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The syllid fauna of three locations in Crete and Israel (eastern Mediterranean Sea) was studied, yielding 82 syllid species, many of which were found for the first time in the respective areas: Seventeen species were recorded for the first time on the Israeli coasts and 20 in Greek waters. Perkinsyllis augeneri (Hartmann-Schröder, 1979) and Prosphaerosyllis chauseyensis Olivier et al., 2011 are new records for the Mediterranean Sea. Detailed information is given on the morphology, ecology and distribution of the species recorded for the first time in the studied areas. In addition, an update on the distribution of the genus Prosphaerosyllis San Martín, 1984 in the Mediterranean is given and an identification key to the Mediterranean species is provided.  相似文献   

The number of marine alien species reported in Galil (Biol Invasions, 2009) is incomplete. Recent literature suggests that the number of aliens is nearly 1,000 and that the introduction rate is way off the 10 species per year suggested by Galil (Biol Invasions, 2009).  相似文献   

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - The exploitation of fishery resources acts as a driving force on cetaceans both directly, by determining their fishing mortality or injury as by-catch...  相似文献   

The presence of the giant devil ray (Mobula mobular) in the Adriatic Sea was evaluated based on new records collected through field research, information from interviews with fisherman and marine biology experts, and a review of existing data from the literature and Internet sources. Presented are 14 new records of 20 individual giant devil rays collected between 2008 and 2011, doubling the number of animals recorded in the Adriatic in the previous 125 years. In total, 28 records of 42 giant devil rays exist for the Adriatic to date. The cryptic life history of the species, its pelagic distribution and lack of systematic data collection have resulted in a low number of historical records. The results suggest that the species is not as rare as previously considered. Occurring mainly in the central and southern Adriatic Sea from early spring to early autumn, its appearance coincides with the general increase in local prey abundance. Interaction with fisheries is identified as a source of potential mortality, and the monitoring of multi‐gear schemes should be carried out at the regional level. Further research on the distribution and abundance of the giant devil ray is crucial for the elaboration of any effective conservation strategy for this endangered species.  相似文献   

We report N(2) fixation rates measured from two stations monitored monthly off the Mediterranean coast of Israel during 2006 and 2007, and along a transect from Israel to Crete in September 2008. Analyses of time-series data revealed expression of nifH genes from diazotrophs in nifH clusters I and II, including cyanobacterial bloom-formers Trichodesmium and diatom-Richelia intracellularis associations. However, nifH gene abundance and rates of N(2) fixation were very low in all size fractions measured (> 0.7 μm). Volumetric (15) N uptake ranged from below detection (~ 36% of > 300 samples) to a high of 0.3 nmol N l(-1) d(-1) and did not vary distinctly with depth or season. Areal N(2) fixation averaged ~ 1 to 4 μmol N m(-2) d(-1) and contributed only ~ 1% and 2% of new production and ~ 0.25% and 0.5% of primary production for the mixed (winter) and stratified (spring-fall) periods respectively. N(2) fixation rates along the 2008 east-west transect were also extremely low (0-0.04 nmol N l(-1) d(-1), integrated average 2.6 μmol N m(-2) d(-1) ) with 37% of samples below detection and no discernable difference between stations. We demonstrate that diazotrophy and N(2) fixation contribute only a minor amount of new N to the P impoverished eastern Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

B. S. Galil 《Hydrobiologia》2008,606(1):105-116
A critical evaluation of more than 2,200 publications, some dating back to the late 1800s, established the presence, and traced the spatio-temporal spread, of 558 alien metazoan species in the Mediterranean Sea. The majority of aliens in the eastern Mediterranean entered through the Suez Canal, whereas mariculture and shipping are powerful means of introduction in the northwestern Mediterranean and in the Adriatic Sea. Most aliens are thermophilic species. The possible causes for the epic scale of invasion in the Mediterranean Sea are discussed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: J. Davenport, G. Burnell, T. Cross, M. Emmerson, R. McAllen, R. Ramsay & E. Rogan Challenges to Marine Ecosystems  相似文献   

The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus Montagu, 1821) is a regularly observed species in the Mediterranean Sea, but its network organization has never been investigated on a large scale. We described the network macrostructure of the bottlenose dolphin (meta)population inhabiting the Pelagos Sanctuary (a wide protected area located in the north-western portion of the Mediterranean basin) and we analysed its connectivity in relation to the landscape traits. We pooled effort and sighting data collected by 13 different research institutions operating within the Pelagos Sanctuary from 1994 to 2011 to examine the distribution of bottlenose dolphins in the Pelagos study area and then we applied a social network analysis, investigating the association patterns of the photo-identified dolphins (806 individuals in 605 sightings). The bottlenose dolphin (meta)population inhabiting the Pelagos Sanctuary is clustered in discrete units whose borders coincide with habitat breakages. This complex structure seems to be shaped by the geo-morphological and ecological features of the landscape, through a mechanism of local specialization of the resident dolphins. Five distinct clusters were identified in the (meta)population and two of them were solid enough to be further investigated and compared. Significant differences were found in the network parameters, suggesting a different social organization of the clusters, possibly as a consequence of the different local specialization.  相似文献   

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - In the original publication of the article, the given name and surname of the authors are inverted in the author’s affiliation and in the citation of...  相似文献   

The composition of the ant fauna of a Coral Sea islet, North East Herald Cay, is reported for several years from 1995 to 2007. A major change in composition was first noted in 2007 but probably occurred earlier. Tetramorium lanuginosum, present in 1997 and in previous years, was not found in 2007. Instead, Tetramorium bicarinatum, recorded for the first time in 2006, was abundant in 2007. This change, together with drier conditions, may have initiated a population explosion of a pest coccoid that caused serious damage to the tree, Pisonia grandis. Tetramorium bicarinatum also reduced the abundance of surface-active arthropods compared to their abundance when it was absent. Ants and other invertebrates on three other islets in the Coral Sea are also documented for 2007 and support the dominance effects of T. bicarinatums.  相似文献   


We analysed the patterns of genetic variability of eastern Mediterranean populations of the scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa, from the Aegean and Levantine seas, using 19 polymorphic microsatellite loci, 11 of which were newly characterized. The observed genetic pattern reflects a scenario of isolation by environment: FST comparisons showed a higher degree of genetic differentiation between the two Cypriot populations that are separated by only 11 km than between these two Levantine populations and the Aegean population in Greece, which are separated by 1300 km. We hypothesize that local-scale oceanographic factors influenced the dispersal of planulae between the geographically close populations, playing a crucial role in the genetic structure of this coastal coral. Yet, despite being characterized as a species with limited dispersal and high self-recruitment, large-scale migration does eventually occur as first-generation migrants were identified between the most distant populations. In line with previous findings of reproductive plasticity in C. caespitosa, we also found localized differences in reproduction mode (sexual vs. asexual) within a geographically limited context. Several individuals were identified as clones, indicating the predominance of asexual reproduction in one of the Cypriot populations. We interpret this predominance either as a direct response to or as an indirect consequence of perturbations suffered by this C. caespitosa population. These perturbations are caused by unfavourable environmental conditions that threatened local survival, in particular water temperature changes and windstorm swells. Asexual reproduction may be a mechanism used by C. caespitosa to counteract mortality events and recolonize devastated areas, and likely accounts for the occasional high levels of clonality and low levels of genetic diversity. Local adaptations such as these should therefore be considered in conservation and management strategies to maintain and preserve the gene pool of this endangered species.


Recently, specimens belonging to the genus ‘Haplochromis’ have been found in the Ituri River (Congo basin). They clearly do not belong to any of the species known from the Congo basin, but strongly resemble ‘H’. aeneocolor from the Lake Edward/George system. We examined whether this population represents a new species or is conspecific with ‘H’. aeneocolor. A morphological comparative study was executed based on 11 counts and 23 measurements on 64 specimens. The results revealed the Ituri specimens to differ from the types of ‘H’. aeneocolor in snout length, premaxillary pedicel length and eye diameter. Since these few differences are correlated, and head morphology is known to be subject to adaptive responses in haplochromine cichlids, they were considered the result of morphological adaptation to a riverine habitat rather than an indication of heterospecificity. Probably, ‘H’. aeneocolor has accidentally been introduced into the Ituri region together with tilapias used in aquaculture, and has subsequently established a stable population in a riverine environment. As fish introductions can have a severe impact on aquatic ecosystems, improving our knowledge as well as a good management of aquacultural activities is essential.  相似文献   

The diversity of extant calcareous dinophytes (Thoracosphaeraceae, Dinophyceae) is not fully recorded at present. The establishment of algal strains collected at multiple localities is necessary for a rigorous study of taxonomy, morphology and evolution in these unicellular organisms. We collected sediment and water tow samples from more than 60 localities in coastal areas of the eastern Mediterranean Sea and documented 15 morphospecies of calcareous dinophytes. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) barcoding identified numerous species of the Scrippsiella trochoidea species complex that were genetically distinct, but indistinguishable in gross morphology (i.e. with the same tabulation patterns of the motile theca and similar spiny coccoid stages). We assessed a possible minimal number of cryptic species using ITS ribotype networks that indicated the existence of at least 21 species within the Scrippsiella trochoidea species complex. Species diversity of calcareous dinophytes appears higher in the Mediterranean Sea than in other parts of the world??s oceans such as the North Sea. Our data underline the importance of field work to record the diversity of calcareous dinophytes and other unicellular life forms.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the fish Cephalopholis taeniops (Serranidae: Epinephelinae) has been recorded for the first time in the Canary Islands (eastern subtropical Atlantic). Repeated observations of adult stages of the species (??30?cm total length) inside oil platforms coming from the Gulf of Guinea greatly suggest an introduction related to the transport of ballast water in these structures, and show their importance in the dispersal of adult stages of large-sized species of littoral fish. Oil platforms constitute one special case in the introduction of marine species in the context of ballast water transport. This poorly known phenomenon may greatly favour marine species invasion, and might have significant repercussions in many regions -especially in the current climate change context- as well as explaining some surprising cases of occurrence of expatriated adult individuals of certain species.  相似文献   

Small algae are the trophic basis in both marine and freshwater ecosystems. The identification of tiny microorganisms and place of their origin is laborious but necessary. This paper consists of a literature review of 17 species of planktonic algae, with a discussion of taxonomic problems. We also clarify whether these 17 species are non-native, invasive or cryptogenic species, with an indication whether they had been recognised as ‘alien’ in Europe. According to our observations, areas colonized by small and alien algal species, were anthropogenically altered. There were: systems with heated waters (‘heated islands’), which imitated tropical conditions; highly eutrophic to hypereutrophic water ecosystems, easily colonized by alien species, fishponds with intense fish cultivation, where alien species of fish are/had been introduced, which carried also other alien organisms; and inland water ecosystems with high salinity or high conductivity e.g. pits inundated by mine waters, imitating sea or brackish conditions acting as hubs of migration of alien species adapted to brackish or saline waters. We have prepared a map showing areas inhabited by alien species, both of documented places and hypothetical ones, where we would expect alien species to occur.  相似文献   

The state of knowledge of the alien marine Mollusca in Italy is reviewed and updated. Littorina saxatilis (Olivi, 1792), Polycera hedgpethi Er. Marcus, 1964 and Haminoea japonica Pilsbry, 1895are here considered as established on the basis of published and unpublished data, and recent records of the latter considerably expand its known Mediterranean range to the Tyrrhenian Sea. COI sequences obtained indicate that a comprehensive survey of additional European localities is needed to elucidate the dispersal pathways of Haminoea japonica.Recent records and interpretation of several molluscan taxa as alien are discussed both in light of new Mediterranean (published and unpublished) records and of four categories previously excluded from alien species lists. Within this framework, ten taxa are no longer considered as alien species, or their records from Italy are refuted. Furthermore, Trochocochlea castriotae Bellini, 1903 is considered a new synonym for Gibbula albida (Gmelin, 1791). Data provided here leave unchanged as 35 the number of alien molluscan taxa recorded from Italy as well as the percentage of the most plausible vectors of introduction, but raise to 22 the number of established species along the Italian shores during the 2005–2010 period, and backdate to 1792 the first introduction of an alien molluscan species (Littorina saxatilis) to the Italian shores.  相似文献   

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