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Biological organisms exist over a broad temperature range of −15°C to +120°C, where many molecular processes involving DNA depend on the nanoscale properties of the double helix. Here, we present results of extensive molecular dynamics simulations of DNA oligomers at different temperatures. We show that internal basepair conformations are strongly temperature-dependent, particularly in the stretch and opening degrees of freedom whose harmonic fluctuations can be considered the initial steps of the DNA melting pathway. The basepair step elasticity contains a weaker, but detectable, entropic contribution in the roll, tilt, and rise degrees of freedom. To extend the validity of our results to the temperature interval beyond the standard melting transition relevant to extremophiles, we estimate the effects of superhelical stress on the stability of the basepair steps, as computed from the Benham model. We predict that although the average twist decreases with temperature in vitro, the stabilizing external torque in vivo results in an increase of ∼1°/bp (or a superhelical density of Δσ?+0.03Δσ?+0.03) in the interval 0–100°C. In the final step, we show that the experimentally observed apparent bending persistence length of torsionally unconstrained DNA can be calculated from a hybrid model that accounts for the softening of the double helix and the presence of transient denaturation bubbles. Although the latter dominate the behavior close to the melting transition, the inclusion of helix softening is important around standard physiological temperatures.  相似文献   

李载平 《生命的化学》2004,24(4):363-363
炎热的7月底,传来了英国科学家、分子生物学的先驱Francis Crick去世的不幸?肖息,这位以DNA双螺旋模型的揭示,荣获1962年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的科学家,在与疾病斗争了几年之后,于7月28日在美国圣地亚哥一家医院离开了我们,终结了他光辉的一生,但是他对科学的贡献,作为人类科学  相似文献   


A simple osmometer with nuclear filters (polymer films with pores of a preset diameter) were used to measure the osmotic pressure of Col El plasmid DNA solutions in the concentration range of 1–4 mg/ml DNA. Linear and open circular DNA forms proved to have the same osmotic pressure within the experimental accuracy. The results of the measurements were used for calculating the second virial coefficient A 2 of the solution of DNA segments and the effective chain diameter d eff in the ionic strength range of 10?2-0.1 M, As the ionic strength is lowered from 0.1 to 10?2 M the effective diameter of DNA increases from 80 to 220 A. The results are in rather good agreement with theory and with other experimental data.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the principal structural features of the DNA double helix and their effects on its elastic mechanical properties. We develop, in the pursuit of this purpose, a helical continuum model consisting of a soft helical core and two stiff ribbons wrapping around it. The proposed model can reproduce the negative twist-stretch coupling of the helix successfully as well as its global stretching, bending, and torsional rigidities measured experimentally. Our parametric study of the model using the finite element method further reveals that the stiffness of phosphate backbones is a crucial factor for the counterintuitive overwinding behavior of the duplex and its extraordinarily high torsional rigidity, the major-minor grooves augment the twist-stretch coupling, and the change of the helicity might be responsible for the transition from a negative to a positive twist-stretching coupling when a tensile force is applied to the duplex.  相似文献   


By means of molecular modelling, electrostatic interactions are shown to play an important role in the sequence-dependent structure of triple helices formed by a homopyrimidine oligonucleotide bound to a homopurine, homopyrimidine sequence on DNA. This is caused by the presence of positive charges due to the protonation of cytosines in the Hoogsteen-bonded strand, required in order to form C.GxC+ triplets. Energetic and conformational characteristics of triple helices with different sequences are analyzed and discussed. The effects of duplex mismatches on the triple helix stability are investigated via thermal dissociation using UV absorption.  相似文献   

DNA双螺旋模型的建立——基因的物质本性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
高翼之 《遗传》2002,24(6):691-694
1953年,沃森和克里克阐明了他们关于DNA双螺旋结构的假说。沃森-克里克模型标志着分子生物学的诞生。沃森和克里克为遗传学乃至整个生命科学作出了非凡贡献。 The Double Helix Model of DNA Structure——The Physical Nature of the Gene GAO Yi-zhi Southeast University,School of Medicine,Nanjing 210009,China Abstract:In 1953,Watson and Crick set forth their hypothesis for the double-helical nature of DNA.The Watson-Crick model had an immediate effect on the emerging discipline of molecular biology.It was a remarkable feat and highly significant in the history of genetics and biology. Key words:The Watson-Crick model;history of genetics  相似文献   


Complexes formed between Actinomycin D (ActD) and the tetranucleotides d(AGCT)2 and d(CGCG)2 were studied in detail by one and two-dimensional 1H and 31P NMR. The 31P two dimensional chemical exchange experiment, at room temperature on saturated complexes (1:1), showed unambiguously that the asymmetrical phenoxazone ring binds to the unique GC site under the two possible orientations in the d(AGCT)2 tetranucleotide but adopts a single orientation in the d(CGCG)2 tetranucleotide. For the d(CGCG)2: Act D saturated complex, complete assignments of all protons and phosphorus signals of the two-nucleotide strands, as well as of the two cyclic pentapeptide chains has allowed us to study in details the conformational features of the complex from NOE and coupling constants analysis. The tetranucleotide remains in a right-handed duplex, but the sugar puckers are modified for residues at the intercalation site. A uniform C2′ endo pucker is observed for residues on the strand facing the quinoid side of the phenoxazone ring while a C2′ endo-C3′ endo equilibrium about 60% of C2′ endo is proposed for the two residues on the strand facing the benzenoid side of the phenoxazone ring. In contrast to previous studies on ActD-DNA interactions, we have been able to measure the 3J phosphorus-proton coupling constants at the intercalation site but also adjacent to it, showing that 31P chemical shifts are not simply related to the backbone conformation. Molecular mechanics calculations, using empirical distances deduced from NOE effects as restrained distances during minimizations, led to a model differing mainly from those previously published by orientation of the N methyl groups of both N-Methyl-Valines.  相似文献   


We have calculated the variance of equilibrium distribution of a circular wormlike polymer chain over the writhing number, ?(Wr)2?, as a function of the number of Kuhn statistical segments, n, For large n these data splice well with our earlier results obtained for a circular freely jointed polymer chain. Assuming that ?(ΔLk)2? = ?(ΔTw)2? + ?(Wr)2? we have compared our results with experimental data on the chain length dependence of the ?(ΔLk) 2? value recently obtained by Horowitz and Wang for small DNA rings. This comparison has shown an excellent agreement between theory and experiment and yielded a reliable estimate of the torsional and bending rigidity parameters. Namely, the torsional rigidity constant is C = 3.0·10?19 erg cm, and the bending rigidity as expressed in terms of the DNA persistence length is a = 500 A. The obtained value of C agrees well with earlier estimates by Shore and Baldwin as well as by Horowitz and Wang whereas the a value is in accord with the data of Hagerman. We have found the data of Shore and Baldwin on the chain length dependence of the ?(ΔLk) 2? value to be entirely inconsistent with our theoretical results.  相似文献   


It is now very well recognized that the DNA double helix is conformationally pluralistic and that this flexibility is derived from internal motions due to backbone torsions. But what is less apparent is that such internal motions can occur in a correlated fashion and express themselves in a wide variety of structural motifs and phenomena. For example, flexibility inherent in the DNA molecule can lead to a family of Z-DNA, LZ1 and LZ2 being the two extremes and correlated internal motion can cause LZ1?LZ2 transition. More interestingly, such motions manifest themselves as breathing modes on the DNA lattice resulting in the sequence specific intercalation sites. Following a detailed stereochemical analyses we observed that the intercalation site for ethidium is located at the dCpdG sequence of the intercalated LZ1 helix (LZ1*) while that for actinomycin D is located at the dGpdC sequence of the intercalated LZ2 helix (LZ2*). From the stereochemistry of the drug binding we make experimentally testable predictions which are in fact supported by a few recent experimental studies. These studies also show that a left-handed intercalated B-DNA model is a viable intermediate in the Z to B transition which can hold the drug with binding energy comparable to that of the intercalated right-handed B-DNA.  相似文献   


Statistical analyses on the positional correlation of physical-stability and base-sequence distribution maps with genetic map are made for the whole DNA (48502 bases) of λ-phage. The susceptibility to a double-helix unfolding perturbation and the fraction of the transient opening of a particular region of the double helix are adopted to define this physical stability.

The principal features obtained are: A) The DNA double strand of protein coding regions is found to have homostabilizing propensity around a defined stability which is characteristic to each individual gene. B) The stability of the double helix in non-protein coding region fluctuates, on average over the whole region, more than that in protein coding region. C) Boundary regions of protein coding and non-protein coding regions are regions of high stability-fluctuation. Stability especially fluctuates at the protein-coding-region side of the boundary. Contrary to the quiet feature of the interior part of protein coding region rather noisy part exists at its edge. D) One frequently opening region coincides with the attaching site for the site specific recombination between phage and bacterial DNA.

There are two possible ways to explain the noisy feature in the stability distribution in non-protein coding regions: 1) The region has been used as the locus of recombination as evolution took place. Thus DNAs which were homostabilized around a different value characteristic to each individual DNA, have been joined there many times, so that the noise has accumulated as a remnant of evolutional history; and/or 2) the base-composition homogenizing or double-helix homostabilizing mechanism does not work in unneeded region such as non-protein coding region or introns.

Since corresponding characteristics have been found in our previous analyses on other viral and globin-gene DNAs, the rules mentioned above may be comprehensively extended to other DNAs.  相似文献   

Intramolecular collision dynamics play an essential role in biomolecular folding and function and, increasingly, in the performance of biomimetic technologies. To date, however, the quantitative studies of dynamics of single-stranded nucleic acids have been limited. Thus motivated, here we investigate the sequence composition, chain-length, viscosity, and temperature dependencies of the end-to-end collision dynamics of single-stranded DNAs. We find that both the absolute collision rate and the temperature dependencies of these dynamics are base-composition dependent, suggesting that base stacking interactions are a significant contributor. For example, whereas the end-to-end collision dynamics of poly-thymine exhibit simple, linear Arrhenius behavior, the behavior of longer poly-adenine constructs is more complicated. Specifically, 20- and 25-adenine constructs exhibit biphasic temperature dependencies, with their temperature dependences becoming effectively indistinguishable from that of poly-thymine above 335 K for 20-adenines and 328 K for 25-adenines. The differing Arrhenius behaviors of poly-thymine and poly-adenine and the chain-length dependence of the temperature at which poly-adenine crosses over to behave like poly-thymine can be explained by a barrier friction mechanism in which, at low temperatures, the energy barrier for the local rearrangement of poly-adenine becomes the dominant contributor to its end-to-end collision dynamics.  相似文献   

Force probe techniques such as atomic force microscopy can directly measure the force required to rupture single biological ligand receptor bonds. Such forces are related to the energy landscape of these weak, noncovalent biological interactions. We report unbinding force measurements between complementary strands of DNA as a function of temperature. Our measurements emphasize the entropic contributions to the energy landscape of the bond.  相似文献   


Addition of Na2CO3 to almost salt-free DNA solution (5·10?5M EDTA, pH=5.7, Tm=26.5 °C) elevates both pH and the DNA melting temperature (Tm) if Na2CO3 concentration is less than 0.004M. For 0.004M Na2CO3, Tm=58 °C is maximal and pH=10.56. Further increase in concentration gives rise to a monotonous decrease in Tm to 37 °C for 1M N2CO3 (pH=10.57). Increase in pH is also not monotonous. The highest pH=10.87 is reached at 0.04M Na2CO3 (Tm=48.3 °C). To reveal the cause of this DNA destabilization, which happens in a narrow pH interval (10.56÷10.87) and a wide Na2CO3 concentration interval (0.004÷1M), a procedure has been developed for determining the separate influences on Tm of Na+, pH, and anions formed by Na2CO3 (HCO3 ? and CO3 2-). Comparison of influence of anions formed by Na2CO3 on DNA stability with Cl? (anion inert to DNA stability), ClO4 ? (strong DNA destabilizing “chaotropic” anion) and OH? has been carried out. It has been shown that only Na+ and pH influence Tm in Na2CO3 solution at concentrations lower than 0.001M. However, the Tm decrease with concentration for [Na2CO3]≥0.004M is only partly caused by high pH≈10.7. Na2CO3 anions also exert a strong destabilizing influence at these concentrations. For 0.1M Na2CO3 (pH=10.84, [Na+]=0.2M, Tm=42.7 °C), the anion destabilizing effect is higher 20 °C. For NaClO4 (ClO4 ? is a strong “chaotropic” anion), an equal anion effect occurs at much higher concentrations ~3M. This means that Na2CO3 gives rise to a much stronger anion effect than other salts. The effect is pH dependent. It decreases fivefold at neutral pH after addition of HCl to 0.1M Na2CO3 as well as after addition of NaOH for pH>11.2.  相似文献   

DNA‐based chiral selectors are constructed to discriminate ofloxacin enantiomers through metal‐ion anchoring on a special DNA double helix that contains successive GC pairs. The effects of metal ions involving Mg2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Ag+, and Pt2+ were studied on the regulation of DNA chiral discrimination towards ofloxacin enantiomers. It is shown that DNA‐Cu(II) complexes exhibit the highest enantioselectivities at the [Cu2+]/base ratio of 0.1. The enantiomeric excess can reach 59% in R‐enantiomer after being adsorbed by the RET‐Cu(II) complex. Stereoselective recognition of ofloxacin enantiomers on the double helix is tunable via external stimulus, providing a programmable desorption process to regenerate DNA. This DNA‐based chiral selector exhibits excellent reusability without apparent loss of enantioselectivity after three cycles of adsorption and desorption. Chirality 26:249–254, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


DNA interstrand cross-links are usually formed due to bidentate covalent or coordination binding of a cross-linking agent to nucleotides of different strands. However interstrand linkages can be also caused by any type of chemical modification that gives rise to a strong local stabilization of the double helix. These stabilized sites conserve their helical structure and prevent local and total strand separation at temperatures above the melting of ordinary AT and GC base pairs. This local stabilization makes DNA melting fully reversible and independent of strand concentration like ordinary covalent interstrand cross-links. The stabilization can be caused by all the types of chemical modifications (interstrand cross-links, intrastrand cross-links or monofunctional adducts) if they give rise to a strong enough local stabilization of the double helix. Our calculation demonstrates that an increase in stability by 25 to 30 kcal in the free energy of a single base pair of the double helix is sufficient for this “cross-linking effect” (i.e. conserving the helicity of this base pair and preventing strand separation after melting of ordinary base pairs). For the situation where there is more then one stabilized site in a DNA duplex (e.g., 1 stabilized site per 1000 bp), a lower stabilization per site is sufficient for the “cross-linking effect” (18–20 kcal). A substantial increase in DNA stability was found in various experimental studies for some metal-based anti-tumor compounds. These compounds may give rise to the effect described above. If ligand induced stabilization is distributed among several neighboring base pairs, a much lower minimum increase per stabilized base pair is sufficient to produce the cross-linking effect (1 bp- 24.4 kcal; 5 bp- 5.3 kcal; 10 bp- 2.9 kcal, 25 bp- 1.4 kcal; 50 bp- 1.0 kcal). The relatively weak non-covalent binding of histones or protamines that cover long regions of DNA (20–40 bp) can also cause this effect if the salt concentration of the solution is sufficiently low to cause strong local stabilization of the double helix. Stretches of GC pairs more than 25 bp in length inserted into poly(AT) DNA also exhibit properties of stabilizing interstrand cross-links.  相似文献   

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