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A small number of closely related strains of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b, designated epidemic clone I (ECI), have been implicated in numerous outbreaks of food-borne listeriosis described during the past two decades in Europe and North America. In 1998 to 1999, a multistate outbreak traced to contaminated hot dogs involved a different strain type of serotype 4b, with genetic fingerprints rarely encountered before. In spite of the profound economic and public health impact of this outbreak, the implicated bacteria (designated epidemic clone II [ECII]) have remained poorly characterized genetically, and nucleotide sequences specific for these strains have not been reported. Using genome sequence information, PCR, and Southern blots, we identified DNA fragments which appeared to be either absent or markedly divergent in the hot dog outbreak strains but conserved among other serotype 4b strains. PCR with primers derived from these fragments as well as Southern blots with the amplicons as probes readily differentiated ECII from other serotype 4b strains. The serotype 4b-specific region harboring these fragments was adjacent to inlA, which encodes a well-characterized virulence determinant. The findings suggest that ECII strains have undergone divergence in portions of a serotype-specific region that is conserved in other serotype 4b strains. Although the mechanisms that drive this divergence remain to be identified, DNA-based tools from this region can facilitate the detection and further characterization of strains belonging to this lineage.  相似文献   

The majority of Listeria monocytogenes isolates recovered from foods and the environment are strains of serogroup 1/2, especially serotypes 1/2a and 1/2b. However, serotype 4b strains cause the majority of human listeriosis outbreaks. Our investigation of L. monocytogenes biofilms used a simulated food-processing system that consisted of repeated cycles of growth, sanitation treatment, and starvation to determine the competitive fitness of strains of serotypes 1/2a and 4b in pure and mixed-culture biofilms. Selective enumeration of strains of a certain serotype in mixed-culture biofilms on stainless steel coupons was accomplished by using serotype-specific quantitative PCR and propidium monoazide treatment to prevent amplification of extracellular DNA or DNA from dead cells. The results showed that the serotype 1/2a strains tested were generally more efficient at forming biofilms and predominated in the mixed-culture biofilms. The growth and survival of strains of one serotype were not inhibited by strains of the other serotype in mixed-culture biofilms. However, we found that a cocktail of serotype 4b strains survived and grew significantly better in mixed-culture biofilms containing a specific strain of serotype 1/2a (strain SK1387), with final cell densities averaging 0.5 log10 CFU/cm2 higher than without the serotype 1/2a strain. The methodology used in this study contributed to our understanding of how environmental stresses and microbial competition influence the survival and growth of L. monocytogenes in pure and mixed-culture biofilms.A prominent food-borne pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes can cause severe infections in humans, primarily in high-risk populations, though the disease (listeriosis) is relatively rare (11, 30, 43). Outbreaks of listeriosis have resulted from the contamination of a variety of foods by L. monocytogenes, especially meat and dairy products (27). L. monocytogenes is ubiquitous in the environment, able to grow at refrigeration temperature, and tolerant of the low pHs (3 to 4) typical of acidified foods (28, 32, 44). The capacity to produce biofilms confers protection against stresses common in the food-processing environment (13, 33).Biofilms are characterized by dense clusters of bacterial cells embedded in extracellular polymeric substances which are secreted by cells to aid in adhesion to surfaces and to other cells (4, 5). Strains of L. monocytogenes have been known to persist for years in food-processing environments, presumably in biofilms. Of the 13 known serotypes of L. monocytogenes, three (1/2a, 1/2b, and 4b) account for >95% of the isolates from human illness (21). Serotype 1/2a accounts for >50% of the L. monocytogenes isolates recovered from foods and the environment, while most major outbreaks of human listeriosis have been caused by serotype 4b strains (1, 3, 14, 15, 17, 22, 29, 31, 41, 47, 49,). No correlation between L. monocytogenes strain fitness and serotype has been identified (16, 19). Some studies have reported that strains repeatedly isolated from food and environmental samples (defined as persistent strains) had a higher adherence capacity than strains that were sporadically isolated (2, 36), while this phenomenon was not observed by others (7). Serotype 4b strains exhibited a higher capacity for biofilm formation than did serotype 1/2a strains (36), whereas this was not observed by Di Bonaventura and colleagues (6). It has been suggested that serotype 1/2a strains could be more robust than serotype 4b strains in biofilm formation under a variety of environmental conditions. Furthermore, strains of these serotypes differ in terms of the medium that promotes biofilm formation. Biofilm formation by serotype 4b strains was higher in full-strength tryptic soy broth than in diluted medium, whereas the opposite was observed with serotype 1/2a strains, which produced more biofilm in diluted medium (12).There is limited information on microbial competition between strains of different serotypes in biofilms or on how the environmental stresses present in food-processing environments may affect the biofilm formation and survival of L. monocytogenes of different serotypes. In food-processing plants, the environmental stresses encountered by bacteria are more complex and variable than most laboratory systems used for microbial ecology and biofilm studies. A simulated food-processing (SFP) system has been developed to address this issue (38). The SFP system incorporates several stresses that may affect bacteria in biofilms in the food-processing environment, including exposure to sanitizing agents, dehydration, and starvation. When biofilms were subjected to the SFP regimen over a period of several weeks, the cell numbers of L. monocytogenes strains in the biofilms initially were reduced and then increased as the culture adapted (38). The development of resistance to sanitizing agents was specific to the biofilm-associated cells and was not apparent in the detached cells (38). This suggested that extracellular polymeric substances present in the biofilm matrix were responsible for the resistance to sanitizing agents. It was subsequently found that real-time PCR, in combination with propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment of samples prior to DNA isolation, was an effective method for enumerating viable cells in biofilms (37).The objective of this study was to determine if strains of serotype 1/2a or 4b have a selective advantage under stress conditions. We investigated and compared the initial attachment and biofilm formation capabilities of L. monocytogenes strains of these two serotypes and analyzed the survival and growth of bacteria of each serotype in mixed-serotype biofilms in the SFP system by using PMA with quantitative PCR.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes epidemic clone II (ECII) has been responsible for two multistate outbreaks in the United States in 1998-1999 and in 2002, in which contaminated ready-to-eat meat products (hot dogs and turkey deli meats, respectively) were implicated. However, ecological adaptations of ECII strains in the food-processing plant environment remain unidentified. In this study, we found that broad-host-range phages, including phages isolated from the processing plant environment, produced plaques on ECII strains grown at 37°C but not when the bacteria were grown at lower temperatures (30°C or below). ECII strains grown at lower temperatures were resistant to phage regardless of the temperature during infection and subsequent incubation. In contrast, the phage susceptibility of all other tested strains of serotype 4b (including epidemic clone I) and of strains of other serotypes and Listeria species was independent of the growth temperature of the bacteria. This temperature-dependent phage susceptibility of ECII bacteria was consistently observed with all surveyed ECII strains from outbreaks or from processing plants, regardless of the presence or absence of cadmium resistance plasmids. Phages adsorbed similarly on ECII bacteria grown at 25°C and at 37°C, suggesting that resistance of ECII strains grown at 25°C was not due to failure of the phage to adsorb. Even though the underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated, temperature-dependent phage resistance may represent an important ecological adaptation of L. monocytogenes ECII in processed, cold-stored foods and in the processing plant environment, where relatively low temperatures prevail.Listeria monocytogenes is responsible for an estimated 2,500 cases of serious food-borne illness (listeriosis) and 500 deaths annually in the United States. It affects primarily pregnant women, newborns, the elderly, and adults with weakened immune systems. L. monocytogenes is frequently found in the environment and can grow at low temperatures, thus representing a serious hazard for cold-stored, ready-to-eat foods (18, 31).Two multistate outbreaks of listeriosis in the United States, in 1998-1999 and in 2002, respectively, were caused by contaminated ready-to-eat meats (hot dogs and turkey deli meats, respectively) contaminated by serotype 4b strains that represented a novel clonal group, designated epidemic clone II (ECII) (3, 4). ECII strains have distinct genotypes as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and various other subtyping tools, and harbor unique genetic markers (6, 8, 11, 19, 34). The genome sequencing of one of the isolates (L. monocytogenes H7858) from the 1998-1999 outbreak revealed the presence of a plasmid of ca. 80 kb (pLM80), which harbored genes mediating resistance to the heavy metal cadmium as well as genes conferring resistance to the quaternary ammonium disinfectant benzalkonium chloride (10, 29).Listeria phages (listeriaphage) have long been used for subtyping purposes (33), and extensive research has focused on the genomic characterization (2, 24, 26, 35), transducing potential (14), and biotechnological applications of selected phages (25). In addition, applications of listeriaphage as biocontrol agents in foods and the processing plant environment have been investigated (12, 15, 22). However, limited information exists on phages from processing plant environments and on the impact of environmental conditions on susceptibility of L. monocytogenes strains representing the major epidemic-associated clonal groups to such phages. We have found that strains harboring ECII-specific genetic markers can indeed be recovered from the environment of turkey-processing plants (9). Furthermore, environmental samples from such processing plants yielded phages with broad host range, which were able to infect L. monocytogenes strains of various serotypes, and different Listeria species (20). In this study, we describe the impact of growth temperature on susceptibility of L. monocytogenes ECII strains to phages, including phages isolated from turkey-processing plant environmental samples.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes contamination of ready-to-eat foods has been implicated in numerous outbreaks of food-borne listeriosis. However, the health hazards posed by L. monocytogenes detected in foods may vary, and speculations exist that strains actually implicated in illness may constitute only a fraction of those that contaminate foods. In this study, examination of 34 serogroup 4 (putative or confirmed serotype 4b) isolates of L. monocytogenes obtained from various foods and food-processing environments, without known implication in illness, revealed that many of these strains had methylation of cytosines at GATC sites in the genome, rendering their DNA resistant to digestion by the restriction endonuclease Sau3AI. These strains also harbored a gene cassette with putative restriction-modification system genes as well as other, genomically unlinked genetic markers characteristic of the major epidemic-associated lineage of L. monocytogenes (epidemic clone I), implicated in numerous outbreaks in Europe and North America. This may reflect a relatively high fitness of strains with these genetic markers in foods and food-related environments relative to other serotype 4b strains and may partially account for the repeated involvement of such strains in human food-borne listeriosis.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a significant food-borne human and veterinary pathogen. Contaminated silage commonly leads to disease in livestock, but the pervasive nature of the bacterium can make it difficult to identify the source of infection. An investigation of bovine listeriosis that occurred on a Pacific Northwest dairy farm (“farm A”) revealed that the clinical strain was closely related to fecal strains from asymptomatic cows, and that farm environment was heavily contaminated with a diversity of L. monocytogenes strains. In addition, the farm A clinical strain was closely related to clinical and environmental strains obtained 1 year prior from a second Northwest dairy farm (“farm B”). To investigate the source(s) of contamination on farm A, environmental samples were collected from farm A at two time points. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis characterization of 538 isolates obtained from that farm identified 57 different AscI pulsovars. Fecal isolates obtained from individual cows were the most genetically diverse, with up to 94% of fecal samples containing more than one pulsovar. The maximum numbers of pulsovars and serotypes isolated from a fecal sample of one cow were 6 and 4, respectively. Serotype 1/2a was isolated most frequently at both time points. Microarray genotyping of bovine listeriosis, fecal, and silage strains from both farms identified four probes that differentiated listeriosis strains from environmental strains; however, no probe was common to both bovine listeriosis strains.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne pathogen with a clonal population structure and apparently limited gene flow between strains of different lineages. Strains of epidemic clone I (ECI) have been responsible for numerous outbreaks and invariably have DNA that is resistant to digestion by Sau3AI, suggesting methylation of cytosine at GATC sites. A putative restriction-modification (RM) gene cassette has been identified in the genome of the ECI strain F2365 and all other tested ECI strains but is absent from other strains of the same serotype (4b). Homologous RM cassettes have not been reported among L. monocytogenes isolates of other serotypes. Furthermore, conclusive evidence for the involvement of this RM cassette in the Sau3AI resistance phenotype of ECI strains has been lacking. In this study, we describe a highly conserved RM cassette in certain strains of serotypes 1/2a and 4a that have Sau3AI-resistant DNA. In these strains the RM cassette was in the same genomic location as in the ECI reference strain F2365. The cassette included a gene encoding a putative recombinase, suggesting insertion via site-specific recombination. Deletion of the RM cassette in the ECI strain F2365 and the serotype 1/2a strain A7 rendered the DNA of both strains susceptible to Sau3AI digestion, providing conclusive evidence that the cassette includes a gene required for methylation of cytosine at GATC sites in both strains. The findings suggest that, in addition to its presence in ECI strains, this RM cassette and the accompanying genomic DNA methylation is also encountered among selected strains of other lineages.Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive, facultative intracellular food-borne pathogen capable of causing severe disease (listeriosis) in animals and humans. Listeriosis most often affects pregnant women and their fetuses, neonates, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals. The disease is predominantly transmitted via the consumption of contaminated foods and has a ca. 20% fatality rate (12, 27). Application of numerous genotyping methods has consistently shown that the organism has a clonal population structure with three major phylogenetic lineages: lineage I consists of strains of serotypes 1/2b, 3b, and 4b, while those of serotypes 1/2a, 1/2c, 3a, and 3c are clustered in lineage II; strains of serotypes 4a and 4c, along with certain serotype 4b strains, constitute lineage III (37, 38).Most epidemics of human listeriosis have involved a small number of closely related strains (epidemic clones), predominantly of serotype 4b (7, 35). The earliest identified clone, epidemic clone I (ECI), has been responsible for several major outbreaks in Europe and North America. In addition, strains of this clonal group are frequently encountered in sporadic illness (10, 28, 29). ECI strains have also been found to comprise a significant portion of the serotype 4b strains from foods and from the environments of food processing plants (10, 11, 40).Genomic DNA of ECI strains has been long known to resist digestion with Sau3AI, suggesting methylation of cytosine at GATC sites (41). Genome sequencing of the ECI strain F2365, implicated in the 1985 California outbreak of listeriosis, revealed a putative restriction-modification (RM) gene cassette with specificity for GATC sites (25). This RM cassette was harbored by all tested serotype 4b strains with Sau3AI-resistant DNA and was absent from those with DNA that could be digested with Sau3AI (40). These findings were in agreement with previous evidence that a fragment of the putative methyltransferase gene was specific to ECI and absent from other strains (14).In spite of extensive documentation for the presence of this putative RM cassette in ECI strains, and its apparent absence among other serotype 4b strains, limited information is available about the possible presence of the cassette among other lineages of L. monocytogenes. Furthermore, conclusive evidence for involvement of the cassette in the resistance of the DNA of ECI strains to Sau3AI digestion has been lacking. In this study, we investigated a panel of food-derived serotype 1/2a strains with Sau3AI-resistant DNA and characterized the genetic content and genomic localization of the RM cassette harbored by these strains. Furthermore, we employed deletion mutagenesis to assess the involvement of the RM cassette in Sau3AI resistance of the DNA of the ECI strain F2365, as well as of a serotype 1/2a strain harboring the cassette.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes can cause severe food-borne disease (listeriosis). Numerous outbreaks have involved three serotype 4b epidemic clones (ECs): ECI, ECII, and ECIa. However, little is known about the population structure of L. monocytogenes serotype 4b from sporadic listeriosis in the United States, even though most cases of human listeriosis are in fact sporadic. Here we analyzed 136 serotype 4b isolates from sporadic cases in the United States, 2003 to 2008, utilizing multiple tools including multilocus genotyping, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and sequence analysis of the inlAB locus. ECI, ECII, and ECIa were frequently encountered (32, 17, and 7%, respectively). However, annually 30 to 68% of isolates were outside these ECs, and several novel clonal groups were identified. An estimated 33 and 17% of the isolates, mostly among the ECs, were resistant to cadmium and arsenic, respectively, but resistance to benzalkonium chloride was uncommon (3%) among the sporadic isolates. The frequency of clonal groups fluctuated within the 6-year study period, without consistent trends. However, on several occasions, temporal clusters of isolates with indistinguishable genotypes were detected, suggesting the possibility of hidden multistate outbreaks. Our analysis suggests a complex population structure of serotype 4b L. monocytogenes from sporadic disease, with important contributions by ECs and several novel clonal groups. Continuous monitoring will be needed to assess long-term trends in clonality patterns and population structure of L. monocytogenes from sporadic listeriosis.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation by Listeria monocytogenes is generally associated with its persistence in the food-processing environment. Serotype 1/2a strains make up more than 50% of the total isolates recovered from food and the environment, while serotype 4b strains are most often associated with major outbreaks of human listeriosis. Using a microplate assay with crystal violet staining, we examined biofilm formation by 18 strains of each serotype in tryptic soy broth with varying concentrations of glucose (from 0.25% to 10.0%, wt/vol), sodium chloride (from 0.5% to 7.0%, wt/vol) and ethanol (from 1% to 5.0%, vol/vol), and at different temperatures (22.5°C, 30°C, and 37°C). A synergistic effect on biofilm formation was observed for glucose, sodium chloride, and temperature. The serotype 1/2a strains generally formed higher-density biofilms than the 4b strains under most conditions tested. Interestingly, most serotype 4b strains had a higher growth rate than the 1/2a strains, suggesting that the growth rate may not be directly related to the capacity for biofilm formation. Crystal violet was found to stain both bacterial cells and biofilm matrix material. The enhancement in biofilm formation by environmental factors was apparently due to the production of extracellular polymeric substances instead of the accumulation of viable biofilm cells.Listeria monocytogenes, a Gram-positive bacterium, is capable of causing severe food-borne infections in both humans and animals. The organism is ubiquitous in the environment and can grow in a wide variety of foods, including those stored at refrigeration temperatures. It is particularly difficult to eliminate this bacterium from ready-to-eat foods and food-processing equipment (19). The ability to form biofilms protects the bacterium from stresses in food-processing environments (13, 25). Among the 13 different serotypes described, serotypes 1/2a, 1/2b, and 4b are involved in the majority of human cases of listeriosis. Serotype 4b strains have accounted for most human outbreaks, whereas the majority of L. monocytogenes strains isolated from foods or food-processing plants belong to serotype 1/2a (19).Comparative studies to link the phenotypic attributes of L. monocytogenes strains to serotypes have obtained variable results. Buncic et al. (4) have shown that serotype 1/2a isolates were more resistant to antilisterial bacteriocins than serotype 4b strains at 4°C. They also found that 4b isolates exhibited greater resistance to heat treatments at 60°C and were easier to recover than 1/2a strains immediately following cold storage. Bruhn et al. (3) observed that 1/2a strains (lineage II) grew faster than 4b and 1/2b (lineage I) strains in commonly used enrichment broth media (University of Vermont media I and II). However, other studies have indicated that similar differences could not be linked to a serotype (14), and sequencing results have shown a syntenic relationship between strains of the two serotypes (27).Some L. monocytogenes strains have consistently been isolated from food-processing plants over many years (1, 28). Although several studies have been carried out to identify differences in cell adherence and biofilm formation among different serotypes, conflicting results were obtained. Lineage I isolates (including serotypes 4b, 1/2b, 3c, and 3b) were found to produce higher-density biofilms than lineage II isolates (including serotypes 1/2a, 1/2c, and 3a) (8, 28). However, this conclusion was not supported by other studies (1, 7, 18). For serotype 4b strains, the capacity to form biofilms was reduced when the nutrient level in a medium decreased, while serotype 1/2a strains were not similarly affected (11).It has been suggested that the formation of a biofilm is a stress response by bacterial cells (15, 16). Biofilm research under laboratory conditions may not reflect biofilm formation in the environment. To investigate the behavior of L. monocytogenes in biofilms, a simulated food-processing (SFP) system including several stresses was designed (30). The SFP system was used to study 1/2a and 4b strains in mixed-culture biofilms (31). Bacterial cells from a 1/2a cocktail predominated over 4b strains when exposed to the SFP system for 4 weeks, but no competitive inhibition was observed. Environmental factors, including temperature, sugar, salt, pH, and nutrients that are common in foods and food-processing environments, have been demonstrated to have impacts on L. monocytogenes adhesion and biofilm formation (25). The objectives of this study were to investigate and compare biofilm formation between L. monocytogenes serotype 1/2a strains and serotype 4b strains under a variety of environmental conditions, including different temperatures and varying concentrations of salt, sugar, and ethanol, and to examine the synergistic effects of these factors on biofilm formation by both serotypes.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel gene, gtcA, involved in the decoration of cell wall teichoic acid of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b with galactose and glucose. Insertional inactivation of gtcA brought about loss of reactivity with the serotype 4b-specific monoclonal antibody c74.22 and was accompanied by a complete lack of galactose and a marked reduction in the amounts of glucose on teichoic acid. Interestingly, the composition of membrane-associated lipoteichoic acid was not affected. Complementation of the mutants with the cloned gtcA in trans restored galactose and glucose on teichoic acid to wild-type levels. The complemented strains also recovered reactivity with c74.22. Within L. monocytogenes, sequences homologous to gtcA were found in all serogroup 4 isolates but not in strains of any other serotypes. In serotype 4b, gtcA appears to be the first member of a bicistronic operon which includes a gene with homology to Bacillus subtilis rpmE, encoding ribosomal protein L31. In contrast to gtcA, the latter gene appears conserved among all screened serotypes of L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

An insertion mutant of gtcA, responsible for serotype-specific glycosylation of the cell wall teichoic acid in serotype 4b strains of Listeria monocytogenes, was also resistant to both Listeria genus- and serotype 4b-specific phages. The sugar substituents on teichoic acid appeared essential for the adsorption of phages A500 (serotype 4b specific) and A511 (Listeria genus specific) to serotype 4b L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

Of 3,063 ready-to-eat food samples tested, 91 (2.97%) were positive for Listeria monocytogenes, and lineage 1 strains outnumbered lineage 2 strains 57 to 34. Seventy-one isolates (78%) exhibited multiple antibiotic resistance, and an L. monocytogenes-specific bacteriophage cocktail lysed 65 of 91 (71%) isolates. Determining phage, acid, and antibiotic susceptibility phenotypes enabled us to identify differences among strains which were otherwise indistinguishable by conventional methods.  相似文献   

In culture supernatants of both Listeria ivanovii and Listeria monocytogenes Sv4b, for the first time a hemolysin of molecular weight 58 kDa was identified, which had all the characteristics of an SH-activated cytolysin, and which was therefore identified as listeriolysin O (LLO). In the case of L. ivanovii a second major supernatant protein of molecular weight 24 kDa co-purified with LLO. However, the function of this protein has to be determined. In culture supernatants of L. ivanovii a sphingomyelinase and a lecithinase activity could be detected, both enzymatic activities together contributing to the pronounced hemolysis caused by L. ivanovii. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of LLO and the 24 kDa from L. ivanovii are shown.  相似文献   

A 30-probe assay was developed for simultaneous classification of Listeria monocytogenes isolates by lineage (I to IV), major serogroup (4b, 1/2b, 1/2a, and 1/2c), and epidemic clone (EC) type (ECI, ECIa, ECII, and ECIII). The assay was designed to facilitate rapid strain characterization and the integration of subtype data into risk-based inspection programs.Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative intracellular pathogen that can cause serious invasive illness (listeriosis) in humans and other animals. L. monocytogenes is responsible for over 25% of food-borne-disease-related deaths attributable to known pathogens and is a leading cause of food recalls due to microbial adulteration (12, 21). However, not all L. monocytogenes subtypes contribute equally to human illness, and substantial differences in the ecologies and virulence attributes of different L. monocytogenes subtypes have been identified (9, 13, 14, 23, 24, 33, 35, 36). Among the four major evolutionary lineages of L. monocytogenes, only lineages I and II are commonly isolated from contaminated food and human listeriosis patients (19, 27, 29, 33). Lineage I strains are overrepresented among human listeriosis isolates, particularly those associated with epidemic outbreaks, whereas lineage II strains are overrepresented in foods and the environment (13, 14, 24). Lineage III strains account for approximately 1% of human listeriosis cases but are common among animal listeriosis isolates and appear to be a host-adapted group that is poorly adapted to food-processing environments (6, 34-36). The ecological and virulence attributes of lineage IV are poorly understood, as this lineage is rare and was only recently described based on a small number of strains (19, 26, 29, 33).L. monocytogenes is differentiated into 13 serotypes; however, four major serogroups (4b, 1/2b, 1/2a, and 1/2c) from within lineages I and II account for more than 98% of human and food isolates (16, 31). Serogroups refer to evolutionary complexes typified by a predominant serotype but which include very rare serotypes that represent minor evolutionary variants (7, 9, 33). Phylogenetic analyses have indicated that rare serotypes may have evolved recently, or even multiple times, from one of the major serotypes (9), and numerous molecular methods fail to discriminate minor serotypes as independent groups (1, 4, 7, 9, 18, 22, 33, 38, 39). Serotyping is one of the most common methods for L. monocytogenes subtyping, and serogroup classifications are a useful component of strain characterization because ecotype divisions appear largely congruent with serogroup distinctions (16, 34). Serogroup 4b strains are of particular public health concern because contamination with these strains appears to increase the probability that a ready-to-eat (RTE) food will be implicated in listeriosis (16, 28). Serogroup 4b strains account for approximately 40% of sporadic listeriosis and also are responsible for the majority of listeriosis outbreaks despite being relatively rare contaminants of food products (9, 13, 17, 30, 34). In addition, serogroup 4b strains are associated with more severe clinical presentations and higher mortality rates than other serogroups (11, 16, 20, 31, 34). Serogroups 1/2a and 1/2b are overrepresented among food isolates but also contribute significantly to human listeriosis, whereas serogroup 1/2c rarely causes human illness and may pose a lower risk of listeriosis for humans (16). Serogroup-specific differences in association with human listeriosis are consistent with the prevalence of virulence-attenuating mutations in inlA within these serogroups (32, 34); however, a number of additional factors likely contribute to these differences.Four previously described epidemic clones (ECs; ECI, ECIa, ECII, and ECIII) of L. monocytogenes have been implicated in numerous listeriosis outbreaks and have contributed significantly to sporadic illness (15, 34). ECI, ECIa, and ECII are distinct groups within serogroup 4b that were each responsible for repeated outbreaks of listeriosis in the United States and Europe. ECIII is a lineage II clone of serotype 1/2a that persisted in the same processing facility for more than a decade prior to causing a multistate outbreak linked to contaminated turkey (15, 25). While there has been speculation that epidemic clones possess unique adaptations that explain their frequent involvement in listeriosis outbreaks (9, 34, 37), it is not clear that epidemic clones are more virulent than other strains with the same serotype. However, contamination of RTE food with EC strains would be cause for increased concern due to the previous involvement of these clones in major outbreaks of listeriosis (16).As a result of the L. monocytogenes subtype-specific differences in ecology, virulence, and association with human illness, molecular subtyping technologies have the potential to inform assessments of relative risk and to improve risk-based inspection programs. The objective of the present study was to develop a single assay for rapid and accurate classification of L. monocytogenes isolates by lineage, major serogroup, and epidemic clone in order to facilitate strain characterization and the integration of subtype data into inspection programs that are based on assessment of relative risk.A database of more than 5.3 Mb of comparative DNA sequences from 238 L. monocytogenes isolates (9, 33-35) was scanned for single nucleotide polymorphisms that could be used to differentiate lineages, major serogroups, and epidemic clones via a targeted multilocus genotyping (TMLGT) approach. The acronym TMLGT is used to distinguish this approach from previously published multilocus genotyping (MLGT) assays that were lineage specific and designed for haplotype discrimination (9, 33). To provide for simultaneous interrogation of the selected polymorphisms via TMLGT, six genomic regions (Table (Table1)1) were coamplified in a multiplex PCR. While the previous MLGT assays were based on three lineage-specific multiplexes and required prior identification of lineage identity, TMLGT was designed to target variation across all of the lineages simultaneously and is based on a unique set of amplicons. PCR was performed in 50-μl volumes with 1× High Fidelity PCR buffer (Invitrogen Life Technologies), 2 mM MgSO4, 100 μM deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP), 300 nM primer, 1.5 U Platinum Taq high-fidelity DNA polymerase (Invitrogen Life Technologies), and 100 ng of genomic DNA. PCR consisted of an initial denaturation of 90 s at 96°C, followed by 40 cycles of 30 s at 94°C, 30 s at 50°C, and 90 s at 68°C. Amplification products were purified using Montage PCR cleanup filter plates (Millipore) and served as a template for allele-specific primer extension (ASPE) reactions utilizing subtype-specific probes.


Primers used in multiplex amplification for the TMLGT assay
AmpliconPositionaGene(s)PrimerSequence (5′-3′)b
VGCa205366-206622plcA, hlyplca-fCTCATCGTATCRTGTGTACC
Open in a separate windowaCorresponding nucleotide positions in the complete genome sequence of L. monocytogenes strain EGD-e (GenBank accession number NC_003210).bSee IUPAC codes for definition of degenerate bases.ASPE was performed in multiplex reactions including 30 probes, with each lineage (I to IV), major serogroup (4b, 1/2b, 1/2a, and 1/2c), and epidemic clone (ECI, ECIa, ECII, and ECIII) targeted by two different probes (Table (Table2).2). In addition, positive-control probes were included to confirm the presence of each amplicon in the multiplex PCR. As serogroups and epidemic clones are nested within a particular lineage, probes for these groups were designed to be specific within the appropriate lineage and values for these probes were evaluated only for isolates of the appropriate lineage. For example, serogroup 1/2a probes were evaluated only for isolates that were positive for lineage II probes. ASPE probes were designed with a unique 5′ sequence tag specific to individual sets of xMAP fluorescent polystyrene microspheres (Luminex Corporation) used to sort extension products. Extension and hybridization reactions were performed as described previously (9) except microspheres were twice pelleted by centrifugation (4 min at 2,250 × g) and resuspended in 75 μl 1× TM buffer prior to being pelleted and resuspended in 100 μl 1× TM buffer containing 2 μg/ml streptavidin-R-phycoerythrin (Invitrogen Life Technologies). Samples were incubated for 15 min at 37°C prior to detecting the microsphere complexes with a Luminex 100 flow cytometer (Luminex Corporation). The median fluorescence intensity (MFI) from biotinylated extension products attached to 100 microspheres was measured for each probe. The average MFI from three template-free control samples was also determined and subtracted from the raw MFI of each sample to account for background fluorescence. Probe performance was initially evaluated via the index of discrimination (ID) as described by Ducey et al. (9), and probes with ID values less than 2.0 were redesigned.


TMLGT probes and probe performance data
ProbebTarget (n)cProbe sequencedIDeSensitivity (%)Specificity (%)
VGCb-21Lineage I (506)AATCCTTTCTTTAATCTCAAATCAgcggaagcttgggaagcggtc7.3100100
VGCa-94Lineage ICTTTCTATCTTTCTACTCAATAATcaacccgatgttcttcctgtc51.7100100
VGCc-8Lineage II (340)AATCCTTTTACATTCATTACTTACattagctgattcgctttcct14.1100100
INLb-51Lineage IITCATTTCAATCAATCATCAACAATagcgccaataaagctggc21.9100100
VGCb-19Lineage III (50)TCAATCAATTACTTACTCAAATACccgctattaaaatgtactcca31.0100100
VGCb-29Lineage IIIAATCTTACTACAAATCCTTTCTTTggtataccgctattaaaatgt45.1100100
LMO-17Lineage IV (10)CTTTAATCCTTTATCACTTTATCAgaaccaaacaatgttattggt11.8100100
VGCa-27Lineage IVCTTTTCAAATCAATACTCAACTTTttaacgacggtaacgtgccac58.3100100
INLb-84Serogroup 4b (213)TCAACTAACTAATCATCTATCAATggtaaaaatatgcgaatattg9.7100100
INLb-85Serogroup 4bATACTACATCATAATCAAACATCActcgtgaacaagctttcc5.5100100
INLb-16Serogroup 1/2b (293)AATCAATCTTCATTCAAATCATCAggtaaaaatatgcgtatctta11.7100100
INLb-100Serogroup 1/2bCTATCTTTAAACTACAAATCTAACgtgaataagctatcggtctat13.0100100
LMO-42Serogroup 1/2a (268)CTATCTTCATATTTCACTATAAACtggcgttgctgrctaagtttg6.6100100
VGCb-40Serogroup 1/2aCTTTCTACATTATTCACAACATTAaatcaagcsgctcatatgaag10.410098.6
LMO-9Serogroup 1/2c (72)TAATCTTCTATATCAACATCTTACtttactggtgaaatggcg13.5100100
VGCb-5Serogroup 1/2cCAATTCAAATCACAATAATCAATCaagattacgaatcgcttccac20.898.6100
LMO-10ECI (111)ATCATACATACATACAAATCTACAatgattaaaagtcagggaaag19.0100100
VGCc-80ECIa (44)CTAACTAACAATAATCTAACTAACactacaacgaaaacagcgc10.7100100
LMO-12ECII (35)TACACTTTCTTTCTTTCTTTCTTTataccgattatttggacggtt3.8100100
VGCc-45ECIII (10)TCATTTCACAATTCAATTACTCAActcttatttgcttttgttggtc21.110099.4
Open in a separate windowaNA, not applicable for positive amplicon control probes.bLuminex microsphere sets (Luminex Corporation) used for hybridization reactions are indicated following the hyphen.cn, number of isolates representing the target subtype among the 906 tested isolates.dThe 5′ sequence tag portions of extension probes are capitalized. See IUPAC codes for definitions of degenerate bases.eID, index of discrimination.Validation of the TMLGT assay was performed using 906 L. monocytogenes isolates for which the lineage, major serogroup, and epidemic clone type had been determined independently (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). A subset of 92 isolates, including at least five isolates from each lineage, serogroup, and epidemic clone type, was used to evaluate the discriminatory power of subtype-specific probes and the repeatability of the assay (see Table S1). Two independent runs of the 30-probe TMLGT assay produced identical results for these 92 isolates. In addition, genotypes matched expectations for all isolate/probe combinations, and the fluorescence intensities for positive genotypes (those targeted by a particular probe) were 3.8 to 58.3 (mean, 18.5) times as high as background values for isolates with negative genotypes (those not targeted by a particular probe) (Table (Table2).2). The performances of individual probes also were assessed in terms of sensitivity and specificity, where sensitivity is defined as the percentage of positive samples that produced positive results and specificity indicates the percentage of negative samples that produce negative results (5). Based on results from all 906 isolates analyzed by TMLGT, probe sensitivity was at least 98.6% and 23 of the 24 subtype-specific probes exhibited 100% sensitivity (Table (Table2).2). The specificities for all probes were also greater than 98.6%, and 21 of the 24 subtype-specific probes exhibited 100% specificity (Table (Table22).All but three of the 906 isolates in the validation panel were fully and accurately typed relative to lineage, serogroup, and epidemic clone by using the TMLGT assay (typeability, 99.9%; accuracy of isolate assignment, 99.8%). One of the lineage II isolates, NRRL B-33880, could not be assigned to a serogroup based on the TMLGT results because this isolate was positive for one of the serogroup 1/2a probes (VGCb-40) and one of the serogroup 1/2c probes (LMO-9). This isolate was previously identified as a member of serogroup 1/2c based on mapping lineage-specific MLGT data onto a multilocus phylogeny (34) but produced a serogroup 1/2a-specific banding pattern (data not shown) with the multiplex PCR assay described by Doumith et al. (7). Similar strains, including the common laboratory strain EGD-e, were found to have genomes that are more similar to serogroup 1/2c strains than to strains from the 1/2a serogroup (8, 33) and likely represent intermediates in the evolution of the 1/2c clade from 1/2a ancestors. There is a poor correlation between genomic and antigenic variation for such isolates (34), consistent with the ambiguous results produced by application of the TMLGT assay to NRRL B-33880. The two other problematic isolates, NRRL B-33555 and NRRL B-33559, were accurately identified based on TMLGT data as lineage II isolates from the 1/2a serogroup. However, these two isolates were positive for both ECIII-specific probes in the TMLGT assay but have lineage-specific MLGT haplotypes (Lm2.46), indicating that they are representatives of a sister group closely related to ECIII (33).In 2005, the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) implemented an approach to inspection that includes consideration of relative risk in order to determine L. monocytogenes sampling frequency among establishments that produce certain RTE products. This approach incorporates information on production volume, outgrowth potential in the product, steps taken to prevent postlethality contamination, and FSIS sampling history. However, L. monocytogenes subtype-specific variation in ecology and virulence indicates that information on the lineage, major serogroup, and epidemic clone identities of isolates could be used to inform assessments of relative risk and to improve inspection programs that are based on consideration of risk. Several PCR-based methods have been described for differentiation of various combinations of these subgroups (1-3, 5, 7, 10, 35, 37); however, these approaches have focused on a single subgroup or a smaller set of subgroups than is differentiated by TMLGT analysis. Although we previously developed a set of three MLGT assays that can be used to differentiate all of the major serogroups and epidemic clones of L. monocytogenes (9, 33, 34), those assays did not include probes for lineage discrimination and require identification of the lineage prior to application of one of three unique sets of probes. In addition, the MLGT assays were designed to maximize strain discrimination, as opposed to subgroup identification, and require the use of at least twice as many probes as is needed for TMLGT analysis. MLGT data analysis is also more complicated than analysis of TMLGT data, and serogroup or epidemic clone type identification via MLGT requires phylogenetic analyses to place novel haplotypes within an established phylogenetic framework.In the present study, we developed the first assay for simultaneous discrimination of the four lineages, the four major serogroups, and the four previously described epidemic clones of L. monocytogenes. The assay includes multiple markers for each of these subtype probes as well as control probes to ensure that negative probe data were not the result of amplification failure, providing a high degree of internal validation required for use in inspection programs that consider risk in making sampling decisions. In addition, the utility of the assay has been validated with a large and diverse panel of 906 isolates, including 567 isolates from FSIS surveillance of RTE products and processing facilities (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). Data produced by the TMLGT assay are amenable to high-throughput analysis, and a simple spreadsheet utility has been developed to semiautomate subtype identifications and to alert investigators to potentially conflicting probe data (available upon request). In addition to having a potential application in inspection programs, the TMLGT assay provides a rapid and accurate means of characterizing L. monocytogenes isolates from different environments, which would facilitate pathogen tracking and improve understanding of L. monocytogenes ecology.   相似文献   

Contamination of food by Listeria monocytogenes is thought to occur most frequently in food-processing environments where cells persist due to their ability to attach to stainless steel and other surfaces. Once attached these cells may produce multicellular biofilms that are resistant to disinfection and from which cells can become detached and contaminate food products. Because there is a correlation between virulence and serotype (and thus phylogenetic division) of L. monocytogenes, it is important to determine if there is a link between biofilm formation and disease incidence for L. monocytogenes. Eighty L. monocytogenes isolates were screened for biofilm formation to determine if there is a robust relationship between biofilm formation, phylogenic division, and persistence in the environment. Statistically significant differences were detected between phylogenetic divisions. Increased biofilm formation was observed in Division II strains (serotypes 1/2a and 1/2c), which are not normally associated with food-borne outbreaks. Differences in biofilm formation were also detected between persistent and nonpersistent strains isolated from bulk milk samples, with persistent strains showing increased biofilm formation relative to nonpersistent strains. There were no significant differences detected among serotypes. Exopolysaccharide production correlated with cell adherence for high-biofilm-producing strains. Scanning electron microscopy showed that a high-biofilm-forming strain produced a dense, three-dimensional structure, whereas a low-biofilm-forming strain produced a thin, patchy biofilm. These data are consistent with data on persistent strains forming biofilms but do not support a consistent relationship between enhanced biofilm formation and disease incidence.  相似文献   

Ronholm J  Wang L  Hayashi I  Sugai M  Zhang Z  Cao X  Lin M 《Glycobiology》2012,22(10):1311-1320
IspC is a novel peptidoglycan (PG) hydrolase that is conserved in Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b strains and is involved in virulence. The aim of this study was to establish the hydrolytic bond specificity of IspC. Purified L. monocytogenes peptidoglycan was digested by recombinant IspC and the resulting muropeptides were separated by reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The structure of each muropeptide was determined using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)-time-of-flight mass spectrometry in combination with MALDI-post-source decay mass spectrometry. The structure of muropeptides resulting from IspC-mediated hydrolysis indicated that IspC has N-acetylglucosaminidase activity. These muropeptides also had a high proportion of N-acetylated glucosamine residues. To determine whether IspC is more effective at hydrolysing N-acetylated peptidoglycan than de-N-acetylated peptidoglycan, a peptidoglycan deacetylase (PgdA) in-frame deletion mutant was created. This mutant was shown to have fully N-acetylated peptidoglycan and was more susceptible to hydrolysis by IspC when compared with the partially de-N-acetylated wild-type peptidoglycan. This indicates that IspC is more efficient when hydrolysing a fully N-acetylated peptidoglycan substrate. The finding that IspC acts as an N-acetylglucosaminidase is consistent with its categorization, based on amino acid sequence, as a member of the GH73 family. As with other members of this family, de-N-acetylation seems to be an important mechanism for regulating the activity of IspC.  相似文献   

Food-borne Listeria monocytogenes is a serious threat to human health, and new strategies to combat this opportunistic pathogen in foods are needed. Bacteriophages are natural enemies of bacteria and are suitable candidates for the environmentally friendly biocontrol of these pathogens. In a comprehensive set of experiments, we have evaluated the virulent, broad-host-range phages A511 and P100 for control of L. monocytogenes strains Scott A (serovar 4b) and WSLC 1001 (serovar 1/2a) in different ready-to-eat (RTE) foods known to frequently carry the pathogen. Food samples were spiked with bacteria (1 × 103 CFU/g), phage added thereafter (3 × 106 to 3 × 108 PFU/g), and samples stored at 6°C for 6 days. In liquid foods, such as chocolate milk and mozzarella cheese brine, bacterial counts rapidly dropped below the level of direct detection. On solid foods (hot dogs, sliced turkey meat, smoked salmon, seafood, sliced cabbage, and lettuce leaves), phages could reduce bacterial counts by up to 5 log units. Variation of the experimental conditions (extended storage over 13 days or storage at 20°C) yielded similar results. In general, the application of more phage particles (3 × 108 PFU/g) was more effective than lower doses. The added phages retained most of their infectivity during storage in foods of animal origin, whereas plant material caused inactivation by more than 1 log10. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that virulent broad-host-range phages, such as A511 and P100, can be very effective for specific biocontrol of L. monocytogenes in contamination-sensitive RTE foods.  相似文献   

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