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Lamellipodia of crawling cells represent both the motor for cell advance and the primary building site for the actin cytoskeleton. The organization of actin in the lamellipodium reflects actin dynamics and is of critical importance for the mechanism of cell motility. In previous structural studies, the lamellipodial actin network was analyzed primarily by electron microscopy (EM). An understanding of lamellipodial organization would benefit significantly if the EM data were complemented and put into a kinetic context by establishing correspondence with structural features observable at the light microscopic level in living cells. Here, we use an enhanced phase contrast microscopy technique to visualize an apparent long-range diagonal actin meshwork in the advancing lamellipodia of living cells. Visualization of this meshwork permitted a correlative light and electron microscopic approach that validated the underlying organization of lamellipodia. The linear features in the light microscopic meshwork corresponded to regions of greater actin filament density. Orientation of features was analyzed quantitatively and compared with the orientation of actin filaments at the EM level. We infer that the light microscopic meshwork reflects the orientational order of actin filaments which, in turn, is related to their branching angle.  相似文献   

Notch signaling induced by cell surface ligands is critical to development and maintenance of many eukaryotic organisms. Notch and its ligands are integral membrane proteins that facilitate direct cell-cell interactions to activate Notch proteolysis and release the intracellular domain that directs Notch-specific cellular responses. Genetic studies suggest that Notch ligands require endocytosis, ubiquitylation, and epsin endocytic adaptors to activate signaling, but the exact role of ligand endocytosis remains unresolved. Here we characterize a molecularly distinct mode of clathrin-mediated endocytosis requiring ligand ubiquitylation, epsins, and actin for ligand cells to activate signaling in Notch cells. Using a cell-bead optical tweezers system, we obtained evidence for cell-mediated mechanical force dependent on this distinct mode of ligand endocytosis. We propose that the mechanical pulling force produced by endocytosis of Notch-bound ligand drives conformational changes in Notch that permit activating proteolysis.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum alpha-actinin (D.d. alpha-actinin) is a calcium and pH-regulated actin-binding protein that can cross-link F-actin into a gel at a submicromolar free calcium concentration and a pH less than 7 [Fechheimer, et al., 1982]. We examined mixtures of actin and D.d. alpha-actinin at four pH and calcium concentrations that exhibited various degrees of gelation or solation. The macroscopic viscosities of these mixtures were measured by falling ball viscometry (FBV) and compared to the translational diffusion coefficients measured by gaussian spot and periodic-pattern fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) of both the actin filaments and D.d. alpha-actinin. A homogeneous, macroscopic gel was not composed of a static actin network. Instead, the filament diffusion coefficient decreased to approximately 65% of the control value. If the D.d. alpha-actinin concentration was increased, the solution became inhomogeneous, consisting of domains of higher actin concentration. These domains were often composed of a static actin network. The mobility of D.d. alpha-actinin consisted of a major fraction that freely diffused and a minor fraction that appeared immobile under the conditions employed. This suggested that D.d. alpha-actinin binding to the actin filaments was static over the time course of measurement (approximately 5 sec). Under solation conditions, there was no apparent interaction of actin with D.d. alpha-actinin. These results demonstrate that 1) actin filaments need not be cross-linked into an immobile, static array in order to have macroscopic properties of a gel; 2) interpretation of the rheological properties of actin:alpha-actinin gels are complicated by spatial heterogeneity of the filament concentration and mobility; and 3) a fraction of D.d. alpha-actinin binds statically to actin in undisturbed gels. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to cytoplasmic structure and contractility.  相似文献   

We propose a class of microstructurally informed models for the linear elastic mechanical behaviour of cross-linked polymer networks such as the actin cytoskeleton. Salient features of the models include the possibility to represent anisotropic mechanical behaviour resulting from anisotropic filament distributions, and a power law scaling of the mechanical properties with the filament density. Mechanical models within the class are parameterized by seven different constants. We demonstrate a procedure for determining these constants using finite element models of three-dimensional actin networks. Actin filaments and cross-links were modelled as elastic rods, and the networks were constructed at physiological volume fractions and at the scale of an image voxel. We show the performance of the model in estimating the mechanical behaviour of the networks over a wide range of filament densities and degrees of anisotropy.  相似文献   

Cell protrusions contribute to cell motility and migration by mediating the outward extension and initial adhesion of cell edges. In many cells, these extensions are supported by actin bundles assembled by the actin cross-linking protein, fascin. Multiple extracellular cues regulate fascin and here we focus on the mechanism by which the transmembrane proteoglycan, syndecan-1, specifically activates lamellipodial cell spreading and fascin-and-actin bundling when clustered either by thrombospondin-1, laminin, or antibody to the syndecan-1 extracellular domain. There is almost no knowledge of the signaling mechanisms of syndecan-1 cytoplasmic domain and we have tested the hypothesis that the unique V region of syndecan-1 cytoplasmic domain has a crucial role in these processes. By four criteria--the activities of N-cadherin/V region chimeras, syndecan-1 deletion mutants, or syndecan-1 point mutants, and specific inhibition by a membrane-permeable TAT-V peptide--we demonstrate that the V region is necessary and sufficient for these cell behaviors and map the molecular basis for its activity to multiple residues located across the V region. These activities correlate with a V-region-dependent incorporation of cell-surface syndecan-1 into a detergent-insoluble form. We also demonstrate functional roles of syndecan-1 V region in laminin-dependent C2C12 cell adhesion and three-dimensional cell migration. These data identify for the first time specific cell behaviors that depend on signaling through the V region of syndecan-1.  相似文献   

We propose a class of microstructurally informed models for the linear elastic mechanical behaviour of cross-linked polymer networks such as the actin cytoskeleton. Salient features of the models include the possibility to represent anisotropic mechanical behaviour resulting from anisotropic filament distributions, and a power law scaling of the mechanical properties with the filament density. Mechanical models within the class are parameterized by seven different constants. We demonstrate a procedure for determining these constants using finite element models of three-dimensional actin networks. Actin filaments and cross-links were modelled as elastic rods, and the networks were constructed at physiological volume fractions and at the scale of an image voxel. We show the performance of the model in estimating the mechanical behaviour of the networks over a wide range of filament densities and degrees of anisotropy.  相似文献   

Wriggers W  Schulten K 《Proteins》1999,35(2):262-273
In actin-based cell motility, phosphate (Pi) release after ATP hydrolysis is an essential biochemical process, but the actual pathway of Pi separation from actin is not well understood. We report a series of molecular dynamics simulations that induce the dissociation of Pi from actin. After cleavage from ATP, the singly protonated phosphate (HPO4(2-)) rotates about the ADP-associated Ca2+ ion, turning away from the negatively charged ADP towards the putative exit near His73. To reveal the microscopic processes underlying the release of Pi, adhesion forces were measured when pulling the substrate out of its binding pocket. The results suggest that the separation from the divalent cation is the rate-limiting step in Pi release. Protonation of HPO4(2-) to H2PO4- lowers the electrostatic barrier during Pi liberation from the ion. The simulations revealed a propensity of charged His73+ to form a salt bridge with HPO4(2-), but not with H2PO4-. His73 stabilizes HPO4(2-) and, thereby, inhibits rapid Pi release from actin. Arg177 remains attached to Pi along the putative back door pathway, suggesting a shuttle function that facilitates the transport of Pi to a binding site on the protein surface.  相似文献   

The carcinogenicity of drugs can have a serious impact on human health, so carcinogenicity testing of new compounds is very necessary before being put on the market. Currently, many methods have been used to predict the carcinogenicity of compounds. However, most methods have limited predictive power and there is still much room for improvement. In this study, we construct a deep learning model based on capsule network and attention mechanism named DCAMCP to discriminate between carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic compounds. We train the DCAMCP on a dataset containing 1564 different compounds through their molecular fingerprints and molecular graph features. The trained model is validated by fivefold cross-validation and external validation. DCAMCP achieves an average accuracy (ACC) of 0.718 ± 0.009, sensitivity (SE) of 0.721 ± 0.006, specificity (SP) of 0.715 ± 0.014 and area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.793 ± 0.012. Meanwhile, comparable results can be achieved on an external validation dataset containing 100 compounds, with an ACC of 0.750, SE of 0.778, SP of 0.727 and AUC of 0.811, which demonstrate the reliability of DCAMCP. The results indicate that our model has made progress in cancer risk assessment and could be used as an efficient tool in drug design.  相似文献   

Single-unit recordings suggest that the midbrain superior colliculus (SC) acts as an optimal controller for saccadic gaze shifts. The SC is proposed to be the site within the visuomotor system where the nonlinear spatial-to-temporal transformation is carried out: the population encodes the intended saccade vector by its location in the motor map (spatial), and its trajectory and velocity by the distribution of firing rates (temporal). The neurons’ burst profiles vary systematically with their anatomical positions and intended saccade vectors, to account for the nonlinear main-sequence kinematics of saccades. Yet, the underlying collicular mechanisms that could result in these firing patterns are inaccessible to current neurobiological techniques. Here, we propose a simple spiking neural network model that reproduces the spike trains of saccade-related cells in the intermediate and deep SC layers during saccades. The model assumes that SC neurons have distinct biophysical properties for spike generation that depend on their anatomical position in combination with a center–surround lateral connectivity. Both factors are needed to account for the observed firing patterns. Our model offers a basis for neuronal algorithms for spatiotemporal transformations and bio-inspired optimal controllers.  相似文献   

We investigate both theoretically and experimentally how stress is propagated through the actin cytoskeleton of adherent cells and consequentially distributed at sites of focal adhesions (FAs). The actin cytoskeleton is modeled as a two-dimensional cable network with different lattice geometries. Both prestrain, resulting from actomyosin contractility, and central application of external force, lead to finite forces at the FAs that are largely independent of the lattice geometry, but strongly depend on the exact spatial distribution of the FAs. The simulation results compare favorably with experiments with adherent fibroblasts onto which lateral force is exerted using a microfabricated pillar. For elliptical cells, central application of external force along the long axis leads to two large stress regions located obliquely opposite to the pulling direction. For elliptical cells pulled along the short axis as well as for circular cells, there is only one region of large stress opposite to the direction of pull. If in the computer simulations FAs are allowed to rupture under force for elliptically elongated and circular cell shapes, then morphologies arise which are typical for migrating fibroblasts and keratocytes, respectively. The same effect can be obtained also by internally generated force, suggesting a mechanism by which cells can control their migration morphologies.  相似文献   

The Ras-related protein Cdc42 plays a role in yeast cell budding and polarity. Two related proteins, Rac1 and RhoA, promote formation in mammalian cells of membrane ruffles and stress fibers, respectively, which contain actin microfilaments. We now show that microinjection of the related human Cdc42Hs into Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts induced the formation of peripheral actin microspikes, determined by staining with phalloidin. A proportion of these microspikes was found to be components of filopodia, as analyzed by time-lapse phase-contrast microscopy. The formation of filopodia was also found to be promoted by Cdc42Hs microinjection. This was followed by activation of Rac1-mediated membrane ruffling. Treatment with bradykinin also promoted formation of microspikes and filopodia as well as subsequent effects similar to that seen upon Cdc42Hs microinjection. These effects of bradykinin were specifically inhibited by prior microinjection of dominant negative Cdc42HsT17N, suggesting that bradykinin acts by activating cellular Cdc42Hs. Since filopodia have been ascribed an important sensory function in fibroblasts and are required for guidance of neuronal growth cones, these results indicate that Cdc42Hs plays an important role in determining mammalian cell morphology.  相似文献   

We propose a new multilayered neural network model which has the ability of rapid self-organization. This model is a modified version of the cognitron (Fukushima, 1975). It has modifiable inhibitory feedback connections, as well as conventional modifiable excitatory feedforward connections, between the cells of adjoining layers. If a feature-extracting cell in the network is excited by a stimulus which is already familiar to the network, the cell immediately feeds back inhibitory signals to its presynaptic cells in the preceding layer, which suppresses their response. On the other hand, the feature-extracting cell does not respond to an unfamiliar feature, and the responses from its presynaptic cells are therefore not suppressed because they do not receive any feedback inhibition. Modifiable synapses in the new network are reinforced in a way similar to those in the cognitron, and synaptic connections from cells yielding a large sustained output are reinforced. Since familiar stimulus features do not elicit a sustained response from the cells of the network, only circuits which detect novel stimulus features develop. The network therefore quickly acquires favorable pattern-selectivity by the mere repetitive presentation of set of learning patterns.  相似文献   

The stereocilium is the basic sensory unit of nature's mechanotransducers, which include the cochlear and vestibular organs. In noisy environments, stereocilia display high sensitivity to miniscule stimuli, effectively dealing with a situation that is a design challenge in micro systems. The gating spring hypothesis suggests that the mechanical stiffness of stereocilia bundle is softened by tip-link gating in combination with active bundle movement, contributing to the nonlinear amplification of miniscule stimuli. To demonstrate that the amplification is induced mechanically by the gating as hypothesized, we developed a biomimetic model of stereocilia and fabricated the model at the macro scale. The model consists of an inverted pendulum array with bistable buckled springs at its tips, which represent the mechanically gated ion channel. Model simulations showed that at the moment of gating, instantaneous stiffness softening generates an increase in response magnitude, which then sequentially occurs as the number of gating increases. This amplification mechanism appeared to be robust to the change of model parameters. Experimental data from the fabricated macro model also showed a significant increase in the open probability and pendulum deflection at the region having a smaller input magnitude. The results demonstrate that the nonlinear amplification of miniscule stimuli is mechanically produced by stiffness softening from channel gating.  相似文献   

Branched actin networks have emerged as major force-generating structures driving the protrusions in various distinct cell types and processes, ranging from lamellipodia operating in mesenchymal and epithelial cell migration or tails pushing intracellular pathogens and vesicles to developing spine heads on neurons. Many key molecular features are conserved among all those Arp2/3 complex-containing, branched actin networks. Here, we will review recent progress in our molecular understanding of the core biochemical machinery driving branched actin nucleation, from the generation of filament primers to Arp2/3 activator recruitment, regulation and turnover. Due to the wealth of information on distinct, Arp2/3 network-containing structures, we are largely focusing—in an exemplary fashion—on canonical lamellipodia of mesenchymal cells, which are regulated by Rac GTPases, their downstream effector WAVE Regulatory Complex and its target Arp2/3 complex. Novel insight additionally confirms that WAVE and Arp2/3 complexes regulate or are themselves tuned by additional prominent actin regulatory factors, including Ena/VASP family members and heterodimeric capping protein. Finally, we are considering recent insights into effects exerted by mechanical force, both at the branched network and individual actin regulator level.  相似文献   

Length adaptation of the airway smooth muscle cell is attributable to cytoskeletal remodeling. It has been proposed that dysregulated actin filaments may become longer in asthma, and that such elongation would prevent a parallel-to-series transition of contractile units, thus precluding the well-known beneficial effects of deep inspirations and tidal breathing. To test the potential effect that actin filament elongation could have in overall muscle mechanics, we present an extremely simple model. The cytoskeleton is represented as a 2-D network of links (contractile filaments) connecting nodes (adhesion plaques). Such a network evolves in discrete time steps by forming and dissolving links in a stochastic fashion. Links are formed by idealized contractile units whose properties are either those from normal or elongated actin filaments. Oscillations were then imposed on the network to evaluate both the effects of breathing and length adaptation. In response to length oscillation, a network with longer actin filaments showed smaller decreases of force, smaller increases in compliance, and higher shortening velocities. Taken together, these changes correspond to a network that is refractory to the effects of breathing and therefore approximates an asthmatic scenario. Thus, an extremely simple model seems to capture some relatively complex mechanics of airway smooth muscle, supporting the idea that dysregulation of actin filament length may contribute to excessive airway narrowing.  相似文献   

Proteins that cross-link actin filaments can either form bundles of parallel filaments or isotropic networks of individual filaments. We have found that mixtures of actin filaments with alpha-actinin purified from either Acanthamoeba castellanii or chicken smooth muscle can form bundles or isotropic networks depending on their concentration. Low concentrations of alpha-actinin and actin filaments form networks indistinguishable in electron micrographs from gels of actin alone. Higher concentrations of alpha-actinin and actin filaments form bundles. The threshold for bundling depends on the affinity of the alpha-actinin for actin. The complex of Acanthamoeba alpha-actinin with actin filaments has a Kd of 4.7 microM and a bundling threshold of 0.1 microM; chicken smooth muscle has a Kd of 0.6 microM and a bundling threshold of 1 microM. The physical properties of isotropic networks of cross-linked actin filaments are very different from a gel of bundles: the network behaves like a solid because each actin filament is part of a single structure that encompasses all the filaments. Bundles of filaments behave more like a very viscous fluid because each bundle, while very long and stiff, can slip past other bundles. We have developed a computer model that predicts the bundling threshold based on four variables: the length of the actin filaments, the affinity of the alpha-actinin for actin, and the concentrations of actin and alpha-actinin.  相似文献   

Various actin assemblies within the cell regulate many cellular processes such as cell shape and motility. The mechanical properties of these networks are challenging to measure in vivo. They have been studied in solution by indirect observation methods, such as multiple ball tracking. However, little is known about the behavior of such networks near the crowded cell membrane. Here we used in vitro TIRF microscopy to directly probe the formation of actin networks in real-time near a hydrophilic surface in the presence of crowding agents. We find that under these conditions actin does not form a mesh like network, but either textured nematic liquid crystals or a bundled network. We are directly able to follow the thermal fluctuations of actin filaments within these networks. Prearranged parallel networks of actin filaments near the crowded cell membrane could play a role in the rapid formation of stress fibers or microvilli.  相似文献   

Anisotropic network model (ANM) is used to analyze the collective motions of restriction enzyme EcoRI in free form and in complex with DNA. For comparison, three independent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, each of 1.5 ns duration, are also performed for the EcoRI-DNA complex in explicit water. Although high mobility (equilibrium fluctuations) of inner and outer loops that surround the DNA is consistent in both methods and experiments, MD runs sample different conformational subspaces from which reliable collective dynamics cannot be extracted. However, ANM employed on different conformations from MD simulations indicates very similar collective motions. The stems of the inner loops are quite immobile even in the free enzyme and form a large, almost fixed, pocket for DNA binding. As a result, the residues that make specific and non-specific interactions with the DNA exhibit very low fluctuations in the free enzyme. The vibrational entropy difference between the EcoRI complex and free protein + unkinked DNA is positive (favorable), which may partially counteract the unfavorable enthalpy difference of DNA kink formation. Dynamic domains in EcoRI complex and cross-correlations between residue fluctuations indicate possible means of communication between the distal active sites.  相似文献   

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