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Exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted by mobile phone and other machineries concerns half the world’s population and raises the problem of their impact on human health. The present study aims to explore the effects of electromagnetic field exposures on sleep quality and sleep duration among workers from electric power plant.


A cross-sectional study was conducted in an electric power plant of Zhejiang Province, China. A total of 854 participants were included in the final analysis. The detailed information of participants was obtained by trained investigators using a structured questionnaire, which including socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle variables, sleep variables and electromagnetic exposures. Physical examination and venous blood collection were also carried out for every study subject.


After grouping daily occupational electromagnetic exposure into three categories, subjects with long daily exposure time had a significantly higher risk of poor sleep quality in comparison to those with short daily exposure time. The adjusted odds ratios were 1.68 (95%CI: 1.18, 2.39) and 1.57 (95%CI: 1.10, 2.24) across tertiles. Additionally, among the subjects with long-term occupational exposure, the longer daily occupational exposure time apparently increased the risk of poor sleep quality (OR (95%CI): 2.12 (1.23∼3.66) in the second tertile; 1.83 (1.07∼3.15) in the third tertile). There was no significant association of long-term occupational exposure duration, monthly electric fee or years of mobile-phone use with sleep quality or sleep duration.


The findings showed that daily occupational EMF exposure was positively associated with poor sleep quality. It implies EMF exposure may damage human sleep quality rather than sleep duration.  相似文献   

Sporadic cases of testicular hypoplasia were earlier found in bulls of the Swedish Red and White breed. An accumulation of cases have occurred since 1970 in sons of 2 outstanding progenytested bull sires, 2 F and 27 U, which had a common father, 545 B. The history and clinical examination of affected bulls varied. Some had azoospermia and very small testes at a young age, while others could be normal in all respect when they were young but had a short reproductive life and had to be culled at about 3 years of age. Most of the affected bulls were between these 2 extremes. The histologic examination showed principally different degrees of testicular degeneration. There were always some germ cells left in all affected seminiferous tubules indicating that there was not a lack of germ cells causing the hypoplasia. Germ cell weakness is obviously a hereditary condition. The sires 545 B, 2 F and 27 U had a relatively low fertility. In their pedigree were several bulls known to have had a low fertility. No sons of 2 F and only a few sons of 27 U were used for A.I. services and at present only few cases of testicular hypoplasia are seen.  相似文献   



Improving occupational performance is a key service of occupational therapists and client-centred approach to care is central to clinical practice. As such it is important to comprehensively evaluate the quality of psychometric properties reported across measures of occupational performance; in order to guide assessment and treatment planning.


To systematically review the literature on the psychometric properties of child-report measures of occupational performance for children ages 2–18 years.


A systematic search of the following six electronic databases was conducted: CINAHL; PsycINFO; EMBASE; PubMed; the Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI) database; and Google Scholar. The quality of the studies was evaluated against the COSMIN taxonomy of measurement properties and the overall quality of psychometric properties was evaluated using pre-set psychometric criteria.


Fifteen articles and one manual were reviewed to assess the psychometric properties of the six measures–the PEGS, MMD, CAPE, PAC, COSA, and OSA- which met the inclusion criteria. Most of the measures had conducted good quality studies to evaluate the psychometric properties of measures (PEGS, CAPE, PAC, OSA); however, the quality of the studies for two of these measures was relatively weak (MMD, COSA). When integrating the quality of the psychometric properties of the measures with the quality of the studies, the PAC stood out as having superior psychometric qualities.


The overall quality of the psychometric properties of most measures was limited. There is a need for continuing research into the psychometric properties of child-report measures of occupational performance, and to revise and improve the psychometric properties of existing measures.  相似文献   



The pathogenesis of dengue shock syndrome (DSS, grade 3 and 4) is not yet completely understood. Several factors are reportedly associated with DSS, a more severe form of dengue infection that reportedly causes 50 times higher mortality compared to that of dengue patients without DSS. However, the results from these reports remain inconclusive. To better understand the epidemiology, clinical manifestation, and pathogenesis of DSS for development of new therapy, we systematically reviewed and performed a meta-analysis of relevant studies that reported factors in both DSS and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF, grade 1 and 2) patients.

Methods and Findings

PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, Google Scholar, Dengue Bulletin, Cochrane Library, Virtual Health Library, and a manual search of reference lists of articles published before September 2010 were used to retrieve relevant studies. A meta-analysis using fixed- or random-effects models was used to calculate pooled odds ratios (OR) or event rate with corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Assessment of heterogeneity and publication bias, meta-regression analysis, subgroup analysis, sensitivity analysis, and analysis of factor-specific relationships were further performed. There were 198 studies constituting 203 data sets that met our eligibility criteria. Our meta-regression analysis showed a sustained reduction of DSS/dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) ratio over a period of 40 years in Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand. The meta-analysis revealed that age, female sex, neurological signs, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal bleeding, hemoconcentration, ascites, pleural effusion, hypoalbuminemia, hypoproteinemia, hepatomegaly, levels of alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase, thrombocytopenia, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen level, primary/secondary infection, and dengue virus serotype-2 were significantly associated with DSS when pooling all original relevant studies.


The results improve our knowledge of the pathogenesis of DSS by identifying the association between the epidemiology, clinical signs, and biomarkers involved in DSS.  相似文献   



An association between male subfertility and an increased risk of testicular cancer has been proposed, but conflicting results of research on this topic have rendered this theory equivocal. To more precisely assess the association between subfertility and the risk of testicular cancer, we performed a systematic review of international epidemiologic evidence.

Principal Findings

We searched the Medline database for records from January 1966 to March 2008 complemented with manual searches of the literature and then identified studies that met our inclusion criteria. Study design, sample size, exposure to subfertility and risk estimates of testicular cancer incidence were abstracted. Summary relative risks (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using the DerSimonian and Laird model. All statistical tests were two-sided. We identified seven case-control studies and two cohort studies published between 1987 and 2005. Analysis of the seven case-control studies that included 4,954 participants revealed an overall statistically significant association between subfertility and increased risk of testicular cancer (summary RR = 1.68, 95% CI: 1.22 to 2.31), without heterogeneity between studies (Q = 8.46, P heterogeneity = 0.21, I 2 statistics = 0.29). The association between subfertility and testicular cancer was somewhat stronger in the United States (summary RR = 1.75, 95% CI: 1.01 to 3.02) than it was in Europe (summary RR = 1.53, 95% CI: 1.22 to 1.92). The source of the control subjects had a statistically significant effect on the magnitude of the association (population-based summary—RR = 2.15, 95% CI: 1.11 to 4.17; hospital-based summary—RR = 1.56, 95% CI: 0.93 to 2.61). After excluding possible cryptorchidism, an important confounding factor, we also found a positive association between subfertility and increased risk of testicular cancer (summary RR = 1.59, 95% CI: 1.28 to 1.98). These results were consistent between studies conducted in the United States and in Europe (Q = 0.20, P heterogeneity = 0.66). Of the two cohort studies that reported standardized incidence ratios, both reported a statistically significant positive association between subfertility and increased risk of testicular cancer.


Our findings support a relationship between subfertility and increased risk of testicular cancer and apply to the management of men with subfertility, and prevention and diagnosis of testicular cancer.  相似文献   

It is now well documented that active neurogenesis does exist throughout the life span in the brain of various species including human. Two discrete brain regions contain progenitor cells that are capable of differentiating into neurons or glia, the subventricular zone and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation. Recent studies have shown that neurogenesis can be modulated by a variety of factors, including stress and neurohormones, growth factors, neurotransmitters, drugs of abuse, and also strokes and traumatic brain injuries. In particular, the hippocampal neurogenesis may play a role in neuroadaptation associated with pathologies, such as cognitive disorders and depression. The increased neurogenesis at sites of injury may represent an attempt by the central nervous system to regenerate after damage. We herein review the most significant data on hippocampal neurogenesis in brain under various pathological conditions, with a special attention to mood disorders including depression and addiction. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Moussa Youdim.  相似文献   



To evaluate the predictive value of the symptoms of an intrauterine hematoma (IUH) for adverse pregnancy outcomes.


A literature review was performed with the search terms, including intrauterine/subchorionic/retroplacental/subplacental hematoma/hemorrhage/bleeding/collection/fluid, covering the period from January, 1981 to January, 2014. We just focused on the pregnancy outcomes associated with different symptoms of an IUH.


It is generally agreed that a retroplacental, posterior or subchorionic in the fundus of uterus, and/or persistent IUH is associated with adverse outcomes in the ongoing pregnancy. However, the prognosis value of both volume and gestational age at diagnosis of IUH still remains controversial. Some researchers argue that a large IUH is associated with an increased risk of adverse events during pregnancy while others refuted. It is believed by some that the earlier an IUH was detected, the higher the risk for adverse outcomes would be, while no or weak association were reported by other studies. The prognostic value of the simultaneous presence of vaginal bleeding on pregnancy outcome is also controversial.


Both the position relative to the placenta or uterus and duration of IUH have strong predictive value on the prognosis in the ongoing pregnancy. However, the prognostic values of the IUH volume, gestational age at diagnosis and the simultaneous presence of vaginal bleeding remain controversial up to now. Moreover, most of previous reports are small, uncontrolled studies with incomplete information. Prospective, large sample, cohorts studies which take all detailed symptoms of an IUH into consideration are needed when we evaluate its clinical significance in the prognosis of pregnancy.  相似文献   

雄性睾丸内精子的生成及其质量随年龄增长逐渐降低。精原干细胞是精子生成的起点,其数量和质量决定了精子的生成,而精原干细胞niche是调节精原干细胞自我更新与分化的重要因素。在衰老过程中,干细胞微环境退化,精原干细胞自我更新和分化失衡,被认为是衰老导致睾丸生殖功能衰退的的主要因素。本文将综述衰老引起的精原干细胞与niche变化及其对生殖的影响相关研究进展。  相似文献   



Tuberculosis (TB) incidence and mortality are declining worldwide; however, poor detection of drug-resistant disease threatens to reverse current progress toward global TB control. Multiple, rapid molecular diagnostic tests have recently been developed to detect genetic mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) genes known to confer first-line drug resistance. Their utility, though, depends on the frequency and distribution of the resistance associated mutations in the pathogen population. Mutations associated with rifampicin resistance, one of the two first-line drugs, are well understood and appear to occur in a single gene region in >95% of phenotypically resistant isolates. Mutations associated with isoniazid, the other first-line drug, are more complex and occur in multiple Mtb genes.


A systematic review of all published studies from January 2000 through August 2013 was conducted to quantify the frequency of the most common mutations associated with isoniazid resistance, to describe the frequency at which these mutations co-occur, and to identify the regional differences in the distribution of these mutations. Mutation data from 118 publications were extracted and analyzed for 11,411 Mtb isolates from 49 countries.

Principal Findings/Conclusions

Globally, 64% of all observed phenotypic isoniazid resistance was associated with the katG315 mutation. The second most frequently observed mutation, inhA-15, was reported among 19% of phenotypically resistant isolates. These two mutations, katG315 and inhA-15, combined with ten of the most commonly occurring mutations in the inhA promoter and the ahpC-oxyR intergenic region explain 84% of global phenotypic isoniazid resistance. Regional variation in the frequency of individual mutations may limit the sensitivity of molecular diagnostic tests. Well-designed systematic surveys and whole genome sequencing are needed to identify mutation frequencies in geographic regions where rapid molecular tests are currently being deployed, providing a context for interpretation of test results and the opportunity for improving the next generation of diagnostics.  相似文献   

MicroRNA-199a (miRNA-199a) has been shown to have comprehensive functions and behave differently in different systems and diseases. It is encoded by two loci in the human genome, miR-199a-1 in chromosome 19 and miR-199a-2 in chromosome 1. Both loci give rise to the same miRNAs (miR-199a-5p and miR-199a-3p). The cause of the diverse action of the miRNA in different systems is not clear. However, it is likely due to different regulation of the two genomic loci and variable targets of the miRNA in different cells and tissues. Here we studied promoter methylation of miR-199a in testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) and glioblastomas (gliomas) and discovered that hypermethylation in TGCTs of both miR-199a-1 and -2 resulted in its reduced expression, while hypomethylation of miR-199a-2 but not -1 in gliomas may be related to its elevated expression. We also identified a common regulator, REST, which preferentially bound to the methylated promoters of both miR-199a-1 and miR-199a-2. The action of miR-199a is dependent on its downstream targets. We identified MAFB as a putative target of miRNA-199a-5p in TGCTs and confirmed that the tumor suppression activity of the microRNA is mediated by its target MAFB. By studying the mechanisms that control the expressions of miR-199a and its various downstream targets, we hope to use miR-199a as a model to understand the complexity of miRNA biology.  相似文献   

Undernutrition during suckling was induced in newborn rats by increasing the litter size to sixteen pups to be fed by one mother. Animals reared in litters of eight served as controls. Undernourished animals showed retarded body and testicular growth during a suckling period of 22 days. Sequential morphogenesis of the testis was not altered up to 15 days of age. However, certain morphological alterations in Sertoli cells and Leydig cells were observed from 15 days onwards. Cell generation cycle of spermatogonial germ cells and supporting cells (future Sertoli cells) on day 9 showed marked prolongation of DNA synthetic phase (S), unaltered post-DNA synthetic phase (G2) and total cycle (Tc) and shortening of the pre-DNA synthetic phase (G1) indicating a depression in DNA synthesis in undernutrition.  相似文献   



Prior work suggested that patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) have lower body mass index (BMI) than controls and patients with lower BMI have more serious complications.


The study was aimed to find relationship between BMI in patients with and without IBD, investigate effects of medicine therapy and disease stages on patients’ BMI.


Potentially eligible studies were identified through searching PubMed, Cochrane and Embase databases. Outcome measurements of mean BMI and the number of patients from each study were pooled by a random-effect model. Publication bias test, sensitivity analysis and subgroup analysis were conducted.


A total of 24 studies containing 1442 patients and 2059 controls were included. Main results were as follows: (1) BMI in Crohn’s disease (CD) patients was lower than that in health controls (-1.88, 95% CI -2.77 to -1.00, P< 0.001); (2) Medical therapy significantly improved BMI of CD patients (with therapy: -1.58, -3.33 to 0.16; without: -2.09, 95% CI -3.21 to -0.98) while on the contrary not significantly improving BMI of UC patients (with therapy: -0.24, 95% CI -3.68 to 3.20; without: -1.34, 95% CI -2.87 to 0.20, P = 0.57); (3) Both CD and UC patients in active phase showed significantly greater BMI difference compared with controls than those in remission (CD patients: remission: -2.25, 95% CI -3.38 to -1.11; active phase: -4.25, 95% CI -5.58 to -2.92, P = 0.03; UC patients: remission: 0.4, 95% CI -2.05 to 2.84; active phase: -5.38, -6.78 to -3.97, P = 0.001).


BMI is lower in CD patients; medical therapy couldn’t improve BMI of IBD patients; the state of disease affects BMI of CD patients and UC patients.  相似文献   

Sertoli cell tumors are very rare testicular tumors, representing 0.4% to 1.5% of all testicular malignancies. They are subclassified as classic, large-cell calcifying, and sclerosing Sertoli cell tumors (SSCT) based on distinct clinical features. Only 42 cases of SSCTs have been reported in the literature. We present a case of a 23-year-old man diagnosed with SSCT.Key words: Testicular neoplasm, Sertoli cell tumor, Sclerosing Sertoli cell tumorA 23-year-old man was referred to the Cleveland Clinic Department of Urology (Cleveland, OH) for an incidentally detected right testicular mass. The mass was identified during a work-up for transient left testicular discomfort. His only notable medical history was nephrolithiasis. There was no personal or family history of testicular cancer or cryptorchidism. On physical examination, he was a well-nourished, well-masculinized young man without gynecomastia. Testicular examination revealed normal volume and consistency bilaterally without other relevant findings. Testicular ultrasonography demonstrated an 8 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm hypoechoic, solid mass in the posterior right testicle with peripheral flow on color Doppler (Figure 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Testicular ultrasound demonstrating an 8 mm × 6 mm × 6 mm hypoechoic, solid mass in the posterior right testicle (blue arrows).The remainder of the ultrasound examination yielded normal results. Lactic dehydrogenase, B-human chorionic gonadotropin, and α-fetoprotein levels were all within the normal range. After a thorough review of the options, the patient was then taken to the operating room for inguinal exploration. Intraoperative ultrasound confirmed a superficial 8-mm hypoechoic testis lesion. A whiteyellow, well-demarcated nodule was widely excised and a frozen section was sent to pathology for examination. The frozen section examination revealed the lesion to be a neoplasm with differential diagnosis including sclerosing Sertoli cell tumor (SSCT), adenomatoid tumor, and a variant of Leydig cell tumor. Because the final diagnosis could not be determined from frozen section, the decision was made to perform a right radical orchiectomy. Pathologic examination revealed a grossly unifocal, well-circumscribed, white, firm mass of 0.8 cm. Microscopically the lesion was composed of solid and hollow tubules and occasional anastomosing cords distributed within the hypocellular, densely collagenous stroma. Although the lesion was somewhat well circumscribed, entrapped seminiferous tubules with Sertoli-only cells were present within the tumor (Figure 2). Tumor cells had pale or eosinophilic cytoplasm with small and dark nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. The tumor was confined to the testis and margins were negative. A diagnosis of SSCT was reached, supported by positive immunostain results for steroidogenic factor 1, focal inhibin, and calretinin expression, and negative stain results for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and epithelial membrane antigen in the tumor (Figure 3). The postoperative course was unremarkable. Computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis and chest radiograph were negative for metastatic disease.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Low-power examination revealing a well-circumscribed tumor composed of solid and hollow tubules and occasional anastomosing cords distributed within the hypocellular, densely collagenous stroma. Hematoxylin and eosin stain, original magnification ×40. (B) High-power examination. Note entrapped seminiferous tubules lacking spermatogenesis. Hematoxylin and eosin stain, original magnification ×100.Open in a separate windowFigure 3Nuclear expression of steroidogenic factor 1 in the tumor as well as benign Sertoli cells in entrapped seminiferous tubules (original magnification ×200). (B) Focal calretinin expression in the tumor (inhibin had a similar staining pattern; original magnification ×100).  相似文献   

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