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Summary I suggest that there may be a fundamental conceptual unity between two seemingly disparate phenomena: (1) senescence (the progressive deterioration in physiological function and, thus, individual fitness with age) and (2) niche conservatism (the observation that species often seem rather fixed over evolutionary time in their basic niche properties). I argue that both phenomena arise from demographic asymmetries. The evolutionary theory of ageing rests on the observation that the force of selection declines with age, reflecting the basic demographic facts that in persistent populations there are always fewer individuals in old than in young age classes and these individuals tend to have lower reproductive value. A similar demographic asymmetry arises when populations inhabit environments with source habitats (i.e. where conditions are within the species' niche) and sink habitats (where conditions lie outside the niche): there tend to be more individuals in sources than in sinks and individuals in sources have relatively higher reproductive values. These demographic asymmetries should often imply that the force of selection is greater in sources than in sinks, leading automatically towards niche conservatism. I suggest that niche evolution is most likely in circumstances where these demographic asymmetries in space weaken or reverse.  相似文献   

Chewing on different food types is a demanding biological function. The classic assumption in studying the shape of feeding apparatuses is that animals are what they eat, meaning that adaptation to different food items accounts for most of their interspecific variation. Yet, a growing body of evidence points against this concept. We use the primate mandible as a model structure to investigate the complex interplay among shape, size, diet, and phylogeny. We find a weak but significant impact of diet on mandible shape variation in primates as a whole but not in anthropoids and catarrhines as tested in isolation. These clades mainly exhibit allometric shape changes, which are unrelated to diet. Diet is an important factor in the diversification of strepsirrhines and platyrrhines and a phylogenetic signal is detected in all primate clades. Peaks in morphological disparity occur during the Oligocene (between 37 and 25 Ma) supporting the notion that an adaptive radiation characterized the evolution of South American monkeys. In all primate clades, the evolution of mandible size is faster than its shape pointing to a strong effect of allometry on ecomorphological diversification in this group.  相似文献   

Understanding how the climatic niche of species evolved has been a topic of high interest in current theoretical and applied macroecological studies. However, little is known regarding how species traits might influence climatic niche evolution. Here, we evaluated patterns of climatic niche evolution in turtles (tortoises and freshwater turtles) and whether species habitat (terrestrial or aquatic) influences these patterns. We used phylogenetic, climatic and distribution data for 261 species to estimate their climatic niches. Then, we compared whether niche overlap between sister species was higher than between random species pairs and evaluated whether niche optima and rates varied between aquatic and terrestrial species. Sister species had higher values of niche overlap than random species pairs, suggesting phylogenetic climatic niche conservatism in turtles. The climatic niche evolution of the group followed an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model with different optimum values for aquatic and terrestrial species, but we did not find consistent evidence of differences in their rates of climatic niche evolution. We conclude that phylogenetic climatic niche conservatism occurs among turtle species. Furthermore, terrestrial and aquatic species occupy different climatic niches but these seem to have evolved at similar evolutionary rates, reinforcing the importance of habitat in understanding species climatic niches and their evolution.  相似文献   

Most bees forage for floral resources during the day, but temporal patterns of foraging activity vary extensively, and foraging in dim-light environments has evolved repeatedly. Facultative dim-light foraging behaviour is known in five of nine families of bees, while obligate behaviour is known in four families and evolved independently at least 19 times. The light intensity under which bees forage varies by a factor of 108, and therefore the evolution of dim-light foraging represents the invasion of a new, extreme niche. The repeated evolution of dim-light foraging behaviour in bees allows tests of the hypothesis that behaviour acts as an evolutionary pacemaker. With the exception of one species of Apis , facultative dim-light foragers show no external structural traits that are thought to enable visually mediated flight behaviour in low-light environments. By contrast, most obligate dim-light foragers show a suite of convergent optical traits such as enlarged ocelli and compound eyes. In one intensively studied species ( Megalopta genalis ) these optical changes are associated with neurobiological changes to enhance photon capture. The available ecological evidence suggests that an escape from competition for pollen and nectar resources and avoidance of natural enemies are driving factors in the evolution of obligate dim-light foraging.  相似文献   

Abstract. Competition is considered an important force in structuring plant communities and in governing niche relations, but communities recovering from disturbance, may be less governed by species interactions and less orderly organized. To address this issue, we studied species richness, abundance and patterns of association between plant species at three spatial scales (1 m2, 1/25 m2, 1/625 m2) in two ombrotrophic mires in east-central Sweden. One was at a secondary successional stage following peat extraction 50 yr ago and the other was undisturbed. Peat extraction leads to a change in hydrology which is slowly restored by the formation of new peat. Niche breadth and niche overlap along the gradient of height above the water table were calculated for the five common Sphagnum species occurring at both mires in an attempt to better understand differences in species co-occurrence at each mire. Species cover differed between the mires, and the number of species per plot was higher in the undisturbed community at all scales, suggesting that the degree of species intermingling was greater than at the harvested site. At all scales, the number of non-random associations was higher, and niche overlap lower among ecologically similar species (e.g. hollow Sphagnum species) in the undisturbed mire. These differences indicate that random events are important in colonization, and that biotic interactions between neighbours later result in a higher degree of non-randomness. In addition, we surveyed a number of abandoned peat pit sites to test the effect of disturbance for species composition at a regional scale. Ombrotrophic peat pits contained several Sphagnum species normally associated with minerotrophic mires, and species of wooded mires occurred frequently in peat pits, making them more species-rich than undisturbed bogs. There were also Sphagnum species new to, or rare in, this part of Sweden which indicates effective long-distance dispersal. Even 50 yr after peat extraction had ceased, the vegetation had not recovered to its original composition.  相似文献   

Convergence is widely regarded as compelling evidence for adaptation, often being portrayed as evidence that phenotypic outcomes are predictable from ecology, overriding contingencies of history. However, repeated outcomes may be very rare unless adaptive landscapes are simple, structured by strong ecological and functional constraints. One such constraint may be a limitation on body size because performance often scales with size, allowing species to adapt to challenging functions by modifying only size. When size is constrained, species might adapt by changing shape; convergent shapes may therefore be common when size is limiting and functions are challenging. We examine the roles of size and diet as determinants of jaw shape in Sciuridae. As expected, size and diet have significant interdependent effects on jaw shape and ecomorphological convergence is rare, typically involving demanding diets and limiting sizes. More surprising is morphological without ecological convergence, which is equally common between and within dietary classes. Those cases, like rare ecomorphological convergence, may be consequences of evolving on an adaptive landscape shaped by many‐to‐many relationships between ecology and function, many‐to‐one relationships between form and performance, and one‐to‐many relationships between functionally versatile morphologies and ecology. On complex adaptive landscapes, ecological selection can yield different outcomes.  相似文献   

Aim  Niche theory emphasizes the importance of environmental conditions for the distribution and abundance of species. Using a macroecological approach our study aimed at identifying the important environmental gradients for spiders. We generated numerical values of niche position and niche width. We also investigated relationships between these niche properties as well as the degree of phylogenetic conservatism in order to draw conclusions about the evolution of the habitat niche.
Location  Central Europe: lowlands of Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Methods  We analysed 244 published spider communities from 70 habitat types by correspondence analysis. The resulting community scores were used to test for correlations with habitat characteristics. Species scores were used to derive niche position (mean scores) and niche width (standard deviation of scores). To test for niche conservatism we estimated variance components across the taxonomic hierarchy.
Results  The first two axes of the correspondence analysis were correlated with shading and moisture, respectively. Niche width had a hump-shaped relationship to both environmental gradients. β-diversity was strikingly higher in open habitats than in forests. Habitat niche conservatism was lower than phylogenetic conservatism in body size.
Main conclusions  Environmental factors are important drivers for the β-diversity of spiders, especially across open habitats. This underlines the importance of preserving the whole range of moisture conditions in open habitats. Narrow niches of species occurring at the ends of both environmental gradients indicate that adaptations to extreme habitats lead to constraints in ecological flexibility. Nevertheless, the habitat niche of species seems to evolve much faster than morphological or physiological traits.  相似文献   

The morphology of organisms reflects a balance between their evolutionary history, functional demands, and biomechanical constraints imposed by the immediate environment. In many fish species, a marked shift in the selection regime is evident when pelagic larvae, which swim and feed in the open ocean, settle in their adult benthic habitat. This shift is particularly dramatic in coral‐reef fishes, where the adult habitat is immensely complex. However, whether the adult trophic ecotype affects the morphology of early‐life stages is unclear. We measured a suite of 26 functional‐morphological traits in the head and body of larvae from an ontogenetic series of 16 labrid species. Using phylogenetic comparative methods, we reconstructed the location of adaptive peaks of larvae whose adults are associated with different trophic ecotypes. We found that the morphospace occupation in these larvae is largely driven by divergent adaptations to the adult benthic habitats. The disparity between adaptive peaks is achieved early and does not monotonically increase with size. Our findings thus refute the notion that larvae rapidly acquire the trophic‐specific traits during a metamorphic period immediately prior to settlement. This early specialization might be due to the highly complex musculoskeletal system of the head that cannot be rapidly modified.  相似文献   

Anthropologists are increasingly turning to explicit model‐bound evolutionary approaches for understanding the morphological diversification of humans and other primate lineages. Such evolutionary morphological analyses rely on three interconnected conceptual frameworks; multivariate morphometrics for quantifying similarity and differences among taxa, quantitative genetics for modeling the inheritance and evolution of morphology, and neutral theory for assessing the likelihood that taxon diversification is due to stochastic processes such as genetic drift. Importantly, neutral theory provides a framework for testing more parsimonious explanations for observed morphological differences before considering more complex adaptive scenarios. However, the consistency with which these concepts are applied varies considerably, which mirrors some of the theoretical obstacles faced during the “modern synthesis” of classical population genetics in the early 20th century. Here, each framework is reviewed and some potential stumbling blocks to the full conceptual integration of multivariate morphometrics, quantitative genetics, and neutral theory are considered.  相似文献   

Marmots are the largest ground squirrels and have been extensively studied by sociobiologists investigating the evolution of mammal societies. Being a member of the sciurid clade, traditionally considered inclined to convergence, they are also a group on which to test the hypothesis of sciurid propensity to homoplasy of osteological characters. In the present analysis, the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the cranium of all living marmot species are compared with geometric morphometric techniques. Phenetic groups are found which reflect the subgeneric classification of marmots and are consistent with previous morphometric analyses of the mandible and ventral cranium. Two species have distinctive morphologies and phenetic relationships not congruent with phylogeny. Marmota vancouverensis is highly divergent for osteological characters, fur colour and behaviour despite its young age and close genetic similarity to Marmota caligata . Its small population may represent a rare chance to study evolutionary processes during rapid allopatric speciation in mammals, but strong conservation efforts are required to preserve this unique component of the Vancouver Island biodiversity. Also, Marmota monax has distinctive cranial traits. These are possibly related to its long separate evolutionary history and unique ecology and behaviour. Size-related convergence is not evident in Marmota . When outgroup species are included, Spermophilus , Cynomys , Tamias , and Sciurus group together on one branch, Marmota on the other. This is best explained as a retention of the ancestral morphology in the smaller members of the Marmotini ( Spermophilus , Cynomys , and Tamias ) and the evolution of derived morphology in Marmota .  相似文献   

Metriorhynchids were a peculiar group of fully marine Mesozoic crocodylomorphs, some of which reached large body size and were probably apex predators. The estimation of their total body length in the past has proven problematic. Rigorous size estimation was provided using five complete metriorhynchid specimens, by means of regression equations derived from basicranial and femoral length against total body length. The use of the Alligator femoral regression equation as a proxy to estimate metriorhynchid total body length led to a slight underestimation, whereas cranial regression equations of extant genera resulted in an overestimation of body length. Therefore, the scaling of crania and femora to total body length of metriorhynchids is noticeably different from that of extant crocodylians, indicating that extant crocodylians are not ideal proxies for size reconstruction of extinct taxa that deviate from their semi‐aquatic morphotype. The lack of a correlation between maximum, minimum, or the range of generic body lengths with species richness demonstrates that species diversification is driven by factors other than just variation in body size. Maximum likelihood modelling also found no evidence for directionality in body size evolution. However, niche partitioning in Metriorhynchidae is mediated not only by craniodental differentiation, as shown by previous studies, but also by body size variation. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 1199–1216.  相似文献   

The teeth of every primate, living and extinct, are covered by a hard, durable layer of enamel. This is not unique: Almost all mammals have enamel-covered teeth. In addition, all of the variations in enamel structure that occur in primates are also found in other groups of mammals. Nevertheless, the very complexity of enamel and the variation we see in it on the teeth of living and fossil primates raise questions about its evolutionary significance. Is the complex structure of primate enamel adaptive? What, if anything, does enamel structure tell us about primate phylogeny? To answer these questions, we need to look more closely at the characteristics of prismatic enamel in primates and at the distribution of those characteristics, both in relation to our knowledge of primate dental function and feeding ecology and from a phylogenetic perspective.  相似文献   

This study outlines an alternative, versatile and flexible procedure to the Assessment System for the Ecological Quality of Streams and Rivers throughout Europe using Benthic Macroinvertebrates (AQEM) protocol for selecting and assessing candidate bioindicators for Water Framework Directive (WFD) compliant monitoring programmes. Based on different forms of benthic macroinvertebrate data using relative abundance of family level taxonomic groups, metrics and traits collected during spring 2010 at 96 lotic sites across northern Portugal, the procedure employs components of top down and bottom up analytical processes and introduces the concept of niche breadth to assess biological quality element response to environmental and stressor parameters across different spatial levels. Random Forest classification revealed that fractal and non-fractal land use metrics at basin and local level were extremely important determinants of Water Framework Directive determination of “Good” ecological quality, particularly at the local scale. The amount of urbanization at the lower spatial level was a particularly important determinant of ecological quality, while the extent and type of forest (especially coniferous) was more important at higher, river basin scale. Distance-based linear models (DISTLM) and distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) were used to determine associations between invertebrate data and non-redundant environmental predictors selected using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Results revealed a stronger association between invertebrate traits and selected environmental predictors compared to the other types of invertebrate data, although some association between invertebrate relative abundance and eutrophication was detected. Principal Components Analyses (PCA) were run for the non-redundant sets of predictors for each macroinvertebrate data set to extract an environmental quality gradient along the first axis. Niche breadth, calculated for candidate indicators to avoid bias resulting from expert judgement, was distributed by rank along its respective PCA gradient. Five candidate indicators for each data type were selected for their preference for the most pristine sites and five were selected due to their close link with the most degraded streams. Candidate bioindicators for impacted sites tended to be stenobiotic in character, due to the impoverished structural and functional diversity associated with such conditions. Finally Partial Least Squares Regression was used to refine and validate selected candidate metrics, to produce a comprehensive final list of macroinvertebrate measures of ecological quality.  相似文献   

Metriorhynchoid crocodylians represent the pinnacle of marine specialization within Archosauria. Not only were they a major component of the Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous marine ecosystems, but they provide further examples that extinct crocodilians did not all resemble their modern extant relatives. Here, we use a varied toolkit of techniques, including phylogenetic reconstruction, geometric morphometrics, diversity counts, discrete character disparity analysis, and biomechanical finite‐element analysis (FEA), to examine the macroevolutionary history of this clade. All analyses demonstrate that this clade became more divergent, in terms of biodiversity, form, and function, up until the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary, after which there is no evidence for recovery or further radiations. A clear evolutionary trend towards hypercarnivory in Dakosaurus is supported by phylogenetic character optimization, morphometrics, and FEA, which also support specialized piscivory within Rhacheosaurus and Cricosaurus. Within Metriorhynchoidea, there is a consistent trend towards increasing marine specialization, with the hypermarine Cricosaurus exhibiting numerous convergences with other Mesozoic marine reptiles (e.g. loss of the deltopectoral crest and retracted external nares). In addition, biomechanics, morphometrics, and character‐disparity analyses consistently distinguish the two newly erected metriorhynchid subfamilies. This study illustrates that together with phylogeny, quantitative assessment of diversity, form, and function help elucidate the macroevolutionary pattern of fossil clades. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 801–859.  相似文献   

Niche conservatism and niche divergence are both important ecological mechanisms associated with promoting allopatric speciation across geographical barriers. However, the potential for variable responses in widely distributed organisms has not been fully investigated. For allopatric sister lineages, three patterns for the interaction of ecological niche preference and geographical barriers are possible: (i) niche conservatism at a physical barrier; (ii) niche divergence at a physical barrier; and (iii) niche divergence in the absence of a physical barrier. We test for the presence of these patterns in a transcontinentally distributed snake species, the common kingsnake ( Lampropeltis getula ), to determine the relative frequency of niche conservatism or divergence in a single species complex inhabiting multiple distinct ecoregions. We infer the phylogeographic structure of the kingsnake using a range-wide data set sampled for the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b . We use coalescent simulation methods to test for the presence of structured lineage formation vs. fragmentation of a widespread ancestor. Finally, we use statistical techniques for creating and evaluating ecological niche models to test for conservatism of ecological niche preferences. Significant geographical structure is present in the kingsnake, for which coalescent tests indicate structured population division. Surprisingly, we find evidence for all three patterns of conservatism and divergence. This suggests that ecological niche preferences may be labile on recent phylogenetic timescales, and that lineage formation in widespread species can result from an interaction between inertial tendencies of niche conservatism and natural selection on populations in ecologically divergent habitats.  相似文献   

Aim Various techniques model a species’ niche and potential distribution by comparing the environmental conditions of occurrence localities with those of the overall study region (via a background or pseudoabsence sample). Here, we examine how changes in the extent of the study region (ignored or under‐appreciated in most studies) affect models of two rodents, Nephelomys caracolus and Nephelomys meridensis. Location North‐central South America. Methods We used Maxent to model the species' potential distributions via two methods of defining the study region. In Method 1 (typical of most studies to date), we calibrated the model in a large study region that included the ranges of both species. In Method 2, we calibrated the model using a smaller study region surrounding the localities of the focal species, and then applied it to the larger region. Because the study region of Method 1 is likely to include areas of suitable conditions that are unoccupied because of dispersal limitations and/or biotic interactions, this approach is prone to overfitting to conditions found near the occupied localities. In contrast, Method 2 should avoid such problems but may require further assumptions (‘clamping’ in Maxent ) to make predictions for areas with environmental conditions beyond those found in the smaller study region. For each method, we calculated several measures of geographic interpredictivity between predictions for the species (cross‐species AUC, cross‐species omission rate, and proportional geographic overlap). Results Compared with Method 1, Method 2 revealed a larger predicted area for each species, less concentrated around known localities (especially for N. caracolus). It also led to higher cross‐species AUC values, lower cross‐species omission rates and higher proportions of geographic overlap. Clamping was minimal and occurred primarily in regions unlikely to be suitable. Main conclusions Method 2 led to more realistic predictions and higher estimates of niche conservatism. Conclusions reached by many studies depend on the selection of an appropriate study region. Although detailed information regarding dispersal limitations and/or biotic interactions will typically be difficult to obtain, consideration of coarse distributional patterns, topography and vegetational zones often should permit delimitation of a much more reasonable study region than the extremely large ones currently in common use.  相似文献   

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