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Weakly electric fish orient at night by employing active electrolocation. South American and African species emit electric signals and perceive the consequences of these emissions with epidermal electroreceptors. Objects are detected by analyzing the electric images which they project onto the animal’s electroreceptive skin surface. Electric images depend on size, distance, shape, and material of objects and on the morphology of the electric organ and the fish’s body. It is proposed that the mormyrid Gnathonemus petersii possesses two electroreceptive “foveae” at its Schnauzenorgan and its nasal region, both of which resemble the visual fovea in the retina of many animals in design, function, and behavioral use. Behavioral experiments have shown that G. petersii can determine the resistive and capacitive components of an object’s complex impedance in order to identify prey items during foraging. In addition, fish can measure the distance and three-dimensional shape of objects. In order to determine object properties during active electrolocation, the fish have to determine at least four parameters of the local signal within an object’s electric image: peak amplitude, maximal slope, image width, and waveform distortions. A crucial parameter is the object distance, which is essential for unambiguous evaluation of object properties.  相似文献   

Summary Three weakly electric fish (Gnathonemus petersii) were force-choice trained in a two-alternative procedure to discriminate between objects differing in their electrical characteristics. The objects were carbon dipoles in plexiglass tubing (length 2.5 cm, diameter 0.6 cm). Their electrical characteristics could be changed by varying the impedance of an external circuit to which they were connected (Fig. 1). In one (the capacitance dipole) the resistance was very low(< 3 ) and the capcitance variable. In the other (the resistance dipole) the resistance was variable and the capacitance low (<50 pF).Capacitances from several hundred pF (lower thresholds, Fig. 2) to several hundred nF (upper thresholds, Fig. 3) could be discriminated from both insulators and good conductors. In all cases the reward-negative stimulus was the capacitance dipole, which was avoided by all fish spontaneously. Thresholds were defined at 70% correct choices.The fish were then tested for their ability to discriminate between one object with a given capacitance and another with resistances varying from 3 to 200 k. The capacitance dipole continued to be the negative stimulus throughout. All 3 fish avoided it in at least 80% of the trials at each stimulus combination (Fig. 4). This result suggests that Gnathonemus perceives the capacitance and the resistance of objects differentially.The effect of the dipole-objects as well as some natural objects on the local EOD was recorded differentially very close to the fish's skin (Fig. 5). The amplitude of the local EODs was affected by all types of objects as they approached the skin. However, the waveform was changed only by capacitance dipoles and some natural objects (Figs. 6 and 7). It appears that the fish perceive not only intensity changes in the local EOD but wave-form deformations as well and can thus distinguish objects of different complex impedances.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - f max maximal spectral frequency - GP Gnathonemus petersii - LFS local filtered signal - PMA probing motor act - S+ positive stimulus - S negative stimulus  相似文献   

The weakly electric fish, Eigenmannia, changes its frequency of electric organ discharges (EODs) to increase the frequency difference between its EODs and those of a jamming neighbor. This jamming avoidance response is greatest for frequency differences (i.e., beat rates) of approximately 4 Hz and barely detectable at beat rates of 20 Hz. A neural correlate of this behavior is found in the torus semicircularis, where most neurons act as low-pass or band-pass filters over this range of beat rates.This study examines two mechanisms that could possibly underlie low-pass temporal filtering: 1) Inhibition by a high-pass interneuron. 2) Voltage and time-dependent conductances associated with ligand-gated channels. These mechanisms were tested by recording intracellularly while employing stimuli consisting of simultaneous low and high beat rates. A neuron's response to the low beat rate was not diminished by the addition of the higher frequency jamming signal (thereby superimposing a high rate of amplitude and phase modulation onto the lower rate), and the inhibitory interneuron hypothesis is, therefore, not supported. Also, the responses to the high beat rate were not facilitated during maintained depolarization in response to the low beat rate.In some cases, particularly band-pass neurons, accommodation processes appeared to contribute to the decline in the amplitude of psps at high beat rates.  相似文献   

Summary Cortical microtubules in callus derived fromPisum sativum roots form parallel arrays within cells but are randomly oriented across the tissue. These arrays align perpendicular to the direction of an applied electric field of 6 mV per cell. Application of a field of 6 mV per cell for 4 days resulted in the co-ordinated expansion of cells parallel to the field direction. Cortical microtubule arrays were still aligned perpendicular to the applied field 24 h after removal of the field. The imposition of a field to callus after the removal of cortical microtubules by oryzalin and in the presence of the herbicide resulted in the orientation of recovering microtubules perpendicular to the direction of the field, indicating that microtubules are not directly involved in the detection of the field.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis (-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - MSB microtubule stabilising buffer - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulphonic acid) - oryzalin 3,5-dinitro-N4,N4 dipropylsulphanil-amide  相似文献   

The authors are convinced that in Alzheimer's disease, as in Down's syndrome and Guam-Parkinson dementia, one may find an alteration in blood brain barrier transfer and a resultant imbalance in mineral metabolism. Metals, such as aluminium, which in vivo yield stable complexes with aspartic and glutamic acids act as previously been clearly shown with glutamic acid; they cross the blood brain barrier, and are deposited in the brain. The authors explain how amyloid protein or neurofibrillary tangles could well be produced by aluminium complex formation. Whithin the brain, in the form precisely of aluminium complex,l-glutamic acid is consequently unable to detoxify ammonia from neurons and to produce L-glutamin. Accumulation of ammonia is subsequently responsible for the neuronal death, affecting each and every neurotransmitter system.  相似文献   

The gliding filaments of the blue-green alga Phormidium uncinatum stop their movement almost instantaneously when transfered from their growth pH of 7.2 into a buffer 4.5 or 12.5. A pH jump into the range between 5.6 and 12.0 induces no visible response while in the range between 4.9 and 5.5 the organisms reverse the direction of their movement. The pH jump is believed to simulate an early step during the sensory transduction chain of the photophobic response which eventually results in a reversal of movement.One of the subsequent steps is the inversion of an electric potential gradient existing between the front and rear ends of a filament which dictates the direction of movement. A similar reversal of the naturally existing potential gradient can be provoked by switching on an external do field when the filaments move towards the anode or switching it off when the filaments glide in the opposite direction. Implications of these results on the current model of sensory transduction of the photophobic response in Phormidium uncinatum are being discussed.  相似文献   

We measured and mapped the electric fields produced by three species of neotropical electric fish of the genus Brachyhypopomus (Gymnotiformes, Rham phichthyoidea, Hypopomidae), formerly Hypopomus. These species produce biphasic pulsed discharges from myogenic electric organs. Spatio-temporal false-color maps of the electric organ discharges measured on the skin show that the electric field is not a simple dipole in Brachyhypopomus. Instead, the dipole center moves rostro-caudally during the 1st phase (P1) of the electric organ discharge, and is stationary during the 2nd phase (P2). Except at the head and tip of tail, electric field lines rotate in the lateral and dorso-ventral planes. Rostro-caudal differences in field amplitude, field lines, and spatial stability suggest that different parts of the electric organ have undergone selection for different functions; the rostral portions seem specialized for electrosensory processing, whereas the caudal portions show adaptations for d.c. signal balancing and mate attraction as well. Computer animations of the electric field images described in this paper are available on web sites http://www.bbb.caltech.edu/ElectricFish or http://www.fiu.edu/∼stoddard/electricfish.html. Accepted: 22 September 1998  相似文献   

Human topoisomerase I (topo I) is an essential cellular enzyme that relaxes DNA supercoiling. The 6.3 kDa C-terminal domain of topo I contains the active site tyrosine (Tyr723) but lacks enzymatic activity by itself. Activity can be fully reconstituted when the C-terminal domain is associated with the 56 kDa core domain. Even though several crystal structures of topo I/DNA complexes are available, crystal structures of the free topo I protein or its individual domain fragments have been difficult to obtain. In this report we analyze the human topo I C-terminal domain structure using a variety of biophysical methods. Our results indicate that this fragment protein (topo6.3) appears to be in a molten globule state. It appears to have a native-like tertiary fold that contains a large population of alpha-helix secondary structure and extensive surface hydrophobic regions. Topo6.3 is known to be readily activated with the association of the topo I core domain, and the molten globule state of topo6.3 is likely to be an energy-favorable conformation for the free topo I C-terminal domain protein. The structural fluctuation and plasticity may represent an efficient mechanism in the topo I functional pathway, where the flexibility aids in the complementary association with the core domain and in the formation of a fully productive topo I complex.  相似文献   

Extracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase were used to label commissural cells connecting the electrosensory lateral line lobes of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Multiple commissural pathways exist; a caudal commissure is made up of ovoid cell axons, and polymorphic cells' axons project via a rostral commissure. Intracellular recording and labeling showed that ovoid cells discharge spontaneously at high rates, fire at preferred phases to the electric organ discharge, and respond to increased receptor afferent input with short latency partially adapting excitation. Ovoid cell axons ramify extensively in the rostro-caudal direction but are otherwise restricted to a single ELL subdivision. Polymorphic cells are also spontaneously active, but their firing is unrelated to the electric organ discharge waveform. They respond to increased receptor afferent activity with reduced firing frequency and response latency is long. Electrical stimulation of the commissural axons alters the behavior of pyramidal cells in the contralateral ELL. Basilar pyramidal cells are hyperpolarized and nonbasilar pyramidal cells are depolarized by this type of stimulation. The physiological results indicate that the ovoid cells participate in common mode rejection mechanisms and also suggest that the ELLs may function in a differential mode in which spatially restricted electrosensory stimuli can evoke heightened responses.Abbreviations ccELL caudal commissure of the ELL - CE contralaterally excited - DML dorsal molecular layer - ELL electrosensory lateral line lobe - EOD electric organ discharge - HRP horseradish peroxidase - IE ipsilaterally excited - MTI mouth-tail inverted - MTN mouth-tail normal - rcELL rostral commissure of the ELL - TRI transverse inverted - TRN transverse normal  相似文献   

The design of excitation signals for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is cast as an optimal control problem. Here, we demonstrate that signals other than pulse excitations, which are ubiquitous in MRI, can provide adequate excitation, thus challenging the optimality and ubiquity of pulsed signals. A class of on-resonance piecewise continuous amplitude modulated signals is introduced. It is shown that despite the bilinear nature of the Bloch equations, the spins system response is largely analytically tractable for this class of signals, using Galerkin approximation methods. To challenge the optimality of the pulse excitation, an appropriate cost criterion, the Signal Contrast Efficiency (SCE), is developed. It is to be optimised subject to dynamics expressed by the Bloch equations. To solve the problem the Bloch equation is transferred to the excitation dependent rotating frame of reference. The numerical solutions to the problem for different tissue types show that for a short period of time, pulse excitations provide the maximum signal contrast. However, the problem should be solved for longer periods of time which may result in a different answer than a pulse. For this purpose, the approximate analytic solution which is derived based on averaging the Bloch equation in the excitation dependent rotating frame of reference will be used to find the optimal excitation pattern. The solution to the optimisation problem is potentially useful for all forms of MRI including structural and functional imaging. The objective of this paper is to show that while classically transient response of pulses have been monitored so far, the optimal excitation pattern may be the steady state response of a non-pulse excitation.  相似文献   

It has been established in rat experiments that RNA obtained from the liver and renal cortex of animals given hydrocortisone produces in recipients the rise of physical endurance evoked by the hormone. RNA obtained from other organs of these animals and from any test organs of control donors did not influence physical endurance. The key role of the liver and kidneys in the realization of the hydrocortisone effect is likely to be connected with activation of the synthesis of gluconeogenesis enzymes. RNA obtained from the organs of donors premedicated with hydrocortisone reproduced stimulation of gluconeogenesis with hydrocortisone. The use of exogenous RNA holds promise for analysis of complex effects of biologically active substances, since it permits studying separately the components of the effects determined by activation of protein synthesis in definite organs.  相似文献   

Walker  G. 《Cell and tissue research》1974,152(4):449-465
Cell and Tissue Research - The frontal filaments comprise two regions, the internal vesicles and the external filaments. Dendrites of extra-optic protocerebral origin pass ventrally from the brain,...  相似文献   

In wave-type weakly electric fish, two distinct types of primary afferent fibers are specialized for separately encoding modulations in the amplitude and phase (timing) of electrosensory stimuli. Time-coding afferents phase lock to periodic stimuli and respond to changes in stimulus phase with shifts in spike timing. Amplitude-coding afferents fire sporadically to periodic stimuli. Their probability of firing in a given cycle, and therefore their firing rate, is proportional to stimulus amplitude. However, the spike times of time-coding afferents are also affected by changes in amplitude; similarly, the firing rates of amplitude-coding afferents are also affected by changes in phase. Because identical changes in the activity of an individual primary afferent can be caused by modulations in either the amplitude or phase of stimuli, there is ambiguity regarding the information content of primary afferent responses that can result in ‘phantom’ modulations not present in an actual stimulus. Central electrosensory neurons in the hindbrain and midbrain respond to these phantom modulations. Phantom modulations can also elicit behavioral responses, indicating that ambiguity in the encoding of amplitude and timing information ultimately distorts electrosensory perception. A lack of independence in the encoding of multiple stimulus attributes can therefore result in perceptual illusions. Similar effects may occur in other sensory systems as well. In particular, the vertebrate auditory system is thought to be phylogenetically related to the electrosensory system and it encodes information about amplitude and timing in similar ways. It has been well established that pitch perception and loudness perception are both affected by the frequency and intensity of sounds, raising the intriguing possibility that auditory perception may also be affected by ambiguity in the encoding of sound amplitude and timing.  相似文献   

To cover the receptive field completely and non‐redundantly, neurons of certain functional groups arrange tiling of their dendrites. In Drosophila class IV dendrite arborization (da) neurons, the NDR family kinase Tricornered (Trc) is required for homotypic repulsion of dendrites that facilitates dendritic tiling. We here report that Sin1, Rictor, and target of rapamycin (TOR), components of the TOR complex 2 (TORC2), are required for dendritic tiling of class IV da neurons. Similar to trc mutants, dendrites of sin1 and rictor mutants show inappropriate overlap of the dendritic fields. TORC2 components physically and genetically interact with Trc, consistent with a shared role in regulating dendritic tiling. Moreover, TORC2 is essential for Trc phosphorylation on a residue that is critical for Trc activity in vivo and in vitro. Remarkably, neuronal expression of a dominant active form of Trc rescues the tiling defects in sin1 and rictor mutants. These findings suggest that TORC2 likely acts together with the Trc signalling pathway to regulate the dendritic tiling of class IV da neurons, and thus uncover the first neuronal function of TORC2 in vivo.  相似文献   

This research deals with the exploitation of highly available and renewable marine biomass, Posidonia oceanica (L.) fibres as low cost biosorbent for the removal of metal-complexed textile dyestuff from aqueous medium, and the investigation of the probably involved physiochemical mechanisms. Experiments were carried out in batch reactor. Firstly, the adsorption process was studied as a function of initial solution pH and contact time under different initial dye concentration. The results showed that the highest dye adsorption capacity was found at pH 2 under a constant temperature of 30 °C, and the equilibrium state was reached within 48 h of exposure time. Secondly, several adsorption kinetic models were applied to fit the experimental data, namely Lagergren irreversible first-order, Reversible first-order, Pseudo-second-order, Elovich, Ritchie and intraparticle diffusion models. The proposed explanations were deduced from the theoretical assumptions behind the most appropriate model(s), which could satisfactorily describe the present biosorption phenomenon. The interpretation of the related results have shown that, with R2 of about 99%, the pseudo-second order model is the most suitable dynamic theory describing the biosorption of metal complex dye onto P. oceanica fibres, predicting therefore a chemisorption process.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry is now an indispensable tool for lipid analysis and is arguably the driving force in the renaissance of lipid research. In its various forms, mass spectrometry is uniquely capable of resolving the extensive compositional and structural diversity of lipids in biological systems. Furthermore, it provides the ability to accurately quantify molecular-level changes in lipid populations associated with changes in metabolism and environment; bringing lipid science to the “omics” age. The recent explosion of mass spectrometry-based surface analysis techniques is fuelling further expansion of the lipidomics field. This is evidenced by the numerous papers published on the subject of mass spectrometric imaging of lipids in recent years. While imaging mass spectrometry provides new and exciting possibilities, it is but one of the many opportunities direct surface analysis offers the lipid researcher. In this review we describe the current state-of-the-art in the direct surface analysis of lipids with a focus on tissue sections, intact cells and thin-layer chromatography substrates. The suitability of these different approaches towards analysis of the major lipid classes along with their current and potential applications in the field of lipid analysis are evaluated.  相似文献   

Study of stem cells may reveal promising treatment for diseases. The fate and function of transplanted stem cells remain poorly defined. Recent studies demonstrate that reporter genes can monitor real-time survival of transplanted stem cells in living subjects. We examined the effects of a novel and versatile triple fusion (TF) reporter gene construction on embryonic stem (ES) cell function by proteomic analysis. Murine ES cells were stably transduced with a self-inactivating lentiviral vector containing fluorescence (firefly luciferase; Fluc), bioluminescence (monomeric red fluorescence protein; mRFP), and positron emission tomography (herpes simplex virus type 1 truncated thymidine kinase; tTK) reporter genes. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis isolated stably transduced populations. TF reporter gene effects on cellular function were evaluated by quantitative proteomic profiling of control ES cells versus ES cells stably expressing the TF construct (ES-TF). Overall, no significant changes in protein quantity were observed. TF reporter gene expression had no effect on ES cell viability, proliferation, and differentiation capability. Molecular imaging studies tracked ES-TF cell survival and proliferation in living animals. In summary, this is the first proteomic study, demonstrating the unique potential of reporter gene imaging for tracking ES cell transplantation non-invasively, repetitively, and quantitatively.  相似文献   



In patients with structural idiopathic scoliosis the body asymmetries involve the pelvis and the lower limbs; they are included in many theories debating the pathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis.


Hip joint range of motion was studied in 158 adolescent girls, aged 10–18 years (mean 14.2 ± 2.0) with structural idiopathic scoliosis of 20–83° of Cobb angle (mean 43.0° ± 14.5°) and compared to 57 controls, sex and age matched. Hip range of rotation was examined in prone position, the pelvis level controlled with an inclinometer; hip adduction was tested in five different positions.


In girls with structural scoliosis the symmetry of hip rotation was less frequent (p = 0.0047), the difference between left and right hip range of internal rotation was significantly higher (p = 0.0013), and the static rotational offset of the pelvis, calculated from the mid-points of rotation, revealed significantly greater (p = 0.0092) than in healthy controls. The detected asymmetries comprised no limitation of hip range of motion, but a transposition of the sector of motion, mainly towards internal rotation in one hip and external rotation in the opposite hip. The data failed to demonstrate the curve type, the Cobb angle, the angle of trunk rotation or the curve progression factor to be related to the hip joint asymmetrical range of motion.


Numerous asymmetries around the hip were detected, most of them were expressed equally in scoliotics and in controls. Pathogenic implications concern producing a "torsional offset" of muscles patterns of activation around the spine in adolescent girls with structural idiopathic scoliosis during gait.  相似文献   

Direct application of high voltage electric pulses of milliseconds duration to the skin of a mouse enhances in vivo intradermal delivery of injected therapeutic molecules such as DNA. The efficacy of gene transfer and expression is dependent on electrical parameters. DNA electrotransfer in tissues increases the associated DNA expression vaccine potency. This protocol is called “electro-immunization”. In the present study, we report a new strategy for optimizing electro-immunization. In vivo fluorescence imaging was used to detect the expression of a fluorescent protein (DsRed) and therefore allowed rapid optimization of the protocol. In vivo electrogenetransfer in the skin was well tolerated and DsRed expression was followed for over 2 weeks. Expression was voltage dependent under our conditions. Parameters were selected giving the highest level of expression. Under these optimized conditions, electrotransfer of a plasmid encoding VEGF was evaluated for its immune response as a gene therapy of interest involved in anti-angiogenic strategies. Anti VEGF 165 antibodies in sera of mice were evaluated by ELISA and compared to those obtained after conventional immunization. Comparable titres of antibodies were obtained in both groups. An IgG2a predominance was found in mice immunized with the plasmid whereas a IgG1 predominance was observed in mice immunized classically. Skin electro-immunization is therefore shown as a good route for DNA immunization for anti-angiogenesis concern.  相似文献   

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