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Whole-canopy measurements of water flux were used to calculate stomatal conductance (g s ) and transpiration (E) for seedlings of western water birch (Betula occidentalis Hook.) under various soil-plant hydraulic conductances (k), evaporative driving forces (ΔN; difference in leaf-to-air molar fraction of water vapor), and soil water potentials (Ψs). As expected, g s dropped in response to decreased k or ΨS, or increased ΔN(> 0.025). Field data showed a decrease in mid-day g s with decreasing k from soil-to-petiole, with sapling and adult plants having lower values of both parameters than juveniles. Stomatal closure prevented E and Ψ from inducing xylem cavitation except during extreme soil drought when cavitation occurred in the main stem and probably roots as well. Although all decreases in g s were associated with approximately constant bulk leaf water potential (ψl), this does not logically exclude a feedback response between ΨL and g s . To test the influence of leaf versus root water status on g s , we manipulated water status of the leaf independently of the root by using a pressure chamber enclosing the seedling root system; pressurizing the chamber alters cell turgor and volume only in the shoot cells outside the chamber. Stomatal closure in response to increased ΔN, decreased k, and decreased ΨS was fully or partially reversed within 5 min of pressurizing the soil. Bulk ΨL remained constant before and after soil pressurizing because of the increase in E associated with stomatal opening. When ΔN was low (i.e., < 0.025), pressurizing the soil either had no effect on g s , or caused it to decline; and bulk ΨL increased. Increased Ψl may have caused stomatal closure via increased backpressure on the stomatal apparatus from elevated epidermal turgor. The stomatal response to soil pressurizing indicated a central role of leaf cells in sensing water stress caused by high ΔN, low k, and low ΨS. Invoking a prominent role for feedforward signalling in short-term stomatal control may be premature.  相似文献   

Cell walls of the periderm of native potato tuber (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Primura) consist of a primary wall, a suberized secondary wall and a tertiary wall. With a mixture of pectinase and cellulase intact periderm membranes can be isolated. Isolation does not affect fine structure. It is suggested that the lignin in the middle lamellae and primary walls prevents the enzymes from digesting pectinaceous materials and cellulose. In specimens fixed with OsO4, the suberized walls appear as alternating electrondense and electron-lucent lamellae. This lamellar architecture is not altered by extraction with chloroform. Therefore, the current view that the electronlucent lamellae consist of soluble lipids (waxes) can no longer be maintained. It is argued that the lamellation is a property of the suberin itself, and the suberized wall consists of alternating layers of suberins differing in polarity. A hypothesis of suberin assembly from sub-units is advanced and the subunits are shown for the first time.  相似文献   

Schreiber L  Franke R  Hartmann K 《Planta》2005,220(4):520-530
Native and wound periderm was isolated enzymatically from potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desirée) tubers at different time intervals between 0 days up to 4 weeks after harvesting. Wound periderm formation was induced by carefully removing native periderm from freshly harvested tubers before storage. The chemical composition of lipids (waxes) obtained by chloroform extraction, as well as the monomeric composition of native and wound suberin polymer after transesterification by boron trifluoride/methanol, was analyzed using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Both types of periderm contained up to 20% extractable lipids. Besides linear long-chain aliphatic wax compounds, alkyl ferulates were detected as significant constituents. In wound periderm they amounted to more than 60% of the total extracts. Within 1 month of storage, suberin amounts in the polymer increased 2-fold in native periderm (180 g cm–2), whereas in wound periderm about 75.0 g cm–2 suberin polymer was newly synthesized. Native potato tuber periderm developed a very efficient transport barrier for water with permeances decreasing from 6.4×10–10 m s–1 to 5.5×10–11 m s–1 within 1 month of storage. However, the water permeability of wound periderm was on average 100 times higher with permeances decreasing from 4.7×10–8 m s–1 after 3 days to only 5.4×10–9 m s–1 after 1 month of storage, although suberin and wax amounts in wound periderm amounted to about 60% of native periderm. From this result it must be concluded that the occurrence of suberin with wax depositions in cell walls does not necessarily allow us to conclude that these cell walls must be nearly perfect barriers to water transport. In addition to the occurrence of the lipophilic biopolymer suberin and associated waxes, the still unknown molecular arrangement and precisely localized deposition of suberin within the cell wall must contribute to the efficiency of suberin as a barrier to water transport.  相似文献   

J. Schönherr  H. W. Schmidt 《Planta》1979,144(4):391-400
Using the system vapor/membrane/liquid, permeability coefficients of cuticular transpiration (P ct) were determined as functions of water activity in the vapor (a wv). Enzymatically isolated cuticular membranes (CM) of Citrus aurantium L. and nonisolated CM of onion bulb scales and eggplant fruits were investigated. P ct of Citrus and eggplant CM decreased with decreasing a wv, while permeability coefficients of CM of onion were independent of a wv. Extraction of soluble cuticular lipids (SCL) from the CM of Citrus increased permeability coefficients by a factor of approximately 500. This extraction had no effect on the dependence of P ct on a wv.Treating cuticular membranes as a resistance network consisting of SCL and the polymer matrix, it is shown that the permeability of onion CM is determined by the resistance of the SCL arranged in series with the polymer matrix. In this type of CM liquid and vapor are separated by a continuous, nonporous layer of SCL, and the driving force of transpiration is the gradient of partial pressure of water vapor across the SCL layer. In the CM of Citrus and eggplant, the SCL layer is traversed by polar pores that swell or shrink depending on a wv. However, liquid continuity is maintained across these membranes down to a wv=0.22, the lowest value used. In this type of membrane the driving force of transpiration is the water potential gradient across the membrane.Abbreviations CM cuticular membrane - MX polymer matrix - SCL soluble cuticular lipids - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid - MES (N-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid - SADH succinic acid 2,2-dimethyl hydrazide  相似文献   

Comparative ultrastructural analysis of the conducting and non-conducting phloem cells in the common straight-grained silver birch (Betula pendula var. pendula) and the Karelian birch (B. pendula var. carelica) with abnormal patterned wood was carried out, leading to the conclusion that there is an elevated sucrose content in the conducting phloem of the Karelian birch. A connection between sucrose levels and formation of abnormalities in the development of conducting tissues in the Karelian birch trunk was surmised. Experiments in which exogenous sucrose was applied to the silver birch trunk tissues have demonstrated the effects of different sucrose concentrations (0 g L−1, 10 g L−1, 25 g L−1, 50 g L−1, 100 g L−1) on the formation of xylem and phloem structural elements, and they yielded the types of tissue development that correspond to the abnormal tissue development in the Karelian birch trunk.  相似文献   

Summary Defence-related epithelial structures of juvenile stems and their phytochemistry were compared between six woody species of Betula from different geographical areas. The shoots of B. pendula, B. papyrifera, B. platypylla and B. ermanii are covered by resin droplets secreted by multicellular peltate glands. The seedlings of B. papyrifera and B. pubescens are covered with long epithelial hairs. Closer topical examination also revealed smaller glands on B. papyrifera and B. pubescens. The glands of B. ermanii are oval while the other species have a round shape. Phenol-specific histochemical staining indicated phenolic compounds in the cells in active glands of the resinous birches, but not in those of the pubescent birches. The epithelial hairs were strongly positive to the phenol stain. Analysis of the triterpenoids (3- and 3-papyriferic acid and pendulic acid) and a phenolic (platyphylloside) deterrent indicated that the morphological differences are accompanied by chemical ones. Pendulic acid was the main triterpene in B. ermanii instead of the 3-papyriferic acid of the other resinous species. Concentrations of the triterpenes ranged from about 0.3 to 12 mg/g, while the platyphylloside level was around 0.5 mg/g in all of them. Some triterpenes were also detected in B. papyrifera, but none in B. pubescens. The former contained only about 0.05 mg/g of platyphylloside, but B. pubescens contained 4 mg/g of this compound.  相似文献   

Today, 10% of the French people suffer frompollen allergy, a world-wide rising ailmentsince the end of the last century.To prevent the appearance of the symptoms, physicians need precise and early information on the pollination date of the main allergenic species. This wascarried out in Burgundy on birch (Betula), which is responsible for frequent pollinoses inMarch–April. Two of the tested methods were both successful and complementary: the sum oftemperatures and the multiple regression. The first one is very precise but only allows forecastingfive days in advance: this is enough for people suffering from rhinitis or conjunctivitis, who muststart a preventive treatment one or two days before pollination is effective. But for asthmaticpatients, the treatment must one or two weeks in advance; the second method, although alittle less precise, is interesting becauseforecasting can be done at least two weeks inadvance. The results, from 1995 to 1998, were used prospectively in 1999.  相似文献   

Summary Small birch plants (Betula pendula Roth.) were grown in a climate chamber at different, exponentially increasing rates of nitrogen supply and at different photon flux densities. This resulted in treatments with relative growth rate equal to the relative rate of increase in nitrogen supply and with different equilibrium values of plant nitrogen concentration. Nitrogen productivity (rate of dry matter increase per plant nitrogen) was largely independent of nitrogen supply and was greater at higher photon flux density. Leaf weight ratio, average specific leaf area (and thus leaf area ratio) were all greater at better nitrogen supply and at lower values of photon flux density. The dependencies were such that the ratio of total projected leaf area to plant nitrogen at a given photon flux density was similar at all rates of nitrogen supply. The ratio was greater at lower values of photon flux density. At a given value of photon flux density, net assimilation rate and net photosynthetic rate per shoot area (measured at the growth climate) were only slightly greater at better rates of nitrogen supply. Values were greater at higher photon flux densities. Acclimation of the total leaf area to plant nitrogen ratio and of net assimilation rate was such that nitrogen productivity was largely saturated with respect to photon flux density at values greater than 230 mol m-2 s-1. At higher photon flux densities, any potential gain in nitrogen productivity associated with higher net assimilation rates was apparently offset by lower ratios of total leaf area to plant nitrogen.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate thephenological behaviour of Betula in Galicia, NW Spain, and to examine therelationship between the Betula pollencurves and the flowering phenophase. Threetrees were chosen from the each of ninepopulations of Betula located atdifferent altitudes and phytogeographicpositions. Phenological observations of theflowering periods of Betula were made ineach of them. Environmental factors such asfrequency of mist, latitudinal and topographicposition, proximity of the ocean, degree ofsolar exposure, and altitude result inphenological differences between theinvestigated populations. The correlationbetween the Pollinic Production Index of Betula pollen in Galicia and theaerobiological data of the seven monitoringstations showed that the period in which thehighest concentrations were registered wasalmost synchronous with the flowering times atmost of the phenological stations studied.Other factors such as transport and reflotationshould also be taken into account to provide anadequate interpretation of the aerobiologicaldata of Betula pollen in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Summary Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. seedlings that were 150 days old adapted well to flooding of soil with stagnant water for 28 days. Early stomatal closure, followed by reopening as well as hypertrophy of lenticels and formation of adventitious roots on submerged portions of stems appeared to be important adaptations for flood tolerance. Leaf water potential (1) was consistently higher in flooded than in unflooded seedlings, indicating higher leaf turgidity in the former. This was the result of (1) early reduction in transpiration associated with stomatal closure, and (2) subsequently increased absorption of water by the newly-formed adventitious roots as stomata reopened and transpiration increased. Waterlogging of soil was followed by large increases in ethylene content of stems, both below and above the level of submersion. Formation of hypertrophied lenticels and adventitious roots on flooded plants was correlated with increased ethylene production. However, the involvement of various compounds other than ethylene in inducing morphological changes in flooded plants is also emphasized.Research supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA  相似文献   

Klaus J. Lendzian 《Planta》1982,155(4):310-315
Cuticles from the adaxial surface of Citrus aurantium L. leaves and from the pericarp of Lycopersicon esculentum L. and Capsicum annuum L. were isolated enzymatically and their oxygen permeability was determined. Isolated cuticles were mounted between a gaseous and an aqueous compartment with the physiological outer side of the membrane facing the gaseous compartment. Permeability for oxygen was characterized by permeability (P) and diffusion (D) coefficients. P and D were independent of the driving force (gradient of oxygen concentration) across the cuticle, thus, Henry's law was obeyed. P values for the diffusion of oxygen varied between 3·10-7 (Citrus), 1.4·10-6 (Capsicum), and 1.1·10-6 (Lycopersicon) m·s-1. Extraction of soluble lipids from the cuticles increased the permeability. By treating the cutin matrix and the soluble lipids as resistances in series, it could be demonstrated that the soluble lipids were the main resistance for oxygen permeability in Citrus cuticles. However, in Lycopersicon and Capsicum, both the cutin matrix and the soluble lipids determined the total resistance. P values were not affected by either the proton concentration (pH 3–9) or the cations (Na+, Ca2+) present at the morphological inner side of the cuticles. It is concluded that the water content of cuticles does not affect the permeability properties for oxygen. Partition coefficients indicated a high solubility of oxygen in the cuticle of Citrus. The data suggest a solubility process in the cuticle of Citrus with respect to oxygen permeation.Abbreviations CM cuticular membrane - MX cutin polymer matrix - SCL soluble cuticular lipids  相似文献   

J. Schönherr  K. Eckl  H. Gruler 《Planta》1979,147(1):21-26
The effect of temperature on water permeability of plant cuticles (astomatous Citrus leaf cuticles) has been investigated. The Arrhenius plot (logarithm of the permeability coefficient vs. 1/temperature) has two linear portions that intersect at 44° C. Evidence is presented to show that this intersection represents the solid/liquid phase transition of cuticular lipids. As the Arrhenius plot has only one phase transition in the temperature range of 5 to 80° C, it appears that all soluble cuticular lipids in the cuticle are present as a homogeneous mixture rather than as individual layers differing in composition. This view is supported by electron spin resonance evidence showing homogenous distribution of spin label fatty acids. The original distribution of soluble cuticular lipids is irreversibly altered by heating cuticular membranes above the transition temperature. This is accompanied by an irreversible increase in water peremeability, demonstrating the importance of the structure of cuticular lipids with regard to cuticular permeability.Abbreviations CM cuticular membranes - MX polymer matrix - SCL soluble cuticular lipids - MES morpholinoethane sulphonic acid - J flux - ESR electron spin resonance - THO tritiated water  相似文献   

Betula pollen is a common cause of pollinosis in localities in NW Spain and between 13% and 60% of individuals who are immunosensitive to pollen grains respond positively to its allergens. It is important in the case of all such people to be able to predict pollen concentrations in advance. We therefore undertook an aerobiological study in the city of Vigo (Pontevedra, Spain) from 1995 to 2001, using a Hirst active-impact pollen trap (VPPS 2000) situated in the city centre. Vigo presents a temperate maritime climate with a mean annual temperature of 14.9 °C and 1,412 mm annual total precipitation. This paper analyses two ways of quantifying the prediction of pollen concentration: first by means of a generalized additive regression model with the object of predicting whether the series of interest exceeds a certain threshold; second using a partially linear model to obtain specific prediction values for pollen grains. Both models use a self-explicative part and another formed by exogenous meteorological factors. The models were tested with data from 2001 (year in which the total precipitation registered was almost twice the climatological average overall during the flowering period), which were not used in formulating the models. A highly satisfactory classification and good forecasting results were achieved with the first and second approaches respectively. The estimated line taking into account temperature and a calm S–SW wind, corresponds to the real line recorded during 2001, which gives us an idea of the proposed models validity.  相似文献   

Summary Hydrogen sulfide can reach toxic concentrations in the burrow-water of the echiuran worm Urechis caupo during low tide. Its two large epithelial surfaces, the thick muscular body wall and the thin-walled hindgut are in constant contact with the environment. Hindgut inflation of up to 2 ml water·g wet weight-1 causes tissue stretch. To determine if these body surfaces present a barrier to sulfide influx, the total permeability coefficient PT was measured at different degrees of stretch in diffusion chambers at pH 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0, and specific permeability coefficients PH 2S and PHS - were calculated. Both the body wall and the hindgut were more permeable to H2S than HS-. The body wall showed no significant increase in sulfide permeability with natural degrees of stretch, and the mean PH 2S and PHS - were 0.17 and 0.063 cm·h-1, respectively. The sulfide permeability of the hindgut was increased by stretch, with the relative permeability of H2S increasing faster than that of HS-. Unstretched hindgut mean PH 2S and PHS - were 0.095 and 0.11 cm·h-1, respectively, and stretched hindgut mean PH 2S and PHS - were 1.8 and 0.16 cm·h-1, respectively. A model of sulfide influx in the natural environment indicates that even if the hindgut is kept uninflated, the coelomic fluid of U. caupo would have toxic sulfide concentrations well before the end of a 2-h tidal exposure in the absence of a sulfide elimination mechanism.Abbreviations P permeability coefficient - PT total permeability coefficient - PD transepithelial potential difference  相似文献   

Summary Periderm granules in the support cells of regenerating feathers of mature male Jungle Fowls were studied ultrastructurally and histochemically. Histochemical results showed the absence of carbohydrate and lipid, and the presence of protein in the periderm granules. The periderm granules were measured at successive levels of feather regeneration. The mean size of the periderm granules increased significantly as the regenerating feather matured, and this observation was suggestive of a storage function, perhaps of surplus or waste protein. The cells in which the periderm granules are found also contain glycogen. There are numerous desmosomal junctions on their interdigitating plasma membranes. These transient cells may collect waste, provide nutrition, and serve as a protective barrier for the definitive cells of the regenerating feather.  相似文献   

Whole-tree sap flow is substantially diminished by leaf herbivory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecohydrological models consider the relationship between tree size and structure (especially leaf area index) and water use but generally treat herbivory as a source of unwanted noise in the data. Little is known of how insect damage to leaves influences whole-plant water use in trees. Water use is driven by environmental demand and the total leaf area through which transpiration can occur, but the effects of insects are expected to be complex. Different kinds of insects could have different effects; for example, chewing insects reduce leaf area, whereas sucking and tissue mining insects reduce leaf function without reducing area. Further, plants respond to herbivory in a range of ways, such as by altering leaf production or abscising leaves. We examined the effect of insects on Eucalyptus blakelyi in a woodland near Canberra, Australia, using sap flow velocity as a measure of whole-plant water use. We applied insecticide to 16 trees matched to an untreated control group. After 6 months, we examined the effects on sap flow velocity and crown condition. There was a general increase in sap flow velocity as trees produced leaves over the growing season, but the increase in sap flow for trees without insecticide protection was half that of the protected trees (increase: 4.4 vs. 9.0 cm/h, respectively). This dramatic effect on sap flow was consistent with effects on crown condition. Unprotected trees had 20% less leaf mass per unit stem in the crown. In addition, unprotected trees had a 20% greater loss of leaf functional area from necrosis. It should be noted that these effects were detected in a year in which there was not an outbreak of the psyllids (Homoptera) that commonly cause severe leaf damage to this tree species. It is predicted that the effect in a psyllid outbreak year would be even more substantial. This result underscores the significant impact that insect herbivores can have on an ecological process of significance to the ecosystem, namely, the movement of water from the soil to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Transpiration and photosynthesis of current-year stems and adult leaves of different deciduous tree species were investigated to estimate their probable influence on carbon balance. Peridermal transpiration of young stems was found to be rather small as compared to the transpiration of leaves (stem/leaf like 1/5–1/20). A characteristic that was mainly attributable to the lower peridermal conductance to water and CO2, which made up only 8–28% of stomatal conductance. Water vapour conductance was significantly lower in stems, but also non-responsive to PAR, which led to a comparatively higher water use efficiency (WUE, ratio assimilation/transpiration). Thus, although corticular photosynthesis reached only 11–37% of leaf photosynthesis, it may be a means of improving the carbon balance of stems under limited water availability. The influence of drought stress on primary photosynthetic reactions was also studied. Under simulated drought conditions the drying time needed to provoke a 50% reduction (t 50) in dark- and light-adapted PSII efficiency (Fv/Fm, ΔF/Fm′) was up to ten times higher in stems than in leaves. Nevertheless, up to a relative water deficit (RWD) of around 40–50% dark-adapted PSII efficiency of leaves and stems was rather insensitive to dehydration, showing that the efficiency of open PS II reaction centres is not impaired. Thus, it may be concluded that in stems as well as in leaves the primary site of drought damage is at the level of dark enzyme reactions and not within PSII. However, enduring severe drought caused photoinhibitory damage to the photosynthetic apparatus of leaves and stems; thereby RWD50 values (= RWD needed to provoke a 50% reduction in Fv/Fm ad ΔF/Fm′) were comparably lower in stems as compared to leaves, indicating a possibly higher drought sensitivity of the cortex chlorenchyma.  相似文献   

为了阐明樟科(Lauraceae)幼树的水分生理特征,比较了同质园中自然生长的5年生刨花楠(Machilus pauhoi)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)和闽楠(Phoebe bournei)幼树在生长季节叶片的水分生理特征和地径(D)、株高(H)的差异。结果表明,香樟的相对含水量(RWC)、叶片水势(Ψ)、枝条木质部比导率(Ks)都显著高于闽楠和刨花楠(P0.05),而枝条木质部导水损失率(PLC)则显著低于闽楠和刨花楠(P0.05),说明香樟具有更高的保水能力、水分传输效率,并对水分缺失具有更高的抵抗力。3物种幼树均会因枝条空穴化的加强而降低枝条水分的运输效率。刨花楠幼树通过提高水分利用效率以应对导水效率的降低,香樟幼树叶片具有较高的含水量,气孔保持膨胀,可实现较高的蒸腾速率,闽楠幼树通过提高水分运输的效率和安全性以维持叶片相对含水量。  相似文献   

Summary The rates of water use and leaf surface conductance of Citrullus colocynthis (Cucurbitacea) were evaluated from measurements of the surface temperature and microenvironment of leaves. At desert sites in Saudi Arabia the transpiration rates reached 0.13–0.17 g m-2 s-1 and the leaf temperatures were always close to air temperature. Leaf models (dry) placed in the canopy were considerably warmer than the air. To investigate responses over a wider range of conditions, plants were grown in a controlled environment room. It was found that when conditions were made hotter than those that occurred in the desert, the stomatal conductance increased greatly. Transpiration rate attained 0.6 g m-2 s-1 and the leaves were up to seven degrees cooler than the air. The results suggest a finely-tuned control mechanism working like a switch when the leaves experience extreme conditions, and enabling the plant to avoid lethal temperatures.  相似文献   

An increasing percentage of the European population suffers from allergies to pollen. The study of the evolution of air pollen concentration supplies prior knowledge of the levels of pollen in the air, which can be useful for the prevention and treatment of allergic symptoms, and the management of medical resources. The symptoms of Betula pollinosis can be associated with certain levels of pollen in the air. The aim of this study was to predict the risk of the concentration of pollen exceeding a given level, using previous pollen and meteorological information, by applying neural network techniques. Neural networks are a widespread statistical tool useful for the study of problems associated with complex or poorly understood phenomena. The binary response variable associated with each level requires a careful selection of the neural network and the error function associated with the learning algorithm used during the training phase. The performance of the neural network with the validation set showed that the risk of the pollen level exceeding a certain threshold can be successfully forecasted using artificial neural networks. This prediction tool may be implemented to create an automatic system that forecasts the risk of suffering allergic symptoms.  相似文献   

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