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New Sporulation Loci in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Sporulation mutants of Streptomyces coelicolor appear white because they are defective in the synthesis of the grey polyketide spore pigment, and such white (whi) mutants had been used to define eight sporulation loci, whiA, whiB, whiD, whiE, whiG, whiH, whiI, and whiJ (K. F. Chater, J. Gen. Microbiol. 72:9-28, 1972; N. J. Ryding, Ph.D. thesis, University of East Anglia, 1995). In an attempt to identify new whi loci, we mutagenized S. coelicolor M145 spores with nitrosoguanidine and identified 770 mutants with colonies ranging from white to medium grey. After excluding unstable strains, we examined the isolates by phase-contrast microscopy and chose 115 whi mutants with clear morphological phenotypes for further study. To exclude mutants representing cloned whi genes, self-transmissible SCP2*-derived plasmids carrying whiA, whiB, whiG, whiH, or whiJ (but not whiD, whiE, or whiI) were introduced into each mutant by conjugation, and strains in which the wild-type phenotype was restored either partially or completely by any of these plasmids were excluded from further analysis. In an attempt to complement some of the remaining 31 whi mutants, an SCP2* library of wild-type S. coelicolor chromosomal DNA was introduced into 19 of the mutants by conjugation. Clones restoring the wild-type phenotype to 12 of the 19 strains were isolated and found to represent five distinct loci, designated whiK, whiL, whiM, whiN, and whiO. Each of the five loci was located on the ordered cosmid library: whiL, whiM, whiN, and whiO occupied positions distinct from previously cloned whi genes; whiK was located on the same cosmid overlap as whiD, but the two loci were shown by complementation to be distinct. The phenotypes resulting from mutations at each of these new loci are described.  相似文献   

Heterochromatic homology ensures the segregation of achiasmate chromosomes during meiosis I in Drosophila melanogaster females, perhaps as a consequence of the heterochromatic threads that connect achiasmate homologs during prometaphase I. Here, we ask how these threads, and other possible heterochromatic entanglements, are resolved prior to anaphase I. We show that the knockdown of Topoisomerase II (Top2) by RNAi in the later stages of meiosis results in a specific defect in the separation of heterochromatic regions after spindle assembly. In Top2 RNAi-expressing oocytes, heterochromatic regions of both achiasmate and chiasmate chromosomes often failed to separate during prometaphase I and metaphase I. Heterochromatic regions were stretched into long, abnormal projections with centromeres localizing near the tips of the projections in some oocytes. Despite these anomalies, we observed bipolar spindles in most Top2 RNAi-expressing oocytes, although the obligately achiasmate 4th chromosomes exhibited a near complete failure to move toward the spindle poles during prometaphase I. Both achiasmate and chiasmate chromosomes displayed defects in biorientation. Given that euchromatic regions separate much earlier in prophase, no defects were expected or observed in the ability of euchromatic regions to separate during late prophase upon knockdown of Top2 at mid-prophase. Finally, embryos from Top2 RNAi-expressing females frequently failed to initiate mitotic divisions. These data suggest both that Topoisomerase II is involved in the resolution of heterochromatic DNA entanglements during meiosis I and that these entanglements must be resolved in order to complete meiosis.  相似文献   



During development, neuronal growth cones integrate diffusible and contact guidance cues that are conveyed to both actin and microtubule (MT) cytoskeletons and ensure axon outgrowth and pathfinding. Although several post-translational modifications of tubulin have been identified and despite their strong conservation among species, their physiological roles during development, especially in the nervous sytem, are still poorly understood.


Here, we have dissected the role of a post-translational modification of the last amino acid of the α-tubulin on axonal growth by analyzing the phenotype of precerebellar neurons in Tubulin tyrosin ligase knock-out mice (TTL −/−) through in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro analyses. TTL −/− neurons are devoid of tyrosinated tubulin. Their pathway shows defects in vivo, ex vivo, in hindbrains open-book preparations or in vitro, in a collagen matrix. Their axons still orient toward tropic cues, but they emit supernumerary branches and their growth cones are enlarged and exhibit an emission of mis-oriented filopodia. Further analysis of the TTL −/− growth cone intracellular organization also reveals that the respective localization of actin and MT filaments is disturbed, with a decrease in the distal accumulation of Myosin IIB, as well as a concomitant Rac1 over-activation in the hindbrain. Pharmacological inhibition of Rac1 over-activation in TTL −/− neurons can rescue Myosin IIB localization.


In the growth cone, we propose that tubulin tyrosination takes part in the relative arrangement of actin and MT cytoskeletons, in the regulation of small GTPases activity, and consequently, in the proper morphogenesis, organization and pathfinding of the growth cone during development.  相似文献   

Sporulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a developmental process in which four haploid spores are generated inside a diploid cell. Gip1, a sporulation-specific targeting subunit of protein phosphatase type 1, together with its catalytic subunit, Glc7, colocalizes with septins along the extending prospore membrane and is required for septin organization and spore wall formation. However, the mechanism by which Gip1-Glc7 phosphatase promotes these events is unclear. We show here that Ysw1, a sporulation-specific coiled-coil protein, has a functional relationship to Gip1-Glc7 phosphatase. Overexpression of YSW1 partially suppresses the sporulation defect of a temperature-sensitive allele of gip1. Ysw1 interacts with Gip1 in a two-hybrid assay, and this interaction is required for suppression. Ysw1 tagged with green fluorescent protein colocalizes with septins and Gip1 along the extending prospore membrane during spore formation. Sporulation is partially defective in ysw1Δ mutant, and cytological analysis revealed that septin structures are perturbed and prospore membrane extension is aberrant in ysw1Δ cells. These results suggest that Ysw1 functions with the Gip1-Glc7 phosphatase to promote proper septin organization and prospore membrane formation.Diploid cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae subjected to nitrogen limitation in the presence of a nonfermentable carbon source undergo the developmental process of sporulation (14, 23, 35). Four nuclei produced by two rounds of nuclear division, meiosis I and II, are encapsulated by newly formed double-membrane structures, called prospore membranes, and are finally packaged into spores covered with layered spore walls (35).In this process, prospore membrane formation is one of the most dynamic events. Early in meiosis II, the cytoplasmic surface of the meiotic spindle pole body (SPB) is modified by the recruitment of sporulation-specific protein complex that acts as a site of vesicle recruitment (2, 22, 39). Post-Golgi secretory vesicles dock to the surface of the SPBs and fuse with each other, generating prospore membranes (33, 34). The prospore membranes then grow to engulf daughter nuclei through a series of stages that are categorized by the membranes'' appearance in the fluorescence microscope (12). Initially, the membranes appear as small horseshoes that enlarge to become small round membrane structures. The prospore membranes then extend into a tube-like shape, engulfing the nucleus, as well as some cytosol and organelles (12). After this extension, prospore membrane undergoes a rapid change to a mature round form. This rounding of the membrane is coordinated with membrane closure (12). Spore wall materials are then deposited into the luminal space created by closure of the prospore membrane (9).In addition to the meiotic plaque of the SPB, two protein complexes are associated with the prospore membrane as it forms. One is the leading edge protein complex, which exists at the lip of the prospore membranes and consists of three components: Ssp1, Ady3, and Don1 (27, 30, 38). Ssp1 is the most important of the three and is required for proper extension of the prospore membrane (30). The second complex is a sporulation-specific septin structure. The septins are a family of cytoskeletal proteins, which form filaments (18, 50). Septins are conserved from yeast to mammals. They were originally found and have been extensively studied in S. cerevisiae. In vegetatively growing S. cerevisiae cells, five septin proteins—Cdc3, Cdc10, Cdc11, Cdc12, and Shs1—form a ring at the bud neck that serves as a scaffold for many additional proteins, as well as a barrier to diffusion of proteins between the mother and the bud (19, 29, 50). In sporulating cells, the set of septin proteins is changed. Cdc3 and Cdc10, along with two sporulation-specific septins, Spr3 and Spr28, form a pair of parallel bars or sheets associated with each prospore membrane (11, 15, 29). Although deletion of sporulation-specific septins has only modest effects on sporulation (11, 15), their specific localization suggests that they have some function during prospore membrane formation. Septin organization in vegetatively growing cells is regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of septin components and septin-associated proteins (29). In sporulating cells, a sporulation-specific protein phosphatase type 1 (PP1) complex Gip1-Glc7 is required for the formation of septin structures (46), although whether this phosphatase acts directly on the septin proteins is unknown.The PP1 catalytic subunit is highly conserved in eukaryotes and is involved in a variety of cellular processes (8, 44). In S. cerevisiae it is encoded by an essential gene, GLC7, and functions in glycogen synthesis, glucose repression, chromosome segregation, cell wall organization, endocytosis, mating, and sporulation (3, 17, 24, 42, 44, 47, 53). The specificity of this enzyme is determined by targeting subunits. GIP1 was originally isolated in a two-hybrid screen by using GLC7 as a bait, and this interaction was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation of the two proteins (48). GIP1 is a sporulation-specific gene required for sporulation. Further analysis revealed that Gip1 and Glc7 colocalize with septins during sporulation and are required for both septin organization and spore wall formation (46). The specific targets or cofactors of this PP1 complex are unknown.To elucidate the role of Gip1-Glc7 phosphatase, we screened for high-copy suppressors of a temperature-sensitive allele of gip1 and isolated YSW1. Ysw1 interacts with Gip1 and colocalizes with septins similar to Gip1. Furthermore, a ysw1Δ mutant displays aberrant septin structures and prospore membrane extension. These results suggest that Ysw1 may function with Gip1-Glc7 to regulate proper septin organization and prospore membrane formation.  相似文献   

Chromosome segregation errors in human oocytes are the leading cause of birth defects, and the risk of aneuploid pregnancy increases dramatically as women age. Accurate segregation demands that sister chromatid cohesion remain intact for decades in human oocytes, and gradual loss of the original cohesive linkages established in fetal oocytes is proposed to be a major cause of age-dependent segregation errors. Here we demonstrate that maintenance of meiotic cohesion in Drosophila oocytes during prophase I requires an active rejuvenation program, and provide mechanistic insight into the molecular events that underlie rejuvenation. Gal4/UAS inducible knockdown of the cohesion establishment factor Eco after meiotic S phase, but before oocyte maturation, causes premature loss of meiotic cohesion, resulting in destabilization of chiasmata and subsequent missegregation of recombinant homologs. Reduction of individual cohesin subunits or the cohesin loader Nipped B during prophase I leads to similar defects. These data indicate that loading of newly synthesized replacement cohesin rings by Nipped B and establishment of new cohesive linkages by the acetyltransferase Eco must occur during prophase I to maintain cohesion in oocytes. Moreover, we show that rejuvenation of meiotic cohesion does not depend on the programmed induction of meiotic double strand breaks that occurs during early prophase I, and is therefore mechanistically distinct from the DNA damage cohesion re-establishment pathway identified in G2 vegetative yeast cells. Our work provides the first evidence that new cohesive linkages are established in Drosophila oocytes after meiotic S phase, and that these are required for accurate chromosome segregation. If such a pathway also operates in human oocytes, meiotic cohesion defects may become pronounced in a woman''s thirties, not because the original cohesive linkages finally give out, but because the rejuvenation program can no longer supply new cohesive linkages at the same rate at which they are lost.  相似文献   

Streptomyces lividans ZX1 has become a preferred host for DNA cloning in Streptomyces species over its progenitor, the wild-type strain 66 (stock number 1326 from the John Innes Center collection), especially when stable DNA is crucial for in vitro electrophoresis, because DNA from strain 66 contains a novel modification that makes it sensitive to oxidative double-strand cleavage during electrophoresis. Detailed analysis of this modification-deficient mutant (ZX1) revealed that it has several additional phenotypic traits associated with a chromosomal deletion of ca. 90 kb, which was cloned and mapped by using a cosmid library. Comparative sequence analysis of two clones containing the left and right deletion ends originating from strain 66 and one clone with the deletion and fused sequence cloned from strain ZX1 revealed a perfect 15-bp direct repeat, which may have mediated deletion and fusion to yield strain ZX1 by site-specific recombination. Analysis of AseI linking clones in the deleted region in relation to the published AseI map of strain ZX1 yielded a complete AseI map for the S. lividans 66 genome, on which the relative positions of a cloned phage HAU3 resistance (HAU3r) gene and the dnd gene cluster were precisely localized. Comparison of S. lividans ZX1 and its progenitor 66, as well as the sequenced genome of its close relative, Streptomyces coelicolor M145, reveals that the ca. 90-kb deletion in strain ZX1 may have originated from an insertion from an unknown source.  相似文献   

Precise mitotic spindle assembly is a guarantee of proper chromosome segregation during mitosis. Chromosome instability caused by disturbed mitosis is one of the major features of various types of cancer. JMJD5 has been reported to be involved in epigenetic regulation of gene expression in the nucleus, but little is known about its function in mitotic process. Here we report the unexpected localization and function of JMJD5 in mitotic progression. JMJD5 partially accumulates on mitotic spindles during mitosis, and depletion of JMJD5 results in significant mitotic arrest, spindle assembly defects, and sustained activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). Inactivating SAC can efficiently reverse the mitotic arrest caused by JMJD5 depletion. Moreover, JMJD5 is found to interact with tubulin proteins and associate with microtubules during mitosis. JMJD5-depleted cells show a significant reduction of α-tubulin acetylation level on mitotic spindles and fail to generate enough interkinetochore tension to satisfy the SAC. Further, JMJD5 depletion also increases the susceptibility of HeLa cells to the antimicrotubule agent. Taken together, these results suggest that JMJD5 plays an important role in regulating mitotic progression, probably by modulating the stability of spindle microtubules.  相似文献   

While increasing evidence indicates the important function of histone methylation during development, how this process influences cardiac development in vertebrates has not been explored. Here, we elucidate the functions of two histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation enzymes, SMYD3 and SETD7, during zebrafish heart morphogenesis using gene expression profiling by whole mount in situ hybridization and antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (MO)-based gene knockdown. We find both smyd3 and setd7 are highly expressed within developing zebrafish heart and knock-down of these genes led to severe defects in cardiac morphogenesis without altering the expressions pattern of heart markers, including cmlc2, vmhc, and amhc. Furthermore, double knock-down by coinjection of smyd3 and setd7 MOs caused the synergistic defects in heart development. As similar to knock-down effect, overexpression of these genes also caused the heart morphogenesis defect in zebrafish. These results indicate that histone modifying enzymes, SMYD3 and SETD7, appear to function synergistically during heart development and their proper functioning is essential for normal heart morphogenesis during development.  相似文献   

The sigE gene of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) encodes an RNA polymerase sigma factor belonging to the extracytoplasmic function (ECF) subfamily. Constructed sigE deletion and disruption mutants were more sensitive than the parent to muramidases such as hen egg white lysozyme and to the CwlA amidase from Bacillus subtilis. This correlated with an altered muropeptide profile, as determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of lytic digests of purified peptidoglycan. The sigE mutants required high levels of magnesium for normal growth and sporulation, overproducing the antibiotic actinorhodin and forming crenellated colonies in its absence. Together, these data suggest that sigE is required for normal cell wall structure. The role of ςE was further investigated by analyzing the expression of hrdD, which is partially sigE dependent. The hrdD gene, which encodes the ςHrdD subunit of RNA polymerase, is transcribed from two promoters, hrdDp1 and hrdDp2, both similar to promoters recognized by other ECF sigma factors. The activities of hrdDp1 and hrdDp2 were reduced 20- and 3-fold, respectively, in sigE mutants, although only hrdDp1 was recognized by EςE in vitro. Growth on media deficient in magnesium caused the induction of both hrdD promoters in a sigE-dependent manner.  相似文献   

In metaphase Xenopus egg extracts, global microtubule growth is mainly promoted by two unrelated microtubule stabilizers, end-binding protein 1 (EB1) and XMAP215. Here, we explore their role and potential redundancy in the regulation of spindle assembly and function. We find that at physiological expression levels, both proteins are required for proper spindle architecture: Spindles assembled in the absence of EB1 or at decreased XMAP215 levels are short and frequently multipolar. Moreover, the reduced density of microtubules at the equator of ΔEB1 or ΔXMAP215 spindles leads to faulty kinetochore–microtubule attachments. These spindles also display diminished poleward flux rates and, upon anaphase induction, they neither segregate chromosomes nor reorganize into interphasic microtubule arrays. However, EB1 and XMAP215 nonredundantly regulate spindle assembly because an excess of XMAP215 can compensate for the absence of EB1, whereas the overexpression of EB1 cannot substitute for reduced XMAP215 levels. Our data indicate that EB1 could positively regulate XMAP215 by promoting its binding to the microtubules. Finally, we show that disruption of the mitosis-specific XMAP215–EB1 interaction produces a phenotype similar to that of either EB1 or XMAP215 depletion. Therefore, the XMAP215–EB1 interaction is required for proper spindle organization and chromosome segregation in Xenopus egg extracts.  相似文献   

Bacterial prodigiosins are red-colored secondary metabolites with multiple activities,such as anticancer,antimalarial and immunosuppressive,which hold great potential for medical applications.In this study,dramatically enhanced prodigiosins(RED) production in Streptomyces coelicolor was achieved by combinatorial metabolic engineering,including inactivation of the repressor gene ohkA,deletion of the actinorhodin(ACT) and calcium-dependent antibiotic(CDA) biosynthetic gene clusters(BGCs) and multi-copy chromosomal integration of the RED BGC.The results showed that ohkA deletion led to a 1-fold increase of RED production over the wild-type strain M145.Then,the ACT and CDA BGCs were deleted successively based on the AohkA mutant(SBJ101).To achieve multi-copy RED BGC integration,artificial ΦC31 attB site(s) were inserted simultaneously at the position where the ACT and CDA BGCs were deleted.The resulting strains SBJ102(with a single deletion of the ACT BGC and insertion of one artificial attB site) and SBJ103(with the deletion of both BGCs and insertion of two artificial attB sites) produced 1.9-and 6-fold higher RED titers than M145,respectively.Finally,the entire RED BGC was introduced into mutants from SBJ101 to SBJ103,generating three mutants(from SBJ104 to SBJ106) with chromosomal integration of one to three copies of the RED BGC.The highest RED yield was from SBJ106,which produced a maximum level of 96.8 mg g~(-1) cell dry weight,showing a 12-fold increase relative to M145.Collectively,the metabolic engineering strategies employed in this study are very efficient for the construction of high prodigiosin-producing strains.  相似文献   

Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) contains a cluster of putative isoprenoid and hopanoid biosynthetic genes. The strain does not produce the pentacyclic hopanoids in liquid culture but produces them on solid medium when sporulating. Mutants defective in the formation of aerial mycelium and spores (bld), with the exception of bldB, do not synthesize hopanoids, whereas mutants, which form aerial mycelium but no spores (whi), do. The membrane condensing hopanoids possibly may alleviate stress in aerial mycelium by diminishing water permeability across the membrane.  相似文献   

The chromosome of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), a model organism for the genus Streptomyces, contains a cryptic type I polyketide synthase (PKS) gene cluster which was revealed when the genome was sequenced. The ca. 54-kb cluster contains three large genes, cpkA, cpkB and cpkC, encoding the PKS subunits. In silico analysis showed that the synthase consists of a loading module, five extension modules and a unique reductase as a terminal domain instead of a typical thioesterase. All acyltransferase domains are specific for a malonyl extender, and have a B-type ketoreductase. Tailoring and regulatory genes were also identified within the gene cluster. Surprisingly, some genes show high similarity to primary metabolite genes not commonly identified in any antibiotic biosynthesis cluster. Using western blot analysis with a PKS subunit (CpkC) antibody, CpkC was shown to be expressed in S. coelicolor at transition phase. Disruption of cpkC gave no obvious phenotype.  相似文献   

Resistance to erythromycin is genetically unstable in strains of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). The frequent loss of resistance as well as reversion of sensitive variants to the original unstable resistance phenotype excluded the possibility that plasmid elimination is involved. The spontaneous frequency of occurrence of sensitive clones was 0.14 to 1.5%, the rate of reversion ranging from 1.10(-6) to 1.10(-8). Resistance to erythromycin has been mapped on the chromosomes of two S. coelicolor A3(2) derivatives in different sites: between markers adeC (v 10) and ArgA1 in the strain A617, between pheA1 and SCP1 in the strain S18. It is suggested that genetic instability of erythromycin resistance determinants having chromosomal location is due to transposition of genetic material.  相似文献   

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