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Emerging evidence suggests that dietary soy and phytoestrogens can have beneficial effects on lipid and glucose metabolism. We have previously shown that male mice fed from conception to adulthood with a high soy-containing diet had reduced body weight, adiposity and a decrease in glucose intolerance, an early marker of insulin resistance and diabetes.


The purpose of this study was to identify the precise periods of exposure during which phytoestrogens and dietary soy improve lipid and glucose metabolism. Since intrauterine position (IUP) has been shown to alter sensitivity to endocrine disruptors, we also investigated whether the combination of IUP and fetal exposure to dietary phytoestrogens could potentially affect adult metabolic parameters.


Male outbred mice (CD-1) were allowed ad libitum access to either a high soy-containing diet or a soy-free diet either during gestation, lactation or after weaning. Adiposity and bone mass density was assessed by dual x-ray absorptiometry. Glucose tolerance was assessed by a glucose tolerance test. Blood pressure was examined by the tail-cuff system.


Here we show that metabolic improvements are dependent on precise windows of exposure during life. The beneficial effects of dietary soy and phytoestrogens on adiposity were apparent only in animals fed post-natally, while the improvements in glucose tolerance are restricted to animals with fetal exposure to soy. Interestingly, we observed that IUP influenced adult glucose tolerance, but not adiposity. Similar IUP trends were observed for other estrogen-related metabolic parameters such as blood pressure and bone mass density.


Our results suggest that IUP and fetal exposure to estrogenic environmental disrupting compounds, such as dietary phytoestrogens, could alter metabolic and cardiovascular parameters in adult individuals independently of adipose gain.  相似文献   

Postzygotic mutations are acquired in normal tissues throughout an individual’s lifetime and hold clues for identifying mutagenic factors.Here,we investigated postzygotic mutation spectra of healthy individuals using optimized ultra-deep exome sequencing of the time-series samples from the same volunteer as well as the samples from different individuals.In blood,sperm,and muscle cells,we resolved three common types of mutational signatures.Signatures A and B represent clocklike mutational proces...  相似文献   

Drosophila has long been used as model system to study development, mainly due to the ease with which it is genetically tractable. Over the years, a plethora of mutant strains and technical tricks have been developed to allow sophisticated questions to be asked and answered in a reasonable amount of time. Fundamental insight into the interplay of components of all known major signaling pathways has been obtained in forward and reverse genetic Drosophila studies. The fly eye has proven to be exceptionally well suited for mutational analysis, since, under laboratory conditions, flies can survive without functional eyes. Furthermore, the surface of the insect eye is composed of some 800 individual unit eyes (facets or ommatidia) that form a regular, smooth surface when looked at under a dissecting microscope. Thus, it is easy to see whether a mutation might affect eye development or growth by externally looking for the loss of the smooth surface (''rough eye'' phenotype; Fig. 1) or overall eye size, respectively (for examples of screens based on external eye morphology see e.g.1). Subsequent detailed analyses of eye phenotypes require fixation, plastic embedding and thin-sectioning of adult eyes.The Drosophila eye develops from the so-called eye imaginal disc, a bag of epithelial cells that proliferate and differentiate during larval and pupal stages (for review see e.g. 2). Each ommatidium consists of 20 cells, including eight photoreceptors (PR or R-cells; Fig. 2), four lens-secreting cone cells, pigment cells (''hexagon'' around R-cell cluster) and a bristle. The photoreceptors of each ommatidium, most easily identified by their light sensitive organelles, the rhabdomeres, are organized in a trapezoid made up of the six "outer" (R1-6) and two "inner" photoreceptors (R7/8; R8 [Fig. 2] is underneath R7 and thus only seen in sections from deeper areas of the eye). The trapezoid of each facet is precisely aligned with those of its neighbors and the overall anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes of the eye (Fig. 3A). In particular, the ommatidia of the dorsal and ventral (black and red arrows, respectively) halves of the eye are mirror images of each other and correspond to two chiral forms established during planar cell polarity signaling (for review see e.g. 3).The method to generate semi-thin eye sections (such as those presented in Fig. 3) described here is slightly modified from the one originally described by Tomlinson and Ready4. It allows the morphological analysis of all cells except for the transparent cone cells. In addition, the pigment of R-cells (blue arrowheads in Fig. 2 and 3) can be used as a cell-autonomous marker for the genotype of a R-cell, thus genetic requirements of genes in a subset of R-cells can readily be determined5,6.  相似文献   

Caspase-6 is an effector caspase that has not been investigated thoroughly despite the fact that Caspase-6 is strongly activated in Alzheimer disease brains. To understand the full physiological impact of Caspase-6 in humans, we investigated Caspase-6 expression. We performed western blot analyses to detect the pro-Caspase-6 and its active p20 subunit in fetal and adult lung, kidney, brain, spleen, muscle, stomach, colon, heart, liver, skin, and adrenals tissues. The levels were semi-quantitated by densitometry. The results show a ubiquitous expression of Caspase-6 in most fetal tissues with the lowest levels in the brain and the highest levels in the gastrointestinal system. Caspase-6 active p20 subunits were only detected in fetal stomach. Immunohistochemical analysis of a human fetal embryo showed active Caspase-6 positive apoptotic cells in the dorsal root ganglion, liver, lung, kidney, ovary, skeletal muscle and the intestine. In the adult tissues, the levels of Caspase-6 were lower than in fetal tissues but remained high in the colon, stomach, lung, kidney and liver. Immunohistological analyses revealed that active Caspase-6 was abundant in goblet cells and epithelial cells sloughing off the intestinal lining of the adult colon. These results suggest that Caspase-6 is likely important in most tissues during early development but is less involved in adult tissues. The low levels of Caspase-6 in fetal and adult brain indicate that increased expression as observed in Alzheimer Disease is a pathological condition. Lastly, the high levels of Caspase-6 in the gastrointestinal system indicate a potential specific function of Caspase-6 in these tissues.  相似文献   

Ezrin, which cross-links the cytoskeleton and plasma membrane, was involved in a wide variety of cellular processes. Here, to investigate the distribution of ezrin, tissue microarray technology was employed to perform immunohistochemical experiments on human embryos, fetuses at 4 to 22 weeks’ gestation, and adult tissue specimens. Results showed that ezrin was widely expressed in the gastrointestinal tract throughout the human developmental stages studied. At 6 to 8 weeks’ gestation, ezrin was found in epithelial cells, and this staining pattern was particularly pronounced in the brush border of mature absorptive cells lining the villus in later developmental stages and adult tissues. Throughout neural development, ezrin was only expressed in the neural tube at 4 weeks’ gestation. Ezrin was also detected in the cortex and medulla of the adrenal gland at 8 to 12 weeks’ gestation, whereas its immunoreactivity was increased from the zona glomerulosa through the zona reticularis and was essentially undetectable in the adrenal medulla of adult tissues. Significant expression of ezrin was seen throughout development in the kidney, spleen, lymph nodes, and cells of stratified squamous epithelia. However, ezrin was undetectable in lung, liver, heart, and blood vessels. These results demonstrated that the expression pattern of ezrin was highly time specific and tissue specific.  相似文献   

Previously, we found a substantially higher glucoses-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity and a slightly higher 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) activity in bovine fetal erythrocytes than in bovine adult erythrocytes (Steensgaard 1968). Now, we have investigated whether these differences in dehydrogenase activities were followed by characteristic differences in glutathione (GSH) stability and glutathione concentration. The results are shown in Table 1, which also gives the results of the same investigations on normal and G6PD deficient human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

A rapid quantification method for micro-RNA based on DNA polymerase activity and pyrophosphate quantification has been developed. The tested micro-RNA serves as the primer, unlike the DNA primer in all DNA sequencing methods, and the DNA probe serves as the template for DNA replication. After the DNA synthesis, the pyrophosphate detection and quantification indicate the existence and quantity of the tested miRNA. Five femtomoles of the synthetic RNA could be detected. In 20–100 μg RNA samples purified from SiHa cells, the measurement was done using the proposed assay in which hsa-miR-16 and hsa-miR-21 are 0.34 fmol/μg RNA and 0.71 fmol/μg RNA, respectively. This simple and inexpensive assay takes less than 5 min after total RNA purification and preparation. The quantification is not affected by the pre-miRNA which cannot serve as the primer for the DNA synthesis in this assay. This assay is general for the detection of the target RNA or DNA with a known matched DNA template probe, which could be widely used for detection of small RNA, messenger RNA, RNA viruses, and DNA. Therefore, the method could be widely used in RNA and DNA assays.  相似文献   

Activities of three types of superoxide dismutase in tissue fractions were significantly lower in fetal and adult brain and fetal limb preparations than in fetal and adult heart preparations. An exception was the cyto-plasmic fraction of adult brain that had levels of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase activity comparable to those in cytoplasmic fractions of heart. In addition, Mn superoxide dismutase activity appeared to be very low in all fetal mitochondrial matrix fractions and cytoplasmic fractions as well as in adult brain. Finally, the results of these studies emphasize the importance of two antioxidant defense systems in the tissues studied, one associated with the mitochondrial electron transport system and the other, the cytosolic Cu, Zn enzyme.  相似文献   



To obtain information about scleral thickness in different ocular regions and its associations.


The histomorphometric study included 238 human globes which had been enucleated because of choroidal melanomas or due to secondary angle-closure glaucoma. Using light microscopy, anterior-posterior pupil-optic nerve sections were measured.


In the non-axially elongated group (axial length ≤26 mm), scleral thickness decreased from the limbus (0.50±0.11 mm) to the ora serrata (0.43±0.14 mm) and the equator (0.42±0.15 mm), and then increased to the midpoint between posterior pole and equator (0.65±0.15 mm) and to the posterior pole (0.94±0.18 mm), from where it decreased to the peri-optic nerve region (0.86±0.21 mm) and finally the peripapillary scleral flange (0.39±0.09 mm). Scleral thickness was significantly lower in the axially elongated group (axial length >26 mm) than in the non-axially elongated group for measurements taken at and posterior to the equator. Scleral thickness measurements of the posterior pole and of the peripapillary scleral flange were correlated with lamina cribrosa thickness measurements. Scleral thickness measurements at any location of examination were not significantly (all P>0.10) correlated with corneal thickness measurements. Scleral thickness was statistically independent of age, gender and presence of glaucoma.


In non-axially elongated eyes, the sclera was thickest at the posterior pole, followed by the peri-optic nerve region, the midpoint between posterior pole and equator, the limbus, the ora serrata, the equator and finally the peripapillary scleral flange. In axially elongated eyes, scleral thinning occurred at and posterior to the equator, being more marked closer to the posterior pole and the longer the axial length was. Within the anterior and posterior segment respectively, scleral thickness measurements were correlated with each other. Posterior scleral thickness was correlated with lamina cribrosa thickness. Scleral thickness measurements at any location of examination were not significantly correlated with corneal thickness or with age, gender and presence of absolute secondary angler-closure glaucoma.  相似文献   

Pharmacological induction of the fetal γ globin gene and the consequent formation of HbF (α22) in adult erythroid cells are one feasible therapeutic strategy for sickle cell disease (SCD) and severe β-thalassemias. Hydroxyurea (HU) is the current drug of choice for SCD, but serious side effects limit its clinical use. Moreover, 30 to 50% of patients are irresponsive to HU treatment. We have used high-throughput screening to identify benzo[de]benzo[4,5]imidazo[2,1-a]isoquinolin-7-one and its derivatives (compounds I to VI) as potent γ globin inducers. Of the compounds, I to V exert superior γ globin induction and have better therapeutic potential than HU, likely because of their activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway and modulation of expression levels and/or chromosome binding of γ globin gene regulators, including BCL11A, and chromatin structure over the γ globin promoter. Unlike sodium butyrate (NaB), the global levels of acetylated histones H3 and H4 are not changed by compound II treatment. Remarkably, compound II induces the γ globin gene in HU-resistant primary human adult erythroid cells, the p38 signaling pathway of which appears to be irresponsive to HU and NaB as well as compound II. This study provides a new framework for the development of new and superior compounds for treating SCD and severe β-thalassemias.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, changes in the calcium calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of proteins have been examined in murine fetal cortical neurons and adult cortex. An approximately 80-kD protein in the fetal neurons was not phosphorylated/dephosphorylated in a calmodulin-dependent manner. However, this protein was phosphorylated by PMA both in the presence and absence of calcium. These data suggest that calmodulin inhibits the phosphorylation of a approximately 80-kD protein by inhibiting PKC in murine fetal cortical neurons but not in the adult cortex. More importantly, we demonstrate that the calmodulin-mediated inhibition of phosphorylation was restored by preincubating the cortical neurons with KN-62, a CaM kinase inhibitor.  相似文献   

Undernutrition during pregnancy and/or lactation plays an important role on the overall health of offspring later in life. Using a rodent model, the present study was conducted to examine the effect of fetal and early postnatal iron deficiency on iron metabolism in adult animals. Rats were treated with three stages of low or normal iron diets from gestation until the end of the study. During the first stage (4?weeks prior to 3?weeks after pregnancy, total 7?weeks), two groups of adult females (dams) were fed with either a low-iron (7.4?mg iron/kg, group LD) or control-iron (274?mg/kg, group CD) diet. During the second stage (from 3 to 13?weeks of age, total 10?weeks), all pups from stage 1 (both the LD and CD groups) were placed on a control-iron diet for 10?weeks (groups LD?CCD and CD?CCD, respectively). During the third stage (from 13 to 29?weeks of age, total 16?weeks), both LD?CCD and CD?CCD groups from stage 2 were fed with a low-iron (named LD?CCD?CLD and CD?CCD?CLD groups, respectively). We found that the live birth rate of the offspring of the LD dams (84.7?%) was significantly lower than that of the CD dams (95.4?%). During stage 2, the mean body weight of the LD?CCD male or LD?CCD female rats exceeded the CD?CCD male rats (p?<?0.05). Compared with the CD?CCD?CLD rats, the LD?CCD?CLD rats had significantly increased total iron binding capacity, and higher levels of transferrin, serum erythropoietin (EPO), renal EPO mRNA, duodenal divalent metal transporter-1, and renal transferrin receptors. These findings indicate that rats with an early-life experience of iron deficiency (during pregnancy and the nursing period) can develop stronger iron absorption capabilities in adulthood.  相似文献   



Currently, clinical examination, ultrasound scanning (with or without fine needle aspiration cytology), preoperative CT-scan and MRI are available for the differential diagnosis of parotid gland swelling. A preliminary non-invasive salivary diagnostic tool may be helpful in the clinical decision making process. Altered salivary micro-RNA (miRNA) expression levels have been observed in saliva from patients with various cancers. Therefore, we investigated miRNA expression levels in saliva samples from patients with a parotid gland neoplasm using Human miRNA cards in comparison to controls.


In the discovery phase, eight miRNAs were identified having different expression levels in patients compared to controls. In the validation phase, the differences in miRNA expression levels between patients and controls were confirmed for seven out of eight discovered miRNAs (p < 0.001). A combination of two miRNAs yielded a receiver-operator-characteristics curve with an AUC of 0.94 (95% CI: 0.87–1.00; sensitivity 91%; specificity 86%). Validation of discovered miRNAs in segregated collected parotid saliva revealed that expression of these miRNAs differ between whole saliva and parotid saliva.


A two miRNA combination can predict the presence of a parotid gland neoplasm. Furthermore, this study suggested that the identified, patient-specific, salivary miRNAs were not derived from the parotid gland itself.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes from bovine fetuses contain about 2.4 times higher D-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities than erythrocytes from adult cows and bulls. Studying whether this is due to the existence of a special fetal type of enzyme or an increased amount of enzyme in fetal erythrocytes, the sedimentation coefficients of the enzymes have been estimated by s-zonal ultracentrifugation, and compared to normal and deficient human erythrocyte D-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, s-zonal ultracentrifugations have been performed with a computer optimized isokinetic sucrose gradient. The mainlines in the program used for calculation of sedimentation coefficients are described. Bovine fetal and adult erythrocyte D-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was found to have the same sedimentation coefficient of 7.4 S which is different from the sedimentation coefficient of 6.4 S of both human types of the enzyme. The sedimentation coefficients of 6-phospho-D-gluconate dehydrogenase from bovine fetal, bovine adult and human erythrocytes were 6 S for all three types of this enzyme. By cellulose acetate electrophoresis bovine fetal and adult D-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase show the same mobility, again differing from the normal and deficient human type. The results of these experiments show that bovine fetal and adult erythrocytic D-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase with respects to molecular parameters are closely related and perhaps identical enzymes.  相似文献   

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