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The 15D is a self-administered questionnaire for assessment of health-related quality of life, which contains 15 questions with 5 response options each. This study was conducted to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Japanese 15D.


The subjects were 430 community-dwelling elderly people. Each item of the 15D was scored on a 5-point Likert scale, with level 1 being the best, score 1. Reliability was assessed by determination of the internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Criterion-based validity was assessed using the Japanese version of the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) and Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Index of Competence (TMIG index). Acceptability was assessed by inquiring about the time required to complete the questionnaire and the burden felt in responding to it.


The answers of 423 individuals who responded to all items were analyzed. The median time required to complete the questionnaire was 5.0 minutes, and the proportion of subjects who indicated that the questionnaire was easy to complete was 98.3%. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for all 15 items in the 2 surveys were 0.793 and 0.792, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficients for the 15 items ranged from 0.44 to 0.72. In the relationship between the 15D and the NHP, the correlation coefficients between the corresponding domains were higher than those between non-corresponding domains. The prevalence of disability in higher-level functional capacity was higher in the “level 2 to 5” group than in the “level 1” group.


The Japanese version of the 15D showed sufficient internal consistency and moderate repeatability. Because of the short time required to complete the Japanese 15D and the significant relationships between the scores on the 15D and the NHP, and between the 15D and higher-level functional capacity, the acceptability and validity of the Japanese 15D were considered to be sufficient.  相似文献   

KOLOTKIN, RONETTE L, SUSAN HEAD, ALAN BROOKHART. Construct validity of the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life questionnaire. The Impact of Weight on Quality of Life questionnaire (IWQOL) is a 74-item self-report, condition-specific instrument that (1) assesses the effect of weight on quality of life in eight key areas, and (2) may be used as a treatment outcome measure and/or an evaluation tool for healthcare policy makers and third-party payers. This study explores IWQOL construct validity and provides new information on internal consistency, treatment effects, and differences between men and women. IWQOL total scores correlated highly with other measures of overall quality of life, and subscale scores correlated well with counterparts in the assessment battery. Internal consistency estimates for the IWQOL scales generally were high. For the women, 4-week participants, and the total sample, pretreatment-posttreatment differences were significant for all IWQOL scales and total score. For men, treatment differences were significant for the total score and all subscales except for Work and Mobility. Treatment differences for 2-week participants were significant for all scales except for Work. Consistent with previous IWQOL study results, the Comfort With Food scale scores reflected more discomfort at posttreatment as compared with pretreatment. The IWQOL, already translated into French and Italian, currently is demonstrating clinical and research utility as a quality-of-life outcome measure for clinical trials of antiobesity drugs and surgical treatments for patients with obesity.  相似文献   

Improving quality of life has been recognized as an important outcome for schizophrenia treatment, although the fundamental determinants are not well understood. In this study, we investigated the association between brain structural abnormalities and objective quality of life in schizophrenia patients. Thirty-three schizophrenia patients and 42 age-, sex-, and education-matched healthy participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging. The Quality of Life Scale was used to measure objective quality of life in schizophrenia patients. Voxel-based morphometry was performed to identify regional brain alterations that correlate with Quality of Life Scale score in the patient group. Schizophrenia patients showed gray matter reductions in the frontal, temporal, limbic, and subcortical regions. We then performed voxel-based multiple regression analysis in these regions to identify any correlations between regional gray matter volume and Quality of Life Scale scores. We found that among four subcategories of the scale, the Instrumental Role category score correlated with gray matter volume in the right anterior insula in schizophrenia patients. In addition, this correlation was shown to be mediated by negative symptoms. Our findings suggest that the neural basis of objective quality of life might differ topographically from that of subjective QOL in schizophrenia.  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to assess the psychometric properties of the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) in the men who have sex with men (MSM) population in China.


A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 373 MSM from September to December, 2012, in Zhengzhou and Huludao City, China. Internal reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by Cronbach’s α coefficient. Validity was analyzed through construct validity, divisional validity, and collective validity testing.


The overall Cronbach’s α coefficient of the SF-36 questionnaire was 0.943, while the Cronbach’s α coefficients for each of the dimensions were all > 0.70. Results showed that the SF-36 questionnaire was reliable and valid.


This study provided evidence that the SF-36 is an acceptable, valid and reliable instrument in evaluating the quality of life of MSM in Mainland China.  相似文献   

一年四季,哈萨克牧民绝大部分时间都是在转场中度过的,他们扶老携幼.驮着毡房,赶着牧群.穿行在天山以北、阿尔泰山以南的广袤原野上.这种传统生产方式既有效利用了草场.同时也是维持当地生态系统平衡的一个重要因素.正像前文所说.保证了河狸生息繁衍的良好环境.  相似文献   

LEWIS, ROBIN J, THOMAS F CASH, LORA JACOBI, CRISTINA BUBB-LEWIS. Prejudice toward fat people: The development and validation of the Antifat Attitudes Test. Although the stigma of obesity in our society in well documented, the measurement of antifat attitudes has been a difficult undertaking. Two studies were conducted to construct and validate the Antifat Attitudes Test (AFAT). In study 1, college students (110 men and 175 women) completed the preliminary 54-item AFAT and specific indices of body image and weight-related concerns. Psychometric and factor analysis revealed a 47-item composite scale and three internally consistent factors that were uncorrelated with social desirability: Social/Character Disparagement, Physical/Romantic Unattractiveness, and Weight Control/Blame. Several body image correlates of antifat prejudice were identified, and men expressed more negative attitudes than women. Study 2 experimentally examined the effects of information about the controllability of weight on the antifat attitudes of 120 participants. Exposure to information on behavioral vs. biogenetic control led to greater blame of persons who are fat for their body size. The implications of the findings and the potential utility of the AFAT are discussed.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:调查住院精神分裂症患者生活质量情况,并分析生活质量与认知功能和社会支持的关系。方法:本次研究为回顾性分析,将2019年1月-2020年10月期间于我院住院的精神分裂症患者225例纳为病例组。通过宣传招募健康志愿者200例作为对照组。对比两组生活质量、社会支持评分和认知功能,住院精神分裂症患者生活质量的影响因素采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析。住院精神分裂症患者生活质量与认知功能和社会支持的关系采用Pearson 相关性分析。结果:病例组的健康状况调查问卷(SF-36)评分、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)评分均低于对照组(P<0.05)。威斯康星卡片分类测验(WCST)结果显示,病例组的错误应答数高于对照组,正确应答数低于对照组(P<0.05),Stroop色词测验结果显示,病例数正确数低于对照组,错误数高于对照组(P<0.05)。Pearson相关性分析结果显示,住院精神分裂症患者SF-36评分与SSRS评分呈正相关(P<0.05)。住院精神分裂症患者生活质量与文化程度、性别、年龄、病程、药物治疗、住院时间情况有关(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄、病程、住院时间、药物治疗情况为影响住院精神分裂症患者生活质量的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:住院精神分裂症患者的生活质量低于健康人群,影响其生活质量的因素主要包括社会支持以及患者的年龄、病程、住院时间、药物治疗情况。  相似文献   

Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) has become a concept commonly used in the related research. Using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire for Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF), this study evaluated the Quality of Life (QOL) of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Zhejiang province, China, and assessed the influences of demographic, laboratory and disease-related variables on QOL. This cross-sectional study was conducted among PLWHA aged ≥ 18 years in Taizhou municipality, Zhejiang province, China, between August 1 and October 31, 2014. A multiple linear regression model was used to analyze the influential factors. Of 403 subjects, 72.48% were male, 72.46% had received a high- school or above education, 94.79% were of Han ethnicity, and 65.51% were non farmers. The total score of QOL was 15.99±1.99. The scores of QOL in physiological, psychological, social relation, and environmental domains were 14.99 ±2.25, 14.25 ±2.12, 13.22 ±2.37, and 13.31 ±1.99 respectively. Except the total score of QOL and the score of environmental domain (p<0.05), the scores in other domains had no significant difference with the results of the national norm level. The multiple linear regression model identified the physical domain related factors to be age (β = -0.045), CD4 count (β = 0.002), and ART adherence(β = 1.231). And it also showed that psychological domain related factors included CD4 count (β = 0.002) and WHO clinical stage (β = -0.437); social domain related factors included WHO clinical stage (β = -0.704) and ART adherence (β = 1.177); while environmental domain related factors included WHO clinical stage (β = -0.538), educational status(β = 0.549) and ART adherence(β = 1.078).Those who are young, with higher level of education, higher CD4 count and good access and adherence of ART, are likely to have better QOL among PLWHA in Zhejiang province. This suggests that in addition to ART, many other factors should be taken into consideration to improve the QOL of PLWHA. The relatively lower scores the subjects received in social relation and environmental domains also suggest that social relation and environmental interventions need to be strengthened.  相似文献   



Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is a multi-sectoral strategy to improve the functioning and quality of life of people with disabilities. The RISE (Rehabilitation Intervention for people with Schizophrenia in Ethiopia) trial will evaluate the effectiveness of CBR for people with schizophrenia in Ethiopia. Nevertheless, the components of CBR that are both feasible and likely to prove effective in low and middle-income countries such as Ethiopia are unclear.


In this study intervention development work was undertaken to design a CBR intervention that is acceptable and feasible in the local context. The development work consisted of five phases. 1: Identify potential components of CBR for schizophrenia, 2: Situational analysis, 3: Determine feasibility of CBR (Theory of Change workshops with experts and local stakeholders), 4: Determine acceptability of CBR (16 in-depth interviews and five focus group discussions with people with schizophrenia, caregivers, health workers and community leaders) and 5: Synthesise results to finalise intervention. A Theory of Change map was constructed showing the causal pathway for how we expect CBR to achieve its impact.


People with schizophrenia in rural Ethiopia experience family conflict, difficulty participating in work and community life, and stigma. Stakeholders perceived CBR to be acceptable and useful to address these problems. The focus of CBR will be on the individual developing the skills and confidence to perform their previous or desired roles and activities. To ensure feasibility, non-health professionals will be trained to deliver CBR and provide supervision, rather than mental health specialists. Novel components of CBR for schizophrenia included family intervention and dealing with distressing symptoms. Microfinance was excluded due to concerns about stress and exploitation. Community mobilisation was viewed as essential to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of CBR.


Extensive formative research using a variety of methods has enabled the design of a culturally appropriate CBR intervention for people with schizophrenia that is acceptable and feasible.  相似文献   



The Psoriatic Arthritis Quality of Life (PsAQoL) questionnaire is a disease- specific instrument developed to measure quality of life (QoL) in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). The aim of this study was to translate the measure into Dutch and to determine its psychometric properties.


Translation of the original English PsAQoL into Dutch was performed by bilingual and lay panel. Ten field-test interviews with PsA patients were performed to assess face and content validity. In total, 211 PsA patients were included in a test-retest postal survey to investigate the reliability and construct validity of the Dutch adaptation of the PsAQoL. The PsAQoL, Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and Skindex-17 were administered on two different occasions approximately two weeks apart.


The Dutch version of the PsAQoL was found to be relevant, understandable and easy to complete in only a few minutes. It correlated as expected with the HAQ (Spearman’s ρ = 0.72) and the 2 subscales of the Skindex-17 (ρ = 0.40 for the psychosocial and ρ = 0.46 for the symptom scale). Furthermore, the measure had good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.92) and test-retest reliability (ρ = 0.89). The PsAQoL was able to define groups of patients based on self-reported general health status, self-reported severity of PsA and flare of arthritis. Duration of PsA did not influence PsAQoL scores.


The Dutch version of the PsAQoL is a valid and reliable questionnaire suitable for use in clinical or research settings to asses PsA-specific QoL.  相似文献   



To evaluate the reliability and validity of 11 PROMIS measures to assess symptoms and impacts identified as important by people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).


Consecutive patients (N = 177) in an observational study completed PROMIS computer adapted tests (CATs) and a short form (SF) assessing pain, fatigue, physical function, mood, sleep, and participation. We assessed test-test reliability and internal consistency using correlation and Cronbach’s alpha. We assessed convergent validity by examining Pearson correlations between PROMIS measures and existing measures of similar domains and known groups validity by comparing scores across disease activity levels using ANOVA.


Participants were mostly female (82%) and white (83%) with mean (SD) age of 56 (13) years; 24% had ≤ high school, 29% had RA ≤ 5 years with 13% ≤ 2 years, and 22% were disabled. PROMIS Physical Function, Pain Interference and Fatigue instruments correlated moderately to strongly (rho’s ≥ 0.68) with corresponding PROs. Test-retest reliability ranged from .725–.883, and Cronbach’s alpha from .906–.991. A dose-response relationship with disease activity was evident in Physical Function with similar trends in other scales except Anger.


These data provide preliminary evidence of reliability and construct validity of PROMIS CATs to assess RA symptoms and impacts, and feasibility of use in clinical care. PROMIS instruments captured the experiences of RA patients across the broad continuum of RA symptoms and function, especially at low disease activity levels. Future research is needed to evaluate performance in relevant subgroups, assess responsiveness and identify clinically meaningful changes.  相似文献   



The ability to perform a cognitive task while walking simultaneously (dual-tasking) is important in real life. However, the psychometric properties of dual-task walking tests have not been well established in stroke.


To assess the test-retest reliability, concurrent and known-groups validity of various dual-task walking tests in people with chronic stroke.


Observational measurement study with a test-retest design.


Eighty-eight individuals with chronic stroke participated. The testing protocol involved four walking tasks (walking forward at self-selected and maximal speed, walking backward at self-selected speed, and crossing over obstacles) performed simultaneously with each of the three attention-demanding tasks (verbal fluency, serial 3 subtractions or carrying a cup of water). For each dual-task condition, the time taken to complete the walking task, the correct response rate (CRR) of the cognitive task, and the dual-task effect (DTE) for the walking time and CRR were calculated. Forty-six of the participants were tested twice within 3–4 days to establish test-retest reliability.


The walking time in various dual-task assessments demonstrated good to excellent reliability [Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC2,1) = 0.70–0.93; relative minimal detectable change at 95% confidence level (MDC95%) = 29%-45%]. The reliability of the CRR (ICC2,1 = 0.58–0.81) and the DTE in walking time (ICC2,1 = 0.11–0.80) was more varied. The reliability of the DTE in CRR (ICC2,1 = -0.31–0.40) was poor to fair. The walking time and CRR obtained in various dual-task walking tests were moderately to strongly correlated with those of the dual-task Timed-up-and-Go test, thus demonstrating good concurrent validity. None of the tests could discriminate fallers (those who had sustained at least one fall in the past year) from non-fallers.


The results are generalizable to community-dwelling individuals with chronic stroke only.


The walking time derived from the various dual-task assessments generally demonstrated good to excellent reliability, making them potentially useful in clinical practice and future research endeavors. However, the usefulness of these measurements in predicting falls needs to be further explored. Relatively low reliability was shown in the cognitive outcomes and DTE, which may not be preferred measurements for assessing dual-task performance.  相似文献   



With the availability of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and primary general care for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in resource limited settings, PLHIV are living longer, and HIV has been transformed into a chronic illness. People are diagnosed and started on treatment when they are relatively well. Although ART results in clinical improvement, the ultimate goal of treatment is full physical functioning and general well-being, with a focus on quality of life rather than clinical outcomes. However, there has been little research on the relationship of specific factors to quality of life in PLHIV. The objective of this study was to investigate factors associated with quality of life among PLHIV in Uganda receiving basic care and those on ART.


We enrolled 1274 patients attending an HIV outpatient clinic into a prospective cohort study. Of these, 640 received ART. All were followed up at 3 and 6 months. Health related quality of life was assessed with the MOS-HIV Health Survey and the Global Person Generated Index (GPGI). Multivariate linear regression and logistic regression with generalized estimating equations were used to examine the relationship of social behavioral and disease factors with Physical Health Summary (PHS) score, Mental Health Summary (MHS) score, and GPGI.


Among PLHIV receiving basic care, PHS was associated with: sex (p=0.045) - females had lower PHS; age in years at enrollment (p=0.0001) - older patients had lower PHS; and depression (p<0.001) - depressed patients had lower PHS. MHS was only associated with opportunistic infection (p=0.01) - presence of an opportunistic infection was associated with lower MHS. For the GPG the associated variables were age (p=0.03) - older patients had lower GPGI; education (p=0.01) – higher education associated with higher GPGI; and depression - patients with depression had a lower GPGI (p<0.001). Among patients on ART, PHS was associated with: study visit (p=0.01), with increase in time there was better PHS, and this also improved with increase in education level (p=0.002). Patients with WHO disease stage 3&4 had a lower PHS compared to patients at stage 1&2 (p=0.006), and depressed patients had lower PHS (p<0.001). MHS improved from baseline to six month study visit (p<0.001), and females had lower MHS compared to males (p=0.01). GPGI was associated with higher income (p=0.04), alcohol use was associated with lower GPGI (p=0.004), and depressed patients had a lower GPGI (p<0.001).


Quality of life improved over time for PLHIV on ART. Regardless of treatment status, PLHIV with depression or low education level and female gender were at risk of having a poor quality of life. Clinicians and policy makers should be aware of these findings, and address them to improve quality of life for PLHIV.  相似文献   



The Chinese version of the Activities of Daily Living Rating Scale III (ADLRS-III), which has 10 domains, is commonly used for assessing activities of daily living (ADL) in patients with schizophrenia. However, construct validity (i.e., unidimensionality) for each domain of the ADLRS-III is unknown, limiting the explanations of the test results.


This main purpose of this study was to examine unidimensionality of each domain in the ADLRS-III. We also examined internal consistency and ceiling/floor effects in patients with schizophrenia.


From occupational therapy records, we obtained 304 self-report data of the ADLRS-III. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to examine the 10 one-factor structures. If a domain showed an insufficient model fit, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed to investigate the factor structure and choose one factor representing the original construct. Internal consistency was examined using Cronbach’s alpha (α). Ceiling and floor effects were determined by the percentage of patients with the maximum and minimum scores in each domain, respectively.


CFA analyses showed that 4 domains (i.e., leisure, picture recognition, literacy ability, communication tools use) had sufficient model fits. These 4 domains had acceptable internal consistency (α = 0.79-0.87) and no ceiling/floor effects, except the leisure domain which had a ceiling effect. The other 6 domains showed insufficient model fits. The EFA results showed that these 6 domains were two-factor structures.


The results supported unidimensional constructs of the leisure, picture recognition, literacy ability, and communication tool uses domains. The sum scores of these 4 domains can be used to represent their respective domain-specific functions. Regarding the 6 domains with insufficient model fits, we have explained the two factors of each domain and chosen one factor to represent its original construct. Future users may use the items from the chosen factors to assess domain-specific functions in patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   



Self-reported health measures are important indicators used by clinicians and researchers for the evaluation of health interventions, outcome assessment of clinical studies, and identification of health needs to improve resource allocation. However, the application of self-reported health measures relies on developing reliable and valid instruments that are suitable across diverse populations. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the construct validity of the SF-12v.2, an instrument for measuring self-rated physical and mental health, for homeless adults with mental illness. Various interventions have been aimed at improving the health of homeless people with mental illness, and the development of valid instruments to evaluate these interventions is imperative.

Study Design

We measured self-rated mental and physical health from a quota sample of 575 homeless people with mental illness using the SF-12v2, EQ-5D, Colorado Symptoms Index, and physical/mental health visual analogue scales. We examined the construct validity of the SF-12v2 through confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), and using ANOVA/correlation analyses to compare the SF-12v2 to the other instruments to ascertain discriminant/convergent validity.


Our CFA showed that the measurement properties of the original SF-12v2 model had a mediocre fit with our empirical data (χ2 = 193.6, df = 43, p < .0001, CFI = 0.85, NFI = 0.83, RMSEA = 0.08). We demonstrate that changes based on theoretical rationale and previous studies can significantly improve the model, achieving an excellent fit in our final model (χ2 = 160.6, df = 48, p < .0001, CFI = 0.95, NFI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.06). Our CFA results suggest that an alternative scoring method based on the new model may optimize health status measurement of a homeless population. Despite these issues, convergent and discriminant validity of the SF-12v2 (scored based on the original model) was supported through multiple comparisons with other instruments.


Our study demonstrates for the first time that the SF-12v2 is generally appropriate as a measure of physical and mental health status for a homeless population with mental illness.  相似文献   

R. G. McAuley 《CMAJ》1967,96(14):1036
Difficulties in meeting today''s community medical needs are outlined, followed by a proposed solution in which the first-contact physician is the trained family physician. The McMaster Family Practice Course is described. The potential research contribution of a Department of Family Medicine is stressed.  相似文献   

目的:探讨纤维肌痛综合征患者生存质量及其影响因素。方法:选择2014年2月至2015年2月在哈医大一院风湿免疫科门诊就诊的纤维综合征患者共40例,采用医师与患者沟通以及问卷调查的方法收集患者的性别、年龄、病程以及并发症情况,并对患者疼痛、疲劳、焦虑抑郁、睡眠情况以及生存质量进行评估。同时随机选取一般正常人群40例作为对照组。应用SPSS l7.0统计软件进行统计学分析。结果:纤维肌痛综合征患者生存质量显著低于对照组(P0.05);疲劳程度、焦虑抑郁为影响生存质量的主要因素,呈负相关(P0.05);疼痛与生存质量中活力维度呈负相关(P0.05),疲劳程度与生理职能、一般健康状况、社会功能以及情感职能4个维度呈负相关(P0.05),焦虑抑郁程度以及睡眠质量与躯体功能、躯体疼痛以及社会功能3个维度呈负相关(P0.05)。结论:影响纤维肌痛综合征患者生存质量的因素是多方面的,要想提高患者的生存质量,不仅要缓解疼痛及其相关症状,更要同时改善如疲劳、抑郁焦虑等症状。  相似文献   

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