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Generation of force and movement by actomyosin cross-bridges is the molecular basis of muscle contraction, but generally accepted ideas about cross-bridge properties have recently been questioned. Of the utmost significance, evidence for nonlinear cross-bridge elasticity has been presented. We here investigate how this and other newly discovered or postulated phenomena would modify cross-bridge operation, with focus on post-power-stroke events. First, as an experimental basis, we present evidence for a hyperbolic [MgATP]-velocity relationship of heavy-meromyosin-propelled actin filaments in the in vitro motility assay using fast rabbit skeletal muscle myosin (28–29°C). As the hyperbolic [MgATP]-velocity relationship was not consistent with interhead cooperativity, we developed a cross-bridge model with independent myosin heads and strain-dependent interstate transition rates. The model, implemented with inclusion of MgATP-independent detachment from the rigor state, as suggested by previous single-molecule mechanics experiments, accounts well for the [MgATP]-velocity relationship if nonlinear cross-bridge elasticity is assumed, but not if linear cross-bridge elasticity is assumed. In addition, a better fit is obtained with load-independent than with load-dependent MgATP-induced detachment rate. We discuss our results in relation to previous data showing a nonhyperbolic [MgATP]-velocity relationship when actin filaments are propelled by myosin subfragment 1 or full-length myosin. We also consider the implications of our results for characterization of the cross-bridge elasticity in the filament lattice of muscle.  相似文献   

We examined whether cross-bridge cycle models with one or two tension-generating steps can account for the force-velocity relation of and tension response to length steps of frog skeletal muscle. Transition-state theory defined the strain dependence of the rate constants. The filament stiffness was non-Hookean. Models were refined against experimental data by simulated annealing and downhill simplex runs. Models with one tension-generating step were rejected, as they had a low efficiency and fitted the experimental data relatively poorly. The best model with two tension-generating steps (stroke distances 5.6 and 4.6 nm) and a cross-bridge stiffness of 1.7 pN/nm gave a good account of the experimental data. The two tensing steps allow an efficiency of up to 38% during shortening. In an isometric contraction, 54.7% of the attached heads were in a pre-tension-generating state, 44.5% of the attached heads had undergone the first tension-generating step, and only 0.8% had undergone both tension-generating steps; they bore 34%, 64%, and 2%, respectively, of the isometric tension. During slow shortening, the second tensing step made a greater contribution. During lengthening, up to 93% of the attached heads were in a pre-tension-generating state yet bore elevated tension by being dragged to high strains before detaching.  相似文献   

We examined whether cross-bridge cycle models with one or two tension-generating steps can account for the force-velocity relation of and tension response to length steps of frog skeletal muscle. Transition-state theory defined the strain dependence of the rate constants. The filament stiffness was non-Hookean. Models were refined against experimental data by simulated annealing and downhill simplex runs. Models with one tension-generating step were rejected, as they had a low efficiency and fitted the experimental data relatively poorly. The best model with two tension-generating steps (stroke distances 5.6 and 4.6 nm) and a cross-bridge stiffness of 1.7 pN/nm gave a good account of the experimental data. The two tensing steps allow an efficiency of up to 38% during shortening. In an isometric contraction, 54.7% of the attached heads were in a pre-tension-generating state, 44.5% of the attached heads had undergone the first tension-generating step, and only 0.8% had undergone both tension-generating steps; they bore 34%, 64%, and 2%, respectively, of the isometric tension. During slow shortening, the second tensing step made a greater contribution. During lengthening, up to 93% of the attached heads were in a pre-tension-generating state yet bore elevated tension by being dragged to high strains before detaching.  相似文献   

Titin is the third most abundant protein in sarcomeres and fulfills a number of mechanical and signaling functions. Specifically, titin is responsible for most of the passive forces in sarcomeres and the passive visco-elastic behaviour of myofibrils and muscles. It has been suggested, based on mechanical testing of isolated titin molecules, that titin is an essentially elastic spring if Ig domain un/refolding is prevented either by working at short titin lengths, prior to any unfolding of Ig domains, or at long sarcomere (and titin) lengths when Ig domain un/refolding is effectively prevented. However, these properties of titin, and by extension of muscles, have not been tested with titin in its natural structural environment within a sarcomere. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the Ig domain un/refolding kinetics and test the idea that titin could behave essentially elastically at any sarcomere length by preventing Ig domain un/refolding during passive stretch-shortening cycles. Although not completely successful, we demonstrate here that titin’s visco-elastic properties appear to depend on the Ig domain un/refolding kinetics and that indeed, titin (and thus myofibrils) can become virtually elastic when Ig domain un/refolding is prevented.  相似文献   

Amrinone is a bipyridine compound with characteristic effects on the force-velocity relationship of fast skeletal muscle, including a reduction in the maximum shortening velocity and increased maximum isometric force. Here we performed experiments to elucidate the molecular mechanisms for these effects, with the additional aim to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the force-velocity relationship. In vitro motility assays established that amrinone reduces the sliding velocity of heavy meromyosin-propelled actin filaments by 30% at different ionic strengths of the assay solution. Stopped-flow studies of myofibrils, heavy meromyosin and myosin subfragment 1, showed that the effects on sliding speed were not because of a reduced rate of ATP-induced actomyosin dissociation because the rate of this process was increased by amrinone. Moreover, optical tweezers studies could not detect any amrinone-induced changes in the working stroke length. In contrast, the ADP affinity of acto-heavy meromyosin was increased about 2-fold by 1 mm amrinone. Similar effects were not observed for acto-subfragment 1. Together with the other findings, this suggests that the amrinone-induced reduction in sliding velocity is attributed to inhibition of a strain-dependent ADP release step. Modeling results show that such an effect may account for the amrinone-induced changes of the force-velocity relationship. The data emphasize the importance of the rate of a strain-dependent ADP release step in influencing the maximum sliding velocity in fast skeletal muscle. The data also lead us to discuss the possible importance of cooperative interactions between the two myosin heads in muscle contraction.Muscle contraction, as well as several other aspects of cell motility, results from cyclic interactions between myosin II motors and actin filaments. These force-generating interactions are driven by the hydrolysis of ATP at the myosin active site as outlined in Scheme 1 (13). In the absence of actin, the Pi and ADP release steps (k4 and k5) are rate-limiting for the entire cycle at high (>12 °C) and low temperatures, respectively (46). In the presence of actin, the rate of Pi release increases significantly, and the overall cycle is accelerated more than 2 orders of magnitude. The sliding velocity of myosin-propelled motors is generally believed to be rate-limited by actomyosin dissociation (rate constant k5, k6, or k2 in Scheme 1) (7). Alternatively, some studies (8, 9) have suggested that the sliding velocity is determined by the fraction of myosin heads in the weak-binding states, AM4 ATP and AM ADP Pi. However, it is worth emphasizing that KT is very low under physiological conditions (1, 3) with low population of these states. For the same reason, the rate of dissociation of the AM complex is governed by K1 and k2.Open in a separate windowSCHEME 1.Simplified kinetics scheme for MgATP turnover by myosin (lower row) and actomyosin (upper row). Inorganic phosphate is denoted by Pi; MgATP is denoted by ATP, and MgADP is denoted by ADP; myosin is denoted by M. The states AM*ADP and AM ADP correspond to myosin heads with their nucleotide binding pocket in a partially closed and open conformation, respectively (7, 52). Rate constants are indicated by lowercase letters (rightward transitions, k2k5 and k2k5, or leftward transitions, k−2k−5 and k−2k−5) and equilibrium constants by uppercase letters (K1, K1, KT, K3, K3, K6, k6, and KDP). The equilibrium constants are association constants except for simple bimolecular reactions where they are defined as ki/ki.For the study of contractile mechanisms in both muscle and other types of cells, drugs may be useful as pharmacological tools affecting different transitions or states in the force-generating cycle. Whereas the use of drugs as tools may be less specific than site-directed mutagenesis, it also has advantages. The motor protein function may be studied in vivo, with maintained ordering of the protein components, e.g. as in the muscle sarcomere, allowing more insight into the relationship between specific molecular events and contractile properties of muscle. A drug that has been used quite extensively in this context is butanedione monoxime. The usefulness of this drug is based on firm characterization of its effect on actomyosin function on the molecular level (3, 1013). More recently other drugs, like N-benzyl-p-toluene sulfonamide (14, 15) and blebbistatin (16), have been found to affect myosin function, and their effects at the molecular level have also been elucidated in some detail (14, 15, 17, 18). Both these drugs appear to affect the actomyosin interaction in a similar way as butanedione monoxime by inhibiting a step before (or very early in) the myosin power stroke, leading to the inhibition of actomyosin cross-bridge formation and force production.In contrast to the reduced isometric force, caused by the above mentioned drugs, the bipyridine compound amrinone (Fig. 1A) has been found to increase the isometric force production of fast intact skeletal muscles of the frog (19, 20) and mouse (21) and also of fast (but much less slow) skinned muscle fibers of the rat (22). In all the fast myosin preparations, the effect of about 1 mm amrinone on isometric force was associated with characteristic changes of the force-velocity relationship (Fig. 1B), including a reduced maximum velocity of shortening (1922) and a reduced curvature of the force-velocity relationship (1922). The latter effect was accompanied (20, 21) by a less pronounced deviation of the force-velocity relationship from the hyperbolic shape (23) at high loads. There have been different interpretations of the drug effects. It has been proposed (2022) that amrinone might competitively inhibit the MgATP binding by myosin. However, more recently, results from in vitro motility assay experiments (24) challenged this idea. These results showed that amrinone reduces the sliding velocity (Vmax) at saturating MgATP concentrations but not at MgATP concentrations close to, or below, the Km value for the hyperbolic relationship between MgATP concentration and sliding velocity. Such a combination of effects is consistent with a reduced MgADP release rate (24) but not with competitive inhibition of substrate binding. However, effects of amrinone on the MgADP release rate have not been directly demonstrated. Additionally, in view of the uncertainty about what step actually determines the sliding velocity at saturating [MgATP] (see above and Refs. 79), it is of interest to consider other possible drug effects that could account for the data of Klinth et al. (24). These include the following: 1) an increased drag force, e.g. because of enhancement of weak actomyosin interactions; 2) a reduced step length; and 3) effects of the drug on the rate of MgATP-induced dissociation of actomyosin.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.A, structure of amrinone. B, experimental force-velocity data obtained in the presence (filled symbols) and absence (open symbols) of 1.1 mm amrinone. The data, from intact single frog muscle fibers, were obtained at 2 °C and fitted by Hill''s (42) hyperbola (lines) for data truncated at 80% of the maximum isometric force. Filled line, equation fitted to control data, a/P0* = 0.185; P0*/P0 = 1.196. Dashed line, amrinone, a/P0* = 0.347; P0*/P0 = 1.009. Force-velocity data were obtained in collaboration with Professor K. A. P. Edman. Same data as in Fig. 8 of Ref. 20. Note a decrease in maximum sliding velocity and curvature of the force-velocity relationship at low force, in response to amrinone. Also note that amrinone caused increased isometric force and a reduced deviation of the force-velocity relationship from the Hill''s hyperbola at high force. All changes of the force-velocity relationship were statistically significant (20), and similar changes were later also observed in intact mouse muscle and skinned rat muscle fibers. Data in Fig. 1 are published by agreement with Professor K. A. P. Edman.To differentiate between these hypotheses for the amrinone effects, and to gain more general insight into fundamental aspects of muscle function (e.g. mechanisms underlying the force-velocity relationship), we here study the molecular effects of amrinone on fast skeletal muscle myosin preparations in the presence and absence of actin.In vitro motility assay studies at different ionic strengths suggest that drag forces, caused by increased fraction of myosin heads in weak binding states, are not important for the effect of amrinone on sliding velocity. Likewise, optical tweezers studies showed no effect of the drug on the myosin step length. Finally, ideas that amrinone should reduce sliding velocity by reduced rate of MgATP-induced dissociation could be discarded because the drug actually increased the rate of this process. Instead, we found an amrinone-induced increase in the MgADP affinity of heavy meromyosin (HMM) in the presence of actin. Interestingly, similar effects of amrinone were not observed using myosin S1. As discussed below, this result and other results point to an amrinone-induced reduction in the rate of a strain-dependent MgADP release step. Simulations, using a model modified from that of Edman et al. (25), support this proposed mechanism of action. The results are discussed in relation to fundamental mechanisms underlying the force-velocity relationship of fast skeletal muscle, including which step determines shortening velocity and the possible importance of inter-head cooperativity.  相似文献   

The effect of the fast skeletal muscle troponin activator, CK-2066260, on calcium-induced force development was studied in skinned fast skeletal muscle fibers from wildtype (WT) and nebulin deficient (NEB KO) mice. Nebulin is a sarcomeric protein that when absent (NEB KO mouse) or present at low levels (nemaline myopathy (NM) patients with NEB mutations) causes muscle weakness. We studied the effect of fast skeletal troponin activation on WT muscle and tested whether it might be a therapeutic mechanism to increase muscle strength in nebulin deficient muscle. We measured tension–pCa relations with and without added CK-2066260. Maximal active tension in NEB KO tibialis cranialis fibers in the absence of CK-2066260 was ∼60% less than in WT fibers, consistent with earlier work. CK-2066260 shifted the tension-calcium relationship leftwards, with the largest relative increase (up to 8-fold) at low to intermediate calcium levels. This was a general effect that was present in both WT and NEB KO fiber bundles. At pCa levels above ∼6.0 (i.e., calcium concentrations <1 µM), CK-2066260 increased tension of NEB KO fibers to beyond that of WT fibers. Crossbridge cycling kinetics were studied by measuring ktr (rate constant of force redevelopment following a rapid shortening/restretch). CK-2066260 greatly increased ktr at submaximal activation levels in both WT and NEB KO fiber bundles. We also studied the sarcomere length (SL) dependence of the CK-2066260 effect (SL 2.1 µm and 2.6 µm) and found that in the NEB KO fibers, CK-2066260 had a larger effect on calcium sensitivity at the long SL. We conclude that fast skeletal muscle troponin activation increases force at submaximal activation in both wildtype and NEB KO fiber bundles and, importantly, that this troponin activation is a potential therapeutic mechanism for increasing force in NM and other skeletal muscle diseases with loss of muscle strength.  相似文献   

The elementary Ca2+-release events underlying voltage-activated myoplasmic Ca2+ transients in mammalian muscle remain elusive. Here, we looked for such events in confocal line-scan (x,t) images of fluo-3 fluorescence taken from isolated adult mouse skeletal muscle fibers held under voltage-clamp conditions. In response to step depolarizations, spatially segregated fluorescence signals could be detected that were riding on a global increase in fluorescence. These discrete signals were separated using digital filtering in the spatial domain; mean values for their spatial half-width and amplitude were 1.99 ± 0.09 μm and 0.16 ± 0.005 ΔF/F 0 (n = 151), respectively. Under control conditions, the duration of the events was limited by the pulse duration. In contrast, in the presence of maurocalcine, a scorpion toxin suspected to disrupt the process of repolarization-induced ryanodine receptor (RyR) closure, events uninterrupted by the end of the pulse were readily detected. Overall results establish these voltage-activated low-amplitude local Ca2+ signals as inherent components of the physiological Ca2+-release process of mammalian muscle and suggest that they result from the opening of either one RyR or a coherently operating group of RyRs, under the control of the plasma membrane polarization.  相似文献   

Mechanical stimuli play a major role in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass, and themaintenance of muscle mass contributes significantly to disease prevention and the quality oflife. Although a link between mechanical stimuli and the regulation of muscle mass has beenrecognized for decades, the mechanisms involved in converting mechanical information into themolecular events that control this process have not been defined. Nevertheless, significantadvancements are being made in this field, and it has recently been established that signalingthrough a rapamycin-sensitive pathway is necessary for mechanically induced growth of skeletalmuscle. Since rapamycin is a highly specific inhibitor of a protein kinase called the mammaliantarget of rapamycin (mTOR), many investigators have concluded that mTOR signaling isnecessary for the mechanically induced growth of skeletal muscle. In this review, we havesummarized the current knowledge regarding how mechanical stimuli activate mTOR signaling,discussed the newly discovered role of phospholipase D (PLD) and phosphatidic acid (PA) inthis pathway, and considered the potential roles of PLD and PA in the mechanical regulation ofskeletal muscle mass.  相似文献   

猪骨骼肌快肌肌钙蛋白C2基因的cDNA克隆与表达分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从人骨骼肌快肌肌钙蛋白C2(TNNC2)基因出发,在dbEST数据库中进行同源性搜索,找到一个有较高同源性且在猪背最长肌中表达EST(BM083186)。通过电子克隆和进一步RT-PCR实验验证,获得猪TNNC2基因全长cDNA序列,其全长843bp,开放阅读框为201~683bp,编码有160个氨基酸。同源性分析结果表明,与人、鼠的骨骼肌快肌肌钙蛋白C2基因cDNA编码区(CDS)同源性分别为93.6%、90.5%,蛋白序列同源性均为97.5%。多种组织的半定量RT-PCR研究表明,该基因在骨骼肌中表达,并且在杜洛克猪背最长肌中的表达比兰塘猪高。  相似文献   

The demembranated (skinned) muscle fiber preparation is widely used to investigate muscle contraction because the intracellular ionic conditions can be precisely controlled. However, plasma membrane removal results in a loss of osmotic regulation, causing abnormal hydration of the myofilament lattice and its proteins. We investigated the structural and functional consequences of varied myofilament lattice spacing and protein hydration on cross-bridge rates of force development and detachment in Drosophila melanogaster indirect flight muscle, using x-ray diffraction to compare the lattice spacing of dissected, osmotically compressed skinned fibers to native muscle fibers in living flies. Osmolytes of different sizes and exclusion properties (Dextran T-500 and T-10) were used to differentially alter lattice spacing and protein hydration. At in vivo lattice spacing, cross-bridge attachment time (ton) increased with higher osmotic pressures, consistent with a reduced cross-bridge detachment rate as myofilament protein hydration decreased. In contrast, in the swollen lattice, ton decreased with higher osmotic pressures. These divergent responses were reconciled using a structural model that predicts ton varies inversely with thick-to-thin filament surface distance, suggesting that cross-bridge rates of force development and detachment are modulated more by myofilament lattice geometry than protein hydration. Generalizing these findings, our results suggest that cross-bridge cycling rates slow as thick-to-thin filament surface distance decreases with sarcomere lengthening, and likewise, cross-bridge cycling rates increase during sarcomere shortening. Together, these structural changes may provide a mechanism for altering cross-bridge performance throughout a contraction-relaxation cycle.  相似文献   

1. Using macropatch techniques, we tested the assumption that deactivation underlies the observed delay in the onset to recovery from fast inactivation by comparing open-state deactivation to recovery delay for rat skeletal muscle mutations R1441C and R1441P.2. Deactivation kinetics from the open state were determined from the exponential decay of tail currents. R1441C and R1441P prolonged open-state deactivation, with the greatest effect produced by R1441P.3. Delays in the onset to recovery from fast inactivation for R1441P and for R1441C were abbreviated compared to those for rSkM1. Recovery delay was longer in R1441P than R1441C at voltages more negative than –110 mV. Recovery from inactivation exhibited a voltage dependence which, unlike delay, saturated at depolarized voltages. Recovery rate constants were increased to a similar extent for R1441C and R1441P at –150 to –120 mV compared to rSkMl.4. These results indicate that the delay in the onset to recovery from fast inactivation in skeletal muscle sodium channels is due to deactivation. Lessening of charge immobilization for R1441C and R1441P may contribute to observed biophysical defects underlying the hyperexcitability of muscle fibers containing paramyotonia congenita mutations. The second stage of recovery from fast inactivation may be affected differentially by these mutations.  相似文献   

Complete amino acid sequences for four mammalian muscle actins are reported: bovine skeletal muscle actin, bovine cardiac actin, the major component of bovine aorta actin, and rabbit slow skeletal muscle actin. The number of different actins in a higher mammal for which full amino acid sequences are now available is therefore increased from two to five. Screening of different smooth muscle tissues revealed in addition to the aorta type actin a second smooth muscle actin, which appears very similar if not identical to chicken gizzard actin. Since the sequence of chicken gizzard actin is known, six different actins are presently characterized in a higher mammal.
The two smooth muscle actins—bovine aorta actin and chicken gizzard actin—differ by only three amino acid substitutions, all located in the amino-terminal end. In the rest of their sequences both smooth muscle actins share the same four amino acid substitutions, which distinguish them from skeletal muscle actin. Cardiac muscle actin differs from skeletal muscle actin by only four amino acid exchanges. No amino acid substitutions were found when actins from rabbit fast and slow skeletal muscle were compared.
In addition we summarize the amino acid substitution patterns of the six different mammalian actins and discuss their tissue specificity. The results show a very close relationship between the four muscle actins in comparison to the nonmuscle actins. The amino substitution patterns indicate that skeletal muscle actin is the highest differentiated actin form, whereas smooth muscle actins show a noticeably closer relation to nonmuscle actins. By these criteria cardiac muscle actin lies between skeletal muscle actin and smooth muscle actins.  相似文献   

在有Ca2+和钙调蛋白存在时,肌球蛋白轻链激酶催化肌球蛋白磷酸化,促使肌动蛋白激活的肌球蛋白(肌动球蛋白)Mg2+-ATP酶活性显著增加.然而,肌球蛋白磷酸化水平与Mg2+-ATP酶之间的关系是非线性的,原肌球蛋白可以进一步增加Mg2+-ATP酶的活性,但仍不改变它们之间的非线性关系.肌球蛋白轻链激酶的合成肽抑制剂抑制了肌球蛋白磷酸化和Mg2+-ATP酶活性,并导致平滑肌去膜肌纤维的等长收缩张力与速度的降低.结果提示肌球蛋白轻链激酶参与脊椎动物平滑肌收缩的调节过程,肌球蛋白轻链磷酸化作用会引起平滑肌收缩  相似文献   

Cultured embryonic and adult skeletal muscle cells have a number of different uses. The micro-dissected explants technique described in this chapter is a robust and reliable method for isolating relatively large numbers of proliferative skeletal muscle cells from juvenile, adult or embryonic muscles as a source of skeletal muscle stem cells. The authors have used micro-dissected explant cultures to analyse the growth characteristics of skeletal muscle cells in wild-type and dystrophic muscles. Each of the components of tissue growth, namely cell survival, proliferation, senescence and differentiation can be analysed separately using the methods described here. The net effect of all components of growth can be established by means of measuring explant outgrowth rates. The micro-explant method can be used to establish primary cultures from a wide range of different muscle types and ages and, as described here, has been adapted by the authors to enable the isolation of embryonic skeletal muscle precursors.Uniquely, micro-explant cultures have been used to derive clonal (single cell origin) skeletal muscle stem cell (SMSc) lines which can be expanded and used for in vivo transplantation. In vivo transplanted SMSc behave as functional, tissue-specific, satellite cells which contribute to skeletal muscle fibre regeneration but which are also retained (in the satellite cell niche) as a small pool of undifferentiated stem cells which can be re-isolated into culture using the micro-explant method.Download video file.(90M, mov)  相似文献   

Taurine and Skeletal Muscle Disorders   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Taurine is abundantly present in skeletal muscle. We give evidence that this amino acid exerts both short-term and long-term actions in the control of ion channel function and calcium homeostasis in striated fibers. Short-term actions can be estimated as the ability of this amino acid to acutely modulate both ion channel gating and the function of the structures involved in calcium handling. Long-term effects can be disclosed in situations of tissue taurine depletion and are likely related to the ability of the intracellular taurine to control transducing pathways as well as homeostatic and osmotic equilibrium in the tissue. The two activities are strictly linked because the intracellular level of taurine modulates the sensitivity of skeletal muscle to the exogenous application of taurine. Myopathies in which ion channels are directly or indirectly involved, as well as inherited or acquired pathologies characterized by metabolic alterations and change in calcium homeostasis, are often correlated with change in muscle taurine concentration and consequently with an enhanced therapeutic activity of this amino acid. We discuss both in vivo and in vitro evidence that taurine, through its ability to control sarcolemmal excitability and muscle contractility, can prove beneficial effects in many muscle dysfunctions.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial calcium handling and its relation with calcium released from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in muscle tissue are subject of lively debate. In this study we aimed to clarify how the SR determines mitochondrial calcium handling using dCASQ-null mice which lack both isoforms of the major Ca2+-binding protein inside SR, calsequestrin. Mitochondrial free Ca2+-concentration ([Ca2+]mito) was determined by means of a genetically targeted ratiometric FRET-based probe. Electron microscopy revealed a highly significant increase in intermyofibrillar mitochondria (+55%) and augmented coupling (+12%) between Ca2+ release units of the SR and mitochondria in dCASQ-null vs. WT fibers. Significant differences in the baseline [Ca2+]mito were observed between quiescent WT and dCASQ-null fibers, but not in the resting cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. The rise in [Ca2+]mito during electrical stimulation occurred in 20−30 ms, while the decline during and after stimulation was governed by 4 rate constants of approximately 40, 1.6, 0.2 and 0.03 s−1. Accordingly, frequency-dependent increase in [Ca2+]mito occurred during sustained contractions. In dCASQ-null fibers the increases in [Ca2+]mito were less pronounced than in WT fibers and even lower when extracellular calcium was removed. The amplitude and duration of [Ca2+]mito transients were increased by inhibition of mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (mNCX). These results provide direct evidence for fast Ca2+ accumulation inside the mitochondria, involvement of the mNCX in mitochondrial Ca2+-handling and a dependence of mitochondrial Ca2+-handling on intracellular (SR) and external Ca2+ stores in fast skeletal muscle fibers. dCASQ-null mice represent a model for malignant hyperthermia. The differences in structure and in mitochondrial function observed relative to WT may represent compensatory mechanisms for the disease-related reduction of calcium storage capacity of the SR and/or SR Ca2+-leakage.  相似文献   

The effect of cannabinoids on caffeine contractures was investigated in slow and fast skeletal muscle fibers using isometric tension recording. In slow muscle fibers, WIN 55,212-2 (10 and 5 μM) caused a decrease in tension. These doses reduced maximum tension to 67.43 ± 8.07% (P = 0.02, n = 5) and 79.4 ± 14.11% (P = 0.007, n = 5) compared to control, respectively. Tension-time integral was reduced to 58.37 ± 7.17% and 75.10 ± 3.60% (P = 0.002, n = 5), respectively. Using the CB1 cannabinoid receptor agonist ACPA (1 μM) reduced the maximum tension of caffeine contractures by 68.70 ± 11.63% (P = 0.01, n = 5); tension-time integral was reduced by 66.82 ± 6.89% (P = 0.02, n = 5) compared to controls. When the CB1 receptor antagonist AM281 was coapplied with ACPA, it reversed the effect of ACPA on caffeine-evoked tension. In slow and fast muscle fibers incubated with the pertussis toxin, ACPA had no effect on tension evoked by caffeine. In fast muscle fibers, ACPA (1 μM) also decreased tension; the maximum tension was reduced by 56.48 ± 3.4% (P = 0.001, n = 4), and tension-time integral was reduced by 57.81 ± 2.6% (P = 0.006, n = 4). This ACPA effect was not statistically significant with respect to the reduction in tension in slow muscle fibers. Moreover, we detected the presence of mRNA for the cannabinoid CB1 receptor on fast and slow skeletal muscle fibers, which was significantly higher in fast compared to slow muscle fiber expression. In conclusion, our results suggest that in the slow and fast muscle fibers of the frog cannabinoids diminish caffeine-evoked tension through a receptor-mediated mechanism.  相似文献   

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