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Late onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) etiology is influenced by complex interactions between genetic and environmental risk factors. Large-scale genome wide association studies (GWAS) for LOAD have identified 10 novel risk genes: ABCA7, BIN1, CD2AP, CD33, CLU, CR1, EPHA1, MS4A6A, MS4A6E, and PICALM. We sought to measure the influence of GWAS single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and gene expression levels on clinical and pathological measures of AD in brain tissue from the parietal lobe of AD cases and age-matched, cognitively normal controls. We found that ABCA7, CD33, and CR1 expression levels were associated with clinical dementia rating (CDR), with higher expression being associated with more advanced cognitive decline. BIN1 expression levels were associated with disease progression, where higher expression was associated with a delayed age at onset. CD33, CLU, and CR1 expression levels were associated with disease status, where elevated expression levels were associated with AD. Additionally, MS4A6A expression levels were associated with Braak tangle and Braak plaque scores, with elevated expression levels being associated with more advanced brain pathology. We failed to detect an association between GWAS SNPs and gene expression levels in our brain series. The minor allele of rs3764650 in ABCA7 is associated with age at onset and disease duration, and the minor allele of rs670139 in MS4A6E was associated with Braak tangle and Braak plaque score. These findings suggest that expression of some GWAS genes, namely ABCA7, BIN1, CD33, CLU, CR1 and the MS4A family, are altered in AD brains.  相似文献   

The study of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease etiology, now more than ever, needs an infusion of new concepts. Despite ongoing interest in Alzheimer’s disease, the basis of this entity is not yet clear. At present, the best-established and accepted “culprit” in Alzheimer’s disease pathology by most scientists is the amyloid, as the main molecular factor responsible for neurodegeneration in this disease. Abnormal upregulation of amyloid production or a disturbed clearance mechanism may lead to pathological accumulation of amyloid in brain according to the “amyloid hypothesis.” We will critically review these observations and highlight inconsistencies between the predictions of the “amyloid hypothesis” and the published data. There is still controversy over the role of amyloid in the pathological process. A question arises whether amyloid is responsible for the neurodegeneration or if it accumulates because of the neurodegeneration. Recent evidence suggests that the pathophysiology and neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease comprises more than amyloid accumulation, tau protein pathology and finally brain atrophy with dementia. Nowadays, a handful of researchers share a newly emerged view that the ischemic episodes of brain best describe the pathogenic cascade, which eventually leads to neuronal loss, especially in hippocampus, with amyloid accumulation, tau protein pathology and irreversible dementia of Alzheimer type. The most persuasive evidences come from investigations of ischemically damaged brains of patients and from experimental ischemic brain studies that mimic Alzheimer-type dementia. This review attempts to depict what we know and do not know about the triggering factor of the Alzheimer’s disease, focusing on the possibility that the initial pathological trigger involves ischemic episodes and ischemia-induced gene dysregulation. The resulting brain ischemia dysregulates additionally expression of amyloid precursor protein and amyloid-processing enzyme genes that, in addition, ultimately compromise brain functions, leading over time to the complex alterations that characterize advanced sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. The identification of the genes involved in Alzheimer’s disease induced by ischemia will enable to further define the events leading to sporadic Alzheimer’s disease-related abnormalities. Additionally, knowledge gained from the above investigations should facilitate the elaboration of the effective treatment and/or prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

Convection enhanced delivery of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) to the rat striatum results in a model of Parkinson’s disease. An important feature of this unilateral model is the progressive loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons over the course of several weeks. To improve the understanding of this model, gene expression changes in the substantia nigra, which contains the DA neuron cell bodies, and the striatum, which contains the DA neuron synaptic terminals, were examined using DNA microarrays. Samples were collected and behavior was analyzed from vehicle and toxin treated animals at 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks following 6-OHDA treatment. Tissue DA content was determined and samples from animals which exhibited a substantial depletion of striatal DA were included in the subsequent gene expression analysis. The results of the gene expression analysis indicated that 6-OHDA elicits a vigorous inflammatory response, comprised of several distinct pathways, in the striatum at the earliest time point tested. In contrast, relatively few gene expression changes were observed in the SN at the 3-day time point. In both tissues examined there was evidence for a vigorous inflammatory response at the 1- and 2-week time points, which was substantially diminished by the 4-week time point. Inflammation plays a prominent role in the 6-OHDA model of Parkinson’s disease.  相似文献   

Marek’s disease is a lymphoproliferative neoplastic disease of the chicken, which poses a serious threat to poultry health. Marek’s disease virus (MDV)-induced T-cell lymphoma is also an excellent biomedical model for neoplasia research. Recently, miRNAs have been demonstrated to play crucial roles in mediating neoplastic transformation. To investigate host miRNA expression profiles in the tumor transformation phase of MDV infection, we performed deep sequencing in two MDV-infected samples (tumorous spleen and MD lymphoma from liver), and two non-infected controls (non-infected spleen and lymphocytes). In total, 187 and 16 known miRNAs were identified in chicken and MDV, respectively, and 17 novel chicken miRNAs were further confirmed by qPCR. We identified 28 down-regulated miRNAs and 11 up-regulated miRNAs in MDV-infected samples by bioinformatic analysis. Of nine further tested by qPCR, seven were verified. The gga-miR-181a, gga-miR-26a, gga-miR-221, gga-miR-222, gga-miR-199*, and gga-miR-140* were down-regulated, and gga-miR-146c was up-regulated in MDV-infected tumorous spleens and MD lymphomas. In addition, 189 putative target genes for seven differentially expressed miRNAs were predicted. The luciferase reporter gene assay showed interactions of gga-miR-181a with MYBL1, gga-miR-181a with IGF2BP3, and gga-miR-26a with EIF3A. Differential expression of miRNAs and the predicted targets strongly suggest that they contribute to MDV-induced lymphomagenesis.  相似文献   

“Modern” medicine and pharmacology require an effective medical drug with a single compound for a specific disease. This seams very scientific but usually has unavoidable side effects. For example, the chemical therapy to cancer can totally damage the immunological ability of the patient leading to death early than non-treatment. On the other hand, natural antioxidant drugs not only can cure the disease but also can enhance the immunological ability of the patient leading to healthier though they usually have several compounds or a mixture. For the degenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD), natural antioxidant drugs are suitable drugs, because the pathogenesis of these diseases is complex with many targets and pathways. These effects are more evidence when the clinic trial is for long term treatment. The author reviews the studies on the protecting effects of natural antioxidants on neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, especially summarized the results about protective effect of green tea polyphenols on neurons against apoptosis of cellular and animal PD models, and of genestine and nicotine on neurons against Aβ—induced apoptosis of hippocampal neuronal and transgenic mouse AD models. Special issue in honor of Dr. Akitane Mori.  相似文献   

This review critically examines progress in understanding the link between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) molecular pathogenesis and behavior, with an emphasis on the impact of amyloid-β. We present the argument that the AD research field requires more multifaceted analyses into the impacts of Alzheimer’s pathogenesis which combine simultaneous molecular-, circuit-, and behavior-level approaches. Supporting this argument is a review of particular research utilizing similar, “systems-level” methods in mouse models of AD. Related to this, a critique of common physiological and behavioral models is made—highlighting the likely usefulness of more refined and specific tools in understanding the relationship between candidate molecular pathologies and behavioral dysfunction. Finally, we propose challenges for future research which, if met, may greatly extend our current understanding of how AD molecular pathology impacts neural network function and behavior and possibly may lead to refinements in disease therapeutics.  相似文献   

Science China Life Sciences - Over the past two decades, numerous non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been identified in different biological systems including virology, especially in large DNA viruses...  相似文献   

Chlamydia psittaci (C. psittaci) is an obligate intracellular zoonotic pathogen that can be transmitted to humans from birds. No efficacious commercial vaccine is available for clearing chlamydial infection due to lack of potential vaccine candidates and effective delivery vehicles. Herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) is an efficacious commercially available vaccine against Marek’s Disease virus (MDV). In this study, a recombinant HVT-delivered vaccine against C. psittaci and Marek’s disease was developed and examined. The 5''-terminus of pmpD gene (pmpD-N) encoding the N-terminal fragment of polymorphic membrane protein D of C. psittaci was inserted into a nonessential region of HVT genome using reverse genetics based on an infectious bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone of HVT. The recombinant virus (rHVT-pmpD-N) was recovered from primary chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells by transfection of modified HVT BAC DNA containing the pmpD-N gene. The rHVT-pmpD-N construct was confirmed to express PmpD-N by immunoblot and immunofluorescence. The rHVT-pmpD-N was stable during 20 passages in vitro. The growth kinetics of rHVT-pmpD-N was comparable to that of parental HVT in vitro and in vivo. One-day-old SPF chickens inoculated subcutaneously with rHVT-pmpD-N displayed increased PmpD-specific antibody levels and a vigorous PmpD-specific lymphocyte proliferation response using HVT vector or CEF cells as control. Furthermore, the percentage of CD4+ cells was significantly elevated in rHVT-pmpD-N-immunized birds as compared to the parental HVT. All chickens vaccinated with rHVT-pmpD-N or parental HVT were protected completely against challenge with a very virulent strain of Marek’s Disease virus (MDV) RB-1B. Post challenge with C. psittaci CB7 strain, a significant decrease in respiratory distress, lesions and Chlamydia load was found in the rHVT-pmpD-N-vaccinated group compared to the parental HVT. In conclusion, our study suggests that the rHVT-pmpD-N live vaccine may be viable as a candidate dual vaccine that provides protection against both very virulent MDV and C. psittaci.  相似文献   

Receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is a receptor of the immunoglobulin super family that plays various important roles under physiological and pathological conditions. Compelling evidence suggests that RAGE acts as both an inflammatory intermediary and a critical inducer of oxidative stress, underlying RAGE-induced Alzheimer-like pathophysiological changes that drive the process of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A critical role of RAGE in AD includes beta-amyloid (Aβ) production and accumulation, the formation of neurofibrillary tangles, failure of synaptic transmission, and neuronal degeneration. The steady-state level of Aβ depends on the balance between production and clearance. RAGE plays an important role in the Aβ clearance. RAGE acts as an important transporter via regulating influx of circulating Aβ into brain, whereas the efflux of brain-derived Aβ into the circulation via BBB is implemented by LRP1. RAGE could be an important contributor to Aβ generation via enhancing the activity of β- and/or γ-secretases and activating inflammatory response and oxidative stress. However, sRAGE–Aβ interactions could inhibit Aβ neurotoxicity and promote Aβ clearance from brain. Meanwhile, RAGE could be a promoting factor for the synaptic dysfunction and neuronal circuit dysfunction which are both the material structure of cognition, and the physiological and pathological basis of cognition. In addition, RAGE could be a trigger for the pathogenesis of Aβ and tau hyper-phosphorylation which both participate in the process of cognitive impairment. Preclinical and clinical studies have supported that RAGE inhibitors could be useful in the treatment of AD. Thus, an effective measure to inhibit RAGE may be a novel drug target in AD.  相似文献   


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are the most common neurodegenerative diseases worldwide. They are characterized by the loss of neurons and synapses in special parts of the central nervous system (CNS). There is no definitive treatment for AD and PD, but extensive studies are underway to identify the effective drugs which can slow the progression of these diseases by affecting the factors involved in their pathophysiology (i.e., aggregated proteins, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress). Icariin, a natural compound isolated from Epimedii herba, is known because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. In this regard, there are numerous studies indicating its potential as a natural compound against the progression of CNS disorders, such as neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, this review aims to re-examine findings on the pharmacologic effects of icariin on factors involved in the pathophysiology of AD and PD.


Expression patterns of the alpha-synuclein gene (SNCA) were studied across anatomy, development, and disease to better characterize its role in the brain. In this postmortem study, negative spatial co-expression between SNCA and 73 interferon-γ (IFN-γ) signaling genes was observed across many brain regions. Recent animal studies have demonstrated that IFN-γ induces loss of dopamine neurons and nigrostriatal degeneration. This opposing pattern between SNCA and IFN-γ signaling genes increases with age (rho = −0.78). In contrast, a meta-analysis of four microarray experiments representing 126 substantia nigra samples reveals a switch to positive co-expression in Parkinson’s disease (p<0.005). Use of genome-wide testing demonstrates this relationship is specific to SNCA (p<0.002). This change in co-expression suggests an immunomodulatory role of SNCA that may provide insight into neurodegeneration. Genes showing similar co-expression patterns have been previously linked to Alzheimer’s (ANK1) and Parkinson’s disease (UBE2E2, PCMT1, HPRT1 and RIT2).  相似文献   

The substantia nigra plays important roles in the brain function and is critical in the development of many diseases, particularly Parkinson??s disease. Pathological changes of the substantia nigra have also been reported in other neurodegenerative diseases. Using a quantitative proteomic approach, we investigated protein expressions in the substantia nigra of Alzheimer??s disease, Huntington??s disease, and Multiple sclerosis. The expression level of one hundred and four proteins that were identified in at least three samples of each group were compared with the control group, with nineteen, twenty-two and thirteen proteins differentially expressed in Alzheimer??s diseases, Huntington??s disease and Multiple sclerosis respectively. The result indicates that the substantia nigra also undergoes functional adaption or damage in these diseases.  相似文献   

Marek’s disease (MD) is an infectious disease of chickens caused by MD virus (MDV), which is a herpesvirus that initiates tumor formation. Studies have indicated that microRNAs (miRNAs) are linked with the development of cancers or tumors. Previously, gga-miR-130a was discovered downregulated in MDV-infected tissues. Here, we aimed to explore the further function of gga-miR-130a in MD. The expression of gga-miR-130a in MDV-infected and uninfected spleens was detected by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Subsequently, proliferation and migration assays of MDV-transformed lymphoid cells (MSB1) were carried out by transfecting gga-miR-130a. The target genes of gga-miR-130a were predicted using TargetScan and miRDB and clustered through Gene Ontology analysis. The target genes were validated by western blot, qRT-PCR, and a dual luciferase reporter assay. Our results show that the expression of gga-miR-130a was reduced in MDV-infected spleens. Gga-miR-130a showed an inhibitory effect on MSB1 cell proliferation and migration. Two target genes, homeobox A3 (HOXA3) and MyoD family inhibitor domain containing (MDFIC), were predicted and clustered to cell proliferation. Results indicate that gga-miR-130a regulates HOXA3 and MDFIC at the protein level but not at the mRNA level. Moreover, the gga-miR-130a binding sites of two target genes have been confirmed. We conclude that gga-miR-130a can arrest MSB1 cell proliferation and migration, and target HOXA3 and MDFIC, which are both involved in the regulation of cell proliferation. Collectively, gga-miR-130a plays a critical role in the tumorigenesis associated with chicken MD.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. The development of pathology is associated with the loss of dopaminergic neurons, mainly in substantia nigra pars compacta. Dopamine deficiency causes a whole range of severe motor symptoms, including bradykinesia, postural instability, muscle rigidity, and tremor. Studies have shown the primary role of the alpha-synuclein protein in this neurodegenerative disease. A large amount of data indicates different mechanisms of the toxic effect of alpha-synuclein. The process of neurodegeneration in PD is the result of significant disturbances in mitochondrial functions and/or genetic mutations. The number of mutated genes in hereditary and sporadic forms of Parkinson’s disease includes genes encoding PINK1 and Parkin, which are the main participants in the mitochondrial “quality control” system. The earliest biochemical hallmarks of the disease are disturbances of the mitochondrial interaction with endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrial dynamics, Ca2+ homeostasis, and an increase in the level of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. All these factors exert damaging effects on dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

Oxidative and Inflammatory Pathways in Parkinson’s Disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most prevalent age-related neurodegenerative disease with physiological manifestations including tremors, bradykinesia, abnormal postural reflexes, rigidity and akinesia and pathological landmarks showing losses of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Although the etiology of PD has been intensively pursued for several decades, biochemical mechanisms and genetic and epigenetic factors leading to initiation and progression of the disease remain elusive. Environmental toxins including (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) MPTP, paraquat and rotenone have been shown to increase the risk of PD in humans. Oxidative stress remains the leading theory for explaining progression of PD. Studies with cell and animal models reveal oxidative and inflammatory properties of these toxins and their ability to activate glial cells which subsequently destroy neighboring dopaminergic neurons. This review describes pathological effects of neurotoxins on cells and signaling pathways for production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that underline the pathophysiology of PD. Special issue article in honor of Dr. George DeVries.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by progressive memory loss and cognitive function deficits. There are two major pathological hallmarks that contribute to the pathogenesis of AD which are the presence of extracellular amyloid plaques composed of amyloid-β (Aβ) and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau. Despite extensive research that has been done on Aβ in the last two decades, therapies targeting Aβ were not very fruitful at treating AD as the efficacy of Aβ therapies observed in animal models is not reflected in human clinical trials. Hence, tau-directed therapies have received tremendous attention as the potential treatments for AD. Tauopathies are closely correlated with dementia and immunotherapy has been effective at reducing tau pathology and improving cognitive deficits in animal models. Thus, in this review article, we discussed the pathological mechanism of tau proteins, the key factors contributing to tauopathies, and therapeutic approaches for tauopathies in AD based on the recent progress in tau-based research.  相似文献   

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