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Analysis was made of the species composition, egg number per female and the size-frequency of Amphipoda living on the dominating submerged macrophytes (Potamogeton perfoliatus and Myriophyllum spicatum) at 10 sampling stations of the northern and southern shoreline of Lake Balaton. The dominating Amphipoda at each sampling station was Corophium curvispinum (85.9–99.8%, mean: 96.6%). Besides this, two other species — Dikerogammarus haemobaphes and D. villosus — were also found in the samples. The two Dikerogammarus species were found in highest percentage near Keszthely (14.1 %); at the other places studied they were under 5%. The number of Amphipoda individuals per g macrophyte dry weight ranged from 5 to 574; the lowest value was found near Keszthely, the highest near B. Mária. The developmental stages of the C. curvispinum population differ in different parts of Lake Balaton: the adult (male and female) specimens occurred in highest percentage near Keszthely. The mean number of eggs per C. curvispinum female ranged from 2.4 to 6.3, showing differences at the different sampling stations. Regarding the two Dikerogammarus species, there were many more D. haemobaphes than D. villosus individuals at almost every station (mean: 75%). The mean number of eggs per egg-carrying female of D. haemobaphes was 11.7, being 19.1 for D. villosus.The total biomass of amphipods (in mg animal dry weight/g macrophyte dry weight) ranged from 1.2 to 59.8. The lowest value was observed near Keszthely (the most hypertrophic basin of Lake Balaton), the highest value near B. Maria  相似文献   

The littoral zone of Lake Balaton and its periphyton-zooplankton-fish communities have been investigated intensively in recent years. Total average number of crustacean plankton varied from 36 to 126 ind l–1, their biomass from 0.49 to 1.86 mg ww l–1 month–1 at different areas of the littoral zone. In general, these values for the above parameters were higher in hypertrophic areas. 23 fish species occurred in the littoral zone with cyprinids dominating. The seasonal food spectra of Y-O-Y roach (Rutilus rutilus), white bream (Blicca bjoerkna) and bream (Abramis brema) were based mainly on planktonic crustaceans and benthic/periphytic invertebrates. According to the frequency of occurrence of crustaceans and other invertebrates, the food composition of young cyprinids differed significantly in the NE and SW-basins of the lake.  相似文献   

Muskó  Ilona B. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,238(1):197-202
Samples of the amphipod Corophium curvispinum were collected from Myriophyllum spicatum twice a month during the vegetation period. The animals were sexed, their length measured and the eggs of females were counted. Length frequency histograms served to follow the life history of C. curvispinum.Reproduction lasts from May to October. The animals born in May–June reproduce in the same year while the summer-autumn generation reproduces the following year. The life span is about 1 year. The highest fecundity was found in June, the lowest in October.  相似文献   

Coefficients of determination between fish yields in Lake Balaton (kg/ ha) and different measurements of phytoplankton abundance were: phytoplankton biomass (0.48), chlorophyll a (0.45). The same indices for catch per unit of effort (CUE) proved to be 0.82 and 0.88, respectively. The correlation between fish yields and phytoplankton density has been described in second-degree polynomials.  相似文献   

The aim of the investigations was to identify the main process controlling the rather low phosphate concentration in the water of Lake Balaton. Three processes were taken into consideration: a) phosphate uptake by algae, b) coprecipitation with biogenic lime, and c) adsorption on suspended sediment particles. A plexiglass box open at the bottom was placed in the shallow water with its sides extending into the sediment. The water in the box was stirred. When phosphate alone was added to the water in the box, its concentration decreased very rapidly. On the other hand, if NaOCl was also added in order to kill algae and bacteria, the phosphate concentration remained constant. This proves the priority of life processes in phosphate removal. In the next experiment phosphate and EDTA-Na2 were added simultaneously to the water in the box. The complexing agent prevented biogenic lime formation but did not influence the rapid phosphorus removal. This fact indicates that the main process involved in phosphate control is direct uptake by algae. The same conclusion was obtained in laboratory experiments where labelled phosphate was added to the bottles containing Lake Balaton water. It was demonstrated by the photo-oxidation technique that the phosphate removed from the water was incorporated into the organic particulate matter.  相似文献   

The reproductive bionomics of four species of British littoral Orchestia are compared and contrasted. Three of the marine species studied form a series which occupy successively higher positions on the shore and demonstrate increasing degrees of preadaptation to terrestrial life.

The fundamental adaptations of primitive terrestrial Orchestia are: adoption of a cryptozoic habit, and a reduced growth rate and adult body size. As a consequence of slow growth and small body size, the number of eggs/brood and number of broods/year is markedly reduced. Commonly associated adaptations are: female larger than the male, sex ratio bias to the female, and a tendency to endemism.  相似文献   

Contrary to earlier observations the food composition of bream (Abramis brama L.) in Lake Balaton has changed in parallel with eutrophication. These changes were probably caused by increased population density and connected with density dependent growth as well as sharpened inter- and intraspecific competition in the cyprinid community. According to the frequency of occurrence, zooplankton followed by benthic invertebrates comprised the majority of the bream's food. By weight, however, benthic food dominated in both basins. Size-related dietary changes were pronounced, but statistically not always significant, suggesting the overall importance of the most abundant and available prey types. Bream did not strongly select any of the zooplankton groups, however, seasonal changes in food composition alternated in parallel with the trophic gradient along the longitudinal axis of the lake.  相似文献   

György Dévai 《Hydrobiologia》1990,191(1):189-198
The objectives of this research were to record the changes in composition of the open-water, bottom-dwelling chironomid fauna in Lake Balaton between 1978–1984, to examine the causes of these changes, and to discover their significance in the life of the lake.The spatio-temporal dispersion of larvae is compared with the water and sediment quality of each basin in the lake. It is established that, under present conditions, nutrient status can be regarded as the chief environmental factor.Studies of population dynamics show that chironomids play a highly important role in preserving sediment quality. Chironomids are an essential element in the organic matter circulation of the lake. They dominate a sub-system that retards water quality degradation, and thus they play a prominent role in the natural prevention of eutrophication.  相似文献   

Lake Balaton, the largest shallow lake in Central Europe, is about 20 000 years old. An enormous increase in tourism and the disproportionate building development of the last few decades has resulted in the acceleration of eutrophication in the lake. Widespread research to reveal the causes of water-quality deterioration and possible ways of protection against it have recently started. The investigation of the larvae of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the sediment of the open-water zone has also begun. The contemporary faunal composition strongly correlates with the trophic gradient along the longitudinal axis of the lake. We therefore supposed that the eutrophication process should be identifiable from the analysis of subfossil chironomid head capsules from the upper (15 cm thick) layer of the sediment. We found that quantitative results could only be obtained when fragments as well as relatively intact head capsules are considered. Our data verify that the originally oligo-mesotrophic community has been gradually replaced by eutrophic species in a west to east direction. Large-bodied larvae belonging to the Chironomus plumosus group mix the sediment down to 15 cm as they build their tubes and consequently alter the original proportions of head capsules at the different levels. So the sequence of communities through the sediment-layers is not quite reliable.  相似文献   

Algal assays were performed on water samples taken from different sites in Lake Balaton. Selenastrum capricornutum was used in the test to determine the primarily limiting plant nutrient. The results of supplementary nutrient additions to the bottle tests were evaluated by cell counts. The tests have indicated phosphorus as growth rate limiting, and in two cases as biomass limiting plant nutrient, but periodic occurrences of nitrogen limitation cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Intra- and interspecific effects together with changing environmental conditions regulate the dynamics of the fragile bleak populations in Lake Balaton. Size- and age-structures, length-weight relationships and mortality were studied on 1493 individuals and growth history were determined using scales from 703 specimens. The population growth rate was slow and the basic population parameters showed area variations along the longitudinal axis of the lake. Gut contents were analyzed in 224 individuals. The bleak stocks are trophically strongly related to the littoral zooplankton and benthos; and they play a significant energy-mediating role in the food-webs between the periphytic communities and fish assemblages in the littoral zone of Lake Balaton.  相似文献   

Detailed faunistic data originating from four sampling series of aquatic Heteroptera (Nepomorpha) in the Lake Balaton (the largest shallow lake of Central Europe) between 1928 and 2002 were analysed. A comparative analysis confirmed that the aquatic bug fauna of this great lake can be established with suitable accuracy if it is sampled by different but devoted collectors. So far 26 species of aquatic bugs have been reported from here. The fauna changed considerably during the seven decades. Species lists of the four basins of the lake established during the four sampling periods show characteristic differences. Not only the frequency of four Micronecta species (Micronecta griseola, M. pusilla, M. scholzi, M. minutissima) changed characteristically but there has been a distinct change in the ratio of rare species too. Rare species were present in significantly higher proportion in the period 1928–1930 than in any of the later samplings between 1984 and 2002. All these changes run parallel with the direction of anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   

Summary Cu and Zn concentrations were determined for the following talitroidean amphipods, Hyale nilssoni (Rathke), Talitrus saltator (Montagu), Talorchestia deshayesii (Audouin), Orchestia mediterranea Costa, O. gammarellus (Pallas), O cavimana Heller and Arcitalitrus dorrieni (Hunt) in September 1986 from sites in W. Britain (mostly Scottish). To minimize size effects, only animals >2mg body dry weight were included in analyses. Only Talorchestia (Cu & Zn) and O. cavimana (Zn) showed any residual relationship between metal concentration and dry weight. Log transformed data for concentrations of each metal against log dry wt. in all species were compared by ANCOVA. Copper and zinc concentrations of males and females were not significantly different in O. gammarellus, O. mediterranea and T. deshayesii, though Cu (but not Zn) concentrations differed with sex in O. cavimana. The order of species when ranked according to an ascending series of Cu concentrations (at standard body weight) reflected their ecological zonation from sea to land closely, with species living proximal to the sea having lowest Cu concentrations. The 6 talitrid species all had similar Zn concentrations but the Zn concentration of H. nilssoni was considerably lower. There was a relationship between Cu and Zn concentrations in individuals of only one species (O. gammarellus). Data on Cu and Zn concentrations for O. gammarellus derived from the same site in September 1983 were almost exctly the same as in September 1986. The possible impact of seasonal variation on haemocyanin levels is discussed.  相似文献   

Mobility of phosphorus fractions in the sediments of Lake Balaton   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sediment phosporus was studied by a combination of the fractionation procedure of Hieltjes & Lijklema and the isotopic dilution technique in a mesotrophic (Tihany) and a hypertrophic (Keszthely) basin of Lake Balaton.In the calcareous sediments the largest part of phosphorus was bound to calcium. Iron-bound and residual P showed higher concentrations at Keszthely than at Tihany. There was little loosely adsorbed P at both locations. Vertical differences in P fractions of the sediments were more pronounced at Keszthely than at Tihany. Exchangeability of the fractions decreased in the following sequence: iron-bound > loosely adsorbed > calcium-bound > residual. Phosphorus, particularly in the calcium-bound fraction, was more mobile at Keszthely, and its exchangeability decreased rapidly downwards at both stations. Four times more potentially mobile phosphorus has been accumulated by the upper sediment layer at Keszthely than at Tihany.  相似文献   

The growth, diet and feeding strategy of five phytophil or phytolithophil species of Cyprinidae from the littoral habitats of Lake Balaton were investigated by examining their scales and foregut contents. The relationships between the total anterior radii of scales and the standard lengths were represented best by a power function for white bream Blicca bjoerkna , and linear functions for common bream Abramis brama , roach Rutilus rutilus and wild goldfish Carassius auratus gibelio , respectively. The backcalculated mean lengths for the first age groups of common bream, white bream and roach did not differ statistically from those obtained by direct observation on 0 group fish in late November 1995. Compared to other waters, common bream grows slowly, wild goldfish and roach rapidly, while the growth rate of white bream can be considered of medium speed in Lake Balaton. Common bream showed a generalized feeding pattern, consuming mainly chironomid larvae, detritus and Corophium curvispinun . Roach showed a clear shift between specialization for Dreissena and algae. Despite the dense population of D. polymorpha in the lake, the significance of the herbivorous adaptation of roach has not yet been made clear. Wild goldfish consumed mainly detritus but, in the open water region, it shifted to zooplankton. White bream preyed chiefly on D. polymorpha , but showed a mixed feeding pattern and utilized most of the available food resources. Carp had the most specialized feeding strategy and preyed mainly on D. polymorpha . According to the discriminant analysis, the five cyprinids exhibited significant food resource partitioning.  相似文献   

Records attributed to Eurythenes gryllus are discussed in the light of described morphological variation, and the existence of a third species in the genus is postulated. The presence of five pairs of oostegites in E. gryllus, a character almost unique among the Amphipoda, is confirmed. Brooding females of E. gryllus and E. obesus, captured in deep midwater hauls in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, are reported for the first time. The 120 mm E. gryllus female carried 237 hatchlings (mean length 11.13 mm) and the 48 mm E. obesus female 47 hatchlings (mean length 7.99 mm). Hatchlings showed variability in size and bodily proportion, and measurements of individual body segments could not be used to predict overall length. Despite this variability, no evidence for more than one instar was found. The hatchlings of E. gryllus are established as a hitherto unrecognized instar in this species. Egg size for E. gryllus and E. obesus is predicted. The biological consequences of the absolute and relative size of hatchling in the two species, and the depths of capture of the E. gryllus female, are discussed.  相似文献   

The life history and distribution of Sialis lutaria L. in the exposed littoral zone of Lake Esrom, Denmark were examined during 1979/80. Sialis showed an annual life cycle with mean annual abundance of 20 and 40 ind m−2 at 0.4 and 2.0 m depth, respectively. Growth peaked during July with rates of about 10 % d−1. Net annual production averaged 0.2 g DW at 0.4 m depth and 0.8 g DW at 2.0 m depth. The annual P/B-ratios were estimated in the range of 4.6-7.1.  相似文献   

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