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Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among elderly men in the US, and immunotherapy has been shown to be a promising strategy to treat patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Efforts to identify novel prostate specific tumor antigens will facilitate the development of effective cancer vaccines against prostate cancer. Prostate-specific G-protein coupled receptor (PSGR) is a novel antigen that has been shown to be specifically over-expressed in human prostate cancer tissues. In this study, we describe the identification of PSGR-derived peptide epitopes recognized by CD8+ T cells in an HLA-A2 dependent manner.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Twenty-one PSGR-derived peptides were predicted by an immuno-informatics approach based on the HLA-A2 binding motif. These peptides were examined for their ability to induce peptide-specific T cell responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from either HLA-A2+ healthy donors or HLA-A2+ prostate cancer patients. The recognition of HLA-A2 positive and PSGR expressing LNCaP cells was also tested. Among the 21 PSGR-derived peptides, three peptides, PSGR3, PSGR4 and PSGR14 frequently induced peptide-specific T cell responses in PBMCs from both healthy donors and prostate cancer patients. Importantly, these peptide-specific T cells recognized and killed LNCaP prostate cancer cells in an HLA class I-restricted manner.


We have identified three novel HLA-A2-restricted PSGR-derived peptides recognized by CD8+ T cells, which, in turn, recognize HLA-A2+ and PSGR+ tumor cells. The PSGR-derived peptides identified may be used as diagnostic markers as well as immune targets for development of anticancer vaccines.  相似文献   

Therapeutic peptides that target antigen-specific regulatory T cells (Tregs) can suppress experimental autoimmune diseases. The heat shock protein (Hsp) 70, with its expression elevated in inflamed tissue, is a suitable candidate antigen because administration of both bacterial and mouse Hsp70 peptides has been shown to induce strong immune responses and to reduce inflammation via the activation or induction of Hsp specific Tregs. Although two subsets of Tregs exist, little is known about which subset of Tregs are activated by Hsp70 epitopes. Therefore, we set out to determine whether natural nTregs (derived from the thymus), or induced iTregs (formed in the periphery from CD4+CD25- naïve T cells) were targeted after Hsp70-peptide immunization. We immunized mice with the previously identified Hsp70 T cell epitope B29 and investigated the formation of functional iTregs by using an in vitro suppression assay and adoptive transfer therapy in mice with experimental arthritis. To study the in vivo induction of Tregs after peptide immunization, we depleted CD25+ cells prior to immunization, allowing the in vivo formation of Tregs from CD4+CD25- precursors. This approach allowed us to study in vivo B29-induced Tregs and to compare these cells with Tregs from non-depleted immunized mice. Our results show that using this approach, immunization induced CD4+CD25+ T cells in the periphery, and that these cells were suppressive in vitro. Additionally, adoptive transfer of B29-specific iTregs suppressed disease in a mouse model of arthritis. This study shows that immunization of mice with Hsp70 epitope B29 induces functionally suppressive iTregs from CD4+CD25- T cells.  相似文献   



A large number of human tumor-associated antigens that are recognized by CD8+ T cells in a human leukocyte antigen class I (HLA-I)-restricted fashion have been identified. Special AT-rich sequence binding protein 1 (SATB1) is highly expressed in many types of human cancers as part of their neoplastic phenotype, and up-regulation of SATB1 expression is essential for tumor survival and metastasis, thus this protein may serve as a rational target for cancer vaccines.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Twelve SATB1-derived peptides were predicted by an immuno-informatics approach based on the HLA-A*02 binding motif. These peptides were examined for their ability to induce peptide-specific T cell responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from HLA-A*02+ healthy donors and/or HLA-A*02+ cancer patients. The recognition of HLA-A*02+ SATB1-expressing cancer cells was also tested. Among the twelve SATB1-derived peptides, SATB1565–574 frequently induced peptide-specific T cell responses in PBMCs from both healthy donors and cancer patients. Importantly, SATB1565–574-specific T cells recognized and killed HLA-A*02+ SATB1+ cancer cells in an HLA-I-restricted manner.


We have identified a novel HLA-A*02-restricted SATB1-derived peptide epitope recognized by CD8+ T cells, which, in turn, recognizes and kills HLA-A*02+ SATB1+ tumor cells. The SATB1-derived epitope identified may be used as a diagnostic marker as well as an immune target for development of cancer vaccines.  相似文献   

Virus-specific CD8+ T cells (TCD8+) are initially triggered by peptide-MHC Class I complexes on the surface of professional antigen presenting cells (pAPC). Peptide-MHC complexes are produced by two spatially distinct pathways during virus infection. Endogenous antigens synthesized within virus-infected pAPC are presented via the direct-presentation pathway. Many viruses have developed strategies to subvert direct presentation. When direct presentation is blocked, the cross-presentation pathway, in which antigen is transferred from virus-infected cells to uninfected pAPC, is thought to compensate and allow the generation of effector TCD8+. Direct presentation of vaccinia virus (VACV) antigens driven by late promoters does not occur, as an abortive infection of pAPC prevents production of these late antigens. This lack of direct presentation results in a greatly diminished or ablated TCD8+ response to late antigens. We demonstrate that late poxvirus antigens do not enter the cross-presentation pathway, even when identical antigens driven by early promoters access this pathway efficiently. The mechanism mediating this novel means of viral modulation of antigen presentation involves the sequestration of late antigens within virus factories. Early antigens and cellular antigens are cross-presented from virus-infected cells, as are late antigens that are targeted to compartments outside of the virus factories. This virus-mediated blockade specifically targets the cross-presentation pathway, since late antigen that is not cross-presented efficiently enters the MHC Class II presentation pathway. These data are the first to describe an evasion mechanism employed by pathogens to prevent entry into the cross-presentation pathway. In the absence of direct presentation, this evasion mechanism leads to a complete ablation of the TCD8+ response and a potential replicative advantage for the virus. Such mechanisms of viral modulation of antigen presentation must also be taken into account during the rational design of antiviral vaccines.  相似文献   



Immunotherapeutic strategies to stimulate anti-tumor immunity are promising approaches for cancer treatment. A major barrier to their success is the immunosuppressive microenvironment of tumors, which inhibits the functions of endogenous dendritic cells (DCs) that are necessary for the generation of anti-tumor CD8+ T cells. To overcome this problem, autologous DCs are generated ex vivo, loaded with tumor antigens, and activated in this non-suppressive environment before administration to patients. However, DC-based vaccines rarely induce tumor regression.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We examined the fate and function of these DCs following their injection using murine models, in order to better understand their interaction with the host immune system. Contrary to previous assumptions, we show that DC vaccines have an insignificant role in directly priming CD8+ T cells, but instead function primarily as vehicles for transferring antigens to endogenous antigen presenting cells, which are responsible for the subsequent activation of T cells.


This reliance on endogenous immune cells may explain the limited success of current DC vaccines to treat cancer and offers new insight into how these therapies can be improved. Future approaches should focus on creating DC vaccines that are more effective at directly priming T cells, or abrogating the tumor induced suppression of endogenous DCs.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is transmitted via inhalation of aerosolized particles. While alveolar macrophages are thought to play a central role in the acquisition and control of this infection, Mtb also has ample opportunity to interact with the airway epithelium. In this regard, we have recently shown that the upper airways are enriched with a population of non-classical, MR1-restricted, Mtb-reactive CD8+ T cells (MAIT cells). Additionally, we have demonstrated that Mtb-infected epithelial cells lining the upper airways are capable of stimulating IFNγ production by MAIT cells. In this study, we demonstrate that airway epithelial cells efficiently stimulate IFNγ release by MAIT cells as well as HLA-B45 and HLA-E restricted T cell clones. Characterization of the intracellular localization of Mtb in epithelial cells indicates that the vacuole occupied by Mtb in epithelial cells is distinct from DC in that it acquires Rab7 molecules and does not retain markers of early endosomes such as Rab5. The Mtb vacuole is also heterogeneous as there is a varying degree of association with Lamp1 and HLA-I. Although the Mtb vacuole shares markers associated with the late endosome, it does not acidify, and the bacteria are able to replicate within the cell. This work demonstrates that Mtb infected lung epithelial cells are surprisingly efficient at stimulating IFNγ release by CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

DNA vaccination is an effective means of eliciting both humoral and cellular immunity, including cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Using an influenza virus model, we previously demonstrated that injection of DNA encoding influenza virus nucleoprotein (NP) induced major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted CTL and cross-strain protection from lethal virus challenge in mice (J. B. Ulmer et al., Science 259:1745–1749, 1993). In the present study, we have characterized in more detail the cellular immune responses induced by NP DNA, which included robust lymphoproliferation and Th1-type cytokine secretion (high levels of gamma interferon and interleukin-2 [IL-2], with little IL-4 or IL-10) in response to antigen-specific restimulation of splenocytes in vitro. These responses were mediated by CD4+ T cells, as shown by in vitro depletion of T-cell subsets. Taken together, these results indicate that immunization with NP DNA primes both cytolytic CD8+ T cells and cytokine-secreting CD4+ T cells. Further, we demonstrate by adoptive transfer and in vivo depletion of T-cell subsets that both of these types of T cells act as effectors in protective immunity against influenza virus challenge conferred by NP DNA.Cellular immune responses play an important role in protection from disease caused by infectious pathogens, such as viruses and certain bacteria (e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis). The specific T cells involved in conferring immunity can include both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, often through the action of secreted cytokines and cytolytic activity, respectively. Certain types of vaccines, such as subunit proteins and whole or partially purified preparations of inactivated organisms, in general induce CD4+ T-cell responses but not CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). In contrast, live attenuated organisms and subunit proteins formulated with certain experimental adjuvants can induce both types of responses. Recently, a different approach consisting of direct immunization with plasmid DNA expression vectors (i.e., DNA vaccines) has shown promise as a viable means of inducing broad-spectrum T-cell responses. The effectiveness of DNA vaccines in animal models is likely due, at least in part, to expression of antigens in situ (35), leading to the induction of CTL (29), antibodies (3, 4, 10, 21, 22, 32), and cytokine-secreting lymphocyte responses (12, 36). During the past 5 years, many reports have been published on the immunogenicity of DNA vaccines encoding various antigens in several animal models, thereby illustrating the applicability of the technology to many pathogens (for a review, see reference 6). However, in only a few instances has the nature of the effector cells responsible for protective immunity been described (7, 16). In the present study, we have analyzed in detail the cellular immune responses induced by influenza virus nucleoprotein (NP) DNA and have established that both CD4+ T cells secreting Th1-type cytokines and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells play important effector roles in heterosubtypic protective immunity against lethal influenza virus challenge in mice.  相似文献   

Existing approaches that quantify cytotoxic T cell responses rely on bulk or surrogate measurements which impede the direct identification of single activated T cells of interest. Single cell microscopy or flow cytometry methodologies typically rely on fluorescent labeling, which limits applicability to primary cells such as human derived T lymphocytes. Here, we introduce a quantitative method to track single T lymphocyte mediated cytotoxic events within a mixed population of cells using live cell interferometry (LCI), a label-free microscopy technique that maintains cell viability. LCI quantifies the mass distribution within individual cells by measuring the phase shift caused by the interaction of light with intracellular biomass. Using LCI, we imaged cytotoxic T cells killing cognate target cells. In addition to a characteristic target cell mass decrease of 20–60% over 1–4 h following attack by a T cell, there was a significant 4-fold increase in T cell mass accumulation rate at the start of the cytotoxic event and a 2–3 fold increase in T cell mass relative to the mass of unresponsive T cells. Direct, label-free measurement of CD8+ T and target cell mass changes provides a kinetic, quantitative assessment of T cell activation and a relatively rapid approach to identify specific, activated patient-derived T cells for applications in cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

MELOE-1 is an overexpressed melanoma antigen containing a HLA-A2 restricted epitope, involved in melanoma immunosurveillance of patients adoptively transferred with tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). The use of the full-length antigen (46 aa) for anti-melanoma vaccination could be considered, subject to the presence of Th epitopes all along MELOE-1 sequence. Thus, in this study we evaluated in vitro the immunoprevalence of the different regions of MELOE-1 (i.e. their ability to induce CD4 T cell responses in vitro from PBMC). Stimulation of PBMC from healthy subjects with MELOE-1 induced the amplification of CD4 T cells specific for various regions of the protein in multiple HLA contexts, for each tested donor. We confirmed these results in a panel of melanoma patients, and documented that MELOE-1 specific CD4 T cells, were mainly Th1 cells, presumably favourable to the amplification of CD8 specific T cells. Using autologous DC, we further showed that these class II epitopes could be naturally processed from MELOE-1 whole protein and identified minimal epitopes derived from each region of MELOE-1, and presented in four distinct HLA contexts. In conclusion, vaccination with MELOE-1 whole polypeptide should induce specific Th1 CD4 responses in a majority of melanoma patients, stimulating the amplification of CD8 effector cells, reactive against melanoma cells.  相似文献   

A vaccinia-specific target antigen for recognition of anti-vaccinia cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) was found to be formed on the surface of infected cells through two distinct processes. In the first phase, the expression of the target antigen was dependent on the dose of inoculated virus, without specific protein synthesis. The target antigen seems to be produced by virus-cell fusion. In the second phase, the expression of the target antigen was accompanied by synthesis of an early protein. In spite of the difference in their mode of expression, the first-phase and the second-phase target antigens were cross-reactive in cytotoxicity inhibition assays. Cowpox virus, CPR Cl strain, brought about a lower response than vaccinia virus, IHD-J strain, in both sensitization of CTL and formation of CTL-susceptible cells at both the first and the second phase. The cross-reactive, but inefficient, recognition of anti-vaccinia CTL for cowpox-infected cells suggested a slight difference in the target antigens of the two viruses. Attempts to identify the target antigen were then made by comparing the polypeptide composition of vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, and their recombinants. SDS-PAGE analysis of trypsinactivated viruses revealed 44K (cowpox)/45K (vaccinia) polypeptides which corresponded to the difference in target cell formation. Trypsinization of the viruses also increased the ability of the virus to induce the production of CTL-susceptible target cells.  相似文献   

The HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response is a critical component in controlling viral replication in vivo, but ultimately fails in its ability to eradicate the virus. Our intent in these studies is to develop ways to enhance and restore the HIV-specific CTL response to allow long-term viral suppression or viral clearance. In our approach, we sought to genetically manipulate human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) such that they differentiate into mature CTL that will kill HIV infected cells. To perform this, we molecularly cloned an HIV-specific T cell receptor (TCR) from CD8+ T cells that specifically targets an epitope of the HIV-1 Gag protein. This TCR was then used to genetically transduce HSCs. These HSCs were then introduced into a humanized mouse containing human fetal liver, fetal thymus, and hematopoietic progenitor cells, and were allowed to differentiate into mature human CD8+ CTL. We found human, HIV-specific CTL in multiple tissues in the mouse. Thus, genetic modification of human HSCs with a cloned TCR allows proper differentiation of the cells to occur in vivo, and these cells migrate to multiple anatomic sites, mimicking what is seen in humans. To determine if the presence of the transgenic, HIV-specific TCR has an effect on suppressing HIV replication, we infected with HIV-1 mice expressing the transgenic HIV-specific TCR and, separately, mice expressing a non-specific control TCR. We observed significant suppression of HIV replication in multiple organs in the mice expressing the HIV-specific TCR as compared to control, indicating that the presence of genetically modified HIV-specific CTL can form a functional antiviral response in vivo. These results strongly suggest that stem cell based gene therapy may be a feasible approach in the treatment of chronic viral infections and provide a foundation towards the development of this type of strategy.  相似文献   

There is an increasing body of evidence suggesting that the transfer of preformed MHC class I:peptide complexes between a virus-infected cell and an uninfected APC, termed cross-dressing, represents an important mechanism of Ag presentation to CD8(+) T cells in host defense. However, although it has been shown that memory CD8(+) T cells can be activated by uninfected dendritic cells (DCs) cross-dressed by Ag from virus-infected parenchymal cells, it is unknown whether conditions exist during virus infection in which naive CD8(+) T cells are primed and differentiate to cytolytic effectors through cross-dressing, and indeed which DC subset would be responsible. In this study, we determine whether the transfer of MHC class I:peptide complexes between infected and uninfected murine DC plays a role in CD8(+) T cell priming to viral Ags in vivo. We show that MHC class I:peptide complexes from peptide-pulsed or virus-infected DCs are indeed acquired by splenic CD8α(-) DCs in vivo. Furthermore, the acquired MHC class I:peptide complexes are functional in that they induced Ag-specific CD8(+) T cell effectors with cytolytic function. As CD8α(-) DCs are poor cross-presenters, this may represent the main mechanism by which CD8α(-) DCs present exogenously encountered Ag to CD8(+) T cells. The sharing of Ag as preformed MHC class I:peptide complexes between infected and uninfected DCs without the restraints of Ag processing may have evolved to accurately amplify the response and also engage multiple DC subsets critical in the generation of strong antiviral immunity.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (M. bovis BCG), the only currently available vaccine against tuberculosis, has been reported to induce regulatory T cells in humans. The activity of regulatory T cells may not only dampen immunogenicity and protective efficacy of tuberculosis-vaccines, but also hamper diagnosis of infection of tuberculosis, when using immune (e.g. IFNγ-release) assays. Still, in settings of infectious diseases and vaccination, most studies have focused on CD4+ regulatory T cells, and not CD8+ regulatory T-cells. Here, we present a comparative analysis of the suppressive phenotype and function of CD4+ versus CD8+ T cells after in vitro live BCG activation of human cells. Moreover, as BCG is administered as a (partly) live vaccine, we also compared the ability of live versus heatkilled BCG in activating CD4+ and CD8+ regulatory T cell responses. BCG-activated CD8+ T cells consistently expressed higher levels of regulatory T cell markers, and after live BCG activation, density and (co-)expression of markers were significantly higher, compared to CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, selection on CD25-expression after live BCG activation enriched for CD8+ T cells, and selection on co-expression of markers further increased CD8+ enrichment. Ultimately, only T cells activated by live BCG were functionally suppressive and this suppressive activity resided predominantly in the CD8+ T cell compartment. These data highlight the important contribution of live BCG-activated CD8+ Treg cells to immune regulation and emphasize their possible negative impact on immunity and protection against tuberculosis, following BCG vaccination.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus (IAV) is a leading cause of respiratory tract disease worldwide. Anti-viral CD8+ T lymphocytes responding to IAV infection are believed to eliminate virally infected cells by direct cytolysis but may also contribute to pulmonary inflammation and tissue damage via the release of pro-inflammatory mediators following recognition of viral antigen displaying cells. We have previously demonstrated that IAV antigen expressing inflammatory cells of hematopoietic origin within the infected lung interstitium serve as antigen presenting cells (APC) for infiltrating effector CD8+ T lymphocytes; however, the spectrum of inflammatory cell types capable of serving as APC was not determined. Here, we demonstrate that viral antigen displaying neutrophils infiltrating the IAV infected lungs are an important cell type capable of acting as APC for effector CD8+ T lymphocytes in the infected lungs and that neutrophils expressing viral antigen as a result of direct infection by IAV exhibit the most potent APC activity. Our findings suggest that in addition to their suggested role in induction of the innate immune responses to IAV, virus clearance, and the development of pulmonary injury, neutrophils can serve as APCs to anti-viral effector CD8+ T cells within the infected lung interstitium.  相似文献   

The development of an efficacious vaccine against the Plasmodium parasite remains a top priority. Previous research has demonstrated the ability of a prime-boost virally vectored sub-unit vaccination regimen, delivering the liver-stage expressed malaria antigen TRAP, to produce high levels of antigen-specific T cells. The liver-stage of malaria is the main target of T cell-mediated immunity, yet a major challenge in assessing new T cell inducing vaccines has been the lack of a suitable pre-clinical assay. We have developed a flow-cytometry based in vitro T cell killing assay using a mouse hepatoma cell line, Hepa1-6, and Plasmodium berghei GFP expressing sporozoites. Using this assay, P. berghei TRAP-specific CD8+ T cell enriched splenocytes were shown to inhibit liver-stage parasites in an effector-to-target ratio dependent manner. Further development of this assay using human hepatocytes and P. falciparum would provide a new method to pre-clinically screen vaccine candidates and to elucidate mechanisms of protection in vitro.  相似文献   

The numbers and locations of virus-specific CD8+ T cells relative to the numbers and locations of their infected cell targets is thought to be critical in determining outcomes that range from clearance to chronic persistent infections. We describe here a method for assessing the spatial and quantitative relationships between immune effector (E) virus-specific CD8+ T cells and infected targets (T) that combines in situ tetramer (IST) staining to detect virus-specific CD8+ T cells and in situ hybridization (ISH) to detect viral-RNA+ cells in the tissues where the battle between immune defenses and infection takes place. The combination of IST staining and ISH, abbreviated ISTH, enables visualization and mapping of the locations of immune effector cells and targets, and facile determination of E:T ratios. These parameters in turn can then be used to determine the relationships between spatial proximity, and the timing and magnitude of the immune response that predict outcomes in early infection.Download video file.(240M, mp4)  相似文献   

The CD8+ T-cell is a key mediator of antiviral immunity, potentially contributing to control of pathogenic lentiviral infection through both innate and adaptive mechanisms. We studied viral dynamics during antiretroviral treatment of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infected rhesus macaques following CD8+ T-cell depletion to test the importance of adaptive cytotoxic effects in clearance of cells productively infected with SIV. As previously described, plasma viral load (VL) increased following CD8+ T-cell depletion and was proportional to the magnitude of CD8+ T-cell depletion in the GALT, confirming a direct relationship between CD8+ T-cell loss and viral replication. Surprisingly, first phase plasma virus decay following administration of antiretroviral drugs was not slower in CD8+ T-cell depleted animals compared with controls indicating that the short lifespan of the average productively infected cell is not a reflection of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) killing. Our findings support a dominant role for non-cytotoxic effects of CD8+ T-cells on control of pathogenic lentiviral infection and suggest that cytotoxic effects, if present, are limited to early, pre-productive stages of the viral life cycle. These observations have important implications for future strategies to augment immune control of HIV.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic cells specific for Toxoplasma gondii-infected cells were detected in the peripheral blood leukocytes from a patient with acute toxoplasmosis. The cytotoxicity was mediated by CD5+, CD4-, CD8+ cells. The cytotoxic T cells lysed Toxoplasma-infected target cells with HLA class I restriction. Two types of T cell clones were established from peripheral blood leukocytes of a patient with chronic toxoplasmosis; one was a CD5+, CD4-, CD8+ cytotoxic cell specific for Toxoplasma-infected cells, and the other was a CD5+, CD4+, CD8- proliferative cell that responded to Toxoplasma antigen. Toxoplasma-infected cell-specific cytotoxic cloned T cells recognize the infected target cells in the context of the HLA class I molecules, and the CD8 molecule was involved in the cytotoxicity. Toxoplasma antigen-specific proliferative cloned T cells were stimulated by Toxoplasma antigen-pulsed or Toxoplasma-infected cells in conjunction with HLA-DR molecule on the target cells. Thus, antigen presentation by Toxoplasma-infected cells for activation of both cytotoxic and proliferative T cells has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

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