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Teleost fish express highly diverse naive TCRβ (TRB) repertoires and mount strong public and private clonal responses upon infection with pathogens. Fish T cells express typical markers such as CD8, CD4-1 and CD4-2, CD3, CD28 and CTLA4. Fish CD8+ T cells have been shown to be responsible for antigen-specific cell-mediated cytotoxicity in in vitro systems using histo-compatible effector and target cells. We compare here the complexity of TRB repertoires between FACS sorted CD8+ and CD8 T cells from spleen and pronephros of rainbow trout. In contrast to human, while the TRB repertoire is highly diverse and polyclonal in CD8+ T cells of naïve fish, it appeared very different in CD8 lymphocytes with irregular CDR3 length distributions suggesting a dominance of activated clones already in naïve fish or the presence of non conventional T cells. After infection with a systemic virus, CD8+ T cells mount a typical response with significant skewing of CDR3 length profiles. The infection also induces significant modifications of the TRB repertoire expressed by the CD8 fraction, but for a different set of V/J combinations. In this fraction, the antiviral response results in an increase of the peak diversity of spectratypes. This unusual observation reflects the presence of a number of T cell expansions that rise the relative importance of minor peaks of the highly skewed distributions observed in unchallenged animals. These results suggest that the diversity of TRB expressed by CD8+ and CD8 αβ T cells may be subjected to different regulatory patterns in fish and in mammals.  相似文献   

Comprehensive immunological evaluation is crucial for monitoring patients undergoing antigen-specific cancer immunotherapy. The identification and quantification of T cell responses is most important for the further development of such therapies. Using well-characterized clinical samples from a high responder patient (TK-f01) in an NY-ESO-1f peptide vaccine study, we performed high-throughput T cell receptor β-chain (TCRB) gene next generation sequencing (NGS) to monitor the frequency of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T cells. We compared these results with those of conventional immunological assays, such as IFN-γ capture, tetramer binding and limiting dilution clonality assays. We sequenced human TCRB complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) rearrangements of two NY-ESO-1f-specific CD8+ T cell clones, 6-8L and 2F6, as well as PBMCs over the course of peptide vaccination. Clone 6-8L possessed the TCRB CDR3 gene TCRBV11-03*01 and BJ02-01*01 with amino acid sequence CASSLRGNEQFF, whereas 2F6 possessed TCRBV05-08*01 and BJ02-04*01 (CASSLVGTNIQYF). Using these two sequences as models, we evaluated the frequency of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T cells in PBMCs ex vivo. The 6-8L CDR3 sequence was the second most frequent in PBMC and was present at high frequency (0.7133%) even prior to vaccination, and sustained over the course of vaccination. Despite a marked expansion of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T cells detected from the first through 6th vaccination by tetramer staining and IFN-γ capture assays, as evaluated by CDR3 sequencing the frequency did not increase with increasing rounds of peptide vaccination. By clonal analysis using 12 day in vitro stimulation, the frequency of B*52:01-restricted NY-ESO-1f peptide-specific CD8+ T cells in PBMCs was estimated as only 0.0023%, far below the 0.7133% by NGS sequencing. Thus, assays requiring in vitro stimulation might be underestimating the frequency of clones with lower proliferation potential. High-throughput TCRB sequencing using NGS can potentially better estimate the actual frequency of antigen-specific T cells and thus provide more accurate patient monitoring.  相似文献   

Human CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ T regulatory cells (Tregs) control effector T cells and play a central role in peripheral tolerance and immune homeostasis. Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is a major immunomodulatory molecule, but its effect on the functions of Tregs is not well understood. To investigate target-dependent and –independent Treg functions, we studied cytokine expression, regulation of proliferation and cytotoxicity after exposure of Tregs to HSP70. HSP70-treated Tregs significantly inhibited proliferation of CD4+CD25 target cells and downregulated the secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines IFN-γ and TNF-α. By contrast, HSP70 increased the secretion of Treg suppressor cytokines IL-10 and TGF-β. Treatment with HSP70 enhanced the cytotoxic properties of Tregs only to a minor extent (4-fold), but led to stronger responses in CD4+CD25 cells (42-fold). HSP70-induced modulation of T-cell responses was further enhanced by combined treatment with HSP70 plus IL-2. Treatment of Tregs with HSP70 led to phosphorylation of PI3K/AKT and the MAPKs JNK and p38, but not that of ERK1/2. Exposure of Tregs to specific inhibitors of PI3K/AKT and the MAPKs JNK and p38 reduced the immunosuppressive function of HSP70-treated Tregs as indicated by the modified secretion of specific target cell (IFN-γ, TNF-α) and suppressor cytokines (IL-10, TGF-β). Taken together, the data show that HSP70 enhances the suppressive capacity of Tregs to neutralize target immune cells. Thus HSP70-enhanced suppression of Tregs may prevent exaggerated immune responses and may play a major role in maintaining immune homeostasis.  相似文献   

In mice implanted with an osmotic pump filled with the superantigen (SAG) staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA), the Vβ3+CD4+ T cells exhibited a high level of expansion whereas the Vβ11+CD4+ T cells exhibited a mild level of expansion. In contrast, in mice implanted with an osmotic pump filled with SE-like type P (SElP, 78.1% homologous with SEA), the Vβ11+CD4+ T cells exhibited a high level of expansion while the Vβ3+CD4+ T cells exhibited a low level of expansion, suggesting that the level of the SAG-induced response is determined by the affinities between the TCR Vβ molecules and SAG. Analyses using several hybrids of SEA and SElP showed that residue 206 of SEA determines the response levels of Vβ3+CD4+ and Vβ11+CD4+ T cells both in vitro and in vivo. Analyses using the above-mentioned hybrids showed that the binding affinities between SEA and the Vβ3/Vβ11 β chains and between SEA-MHC class II-molecule complex and Vβ3+/Vβ11+ CD4+ T cells determines the response levels of the SAG-reactive T cells both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

In the veterinary field, only limited information is available about interleukin-17A (IL-17), despite the fact that this cytokine plays an important role during pro-inflammatory immune responses and induces the production of chemotactic factors for neutrophils. The aim of this study was to characterize porcine IL-17-producing cells. We tested the cross-reactivity of five anti-human IL-17 monoclonal antibodies because such antibodies against porcine IL-17 are currently unavailable. Whole blood cells (WBCs) were stimulated with phorbol-myristate-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin and subsequently analyzed by flow cytometry. The antibody clone SCPL1362 was found to cross-react with porcine IL-17, whereas the other four antibodies tested did not recognize this cytokine. Using this antibody, we characterized porcine WBC-secreting IL-17 after PMA and ionomycin stimulation. All IL-17-producing WBCs were positive for the T lymphocyte marker CD3. Myeloid cells (CD172α(+)) and B lymphocytes (CD79α(+)) were IL-17 negative. The major subset of IL-17 positive T lymphocytes was the CD4(+) lymphocytes (about 60% of all IL-17 positive WBCs). The remaining IL-17 positive WBCs were γδTCR(+) lymphocytes. CD8 positive and CD8 negative cells were found within both CD4(+) and γδTCR(+) cells producing the cytokine. Moreover, IL-17 positive cells were mostly CD45RA negative, therefore activated cells or memory cells. Flow cytometry data were confirmed using sorted cells. Both sorted CD4(+) and γδTCR(+) cells produced IL-17 at mRNA level after PMA and ionomycin stimulation while double negative CD4(-)γδTCR(-) cells were negative for IL-17. We can conclude that only two subpopulations of porcine WBCs are sources of IL-17 after non-specific stimulation: CD3(+)CD4(+) and CD3(+)γδTCR(+).  相似文献   

Humanized mice, which are generated by transplanting human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells into immunodeficient mice, are expected to be useful for the research on human immune responses. It is reported that antigen-specific T cell responses occur in immunodeficient mice transplanted with both human fetal thymus/liver tissues and CD34+ fetal cells, but it remains unclear whether antigen-specific T cell responses occur in those transplanted with only human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Here we investigated the differentiation and function of human CD8+ T cells reconstituted in NOD/SCID/Jak3−/− mice transplanted with human CD34+ HSCs (hNOK mice). Multicolor flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that human CD8+ T cells generated from the CD34+ HSCs comprised only 3 subtypes, i.e., CD27highCD28+CD45RA+CCR7+, CD27+CD28+CD45RACCR7+, and CD27+CD28+CD45RACCR7 and had 3 phenotypes for 3 lytic molecules, i.e., perforin(Per)granzymeA(GraA)granzymeB(GraB), PerGraA+GraB, and PerlowGraA+GraB+. These CD8+ T cells failed to produce IFN-γ and to proliferate after stimulation with alloantigens. These results indicate that the antigen-specific T cell response cannot be elicited in mice transplanted with only human CD34+ HSCs, because the T cells fail to develop normally in such mice.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, the dichotomy between innate and adaptive immune responses has largely dominated our understanding of immunology. Upon primary encounter with microbial pathogens, differentiation of adaptive immune cells into functional effectors usually takes several days or even longer, making them contribute to host protection only late during primary infection. However, once generated, antigen-experienced T lymphocytes can persist in the organism and constitute a pool of memory cells that mediate fast and effective protection to a recall infection with the same microbial pathogen. Herein, we challenge this classical paradigm by highlighting the “innate nature” of memory CD8+ T cells. First, within the thymus or in the periphery, naïve CD8+ T cells may acquire phenotypic and functional characteristics of memory CD8+ T cells independently of challenge with foreign antigens. Second, both the “unconventional” and the “conventional” memory cells can rapidly express protective effector functions in response to sets of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines signals, independent of cognate antigen triggering. Third, memory CD8+ T cells can act by orchestrating the recruitment, activation, and licensing of innate cells, leading to broad antimicrobial states. Thus, collectively, memory CD8+ T cells may represent important actors of innate immune defenses.  相似文献   



Lepromatous leprosy caused by Mycobacterium leprae is associated with antigen specific T cell unresponsiveness/anergy whose underlying mechanisms are not fully defined. We investigated the role of CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells in both skin lesions and M.leprae stimulated PBMC cultures of 28 each of freshly diagnosed patients with borderline tuberculoid (BT) and lepromatous leprosy (LL) as well as 7 healthy household contacts of leprosy patients and 4 normal skin samples.

Methodology/Principle Findings

Quantitative reverse transcribed PCR (qPCR), immuno-histochemistry/flowcytometry and ELISA were used respectively for gene expression, phenotype characterization and cytokine levels in PBMC culture supernatants. Both skin lesions as well as in vitro antigen stimulated PBMC showed increased percentage/mean fluorescence intensity of cells and higher gene expression for FOXP3+, TGF-β in lepromatous (p<0.01) as compared to tuberculoid leprosy patients. CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T cells (Tregs) were increased in unstimulated basal cultures (p<0.0003) and showed further increase in in vitro antigen but not mitogen (phytohemaglutinin) stimulated PBMC (iTreg) in lepromatous as compared to tuberculoid leprosy patients (p<0.002). iTregs of lepromatous patients showed intracellular TGF-β which was further confirmed by increase in TGF-β in culture supernatants (p<0.003). Furthermore, TGF-β in iTreg cells was associated with phosphorylation of STAT5A. TGF-β was seen in CD25+ cells of the CD4+ but not that of CD8+ T cell lineage in leprosy patients. iTregs did not show intracellular IFN-γ or IL-17 in lepromatous leprosy patients.


Our results indicate that FOXP3+ iTregs with TGF-β may down regulate T cell responses leading to the antigen specific anergy associated with lepromatous leprosy.  相似文献   



Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a human retrovirus associated with both HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), which is a chronic neuroinflammatory disease, and adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). The pathogenesis of HAM/TSP is known to be as follows: HTLV-1-infected T cells trigger a hyperimmune response leading to neuroinflammation. However, the HTLV-1-infected T cell subset that plays a major role in the accelerated immune response has not yet been identified.

Principal Findings

Here, we demonstrate that CD4+CD25+CCR4+ T cells are the predominant viral reservoir, and their levels are increased in HAM/TSP patients. While CCR4 is known to be selectively expressed on T helper type 2 (Th2), Th17, and regulatory T (Treg) cells in healthy individuals, we demonstrate that IFN-γ production is extraordinarily increased and IL-4, IL-10, IL-17, and Foxp3 expression is decreased in the CD4+CD25+CCR4+ T cells of HAM/TSP patients as compared to those in healthy individuals, and the alteration in function is specific to this cell subtype. Notably, the frequency of IFN-γ-producing CD4+CD25+CCR4+Foxp3 T cells is dramatically increased in HAM/TSP patients, and this was found to be correlated with disease activity and severity.


We have defined a unique T cell subset—IFN-γ+CCR4+CD4+CD25+ T cells—that is abnormally increased and functionally altered in this retrovirus-associated inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

CD4~ CD25~ T cells play a major role in modulating immune response,but few reports havebeen published about schistosomiasis.Here,we investigated the changes in CD4~ CD25~ T cell populations inspleens and mesenteric lymph nodes of mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum.The proportions ofCD4~ CD25~ T cells in total CD4~ T cells were analyzed by flow cytometry.CD25 and Foxp3 expression wasmeasured by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction.The suppressive activities of CD4~ CD25~ Tcells were detected by in vitro proliferation of splenocytes.Evidence showed that the percentage of CD4~ CD25~ T cells was the same as controls 3 weeks post-infection.At the acute stage of infection,the percentagedecreased significantly.However,at the chronic stage of infection,it rebounded to normal levels or evenhigher.The expression of the CD25 and Foxp3 showed gradual increase along with the infection progress.Invitro experiment also showed the strong suppressive effect of CD4~ CD25~ T cells,isolated during the chronicstage,on proliferation of the CD25~-splenocytes.This is the first time that the dynamics of CD4~ CD25~ T cellpopulations was demonstrated in mice infected with schistosomiasis.In conclusion,our data indicated thatCD4~ CD25~ cells might be involved in the immune modulation during S.japonicum infection,which en-hances current knowledge of the mechanisms of the immuno-downregulation and re-infection inschistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Cytokines are critical messengers that control the differentiation of Th cells. To evaluate their impact on the fate of human naive CD4(+) T cells from cord and adult blood, early T cell differentiation was monitored after T cell activation in the presence of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Interestingly, the analysis of Th cell lineage-specific molecules revealed that IL-1β on its own mediates differentiation of Th cells that secrete a wide range of proinflammatory cytokines and stably express CD69, STAT1, IFN-γ, and IL-17. Notably, our data suggest that IL-1β induces Th17 cells independent of RORC upregulation. In contrast, TGF-β that triggers RORC prevents Th17 cell development. This suppressive function of TGF-β is characterized by inhibition of STAT1, STAT3, and CD69. However, after repeated anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 stimulation, we observe that TGF-β provokes an increase in Th17 cells that presumably relies on reactivation of a default pathway by preferential inhibition of IFN-γ. Hence, our data extend the view that the principal cytokines for determining Th cell fate are IL-12 for the Th1 lineage, IL-4 for the Th2 lineage, and TGF-β in conjunction with IL-6 for the Th17 lineage. We propose that IL-1β induces a general proinflammatory Th cell precursor that, in the presence of the lineage-specifying cytokines, further differentiates into one of the specific Th cell subpopulations.  相似文献   



Double negative CD3+48 TCRαβ splenic cells (DNCD3) can suppress the immune responses to allo and xenografts, infectious agents, tumors, and some autoimmune disorders. However, little is known about their role in autoimmune diabetes, a disease characterized by the reduction of insulin production subsequent to destruction of pancreatic β-cells by a polyclonal population of self-reactive T-cells. Herein, we analyzed the function and phenotype of DNCD3 splenic cells in young NOD mice predisposed to several autoimmune disorders among which, the human-like autoimmune diabetes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

DNCD3 splenic cells from young NOD mice (1) provided long-lasting protection against diabetes transfer in NOD/Scid immunodeficient mice, (2) proliferated and differentiated in the spleen and pancreas of NOD/Scid mice and pre-diabetic NOD mice into IL-10-secreting TR-1 like cells in a Th2-like environment, and (3) their anti-diabetogenic phenotype is CD3+(CD4CD8)CD28+CD69+CD25low Foxp3 iCTLA-4TCRαβ+ with a predominant Vβ13 gene usage.


These findings delineate a new T regulatory component in autoimmune diabetes apart from that of NKT and CD4+CD25high Foxp3+T-regulatory cells. DNCD3 splenic cells could be potentially manipulated towards the development of autologous cell therapies in autoimmune diabetes.  相似文献   



Regulatory T cells (Tregs) were shown to be central in maintaining immunological homeostasis and preventing the development of autoimmune diseases. Several subsets of Tregs have been identified to date; however, the dynamics of the interactions between these subsets, and their implications on their regulatory functions are yet to be elucidated.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We employed a combination of mathematical modeling and frequent in vivo measurements of several T cell subsets. Healthy BALB/c mice received a single injection of either hCDR1 - a tolerogenic peptide previously shown to induce Tregs, a control peptide or vehicle alone, and were monitored for 16 days. During this period, splenocytes from the treated mice were analyzed for the levels of CD4, CD25, CD8, CD28 and Foxp3. The collected data were then fitted to mathematical models, in order to test competing hypotheses regarding the interactions between the followed T cell subsets. In all 3 treatment groups, a significant, lasting, non-random perturbation of the immune system could be observed. Our analysis predicted the emergence of functional CD4 Tregs based on inverse oscillations of the latter and CD4+CD25 cells. Furthermore, CD4 Tregs seemed to require a sufficiently high level of CD8 Tregs in order to become functional, while conversion was unlikely to be their major source. Our results indicated in addition that Foxp3 is not a sufficient marker for regulatory activity.


In this work, we unraveled the dynamics of the interplay between CD4, CD8 Tregs and effector T cells, using, for the first time, a mathematical-mechanistic perspective in the analysis of Treg kinetics. Furthermore, the results obtained from this interdisciplinary approach supported the notion that CD4 Tregs need to interact with CD8 Tregs in order to become functional. Finally, we generated predictions regarding the time-dependent function of Tregs, which can be further tested empirically in future work.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells producing interferon-γ are crucial for protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and are the cornerstone of tuberculosis vaccination and immunological diagnostic assays. Since emerging evidence indicates that B cells can modulate T cell responses to M. tuberculosis infection, we investigated the contribution of B cells in regulating interferon-γ recall response by memory Thelper1 cells specific for Ag85B, a leading candidate for tuberculosis sub-unit vaccines. We found that B cells were able to maximize the reactivation of CD4+ memory T cells and the interferon-γ response against ex vivo antigen recall in spleens of mice vaccinated with Ag85B. B cell-mediated increase of interferon-γ response was particular evident for high interferon-γ producer CD4+ memory T cells, likely because those T cells were required for triggering and amplification of B cell activation. A positive-feedback loop of mutual activation between B cells, not necessarily antigen-experienced but with integral phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) pathway and a peculiar interferon-γ-producing CD4highT cell subset was established. Programed death-ligand 2 (PD-L2), expressed both on B and the highly activated CD4high T cells, contributed to the increase of interferon-γ recall response through a PD1-independent pathway. In B cell-deficient mice, interferon-γ production and activation of Ag85B-specific CD4+ T cells were blunted against ex vivo antigen recall but these responses could be restored by adding B cells. On the other hand, B cells appeared to down-regulate interleukin-22 recall response. Our data point out that nature of antigen presenting cells determines quality and size of T cell cytokine recall responses. Thus, antigen presenting cells, including B cells, deserve to be considered for a better prediction of cytokine responses by peripheral memory T cells specific for M. tuberculosis antigens. We also invite to consider B cells, PD-L2 and PI3K as potential targets for therapeutic modulation of T cell cytokine responses for tuberculosis control.  相似文献   

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