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Plasmodium vivax is the geographically most widespread human malaria parasite. To analyze patterns of microsatellite diversity and population structure across countries of different transmission intensity, genotyping data from 11 microsatellite markers was either generated or compiled from 841 isolates from four continents collected in 1999–2008. Diversity was highest in South-East Asia (mean allelic richness 10.0–12.8), intermediate in the South Pacific (8.1–9.9) Madagascar and Sudan (7.9–8.4), and lowest in South America and Central Asia (5.5–7.2). A reduced panel of only 3 markers was sufficient to identify approx. 90% of all haplotypes in South Pacific, African and SE-Asian populations, but only 60–80% in Latin American populations, suggesting that typing of 2–6 markers, depending on the level of endemicity, is sufficient for epidemiological studies. Clustering analysis showed distinct clusters in Peru and Brazil, but little sub-structuring was observed within Africa, SE-Asia or the South Pacific. Isolates from Uzbekistan were exceptional, as a near-clonal parasite population was observed that was clearly separated from all other populations (F ST>0.2). Outside Central Asia F ST values were highest (0.11–0.16) between South American and all other populations, and lowest (0.04–0.07) between populations from South-East Asia and the South Pacific. These comparisons between P. vivax populations from four continents indicated that not only transmission intensity, but also geographical isolation affect diversity and population structure. However, the high effective population size results in slow changes of these parameters. This persistency must be taken into account when assessing the impact of control programs on the genetic structure of parasite populations.  相似文献   

The genetic consequences of living on the edge of distributional ranges have been the subject of a largely unresolved debate. Populations occurring along persistent low latitude ranges (rear-edge) are expected to retain high and unique genetic diversity. In contrast, currently less favourable environmental conditions limiting population size at such range-edges may have caused genetic erosion that prevails over past historical effects, with potential consequences on reducing future adaptive capacity. The present study provides an empirical test of whether population declines towards a peripheral range might be reflected on decreasing diversity and increasing population isolation and differentiation. We compare population genetic differentiation and diversity with trends in abundance along a latitudinal gradient towards the peripheral distribution range of Saccorhiza polyschides , a large brown seaweed that is the main structural species of kelp forests in SW Europe. Signatures of recent bottleneck events were also evaluated to determine whether the recently recorded distributional shifts had a negative influence on effective population size. Our findings show decreasing population density and increasing spatial fragmentation and local extinctions towards the southern edge. Genetic data revealed two well supported groups with a central contact zone. As predicted, higher differentiation and signs of bottlenecks were found at the southern edge region. However, a decrease in genetic diversity associated with this pattern was not verified. Surprisingly, genetic diversity increased towards the edge despite bottlenecks and much lower densities, suggesting that extinctions and recolonizations have not strongly reduced diversity or that diversity might have been even higher there in the past, a process of shifting genetic baselines.  相似文献   

Colombia hosts the second highest amphibian species diversity on Earth, yet its fauna remains poorly studied, especially using molecular genetic techniques. We present the results of the first wide-scale DNA barcoding survey of anurans of Colombia, focusing on a transect across the Eastern Cordillera. We surveyed 10 sites between the Magdalena Valley to the west and the eastern foothills of the Eastern Cordillera, sequencing portions of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) genes for 235 individuals from 52 nominal species. We applied two barcode algorithms, Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery and Refined Single Linkage Analysis, to estimate the number of clusters or “unconfirmed candidate species” supported by DNA barcode data. Our survey included ~7% of the anuran species known from Colombia. While barcoding algorithms differed slightly in the number of clusters identified, between three and ten nominal species may be obscuring candidate species (in some cases, more than one cryptic species per nominal species). Our data suggest that the high elevations of the Eastern Cordillera and the low elevations of the Chicamocha canyon acted as geographic barriers in at least seven nominal species, promoting strong genetic divergences between populations associated with the Eastern Cordillera.  相似文献   

Isolates of Pasteuria penetrans were evaluated for ecological characteristics that are important in determining their potential as biological control agents. Isolate P-20 survived without loss of its ability to attach to its host nematode in dry, moist, and wet soil and in soil wetted and dried repeatedly for 6 weeks. Some spores moved 6.4 cm (the maximum distance tested) downward in soil within 3 days with percolating water. The isolates varied greatly in their attachment to different nematode species and genera. Of five isolates tested in spore-infested soil, three (P-104, P-122, B-3) attached to two or more nematode species, whereas B-8 attached only to Meloidogyne hapla and B-I did not attach to any of the nematodes tested. In water suspensions, spores of isolate P-20 attached readily to M. arenaria but only a few spores attached to other Meloidogyne spp. Isolate P-104 attached to all Meloidogyne spp. tested but not to Pratylenchus scribneri. Isolate B-4 attached to all species of Meloidogyne and Pratylenchus tested, but the rate of attachment was relatively low. Isolate P-Z00 attached in high numbers to M. arenaria when spores were extracted from females of this nematode; when extracted from M. javanica females, fewer spores attached to M. arenaria than to M. javanica or M. incognita.  相似文献   

Second-stage larvae of Rehizonma sequoiae Cid del Prado Vera et al. tunnel through the cortex of the redwood Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. root to the vascular tissue where each developing female induces a single ovoid or occasionally spherical giant cell with a single ovoid to spherical nucleus containing one to four enlarged nucleoli. Nematode tunnels are filled with a gel material and often contain second-stage larvae and males. There is tissue necrosis around females, and cortical tissue is destroyed after infection by many second-stage larvae. R. sequoiae females developed to maturity on S. sempervirens, Acer macrophyllum Pursh, AInus rhombifolia Nutt., Libocedrus decurrens Torr, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, and Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) Decne. In the Marin County, California, forest mature females were also found naturally infecting Lithocarpus densiflorus (Hook &Arn.) Rehd., Umbellularia californica (Hook &Arn.) Nutt., and Arbutus menziesii Pursh.  相似文献   

Fungi contribute substantially to biogeochemical cycles of terrestrial and marine habitats by decomposing matter and recycling nutrients. Yet, the diversity of their planktonic forms in the open ocean is poorly described. In this study, culture-independent and molecular approaches were applied to investigate fungal diversity and abundance derived from samples collected from a broad swath of the Pacific Warm Pool across major environmental gradients Our results revealed that planktonic fungi were molecularly diverse and their diversity patterns were related to major phytoplankton taxa and various nutrients including nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and silicic acid. Over 400 fungal phylotypes were recovered across this region and nearly half of them grouped into two major fungal lineages of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, whose abundance varied among stations. These results suggest that planktonic fungi are a diverse and integral component of the marine microbial community and should be included in future marine microbial ecosystem models.  相似文献   

In tropical regions, most primary ecosystems have been replaced by mosaic landscapes in which species must cope with a large shift in the distribution of their habitat and associated food resources. Primates are particularly vulnerable to habitat modifications. Most species persist in small fragments surrounded by complex human-mediated matrices whose structure and connectivity may strongly influence their dispersal and feeding behavior. Behavioral plasticity appears to be a crucial parameter governing the ability of organisms to exploit the resources offered by new matrix habitats and thus to persist in fragmented habitats. In this study, we were interested in the dietary plasticity of the golden-crowned sifaka (Propithecus tattersalli), an endangered species of lemur, found only in the Daraina region in north-eastern Madagascar. We used a DNA-based approach combining the barcoding concept and Illumina next-generation sequencing to (i) describe the species diet across its entire range and (ii) evaluate the influence of landscape heterogeneity on diet diversity and composition. Faeces from 96 individuals were sampled across the entire species range and their contents were analyzed using the trnL metabarcoding approach. In parallel, we built a large DNA reference database based on a checklist of the plant species of the Daraina region. Our results suggest that golden-crowned sifakas exhibit remarkable dietary diversity with at least 130 plant species belonging to 80 genera and 49 different families. We highlighted an influence of both habitat type and openness on diet composition suggesting a high flexibility of foraging strategies. Moreover, we observed the presence of numerous cultivated and naturalized plants in the faeces of groups living in forest edge areas. Overall, our findings support our initial expectation that P. tattersalli is able to cope with the current level of alteration of the landscape and confirm our previous results on the distribution and the dispersal ability of this species.  相似文献   

Few DNA barcoding studies of squamate reptiles have been conducted. Due to the significance of the Socotra Archipelago (a UNESCO Natural World Heritage site and a biodiversity hotspot) and the conservation interest of its reptile fauna (94% endemics), we performed the most comprehensive DNA barcoding study on an island group to date to test its applicability to specimen identification and species discovery. Reptiles constitute Socotra’s most important vertebrate fauna, yet their taxonomy remains under-studied. We successfully DNA-barcoded 380 individuals of all 31 presently recognized species. The specimen identification success rate is moderate to high, and almost all species presented local barcoding gaps. The unexpected high levels of intra-specific variability found within some species suggest cryptic diversity. Species richness may be under-estimated by 13.8–54.4%. This has implications in the species’ ranges and conservation status that should be considered for conservation planning. Other phylogenetic studies using mitochondrial and nuclear markers are congruent with our results. We conclude that, despite its reduced length (663 base pairs), cytochrome c oxidase 1, COI, is very useful for specimen identification and for detecting intra-specific diversity, and has a good phylogenetic signal. We recommend DNA barcoding to be applied to other biodiversity hotspots for quickly and cost-efficiently flagging species discovery, preferentially incorporated into an integrative taxonomic framework.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic patterns and population structure of the pelagic Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta were examined in 23 populations collected from the Indonesian-Malaysian Archipelago (IMA) and the West Indian Ocean (WIO). Despite the vast expanse of the IMA and neighbouring seas, no evidence for geographical structure was evident. An indication that R. kanagurta populations across this region are essentially panmictic. This study also revealed that historical isolation was insufficient for R. kanagurta to attain migration drift equilibrium. Two distinct subpopulations were detected between the WIO and the IMA (and adjacent populations); interpopulation genetic variation was high. A plausible explanation for the genetic differentiation observed between the IMA and WIO regions suggest historical isolation as a result of fluctuations in sea levels during the late Pleistocene. This occurrence resulted in the evolution of a phylogeographic break for this species to the north of the Andaman Sea.  相似文献   


The potentials and limitations of different approaches to revealing species boundaries and describing cryptic species are discussed. Both the traditional methods of species delimitation, mostly based on morphological analysis, and the approaches using molecular markers are considered. Besides, the prospects of species identification using digital image recognition and machine learning are briefly considered. It is concluded that molecular markers provide very important material for species delimitation; the value of these data increases manifold if they can be compared with information on morphology, geographic distribution, and ecological preferences of the studied taxa. In many cases, only a practicing taxonomist who knows his or her group thoroughly can correctly interpret the molecular data and incorporate them into the existing knowledge system in order to make a taxonomic decision.


The oriental fruit moth Grapholita ( = Cydia) molesta is a key fruit pest globally. Despite its economic importance, little is known about its population genetics in its putative native range that includes China. We used five polymorphic microsatellite loci and two mitochondrial gene sequences to characterize the population genetic diversity and genetic structure of G. molesta from nine sublocations in three regions of a major fruit growing area of China. Larval samples were collected throughout the season from peach, and in late season, after host switch by the moth to pome fruit, also from apple and pear. We found high numbers of microsatellite alleles and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in all regions, together with a high number of private alleles and of haplotypes at all sublocations, providing strong evidence that the sampled area belongs to the origin of this species. Samples collected from peach at all sublocations were geographically structured, and a significant albeit weak pattern of isolation-by-distance was found among populations, likely reflecting the low flight capacity of this moth. Interestingly, populations sampled from apple and pear in the late season showed a structure differing from that of populations sampled from peach throughout the season, indicating a selective host switch of a certain part of the population only. The recently detected various olfactory genotypes in G. molesta may underly this selective host switch. These genetic data yield, for the first time, an understanding of population dynamics of G. molesta in its native range, and of a selective host switch from peach to pome fruit, which may have a broad applicability to other global fruit production areas for designing suitable pest management strategies.  相似文献   

Reproduction of the dominant copepods Centropages typicus andTemora stylifera was studied at a permanent station in the LigurianSea (north-western Mediterranean). Seasonal patterns of eggproduction, clutch size, egg size and female prosome lengthwere followed from January 1998 to December 1999. Female carboncontent and weight-specific egg production were compared inautumn 1998 and spring 1999. Reproductive patterns of C. typicusand T. stylifera were very similar, indicating that reproductionwas affected by the same environmental factors. Reproductiveactivity was highest in autumn in both species and years. Asecond peak of egg production was observed in early summer,which was less intense in 1999 after a bloom of salps. Egg productionrates reached maximal values of 33.5 and 33.3 eggs female–1day–1 and annual means of 10.8 and 11.7 eggs female–1day–1 in Centropages and Temora, respectively. Maximalweight-specific egg production was 0.21 day–1 in bothspecies in November 1998, when female carbon contents were 6.7(C. typicus) and 12.0 µg (T. stylifera). No statisticalrelationship between egg production and food availability ortemperature was detected. Reproductive activity did not reflectthe seasonal abundance patterns, with C. typicus dominatingin spring and T. stylifera in autumn.  相似文献   

Deep mitochondrial divergence within species may result from cryptic speciation, from phylogeographic isolation or from endosymbiotic bacteria like Wolbachia that manipulate host reproduction. Phengaris butterflies are social parasites that spend most of their life in close relationship with ants. Previously, cryptic speciation has been hypothesised for two Phengaris species based on divergent mtDNA sequences. Since Phengaris species are highly endangered, the existence of cryptic species would have drastic consequences for conservation and management. We tested for cryptic speciation and alternative scenarios in P. teleius and P. nausithous based on a comprehensive sample across their Palaearctic ranges using COI gene sequences, nuclear microsatellites and tests for Wolbachia. In both species a deep mitochondrial split occurring 0.65–1.97 myrs ago was observed that did not correspond with microsatellite data but was concordant with Wolbachia infection. Haplotypes previously attributed to cryptic species were part of the Wolbachia-infected clades. In both species remaining phylogeographic structure was largely consistent between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. In P. teleius several mitochondrial and nuclear groups were observed in East Asia while a single haplogroup and nuclear cluster prevailed across continental Eurasia. Neutrality tests suggested rapid demographic expansion into that area. In contrast, P. nausithous had several mitochondrial and nuclear groups in Europe, suggesting a complex phylogeographic history in the western part of the species range. We conclude that deep intraspecific divergences found in DNA barcode studies do not necessarily need to represent cryptic speciation but instead can be due to both infection by Wolbachia and phylogeographic structure.  相似文献   

Eleven isolates of Radopholus similis from various banana-growing areas around the world and one isolate of R. bridgei from turmeric in Indonesia were compared using DNA and isoenzyme analysis. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify a fragment of ribosomal DNA (rDNA), comprising the two internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and the 5.8S gene. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in this rDNA fragment were used to compare the 10 isolates. The analysis of this rDNA region revealed little variation among the isolates tested. However, data also were obtained by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of total DNA, and a hierarchical cluster analysis of these data arranged the R. similis isolates into two clusters. The first cluster consisted of isolates from Nigeria, Cameroon, Queensland, and Costa Rica; the second was comprised of isolates from Guinea, Guadeloupe, the Ivory Coast, Uganda, and Sri Lanka. The isolate of R. bridgei from turmeric in Indonesia appeared to be more divergent. This grouping was consistent with that obtained when phosphate glucose isomerase (PGI) isoenzyme patterns were used to compare the R. similis isolates. The results from both RAPD analysis and PGI isoenzyme studies indicate that two gene pools might exist within the R. similis isolates studied. No correlation could be detected between the genomic diversity as determined by RAPD analysis and either geographic distribution of the isolates or differences in their pathogenicity. The results support the hypothesis that R. similis isolates have been spread with banana-planting material.  相似文献   

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) performs a neuroprotective function by tightly controlling access to the brain; consequently it also impedes access of proteins as well as pharmacological agents to cerebral tissues. We demonstrate here that recombinant human melanotransferrin (P97) is highly accumulated into the mouse brain following intravenous injection and in situ brain perfusion. Moreover, P97 transcytosis across bovine brain capillary endothelial cell (BBCEC) monolayers is at least 14-fold higher than that of holo-transferrin, with no apparent intra-endothelial degradation. This high transcytosis of P97 was not related to changes in the BBCEC monolayer integrity. In addition, the transendothelial transport of P97 was sensitive to temperature and was both concentration- and conformation-dependent, suggesting that the transport of P97 is due to receptor-mediated endocytosis. In spite of the high degree of sequence identity between P97 and transferrin, a different receptor than the one for transferrin is involved in P97 transendothelial transport. A member of the low-density lipoprotein receptor protein family, likely LRP, seems to be involved in P97 transendothelial transport. The brain accumulation, high rate of P97 transcytosis and its very low level in the blood suggest that P97 could be advantageously employed as a new delivery system to target drugs directly to the brain.  相似文献   

UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylases (UAP) function in the formation of extracellular matrix by producing N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues needed for chitin biosynthesis and protein glycosylation. Herein, we report two UAP cDNA’s derived from two different genes (LmUAP1 and LmUAP2) in the migratory locust Locusta migratoria. Both the cDNA and their deduced amino acid sequences showed about 70% identities between the two genes. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that LmUAP1 and LmUAP2 derive from a relatively recent gene duplication event. Both LmUAP1 and LmUAP2 were widely expressed in all the major tissues besides chitin-containing tissues. However, the two genes exhibited different developmental expression patterns. High expression of LmUAP1 was detected during early embryogenesis, then decreased greatly, and slowly increased before egg hatch. During nymphal development, the highest expression of LmUAP1 appeared just after molting but declined in each inter-molting period and then increased before molting to the next stage, whereas LmUAP2 was more consistently expressed throughout all these stages. When the early second- and fifth-instar nymphs (1-day-old) were injected with LmUAP1 double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), 100% mortality was observed 2 days after the injection. When the middle second- and fifth-instar nymphs (3- to 4-day-old) were injected with LmUAP1 dsRNA, 100% mortality was observed during their next molting process. In contrast, when the insects at the same stages were injected with LmUAP2 dsRNA, these insects were able to develop normally and molt to the next stage successfully. It is presumed that the lethality caused by RNAi of LmUAP1 is due to reduced chitin biosynthesis of the integument and midgut, whereas LmUAP2 is not essential for locust development at least in nymph stage. This study is expected to help better understand different functions of UAP1 and UAP2 in the locust and other insect species.  相似文献   

The opportunistic human pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii is a concern to health care systems worldwide because of its persistence in clinical settings and the growing frequency of multiple drug resistant infections. To combat this threat, it is necessary to understand factors associated with disease and environmental persistence of A. baumannii. Recently, it was shown that a single biosynthetic pathway was responsible for the generation of capsule polysaccharide and O-linked protein glycosylation. Because of the requirement of these carbohydrates for virulence and the non-template driven nature of glycan biogenesis we investigated the composition, diversity, and properties of the Acinetobacter glycoproteome. Utilizing global and targeted mass spectrometry methods, we examined 15 strains and found extensive glycan diversity in the O-linked glycoproteome of Acinetobacter. Comparison of the 26 glycoproteins identified revealed that different A. baumannii strains target similar protein substrates, both in characteristics of the sites of O-glycosylation and protein identity. Surprisingly, glycan micro-heterogeneity was also observed within nearly all isolates examined demonstrating glycan heterogeneity is a widespread phenomena in Acinetobacter O-linked glycosylation. By comparing the 11 main glycoforms and over 20 alternative glycoforms characterized within the 15 strains, trends within the glycan utilized for O-linked glycosylation could be observed. These trends reveal Acinetobacter O-linked glycosylation favors short (three to five residue) glycans with limited branching containing negatively charged sugars such as GlcNAc3NAcA4OAc or legionaminic/pseudaminic acid derivatives. These observations suggest that although highly diverse, the capsule/O-linked glycan biosynthetic pathways generate glycans with similar characteristics across all A. baumannii.Acinetobacter baumannii is an emerging opportunistic pathogen of increasing significance to health care institutions worldwide (13). The growing number of identified multiple drug resistant (MDR)1 strains (24), the ability of isolates to rapidly acquire resistance (3, 4), and the propensity of this agent to survive harsh environmental conditions (5) account for the increasing number of outbreaks in intensive care, burn, or high dependence health care units since the 1970s (25). The burden on the global health care system of MDR A. baumannii is further exacerbated by standard infection control measures often being insufficient to quell the spread of A. baumannii to high risk individuals and generally failing to remove A. baumannii from health care institutions (5). Because of these concerns, there is an urgent need to identify strategies to control A. baumannii as well as understand the mechanisms that enable its persistence in health care environments.Surface glycans have been identified as key virulence factors related to persistence and virulence within the clinical setting (68). Acinetobacter surface carbohydrates were first identified and studied in A. venetianus strain RAG-1, leading to the identification of a gene locus required for synthesis and export of the surface carbohydrates (9, 10). These carbohydrate synthesis loci are variable yet ubiquitous in A. baumannii (11, 12). Comparison of 12 known capsule structures from A. baumannii with the sequences of their carbohydrate synthesis loci has provided strong evidence that these loci are responsible for capsule synthesis with as many as 77 distinct serotypes identified by molecular serotyping (11). Because of the non-template driven nature of glycan synthesis, the identification and characterization of the glycans themselves are required to confirm the true diversity. This diversity has widespread implications for Acinetobacter biology as the resulting carbohydrate structures are not solely used for capsule biosynthesis but can be incorporated and utilized by other ubiquitous systems, such as O-linked protein glycosylation (13, 14).Although originally thought to be restricted to species such as Campylobacter jejuni (15, 16) and Neisseria meningitidis (17), bacterial protein glycosylation is now recognized as a common phenomenon within numerous pathogens and commensal bacteria (18, 19). Unlike eukaryotic glycosylation where robust and high-throughput technologies now exist to enrich (2022) and characterize both the glycan and peptide component of glycopeptides (2325), the diversity (glycan composition and linkage) within bacterial glycosylation systems makes few technologies broadly applicable to all bacterial glycoproteins. Because of this challenge a deeper understanding of the glycan diversity and substrates of glycosylation has been largely unachievable for the majority of known bacterial glycosylation systems. The recent implementation of selective glycopeptide enrichment methods (26, 27) and the use of multiple fragmentation approaches (28, 29) has facilitated identification of an increasing number of glycosylation substrates independent of prior knowledge of the glycan structure (3033). These developments have facilitated the undertaking of comparative glycosylation studies, revealing glycosylation is widespread in diverse genera and far more diverse then initially thought. For example, Nothaft et al. were able to show N-linked glycosylation was widespread in the Campylobacter genus and that two broad groupings of the N-glycans existed (34).During the initial characterization of A. baumannii O-linked glycosylation the use of selective enrichment of glycopeptides followed by mass spectrometry analysis with multiple fragmentation technologies was found to be an effective means to identify multiple glycosylated substrates in the strain ATCC 17978 (14). Interestingly in this strain, the glycan utilized for protein modification was identical to a single subunit of the capsule (13) and the loss of either protein glycosylation or glycan synthesis lead to decreases in biofilm formation and virulence (13, 14). Because of the diversity in the capsule carbohydrate synthesis loci and the ubiquitous distribution of the PglL O-oligosaccharyltransferase required for protein glycosylation, we hypothesized that the glycan variability might be also extended to O-linked glycosylation. This diversity, although common in surface carbohydrates such as the lipopolysaccharide of numerous Gram-negative pathogens (35), has only recently been observed within bacterial proteins glycosylation system that are typically conserved within species (36) and loosely across genus (34, 37).In this study, we explored the diversity within the O-linked protein glycosylation systems of Acinetobacter species. Our analysis complements the recent in silico studies of A. baumannii showing extensive glycan diversity exists in the carbohydrate synthesis loci (11, 12). Employing global strategies for the analysis of glycosylation, we experimentally demonstrate that the variation in O-glycan structure extends beyond the genetic diversity predicted by the carbohydrate loci alone and targets proteins of similar properties and identity. Using this knowledge, we developed a targeted approach for the detection of protein glycosylation, enabling streamlined analysis of glycosylation within a range of genetic backgrounds. We determined that; O-linked glycosylation is widespread in clinically relevant Acinetobacter species; inter- and intra-strain heterogeneity exist within glycan structures; glycan diversity, although extensive results in the generation of glycans with similar properties and that the utilization of a single glycan for capsule and O-linked glycosylation is a general feature of A. baumannii but may not be a general characteristic of all Acinetobacter species such as A. baylyi.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci is an important agricultural pest with worldwide distribution and host preference. Therefore, understanding the biology of this pest is important to devise specific pest control strategies. The antennae of herbivorous insects play an important role in the identification of hosts using plant volatiles. To understand the features of antennae in B. tabaci MEAM 1(formerly known as biotype ‘B’) and MED (formerly known as biotype ‘Q’), the morphology and distribution of the antennal sensilla were examined using scanning electron micrographs. The results showed that the average antennae length in MEAM 1 was longer than MED. No differences were observed in the number and distribution of antennal sensilla in MEAM 1 and MED antennae; each antenna had nine different types of sensilla. Both cryptic species possessed Microtrichia, Grooved surface trichodea sensilla, Chaetae sensilla, Coeloconic sensillaⅠandⅡ, Basiconic sensilla Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ and Finger-like sensilla. This is the first report of Grooved surface trichodea sensilla and Basiconic sensilla Ⅱ on B. tabaci flies. The numbers of Chaetae sensilla were different in the females and males of MEAM 1 and MED, which females having 5 and males containing 7. The surface structure of Basiconic sensilla Ⅰ was different with MEAM 1 showing a multiple-pitted linen surface and MED showing a multiple-pitted pocking surface. Basiconic sensillaⅡ were double in one socket with the longer one having a multiple-pitted surface and the shorter one with a smooth surface. Basiconic Ⅲ and Finger-like sensillae were longer in MEAM 1 antennae than in MED antennae. Our results are expected to further the studies that link morphological characteristics to insect behavior and help devise strategies to control insect pests.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) play an important role in detoxification of xenobiotics in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In this study, four GSTs (LmGSTd1, LmGSTs5, LmGSTt1, and LmGSTu1) representing different classes were identified from the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. These four proteins were heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli as soluble fusion proteins, purified by Ni2+-nitrilotriacetic acid agarose column and biochemically characterized. LmGSTd1, LmGSTs5, and LmGSTu1 showed high activities with 1-chloro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB), detectable activity with p-nitro-benzyl chloride (p-NBC) and 1, 2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene (DCNB), whereas LmGSTt1 showed high activity with p-NBC and detectable activity with CDNB. The optimal pH of the locust GSTs ranged between 7.0 to 9.0. Ethacrynic acid and reactive blue effectively inhibited all four GSTs. LmGSTs5 was most sensitive to heavy metals (Cu2+ and Cd2+). The maximum expression of the four GSTs was observed in Malpighian tubules and fat bodies as evaluated by western blot. The nymph mortalities after carbaryl treatment increased by 28 and 12% after LmGSTs5 and LmGSTu1 were silenced, respectively. The nymph mortalities after malathion and chlorpyrifos treatments increased by 26 and 18% after LmGSTs5 and LmGSTu1 were silenced, respectively. These results suggest that sigma GSTs in L. migratoria play a significant role in carbaryl detoxification, whereas some of other GSTs may also involve in the detoxification of carbaryl and chlorpyrifos.  相似文献   

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