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Polyploidy is a major component of eukaryote evolution. Estimation of allele copy numbers for molecular markers has long been considered a challenge for polyploid species, while this process is essential for most genetic research. With the increasing availability and whole-genome coverage of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, it is essential to implement a versatile SNP genotyping method to assign allelic configuration efficiently in polyploids.


This work evaluates the usefulness of the KASPar method, based on competitive allele-specific PCR, for the assignment of SNP allelic configuration. Citrus was chosen as a model because of its economic importance, the ongoing worldwide polyploidy manipulation projects for cultivar and rootstock breeding, and the increasing availability of SNP markers.


Fifteen SNP markers were successfully designed that produced clear allele signals that were in agreement with previous genotyping results at the diploid level. The analysis of DNA mixes between two haploid lines (Clementine and pummelo) at 13 different ratios revealed a very high correlation (average = 0·9796; s.d. = 0·0094) between the allele ratio and two parameters [θ angle = tan−1 (y/x) and y′ = y/(x + y)] derived from the two normalized allele signals (x and y) provided by KASPar. Separated cluster analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) from mixed DNA simulating triploid and tetraploid hybrids provided 99·71 % correct allelic configuration. Moreover, triploid populations arising from 2n gametes and interploid crosses were easily genotyped and provided useful genetic information. This work demonstrates that the KASPar SNP genotyping technique is an efficient way to assign heterozygous allelic configurations within polyploid populations. This method is accurate, simple and cost-effective. Moreover, it may be useful for quantitative studies, such as relative allele-specific expression analysis and bulk segregant analysis.  相似文献   

Liu M  Liu P  Zhang L  Cai Q  Gao G  Zhang W  Zhu Z  Liu D  Fan Q 《Cell research》2011,21(11):1605-1618
MicroRNA (miRNA) regulates gene expression in many cellular events, yet functions of only a few miRNAs are known in C. elegans. We analyzed the function of mir-35-41 unique to the worm, and show here that mir-35 regulates the G1/S transition of intestinal cells and germ cell proliferation. Loss of mir-35 leads to a decrease of nuclei numbers in intestine and distal mitotic gonad, while re-introduction of mir-35 rescues the mutant phenotypes. Genetic analysis indicates that mir-35 may act through Rb/E2F and SCF pathways. Further bioinformatic and functional analyses demonstrate that mir-35 targets evolutionally conserved lin-23 and gld-1. Together, our study reveals a novel function of mir-35 family in cell division regulation.  相似文献   



Magnesium (Mg)-deficiency is frequently observed in Citrus plantations and is responsible for the loss of productivity and poor fruit quality. Knowledge on the effects of Mg-deficiency on upstream targets is scarce. Seedlings of ‘Xuegan’ [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] were irrigated with Mg-deficient (0 mM MgSO4) or Mg-sufficient (1 mM MgSO4) nutrient solution for 16 weeks. Thereafter, we first investigated the proteomic responses of C. sinensis roots and leaves to Mg-deficiency using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) in order to (a) enrich our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of plants to deal with Mg-deficiency and (b) understand the molecular mechanisms by which Mg-deficiency lead to a decrease in photosynthesis.


Fifty-nine upregulated and 31 downregulated protein spots were isolated in Mg-deficient leaves, while only 19 upregulated and 12 downregulated protein spots in Mg-deficient roots. Many Mg-deficiency-responsive proteins were involved in carbohydrate and energy metabolism, followed by protein metabolism, stress responses, nucleic acid metabolism, cell wall and cytoskeleton metabolism, lipid metabolism and cell transport. The larger changes in leaf proteome versus root one in response to Mg-deficiency was further supported by our observation that total soluble protein concentration was decreased by Mg-deficiency in leaves, but unaffected in roots. Mg-deficiency had decreased levels of proteins [i.e. ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco), rubisco activase, oxygen evolving enhancer protein 1, photosynthetic electron transfer-like protein, ferredoxin-NADP reductase (FNR), aldolase] involved in photosynthesis, thus decreasing leaf photosynthesis. To cope with Mg-deficiency, C. sinensis leaves and roots might respond adaptively to Mg-deficiency through: improving leaf respiration and lowering root respiration, but increasing (decreasing) the levels of proteins related to ATP synthase in roots (leaves); enhancing the levels of proteins involved in reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging and other stress-responsive proteins; accelerating proteolytic cleavage of proteins by proteases, protein transport and amino acid metabolism; and upregulating the levels of proteins involved in cell wall and cytoskeleton metabolism.


Our results demonstrated that proteomics were more affected by long-term Mg-deficiency in leaves than in roots, and that the adaptive responses differed between roots and leaves when exposed to long-term Mg-deficiency. Mg-deficiency decreased the levels of many proteins involved in photosynthesis, thus decreasing leaf photosynthesis.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1462-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

GeBP转录因子调控植物表皮毛的生长发育,并且参与控制植物叶片的发育。该文利用生物信息学方法,在大豆全基因组范围内搜索GeBP基因家族,并从氨基酸理化性质、基因结构、染色体的物理分布、系统进化、序列比对、功能结构域、组织表达情况等基本特征方面对GmGeBP基因家族进行分析。结果表明:(1)共获得9个GmGeBP转录因子基因家族成员,其中仅2个基因含有内含子,且都只有1个内含子,表明该家族成员基因构造比较简单但稳定。(2)GmGeBP编码的蛋白分子量为39.65~49.24 kD,理论等电点为4.65~9.08;这些成员基本上都是酸性氨基酸,属于亲水性、不稳定蛋白。(3)这9个基因不均匀的分布于7条染色体上,10和20号染色体上分别分布2个GeBP基因,3、5、13、15、19号染色体上各分布1个基因。(4)系统进化分析表明,大豆与拟南芥对应的GeBP成员亲缘关系较近,分别聚类到4个分支,而与水稻的距离较远。(5)结构域分析表明,9个GmGeBP成员都包含DUF573结构域,推测该部分在GeBP转录因子中很可能是与靶标基因顺式作用元件互作的结构域。(6)通过分析大豆GmGeBP转录因子基因家族的组织表达,发现不同基因在大豆不同组织的表达量不同,具有一定的特异性。该文对大豆GeBP转录因子基因家族的分析和鉴定为进一步研究大豆表皮毛发育的分子作用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

楠木(Phoebe zhennan)为樟科常绿乔木,是国家二级重点保护树种。楠木生长缓慢,木材形成所需周期较长,其原因有待进一步深入分析。近年来转录因子已成为植物分子生物学研究的热点,高通量测序技术的应用和发展促进了转录因子的挖掘和深入分析。该研究基于我国特有濒危树种楠木的转录组数据,通过与拟南芥基因组MYB转录因子进行对比,对楠木MYB转录因子进行挖掘和生物信息学分析,并结合功能预测和不同组织表达对其进行深入分析。结果表明:从楠木转录组数据中,共挖掘出82个MYB转录因子,这82个MYB转录因子蛋白质所含氨基酸数目为50~1 121个、分子量为5.907~123.64 k Da,整体表现为亲水性不稳定蛋白,以α-螺旋和无规则卷曲为主要二级结构元件。序列比对和进化树分析表明,楠木MYB转录因子的结构域有高度保守性,含有[W]-X(19)-[W]-X(19)结构;82个Pz MYB可分为22类,参与生长发育、次生代谢、逆境响应等过程,与功能预测分析结果相一致。同时,在楠木茎和叶中,差异表达Pz MYB数目为18个,其中上调10个、下调8个。该研究结果不仅对楠木MYB转录因子的挖掘和功能分析以及分子生物学研究奠定了基础,而且还对其遗传改良和分子育种具有参考价值。  相似文献   

为探究油橄榄AP2/ERF基因家族对水胁迫的响应机制,该研究对受干旱及水淹胁迫的‘佛奥’和‘TYZ-1号’2个品种的根和叶进行转录组测序,并对油橄榄中AP2/ERF转录因子的蛋白理化性质、基因结构及系统进化进行分析,同时分析与水胁迫相关的AP2/ERF转录因子在2个油橄榄品种中的基因表达差异且进行RT-qPCR验证。结果表明:(1)在油橄榄中鉴定得到110个AP2/ERF基因家族成员,该110个蛋白质所含氨基酸大小为173~717 bp,均不存在信号肽,为非分泌蛋白。将油橄榄AP2/ERF与模式植物拟南芥AP2/ERF蛋白构建进化树发现,油橄榄AP2/ERF蛋白分为AP2、RAV、ERF和Solosist 4大类,其中ERF分为ERF和DREB 2个亚类,ERF包含ERF B1~ERF B6 6个子亚类,DREB包含DREB A1~DREB A6 6个子亚类,这与模式植物拟南芥AP2/ERF的分类一致,每个亚家族同时包含了油橄榄和拟南芥AP2/ERF蛋白,说明拟南芥和油橄榄的AP2/ERF家族在进化水平上有一定的相似性。(2)油橄榄AP2/ERF同一亚家族蛋白具有相同的基因结构及保守元...  相似文献   

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