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While the wealth of projection matrices in plant demography permits comparative studies, variation in matrix dimensions complicates interspecific comparisons. Collapsing matrices to a common dimension may facilitate such comparisons but may also bias the inferred demographic parameters. Here we examine how matrix dimension affects inferred demographic elasticities and how different collapsing criteria perform. We analyzed 13 x 13 matrices representing nine plant species, collapsing these matrices (i) into even 7 x 7, 5 x 5, 4 x 4, and 3 x 3 matrices and (ii) into 5 x 5 matrices using different criteria. Stasis and fecundity elasticities increased when matrix dimension was reduced, whereas those of progression and retrogression decreased. We suggest a collapsing criterion that minimizes dissimilarities between the original- and collapsed-matrix elasticities and apply it to 66 plant species to study how life span and growth form influence the relationship between matrix dimension and elasticities. Our analysis demonstrates that (i) projection matrix dimension has significant effects on inferred demographic parameters, (ii) there are better-performing methods than previously suggested for standardizing matrix dimension, and (iii) herbaceous perennial projection matrices are particularly sensitive to changes in matrix dimensionality. For comparative demographic studies, we recommend normalizing matrices to a common dimension by collapsing higher classes and leaving the first few classes unaltered.  相似文献   

Pluzhnikov A  Di Rienzo A  Hudson RR 《Genetics》2002,161(3):1209-1218
Data from 10 unlinked autosomal noncoding regions, resequenced in 15 individuals from each of three populations, were used in a multilocus analysis to test models of human demography. Each of the 10 regions consisted of approximately 2500 bp. The multilocus analysis, based on summary statistics (average and variance of Tajima's D and Fu and Li's D*), was used to test a family of models with recent population expansion. The African sample (Hausa of Cameroon) is compatible with a constant population size model and a range of models with recent expansion. For this population sample, we estimated confidence sets that showed the limited range of parameter values compatible with growth. For an exponential growth rate as low as 1 x 10(-3)/generation, population growth is unlikely to have started prior to 50,000 years ago. For higher growth rates, the onset of growth must be more recent. On the basis of the average value of Tajima's D, our sample from an Italian population was found to be incompatible with a constant population size model or any simple expansion model. In the Chinese sample, the variance of Tajima's D was too large to be compatible with the constant population size model or any simple expansion model.  相似文献   

African forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) are genetically and morphologically distinct from their savannah counterparts, but their biology remains poorly understood. In this study, I use noninvasive fecal DNA analyses to examine the relatedness structure and historical demography of forest elephants at 2 sites in SW Gabon, central Africa. Pairwise relatedness values calculated between 162 elephant individuals genotyped at 8 microsatellite loci were significantly higher within spatially associated dung piles than between random pairings for one site. First- and second-order relatives were most commonly detected among dung piles from adult female pairs and adult females and juveniles. Pairwise relatedness estimates suggested that, like savannah elephants, forest groups are largely composed of adult females, their sisters, and juvenile offspring. Associations between males, and groups containing juveniles from multiple related females, were detected but at much lower frequency. Analysis of mitochondrial d-loop sequences from 70 elephant individuals identified 2 haplogroups in SW Gabon.  相似文献   

The coancestry coefficient, also known as the population structure parameter, is of great interest in population genetics. It can be thought of as the intraclass correlation of pairs of alleles within populations and it can serve as a measure of genetic distance between populations. For a general class of evolutionary models it determines the distribution of allele frequencies among populations. Under more restrictive models it can be regarded as the probability of identity by descent of any pair of alleles at a locus within a random mating population. In this paper we review estimation procedures that use the method of moments or are maximum likelihood under the assumption of normally distributed allele frequencies. We then consider the problem of testing hypotheses about this parameter. In addition to parametric and non-parametric bootstrap tests we present an asymptotically-distributed chi-square test. This test reduces to the contingency-table test for equal sample sizes across populations. Our new test appears to be more powerful than previous tests, especially for loci with multiple alleles. We apply our methods to HapMap SNP data to confirm that the coancestry coefficient for humans is strictly positive.  相似文献   

Cholera is a global disease that has persisted for millennia. The cholera toxin (CT) from Vibrio cholerae is responsible for the clinical symptoms of cholera. This toxin is a hetero-hexamer (AB(5)) complex consisting of a subunit A (CTA) with a pentamer (B(5)) of subunit B (CTB). The importance of the AB(5) complex for pathogenesis is established for the wild type O1 serogroup using known structural and functional data. However, its role is not yet documented in other known serogroups harboring sequence level residue mutations. The sequences for the toxin from different serogroups are available in GenBank (release 177). Sequence analysis reveals mutations at several sequence positions in the toxin across serogroups. Therefore, it is of interest to locate the position of these mutations in the AB(5) structure to infer complex assembly for its functional role in different serogroups. We show that mutations in the CTA are at the solvent exposed regions of the AB(5) complex, whereas those in the CTB are at the CTB/CTB interface of the homo-pentamer complex. Thus, the role of mutations at the CTB/CTB interface for B(5) complex assembly is implied. It is observed that these mutations are often non-synonymous (e.g. polar to non-polar or vice versa). The formation of the AB(5) complex involves inter-subunit residue-residue interactions at the protein-protein interfaces. Hence, these mutations, at the structurally relevant positions, are of importance for the understanding of pathogenesis by several serogroups. This is also of significance in the improvement of recombinant CT protein complex analogs for vaccine design and their use against multiple serogroups.  相似文献   

Keightley PD  Davies EK  Peters AD  Shaw RG 《Genetics》2000,156(1):143-154
The homozygous effects of ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS)-induced mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans are compared across life-history traits. Mutagenesis has a greater effect on early than late reproductive output, since EMS-induced mutations tend to cause delayed reproduction. Mutagenesis changes the mean and variance of longevity much less than reproductive output traits. Mutations that increase total or early productivity are not detected, but the net effect of mutations is to increase and decrease late productivity to approximately equal extents. Although most mutations decrease longevity, a mutant line with increased longevity was found. A flattening of mortality curves with age is noted, particularly in EMS lines. We infer that less than one-tenth of mutations that have fitness effects in natural conditions are detected in the laboratory, and such mutations have moderately large effects ( approximately 20% of the mean). Mutational correlations for life-history traits are strong and positive. Correlations between early or late productivity and longevity are of similar magnitude. We develop a maximum-likelihood procedure to infer bivariate distributions of mutation effects. We show that strong mutation-induced genetic correlations do not necessarily imply strong directional correlations between mutational effects, since correlation is also generated by lines carrying different numbers of mutations.  相似文献   

Previous studies have explored the use of departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (DHW) for fine mapping Mendelian disorders and for general fine mapping. Other studies have used Hardy-Weinberg tests for genotyping quality control. To enable investigators to make rational decisions about whether DHW is due to genotyping error or to underlying biology, we developed an analytic framework and software to determine the parameter values for which DHW might be expected for common diseases. We show analytically that, for a general disease model, the difference between population and Hardy-Weinberg expected genotypic frequencies (delta) at the susceptibility locus is a function of the susceptibility-allele frequency (q), heterozygote relative risk (beta), and homozygote relative risk (gamma). For unaffected control samples, is a function of risk in nonsusceptible homozygotes (alpha), the population prevalence of disease (KP), q, beta, and gamma. We used these analytic functions to calculate and the number of cases or controls needed to detect DHW for a range of genetic models consistent with common diseases (1.1 < or = gamma < or = 10 and 0.005 < or = KP < or = 0.2). Results suggest that significant DHW can be expected in relatively small samples of patients over a range of genetic models. We also propose a goodness-of-fit test to aid investigators in determining whether a DHW observed in the context of a case-control study is consistent with a genetic disease model. We illustrate how the analytic framework and software can be used to help investigators interpret DHW in the context of association studies of common diseases.  相似文献   

Coalescent simulations were used to investigate the possible role of population subdivision and history in shaping nucleotide variation in a recombining 88-kb genomic fragment of Drosophila simulans displaying an unusual large-scale haplotype structure. The multilocus analysis, based on summary statistics using specific demographic null models under recombination, indicates that the observed levels of linkage disequilibrium differed significantly from the values expected under different bottleneck and population admixture scenarios. These results indicate that demography alone may not account for the observed pattern of variation and support the previous claim that the data are better described by a model in which an adaptive mutation has not yet gone to fixation.  相似文献   

Proper taxon sampling is one of the greatest challenges to understanding phylogenetic relationships, perhaps as important as choice of optimality criterion or data type. This has been demonstrated in diatoms where centric diatoms may either be strongly supported as monophyletic or paraphyletic when analyzing SSU rDNA sequences using the same optimality criterion. The effect of ingroup and outgroup taxon sampling on relationships of diatoms is explored for diatoms as a whole and for the order Thalassiosirales. In the latter case, SSU rDNA and rbcL sequence data result in phylogenetic relationships that appear to be strongly incongruent with morphology and broadly incongruent with the fossil record. For example, Cyclotella stelligera Cleve & Grunow behaves like a rogue taxon, jumping from place to place throughout the tree. Morphological data place C. stelligera near the base of the freshwater group as sister to the extinct genus Mesodictyon Theriot and Bradbury, suggesting that it is an old, long branch that might be expected to “misbehave” in poorly sampled trees. Cyclotella stelligera and C. bodanica Grunow delimit the diameter of morphological diversity in Cyclotella, so increased sampling of intermediate taxa will be critical to resolving this part of the tree. Morphology is sampled for a much greater number of taxa and many transitional states of putative synapomorphies seem to suggest a robust morphological hypothesis. The Thalassiosirales are unstable with regards to taxon sampling in the genetic data, suggesting that perhaps the morphological hypothesis is (for now) preferable.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA sequences mutate at rates several orders of magnitude higher than that of the bulk of DNA. Such high rates mean that spontaneous mutations that form new-length variants can realistically be seen in pedigree analysis. Data on observed mutation events from various organisms are now accumulating, allowing inferences on DNA sequence evolution to be made through an unusually direct approach. Here I discuss and integrate microsatellite mutation data in an evolutionary context. A striking feature of the mutation process is that it seems highly heterogeneous, with distinct differences between species, repeat types, loci and alleles. Age and sex also affect the mutation rate. Within genomes at equilibrium, the microsatellite-length distribution is a delicate balance between biased mutation processes and point mutations acting towards the decay of repetitive DNA. Indeed, simple repeats do not evolve simply.  相似文献   

Integrons are horizontal gene transfer (HGT) systems containing elements necessary for site-specific recombination and expression of foreign DNA. The overall phylogenetic distribution of integrons and range of genes that can be transferred by integrons are unknown. This report contains an exploration of integrons in an environmental microbial community and an investigation of integron evolution. First, using culture-independent techniques, we explored the diversity of integrons and integron-transferred genes in heavy-metal-contaminated mine tailings. Using degenerate primers, we amplified integron integrase genes from the tailings. We discovered 14 previously undescribed integrase genes, including six novel gene lineages. In addition, we found 11 novel gene cassettes in this sample. One of the gene cassettes that we sequenced is similar to a gene that codes for a step in a pathway for nitroaromatic catabolism, a group of compounds associated with mining activity. This suggests that integrons may be important for gene transfer in response to selective pressures other than the presence of antibiotics. We also investigated the evolution of integrons by statistically comparing the phylogenies of 16S rRNA and integrase genes from the same organisms, using sequences from GenBank and various sequencing projects. We found significant differences between the organismal (16S rRNA) and integrase trees, and we suggest that these differences may be due to HGT.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA sequences are an irreplaceable source for reconstructing the vanished past of living organisms. Based on updated sequence data, this paper summarizes our studies on species divergence time, ancient population size and functional loss of genes in the primate lineage leading to modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens). The inter- and intraspecific comparisons of DNA sequences suggest that the human lineage experienced a rather severe bottleneck in the Middle Pleistocene, throughout which period the subdivided African population played a predominant role in shaping the genetic architecture of modern humans. Also, published and newly identified human-specific pseudogenes (HSPs) are enumerated in order to infer their significance for human evolution. Of the 121 candidate genes obtained, authentic HSPs turn out to comprise only 25 olfactory receptor genes, four T cell receptor genes and nine other genes. The fixation of HSPs has been too rare over the past 6–7 Myr to account for species differences between humans and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

The levels of haplotype diversity within the lineages defined by two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (–13910 C/T and –22018 G/A) associated with human lactase persistence were assessed with four fast-evolving microsatellite loci in 794 chromosomes from Portugal, Italy, Fulbe from Cameroon, São Tomé and Mozambique. Age estimates based on the intraallelic microsatellite variation indicate that the –13910*T allele, which is more tightly associated with lactase persistence, originated in Eurasia before the Neolithic and after the emergence of modern humans outside Africa. We detected significant departures from neutrality for the –13910*T variant in geographically and evolutionary distant populations from southern Europe (Portuguese and Italians) and Africa (Fulbe) by using a neutrality test based on the congruence between the frequency of the allele and the levels of intraallelic variability measured by the number of mutations in adjacent microsatellites. This result supports the role of selection in the evolution of lactase persistence, ruling out possible confounding effects from recombination suppression and population history. Reevaluation of the available evidence on variation of the –13910 and –22018 loci indicates that lactase persistence probably originated from different mutations in Europe and most of Africa, even if 13910*T is not the causal allele, suggesting that selective pressure could have promoted the convergent evolution of the trait. Our study shows that a limited number of microsatellite loci may provide sufficient resolution to reconstruct key aspects of the evolutionary history of lactase persistence, providing an alternative to approaches based on large numbers of SNPs.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Disentangling the effects of demography and selection in human history   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Demographic events affect all genes in a genome, whereas natural selection has only local effects. Using publicly available data from 151 loci sequenced in both European-American and African-American populations, we attempt to distinguish the effects of demography and selection. To analyze large sets of population genetic data such as this one, we introduce "Perlymorphism," a Unix-based suite of analysis tools. Our analyses show that the demographic histories of human populations can account for a large proportion of effects on the level and frequency of variation across the genome. The African-American population shows both a higher level of nucleotide diversity and more negative values of Tajima's D statistic than does a European-American population. Using coalescent simulations, we show that the significantly negative values of the D statistic in African-Americans and the positive values in European-Americans are well explained by relatively simple models of population admixture and bottleneck, respectively. Working within these nonequilibrium frameworks, we are still able to show deviations from neutral expectations at a number of loci, including ABO and TRPV6. In addition, we show that the frequency spectrum of mutations--corrected for levels of polymorphism--is correlated with recombination rate only in European-Americans. These results are consistent with repeated selective sweeps in non-African populations, in agreement with recent reports using microsatellite data.  相似文献   

Nielsen R 《Genetics》2001,159(1):401-411
This article describes a new Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method applicable to DNA sequence data, which treats mutations in the genealogy as missing data. The method facilitates inferences regarding the age and identity of specific mutations while taking the full complexities of the mutational process in DNA sequences into account. We demonstrate the utility of the method in three applications. First, we demonstrate how the method can be used to make inferences regarding population genetical parameters such as theta (the effective population size times the mutation rate). Second, we show how the method can be used to estimate the ages of mutations in finite sites models and for making inferences regarding the distribution and ages of nonsynonymous and synonymous mutations. The method is applied to two previously published data sets and we demonstrate that in one of the data sets the average age of nonsynonymous mutations is significantly lower than the average age of synonymous mutations, suggesting the presence of slightly deleterious mutations. Third, we demonstrate how the method in general can be used to evaluate the posterior distribution of a function of a mapping of mutations on a gene genealogy. This application is useful for evaluating the uncertainty associated with methods that rely on mapping mutations on a phylogeny or a gene genealogy.  相似文献   

Studies of exotic plant demography among habitats within its novel range may elucidate mechanisms of competitive dominance at local scales and invasive spread at landscape scales. We compared demographic trends of Anthriscus caucalis, an exotic herbaceous annual, across several plant communities within canyon grasslands of the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA. Greater observed survival and fecundity vital rates, as well as less spatial or temporal variability of vital rates, were considered indicators of greater plant community susceptibility to A. caucalis invasion. In addition, we investigated the role of differing habitat suitability across plant community types on potential landscape-level dispersal processes. To accomplish this objective, population matrix models were utilized to simulate stochastic transient (5 years) population growth rates (log λt) of A. caucalis under different net dispersal rate scenarios among the selected plant communities. We observed aboveground demography for 4 years within two bunchgrass community types and two shrub community types within a study area where livestock grazing occurred and within another study area that was not subjected to livestock grazing. Our results indicated that juvenile survival did not differ among communities, but the spatial variance of juvenile survival was significantly lower in shrub communities. Mean fecundity was significantly higher in high shrub (Celtis reticulata) communities compared to others, whereas spatial and temporal variances were significantly lower in high shrub communities compared to others. Within high shrub communities, total seed production was lower at the grazed site, which likely results from frequent livestock trampling within these refuge habitats. Under assumptions of no net seed dispersal, two of four bunchgrass sites maintained positive growth rates (log λt > 0; 95 % CI) whereas growth rates were positive in each shrub community. Notably, high shrub communities maintained positive growth rates under assumptions of 60 % net seed dispersal, while population growth rates in other communities declined with increasing net seed dispersal. In summary, our study suggests that high shrub communities are comparatively greater suitable habitat for A. caucalis growth and development and may act as source populations for invasive spread at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

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