observations that branching species had the greatest prevalence of disease, and massive species the greatest rate of loss, in a monitored coral reef community. Disease may be observed disproportionately frequently in the organisms that are most likely to recover, resulting in underestimation, by standard monitoring procedures, of the effect of disease on losses from the community.  相似文献   

Juvenile and adult reef fishes often undergo migration, ontogenic habitat shifts, and nocturnal foraging movements. The orientation cues used for these behaviours are largely unknown. In this study, the use of sound as an orientation cue guiding the nocturnal movements of adult and juvenile reef fishes at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef was examined. The first experiment compared the movements of fishes to small patch reefs where reef noise was broadcast, with those to silent reefs. No significant responses were found in the 79 adults that were collected, but the 166 juveniles collected showed an increased diversity each morning on the reefs with broadcast noise, and significantly greater numbers of juveniles from three taxa (Apogonidae, Gobiidae and Pinguipedidae) were collected from reefs with broadcast noise. The second experiment compared the movement of adult and juvenile fishes to reefs broadcasting high (>570 Hz), or low (<570 Hz) frequency reef noise, or to silent reefs. Of the 122 adults collected, the highest diversity was seen at the low frequency reefs; and adults from two families (Gobiidae and Blenniidae) preferred these reefs. A similar trend was observed in the 372 juveniles collected, with higher diversity at the reefs with low frequency noises. This preference was seen in the juvenile apogonids; however, juvenile gobiids were attracted to both high and low sound treatments equally, and juvenile stage Acanthuridae preferred the high frequency noises. This evidence that juvenile and adult reef fishes orientate with respect to the soundscape raises important issues for management, conservation and the protection of sound cues used in natural behaviour.  相似文献   

Coral reefs can undergo unexpected and dramatic changes in community composition, so called phase shifts. This can have profound consequences for ecosystem services upon which human welfare depends. Understanding of this behavior is in many aspects still in its infancy. Resilience has been argued to provide insurance against unforeseen ecosystem responses in the face of environmental change, and has become a prime goal for the management of coral reefs. However, diverse definitions of resilience can be found in the literature, making its meaning ambiguous. Several studies have used the term as a theoretical framework and concern regarding its practical applicability has been raised. Consequently, operationalizing theory to make resilience observable is an important task, particularly for policy makers and managers dealing with pressing environmental problems. Ultimately this requires some type of empirical assessments, something that has proven difficult due to the multidimensional nature of the concept. Biodiversity, spatial heterogeneity, and connectivity have been proposed as cornerstones of resilience as they may provide insurance against ecological uncertainty. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the divergent uses of the concept and to propose empirical indicators of the cornerstones of coral reef resilience. These indicators include functional group approaches, the ratios of “good” and “bad” colonizers of space, measurements of spatial heterogeneity, and estimates of potential space availability against grazing capacity. The essence of these operational indicators of resilience is to use them as predictive tools to recognize vulnerability before disturbance occurs that may lead to abrupt phase shifts. Moving toward operationalizing resilience theory is imperative to the successful management of coral reefs in an increasingly disturbed and human-dominated environment. Communicating by Ecology Editor Professor Peter Mumby Order of authors 2–3 is alphabetic  相似文献   

The temporal dynamics of fish recruitment to equatorial Indo-Pacific coral reefs are not well known. This paper documents fish recruitment over a 2.5-year period in Kimbe Bay (PNG) and shows that it is much less seasonal than is typically described for higher latitude coral reefs. Two families, wrasses (Labridae) and damselfishes (Pomacentridae), which accounted for 90% of all non-cryptic reef fish settlers, exhibited contrasting patterns. Most wrasse species had year-round recruitment with irregular peaks in abundance between November and May. Damselfish species showed a wider range of recruitment patterns, but most had negligible recruitment during the wet season (December–February), followed by one or two recruitment peaks between May and November. Species with longer seasonal recruitment periods exhibited higher cumulative levels of recruitment. For three focal damselfish species, reproductive output was reduced during the wet season, but this alone did not account for the low recruitment at this time. The lack of damselfish recruitment during the wet season is hypothesised to be due to a combination of reduced reproductive output and increased larval mortality associated with monsoonal conditions. The results indicate that there are consistent family-wide recruitment strategies that may play a significant role in the dynamics of populations in equatorial waters.  相似文献   

The worldwide degradation of reef ecosystems has promoted the advocators of restoration acts to the foreground. Here, we describe the results of the first step of large-scale restoration based on the “gardening with corals” concept. During June-September 2005, two coral nurseries were established in Bolinao, the Philippines, in front of Silaqui Island, in a shallow (2 m depth) sandy lagoon. Two types of nurseries were employed: (1) suspended nursery; (2) leg-fixed nursery. The nursery held a total number of 6824 ramets, from seven coral species representing different growth forms (branching, leaf-like and sub-massive forms) and different growth rates (fast and slow growing species). Each species was represented by several genotypes. During one year, we analyzed and compared survivorship, bleaching and growth rates of fragments between the different nurseries, species and genotypes. Survivorship, which was high in both nurseries, > 85%, fluctuated between the different species indicating that different species require different rearing methodologies. Mortality and detachment was subjected to environmental conditions, especially affected by the typhoons prevailing in this part of the world. The one-year nursery phase produced sizeable colonies, especially of branching forms, suitable for transplantation.  相似文献   


Water renewal exerts a preponderant role in eutrophication, yet few hydrodynamic indicators exist for performing quick and cost-effective assessments of ecosystem vulnerability. Using field data, we closed the water budget of a shallow coral reef lagoon recently exposed to high levels of nutrient loading that triggered green tides. Then, we tested the relevance of modelling flushing-time, a proxy of water renewal, from oceanic and atmospheric open access data. Water inflows in the lagoon were mainly driven by waves breaking on exposed reefs, but tide and wind also influenced water renewal during low-wave periods. Modelling flushing-time as a function of the wave features (significant wave height, direction, and period), tide, and wind direction provided the most convincing model, with greater contribution of wave height, and adequately reproduced observations for an independent dataset. Using this model to hindcast flushing-time over the period 2000–2019 highlighted that green tides that recently struck the area in January 2018 and June 2019 followed periods of slow water renewal, which therefore contributed to amplify the blooms. The analysis also demonstrated that renewal events even slower than those recorded in 2018–2019 are frequent in this lagoon, which highlights the high vulnerability of this UNESCO World Heritage Site to other pulses of nutrient loading. Since the methodology developed in this study can be easily applied to many other coastal barrier and fringing reefs, it offers a promising perspective for quick and cost-effective assessments of coral reef vulnerability to eutrophication and other ecosystem crises magnified by slow water renewal.


Encrusting calcareous organisms such as bryozoans, crustose coralline algae (CCA), foraminiferans, and serpulid worms are integral components of tropical framework-building reefs. They can contribute calcium carbonate to the reef framework, stabilise the substrate, and promote larval recruitment of other framework-building species (e.g. coral recruits). The percentage cover of encrusting organisms and their rates of carbonate production (g m−2 year−1) were assessed at four sites within a coastal embayment, along a gradient of riverine influence (high-low). As the orientation and type of substrate is thought to influence recruitment of encrusting organisms, organisms recruiting to both natural (the underside of platy corals) and experimental substrates were assessed. The effect of substrate exposure under different levels of riverine influence was assessed by orientating experimental substrates to mimic cryptic and exposed reef habitats (downwards-facing vs upwards-facing tiles) at each site. Cryptic experimental tiles supported similar encruster assemblages to those recruiting to the underneath (cryptic side) of platy corals, suggesting that tiles can be used as an experimental substrate to assess encruster recruitment in reef systems. Encruster cover, in particular CCA, and carbonate production was significantly higher at low-impact (clear water), high wave energy sites when compared to highly riverine impacted (turbid water), low wave energy sites. Cryptically orientated substrates supported a greater diversity of encrusting organisms, in particular serpulid worms and bryozoans. The inverse relationships observed between riverine inputs and encrusters (total encruster cover and carbonate production) have implications for both the current and future rates and styles of reefal framework production.  相似文献   

Coral reef macroalgae are expected to thrive in the future under conditions that are deleterious to the health of reef-building corals. Here we examined how macroalgae would be affected by exposure to future CO2 emission scenarios (pCO2 and temperature), enriched nutrients and combinations of both. The species tested, Laurencia intricata (Rhodophyta), Turbinaria ornata and Chnoospora implexa (both Phaeophyceae), have active carbon-concentrating mechanisms but responded differently to the treatments. L. intricata showed high mortality under nutrient enriched RCP4.5 (“reduced” CO2 emission) and RCP8.5 (“business-as-usual” CO2 emission) and grew best under pre-industrial (PI) conditions, where it could take up carbon using external carbonic anhydrase combined, potentially, with proton extrusion. T. ornata’s growth rate showed a trend for reduction under RCP8.5 but was unaffected by nutrient enrichment. In C. implexa, highest growth was observed under PI conditions, but highest net photosynthesis occurred under RCP8.5, suggesting that under RCP8.5, carbon is stored and respired at greater rates while it is directed to growth under PI conditions. None of the species showed growth enhancement under future scenarios, nutrient enrichment or combinations of both. This leads to the conclusion that under such conditions these species are unlikely to pose an increasing threat to coral reefs.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of late stage reef fish larvae may potentially influence their dispersal, recruitment success and energetic expenditure during the recruitment process. To date, methods of examining the vertical distribution of reef fish larvae either under-sample late stage individuals, or are incapable of discretely sampling the water column. The aim of this study was to develop a light trap able to sample a narrow depth range enabling fine scale patterns of vertical distribution to be examined. The experimental traps radiated light in a relatively narrow beam with a maximum vertical angle of radiation of 7.5°, indicating that the traps could be placed 4.8 m apart and still sample discrete depth strata. Their catch efficiency was similar to conventional light traps, indicating that they are adequate sampling units. Preliminary data showed that most families are more abundant near the surface, although many have significant numbers of individuals lower in the water column. Some families (inc. Apogonidae) occurred in higher abundance at greater depths. Our experimental light traps permit increased resolution of the vertical distribution of late stage larval reef fishes in the field.  相似文献   

Aim To identify connectivity patterns among coral reefs of the Indo‐West Pacific. Projecting connectivity forward in time provides a framework for studying long‐term source–sink dynamics in the region, and makes it possible to evaluate the manner in which migration shapes population genetic structure at regional scales. This information is essential for addressing critical gaps in knowledge for conservation planning efforts in one of the most biologically diverse regions on earth. Location Coral reefs of the Indo‐West Pacific, ranging from 15° S to 30° N and 95° E to 140° E. Methods Individual‐based biophysical dispersal models were used in conjunction with matrix projection to identify the expected patterns of exchange between coral reefs over time. Results Present‐day oceanographic conditions lead to the transport of larvae from the South China Sea into the Coral Triangle region via the Sulu Sea, and from northern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands via Halmahera. The directionality of the system leads to the expected accumulation of organisms from outlying areas into the Coral Triangle region over time, particularly in the vicinity of the Maluku Islands and eastern Sulawesi. Coral reefs in Papua New Guinea, the Sulu Archipelago and areas within the Philippines are expected to be areas of high diversity as well. Main conclusions Biophysical dispersal models, used in conjunction with matrix projection, provide an effective means of simulating connectivity structure across the Indo‐West Pacific and thereby evaluating the directionality of genetic diversity. Migration appears to have a significant influence on population genetic structure in the region. Based on present‐day ocean currents, coral reefs in the South China Sea, northern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands are contributing to high levels of diversity in the Coral Triangle.  相似文献   

N. Tolimieri 《Oecologia》1995,102(1):52-63
Populations of fishes on coral reefs are replenished by the settlement of pelagic larvae to demersal populations. Recruitment varies spatially and temporally and can exert strong effects on the dynamics of reef fish populations. This study examined the effect of microhabitat characteristics on small-scale and large-scale recruitment variation in the three-spot damselfish, Stegastes planifrons (Cuvier). Comparison of 0.25-m2 quadrats occupied by three-spots with randomly sampled null quadrats showed that three-spots quadrats contained a higher percent cover of the coral Montastrea annularis than would be expected at random. Manipulative experiments on three types of 1.0-m2 patch reefs (living M. annularis, dead Porites Porites and dead Acropora palmata) patch reefs on showed that this non-random distribution was established by microhabitat choice during settlement and not by differential post-settlement survival. The presence of conspecific juveniles did not affect settlement. Recruitment was monitored at nine sites on three islands over 3 years. Recruitment showed no consistent pattern in the relative levels of recruitment among sites. Similarly, no consistent relationship emerged between recruitment levels and microhabitat characteristics at the nine sites. For example, at this large scale, the percent cover of M. annularis explained variation in recruitment in only 1 out of 3 years. These results suggest that small-scale recruitment patterns are influenced by microhabitat choice during settlement, but that these habitat effects do not scale up to influence large-scale variation in recruitment.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence collected since 2004 suggests that infections caused by ciliates in the genus Halofolliculina may be related to coral mortality in more than 25 scleractinian species in the Caribbean. However, the relationship between the presence of ciliates and coral mortality has not yet been firmly established. Field and laboratory manipulations were used to test if ciliate infections harm corals, if ciliates are able to infect healthy colonies, and if coral susceptibility to ciliate infection depends on temperature, depth, distance to an infected colony, and the presence of injuries. Ciliate infections were always characterized by a visually detectable front of ciliates located on recently exposed coral skeletons. These infections altered the normal structure of the colony by causing tissue mortality (0.8 ± 0.95 cm month−1, mean ± SD) and by delaying or preventing recovery from injuries. Under laboratory conditions, ciliates transmitted directly and horizontally from infected to healthy hosts, and coral susceptibility to ciliate infections increased with the presence of injuries. After invasion, the ciliate population grew, rapidly and after 8 d, produced tissue mortality on 32% of newly infected hosts. Thus, our results support the existence of a new Caribbean coral syndrome that is associated with tissue mortality, is infectious, and transmits directly and horizontally. Even though the role of ciliates in the development of lesions on coral tissues remains unclear, their presence is by far the most conspicuous sign of this syndrome; thus, we propose to name this condition Caribbean ciliate infection (CCI). Communicated by Biology Editor Dr Michael Lesser  相似文献   

The global degradation of coral reefs is having profound effects on the structure and species richness of associated reef fish assemblages. Historically, variation in the composition of fish communities has largely been attributed to factors affecting settlement of reef fish larvae. However, the mechanisms that determine how fish settlers respond to different stages of coral stress and the extent of coral loss on fish settlement are poorly understood. Here, we examined the effects of habitat degradation on fish settlement using a two-stage experimental approach. First, we employed laboratory choice experiments to test how settlers responded to early and terminal stages of coral degradation. We then quantified the settlement response of the whole reef fish assemblage in a field perturbation experiment. The laboratory choice experiments tested how juveniles from nine common Indo-Pacific fishes chose among live colonies, partially degraded colonies, and dead colonies with recent algal growth. Many species did not distinguish between live and partially degraded colonies, suggesting settlement patterns are resilient to the early stages of declining coral health. Several species preferred live or degraded corals, and none preferred to associate with dead, algal-covered colonies. In the field experiment, fish recruitment to coral colonies was monitored before and after the introduction of a coral predator (the crown-of-thorns starfish) and compared with undisturbed control colonies. Starfish reduced live coral cover by 95–100%, causing persistent negative effects on the recruitment of coral-associated fishes. Rapid reductions in new recruit abundance, greater numbers of unoccupied colonies and a shift in the recruit community structure from one dominated by coral-associated fishes before degradation to one predominantly composed of algal-associated fish species were observed. Our results suggest that while resistant to coral stress, coral death alters the process of replenishment of coral reef fish communities.  相似文献   

Habitat loss due to land reclamation often occurs in sandy coral reef shore zones. The giant sea anemone Stichodactyla gigantea, which harbors the false clown anemonefish Amphiprion ocellaris, both of which are potentially flagship species, inhabit these places. To assess habitat quality for S. gigantea, we examined correlative associations between the number and the body size of S. gigantea and the amount of habitat types in fine-scale seascape composition quantified from an enlarged section of a high-resolution (1/2,500) color aerial photograph of the shallow shore zone of Shiraho Reef, Ishigaki Island, Japan. This study confirmed that anemones were most abundant at the edges of dense seagrass beds characterized by shallow sandy bottoms, rock beds, and sparse seagrass beds, while they were less abundant in coral patch reefs. However, anemones inhabiting coral patch reefs were significantly larger and their rate of disappearance over 3 years was lower than those inhabiting other habitats. This suggests that coral patch reefs may be more suitable habitats supporting larger animals and greater persistence of S. gigantea. The visual census techniques applied here, combined with aerial photography and image-analysis software, may be useful as a simple analytical tool for local assessment of suitable habitats for relatively small-bodied marine fauna in shallow-water seascapes.  相似文献   

As the science of connectivity evolves, so too must the management of coral reefs. It is now clear that the spatial scale of disturbances to coral reef ecosystems is larger and the scale of larval connectivity is smaller than previously thought. This poses a challenge to the current focus of coral reef management, which often centers on the establishment of no-take reserves (NTRs) that in practice are often too small, scattered, or have low stakeholder compliance. Fished species are generally larger and more abundant in protected reserves, where their reproductive potential is often greater, yet documented demographic benefits of these reproductive gains outside reserves are modest at best. Small reproductive populations and limited dispersal of larvae play a role, as does the diminished receptivity to settling larvae of degraded habitats that can limit recruitment by more than 50%. For “demographic connectivity” to contribute to the resilience of coral reefs, it must function beyond the box of no-take reserves. Specifically, it must improve nursery habitats on or near reefs and enhance the reproductive output of ecologically important species throughout coral reef ecosystems. Special protection of ecologically important species (e.g., some herbivores in the Caribbean) and size-regulated fisheries that capitalize on the benefits of NTRs and maintain critical ecological functions are examples of measures that coalesce marine reserve effects and improve the resilience of coral reef ecosystems. Important too is the necessity of local involvement in the management process so that social costs and benefits are properly assessed, compliance increased and success stories accrued.  相似文献   

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