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Apoptosis in Helicobacter pylori gastritis is related to cagA status   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori infection increases gastric epithelial cell apoptosis; however, the influence of cagA status is still controversial. We aimed to investigate if cagA status is related to apoptosis in H. pylori gastritis at different anatomic sites of the gastric mucosa. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied by immunohistochemistry (streptavidin-biotin method) pro-apoptotic (Bax and Bak) and antiapoptotic (Bcl-2 and Bcl-x) proteins expression, scored from 0 to 4, in gastric biopsies, at the antrum (lesser and greater curvatures), incisura, and corpus (greater curvature) from 50 patients with H. pylori gastritis (22 males, 28 females, median age 40 years) and eight non-infected patients (6 males, median age 39.6 years). H. pylori and cagA status were determined by polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Apoptotic proteins were expressed in a granular pattern, in the cytoplasm of foveolar cells; Bax and Bak expression was higher than Bcl-2 and Bcl-x in most cases and was significantly higher in patients infected by cagA-positive strains than in those infected by cagA-negative strains (p = .001). Bak expression was higher at the lesser curvature (antrum and incisura) than in the other regions (p = .002) and was correlated with atrophy. Anti-apoptotic proteins were significantly more expressed at the antral lesser curvature than in the other regions of the stomach (Bcl-2: p = .02; Bcl-x: p < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Infection with cagA-positive strains is significantly associated with overexpression of pro-apoptotic proteins in the gastric mucosa, mainly at the antral lesser curvature, which may have a role on atrophy development. Anti-apoptotic proteins were also overexpressed at the lesser curvature, which may occur to keep epithelial cell turnover or might be related to malignant transformation.  相似文献   

Infection with cagA-positive Helicobacter pylori is the strongest risk factor for the development of gastric carcinoma. The cagA gene product CagA, which is delivered into gastric epithelial cells, specifically binds to and aberrantly activates SHP-2 oncoprotein. CagA also interacts with and inhibits partitioning-defective 1 (PAR1)/MARK kinase, which phosphorylates microtubule-associated proteins to destabilize microtubules and thereby causes epithelial polarity defects. In light of the notion that microtubules are not only required for polarity regulation but also essential for the formation of mitotic spindles, we hypothesized that CagA-mediated PAR1 inhibition also influences mitosis. Here, we investigated the effect of CagA on the progression of mitosis. In the presence of CagA, cells displayed a delay in the transition from prophase to metaphase. Furthermore, a fraction of the CagA-expressing cells showed spindle misorientation at the onset of anaphase, followed by chromosomal segregation with abnormal division axis. The effect of CagA on mitosis was abolished by elevated PAR1 expression. Conversely, inhibition of PAR1 kinase elicited mitotic delay similar to that induced by CagA. Thus, CagA-mediated inhibition of PAR1, which perturbs microtubule stability and thereby causes microtubule-based spindle dysfunction, is involved in the prophase/metaphase delay and subsequent spindle misorientation. Consequently, chronic exposure of cells to CagA induces chromosomal instability. Our findings reveal a bifunctional role of CagA as an oncoprotein: CagA elicits uncontrolled cell proliferation by aberrantly activating SHP-2 and at the same time induces chromosomal instability by perturbing the microtubule-based mitotic spindle. The dual function of CagA may cooperatively contribute to the progression of multistep gastric carcinogenesis.Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium first described in 1984 by Marshall and Warren (1). H. pylori inhabits at least half of the world''s human population. Clinically isolated H. pylori strains can be divided into two major subtypes based on their ability to produce a 120- to 145-kDa protein called cytotoxin-associated gene A antigen (CagA)2 (25). More than 90–95% of H. pylori strains isolated in East Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, and China are cagA-positive, whereas 40–50% of those isolated in Western countries are cagA-negative. Infection with a cagA-positive H. pylori strain is associated with severe atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcerations, and gastric adenocarcinoma (612).H. pylori cagA-positive strains deliver the CagA protein into host cells via the cag pathogenicity island-encoded type IV secretion system (4, 5, 13, 14). Translocated CagA then localizes to the inner surface of the plasma membrane, where it undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation by Src family kinases or Abl kinase at the Glu-Pro-Ile-Tyr-Ala (EPIYA) motifs present in the C-terminal region of CagA (1517). Tyrosine-phosphorylated CagA then binds specifically to SHP-2 tyrosine phosphatase and deregulates its phosphatase activity (1821). Recent studies have revealed that gain-of-function mutations of SHP-2 are associated with a variety of human malignancies, indicating that SHP-2 is a bona fide human oncoprotein. Furthermore, transgenic expression of CagA in mice induces gastrointestinal and hematological malignancies in a manner that is dependent on CagA tyrosine phosphorylation (22). These findings suggest a critical role of CagA-SHP-2 interaction in the oncogenic potential of CagA.A polarized epithelial monolayer is characterized by the presence of well developed cell-cell interaction apparatuses such as tight junctions and adherens junctions. The tight junctions act as a paracellular barrier in polarized epithelial cells and play an essential role in the establishment and maintenance of epithelial cell polarity by delimiting the apical and basolateral membrane domains. CagA disrupts the tight junctions and causes loss of epithelial apical-basal polarity (23, 24). The disruption of tight junctions by CagA is mediated by the specific interaction of CagA with partitioning-defective 1 (PAR1) (25, 26). PAR1 is a serine/threonine kinase originally isolated in Caenorhabditis elegans and highly conserved from yeast to humans (27, 28). In mammals, there are four PAR1 isoforms, which may have redundant roles in polarity regulation. PAR1 acts as a master regulator for the regulation of cell polarity in various cell systems. During epithelial polarization, PAR1 specifically localizes to the basolateral membrane, whereas atypical PKC complexed with PAR3 and PAR6 (aPKC complex) specifically localizes to the apical membrane as well as the tight junctions (2931). This asymmetric distribution of the two kinases, PAR1 and aPKC complex, ensures formation and maintenance of epithelial apical-basal polarity. Notably, mammalian PAR1 kinases were originally identified as microtubule affinity-regulating kinases (MARKs), which phosphorylate microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) such as Tau, MAP2, and MAP4 on their tubulin-binding repeats. The PAR1/MARK-dependent phosphorylation causes MAPs to detach from and thereby destabilize microtubules (32, 33). Importantly, microtubules form a mitotic spindle, which plays an indispensable role in chromosomal alignment and separation during mitosis, raising the possibility that PAR1 regulates mitosis through controlling stability of the mitotic spindle. Indeed, during mitosis, MAPs undergo a severalfold higher level of phosphorylation (34, 35), and microtubule dynamics increase ∼20-fold (36). This in turn raises the intriguing possibility that CagA influences chromosomal stability by subverting MAP phosphorylation through systemic inhibition of PAR1.In this study, the effects of CagA on microtubule-dependent cellular events, especially dynamics of the mitotic spindle and chromosomal segregation during mitosis, were examined. The results of this work provide evidence that CagA perturbs mitotic spindle checkpoint and thereby causes chromosomal instability. Given the role of chromosomal instability in cell transformation, the newly identified CagA activity may play a crucial role in the development of gastric carcinoma.  相似文献   

Among the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family of cytokines, FasL and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) are known to induce cell death via caspase activation. Recently, other biological functions of these death ligands have been postulated in vitro and in vivo. It was previously shown that Fas ligation induces chemokine expression in human glioma cells. In this study, we investigated whether the TRAIL-DR5 system transduces signals similar to those induced by other TNF family ligands and receptors. To address this issue, two human glioma cell lines, CRT-MG and U87-MG, were used, and an agonistic antibody against DR5 (TRA-8) and human recombinant TRAIL were used to ligate DR5. We demonstrate that DR5 ligation by either TRAIL or TRA-8 induces two functional outcomes, apoptosis and expression of the chemokine interleukin-8 (IL-8); the nonspecific caspase inhibitor Boc-D-Fmk blocks both TRAIL-mediated cell death and IL-8 production; the caspase 3-specific inhibitor z-DEVD-Fmk suppresses TRAIL-mediated apoptosis but not IL-8 induction; caspase 1- and 8-specific inhibitors block both TRAIL-mediated cell death and IL-8 production; and DR5 ligation by TRAIL mediates AP-1 and NF-kappaB activation, which can be inhibited by caspase 1- and 8-specific inhibitors. These findings collectively indicate that DR5 ligation on human glioma cells leads to apoptosis and that the activation of AP-1 and NF-kappaB leads to the induction of IL-8 expression; these responses are dependent on caspase activation. Therefore, the TRAIL-DR5 system has a role not only as an inducer of apoptotic cell death but also as a transducer for proinflammatory and angiogenic signals in human brain tumors.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori was transurethrally inoculated into the mouse urinary tract. The organism established infection and induced inflammation in the urinary bladder and pelvis. During the infection, urinary pH was elevated, probably due to the production of NH3 by bacterial urease. H. pylori was recovered from the urinary bladder, kidney and urine of the infected mice. Histopathologically, severe neutrophil infiltration was observed in the mucosal layer of both organs. H. pylori was detected on the surface of the epithelial cells. These results indicate that low pH and bacterial flora were not essential factors in establishing the mucosal infection with H. pylori. This experimental system is useful to investigate the pathogenicity of H. pylori in mucosal organs.  相似文献   

MCL-1 (myeloid cell leukemia-1), a member of the BCL-2 family, has three splicing variants, antiapoptotic MCL-1L, proapoptotic MCL-1S, and MCL-1ES. We previously reported cloning MCL-1ES and characterizing it as an apoptotic molecule. Here, we investigated the molecular mechanism by which MCL-1ES promotes cell death. MCL-1ES was distinct from other proapoptotic BCL-2 members that induce apoptosis by promoting BAX or BAK oligomerization, leading to mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP), in that MCL-1ES promoted mitochondrial apoptosis independently of both BAX and BAK. Instead, MCL-1L was crucial for the apoptotic activity of MCL-1ES by facilitating its proper localization to the mitochondria. MCL-1ES did not interact with any BCL-2 family proteins except for MCL-1L, and antiapoptotic BCL-2 members failed to inhibit apoptosis induced by MCL-1ES. The BCL-2 homology 3 (BH3) domain of MCL-1ES was critical for both MCL-1ES association with MCL-1L and apoptotic activity. MCL-1ES formed mitochondrial oligomers, and this process was followed by MOMP and cytochrome c release in a MCL-1L-dependent manner. These findings indicate that MCL-1ES, as a distinct proapoptotic BCL-2 family protein, may be useful for intervening in diseases that involve uncontrolled MCL-1L.  相似文献   

The indolizidine alkaloid swainsonine (SW) has been reported to impair placentae and ultimately cause abortion in pregnant goats. Up to now, however, the precise effects of SW on goat trophoblast cells (GTCs) are still unclear. In this study, the cytotoxicity effects of SW on GTCs were detected and evaluated by MTT assay, AO/EB double staining, DNA fragmentation assay and flow cytometry analysis. Results showed that SW treatment significantly suppressed GTCs viability and induced typical apoptotic features in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. SW treatment increased Bax protein levels, reduced Bcl-2 protein levels, induced Bax translocation to mitochondria, and triggered the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria into cytosol, which in turn activated caspase-9 and caspase-3, and cleaved PARP, resulting in GTCs apoptosis. However, caspase-8 activity and the level of Bid did not exhibit significant changes in the process of SW-induced apoptosis. In addition, TUNEL assay suggested that SW induced GTCs apoptosis but not other cells in goat placenta cotyledons. Taken together, these data suggest that SW selectively induces GTCs apoptosis via the activation of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis pathway in goat placenta cotyledons, which might contribute to placentae impairment and abortion in pregnant goats fed with SW-containing plants. These findings may provide new insights to understand the mechanisms involved in SW-caused goat''s abortion.  相似文献   

镉(cadmium,Cd)是一种生物累积性的有毒重金属元素,能够在肾组织大量蓄积并引起肾发生病变和功能损伤。前期研究证实,Cd处理能够引起猪肾PK-15细胞的活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)水平升高和细胞死亡,但详细机制有待进一步研究。本研究以PK-15细胞为研究对象,通过CCK-8检测、透射电镜观察、DCFH-DA标记、JC-1染色、彗星实验和流式细胞术等研究手段,分别检测Cd处理后的细胞活性、形态变化、ROS生成、线粒体膜电位Δψm、DNA损伤及细胞凋亡情况。CCK-8实验结果显示,CdCl2处理后PK-15细胞活性下降,且呈时间和剂量依赖性;形态学观察发现,CdCl2处理引起PK-15细胞皱缩、变圆,细胞核固缩、染色质凝聚,线粒体肿胀、线粒体嵴减少或消失;荧光染色和流式细胞术检测结果显示,CdCl2处理引起PK-15细胞内ROS水平升高、线粒体膜电位Δψm下降和DNA损伤,最终导致细胞凋亡。Western印迹结果显示,CdCl2处理组中促凋亡蛋白质Bax表达量上调,抑凋亡蛋白质Bcl-2表达量下调,并且CdCl2处理组检测到了活化状态的裂解胱天蛋白酶3(cleaved caspase 3)。此外,ROS清除剂N-乙酰基-L-半胱氨酸(N-acetyl-L-cysteine,NAC)缓解了CdCl2引起的线粒体损伤、DNA损伤和细胞凋亡。综上所述,Cd通过引发氧化应激和线粒体损伤诱导PK-15细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

Background: The current chemotherapeutic outcomes for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are not encouraging, and long-term survival of this patient group remains poor. Recent studies have demonstrated the utility of histone deacetylase inhibitors that can disrupt cell proliferation and survival in HCC management. However, the effects of droxinostat, a type of histone deacetylase inhibitor, on HCC remain to be established. Methods: The effects of droxinostat on HCC cell lines SMMC-7721 and HepG2 were investigated. Histone acetylation and apoptosis-modulating proteins were assessed via Western blot. Proliferation was examined with 3-(4, 5 dimetyl-2-thiazolyl)-2, 5-diphenyl 2H-tetrazolium bromide, cell proliferation, and real-time cell viability assays, and apoptosis with flow cytometry. Results: Droxinostat inhibited proliferation and colony formation of the HCC cell lines examined. Hepatoma cell death was induced through activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and downregulation of FLIP expression. Droxinostat suppressed histone deacetylase (HDAC) 3 expression and promoted acetylation of histones H3 and H4. Knockdown of HDAC3 induced hepatoma cell apoptosis and histone H3 and H4 acetylation. Conclusions: Droxinostat suppresses HDAC3 expression and induces histone acetylation and HCC cell death through activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and downregulation of FLIP, supporting its potential application in the treatment of HCC.  相似文献   

Gastric cancer development is strongly correlated with infection by Helicobacter pylori possessing the effector protein CagA. Using a transgenic Drosophila melanogaster model, we show that CagA expression in the simple model epithelium of the larval wing imaginal disc causes dramatic tissue perturbations and apoptosis when CagA-expressing and non-expressing cells are juxtaposed. This cell death phenotype occurs through activation of JNK signaling and is enhanced by loss of the neoplastic tumor suppressors in CagA-expressing cells or loss of the TNF homolog Eiger in wild type neighboring cells. We further explored the effects of CagA-mediated JNK pathway activation on an epithelium in the context of oncogenic Ras activation, using a Drosophila model of metastasis. In this model, CagA expression in epithelial cells enhances the growth and invasion of tumors in a JNK-dependent manner. These data suggest a potential role for CagA-mediated JNK pathway activation in promoting gastric cancer progression.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a major gastric pathogen that has been associated with humans for more than 60,000 years. H. pylori causes different gastric diseases including dyspepsia, ulcers and gastric cancers. Disease development depends on several factors including the infecting H. pylori strain, environmental and host factors. Another factor that might influence H. pylori colonization and diseases is the gastric microbiota that was overlooked for long because of the belief that human stomach was a hostile environment that cannot support microbial life. Once established, H. pylori mainly resides in the gastric mucosa and interacts with the resident bacteria. How these interactions impact on H. pylori-caused diseases has been poorly studied in human. In this study, we analyzed the interactions between H. pylori and two bacteria, Streptocccus mitis and Lactobacillus fermentum that are present in the stomach of both healthy and gastric disease human patients. We have found that S. mitis produced and released one or more diffusible factors that induce growth inhibition and coccoid conversion of H. pylori cells. In contrast, both H. pylori and L. fermentum secreted factors that promote survival of S. mitis during the stationary phase of growth. Using a metabolomics approach, we identified compounds that might be responsible for the conversion of H. pylori from spiral to coccoid cells. This study provide evidences that gastric bacteria influences H. pylori physiology and therefore possibly the diseases this bacterium causes.  相似文献   

Viruses have developed distinct strategies to overcome the host defense system. Regulation of apoptosis in response to viral infection is important for virus survival and dissemination. Like other viruses, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is known to regulate apoptosis. This study, for the first time, suggests that the non-structural protein NSs of CCHFV, a member of the genus Nairovirus, induces apoptosis. In this report, we demonstrated the expression of CCHFV NSs, which contains 150 amino acid residues, in CCHFV-infected cells. CCHFV NSs undergoes active degradation during infection. We further demonstrated that ectopic expression of CCHFV NSs induces apoptosis, as reflected by caspase-3/7 activity and cleaved poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, in different cell lines that support CCHFV replication. Using specific inhibitors, we showed that CCHFV NSs induces apoptosis via both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. The minimal active region of the CCHFV NSs protein was determined to be 93–140 amino acid residues. Using alanine scanning, we demonstrated that Leu-127 and Leu-135 are the key residues for NSs-induced apoptosis. Interestingly, CCHFV NSs co-localizes in mitochondria and also disrupts the mitochondrial membrane potential. We also demonstrated that Leu-127 and Leu-135 are important residues for disruption of the mitochondrial membrane potential by NSs. Therefore, these results indicate that the C terminus of CCHFV NSs triggers mitochondrial membrane permeabilization, leading to activation of caspases, which, ultimately, leads to apoptosis. Given that multiple factors contribute to apoptosis during CCHFV infection, further studies are needed to define the involvement of CCHFV NSs in regulating apoptosis in infected cells.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma (GBM) remains one of the most challenging solid cancers to treat due to its highly proliferative, angiogenic and invasive nature. Over 80% of adult high-grade astrocytomas show inactivation of the Rb tumor suppressor pathway. Therefore, one possible therapeutic strategy would be to directly modulate cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) activity resulting in inhibition of Rb phosphorylation and cell cycle progression. The small molecule CDK inhibitor, flavopiridol, has demonstrated antitumor activity in human xenograft models and is currently in clinical trials showing efficacy in patients with advanced disease. We have developed an experimental animal model using the murine glioma GL261 cells as a novel in vivo system to screen potential therapeutic agents for GBM. Results of in vitro testing demonstrate that flavopiridol has several relevant clinical characteristics such as its ability to:

1. inhibit cell growth;

2. inhibit cell migration;

3. decrease expression of CDK inhibitor cyclin D1, CDK4 and p21;

4. induce apoptosis in cells with high levels of p27 expression; and

5. decrease the expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2.

The mechanism by which flavopiridol induces apoptosis is mitochondrial-mediated. We demonstrate by electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry that drug treatment induces mitochondrial damage that was accompanied by the release of cytochrome c into the cytosol together with the translocation of apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) into the nucleus. This finding in murine glioma cells differs markedly from the mechanism of flavopiridol-induced apoptosis cell death reported by us for human glioma cells (Alonso et al., Mol Cancer Ther 2003; 2:139) where drug treatment induced a caspase- and cytochrome c-independent pathway in the absence of detectable damage to mitochondria. In apoptotic human glioma cells only translocation of AIF into the nucleus occurred. Thus, the same drug induces apoptosis inkills different types of glioma cells by different mitochondrial-dependent pathways.  相似文献   

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a hematological malignancy characterized by a rapid increase in the number of immature myeloid cells in bone marrow. Despite recent advances in the treatment, AML remains an incurable disease. Matrine, a major component extracted from Sophora flavescens Ait, has been demonstrated to exert anticancer effects on various cancer cell lines. However, the effects of matrine on AML remain largely unknown. Here we investigated its anticancer effects and underlying mechanisms on human AML cells in vitro and in vivo. The results showed that matrine inhibited cell viability and induced cell apoptosis in AML cell lines as well as primary AML cells from patients with AML in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Matrine induced apoptosis by collapsing the mitochondrial membrane potential, inducing cytochrome c release from mitochondria, reducing the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax, increasing activation of caspase-3, and decreasing the levels of p-Akt and p-ERK1/2. The apoptotic effects of matrine on AML cells were partially blocked by a caspase-3 inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK and a PI3K/Akt activator IGF-1, respectively. Matrine potently inhibited in vivo tumor growth following subcutaneous inoculation of HL-60 cells in SCID mice. These findings indicate that matrine can inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis of AML cells and may be a novel effective candidate as chemotherapeutic agent against AML.  相似文献   

Binding of vitronectin and plasminogen to Helicobacter pylori   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract We have studied how some extracellular matrix proteins, fibronectin, fibrinogen, collagen type I and type IV, plasminogen and vitronectin bind to Helicobacter pylori . Radiolabelled vitronectin and plasminogen bound to the haemagglutinating H. pylori strain 17874 at a high level (53% and 32%, respectively), type IV collagen showed an intermediate level of binding (16%), while binding by 125I-labelled fibrinogen, fibronectin and collagen type I remained at a low level (5–7%). Both 125I-vitronectin and plasminogen showed a dose-dependent binding to cells of H. pylori 17874. Plasminogen binding by this strain was specific since the binding was inhibited by nonlabelled plasminogen, but not by highly glycosylated glycoproteins such as fetuin and orosomucoid or by a variety of monosaccharides. We have previously shown that 125I-vitronectin shows a specific and saturable binding to H. pylori 17874, and that sialic acid-rich glycoproteins such as fetuin and orosomucoid drastically reduced binding. We now report that a simultaneous incubation of 125I-vitronectin and 125I-plasminogen with cells of H. pylori 17874 showed a total binding approximately similar to the level of binding when either 125I-plasminogen, or 125I-vitronectin only were incubated with the bacterial cells. Nonlabelled vitronectin inhibited the binding of 125I-plasminogen by H. pylori , but nonlabelled plasminogen had no effect on the binding of 125I-vitronectin. Our findings suggest that there are different but probably closely localized binding sites for vitronectin and plasminogen on H. pylori 17874.  相似文献   

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