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HIV-1 infection is characterized by loss of CD56dim CD16+ NK cells and increased terminal differentiation on various lymphocyte subsets. We identified a decrease of CD57 and CD57dim cells but not of CD57bright cells on CD56dim CD16+ NK cells in chronic HIV infection. Increasing CD57 expression was strongly associated with increasing frequencies of killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) and granzyme B-expressing cells but decreasing percentages of cells expressing CD27+, HLA-DR+, Ki-67+, and CD107a. Our data indicate that HIV leads to a decline of less-differentiated cells and suggest that CD57 is a useful marker for terminal differentiation on NK cells.NK cells are effector cells of innate immunity which are pivotal as first-line defense against viral infections, such as HIV infection (14). Large genotypic studies demonstrated a delayed onset of AIDS in HIV-seropositive individuals carrying the activating receptor KIR3DS1 and/or alleles of the inhibiting receptor KIR3DL1 in conjunction with HLA-Bw4-80I (18, 19). Development of NK cells mainly takes place in the bone marrow, from which mature NK cells move out to reside and circulate in peripheral sites (13). Mature NK cells are characterized by granules which harbor granzymes and perforin. These NK cells are fully armed, “ready-to-go” effector cells (17).A number of NK cell abnormalities have been reported in HIV infection (9), including high activation status (2, 10), increased turnover (16), differential expression of activating and inhibitory receptors (20), impaired interaction with dendritic cells (12), and loss of CD56dim CD16+ NK cells (23). CD56dim CD16+ NK cells represent the largest NK cell subset in peripheral blood in healthy individuals. The expression of killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) and CD57 are predominant features of this subpopulation (8, 15). CD57 expression on NK cells has been previously associated with replicative senescence on T and NK cells (4), raising the question of how HIV-1 infection alters CD57 expression on CD56dim CD16+ NK cells.To the best of our knowledge, no one has addressed the phenotypic and functional properties of CD56dim CD16+ NK cells that are preferentially lost during HIV infection. Here, we provide evidence that increasing CD57 expression indicates terminal differentiation in healthy individuals, as well in as HIV-infected subjects. We furthermore show that HIV infection is associated with preferential loss of less-differentiated cells, which are characterized by high activation status and turnover.In this study, blood samples from 37 HIV-seropositive individuals and 15 healthy subjects were analyzed; all HIV-infected patients were either antiretroviral therapy naïve or untreated for more than one year. The HIV-positive study cohort comprised 10 patients with a viral load of less than 2,000 copies/ml, 14 patients with a viral load ranging from 2,000/ml to 20,000 copies/ml, and 13 patients with a viral load above 20,000 copies/ml. CD4 T cell counts ranged from 180/μl to 1,355/μl, the average being 457.3/μl.The study was approved by the local ethics commission (Ethikkommission der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, Votum No. 3150), and all study participants gave informed written consent for their participation.Flow cytometric analysis was performed on cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) as previously described (21, 22). A list of monoclonal antibodies employed in this study is available upon request. For intracellular analysis of granzyme B, perforin, and Ki-67, we used a fixation and permeabilization kit (Invitrogen). At least 1 million events were acquired for each sample, using either a FACSAria or LSR II flow cytometer (BD Biosciences). Data were analyzed with FlowJo (TreeStar). Lymphocytes were defined by forward and side scatter. CD3+, CD14+, CD19+, dead cells, and cell aggregates were removed from analysis based on peridinin chlorophyll protein and Viaprobe staining and gating on a plot of forward-scatter area versus forward-scatter height (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). NK cells and their distinctive subpopulations were defined based on their CD56 and/or CD16 expression. Fluorescence-minus-one (FMO) staining was used to determine threshold values for the expression of specific markers.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.HIV infection is associated with loss of CD57 and CD57dim but not CD57bright CD56dim CD16+ NK cells. (A) Representative gating scheme for identification of NK cells. NK cells were defined as CD3 CD14 CD19 lymphocytes expressing either CD56 or CD16 or both. We divided CD56dim CD16+ NK cells into three subsets based on their level of CD57 expression: CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright cells. Numbers on FACS plots indicate frequency of gated population. SSC-A, side scatter area; FSC-A, forward scatter area; FSC-W, forward scatter width. (B) Comparison of percentages of the CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright subpopulations in control subjects (n = 14) and HIV-seropositive individuals (n = 34) on CD56dim CD16+ NK cells. ns, not significant (P > 0.05); **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. (C) Frequencies of CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright expressing CD56dim CD16+ NK cells in relation to total NK cells in control subjects (n = 14) and HIV-seropositive individuals (n = 34). (D) Mean frequency of CD56dim CD16+ NK cells in 14 control individuals and in 34 HIV-infected people and the distribution of CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright cells within CD56dim CD16+ NK cells is shown. (E) Relationship between percentage of CD57dim CD56dim CD16+NK cells and percentage of CD56neg CD16+ NK cells on total NK cells. Horizontal bars in dot plots show the means.NK cells as defined above were sorted from cryopreserved PBMCs on a FACSAria (purities ranged from 91% to 99%). An amount of 105 NK cells was plated per well and stimulated with 10 ng/ml interleukin-15 (IL-15), 100 ng/ml IL-12, and 5 × 104 K562 cells. A CD107a degranulation assay was performed as described previously (1, 12). GraphPad Prism (version 5.0) software was used for statistical evaluation of data. Correlation analysis was performed using the Pearson test. The unpaired t test was performed when two groups were compared, and all t tests were two tailed. Comparison of more than two groups was performed using one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey''s post-hoc test. P values of less than 0.05 were considered significant.We found that CD57 on NK cells was predominantly expressed on the CD56dim CD16+ population (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). The expression patterns of CD57 allowed us to differentiate between three subfractions within CD56dim CD16+ NK cells, namely, CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright cells. The frequency of the CD57bright subpopulation on CD56dim CD16+ NK cells was increased compared to the frequency of the CD57dim subpopulation on CD56dim CD16+ NK cells in HIV-seropositive patients but not in HIV-seronegative control subjects (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). This relative increase was associated with substantial reductions of the CD57 CD56dim and the CD57dim CD56dim NK cell subpopulations of total NK cells in our HIV-seropositive cohort compared to these subpopulations in healthy control subjects (means, 36.6% versus 24.8% [P = 0.0002] and 22.4% versus 15.4% [P = 0.0001]), but the frequencies of CD57bright CD56dim NK cells within total NK cells were similar between HIV-infected patients and HIV-seronegative individuals (Fig. (Fig.1C).1C). In accordance with previously published data (3, 23), we could confirm that there is a relative loss of CD56dim CD16+ NK cells in HIV infection (mean, 84.3% versus 67.0%, P = 0.0004) (Fig. (Fig.1D).1D). Our data indicate that this loss is predominantly due to decreased numbers of CD57 CD56dim and CD57dim CD56dim NK cells, leading to a relative overrepresentation of CD57bright cells within CD56dim CD16+ NK cells in HIV infection (Fig. (Fig.1C).1C). There was no significant correlation between the relative loss of CD57 and CD57dim NK cells and absolute numbers of CD56dim CD16+ NK cells, but there was a significant inverse correlation between loss of CD57dim NK cells and increasing percentages of CD56 CD16+ cells (Pearson r = −0.54, P = 0.001) (Fig. (Fig.1E1E).To determine whether the relative decrease of CD57 and CD57dim NK cells was associated with parameters of HIV disease progression, we performed correlation analysis of the percentages of CD57 or CD57dim cells with viral load and CD4 T cell counts. We found no such correlations (Pearson r < 0.2 and P > 0.05 for all) (data not shown). A recent cross-sectional and longitudinal study demonstrated that changes in the NK cell compartment, as shown by down-modulation of Siglec-7 on CD56dim NK cells, are associated with HIV viremia (5). The longitudinal data in the study indicated that the full restoration of NK cell pathologies required 24 months of antiviral treatment. This suggests that alterations in the NK cell compartment can be driven by HIV viral load but that these changes seem to require a significant amount of time.We next investigated the phenotypic and functional properties of the CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright subpopulations on CD56dim CD16+ NK cells. For KIR2DL2/DL3/DS2, we detected increasing prevalences of KIR-expressing NK cells with increasing expression of CD57 in both healthy control subjects and HIV-infected blood donors (Fig. (Fig.2A).2A). As for KIR3DS1/DL1, we found an increase of KIR+-expressing NK cells between CD57 and CD57bright cells in control individuals and significant differences in percentages of KIR3DS1/DL1-expressing NK cells between CD57 and CD57dim, as well as between CD57 and CD57bright, NK cells in our HIV-positive cohort (Fig. (Fig.2A).2A). These results suggest that increasing CD57 expression is associated with higher numbers of KIR-expressing NK cells in control subjects and HIV-infected subjects.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Phenotypic characterization of the CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright subpopulations of CD56dim CD16+ NK cells. Representative flow cytometry plots for one control and one HIV-infected subject and summary data for all individuals whose PBMCs were analyzed are shown. CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright NK cells are concatenated to visualize them in a single dot plot. Numbers in contour plots indicate percentages of gated events of the respective subset. (A) Percentages of KIR2DL2/DL3/DS2 and KIR3DS1/DL1-expressing CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright cells were analyzed in control individuals (n = 15) and HIV-infected subjects (n = 37). (B) Numbers of HLA-DR-expressing and CD27-expressing CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright cells in control individuals'' (n = 15) and HIV-infected subjects'' (n = 37) PBMCs were analyzed. Horizontal bars in dot plots show the means. ns, not significant (P > 0.05); *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.We next addressed the question of whether increasing CD57 expression is linked to differential phenotypic properties of NK cells and analyzed the HLA-DR and CD27 expression of the CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright subpopulations on CD56dim CD16+ NK cells. A significantly higher fraction of NK cells expressed HLA-DR in the CD57 than in the CD57bright subset in both healthy control individuals and HIV-infected subjects (Fig. (Fig.2B).2B). A considerably higher portion of NK cells was positive for HLA-DR in HIV-infected individuals than in control subjects (means, 3.2% versus 13.2% [P < 0.0001], 1.8% versus 10.4% [P = 0.001], and 0.9% versus 6.5% [P = 0.005] for CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright subpopulations, respectively). We furthermore detected marked differences in frequencies of cells expressing CD27, a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family (24). CD57 NK cells displayed the highest percentages of CD27+ cells, whereas CD57bright cells were almost all negative for CD27, in both control individuals and HIV-seropositive subjects (Fig. (Fig.2B).2B). We thus show that increasing expression of CD57 is associated with differential activation status and differential phenotype.Next, we sought to determine whether CD57 is linked to differential functional phenotypes by assessing the intracellular expression of granzyme B, perforin, and Ki-67. The frequencies of perforin-expressing NK cells did not vary within the different CD57 subsets of CD56dim CD16+ NK cells (Fig. (Fig.3A).3A). However, we found that CD57bright cells displayed the highest frequencies of granzyme B+ in both control and HIV-seropositive subjects, whereas CD57 cells exhibited the lowest percentages for granzyme B+ cells (Fig. (Fig.3A).3A). Conversely, when we studied the expression of Ki-67, we identified the opposite trend: less than 5% of CD57bright cells in control individuals and less than 10% of CD57bright cells in HIV-infected study subjects expressed Ki-67 (Fig. (Fig.3B).3B). The highest numbers of Ki-67+ cells were found in the CD57 population.Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Functional characterization of CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright cells within the CD56dim CD16+ NK cell population. (A) Representative staining results for granzyme B and perforin and summary data for control (n = 14) and HIV-seropositive subjects (n = 36). Numbers in the concatenated contour plots indicate percentages of gated events of the respective subset. B cells were defined as the negative control for granzyme and perforin staining. (B) Percentages of Ki-67+ and CD107a+ cells on CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright cells within the CD56dim NK cell population in control (n = 14 and n = 9, respectively) and HIV-seropositive (n = 36 and n = 21, respectively) subjects'' PBMCs were analyzed. Horizontal bars in dot plots show the means. NC, negative control; ns, not significant (P > 0.05); *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.We also assessed the presence of the degranulation marker CD107a on CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright subpopulations of CD56dim CD16+ NK cells after stimulation with IL-12 and IL-15 and exposure to K562 cells. Similarly to what we had observed for Ki-67 expression, CD57 cells were the most efficient at degranulation when compared with CD57dim and CD57bright cells in HIV-infected individuals. Comparison to healthy controls revealed that there was a higher expression of CD107a in HIV-seropositive subjects for each CD57 subset. However, the most effective degranulation occurred in the CD57 and CD57dim subsets, which are preferentially depleted in HIV infection.We focused our analysis on CD56dim CD16+ NK cells because they constitute the largest NK cell subset in peripheral blood, they are the major NK cell subset expressing CD57 and KIRs, and they are the most prominent subpopulation for cytolytic activity. CD56dim CD16+ cells but not CD56bright CD16 NK cells were reported to be decreased in HIV-infected subjects (23), which we could confirm in our experiments (data not shown). We did not find CD57 on CD56bright CD16 NK cells either in healthy or in HIV-infected individuals. CD57 has been described as a marker for replicative senescence, and its expression has been associated with shorter telomeres and diminished proliferative capacities on T and NK cells (4). The presence of this marker on CD56dim CD16+ but not on CD56bright CD16+ NK cells might explain why the latter subset was shown to proliferate more efficiently upon cytokine stimulation (6). We demonstrated that increasing CD57 expression on NK cells was associated with lower numbers of CD27-expressing cells, a marker which is mainly expressed by CD56bright CD16 NK cells (24). CD56bright CD16 cells were suggested to be early NK cells, which differentiate from CD34dim CD45RA+ hematopoietic precursor cells with high expression of integrin α4β7 (11). These cells can furthermore give rise to CD56dim CD16+ NK cells (7). Our data support this hypothesis, as we show that CD57 can be found on CD56dim CD16+ NK cells but not on CD56bright NK cells, whereas the opposite is observed for CD27.We demonstrate that differential CD57 expression is associated with distinct functional characteristics. We show for the first time that increasing expression of CD57 on CD56dim CD16+ NK cells is associated with increasing prevalence of KIR+ and granzyme B+ cells. These cells appear to be more mature and differentiated in terms of KIR and granzyme B expression but less functionally active, as shown by decreased expression of Ki-67 and CD107a. We therefore propose that CD57 is not only a marker for replicative senescence but, in addition, a marker for terminal differentiation on NK cells, which is characterized by increased expression of KIR and higher granzyme B content and “counterbalanced” by decreased degranulation (CD107a) and decreased proliferation (Ki-67).Notably, we observed consistently higher frequencies of granzyme B+ cells in all three subsets within CD56dim CD16+ NK cells from HIV-seropositive individuals than in healthy control subjects (means, 52.9% versus 78.7% [P < 0.0001], 65.3% versus 89.6% [P < 0.0001], and 76.5% versus 95.0% [P < 0.0001]for CD57, CD57dim, and CD57bright subpopulations, respectively) (Fig. (Fig.1C).1C). Furthermore, HIV infection was associated with higher numbers of Ki-67-expressing NK cells (means, 8.4% versus 16.1% [P = 0.0005], 5.3% versus 11.6% [P = 0.0016], and 4.1% versus 6.2% [P = 0.04]) (Fig. (Fig.1C).1C). These changes, including the strong increase in HLA-DR-expressing NK cells, probably reflect the systemic immune activation in HIV-infected individuals.In summary, these findings support a view of a differential regulation of NK function and are in concordance with maturation of NK cells with high expression of CD57 on NK cells with a more terminally differentiated phenotype. Our data indicate that high turnover; activation status; and active degranulation as characterized by the expression of Ki-67, HLA-DR, and CD107a are mainly features of CD57 and much less of CD57dim NK cells. HIV infection is associated with increased activation, proliferation, and cytotoxicity during “early” stages of CD56dim CD16+ NK cell differentiation compared to their occurrence in healthy controls, but those are the very cells that are significantly decreased in chronic HIV infection. A loss of these functionally more active NK cells may be a yet-unappreciated factor in overall NK cell pathology and a further possible explanation for the impairment of NK cells in their contribution to viral control in HIV infection.  相似文献   

Our previous studies suggest that Th17 cells accumulate within tumor tissues and correlate with recurrence of cervical cancer patients. However, the source of the increased tumor-infiltrating Th17 cells remains poorly understood. We investigated the prevalence, phenotype and trafficking property of Th17 cells in patients with cervical cancer. Our results showed that Th17 cells highly aggregated within tumor tissues in an activated phenotype with markedly increased expression of CCR6. Correspondingly, level of CCL20 in the tumor tissues was significantly higher than that in non-tumor and normal control tissues, and strongly positively associated with Th17 cells. Further, in vitro migration assay showed CCL20 had effective chemotaxis to circulating Th17 cells. In conclusion, Th17 cells are recruited into tumor tissues preferentially through CCR6-CCL20 pathway, which can serve as a novel therapeutic target for cervical cancer.  相似文献   

The C-type lectin-like receptor CD161 is a well-established marker for human IL17-producing T cells, which have been implicated to contribute to the development of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT). In this study, we analyzed CD161+ T cell recovery, their functional properties and association with GVHD occurrence in allo-SCT recipients. While CD161+CD4+ T cells steadily recovered, CD161hiCD8+ T cell numbers declined during tapering of Cyclosporine A (CsA), which can be explained by their initial growth advantage over CD161neg/lowCD8+ T cells due to ABCB1-mediated CsA efflux. Interestingly, occurrence of acute and chronic GVHD was significantly correlated with decreased levels of circulating CD161+CD4+ as well as CD161hiCD8+ T cells. In addition, these subsets from transplanted patients secreted high levels of IFNγ and IL17. Moreover, we found that CCR6 co-expression by CD161+ T cells mediated specific migration towards CCL20, which was expressed in GVHD biopsies. Finally, we demonstrated that CCR6+ T cells indeed were present in these CCL20+ GVHD-affected tissues. In conclusion, we showed that functional CD161+CCR6+ co-expressing T cells disappear from the circulation and home to GVHD-affected tissue sites. These findings support the hypothesis that CCR6+CD161-expressing T cells may be involved in the immune pathology of GVHD following their CCL20-dependent recruitment into affected tissues.  相似文献   

A rare subset of HIV-infected individuals, designated viremic non-progressors (VNP), remain asymptomatic and maintain normal levels of CD4+ T-cells despite persistently high viremia. To identify mechanisms potentially responsible for the VNP phenotype, we compared VNPs (average >9 years of HIV infection) to HIV-infected individuals who have similar CD4+ T-cell counts and viral load, but who are likely to progress if left untreated (“putative progressors”, PP), thus avoiding the confounding effect of differences related to substantial CD4+ T cell depletion. We found that VNPs, compared to PPs, had preserved levels of CD4+ stem cell memory cells (TSCM (p<0.0001), which was associated with decreased HIV infection of these cells in VNPs (r = −0.649, p = 0.019). In addition, VNPs had decreased HIV infection in CD4+ central memory (TCM) cells (p = 0.035), and the total number of TCM cells was associated with increased proliferation of memory CD4+ T cells (r = 0.733, p = 0.01). Our results suggest that, in HIV-infected VNPs, decreased infection of CD4+ TCM and TSCM, cells are involved in preservation of CD4+ T cell homeostasis and lack of disease progression despite high viremia.  相似文献   

Multicentric Castleman Disease is largely driven by increased signaling in the pathway for the plasma cell growth factor interleukin-6. We hypothesized that interleukin-6/interleukin-6 receptor/gp130 polymorphisms contribute to increased interleukin-6 and/or other components of the interleukin-6 signaling pathway in HIV-negative Castleman Disease patients. The study group was composed of 58 patients and 50 healthy donors of a similar racial/ethnic profile. Of seven polymorphisms chosen for analysis, we observed an increased frequency between patients and controls of the minor allele of interleukin-6 receptor polymorphism rs4537545, which is in linkage disequilibrium with interleukin-6 receptor polymorphism rs2228145. Further, individuals possessing at least one copy of the minor allele of either polymorphism expressed higher levels of soluble interleukin-6 receptor. These elevated interleukin-6 receptor levels may contribute to increased interleukin-6 activity through the trans-signaling pathway. These data suggest that interleukin-6 receptor polymorphism may be a contributing factor in Castleman Disease, and further research is warranted.  相似文献   

The eusocial honey bee, Apis mellifera, has evolved remarkable abilities to survive extreme seasonal differences in temperature and availability of resources by dividing the worker caste into two groups that differ in physiology and lifespan: summer and winter bees. Most of the recent major losses of managed honey bee colonies occur during the winter, suggesting that winter bees may have compromised immune function and higher susceptibility to diseases. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the expression of eight immune genes and naturally occurring infection levels of deformed wing virus (DWV), one of the most widespread viruses in A. mellifera populations, between summer and winter bees. Possible interactions between immune response and physiological activity were tested by measuring the expression of vitellogenin and methyl farnesoate epoxidase, a gene coding for the last enzyme involved in juvenile hormone biosynthesis. Our data show that high DWV loads in winter bees correlate with reduced expression of genes involved in the cellular immune response and physiological activity and high expression of humoral immune genes involved in antibacterial defense compared with summer bees. This expression pattern could reflect evolutionary adaptations to resist bacterial pathogens and economize energy during the winter under a pathogen landscape with reduced risk of pathogenic viral infections. The outbreak of Varroa destructor infestation could have overcome these adaptations by promoting the transmission of viruses. Our results suggest that reduced cellular immune function during the winter may have increased honey bee’s susceptibility to DWV. These results contribute to our understanding of honey bee colony losses in temperate regions.  相似文献   

CD4+ central memory T cells play a critical role in the pathogenesis of simian immunodeficiency virus disease, and the CCR5 density on the surface of CD4 T cells is an important factor in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 disease progression. We hypothesized that quantifying central memory cells and CCR5 expression in the early stages of HIV-infection could provide useful prognostic information. We enrolled two different groups of acute HIV-infected subjects. One group progressed to CD4 T cell numbers below 250 cells/µl within 2 years (CD4 Low group), while the other group maintained CD4 cell counts above 450 cells/µl over 2 years (CD4 High group). We compared the CCR5 levels and percentage of CD4 subsets between the two groups during the 1st year of HIV infection. We found no differences between the two groups regarding the percentage of naïve, central memory and effector memory subsets of CD4 cells during the 1st year of HIV-1 infection. CCR5 levels on CD4+ CM subset was higher in the CD4 Low group compared with the CD4 High group during the 1st year of HIV-1 infection. High CCR5 levels on CD4 central memory cells in acute HIV infection are mostly associated with rapid disease progression. Our data suggest that low CCR5 expression on CD4 central memory cells protects CD4 cells from direct virus infection and favors the preservation of CD4+ T cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

HTLV-1 infection is associated with several inflammatory disorders, including the neurodegenerative condition HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). It is unclear why a minority of infected subjects develops HAM/TSP. CD4+ T cells are the main target of infection and play a pivotal role in regulating immunity to HTLV and are hypothesized to participate in the pathogenesis of HAM/TSP. The CD39 ectonucleotidase receptor is expressed on CD4+ T cells and based on co-expression with CD25, marks T cells with distinct regulatory (CD39+CD25+) and effector (CD39+CD25) function. Here, we investigated the expression of CD39 on CD4+ T cells from a cohort of HAM/TSP patients, HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers (AC), and matched uninfected controls. The frequency of CD39+ CD4+ T cells was increased in HTLV-1 infected patients, regardless of clinical status. More importantly, the proportion of the immunostimulatory CD39+CD25 CD4+ T-cell subset was significantly elevated in HAM/TSP patients as compared to AC and phenotypically had lower levels of the immunoinhibitory receptor, PD-1. We saw no difference in the frequency of CD39+CD25+ regulatory (Treg) cells between AC and HAM/TSP patients. However, these cells transition from being anergic to displaying a polyfunctional cytokine response following HTLV-1 infection. CD39CD25+ T cell subsets predominantly secreted the inflammatory cytokine IL-17. We found that HAM/TSP patients had significantly fewer numbers of IL-17 secreting CD4+ T cells compared to uninfected controls. Taken together, we show that the expression of CD39 is upregulated on CD4+ T cells HAM/TSP patients. This upregulation may play a role in the development of the proinflammatory milieu through pathways both distinct and separate among the different CD39 T cell subsets. CD39 upregulation may therefore serve as a surrogate diagnostic marker of progression and could potentially be a target for interventions to reduce the development of HAM/TSP.  相似文献   

T helper 17 (Th17) cells play an important role in mucosal immune homeostasis and maintaining the integrity of the mucosal epithelial barrier. Loss of Th17 cells has been extensively documented during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infections. The lack of effective repopulation of Th17 cells has been associated with chronic immune activation mediated by the translocation of microbial products. Using ex vivo analysis of purified peripheral blood CD4 T cells from SIV-infected rhesus macaques, we show that the suppression of interleukin-17 (IL-17) expression correlated with upregulated expression of negative regulatory genes PIAS3, SHP2, and SOCS3 in CD4 T cells. Suppressed Th17 expression was accompanied by elevated levels of soluble CD14 (sCD14) and lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) in the plasma during early stages of infection. Plasma viral loads rather than sCD14 or LBP levels correlated with acute immune activation. Additionally, we observed a significant increase in the expression of CD14 on peripheral blood monocytes that correlated with IL-23 expression and markers of microbial translocation. Taken together, our results provide new insights into the early events associated with acute SIV pathogenesis and suggest additional mechanisms playing a role in suppression of Th17 cells.  相似文献   

NK cells are pivotal sentinels of the innate immune system and distinct subpopulations in peripheral blood have been described. A number of studies addressed HIV-induced alterations of NK cell phenotype and functionality mainly focusing on CD56dimCD16+ and CD56CD16+ NK cells. However, the impact of HIV-infection on CD56bright NK cells is less well understood. Here we report a rise of CD56bright NK cells in HIV-infected individuals, which lack CCR7-expression and strongly correlate with HIV viral load. CCR7CD56bright NK cells were characterized by increased cytolytic potential, higher activation states and a more differentiated phenotype. These cells thus acquired a number of features of CD56dimCD16+ NK cells. Furthermore, CD56bright NK cells from HIV patients exhibited higher degranulation levels compared to uninfected individuals. Thus, chronic HIV-infection is associated with a phenotypic and functional shift of CD56bright NK cells, which provides a novel aspect of HIV-associated pathogenesis within the NK cell compartment.  相似文献   

The chemokine receptor CCR5 and to a lesser extent CCR3 and CCR2b have been shown to serve as coreceptors for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) entry into blood- or tissue-derived macrophages. Therefore, we examined the expression of the chemokine receptors CCR1, CCR2b, CCR3, CCR5, and CXCR4 as RNAs or as membrane-expressed antigens in monocytes maturing into macrophages and correlated these results with the susceptibility of macrophages to HIV-1 infection, as measured by their concentrations of extracellular p24 antigen and levels of intracellular HIV DNA by quantitative PCR. There was little change in levels of CCR1, CCR2b, and CCR5 RNAs. CCR3 RNA and surface antigen were undetectable throughout maturation of adherent monocytes over 10 days. CXCR4 RNA and membrane antigen were strongly expressed in newly adherent monocytes, but their levels declined at day 7. The amounts of CCR5 RNA remained stable, but the amounts of CCR5 antigen increased from undetectable to peak levels at day 7 and then declined slightly at day 10. Levels of susceptibility to laboratory (HIV-1BaL) and clinical strains of HIV-1 showed parallel kinetics, peaking at day 7 and then decreasing at days 10 to 14. The concordance of levels of HIV DNA and p24 antigen suggested that the changes in susceptibility with monocyte maturation were at or immediately after entry and correlated well with CCR5 expression and inversely with CXCR4 expression.  相似文献   

Diseases caused by dengue virus (DV) infection vary in severity, with symptoms ranging from mild fever to life threatening dengue hemorrhage fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Clinical studies have shown that significant decrease in the level of lipoproteins is correlated with severe illness in DHF/DSS patients. Available evidence also indicates that lipoproteins including high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are able to facilitate cell entry of HCV or other flaviviruses via corresponding lipoprotein receptors. In this study, we found that pre-incubation of DV with human serum leads to an enhanced DV infectivity in various types of cells. Such enhancement could be due to interactions between serum components and DV particles. Through co-immunoprecipitation we revealed that apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I), the major protein component in HDL, is associated with DV particles and is able to promote DV infection. Based on that observation, we further found that siRNA knockdown of the scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI), the cell receptor of ApoA-I, abolished the activity of ApoA-I in enhancement of DV infection. This suggests that ApoA-I bridges DV particles and cell receptor SR-BI and facilitates entry of DV into cells. FACS analysis of cell surface dengue antigen after virus absorption further confirmed that ApoA-I enhances DV infection via promoting initial attachment of the virus to cells. These findings illustrate a novel entry route of DV into cells, which may provide insights into the functional importance of lipoproteins in dengue pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of natural-host species, such as sooty mangabeys (SMs), is characterized by a high level of viral replication and a low level of generalized immune activation, despite evidence of an adaptive immune response. Here the ability of SIV-infected SMs to mount neutralizing antibodies (Nab) against autologous virus was compared to that of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype C-infected subjects. While high levels of Nab were observed in HIV-1 infection, samples obtained at comparable time points from SM exhibited relatively low titers of autologous Nab. Nevertheless, SM plasma with higher Nab titers also contained elevated peripheral CD4+ T-cell levels, suggesting a potential immunologic benefit for SMs. These data indicate that AIDS resistance in these primates is not due to high Nab titers and raise the possibility that low levels of Nab might be an inherent feature of natural-host SIV infections.More than 40 species of African nonhuman primates (NHPs) naturally harbor CD4+-tropic lentiviruses that are collectively known as simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) and represent the ancestors of the human pathogens human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV-2. Interestingly, African NHPs infected with their cognate SIV generally do not progress to AIDS, despite high levels of sustained virus replication, with the only known exception being chimpanzee SIV (SIVcpz)-infected chimpanzees (16). Among the natural hosts for SIV infection, the sooty mangabey ([SM] Cercocebus atys) is of particular interest, because cross-species transmission of SM SIV (SIVsm) from this natural host into humans initiated the HIV-2 epidemic in West Africa (17). In addition, SIVsm (herein referred to as SIV) is the ancestor of the rhesus macaque SIV (SIVmac) viruses that are used in disease pathogenesis and vaccination studies in the rhesus macaque model (17). Both naturally infected and experimentally inoculated SMs remain healthy, maintain CD4+ T cells, and do not progress to AIDS-like disease, despite sustained high levels of virus replication (31).Nonpathogenic infection of SMs is characterized by low levels of immune activation during the chronic phase of infection, which are reached after a transient immune activation that occurs during primary infection (reviewed in reference 31). These findings have led to the hypothesis that the absence of generalized immune activation in SIV-infected SMs during the chronic phase of infection is an important feature that favors the preservation of CD4+ T-cell homeostasis, thereby avoiding disease progression (31). However, most of these earlier studies focused on T cells and innate immune cells, with a significant gap existing in our understanding of whether humoral immunity might also differ between pathogenic and nonpathogenic infections. In HIV-1-infected patients, B cells produce neutralizing antibodies against the infecting (autologous) virus, which drives viral escape, continuous de novo antibody production (26-28, 32), and B-cell dysfunction (24). The striking differences in both the clinical outcomes of infection and the levels of immune activation between SIV-infected SMs and HIV-1-infected humans prompted us to compare the neutralizing antibody (Nab) response against the autologous virus in these two populations. To this end, we utilized a pseudovirus assay that has been used extensively by our group and others to evaluate Nab against HIV-1 and SIV envelope (Env) glycoproteins (15, 19, 22, 26, 28, 32, 33; also unpublished data). All SMs were housed at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center (Atlanta, GA) and maintained in accordance with National Institutes of Health guidelines. The Emory University Animal Care and Use Committee approved these studies. Details of the Zambia Emory HIV Research Project (ZEHRP) have been described elsewhere (2, 10, 21). The Emory University Institutional Review Board and the University of Zambia School of Medicine Research Ethics Committee approved informed-consent and human subject protocols. None of the subjects received antiretroviral therapy during the evaluation period.In HIV-1 infection, autologous Nabs develop to relatively high titers against the newly transmitted virus within the first few months (15, 19, 26-28, 32). Here we sought to test whether a similar increase in Nab titer occurs during nonpathogenic SIV infection of SMs. Samples were obtained from five animals that were inoculated intravenously with plasma from a naturally infected SM as part of a previous study (30). Multiple, biologically functional Envs were cloned from plasma collected at day 14 postinoculation (Table (Table1),1), and Nab activity was evaluated in plasma collected at 6 months postinoculation. To facilitate comparison with early HIV-1 infection, Nab activity in plasma was also evaluated between 2 and 9 months against Envs that were cloned between 31 and 88 estimated days after infection from four subtype C HIV-1-infected seroconverters in Zambia (Table (Table1).1). Figure Figure1A1A demonstrates that Nab activity in plasma diluted 1:100 was readily detectable in all HIV-1-infected subjects at levels approaching 100% neutralization. However, Nab activity in the SM plasma was significantly lower than in the human subjects (median, 10% versus 93%, respectively; P = 0.02). Binding antibody was detected in all five SMs at titers greater than 1:51,200 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), demonstrating that all monkeys had seroconverted by 6 months and maintained high titers of binding antibody throughout the evaluation period (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). Thus, the low level of Nab was not due to a diminished humoral immune response.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Autologous Nab activity and B-cell proliferation during experimental infection of SMs. (A) Neutralization activity levels in plasma from five SMs (filled black circles), which were experimentally inoculated with plasma from a naturally SIV-infected SM, and four HIV-1-infected Zambian subjects (half-filled squares), who were recently infected through heterosexual contact, are shown. The horizontal bars represent the median for each group. To assess neutralizing activity, pseudoviruses were created by expressing each cloned Env with an HIV-1 env-deficient backbone (ΔSG3). JC53-BL (Tzm-bl) cells were infected with each pseudovirus in the presence or absence of serially diluted autologous plasma. Each point represents the average level of neutralization at a 1:100 dilution of plasma for at least two Env clones (see Table Table11 for number of Envs tested). Each neutralization assay was performed twice independently, using duplicate wells. Statistical significance between the groups was determined by a Mann-Whitney test, using GraphPad Prism 5. Longitudinal measurements of endpoint antibody ELISA titers in plasma (filled green circles) (23) (B), autologous neutralization activity in plasma (filled blue diamonds) (C), percentages of Ki-67+ CD20+ cells in blood (filled black triangles) (D), and percentages of CD20+ cells in blood (filled red squares) (E) are shown for the five experimentally inoculated SMs combined. In panel C, each point represents average neutralization at a 1:100 dilution of plasma over time for at least two day 14 Env clones from each SM. For panels D and E, PBMCs were gated by forward and side scatter, and the CD3 CD20+ population was assessed for Ki-67 staining (D) by flow cytometry. SP34-2 was used to stain CD3, L27 was used for CD20, and B56 was used for Ki-67 (all from BD Biosciences). Error bars represent the standard errors of the means (SEMs). Plasma viral load peaked at day 14 (data not shown). Filled symbols in panels A through E indicate data generated from experimentally infected SMs.


Autologous Nab activity in experimentally SIV-infected SM and acutely HIV-1-infected humans
Subject IDaVirusNo. of mo postinfection Nab activity was evaluatedNo. of days postinfection Envs were cloned from plasmaNo. of Envs tested% neutralization at a 1:100 dilution of plasma
Open in a separate windowaID, identification.The low level of Nab activity observed in the five experimentally inoculated SMs persisted for 16 months and did not exceed 50% at a 1:100 dilution of plasma at any time point tested (Fig. (Fig.1C).1C). In contrast, the high levels of Nab activity in the HIV-1-infected subjects persisted for over 2 years, often exceeding 50% inhibitory titers of 1:3,000 against the early virus, as is characteristic of early subtype C HIV-1 infection (15, 19, 26, 28). Figure Figure1D1D demonstrates that a transient increase in proliferating B cells, as measured by positive Ki-67 staining (12), occurred in the SMs and peaked around day 30 postinfection and then declined to a level just above baseline by day 60. Analysis using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test for paired samples showed that the percentages of Ki-67-positive (Ki-67+) B cells were higher at days 21 and 30 than at day −5, reaching borderline significance at both time points (P = 0.06). In contrast, the percentages of Ki-67+ B cells on days 60 and 475 were not significantly different from that on day −5 (P = 0.8 and 0.3, respectively). An early but transient decrease in the percentage of circulating CD20+ B cells was also observed during the initial 20 days of infection (Fig. (Fig.1E).1E). Thus, the B-cell compartment within the SM underwent changes consistent with immune activation followed by resolution. Based on these results, it does not appear that a global defect in the B-cell response in the SM can account for the low-level Nab response elicited.To investigate Nab responses during established infection, we extended this analysis to a panel of 11 naturally SIV-infected SMs in the Yerkes colony and 5 chronically HIV-1-infected subjects in Zambia. Envs were cloned from these monkeys and human subjects using peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) DNA or plasma samples, and sensitivity to Nab was evaluated. Because Nab activity against contemporaneous Env is often low or undetectable in HIV-1 infection (1, 5, 14, 25, 27, 28, 32), we evaluated plasma collected between 6 and 55 months after the Envs were cloned from each individual. Table Table22 shows that the SM Envs reflected the four SIV subtypes that circulate in the Yerkes colony (3). Figure Figure2A2A demonstrates that Nab activity in the chronically HIV-1-infected subjects was high (median, 91%), whereas in the naturally SIV-infected SMs it was again significantly lower (median, 14%; P = 0.003). Nevertheless, Nab activity in the naturally infected SMs exhibited a considerable range, from undetectable to 84% neutralization (Fig. (Fig.2A).2A). This observation prompted us to investigate whether parameters associated with disease progression in HIV-1 infection were correlated with the level of Nab activity. Figure Figure2B2B demonstrates that the number of CD4+ T cells was positively correlated with the potency of neutralization (r = 0.69; P = 0.02), while the plasma viral load showed a trend toward an inverse correlation with neutralization (Fig. (Fig.2C)2C) (r = −0.54; P = 0.08). A correlation between plasma viral load and autologous Nab titer in established HIV-1 infection has not been observed (9).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Autologous Nab activity and its correlation with CD4+ count and plasma viral load during established natural infection of SMs. (A) Neutralization activity levels in plasma from 11 naturally SIV-infected SMs in the Yerkes colony (open circles) and 5 chronically HIV-1-infected human subjects from Zambia (half-filled squares) are shown. Statistical significance between groups was determined by a Mann-Whitney test using GraphPad Prism 5. Correlation between Nab activity and CD3+ CD4+ T cell counts or plasma viral load in naturally infected SMs (open circles) is shown in panels (B) and (C), respectively. The percent neutralization at a 1:100 dilution of plasma (shown in panel A) is plotted along the x axis. Each CD4+ T cell count and viral load value represents the average of three measurements from samples collected from the 11 SMs approximately 1 year apart. The significance of each correlation was determined using a nonparametric Spearman test. Open circles indicate data from naturally infected SMs.


Autologous Nab activity in naturally SIV-infected SMs and HIV-1-infected humans with established infections
Subject IDaVirusEnv subtypeNo. of mo between plasma collection and Env cloningNo. of Envs tested% neutralization at 1:100 dilution of plasma
Open in a separate windowaID, identification.This study is the first to directly compare the Nab response against the autologous virus in nonpathogenic SIV versus HIV-1 infection, including evaluation of both the early, developing Nab response in acute infection and the mature response in chronic infection. A significant difference in the magnitude of Nab activity was apparent during both early and later time points, with relatively strong but ultimately ineffective neutralization activity developing and persisting into chronic infection in humans but not in SMs. Although the SIV and HIV-1 samples were obtained during similar stages of infection, the disparity in the magnitude of autologous Nab activity during early infection could in part reflect differences such as the route of infection (intravenous versus mucosal) or the complexity of the founder virus (a single variant in HIV-1 versus multiple variants in SIV). In addition, the production of SIV Env pseudoviruses in human 293T cells could have altered the glycosylation pattern or the proteins that are embedded within the virion, decreasing the neutralization susceptibility of the SIV Env pseudoviruses. However, production of a subset of these pseudoviruses in an African green monkey-derived cell line (COS-1) did not alter their Nab sensitivity (data not shown).Despite the lack of potent autologous Nab, both naturally and experimentally SIV-infected SMs produce antibodies that bind Env in ELISAs or Western blotting (4, 6, 13, 18, 23). It is possible that the SIV Env glycoproteins elicit a different profile of Nab than does HIV-1 Env. The potential for structural and biological differences between SIV and HIV-1 Envs has not been thoroughly investigated, although they would not be unexpected due to the low level of amino acid sequence conservation between them. SIVsm/HIV-2 lineage-derived Envs (i.e., the SIVmac series) show a “wide evolutionary distance” and lack of cross-reactivity with SIVcpz/HIV-1-derived Envs, with an overall sequence identity in gp120 of ∼25% across HIV-1, HIV-2, and SIVsm (7, 8). Clear biological differences in immunogenicity have been described for HIV-1 group M subtypes, which all derive from a common SIV ancestor (reviewed in reference 20). Furthermore, SM IgG antibody molecules have less flexibility in the hinge region than human IgG, which could lead to a failure of the SM antibodies to recognize recessed neutralization targets such as the receptor binding domains (29). Thus, HIV-1 Env could elicit neutralizing antibodies that are qualitatively different from those induced by SIV Env.Early resolution of immune activation could be a key feature that distinguishes nonpathogenic from pathogenic infection (12, 31). The data presented here are consistent with that hypothesis, in that signs of early B-cell proliferation were present in the experimentally infected SMs but were resolved and did not result in potent neutralizing activity. However, later in infection, the naturally infected SMs did develop low-to-moderate levels of Nab activity, and these levels were positively correlated with the number of peripheral CD4+ T cells. This finding suggests that synergy between CD4+ T cells and B cells is maintained in this nonpathogenic setting. Other biologic factors could contribute to this correlation; however, differences in age and viral subtype in this cohort of SMs could not explain this finding (data not shown).Taken together, these results indicate that a low level of autologous Nab activity is a novel and previously unappreciated feature of nonpathogenic SIV infection of SMs. The fact that high-titer Nabs are not necessary to avoid disease progression during SIV infection of SMs is consistent with the notion that the apathogenicity of natural SIV infections is not the result of particularly effective adaptive immune responses against the virus (11). It is possible that this low level of autologous Nab activity in SMs stems in part from antibody recognition of targets that are poorly exposed on the native SIV Env glycoproteins. A low level of neutralizing activity in SM may therefore have a protective effect because it does not drive viral escape or induce chronic immune activation in the B-cell compartment. Moreover, a low level of immune activation in B cells and/or preservation of CD4+ T cells could enhance the quality of the neutralizing antibody response. It will be important, in future work, to assess how this low level of autologous Nab activity in SIV-infected SMs meshes with the lower levels of immune activation and dysregulation observed in these animals. Understanding the qualitative and quantitative differences in the Nab response during pathogenic versus nonpathogenic infection could provide critical information regarding protection from AIDS.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms in the coding sequences of CCR5 and CXCR4 were studied in a group of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected long-term nonprogressors. Two different point mutations were found in the CXCR4 coding sequence. One of these CXCR4 mutations was silent, and each was unique to two nonprogressors. The well-described 32-bp deletion within the CCR5 coding sequence (CCR5-Δ32) was found in 4 of 13 nonprogressors, and 12 different point mutations were found scattered over the CCR5 coding sequence from 8 nonprogressors. Most of the mutations created either silent or conservative changes in the predicted amino acid sequence: only one of these mutations was found in more than a single nonprogressor. All nonsilent mutations were tested in an HIV envelope-dependent fusion assay, and all functioned comparably to wild-type controls. Polymorphisms in the CXCR4 and CCR5 coding sequences other than CCR5-Δ32 do not appear to play a dominant mechanistic role in nonprogression among HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

Although granulomas may be an essential host response against persistent antigens, they are also associated with immunopathology. We investigated whether HIV co-infection affects histopathological appearance and cytokine profiles of pleural granulomas in patients with active pleural tuberculosis (TB). Granulomas were investigated in pleural biopsies from HIV positive and negative TB pleuritis patients. Granulomas were characterised as necrotic or non-necrotic, graded histologically and investigated for the mRNA expression of IL-12, IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-4 by in situ hybridisation. In all TB patients a mixed Th1/Th2 profile was noted. Necrotic granulomas were more evident in HIV positive patients with a clear association between TNF-α and necrosis. This study demonstrates immune dysregulation which may include TNF-α-mediated immunopathology at the site of disease in HIV infected pleural TB patients.  相似文献   

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