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Orphnine scarab beetles (Orphninae) are widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the southern continents except for Australia. The catalogue of nominal taxa of orphnines includes 2 tribes, 15 genera, and 195 species. Diagnosis of the group, based on adult morphological characters, is as follows: antennae 10-segmented with 3-segmented club; mandibles with 2?C4 scissorial teeth and well developed mola; labrum and mandibles protruding past clypeus and visible from above; scutellum well developed in winged species, reduced but distinct in wingless species; wings with distinct anal area; apices of anterior tibia in males without spur but normally with a few robust setae; anterior coxa with longitudinal hollow on anterior surface; tarsi with 2 similar claws; middle and hind tibiae with 2 apical spurs; abdominal sternite 2 with sub-triangular to rounded plectrum; dorsal surface of hind coxae with oval flat stridulatory file; pygidium partly hidden under elytra; parameres symmetrical; bursa copulatrix sacciform, membranous; spermatheca C-shaped, not sclerotized; accessory vaginal glands developed; abdomen with 2 sclerotized tergites (VII?CVIII) and 6 visible sternites (III?CVIII). Preliminary phylogenetic analysis based on 47 characters of adult morphology shows that the tribe Aegidiini Paulian is a natural, monophyletic group. The genus Stenosternus Karsch described from a single specimen from S?o Tomé Island (Gulf of Guinea), is morphologically more similar to the New World taxa than to the Old World ones and is provisionally placed in Aegidiini. The tribe Orphnini Erichson seems non-monophyletic and has no synapomorphies. The genus Orphnus is apparently a polyphyletic group and it needs taxonomic revision. The hypothesis on sister-group relationship of Orphninae and Allidiostomatinae, based on molecular data, is not supported by the morphological characters. The stridulatory organs (the putative synapomorphy of Orphninae + Allidiostomatinae) are not identical in these groups; the mouthparts and female genitalia are essentially different. Orphninae have chewing mouthparts with large scissorial teeth and well developed mola, which is characteristic of generalist saprophagous species. Allidiostomatinae have mandibles with scissorial teeth and mola reduced; they also have sclerotized bursa copulatrix and sclerotized mandibular duct which opens on the dorsal side near condyle. Considering the present day development of alpha-taxonomy of most orphnine taxa, especially the speciose genus Orphnus, it seems premature to propose changes in higher classification of the subfamily. To clarify the phylogenetic position of the Orphninae among scarab beetles it is essential to include representative members of all taxa of orphnine lineage (sensu Browne, Scholtz, 1998) into the analysis.  相似文献   

The bird collection of the Instituto de Investigação Cientítica Tropical (Lisbon, Portugal) holds 5598 preserved specimens (skins), mainly from Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé and Principe, and Cape Verde. The subset collection from Angola includes 1560 specimens, which were taxonomically revised and georeferenced for the publication of this data paper. The collection contains a total of 522 taxa, including 161 species and 361 subspecies. Two species are classified by the IUCN Red List as Endangered - the wattled crane (Grus carunculata) and the Gabela bush-shrike (Laniarius amboimensis) - and two are classified as vulnerable - African penguin (Spheniscus demersus) and the white-headed vulture (Trigonoceps occipitalis). The temporal span of the database ranges between 1943 and 1979, but 32% are from years 1958–1959, and 25% from years 1968–1969. The spatial coverage of the collection is uneven, with 2/3 of the records representing only four of the eighteen provinces of the country, namely Huíla, Moxico, Namibe and Cuanza Sul. It adds, however, valuable information for the Huíla area of the Angolan Scarp, which is probably a biodiversity hotspot of global conservation priority. Furthermore, this georeferenced database adds invaluable bird information to the GBIF network, for one of the countries with highest but less known biodiversity in Africa.  相似文献   

In previous papers, faunistic and preliminary taxonomic data on the gastrotrich communities along the coastline of the Brazilian states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were reported; among the over 40 records, the occurrence of several species new to science was highlighted. One of such new taxa is described here based on observation carried out on living and SEM prepared specimens. Pseudostomella dolichopoda sp. n. (Gastrotricha: Thaumastodermatidae) is the only species in the genus that attains 420 µm in total length, is covered by pentancres and possesses, among others, caudal pedicles up to 45 µm in length. Additional differences with co-generic taxa characterized by a pentancrous covering are discussed. Furthermore, a key to the described Pseudostomella species of the world based on easily discernible traits, visible in both living and formalin-fixed specimens, is provided.  相似文献   

Understanding the history of forests and their species'' demographic responses to past disturbances is important for predicting impacts of future environmental changes. Tropical rainforests of the Guineo-Congolian region in Central Africa are believed to have survived the Pleistocene glacial periods in a few major refugia, essentially centred on mountainous regions close to the Atlantic Ocean. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the phylogeographic structure of a widespread, ancient rainforest tree species, Symphonia globulifera L. f. (Clusiaceae), using plastid DNA sequences (chloroplast DNA [cpDNA], psbA-trnH intergenic spacer) and nuclear microsatellites (simple sequence repeats, SSRs). SSRs identified four gene pools located in Benin, West Cameroon, South Cameroon and Gabon, and São Tomé. This structure was also apparent at cpDNA. Approximate Bayesian Computation detected recent bottlenecks approximately dated to the last glacial maximum in Benin, West Cameroon and São Tomé, and an older bottleneck in South Cameroon and Gabon, suggesting a genetic effect of Pleistocene cycles of forest contraction. CpDNA haplotype distribution indicated wide-ranging long-term persistence of S. globulifera both inside and outside of postulated forest refugia. Pollen flow was four times greater than that of seed in South Cameroon and Gabon, which probably enabled rapid population recovery after bottlenecks. Furthermore, our study suggested ecotypic differentiation—coastal or swamp vs terra firme—in S. globulifera. Comparison with other tree phylogeographic studies in Central Africa highlighted the relevance of species-specific responses to environmental change in forest trees.  相似文献   

IntroducciónEl programa de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores en México tiene una red establecida de ovitrampas para la vigilancia entomológica de Aedes spp. Los servicios de salud del estado de Yucatán, en respuesta a reportes de Aedes albopictus en la periferia de Mérida, capital del estado, incrementaron la especificidad de dicha vigilancia.ObjetivoDescribir la presencia y distribución de Ae. albopictus en Mérida y su abundancia relativa comparada con Aedes aegypti, en ovitrampas del programa de control de vectores.Materiales y métodosDurante octubre de 2019, se seleccionaron al azar 91 ovitrampas en 31 barrios de Mérida. Los mosquitos adultos se obtuvieron del insectario de la Unidad Colaborativa para Bioensayos Entomológicos de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán a partir de huevos recolectados en campo. Se determinó la abundancia relativa de individuos adultos de cada especie identificada y por barrios evaluados.ResultadosEn el 32% de los barrios muestreados, se detectó Ae. albopictus y, en todos ellos, Ae. aegypti. Se recolectaron 28 adultos de Ae. albopictus (10 hembras y 18 machos) en las ovitrampas. No se observó correlación entre la abundancia de adultos ni de hembras Ae. aegypti y Ae. albopictus por barrio (p>0,05).ConclusionesLos resultados confirmaron que Ae. albopictus estaba coexistiendo con Ae. aegypti en Mérida en el momento del estudio. La baja abundancia relativa sugiere que Ae. albopictus se encontraba en la fase inicial de invasión.Palabras clave: Aedes, mosquitos vectores, control de vectores, enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, México  相似文献   

A new species of marine Gastrotricha from Brazil is described and discussed. Ptychostomella lamelliphora sp. n. is one of the several new taxa that were found during an extensive survey of the gastrotrich fauna carried out in 2002 and 2003 along the coastline of the State of São Paulo. The new species is unique in that it possesses cuticular ornamentations in the form of plate-like structures (scales) along the lateral borders of the body and two massive clusters of densely packed adhesive tubes on the ventral surface, near the ano-genital opening. Both these features appear to be adaptations to challenge the high energy waters that characterize the species’ microhabitat: the coarse sublittoral sand in the channel between the mainland and the largest island in the State, Ihlabela. Additionally, a key to the described Ptychostomella species of the world is provided.  相似文献   

Mesomys Wagner, 1845 (Rodentia, Echimyidae, Eumysopinae) currently has four recognized species, three of which occur in Brazil: Mesomys hispidus (probably a species complex), Moccultus, and Mstimulax. Mesomys leniceps is found in montane forests of northern Peru. Mesomys stimulax, the focus of the present study, has a distribution that is restricted to the central and eastern Amazonia south of the Amazon River, extending from the left bank of the Tapajós River to the right bank of the Tocantins River, and south to the southeast portion of Pará State. The genus presents karyotypes with diploid number 2n = 60 and Fundamental Number (FN) = 116 for Mhispidus and Mstimulax, and 2n = 42, FN = 54 for Moccultus. We studied the karyotype of a female specimen of Mstimulax collected from the Tapirapé‐Aquiri National Forest, Marabá, Pará, Brazil, in the Xingu/Tocantins interfluvium. The obtained karyotype (2n = 60 and FN = 110) differs from that described in the literature for both Mstimulax and Mhispidus by exhibiting more biarmed chromosomes, probably due to pericentric inversions and/or centromeric repositioning, and exhibiting differences in the amount and distribution of constitutive heterochromatin (CH). These results suggest that, similar to what has already been proposed for Mhispidus, Mstimulax may represent a species complex and/or cryptic species. The mechanisms of chromosomal diversification in Mesomys and the biogeographic implications are discussed reinforcing the need for broad systematic review for Mesomys.  相似文献   

As a result of extensive data collection efforts over the last 20–30 years, there is quite a good understanding of the large‐scale geographic distribution and range limits of African great apes. However, as human activities increasingly fragment great ape spatial distribution, a better understanding of what constitutes suitable great ape habitat is needed to inform conservation and resource extraction management. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) inhabit the Lobéké National Park and its surrounding forest management units (FMUs) in South‐East Cameroon. Both park and neighboring forestry concessions require reliable evidence on key factors driving great ape distribution for their management plans, yet this information is largely missing and incomplete. This study aimed at mapping great ape habitat suitability in the area and at identifying the most influential predictors among three predictor categories, including landscape predictors (dense forest, swampy forest, distance to water bodies, and topography), human disturbance predictors (hunting, deforestation, distance to roads, and population density), and bioclimatic predictor (annual precipitation). We found that about 63% of highly to moderately suitable chimpanzee habitat occurred within the Lobéké National Park, while only 8.4% of similar habitat conditions occurred within FMUs. For gorillas, highly and moderately suitable habitats occurred within the Lobéké National Park and its surrounding FMUs (82.6% and 65.5%, respectively). Key determinants of suitable chimpanzee habitat were hunting pressure and dense forest, with species occurrence probability optimal at relatively lower hunting rates and at relatively high‐dense forest areas. Key determinants of suitable gorilla habitat were hunting pressure, dense forests, swampy forests, and slope, with species occurrence probability optimal at relatively high‐dense and swampy forest areas and at areas with mild slopes. Our findings show differential response of the two ape species to forestry activities in the study area, thus aligning with previous studies.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudorthocladius Goetghebuer, 1943 from China, including 12 species, is reviewed. Five new species, P. (P.) binarius sp. n., P. (P.) cylindratus sp. n., P. (P.) digitus sp. n., P. (P.) ovatus sp. n. and P. (P.) paucus sp. n. are described and illustrated as adult males. P. (P.) cristagus Stur & Sæther, 2004, P. (P.) jintutridecima (Sasa, 1996), P. (P.) macrovirgatus Sæther & Sublette, 1983, P. (P.) morsei Sæther & Sublette, 1983, P. (P.) uniserratus Sæther & Sublette, 1983, P. (L.) wingoi Sæther & Sublette, 1983 are newly recorded in Oriental Region. A key to the males of Pseudorthocladius in China is presented.  相似文献   

We describe the composition and distribution of bivalve molluscs from the sandy and rocky intertidal and the shallow subtidal environments of Bahía de Mazatlán, México. The bivalve fauna of the bay is represented by 89 living species in 28 families, including 37 new records and four range extensions: Lithophaga hastasia, Adula soleniformis, Mactrellona subalata, and Strigilla ervilia. The number of species increases from the upper (44) and lower intertidal (53) to the shallow subtidal (76), but only 11 (17%) have a wide distribution in the bay (i.e., found in all sampling sites and environments). The bivalve assemblages are composed of four main life forms: 27 epifaunal species, 26 infaunal, 16 semi-infaunal, and 20 endolithic. A taxonomic distinctness analysis identified the sampling sites and environments that contribute the most to the taxonomic diversity (species to suborder categories) of the bay. The present work increased significantly (31%) to 132 species previous inventories of bivalves of Bahía de Mazatlán. These species represent 34% of the bivalve diversity of the southern Golfo de California and approximately 15% of the Eastern Tropical Pacific region.  相似文献   

A new species, Chactas moreti sp. n., is described from Ecuadorian Amazonia. It can be distinguished from Chactas mahnerti Lourenço, 1995, the other known species of this genus from Ecuador by its smaller body size, distinct morphometric values, overall darker blackish-brown coloration, totally smooth vesicle, and a concave anterior margin of carapace. This is the second confirmed record of the genus Chactas Gervais from Ecuador. The geographical pattern of distribution of the genus is also discussed.  相似文献   

Herbivorous reptiles depend on complex gut microbial communities to effectively degrade dietary polysaccharides. The composition of these fermentative communities may vary based on dietary differences. To explore the role of diet in shaping gut microbial communities, we evaluated the fecal samples from two related host species—the algae-consuming marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) and land iguanas (LI) (genus Conolophus) that consume terrestrial vegetation. Marine and LI fecal samples were collected from different islands in the Galápagos archipelago. High-throughput 16S rRNA-based pyrosequencing was used to provide a comparative analysis of fecal microbial diversity. At the phylum level, the fecal microbial community in iguanas was predominated by Firmicutes (69.5±7.9%) and Bacteroidetes (6.2±2.8%), as well as unclassified Bacteria (20.6±8.6%), suggesting that a large portion of iguana fecal microbiota is novel and could be involved in currently unknown functions. Host species differed in the abundance of specific bacterial groups. Bacteroides spp., Lachnospiraceae and Clostridiaceae were significantly more abundant in the marine iguanas (MI) (P-value>1E−9). In contrast, Ruminococcaceae were present at >5-fold higher abundance in the LI than MI (P-value>6E−14). Archaea were only detected in the LI. The number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the LI (356–896 OTUs) was >2-fold higher than in the MI (112–567 OTUs), and this increase in OTU diversity could be related to the complexity of the resident bacterial population and their gene repertoire required to breakdown the recalcitrant polysaccharides prevalent in terrestrial plants. Our findings suggest that dietary differences contribute to gut microbial community differentiation in herbivorous lizards. Most importantly, this study provides a better understanding of the microbial diversity in the iguana gut; therefore facilitating future efforts to discover novel bacterial-associated enzymes that can effectively breakdown a wide variety of complex polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Ancient mariners knew that dust whipped up from deserts by strong winds travelled long distances, including over oceans. Satellite remote sensing revealed major dust sources across the Sahara. Indeed, the Bodélé Depression in the Republic of Chad has been called the dustiest place on earth. We analysed desert sand from various locations in Chad and dust that had blown to the Cape Verde Islands. High throughput sequencing techniques combined with classical microbiological methods showed that the samples contained a large variety of microbes well adapted to the harsh desert conditions. The most abundant bacterial groupings in four different phyla included: (a) Firmicutes—Bacillaceae, (b) Actinobacteria—Geodermatophilaceae, Nocardiodaceae and Solirubrobacteraceae, (c) Proteobacteria—Oxalobacteraceae, Rhizobiales and Sphingomonadaceae, and (d) Bacteroidetes—Cytophagaceae. Ascomycota was the overwhelmingly dominant fungal group followed by Basidiomycota and traces of Chytridiomycota, Microsporidia and Glomeromycota. Two freshwater algae (Trebouxiophyceae) were isolated. Most predominant taxa are widely distributed land inhabitants that are common in soil and on the surfaces of plants. Examples include Bradyrhizobium spp. that nodulate and fix nitrogen in Acacia species, the predominant trees of the Sahara as well as Herbaspirillum (Oxalobacteraceae), a group of chemoorganotrophic free-living soil inhabitants that fix nitrogen in association with Gramineae roots. Few pathogenic strains were found, suggesting that African dust is not a large threat to public health.  相似文献   

A new species of Hisonotus is described from the rio São Francisco basin. The new species can be distinguished from congeners by having (1) a unique coloration pattern of caudal fin with one black spot extending from its origin to the ventral lobe and two dark spots at the end of the lobe’s rays; (2) odontodes forming longitudinally aligned rows on head and trunk; (3) a functional V-shaped spinelet; (4) a single rostral plate at the tip of the snout; (5) by lacking contrasting dark geometric spots on the anterodorsal region of the body; (6) a lower caudal-peduncle depth; and (7) lower counts of the lateral median plates and (8) higher premaxillary and dentary teeth. The new species is the second described species of the genus Hisonotus in the rio São Francisco basin. It was found inhabiting the marginal vegetation of the rio São Francisco and three of its tributary, rio das Velhas, rio Paraopeba and rio Formoso.  相似文献   

We describe a new subspecies of Pale-bellied Tapaculo Scytalopus griseicollis from the northern Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and Venezuela. This form differs diagnosably in plumage from described subspecies Scytalopus griseicollis griseicollis and Scytalopus griseicollis gilesi and from the latter in tail length. It is also differentiated non-diagnosably in voice from both these populations. Ecological niche modelling analysis suggests that the new subspecies is restricted to the Andean montane forest and páramo north of both the arid Chicamocha valley and the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile portions of DNA that are able to replicate and spread in the genome of many organisms. TEs can be used as a means to insert transgenes in insects, being stably inherited throughout generations. Anopheles gambiae is the main vector of human malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa. Given the extraordinary burden this disease imposes, the mosquito became a choice target for genetic control approaches with the purpose of reducing malaria transmission. In this study, we investigated the abundance and distribution of Herves TE in An. gambiae s.s. from Cameroon and four islands in the Gulf of Guinea, in order to determine their genetic structure. We have detected a population subdivision between Equatorial Guinea islands and the islands of São Tomé, Príncipe and mainland. This partitioning associates more with political rather than geographic boundaries, possibly reflecting different mainland source populations colonizing the islands.  相似文献   

Oleg Pekarsky 《ZooKeys》2012,(242):43-50
A new species of the genus Schrankia Hübner, 1825, S. pelicano sp. n. is described from Sichuan, China. A diagnostic comparison is made with Schrankia taenialis (Hübner, [1809]) and Schrankia separatalis (Herz, 1904); illustrations of the male holotype and its genitalia are provided. A checklist of the genus with synonyms is given.  相似文献   

The available type material of Phlebotominae (Diptera, Psychodidae) deposited in the “Coleção de Flebotomíneos” of the Instituto Evandro Chagas (ColFleb IEC) is now presented in an annotated catalogue comprising a total of 121 type specimens belonging to 12 species as follow: Nyssomyia richardwardi (2 female paratypes), Nyssomyia shawi (9 male and 25 female paratypes), Nyssomyia umbratilis (female holotype and 1 female paratype), Nyssomyia yuilli yuilli (1 male and 1 female paratypes), Pintomyia gruta (1 male and 2 female paratypes), Psychodopygus lainsoni (2 male syntypes), Psychodopygus leonidasdeanei (male holotype, female “allotype” and 45 female paratypes), Psychodopygus llanosmartinsi (2 female paratypes), Psychodopygus wellcomei (1 male and 4 female “syntypes”), Trichophoromyia readyi (male holotype, female “allotype” and 1 male paratype), Trichophoromyia adelsonsouzai (male holotype, 13 male 5 female paratypes), and Trichophoromyia brachipyga (1 male paratype).  相似文献   

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