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Molecular Biology Reports - Chrysanthemum indicum L. is a traditional oriental medicinal herb prepared as a tea from flowers that have been used in China and South Korea since ancient times. It has...  相似文献   

BARD1 Val507Met (1592A>G) is an interesting marker for association studies on cancer risk. However, studies are scarce in the literature, probably reflecting the methodological problem imposed by the fact that next to the 1592A>G stands the 1591C>T single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). We have designed an allele-specific PCR method capable of molecular haplotyping tandem SNPs. In the tandem SNPs haplotyping assay (tSNPh), four reverse primers are designed to be perfect matches of each potential haplotype. The forward primer is labeled with a fluorochrome. PCR products are analyzed by capillary electrophoresis. Haplotyping is performed by size calling. To ascertain the accuracy and reproducibility of the assay, we measured the level of concordance with sequencing data in 124 samples. In vitro-generated templates have been used for further testing. We developed a novel and reliable assay that permits typing two SNPs directly adjacent to each other, avoiding mutual interferences. The method is amenable to automation and high throughput. We expect that this assay will contribute to clarifying the role of BARD1 in cancer susceptibility. In addition, we suggest that tandem SNPs are potentially interesting polymorphic markers in which molecular haplotyping can be performed easily.  相似文献   

Blastocystis is a prevalent single-celled enteric parasite of unresolved clinical significance. Efforts based on molecular methodologies to establish whether pathogenicity is linked to specific isolates of the genetically diverse genus of Blastocystis have been scarce and so far yielded ambiguous results which can be difficult to interpret. To alleviate some of the problems related to unravelling the molecular epidemiology of Blastocystis infections we developed and evaluated a simple and high-throughput sequence analysis (SQA) pyrosequencing technique based on the detection of genotype-specific nucleotide polymorphisms in the 18S small subunit rRNA gene for a rapid and cost-effective post-PCR screening of Blastocystis genotypes. The method was effectively capable of genotyping 48/48 isolates positive by nested PCR in approximately one hour, and in 94% of the cases the isolate detected by PCR and pyrosequencing was also detected by one of two different PCR assays with subsequent dideoxy sequencing.  相似文献   

Determination of the TLR4 genotype using allele-specific PCR   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

DNA pyrosequencing for PCR amplicons is an attractive strategy for the identification of microorganisms because of its short time performance for large number of samples. In this study, the primers targeting the fragment of ITS2 region of nuclear ribosomal RNA gene were newly developed for pyrosequencing-based identification of 6 Paragonimus species, Paragonimus bangkokensis, Paragonimus harinasutai, Paragonimus heterotremus, Paragonimus macrorchis, Paragonimus siamensis and Paragonimus westermani. Pyrosequencing determination of 39 nucleotides of partial ITS2 region could discriminate 6 Paragonimus species, and could also detect intra-species genetic variation of P. macrorchis. This DNA pyrosequencing-based identification can be a valuable tool to improve species-level identification of Paragonimus in the endemic areas.  相似文献   

We present a PCR method for identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), using allele-specific primers designed for selective amplification of each allele. Matching the SNP at the 3' end of the forward or reverse primer, and additionally incorporating a 3' mismatch to prevent amplification of the incorrect allele, results in selectivity of the allele-specific primers. DNA melting analysis with fluorescent SYBR Green affords detection of the PCR products. By incorporating a GC-rich sequence into one of the two allele-specific primers to increase the melting temperature, both alleles can be measured simultaneously at their respective melting temperatures. Applying the DNA melting analysis to SNPs in ApoE and ABCA1 yielded results identical to those obtained with other genotyping methods. This provides a cost-effective, high-throughput method for amplification and scoring of SNPs.  相似文献   

Ligation Haplotyping is a robust, novel method for experimental determination of haplotypes over long distances, which can be applied to assaying both sequence and structural variation. The simplicity and efficacy of the method for genotyping large chromosomal rearrangements and haplotyping SNPs over long distances make it a valuable and powerful addition to the methodological repertoire, which will be beneficial to studies of population genetics and evolution, disease association and inheritance, and genomic variation. We illustrate the versatility of the method both by genotyping a Yp paracentric inversion, found in approximately 60% of Northwest European males, that strongly influences the germline rate of infertility-causing XY translocations and by haplotyping two autosomal SNPs that lie 16.4 kb apart on chromosome 7, and which influence an individual's susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel method for typing single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that can be applicable to rapid screening. The method involves the fusion of two PCR techniques, allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) and L-DNA-tagged PCR (LT-PCR), which enables us to label PCR products with sequence-defined tags of mirror-image DNA (L-DNA). PCR products were applied without any purification or denaturation steps to gold surfaces where complementary single-stranded L-DNA was immobilized, and the products were detected with surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaging. We were able to clearly discriminate 3 genotypes at position 2677 of the MDR1 gene (G/G-homozygote, G/T-heterozygote, and T/T-homozygote) by comparing SPR difference images.  相似文献   

Allelotyping large numbers of samples by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be problematic if the DNA samples to be tested are of highly variable concentration. On the one hand, analysis of dilute DNA samples often requires nested PCR to produce a product of sufficient yield to be detectable on ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels. Such two-step assays require additional reagents, are labor-intensive, and have a higher risk of contaiminations. On the other hand, the specificity of allele-specific PCR assays can be lost at high input DNA concentrations. Large population-based genetic studies using DNA from varied sources would benefit from one-tube assays that could detect mutations in samples over a wide range of concentration. We describe a one-tube nested allele-specific PCR-based assay, in which the input DNA concentration has little effect on the assay’s yield or specificity. An assay using this method is highly sensitive and specific, and was used to type several thousand DNA samples, obtained from various sources, for a G to A transition at human transthyretin codon 122. Similar assays could be readily adapted to any high-throughput allelotype assay where input DNA is of highly variable concentration.  相似文献   

Current protocols for DNA methylation analysis are either labor intensive or limited to the measurement of only one or two CpG positions. Pyrosequencing is a real-time sequencing technology that can overcome these limitations and be used as an epigenotype-mapping tool. Initial experiments demonstrated reliable quantification of the degree of DNA methylation when 2-6 CpGs were analyzed. We sought to improve the sequencing protocol so as to analyze as many CpGs as possible in a single sequencing run. By using an improved enzyme mix and adding single-stranded DNA-binding protein to the reaction, we obtained reproducible results for as many as 10 successive CpGs in a single sequencing reaction spanning up to 75 nucleotides. A minimum amount of 10 ng of bisulfite-treated DNA is necessary to obtain good reproducibility and avoid preferential amplification. We applied the assay to the analysis of DNA methylation patterns in four CpG islands in the vicinity of IGF2 and H19 genes. This allowed accurate and quantitative de novo sequencing of the methylation state of each CpG, showing reproducible variations of methylation state in contiguous CpGs, and proved to be a useful adjunct to current technologies.  相似文献   

Allele-specific competitive blocker PCR (ACB-PCR) is a sensitive allele-specific amplification method in which preferential amplification of the mutant allele occurs by using a primer that has more mismatches to the wild-type allele than to the mutant allele (mutant-specific primer, MSP). Additionally, a non-extendable primer with more mismatches to the mutant allele than to the wild-type allele (blocker primer, BP) competes with the MSP for binding to the wild-type allele, thereby reducing background amplification from the wild-type allele. ACB-PCR primer design is largely dependent upon the basepair substitution being measured, making it unclear if this method is broadly applicable. In an earlier study, an H-ras codon 61 CAA-->AAA mutation had been detected by ACB-PCR at a sensitivity of 10(-5). In this study, ACB-PCR was applied to two human K-ras codon 12 mutations: GGT-->GTT and GGT-->GAT. The method was optimized by systematically altering the concentrations of Perfect Match PCR Enhancer, MSP, BP, and dNTPs. For each mutation, mutant fractions as low as 10(-5) were detected, indicating that this assay can be used on a variety of base substitution mutations. In addition, the results suggest that the 3'-terminal mismatches between the MSP and wild-type allele may be used to predict the ACB-PCR conditions that will be appropriate for the detection of other base substitution mutations. The range of concentrations for each of these components is narrow, making this method relatively easy to apply to additional mutational targets.  相似文献   

H Andréasson  A Asp  A Alderborn  U Gyllensten  M Allen 《BioTechniques》2002,32(1):124-6, 128, 130-3
Over recent years, requests for mtDNA analysis in the field of forensic medicine have notably increased, and the results of such analyses have proved to be very useful in forensic cases where nuclear DNA analysis cannot be performed. Traditionally, mtDNA has been analyzed by DNA sequencing of the two hypervariable regions, HVI and HVII, in the D-loop. DNA sequence analysis using the conventional Sanger sequencing is very robust but time consuming and labor intensive. By contrast, mtDNA analysis based on the pyrosequencing technology provides fast and accurate results from the human mtDNA present in many types of evidence materials in forensic casework. The assay has been developed to determine polymorphic sites in the mitochondrial D-loop as well as the coding region to further increase the discrimination power of mtDNA analysis. The pyrosequencing technology for analysis of mtDNA polymorphisms has been tested with regard to sensitivity, reproducibility, and success rate when applied to control samples and actual casework materials. The results show that the method is very accurate and sensitive; the results are easily interpreted and provide a high success rate on casework samples. The panel of pyrosequencing reactions for the mtDNA polymorphisms were chosen to result in an optimal discrimination power in relation to the number of bases determined.  相似文献   

Pyrosequencing technology is a rather novel DNA sequencing method based on the sequencing-by-synthesis principle. This bioluminometric, real-time DNA sequencing technique employs a cascade of four enzymatic reactions producing sequence peak signals. The method has been proven highly suitable for single nucleotide polymorphism analysis and sequencing of short stretches of DNA. Although the pyrosequencing procedure is relatively straightforward, users may face challenges due to varying parameters in PCR and sequencing primer design, sample preparation and nucleotide dispensation; such challenges are labor and cost intensive. In this study, these issues have been addressed to increase signal quality and assure sequence accuracy.  相似文献   

When a bioterrorism attack is attempted or perpetrated there is considerable risk for public health and large scale socioeconomic consequences. It is imperative that we possess established assays for the rapid identification of biothreat agents with high sensitivity and specificity to ensure emergency response measures can be deployed appropriately. Highly trustworthy information within a relevant timeframe is required to make a rapid and informed decision. Obtaining DNA sequence data from a suspected agent provides an added layer of confidence compared to a presumptive positive PCR amplicon. Sequencing based technologies, such as pyrosequencing, have sufficient discrimination potential to be used for microbial identification and can also be used to identify antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes. We have shown in this study the power of pyrosequencing in the unambiguous detection and identification of nine Yersinia pestis strains based on virulence genes. Furthermore, we developed assays to characterize their AMR gene profiles. Sequence results ranging from 40 to 84bp were generated in about 60 min following initial PCR amplification and provide a rapid method for determining the AMR profile as compared to the conventional plate method which takes several days. The high sequence identities (95-100%) and specificity observed indicate the high level of accuracy of pyrosequencing technology. In addition, the read lengths of up to 84 bp observed in this study are unprecedented for pyrosequencing using the Pyromark Q24. We propose this method as a novel, rapid, sequence based detection and identification tool for Y. pestis with a potential application in biodefence.  相似文献   



For a diploid organism such as human, the two alleles of a particular gene can be expressed at different levels due to X chromosome inactivation, gene imprinting, different local promoter activity, or mRNA stability. Recently, imbalanced allelic expression was found to be common in human and can follow Mendelian inheritance. Here we present a method that employs real competitive PCR for allele-specific expression analysis.  相似文献   

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