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Several studies have shown that consumption of a focal plant by herbivores depends not only on its own defense traits but also on the characteristics of the neighboring plants. A number of studies have reported on plant associational defense in relation to neighboring plant palatability but the effect of the spatial distribution of the focal plant within patches of different neighboring plants has received less attention. We conducted a manipulative experiment to determine whether and how spatial distribution of focal plants affects the associational defense between plant species. In our experimental setup sheep encountered two patches varying in spatial distribution of the focal plant within patches (dispersed or clumped) and patch quality, good patch and bad patch, where the focal plant, Lathyrus quinquenervius, was neighbored to high- (Chloris virgata) or low-palatable (Kalimeris integrifolia) species, respectively. Results showed that, when focal plants were dispersed within both patches, the risk of attack was significantly lower for focal plants in the patches with low- than high-palatable neighbors, indicating associational defense. Alternatively, when focal plants were clumped within both patches, they were consumed in bad-patch as much as in good-patch plots, which indicates the absence of associational defense. However, if the focal plants have different spatial distributions in the two patches (dispersed in good-patch and clumped in bad-patch or vice versa), sheep foraging success for focal plants was greatly reduced in dispersed spatial pattern irrespective of the palatability of neighboring plants. Therefore, we concluded that spatial distribution is as important as traits of neighboring plants in predicting vulnerability of the focal plant to grazing by generalist herbivores. The outcome of plant associational defense for different types of neighborhood strongly depends on the magnitude of herbivore foraging selectivity between and within patches, which further depended on the contrasts between plant species or between patches.  相似文献   

J. Watt  D. B. Siniff  J. A. Estes 《Oecologia》2000,124(2):289-298
After having been hunted to near-extinction in the Pacific maritime fur trade, the sea otter population at Amchitka Island, Alaska increased from very low numbers in the early 1900s to near equilibrium density by the 1940s. The population persisted at or near equilibrium through the 1980s, but declined sharply in the 1990s in apparent response to increased killer whale predation. Sea otter diet and foraging behavior were studied at Amchitka from August 1992 to March 1994 and the data compared with similar information obtained during several earlier periods. In contrast with dietary patterns in the 1960s and 1970s, when the sea otter population was at or near equilibrium density and kelp-forest fishes were the dietary mainstay, these fishes were rarely eaten in the 1990s. Benthic invertebrates, particularly sea urchins, dominated the otter’s diet from early summer to mid-winter, then decreased in importance during late winter and spring when numerous Pacific smooth lumpsuckers (a large and easily captured oceanic fish) were eaten. The occurrence of spawning lumpsuckers in coastal waters apparently is episodic on a scale of years to decades. The otters’ recent dietary shift away from kelp-forest fishes is probably a response to the increased availability of lumpsuckers and sea urchins (both high-preference prey). Additionally, increased urchin densities have reduced kelp beds, thus further reducing the availability of kelp-forest fishes. Our findings suggest that dietary patterns reflect changes in population status and show how an ecosystem normally under top-down control and limited by coastal zone processes can be significantly perturbed by exogenous events. Received: 23 March 1999 / Accepted: 19 January 2000  相似文献   

The effect of diet (made from either animal or plant material) on the partitioning of energy in small (8-16 mm test diameter (td)) and large (29-37 mm td) Psammechinus miliaris was examined. Diet significantly affected ingestion, digestion and growth of both size groups. Assimilation rates of the different types of feed varied and they supported differential development of the body parts. Urchins fed on an algal diet showed poorer absorption efficiency, assimilation, gonadal and somatic growth than individuals fed on an artificial sea urchin diet (mixed plant and animal material) or on the animal based diets. Small urchins fed on a diet of salmon food utilised proteins as the primary energy source rather than carbohydrates or lipids as indicated by low O/N atomic ratios, and salmon diet promoted a higher energetic investment in reproductive development in both size classes. A negative energy balance resulted when large urchins were fed on the algal diet. Energy losses due to ammonia excretion were negligible and the metabolic losses of assimilated energy, measured as oxygen consumption, were between 0.2% and 1.5% with the different diets. A diet made of mussel flesh stimulated ingestion, gave the highest assimilation rates and best overall growth performance. Such detailed information should assist in the design of diets for the cultivation of sea urchins.  相似文献   

Reef-associated fishes can respond to changes in habitat structure and the nature of their response can change with different spatial scales of observation. A structured hierarchical mensurative sampling design was used to sample temperate reef fish assemblages in northeastern New Zealand at several spatial scales over 2 years. The three spatial scales examined were tens of meters (transects), hundreds to thousands of meters (sites) and hundreds of kilometers (locations). We tested the hypothesis that fish assemblages differed between kelp forest habitat (relatively dense stands of the kelp, Ecklonia radiata (C. Agardh) J. Agardh, median depth=13.5 m) and barrens habitat (rocky reef dominated by turfing and encrusting red algae and the grazing urchin, Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes), median depth=6.7 m). Recently developed multivariate techniques were used to test for and quantify multivariate variation at different spatial scales. There were significant effects of habitat on the spatial distribution of fish assemblages, characterised by greater abundances or frequencies of Parika scaber, Chromis dispilus, Trachurus novaezelandiae, Nemadactylus douglasii, Bodianus unimaculatus, Odax pullus and Pseudolabrus miles in kelp forest habitat, and greater abundances or frequencies of Notolabrus celidotus, Notolabrus fucicola, Girella tricuspidata, Coris sandageri, Chironemus marmoratus, Parma alboscapularis, Scorpis violaceus and Kyphosus sydneyanus in barrens habitat. Some of the more common species, including Upeneichthys lineatus, Scorpis lineolatus and Cheilodactylus spectabilis showed no strong consistent effects of these two differing habitats on their distributions. There was, however, a significant Habitat×Locations interaction: effects of habitat did not occur at all locations. Variability was highest at the scale of individual transects and variability from site to site and from location to location was comparable. Spatial variation was large compared to inter-annual variation, which was minimal, and spatial patterns were consistent in the 2 years examined. Further experiments, including manipulations, are required to understand what mechanisms and processes might be driving these patterns. This study, coupled with results from previous studies, suggests that there may be a dynamic inter-play between effects of habitat on fish and effects of fish on biogenic habitat, such as kelp forests.  相似文献   

Increased breakage of macroalgal fronds during large wave events can significantly reduce canopy cover and biomass. We examined the effects of encrustation by the invasive bryozoan Membranipora membranacea and damage by the snail Lacuna vincta on the ability of kelp blades (Saccharina longicruris, Laminaria digitata, and Laminaria complanata) to withstand wave forces. Using standard materials testing procedures, we documented significant reductions in the maximum stress before breakage, toughness, and extensibility of blade material following bryozoan encrustation. Histological sections of blade tissue indicated a significant degradation of the outer layers of cells following prolonged encrustation by M. membranacea as a likely cause of weakening. Full-thickness perforations and partial-thickness grazing scars also reduced blade strength, suggesting that grazing damage can initiate cracks that lead to blade breakage. Our findings provide a mechanistic link between the damaging effects of mesograzers and encrusting bryozoa on their algal hosts and the export of detrital material from subtidal kelp beds.  相似文献   

Aims: The stress‐gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts how plant interactions change along environmental stress gradients. We tested the SGH in an aridity gradient, where support for the hypothesis and the specific shape of its response curve is controversial. Location: Almería, Cáceres and Coimbra, three sites in the Iberian Peninsula that encompass the most arid and wet habitats in the distribution range of a nurse shrub species –Retama sphaerocarpa L. (Boiss) – in Europe. Methods: We analysed the effect of Retama on its understorey plant community and measured the biomass and species richness beneath Retama and in gaps. We estimated the frequency (changes in species richness), importance and intensity of the Retama effects, and derived the severity–interaction relationship pattern, analysing how these interaction indices changed along this aridity gradient. Results and conclusions: The intensity and frequency of facilitation by Retama increased monotonically with increasing environmental severity, and the importance tended to have a similar pattern, overall supporting the SGH. Our data did not support predictions from recent revisions of the SGH, which may not apply to whole plant communities like those studied here or when interactions are highly asymmetrical. Facilitation by Retama influenced community composition and species richness to the point that a significant fraction of species found at the most arid end of the gradient were only able to survive beneath the nurse shrub, whereas some of these species were able to thrive in gaps at more mesic sites, highlighting the ecological relevance of facilitation by nurse species in mediterranean environments, especially in the driest sites.  相似文献   

Blooms of benthic dinoflagellates belonging to the tropical genus Ostreopsis are an increasingly common phenomenon in temperate regions worldwide. This is reflected in the rapid upsurge of publications on Ostreopsis from temperate regions since 2000. Relatively little is known about these blooms or their effects on other organisms. An unprecedented bloom of Ostreopsis siamensis occurred on shallow reefs in northern New Zealand in 2004 providing an opportunity to examine the dynamics of an O. siamensis bloom and its effect on community structuring sea urchins (Evechinus chloroticus). The bloom occurred following a period of calm sea conditions with warmer than average water temperatures. The cover of O. siamensis was highly ephemeral and strongly related to temporal and spatial variation in wave action. Blooms were most prevalent at sites protected from prevailing swells where O. siamensis covered 30–60% of the reef with the concentrations on macroalgae reaching 1.4 × 106 cells g−1 wet weight, some of the highest recorded worldwide. Surveys of the health of sea urchins in relation to the cover of O. siamensis suggested strong negative effects on this ecologically important herbivore and urchin densities declined by 56–60% at bloom sites over the study period. Further research is needed to examine the factors controlling the distribution and intensity of this new phenomenon, and into the ecological effects of such blooms on marine communities and the potential mechanisms responsible.  相似文献   

The glossiphoniid leeches Helobdella stagnalis and Glossiphonia complanata co-exist on the stony shores of British lakes. Because both species have a similar life-style and are food limited, the question arises as to how coexistence persists. Laboratory experiments investigated if either leech has a competitive advantage on three foods, viz. oligochaete worms (Tubifex sp.), snails (Lymnaea peregra), and a worm-plus-snail mixture. A variety of densities with a range of ratios of the two leeches, and monospecific controls were used. The level of feeding ensured increasing food shortage with rising leech density. Experiments, conducted at 14° C, lasted 3 months. Regression values for growth against density in the controls indicated the occurrence of intraspecific competition in both leech species. Light mortality occurred at the highest densities. G. complanata gained significantly less weight in mixed leech cultures than in monospecific cultures at some of the highest densities when fed worms, but more weight when fed on snails. The opposite was true for H. stagnalis. When both prey types were provided, no differences at any density were observed for either leech. Differences in bodysize and feeding strategy between the leeches may be implicated in determining their feeding success on the prey types. Because the anti-predatory responses (e.g. shaking) exhibited by L. peregra are less when encountering an inactive than an active leech, the sit-and-wait strategy of G. complanata may aid snail capture. In contrast, the seek-out strategy of H. stagnalis, coupled with its relatively smaller size, may result in fewer successful captures. The active hunting strategy of H. stagnalis may be advantageous for the capture of oligochaetes which are relatively less mobile than snails. Offering both prey types simultaneously would have had an ameliorating influence on interactions between the two leeches. Findings provide support for the hypothesis that long-term co-existence between the two glossiphoniids in British lakes may depend, in part at least, on the occurrence of a snail food refuge for G. complanata.  相似文献   

Hydraulic redistribution (HR) is a process by which water moves through plant roots from moist to dry soils. An experiment was conducted to quantify the influence of common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs) and proximity to mature HR-source trees on the water relations of surrounding seedlings. Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var glauca (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings were planted at four distances (0.5, 1, 2.5, and 5 m) from six mature Douglas-fir trees, either directly into soil (soil plus CMN pathway) or inside 0.5 μm mesh bags (soil-only pathway). Deuterated water was used to irrigate soil beside mature trees in order to identify different HR water pathways to surrounding seedlings. This was followed by measurements of seedling deuterium enrichment, seedling water potential, soil water potential, gravimetric soil water content, and tree root density surrounding the seedlings. There was no significantly detectable difference in the quantity of HR water transferred to seedlings having access to soil and CMN pathways or soil-only pathways of water movement. Water from the irrigation plot contributed up to 1.4% of the water of Douglas-fir seedlings. Based on the assumption that the only pathway through which seedlings could access irrigation water was through the mature trees, we estimate that as much as 21.6% of the seedling water was supplied by the nearby tree. Seedling water potential was not significantly affected either by proximity to mature trees or pathway, suggesting HR may have compensated for increasing tree competitive effects with proximity. It is also possible that the lack of difference was due to a relatively moist summer. Our results suggest that residual mature trees are potentially important for hydraulic redistribution to regenerating seedlings in harvested dry interior Douglas-fir forests.  相似文献   

Synopsis At an offshore reef near Santa Barbara, southern California, young-of-year (young) of five surfperch species (Embiotocidae: Embiotoca jacksoni, E. lateralis, Hypsurus caryi, Rhacochilus toxotes, Damalichthys vacca) once thrived in a dense kelp understory of Pterygophora californica and Laminaria farlowii, but disappeared after a severe storm in February, 1980 deforested their habitat. Measurements of fish density and kelp cover made before deforestation indicated that the young surfperch appeared in the spring and disappeared in the fall as cover increased and declined. Adult surfperch and large kelp bass (Paralabrax clathratus), which can eat young but not adult surfperch, remained all year. We tested to see if kelp cover was an essential refuge for the young by pruning back (thinning) kelp blades from one of two transects. The thinning caused a significant redistribution of young which clearly avoided open spaces, but not of adults which are less vulnerable to predation. Measurements of fish density made after the storm-induced deforestation showed that adult surfperch and kelp bass still remained abundant even after the young surfperch were gone. Only after an abrupt reforestation in 1983, more than a year after the present study was terminated, were young once again seen on the reef. Although young surfperch may seek tiny prey living on kelp blades, most lines of evidence indicated that the distribution of the young is more a response to risk of predation. Hence the extent of kelp understory was probably the main determinant of the survival of young surfperch on the reef.  相似文献   

以最近邻株距离统计研究了湖北九宫山成熟常绿落叶阔叶混交林3种优势种青冈栎(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)、甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)和短柄枹栎(Quercus serrata var.brevipetiolata)的邻域效应,进而探讨了局域尺度上的竞争/帮促关系与物种共存格局.结果显示,青冈栎、甜槠和短柄枹栎的最近邻株距离不存在下限;青冈栎的胸径大小与其种内最近邻株距离存在正相关(p=0.029),甜槠的胸径大小与种内、种间最近邻株距离均无相关性(p≥0.360),而短柄枹栎的胸径大小与种间最近邻株距离为负相关(p=0.040);3树种中任意一个的种内与种间最近邻株距离都没有显著差异(p≥0.122).这些结果表明,九宫山成熟常绿落叶阔叶混交林内邻域尺度上的竞争排斥并未充分激化,但是青冈栎的种内竞争仍然在起作用,而甜槠的竞争效应不明显,短柄枹栎则依赖种间帮促甚于相互竞争.同种和异种之间的排斥效果没有差异表明局域尺度的物种共存格局可能出于随机过程而非负密度制约过程.  相似文献   

Ludwig  Fulco  de Kroon  Hans  Berendse  Frank  Prins  Herbert H.T. 《Plant Ecology》2004,170(1):93-105
In an East African savanna herbaceous layer productivity and species composition were studied around Acacia tortilis trees of three different age classes, as well as around dead trees and in open grassland patches. The effects of trees on nutrient, light and water availability were measured to obtain an insight into which resources determine changes in productivity and composition of the herbaceous layer. Soil nutrient availability increased with tree age and size and was lowest in open grassland and highest under dead trees. The lower N:P ratios of grasses from open grassland compared to grasses from under trees suggested that productivity in open grassland was limited by nitrogen, while under trees the limiting nutrient was probably P. N:P ratios of grasses growing under bushes and small trees were intermediate between large trees and open grassland indicating that the understorey of Acacia trees seemed to change gradually from a N-limited to a P-limited vegetation. Soil moisture contents were lower under than those outside of canopies of large Acacia trees suggesting that water competition between trees and grasses was important. Species composition of the herbaceous layer under Acacia trees was completely different from the vegetation in open grassland. Also the vegetation under bushes of Acacia tortilis was different from both open grassland and the understorey of large trees. The main factor causing differences in species composition was probably nutrient availability because species compositions were similar for stands of similar soil nutrient concentrations even when light and water availability was different. Changes in species composition did not result in differences in above-ground biomass, which was remarkably similar under different sized trees and in open grassland. The only exception was around dead trees where herbaceous plant production was 60% higher than under living trees. The results suggest that herbaceous layer productivity did not increase under trees by a higher soil nutrient availability, probably because grass production was limited by competition for water. This was consistent with the high plant production around dead trees because when trees die, water competition disappears but the high soil nutrient availability remains. Hence, in addition to tree soil nutrient enrichment, below-ground competition for water appears to be an important process regulating tree-grass interactions in semi-arid savanna.  相似文献   

以最近邻株距离统计研究了湖北九宫山成熟常绿落叶阔叶混交林3种优势种青冈栎(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)、甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)和短柄枹栎(Quercus serrata var.brevipetiolata)的邻域效应,进而探讨了局域尺度上的竞争/帮促关系与物种共存格局。结果显示,青冈栎、甜槠和短柄枹栎的最近邻株距离不存在下限;青冈栎的胸径大小与其种内最近邻株距离存在正相关(p= 0.029),甜槠的胸径大小与种内、种间最近邻株距离均无相关性(p≥ 0.360),而短柄枹栎的胸径大小与种间最近邻株距离为负相关(p= 0.040);3树种中任意一个的种内与种间最近邻株距离都没有显著差异(p≥ 0.122)。这些结果表明,九宫山成熟常绿落叶阔叶混交林内邻域尺度上的竞争排斥并未充分激化,但是青冈栎的种内竞争仍然在起作用,而甜槠的竞争效应不明显,短柄枹栎则依赖种间帮促甚于相互竞争。同种和异种之间的排斥效果没有差异表明局域尺度的物种共存格局可能出于随机过程而非负密度制约过程。  相似文献   

Predator–prey interactions can play a significant role in shaping the structure of both terrestrial and marine communities. Sponges are major contributors to benthic community structure on temperate reefs and although several studies have investigated how abiotic processes control sponge distributions on these reefs, the role of predation is less clear. We investigated the relationship between sponge predators and the distribution of sponges on temperate reefs in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB), off Georgia, USA. We documented sponge species richness and abundance, spongivorous fish density, and examined the ability of 19 sponge species to chemically and structurally deter predation by fishes. We also conducted reciprocal transplant experiments to determine if predation by fishes contributes to the observed zonation of sponge species on these reefs. Our surveys revealed two distinct sponge assemblages: one characterized by amorphous and encrusting sponge morphotypes colonizing the vertical, rocky outcroppings (scarp sponge community), while the other consisted of pedunculate, digitate, and arborescent growth forms occurring on the sediment-laden reef top (plateau sponge community). Spongivorous fishes were more abundant on the scarp than the plateau and scarp sponges were found to be more effective than plateau sponges at chemically deterring generalist fishes. In contrast, plateau sponges were more reliant on structural defenses: a result consistent with the higher spicule content of their skeletons. Transplant experiments confirmed that predators prevent some plateau sponges from colonizing the scarp even though they possess structural defenses. Thus, predation appears to play a role in shaping sponge community structure on SAB reefs by restricting those species lacking adequate chemical defenses to habitats where there is a paucity of spongivores.  相似文献   

The previously sub‐dominant native marine macrophyte Caulerpa filiformis is now dominant on many sub‐tidal rocky reefs in New South Wales (NSW), Australia and is expanding its distribution. As C. filiformis is highly chemically defended and structurally different to co‐occurring habitat‐forming macrophytes, two key attributes that govern fish assemblages, we hypothesized that fish assemblages, particularly herbivorous fishes, would be different at sites where C. filiformis occurred from where it was previously absent and within sites, fish community structure would be correlated to the cover of C. filiformis. We investigated these hypotheses by determining reef‐associated fish assemblage attributes (assemblage structure, species richness, total abundance, Shannon‐Weiner diversity, abundance of herbivorous species) along transects within sites where C. filiformis was present and absent. Surprisingly, despite large patches and very high densities of C. filiformis on the reefs we sampled, at larger spatial scales (i.e., among sites) no fish assemblage metrics differed between sites with large stands of C. filiformis and sites without the alga. Moreover the abundance of one dominant herbivore, the rock cale Aplodactylus lophodon, was greater at sites within large beds of C. filiformis. At smaller spatial scales, however, i.e. within sites where C. filiformis was present, fish assemblages did vary as a function of C. filiformis cover along transects, although this was not consistent across sampling times. Overall, our results suggest that the potential effects of the spread of this alga on faunal communities warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The scallop Chlamys hastata frequently carries epibionts such as sponges and barnacles on its shells. Although the scallop-sponge relationship has been characterized as a mutualism, little is known about the scallop-barnacle relationship. This study investigated the effects of sponge and barnacle encrustation on the ability of C. hastata to avoid predation by the sea star Pycnopodia helianthoides. In feeding trials, P. helianthoides caught and consumed significantly more barnacle-encrusted scallops (7.7 ± 0.8 out of 20 scallops) than scallops encrusted by either of the sponges Myxilla incrustans (4.1 ± 0.9) or Mycale adhaerens (3.0 ± 0.5). Epibiont-free scallops (5.7 ± 0.5) formed an intermediate treatment between barnacle-encrusted and sponge-encrusted scallops. Possible mechanisms by which the sponges protected the scallops were investigated in two ways: two feeding trials were videotaped to allow qualitative analysis of sea star and scallop behavior and sea star feeding responses to scallop and sponge homogenates were determined to investigate if sea stars accept scallops and sponges as prey. Sea stars displayed positive feeding responses to scallop puree 97.5% ± 1.6 of the time while only displaying positive responses to Mycale adhaerens homogenate 4.4% ± 2.0 of the time and to Myxilla incrustans homogenate 4.4% ± 2.9 of the time. The videotaped feeding trials indicated that interference with tube feet adhesion by the sponge deterred predation. Observations of both sea stars that were videotaped showed that neither avoided trying to capture sponge-encrusted scallops, and at no time was a captured scallop willingly released by the sea stars. Thus, it appears that sponges provide tactile-mechanical protection and possibly chemical or tactile camouflage in this predator/prey relationship. Finally, the effects of sponge encrustation on barnacle settlement were determined. Field experiments showed that barnacle larvae settled more frequently on epibiont-free scallops than on those with either of the two sponges, potentially protecting the scallops from an epibiont that increases the scallop’s susceptibility to predation. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

放牧是草原的主要利用方式, 但对牧草造成了一定的生物胁迫。面对生存压力, 牧草会通过调节初级与次级代谢过程启动防御机制。该研究以内蒙古温带典型草原优势种植物为研究对象, 通过测定其在5个放牧水平下不同营养器官中的次级代谢产物及木质素等含量, 探讨大针茅(Stipa grandis)和羊草(Leymus chinensis)的各营养器官在防御机制中的角色及其碳氮权衡策略。结果表明: 面对放牧胁迫, 大针茅和羊草会产生大量的单宁、总黄酮、酚类以及生物碱等次级代谢产物, 并以叶片为主要的合成及储存器官。中度放牧使羊草的化学防御机制得到较充分的诱导及表达。但二者地上部分木质素含量并无显著增加, 因此, 二者在避牧性机制上更倾向于化学防御而非机械防御。由于羊草有更高的氮利用效率, 这使得羊草可以通过碳氮两种代谢途径进行防御, 但大针茅在生长初期并不能将氮高效地分配到化学防御中。大针茅和羊草在生长初期面对轻度放牧胁迫, 较多的资源仍然用于初级代谢, 增加了植物耐牧性。因此, 轻度放牧有利于提高牧草的碳氮资源利用效率、提高生态系统生产力及稳定性。  相似文献   

Intra- and interspecific density dependence has profound consequences for plant population and community dynamics. In long-lived plants, however, lifetime patterns and mechanisms of density dependence are difficult to study. Here, we examine effects of intraspecific and community density on the lifetime fecundity of two long-lived shrub species from South African Fynbos: Protea repens (animal-pollinated, hermaphroditic) and Leucadendron rubrum (wind-pollinated, dioecious). Both species are serotinous, retaining seeds in cones until fire kills the mother plant. We measured lifetime fecundity as the product of cone number, proportion of cones that are not damaged by predation and seed set (fertile seeds per intact cone). Intraspecific and community densities were quantified by counting individuals of target species and all Proteaceae in small- and large-scale neighbourhoods (10 m and 50 m radius) around each focal individual. Additionally, we determined the age and size of focal individuals. We found that lifetime fecundity of the wind-pollinated L. rubrum is density independent. In contrast, the lifetime fecundity of the animal-pollinated P. repens increases with large-scale intraspecific density and shows a hump-shaped relationship to large-scale community density. Community density has a hump-shaped effect on seed set (probably through partial absence of generalized pollinators at low and competition for pollinators at high densities) and negatively affects cone number per individual. For both species, plant age decreases seed set while increasing lifetime fecundity. The qualitative differences in the density dependence of lifetime fecundity may arise from differences between animal and wind pollination. In particular, interactions with generalized animal pollinators may cause community-level Allee effects with profound consequences for the future dynamics of long-lived plant populations and communities.  相似文献   

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