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It is becoming increasingly evident that interspecific hybridization is a common event in phytophthora evolution. Yet, the fundamental processes underlying interspecific hybridization and the consequences for its ecological fitness and distribution are not well understood. We studied hybridization events in phytophthora clade 8b. This is a cold-tolerant group of plant pathogenic oomycetes in which six host-specific species have been described that mostly attack winter-grown vegetables. Hybrid characterization was done by sequencing and cloning of two nuclear (ITS and Ypt1) and two mitochondrial loci (Cox1 and Nadh1) combined with DNA content estimation using flow cytometry. Three different mtDNA haplotypes were recovered among the presumed hybrid isolates, dividing the hybrids into three types, with different parental species involved. In the nuclear genes, additivity, i.e. the presence of two alleles coming from different parents, was detected. Hybrid isolates showed large variations in DNA content, which was positively correlated with the additivity in nuclear loci, indicating allopolyploid hybridization followed by a process of diploidization. Moreover, indications of homeologous recombination were found in the hybrids by cloning ITS products. The hybrid isolates have been isolated from a range of hosts that have not been reported previously for clade 8b species, indicating that they have novel pathogenic potential. Next to this, DNA content measurements of the non-hybrid clade 8b species suggest that polyploidy is a common feature of this clade. We hypothesize that interspecific hybridization and polyploidy are two linked phenomena in phytophthora, and that these processes might play an important and ongoing role in the evolution of this genus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hybridization is an important evolutionary phenomenon, and therefore a detailed understanding of the dynamics of interspecific gene flow and resulting morphological and genetic patterns is of widespread interest. Here hybridization between the polyploids Cardamine pratensis and C. raphanifolia at four localities is explored. Using different types of data, the aim is to provide simultaneous and direct comparisons between genotype and phenotype variation patterns in the studied hybrid populations. METHODS: Evidence of hybridization has been gathered from morphology, molecular markers (amplified fragment length polymorphism and chloroplast DNA sequences), pollen viability, karyology and nuclear DNA content. KEY RESULTS: All data support extensive gene flow occurring in the hybrid populations. A wide range of morphological and genetic variation is observed, which includes both parental and intermediate types. Unbalanced pollen fertility and several ploidy levels are recorded. CONCLUSIONS: Incongruence reported between genotype and phenotype suggests that parental phenotypes are affected by introgression, and intermediate hybrid phenotypes can be genetically closer to one of the parents. Thus, it is evident that morphology, when used alone, can be misleading for interpreting hybridization, and critical evaluation of other data is needed.  相似文献   

荧光原位杂交技术的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荧光原位杂交(FISH)是在染色体、间期细胞核和DNA纤维上进行DNA序列定位的一种有效手段。近年来,围绕提高检测的分辨率和灵敏性,不断将免疫染色、量子点和微流控芯片等物理化学技术引入到荧光原位杂交中,促进了它的快速发展。本文主要综述了荧光原位杂交的基本原理和发展历程,重点介绍了免疫染色-荧光原位杂交(immuno-FISH)、量子点-荧光原位杂交(QD-FISH)和微流控芯片-荧光原位杂交(FISH on microchip)等多种新技术及其检测特点,如快速、灵敏、动态、多样化等。随着荧光原位杂交技术的不断完善与发展,将在细胞遗传学、表观遗传学及分子生物学等领域发挥更加重要的作用。  相似文献   

The successful production of interspecific hybrids between membersof the dysploid chromosome series inDahlia offers a unique opportunityto investigate chromosome evolution. Analysis of meiotic metaphaseI in these hybrids using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH)has shown that pairing occurs both between and within parentalgenomes. These results have provided clear evidence for theallotetraploid origin of Dahlia species with 2n=32 and suggeststhat species with 2n=34 and 2n=36 have also arisen via allopolyploidy.A bivalent promoting mechanism proposed for species with 2n=32also appears to be present in Dahlia species with 2n=34 and2n=36 .Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Dahlia , GISH, dysploidy, chromosome pairing, karyotype analysis, polyploidy.  相似文献   

Polyploidy in fishes: patterns and processes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Fishes are the most speciose group of vertebrates, with more than 24 000 species. They are characterized by great diversity in ecology, morphology, life history, behaviour and physiology. Here, the phylogenetic patterns of orders in which polyploidy has been recorded are considered, with special reference to patterns of species richness and hybridization: these orders include such phylogenetically diverse taxa as the Lepidosireniformes (lungfish) and the Perciformes (perch). Examples, predominantly drawn from the Cyprinidae and Salmonidae, are used to illustrate attributes of polyploidy in fishes. It is concluded (i) that polyploidy may have been of considerable importance in the evolution of fishes, and (ii) that fishes, with their diverse life histories, represent a useful model system with which to test theories relating to the origin and consequences of polyploidy that have been derived from work on plants.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 431–442.  相似文献   

The swarming behaviour of a Baltic littoral mysid shrimp, Neomysis integer, was studied both in the presence and absence of a predator (European perch, Perca fluviatilis L.). I performed two kinds of laboratory experiments. First, the swarming tendency of mysids and the effect of swarm size on swarm choice were studied. Second, the ingestion rate of mysids was measured when feeding alone versus in a swarm. The results indicate that N. integer actively join swarms. The avoidance of the perch by N. integer individuals was stronger when there was a swarm present. Larger swarms were preferred over smaller ones regardless of presence or absence of the predator. The overall feeding rate was similar when feeding alone and in swarm, but predator cues reduced feeding rate only when the mysids were feeding alone. This study demonstrates the capability of N. integer to assess predation risk and social context and alter their behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

Nearly four decades ago, Roose & Gottlieb (Roose & Gottlieb 1976 Evolution 30, 818–830. (doi:10.2307/2407821)) showed that the recently derived allotetraploids Tragopogon mirus and T. miscellus combined the allozyme profiles of their diploid parents (T. dubius and T. porrifolius, and T. dubius and T. pratensis, respectively). This classic paper addressed the link between genotype and biochemical phenotype and documented enzyme additivity in allopolyploids. Perhaps more important than their model of additivity, however, was their demonstration of novelty at the biochemical level. Enzyme multiplicity—the production of novel enzyme forms in the allopolyploids—can provide an extensive array of polymorphism for a polyploid individual and may explain, for example, the expanded ranges of polyploids relative to their diploid progenitors. In this paper, we extend the concept of evolutionary novelty in allopolyploids to a range of genetic and ecological features. We observe that the dynamic nature of polyploid genomes—with alterations in gene content, gene number, gene arrangement, gene expression and transposon activity—may generate sufficient novelty that every individual in a polyploid population or species may be unique. Whereas certain combinations of these features will undoubtedly be maladaptive, some unique combinations of newly generated variation may provide tremendous evolutionary potential and adaptive capabilities.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the mouse model of chemically induced hepatocarcinogenesis to investigate the chromosomal aberrations in hepatic cells. The model was obtained by combined treatment of mice with Dipin (radiomimetic drug) followed by partial hepatectomy. Cytological analysis of isolated liver cells treated with Dipin has demonstrated a number of hepatocytes with structural nuclear abnormalities and multiple micronuclei. Karyotype analysis of polyploid hepatocytes has shown numerous chromosomal aberrations including alleged morphological manifestations of chromothripsis, a special type of genomic reorganization characterized by the local disintegration of chromosomes. Micronuclei with chromosomal fragments have developed as a result of double-strand DNA breaks and might serve as the initial substrate for chromothripsis. The emergence of micronuclei containing chromosomal fragments is the most important result of the treatment employed. Therefore, the presented model of liver cancer (hepatocarcinogenesis) can be used to study the process of chromothripsis in the future.  相似文献   

Polyploidy in vertebrate ancestry: Ohno and beyond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over 30 years ago, Susumu Ohno proposed that two rounds of polyploidy occurred early in vertebrate evolution. We re-examine this proposal using three recent lines of evidence. First, total gene number estimates from completely sequenced genomes suggest an increase in total gene number somewhere along the vertebrate or prevertebrate lineage, compatible with Ohno's model. Second, analyses of homeobox and other genes from amphioxus reveal very extensive gene duplication specifically on the vertebrate lineage. This refines the timing of putative polyploidy to after the divergence of amphioxus and vertebrates. Third, the existence of four-fold paralogy regions in the human genome is suggestive of two rounds of polyploidy, although other explanations are possible. We propose an experimental test, based on chromosomal localization of genes in amphioxus, that should resolve whether paralogy regions are indeed remnants of duplication in vertebrate ancestry.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 425–430.  相似文献   

壶瓶碎米荠(Cardamine Hupingshanesis)胚和胚乳发育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壶瓶碎米荠(Cardamine Hupingshanesis.)是十字花科中以营养体繁殖的多年生植物,在自然条件下,种子不易萌芽成苗。本文以碎米荠、油菜为对照材料对壶瓶碎米荠的胚胎发育进行了观察。壶瓶碎米荠胚发育经球形胚、心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶胚四个时期,属柳叶菜型。胚乳发育属核型发育类型,其胚胎发育过程和成熟胚结构与节状聚积和胚乳吸器,而壶瓶碎米荠和碎米荠无此类结构。通过胚胎发育观察证明,壶瓶碎米荠种胚结构完整,其种子不易萌发成苗可能与其特殊的生理原因有关。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Most contemporary authorities on the taxonomy of Coleopteraagree that its three-quarter million described species and subspeciesshould be placed in three suborders: Archostemata, Adephaga,and Polyphaga. Judged by the absence of males or the occurrenceof variant sex ratios, parthenogenesis occurs in all three.Those that have been studied cytologically and a tew that cansafely be surmised are discussed with reference to their probableorigin and evolutionary significance.  相似文献   

Polyploidy in differentiation and evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Somatic and generative (germ-line) polyploidy are more widely spread phenomena among living organisms than generally thought. The occurrence of polyploidization and related events in normal and pathological differentiation, their recognized main functions, as well as the structural specificities of polyploid nuclei are reviewed, and the relationship between ontogenetic and phylogenetic events is discussed. The mechanisms leading to the polyploid state, as well as other processes resulting in a genomic condition different from the diploid one (such as DNA under-replication, gene amplification, and chromatin elimination), are briefly sketched. The various changes in chromosomal DNA described are, in conclusion, seen as evidence supporting the paradigm of a "fluid" or dynamic organization of the eukaryotic genome, as being part of a cybernetic feedback regulation system of gene expression. A model is proposed that unifies the aspects of DNA variation, chromatin structure, and diversification in ontogenesis and phylogenesis.  相似文献   

Polyploidy: genome obesity and its consequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chen ZJ  Ha M  Soltis D 《The New phytologist》2007,174(4):717-720

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