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花椒和野花椒的无融合生殖   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
花椒与野花椒的胚囊发育类型属蓼型,成熟胚囊的卵器退化。花椒无雄花,不发生双受精,自发形成胚乳并产生珠心胚。野花椒虽有正常花粉,人工授粉后能萌发,但在花粉管长入胚囊之前卵器已解体,中央细胞中已形成胚乳游离核,因此也不发生双受精,由珠心细胞自发形成胚。这种现象是花椒和野花椒在长期进化过程中形成的一种十分特化的适应。  相似文献   

大叶杨配囊及胚珠的形成和发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文应用细胞化学方法研究了大叶杨胚珠、胚囊的形成和发育过程中核酸、蛋白质及不溶性多糖的分布和消长。大孢子母细胞、大孢子四分体及功能大孢子中含较少不溶性多糖,但却含丰富的RNA和蛋白质。功能大孢子经分裂发育成八核的蓼型胚囊。四核胚囊开始积累细胞质多糖,成熟胚囊中除反足细胞外充满淀粉粒。反足细胞形成后不久即退化。助细胞具多糖性质的丝状器,受精前两个助细胞退化。卵细胞核对Feulgen反应呈负反应。二极核受精前由胚囊中部移向卵器,与卵器接触后融合形成次生核。发育早期的胚珠为厚珠心,双珠被。晚期,内珠被退化,故成熟胚珠为单珠被。四核胚囊时期,珠孔端珠心组织退化,胚囊伸向珠孔形成胚囊喙。合点端珠心组织含丰富的蛋白质和核酸,这一性质与绒毡层性质相似,可能涉及胚囊的营养运输。胚囊的营养来源于子房和胎座细胞内贮存的淀粉粒。  相似文献   

龙须草无融合生殖的胚胎学证据   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用石蜡切片技术对龙须草(Eulaliopsisbinata(Rotz)C.E.Hubb)进行了系统的胚胎学研究,证明龙须草为禾本科植物中一种新的无融合生殖材料。龙须草无融合生殖方式为无孢子生殖,在胚珠发育早期,多个珠心细胞特化为无孢子生殖原始细胞,由原始细胞发育为单核胚囊,经两次有丝分裂形成4核胚囊,进一步分化形成两种类型的成熟胚囊:(1)具1个卵细胞,1个助细胞和2个极核,占观察总数的67.6%;(2)具1个卵细胞,2个助细胞和1个极核,占观察总数的32.4%。胚囊发育属大黍型。多个无孢子生殖原始细胞可以同时发育,最后形成2个或多个胚囊,其比例为17.7%。胚珠内没有有性胚囊的发育。胚的发生有两种类型:(1)早发生胚(74%),开花前1~2d,极核未分裂前卵细胞分裂形成胚;(2)迟发生胚(26%),开花后2~3d,极核分裂形成多个胚乳游离核后,卵细胞启动分裂形成胚。存在多胚现象,多胚来自不同胚囊内卵细胞的孤雌生殖,多胚发生率为13%。胚乳由极核不经受精自发分裂产生。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片技术对龙须草(Eulaliopsis binata(Rotz)C.E.Hubb)进行了系统的胚胎学研究,证明龙须草为禾本科植物中一种新的无融合生殖材料.龙须草无融合生殖方式为无孢子生殖,在胚珠发育早期,多个珠心细胞特化为无孢子生殖原始细胞,由原始细胞发育为单核胚囊,经两次有丝分裂形成4核胚囊,进一步分化形成两种类型的成熟胚囊:(1)具1个卵细胞,1个助细胞和2个极核,占观察总数的67.6%;(2)具1个卵细胞,2个助细胞和1个极核,占观察总数的32.4%.胚囊发育属大黍型.多个无孢子生殖原始细胞可以同时发育,最后形成2个或多个胚囊,其比例为17.7%.胚珠内没有有性胚囊的发育.胚的发生有两种类型:(1)早发生胚(74%),开花前1~2 d,极核未分裂前卵细胞分裂形成胚;(2)迟发生胚(26%),开花后2~3 d,极核分裂形成多个胚乳游离核后,卵细胞启动分裂形成胚.存在多胚现象,多胚来自不同胚囊内卵细胞的孤雌生殖,多胚发生率为13%.胚乳由极核不经受精自发分裂产生.  相似文献   

掌叶大黄胚胎学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
掌叶大黄(Rheum palmatum L.)的花药4室,单或复孢原。药壁发育为单子叶型。腺质绒毡层发育后期出现双核。小孢子四分体为四面体型,胞质分裂为同时型。成熟花粉为3细胞,表面具3条沟。子房1室,单胚珠,直生,两层珠被,由内珠被形成珠孔,厚珠心。单孢原,位于珠心表皮下。直线形或T形大孢子四分体。合点端的大孢子发育为蓼型胚囊。2个极核在受精前合并为次生核。3个反足细胞宿存。胚乳发育为核型,在球形胚末期开始形成细胞。合点端的胚乳核一直不形成细胞,而为游离核的胚乳吸器。在胚乳吸器和其它部位都发现胚乳核融合现象。胚的发育属于紫菀型。胚具小胚柄。成熟胚囊时期出现承珠盘,且存留时间很长,成熟胚期尚存痕迹。  相似文献   

冠果草的胚胎学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冠果草花药壁的发育为单子口十型,绒毡层为周原质团型。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为连续型,四分体呈左右对称式排列,成熟花粉为三细胞型。双珠被,假厚珠心,倒生胚珠。胚囊发育为葱型,成熟胚囊的特点是两个极核分别位于中央细胞两端,不融合成次生核。受精过程中,一个精于与卵核融合形成合子,另一精子先与珠孔端极核融合,之后受精极核再移动到合点端与另一极核融合,形成初生胚乳核。胚的发育为石竹型。成熟胚呈马蹄形,具有2片真叶。胚乳发育为沼生目型。随着胚的发育,胚乳细胞逐渐解体,成熟种子中无胚乳。  相似文献   

草地早熟禾胚胎学研究 Ⅲ.多胚囊及多胚现象   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
报道了草地早熟禾中多胚囊的起源、发育和结构。在1个胚珠中,大孢子母细胞周围可以有一到多个起源于珠心细胞的胚囊原始细胞,并可以发育成为多胚囊,其中具有两个胚囊的可以发育成为成熟胚囊。起源于珠心的体细胞无孢子生殖胚囊的发育属于山柳菊型。两个成熟胚囊中,都可以形成胚和胚乳,因而形成了具假多胚的种子。位于中部的胚来源于珠心还囊,属于无融合生殖形成的胚。两个以上的多胚囊不能形成成熟胚囊。  相似文献   

白桦雌花发育、大孢子发生及胚胎发育的解剖学观察   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
姜静  李同华  庄振东  杨传平 《植物研究》2003,23(1):T007-T009
白桦雌花从开花到雌性器官的成熟需经历1个月左右的时间,解剖学观察表明:四月下旬越冬的雌蕊原基开始了活跃的分裂和分化。子房和柱头开始生长。四月末开花,五月初授粉。此后胚珠开始长大。五月中旬即分化形成珠被,珠心,珠被为单层珠被,胚珠为厚珠心胚珠,胚珠倒生,五月中下旬,珠心内产生大孢子母细胞,一周左右发育为成熟胚囊-七细胞八核胚囊,五月末完成双受精,白桦胚胎发育经过合子,原胚,球形胚,心形胚和鱼雷形胚等时期最后发育成熟,胚乳发育与胚胎同步,即受精的极核进行几次分裂后形成核型胚乳,胚乳核不断增多,在形成心形胚后胚乳细胞形成细胞壁。  相似文献   

四倍体双穗雀稗兼性无孢子生殖的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了四倍体双穗雀稗(Paspalum distichum L)无孢子生殖胚囊、胚胎发育以及假受精特点。当其大孢子母细胞发育至四分体阶段时,大多数情况下会发生四分体退化,同时有多个特化珠心细胞发育为1—3个无孢子生殖胚囊的现象。成熟无孢子生殖胚囊一般3核,包括1个卵细胞和2个极核。卵细胞在抽穗前就能自发分裂形成原胚团,而极核则在抽穗和传粉后参与假受精形成胚乳。当胚珠内存在多个无孢子生殖胚囊时,只是靠近珠孔端的1个无孢子生殖胚囊内的极核与精核结合,而其它的并不参与。种子成熟后出现很低频率的二胚苗。此外,还能观察到少量的有性生殖胚囊的发育以及有性生殖胚囊和无孢子生殖胚囊在同一胚珠中的发育现象,因此判断该类群为兼性无孢子生殖体。  相似文献   

答:裸子植物胚珠里的胚囊内有许多个颈卵器生长于配子体组织中,每个颈卵器中有一个大型的卵细胞,没有极核细胞,卵受精后发育成胚(其中有一个发育成熟,其余的败育).胚乳是由雌配子体——成熟的胚囊发育而来的。这种现象有别于被子植物双受精后形成的胚  相似文献   

Studies on the formation and development of the embryo sac of the apomictic material of Pennisetum squamulatum Fresen indicated that normal archesporial cell did form with consequent development of a megaspore mother cell and later meiotic division to give rise to a triad. But invariably the megaspore mother cell and the triad underwent degeneration after formation. During the period of formation or degeneration of the megaspore or the triad a number of nucellar cells around the degenerated sexual cell became much enlarged. Frequently, one of the enlarging nucellar cells near the micropylar end became vacuolated and then developed into an aposporous uninucleate embryo sac, which underwent two further mitotic divisions to form an aposporous four-nucleate embryo sac, where the four nuclei remained in the micropylar end. Thus in the mature aposporous embryo sac there were one egg cell, one synergid and one central cell (containing two polar nuclei). Antipodal cells were completely lacking. The pattern of development of the aposporous embryo sac resembles the panicum type. There were two types of embryo formed during apomictic development namely ( 1 ) The pre-genesis embryo--embryo formed without fertilization, 1 to 2 days before anthesis, and (2) The late-genesis embryo--derived from the unfertilized egg cells, 3 to 4 days after anthesis. In the late-genesis embryo type, the egg cell divided after the secondary nucleus has undergone division to form the endosperm nuclei. All egg cells developed vacuoles before they differentiated into embryos. The development of the aposporous embryo followed the sequence of the formation of globular, pearshaped embryo and full stages of differentiation. The unfertilized secondary nucleus divides to form free endosperm nuclei after being stimulated by pollination. The development of the endosperm belongs to the nuclear-type.  相似文献   

The nucellar ultrastructure of apomictic Panicum maximum was analyzed during the meiocytic stage and during aposporous embryo sac formation. At pachytene the megameiocyte shows a random cell organelle distribution and sometimes only an incomplete micropylar callose wall. The chalazal nucellar cells are meristematic until the tetrad stage. They can turn into initial cells of aposporous embryo sacs. The aposporous initials can be recognized by their increased cell size, large nucleus, and the presence of many vesicles. The cell wall is thin with few plasmodesmata. If only a sexual embryo sac is formed, the nucellar cells retain their meristematic character. The aposporous initial cell is somewhat comparable to a vacuolated functional megaspore. It shows large vacuoles around the central nucleus and is surrounded by a thick cell wall without plasmodesmata. In the mature aposporous embryo sac the structure of the cells of the egg apparatus is similar to each other. In the chalazal part of the egg apparatus the cell walls are thin and do not hamper the transfer of sperm cells. Structural and functional aspects of nucellar cell differentiation and aposporous and sexual embryo sac development are discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the mature embryo sac, the early stages of the embryo and endosperm development of common radish, Raphanur sativus was examined. The embryo sac consists of 7 cells with antipodal ceils disappeared when it matures. The egg cell is highly polarized. The wall surrounded the chalazal end of the egg cell is incomplete, showing a discontinuous structure of an electron dense material deposited intermittently in the space between the two plasma membranes of the egg cell and central cell. The synergid has filiform apparatus, rich in organelles and well developed ER. The two polar nuclei of the central cell are located near the egg apparatus because of the big vacuole, and the finger-like protrutions from the cell wall, as that in synergid, are found. The first division of the zygote occurs 4–5 days after pollination and the development of the embryo follows the Onagrad type, and the structure of the embryo cell is quite simple for containing small quantity of ER, plastids and other organelles. The primary endosperm nucleus deviates 2 days earlier than zygote. The endosperm is of nuclear-endosperm containing chloroplasts, well developed ER, and plentiful of mitochondria and golgi bodies and the nodule-like aggregation in both. the chalazal and micropylar ends of the embryo sac during the early development appeared, and cell wall starting at the micropylar end by freely-growing forms about 16 days after pollination.  相似文献   

Apomixis represents an alteration of classical sexual plant reproduction to produce seeds that have essentially clonal embryos. In this report, hickory (Carya cathayensis Sarg.), which is an important oil tree, is identified as a new apomictic species. The ovary has a chamber containing one ovule that is unitegmic and orthotropous. Embryological investigations indicated that the developmental pattern of embryo sac formation is typical polygonum-type. Zygote embryos were not found during numerous histological investigations, and the embryo originated from nucellar cells. Nucellar embryo initials were found both at the micropylar and chalazal ends of the embryo sac, but the mature embryo developed only at the nucellar beak region. The mass of the nucellar embryo initial at the nucellar beak region developed into a nucellar embryo or split into two nucellar proembryos. The later development of the nucellar embryo was similar to the zygotic embryo and progressed from globular embryo to heart-shape embryo and to cotyledon embryo.  相似文献   

The structure of embryo sac before and after fertilization, embryo and endosperm development and transfer cell distribution in Phaseolus radiatus were investigated using light and transmission electron microscopy. The synergids with distinct filiform apparatus have a chalazal vacuole, numerous mitochondria and ribosomes. A cell wall exists only around the micropylar half of the synergids. The egg cell has a chalazally located nucleus, a large micropylar vacuole and several small vacuoles. Mitochondria and plasrids with starch grains are abundant. No cell wall is present at its chalazal end. There are no plasma membranes between the egg and central cell in several places. The zygote has a complete cell wall, abundant mitochondria and plastids containing starch grains. Both degenerated and persistent synergids migh.t serve as a nutrient supplement to proembryo. The wall ingrowths occur in the central cell, basal cell, inner integumentary cells, suspensor cells and endosperm cells. These transfer cells may contribute to embryo nutrition at different developmental stages of embryo.  相似文献   

Cytological and histological studies of seeds from three facultative apomictic Citrus cultivars show that adventive embryos develop, as a rule, from the first few cell layers of the nucellus adjacent to the embryo sac in the micropylar half and occasionally from the chalazal end. The adventive embryos initiated in nucellar tissue away from the embryo sac and most of those initiated from the chalazal end of the nucellus do not develop beyond the one-celled stage. When two or more embryos are developing in the same seed, the successful development of a given embryo depends on its location in relation to access to nutrients from the endosperm. The presence of a zygote and triploid endosperm in seeds with adventive embryos, the abortion of seed when endosperm degenerates, and the lack of seed set without pollination indicate that pollination and fertilization are essential for in vivo adventive embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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