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This paper presents a novel approach to modelling carangiform fish-like swimming motion for multi-joint robotic fish so that they can obtain fish-like behaviours and mimic the body motion of carangiform fish. A given body motion function of fish swimming is firstly converted to a tail motion function which describes the tail motion relative to the head. Then, the tail motion function is discretized into a series of tail postures over time. Thirdly, a digital approximation method calculates the taming angles of joints in the tail to approximate each tail posture; and finally, these angles are grouped into a look-up table, or re-gressed to a time-dependent function, for practically controlling the tail motors in a multi-joint robotic fish. The paper made three contributions: tail motion relative to the head, an error function for digital approximation and regressing a look-up table for online optimization. To prove the feasibility of the proposed methodology, two basic swimming motion patterns, cruise straight and C-shape sharp turning, are modelled and implemented in our robotic fish. The experimental results show that the relative tail motion and the approximation error function are good choices and the proposed method is feasible.  相似文献   

Like many aquatic animals, zebrafish (Danio rerio) moves in a 3D space. It is thus preferable to use a 3D recording system to study its behavior. The presented automatic video tracking system accomplishes this by using a mirror system and a calibration procedure that corrects for the considerable error introduced by the transition of light from water to air. With this system it is possible to record both single and groups of adult zebrafish. Before use, the system has to be calibrated. The system consists of three modules: Recording, Path Reconstruction, and Data Processing. The step-by-step protocols for calibration and using the three modules are presented. Depending on the experimental setup, the system can be used for testing neophobia, white aversion, social cohesion, motor impairments, novel object exploration etc. It is especially promising as a first-step tool to study the effects of drugs or mutations on basic behavioral patterns. The system provides information about vertical and horizontal distribution of the zebrafish, about the xyz-components of kinematic parameters (such as locomotion, velocity, acceleration, and turning angle) and it provides the data necessary to calculate parameters for social cohesions when testing shoals.  相似文献   

In order to survive, animals must quickly and accurately locate prey, predators, and conspecifics using the signals they generate. The signal source location can be estimated using multiple detectors and the inverse relationship between the received signal intensity (RSI) and the distance, but difficulty of the source localization increases if there is an additional dependence on the orientation of a signal source. In such cases, the signal source could be approximated as an ideal dipole for simplification. Based on a theoretical model, the RSI can be directly predicted from a known dipole location; but estimating a dipole location from RSIs has no direct analytical solution. Here, we propose an efficient solution to the dipole localization problem by using a lookup table (LUT) to store RSIs predicted by our theoretically derived dipole model at many possible dipole positions and orientations. For a given set of RSIs measured at multiple detectors, our algorithm found a dipole location having the closest matching normalized RSIs from the LUT, and further refined the location at higher resolution. Studying the natural behavior of weakly electric fish (WEF) requires efficiently computing their location and the temporal pattern of their electric signals over extended periods. Our dipole localization method was successfully applied to track single or multiple freely swimming WEF in shallow water in real-time, as each fish could be closely approximated by an ideal current dipole in two dimensions. Our optimized search algorithm found the animal’s positions, orientations, and tail-bending angles quickly and accurately under various conditions, without the need for calibrating individual-specific parameters. Our dipole localization method is directly applicable to studying the role of active sensing during spatial navigation, or social interactions between multiple WEF. Furthermore, our method could be extended to other application areas involving dipole source localization.  相似文献   

In this paper, a carangiform robotic fish with 4-DoF (degree of freedom) tail has been developed. The robotic fish has capability of swimming under two modes that are radio control and autonomous swimming. Experiments were conducted to investigate the influences of characteristic parameters including the frequency, the amplitude, the wave length, the phase difference and the coefficient on forward velocity. The experimental results shown that the swimming performance of the robotic fish is affected mostly by the characteristic parameters observed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a non-uniform flexible tail of a fish robot was presented and the dynamic model was developed. In this model, the non-uniform flexible tail was modeled by a rotary slender beam. The hydrodynamics forces, including the reactive force and resistive force, were analyzed in order to derive the governing equation. This equation is a fourth-order in space and second-order in time Partial Differential Equation (PDE) of the lateral movement function. The coefficients of this PDE were not constants because of the non-uniform beams, so they were approximated by exponential functions in order to obtain an analytical solution. This solution describes the lateral movement of the flexible tail as a function of material, geometrical and actuator properties. Experiments were then carried out and compared to simulations. It was proved that the proposed model is suitable for predicting the real behavior of fish robots.  相似文献   

In public goods games, group members share the benefits created through individual investments. If benefits are shared equally, individual contributions readily become altruistic, and hence, a social dilemma arises in which group interests and individual interests oppose each other. However, contributions to public goods can be self‐serving if each investor gains a disproportionate benefit from its own contribution. This scenario may hold for our study system, the interactions of shoaling‐unrelated scalefin anthias Pseudanthias squamipinnis and the ectoparasitic blenny Plagiotremus tapeinosoma. The blenny bites off pieces of skin, mucus and scales from anthias that in return may chase the blenny. Chasing the blenny represents a public good as it makes the parasite change victim species for its next attack. Laboratory experiments using artificial Plexiglas hosts suggest that one reason why individuals contribute to the public good is that the blenny may specialise on non‐punishing ‘free‐riders’. Here, we investigated how far a spatial structure within the shoal and limited space use by the blenny may contribute to punishment being self‐serving. Field observation reveals that anthias indeed live in spatially structured groups and that blennies have preferred areas for attacks. Thus, some anthias individuals are consistently more exposed to blennies than others and hence may gain disproportional benefits from their punishment. In conclusion, spatial structure may contribute to the maintenance of punishment in blenny–anthias interactions even when groups are large.  相似文献   

Design and Experiments of a Robotic Fish Imitating Cow-Nosed Ray   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> The cow-nosed ray is studied as natural sample of a flapping-foil robotic fish.Body structure, motion discipline, and dynamicfoil deformation of cow-nosed ray are analyzed.Based on the analysis results, a robotic fish imitating cow-nosed ray,named Robo-ray Ⅱ, mainly composed of soft body, flexible ribs and pneumatic artificial muscles, is developed.Structure andswimming morphology of the robotic prototype are as that of a normal cow-nosed ray in nature.Key propulsion parameters ofRobo-ray Ⅱ at normal conditions, including the St Number at linear swimming, thrust coefficient at towing are studied throughexperiments.The suitable driving parameters are confirmed considering the efficiency and swimming velocity.Swimmingvelocity of 0.16 m·s~(-1)'and thrust coefficient of 0.56 in maximum are achieved in experiments.  相似文献   

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation created a shallow, 110-m channel to provide habitat for two endangered fishes, Cyprinodon elegans (Comanche Springs pupfish) and Gambusia nobilis (Pecos gambusia), at the site of the fishes' former natural habitat. The ciénega (marsh) associated with Phantom Lake Spring in Jeff Davis County, Texas, was destroyed by the creation of an irrigation canal system. In 1993, the endangered fishes were stocked into the refuge with individuals from the irrigation canals, and in the case of C. elegans, hatchery stocks. The condition of habitat, status of fish populations, and fish ecology within the refuge were then monitored for two years. The abundance and density of both species increased in accordance with aquatic plant development. Cyprinodon elegans abundance peaked after one year and stabilized at an average density of 14.7/m2 by the end of our study. Juvenile C. elegans were always rare, which may indicate that the population reached the refuge's carrying capacity and that recruitment is low. Gambusia nobilis was the most abundant fish in the refuge (average density 96/m2), used the entire refuge, and outcom-peted nonindigenous G. geiseri. The two Gambusia species used similar habitats but showed almost no dietary overlap. High densities of aquatic plants reduced the amount of open water areas necessary for C. elegans. The refuge will sustain the two endangered fishes at this historic site of endemism while maintaining flow to the irrigation system; however, the refuge is not equivalent to a restored ciénega.  相似文献   

Vorticity control mechanisms for flapping foils play a guiding role in both biomimetic thrust research and modeling the forward locomotion of animals with wings, fins, or tails. In this paper, a thrust-producing flapping lunate tail is studied through force and power measurements in a water channel. Proper vorticity control methods for flapping tails are discussed based on the vorticity control parameters: the dimensionless transverse amplitude, Strouhal number, angle of attack, and phase angle. Field tests are conducted on a free-swimming biomimetic robotic fish that uses a flapping tail. The results show that active control of Strouhal number using fuzzy logic control methods can efficiently reduce power consumption of the robotic fish and high swimming speeds can be obtained. A maximum speed of 1.17 length specific speed is obtained experimentally under conditions of optimal vorticity control. The St of the flapping tail is controlled within the range of 0.4~0.5.  相似文献   

Zebrafish larvae display rich locomotor behaviour upon external stimulation. The movement can be simultaneously tracked from many larvae arranged in multi-well plates. The resulting time-series locomotor data have been used to reveal new insights into neurobiology and pharmacology. However, the data are of large scale, and the corresponding locomotor behavior is affected by multiple factors. These issues pose a statistical challenge for comparing larval activities. To address this gap, this study has analyzed a visually-driven locomotor behaviour named the visual motor response (VMR) by the Hotelling’s T-squared test. This test is congruent with comparing locomotor profiles from a time period. Different wild-type (WT) strains were compared using the test, which shows that they responded differently to light change at different developmental stages. The performance of this test was evaluated by a power analysis, which shows that the test was sensitive for detecting differences between experimental groups with sample numbers that were commonly used in various studies. In addition, this study investigated the effects of various factors that might affect the VMR by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The results indicate that the larval activity was generally affected by stage, light stimulus, their interaction, and location in the plate. Nonetheless, different factors affected larval activity differently over time, as indicated by a dynamical analysis of the activity at each second. Intriguingly, this analysis also shows that biological and technical repeats had negligible effect on larval activity. This finding is consistent with that from the Hotelling’s T-squared test, and suggests that experimental repeats can be combined to enhance statistical power. Together, these investigations have established a statistical framework for analyzing VMR data, a framework that should be generally applicable to other locomotor data with similar structure.  相似文献   

Adaptation to the environment during development influences the life‐long survival of an animal. While brain‐wide proteomic changes are expected to underlie such experience‐driven physiological and behavioral flexibility, a comprehensive overview of the nature and extent of the proteomic regulation following an environmental challenge during development is currently lacking. In this study, the brain proteome of larval zebrafish is identified and it is determined how it is altered by an exposure to a natural and physical environmental challenge, namely prolonged exposure to strong water currents. A comprehensive larval zebrafish brain proteome is presented here. Furthermore, 57 proteins that are regulated by the exposure to an environmental challenge are identified, which cover multiple functions including neuronal plasticity, the stress response, axonal growth and guidance, spatial learning, and energy metabolism. These represent candidate proteins that may play crucial roles for the adaption to an environmental challenge during development.  相似文献   

Due to their unique motile properties, fish keratocytes dissociated from explant cultures have long been used to study the mechanisms of single cell migration. However, when explants are established, these cells also move collectively, maintaining many of the features which make individual keratocytes an attractive model to study migration: rapid rates of motility, extensive actin-rich lamellae with a perpendicular actin cable, and relatively constant speed and direction of migration. In early explants, the rapid interconversion of cells migrating individually with those migrating collectively allows the study of the role of cell-cell adhesions in determining the mode of migration, and emphasizes the molecular links between the two modes of migration. Cells in later explants lose their ability to migrate rapidly and collectively as an epithelial to mesenchymal transition occurs and genes associated with wound healing and inflammation are differentially expressed. Thus, keratocyte explants can serve as an in vitro model for the reepithelialization that occurs during cutaneous wound healing and can represent a unique system to study mechanisms of collective cell migration in the context of a defined program of gene expression changes. A variety of mutant and transgenic zebrafish lines are available, which allows explants to be established from fish with different genetic backgrounds. This allows the role of different proteins within these processes to be uniquely addressed. The protocols outlined here describe an easy and effective method for establishing these explant cultures for use in a variety of assays related to collective cell migration.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a biomimetic learning approach for motion generation of a multi-joint robotic fish. Based on a multi-joint robotic fish model, two basic Carangiform swimming patterns, namely "cruise" and "C sharp turning", are extracted as training samples from the observations of real fish swimming. A General Internal Model (GIM), which is an imitation of Central Pattern Generator (CPG) in nerve systems, is adopted to learn and to regenerate coordinated fish behaviors. By virtue of the universal function approximation ability and the temporal/spatial scalabilities of GIM, the proposed learning approach is able to generate the same or similar fish swimming patterns by tuning two parameters. The learned swimming patterns are implemented on a multi-joint robotic fish in experiments. The experiment results verify the effectiveness of the biomimetic learning approach in generating and modifying locomotion patterns for the robotic fish.  相似文献   

Animal groups on the move can take different configurations. For example, groups of fish can either be ‘shoals’ or ‘schools’: shoals are simply aggregations of individuals; schools are shoals exhibiting polarized, synchronized motion. Here we demonstrate that polarization distributions of groups of zebrafish (Danio rerio) are bimodal, showing two distinct modes of collective motion corresponding to the definitions of shoaling and schooling. Other features of the group''s motion also vary consistently between the two modes: zebrafish schools are faster and less dense than zebrafish shoals. Habituation to an environment can also alter the proportion of time zebrafish groups spend schooling or shoaling. Models of collective motion suggest that the degree and stability of group polarization increases with the group''s density. Examining zebrafish groups of different sizes from 5 to 50, we show that larger groups are less polarized than smaller groups. Decreased fearfulness in larger groups may function similarly to habituation, causing them to spend more time shoaling than schooling, contrary to most models'' predictions.  相似文献   

A robotic fish driven by oscillating fins, "Cownose Ray-I", is developed, which is in dorsoventrally flattened shape withouta tail. The robotic fish is composed of a body and two lateral fins. A three-factor kinematic model is established and used in thedesign of a mechanism. By controlling the three kinematic parameters, the robotic fish can accelerate and maneuver. Forwardvelocity is dependent on the largest amplitude and the number of waves in the fins, while the relative contribution of fin beatfrequency to the forward velocity of the robotic fish is different from the usual result. On the other hand, experimental results onmaneuvering show that phase difference has a stronger effect on swerving than the largest amplitude to some extent. In addition,as propulsion waves pass from the trailing edge to the leading edge, the robotic fish attains a backward velocity of 0. 15 m·s-1.  相似文献   

Zebrafish are a proven model for vision research, however many of the earlier methods generally focused on larval fish or demonstrated a simple response. More recently adult visual behavior in zebrafish has become of interest, but methods to measure specific responses are new coming. To address this gap, we set out to develop a methodology to repeatedly and accurately utilize the optokinetic response (OKR) to measure visual acuity in adult zebrafish. Here we show that the adult zebrafish''s visual acuity can be measured, including both binocular and monocular acuities. Because the fish is not harmed during the procedure, the visual acuity can be measured and compared over short or long periods of time. The visual acuity measurements described here can also be done quickly allowing for high throughput and for additional visual procedures if desired. This type of analysis is conducive to drug intervention studies or investigations of disease progression.  相似文献   

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