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Larvae of the bamboo borer, Omphisa fuscidentalis are in diapause for more than nine months (Singtripop, T., Wanichaneewa, S., Tsuzuki, S., Sakurai, S. 1999. Larval growth and diapause in a tropical moth, Omphisa fuscidentalis Hampson. Zool. Sci. 16, 725-733). To examine the endocrine mechanisms underlying this larval diapause, we assayed the responsiveness of the diapausing larvae to 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA: S-methoprene). 20E injection caused the larvae to halt movement, followed by deposition of a pupal cuticle. Topical application of JHA induced pupation in a dose-dependent manner. JHA also induced pupation of the larvae whose brains were removed before JHA application. In those larvae, the prothoracic glands became active and competent to respond to brain extracts within seven days after JHA treatment, and the hemolymph ecdysteroid concentration began to increase 12 days after JHA application. These results indicate that JHA stimulates the prothoracic glands of diapausing Omphisa larvae, terminating larval diapause, in contrast with previous findings that JH inhibits the brain-prothoracic gland axis and thus maintains the larval diapause. Current results therefore suggest a novel regulatory mechanism for larval diapause in this species.  相似文献   

Topical application of methoprene, a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA), induces pupation by activating the prothoracic glands (PGs) in diapausing larvae of the bamboo borer, Omphisa fuscidentalis. To determine the minimum stimulation period for PG activation, we transplanted PGs of JHA-treated larvae (donors) into non-treated larvae (recipients) on successive days after JHA treatment and observed the recipients for pupation. JHA stimulation for 1 day was sufficient to induce pupation. In recipient larvae, the hemolymph ecdysteroid titer increased transiently on day 18 after transplantation and significantly on days 24-28, prior to pupation. Secretory activity of recipient PGs increased transiently on day 16 and days 22-28. Because the recipient PG activity was too low to account for an increased ecdysteroid titer, the JHA-stimulated donor PGs must produce the major part of hemolymph ecdysteroids. In addition, the ecdysteroid produced by the donor PGs might have stimulated the recipient PGs. We examined the possible involvement of two ecdysone receptor (EcR) isoforms, OfEcR-A and OfEcR-B1, in PG activation by JHA, and found that although both isoforms were up-regulated, accompanied by an increased ecdysteroid titer in the hemolymph, the isoform mRNA levels were not altered at all before the increase in PG secretory activity. Thus, EcR expression might not be involved in feedback activation of PGs.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) plays a critical role during animal development through the destruction of unneeded cells and tissues. In some insects, the prothoracic glands (PGs) and anterior silk glands (ASGs) are larval-specific tissues that are normally eliminated by PCD after pupation. Previous studies report that juvenile hormone analog (JHA) terminates the larval diapause of Omphisa fuscidentalis by increasing the hemolymph ecdysteroids that trigger PCD. Because JHA may indirectly induce the PCD of the PGs and ASGs of Omphisa diapausing larvae, the effects of JHA on the induction of PCD were determined. The application of 1μg JHA induced PCD in the PGs and ASGs of larvae identified as stage G0 (prior to pupation). The injection of 1μg 20E triggered the PCD of the ASGs when the larvae expressed a G0-G1 morphology, whereas PCD occurred in the PGs on day 1 post-injection. Histological studies revealed similar patterns of morphological changes during the PG and ASG PCD in the JHA- and 20E-treated larvae. Furthermore, to confirm that PCD was induced by a high ecdysteroid level that increases after JHA application, the expression profiles of EcR-A and EcR-B1 in the PGs and ASGs from the JHA-treated larvae were examined, and the results showed that the expression levels of EcR-A and EcR-B1 mRNA increased during the G0 stage. These results suggest that JHA may be involved in PCD by increasing the ecdysteroid titer, leading to termination of the larval diapause period in Omphisa fuscidentalis.  相似文献   

Larval diapause in many lepidopteran insects is induced and maintained by high juvenile hormone (JH). In the case of the bamboo borer, Omphisa fuscidentalis, the effect of JH is the opposite: The application of juvenile hormone analog (JHA: S‐methoprene) terminates larval diapause, unlike in other insect species. Here, we analyzed the expression of JH‐receptor Met, DH‐PBAN, and Kr‐h1 in the subesophageal ganglion (SG) from October to April using semi‐quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The results show that OfMet and OfDH‐PBAN messenger RNA in the SG are mainly expressed during the larval diapause stage, while OfKr‐h1 increases during the pupal stage. Using tissue culture techniques and an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), diapause hormone (DH) was found to induce ecdysteroidogenesis in the culture medium of the prothoracic gland (PG) after incubation for 30 min with 25 ng and 50 ng of DH. Thus, DH is a novel stimulator for the PG. We identified a DHR homolog in the bamboo borer and confirmed that it is expressed in the PG. In addition, for in vitro experiments, DH increased the expression levels of OfDHR, OfEcR‐A, and ecdysone‐inducible genes in the PG. These results demonstrate that DH can function as a prothoracicotropic factor, and this function of DH might be through of DHR expressed on PG cells. Consequently, DH is one of the key factors in larval diapause break which is triggered by JH in the bamboo borer, O. fuscidentalis.  相似文献   

Diapause, an arrested period of post‐embryonic development in insects, is under the control of hormonal interactions. In the bamboo borer Omphisa fuscidentalis Hampson (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), larvae remain in diapause for as long as 9 months during the dry season, from September to the following June, although the factors that regulate larval diapause are poorly understood. The present study describes the cloning and expression analysis of the diapause hormone and pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (DH‐PBAN) precursor of O. fuscidentalis (Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN cDNA), aiming to reveal how it may be involved regulating larval diapause in this species in combination with environmental factors. The open reading frame (ORF) of the cDNA encodes a 199‐amino acid precursor protein that contains DH, PBAN and three other neuropeptides, all of which share a conservative C‐terminal pentapeptide motif FXPR/KL (X = G, T or S). The Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN is highly similar (74%) to the DH‐PBAN of the legume pod borer (Maruca vitrata). A quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction reveals that Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN mRNA is expressed only in neural tissues and that expression is highest in the suboesophageal ganglion. In addition, the expression level of Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN mRNA in the suboesophageal ganglion is consistently high during the fifth larval instar, increasing moderately in early diapause before reaching a peak during late diapause. After pupation, expression of the Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN precursor decreases to a low level. In addition to endocrine factors, the results demonstrate that photoperiod increases the expression level of Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN mRNA in larval diapause. These results also suggest that the expression of the Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN gene correlates with larval diapause development and may be activated by photoperiod in O. fuscidentalis.  相似文献   

The moth Omphisa fuscidentalis (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) is a univoltine insect with a larval diapause period lasting up to 9 months. We studied changes in O(2) consumption in conjunction with cytochrome c oxidase activity and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene expression. O(2) consumption changed within a day, showing a supradian rhythm with a ca.12-h cycle at 25 degrees C. During the first two-thirds of the diapause period, from October to March, O(2) consumption was constant until January and then increased by March. Topical application of methoprene, a juvenile hormone analog (JHA), to diapausing larvae terminated the diapause and was associated with an increase in O(2) consumption rate at diapause termination. In JHA-treated larvae, cytochrome c oxidase activity in fat bodies was high at the beginning of the prepupal period and highest at pupation. cox1 expression in fat bodies displayed a transient peak 8 days after JHA application and peaked in the prepupal period. Taken together, our results show that the break of diapause by JHA is associated with the activation of cox1, bringing about an increase in cytochrome c oxidase activity, followed by an increase in O(2) consumption rate.  相似文献   

Two insect storage proteins, OfSP1 (75 kDa) and OfSP2 (72 kDa), were purified using three different chromatographies from the hemolymph of Omphisa fuscidentalis larvae during diapause, and their genes were cloned. OfSP1 and OfSP2 concentrations in the hemolymph were high during diapause. During pupation, OfSP1 levels decreased in the male hemolymph and disappeared from the female hemolymph. OfSP1 and OfSP2 mRNA levels in the fat bodies were low during the third instar, but increased greatly during the fourth and fifth larval instars. During diapause, mRNA expression continued at a lower level than during the feeding period. The injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) into diapausing larvae caused an increase in OfSP1 and OfSP2 mRNA levels 2-3 days post-injection, followed by a decrease in expression until pupation, which occurred 2-4 days thereafter. When larvae were treated with juvenile-hormone analog (JHA), OfSP1 and OfSP2 mRNA levels gradually decreased until the onset of pupation. In Omphisa, OfSP1 and OfSP2 proteins are produced and released by the larval fat bodies in the fourth and fifth-instar larvae, and the proteins accumulate in the hemolymph until the insects enter diapause. OfSP1 may be reabsorbed by the fat bodies at the end of diapause for subsequent re-use during pupation.  相似文献   

Diapausing larvae of Omphisa fuscidentalis contain soluble and membrane-bound trehalase in the midgut. Soluble trehalase activity accounts for three-fourths of the total trehalase activity in midgut homogenates. The exposure of diapausing larvae to juvenile hormone analog (JHA) induced pupation, accompanied by an increase in soluble trehalase activity at the beginning of the prepupal period. Injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) increased the level of soluble trehalase activity 5 days postinjection in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, no increase in membrane-bound trehalase activity was observed under the same conditions. We cloned the cDNAs that encode the soluble and membrane-bound forms of trehalase in O. fuscidentalis trehalase-1 (OfTreh-1) and trehalase-2 (OfTreh-2), respectively. Treh-1 encodes a 581-aa protein while Treh-2 encodes a 648-aa protein with one putative transmembrane domain near the C-terminus. The mRNA expression level of Treh-1 was 27-fold higher than that of Treh-2 in diapausing larval midgut. Following the exposure of diapausing larvae to JHA, Treh-1 mRNA expression increased gradually until the prepupal period whereupon it increased dramatically; in contrast, the mRNA expression of Treh-2 remained at its initial level. Similarly, 20E upregulated Treh-1 expression but had no effect on Treh-2 expression. Taken together, these results suggest that an increase in the soluble trehalase activity at pupation is caused by upregulation of Treh-1 gene. Moreover, membrane-bound trehalase does not appear to be involved in the dynamic changes in the hemolymph trehalose concentration that occur during the larval-pupal transformation.  相似文献   

During larval diapause lasting 9 months from September to May, trehalase activity in the midgut of the bamboo borer Omphisa fuscidentalis Hampson (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) was low from December to April, followed by a fourfold increase in May that remained high during the pupal stage in July. An application of juvenile hormone analog (JHA) produced increases in the ecdysteroid titer, while trehalase activity was increased by both JHA and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) injection. The trehalase activity in the midgut of diapausing larvae was doubled by incubating the midgut with 20E for 48h. During diapause as well as after JHA application, expression of two ecdysone receptor isoform genes (EcR-A and EcR-B1) in the midgut increased simultaneously with the increase in hemolymph ecdysteroid titer, followed by an increase in trehalase activity. The hemolymph of diapausing larvae contained a trehalase inhibitor and inhibitory activity was high during diapause. After 20E injection, trehalase inhibition decreased as midgut trehalase activity increased. Taken together, at least two factors may participate in the change in midgut trehalase activity: increase in trehalase activity and decrease in trehalase inhibitor activity, both of which may be induced by 20E.  相似文献   


The female reproductive system and protein deposition in the ovaries during development have never been examined in the bamboo borer Omphisa fuscidentalis Hampson. The aim of this study was thus to study the morphology of the female reproductive system of each stage of development. The female reproductive system of the borer consists of a pair of ovary, oviduct and accessory glands. Each ovary is composed of four polytrophic ovarioles that connect to lateral oviducts, fused with a common oviduct. The size of the ovary in diapausing larvae for 9 months was determined. The length and width of the ovaries were the smallest in September larvae (0.343 ± 0.03 and 0.071 ± 0.01 mm, respectively). The ovaries were the largest during ovarian development in May (0.752 ± 0.08 mm long and 0.084 ± 0.01 wide). Additionally, ovarian size was significantly larger in adults than in pupae. The ovarian protein concentration of larvae in May was 0.59 ± 0.06 mg/ml and increased to 16.61 ± 7.5 and 37.42 ± 5.5 mg/ml in pupae (June) and adults (July), respectively. The results showed ovarian development in all life stages of this holometabolous insect, which has a longer life cycle than other lepidopterans.

Abbreviation: TEM: transmission electron microscope  相似文献   

The final instar larva of the bamboo borer, Omphisa fuscidentalis, is in diapause for 9 months from September to the following June. Trehalose and ecdysteroid concentrations in hemolymph were measured through the larval diapause period and in the pupal stage. The ecdysteroid concentration remained low until November, followed by a gradual increase to about 30 ng/ml in May. The trehalose concentration remained at levels ranging between 40-50 mM until May, and decreased to an almost undetectable level after pupation. Since a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA), methoprene, is capable of terminating diapause by stimulating larval prothoracic glands, we examined its effects on ecdysteroid and trehalose concentrations in larvae in December and February. The hemolymph ecdysteroid increased more quickly in February than in December, indicating that the sensitivity of the prothoracic glands to JHA increased towards the end of diapause termination. Similarly, hemolymph trehalose in February decreased within a few days after JHA application, while in December the decrease occurred in the third week. Exogenous 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) caused a decrease in trehalose concentration in a dose-dependent manner. The effective dose of 20E, however, did not change from January until April, implying that the sensitivity of tissue(s) to 20E may not change until the end of diapause. Taken together, our results suggest that the sensitivities of tissues to JH and 20E do not increase simultaneously with the progress of diapause development and that termination of larval diapause is not associated simply with the restoration of hormone deficiencies.  相似文献   

The effects of juvenile hormone (JH) on the larval diapause of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, were investigated. The larval period was prolonged and the development of gonads was retarded if non-diapause larvae were treated with JH. Pupation of diapausing larvae was accelerated by allatectomy. It was concluded that the diapause of this borer is largely regulated by JH.  相似文献   

Thermoperiodic induction of larval diapause was shown to occur in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner). Using continuous darkness and thermoperiods of the format XC:24-XT(15:30°C), incidence of diapause was shown to be dependent on phase durations, with a critical cryophase of about 9.5 hr. A thermoperiodic response threshold was demonstrated; it was found to be very close to 17.5°C. Thermoperiodic amplitude (temperature difference between cryophase and thermophase) was shown to have no influence on the induction of diapause, within a relatively broad range of physiological temperatures. Thermoperiodic induction of diapause was shown to be at least partially independent from the effects of temperature on larval developmental rates.  相似文献   

The hormonal mechanism which controls the larval diapause of the southwestern corn borer was examined. The onset of this facultative mature larval diapause is marked by a transition from a spotted to an immaculate larval form, and during diapause individuals may undergo one or more stationary larval ecdyses. Experiments were designed to uncover the nature of the humoral mechanism regulating this diapause state. The finding that injecting diapause larvae with 20-hydroxyecdysone only brought about a stationary larval ecdysis suggests that diapause was not maintained by the lack of ecdysone. Neck ligations performed on larvae which had just entered diapause resulted in a premature termination of diapause, and larval-pupal ecdysis occurred in the thoraco-abdominal section, suggesting that a cephalic factor was necessary for the maintenance of diapause. This finding was further supported by the discovery that injecting 20-hydroxyecdysone into the thoraco-abdominal section of previously ligated diapause larvae also resulted in a premature termination of diapause and larval-pupal ecdysis, indicating that ecdysone only initiated the pupal moulting cycle when the cephalic factor was absent.Further experiments led to the conclusion that the juvenile hormone is the cephalic factor. Topical treatment with a juvenile hormone mimic caused non-diapause mature larvae to become immaculate and enter diapause. Periodical topical application of this mimic to diapause larvae prolonged diapause and increased the number of stationary larval ecdyses. These findings suggest that the initiation and maintenance of diapause are regulated by juvenile hormone titre. Results indicate that larvae retain a high titre of juvenile hormone until the last stages of diapause. Injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone into early or middiapause larvae only caused stationary larval ecdyses, while the same injection into larvae in the late stages of diapause caused some of them to pupate. Histological studies of the neurosecretory cells, corpus cardiacum-allatum complex, and prothoracic glands showed that the endocrine system was not inactive during diapause. A new hypothesis is therefore proposed which recognizes the existence of hormonal activity during larval diapause and emphasizes the principal regulatory rôle of juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

The Asian corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) enters facultative diapause as fully‐developed larvae in response to short‐day conditions. As a consequence of geographical variation in photoperiodic response, moths from Nanchang (28°46′N, 115°50′E) enter diapause in response to short day‐lengths (D strain), even at the high temperatures whereas moths from Ledong (18°47′N, 108°89′E) exhibit almost no diapause under the same conditions (N strain). In the present study, crosses between the two strains are used to evaluate the inheritance of diapause under different photoperiods at temperatures of 22, 25 and 28 °C. The moths, both reciprocal crosses and backcrosses, show a clear long‐day response, similar to that of the D strain, suggesting that the photoperiodic response controlling diapause in this moth is heritable. However, the critical day‐length for induction of diapause is shorter in hybrids than in the D strain. The N strain also shows a short‐day photoperiodic response at the lower temperature of 22 °C, indicating that the N strain still has the capacity to enter a photoperiodically‐induced diapause, depending on the rearing temperature. The incidence of diapause in all crosses is highest with D strain fathers or grandfathers and lowest with N strain fathers or grandfathers, indicating that the male parent has significantly more influence on the incidence of diapause of subsequent progeny than the female. The results obtained from all crosses under LD 12 : 12 h or LD 13 : 11 h photocycles at 25 °C show that inheritance of diapause in O. furnacalis does not fit an additive hypothesis and that the capacity for diapause is transmitted genetically in the manner of incomplete dominance.  相似文献   

The effect of hormone treatments on larvae of the southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella, was examined to explore endocrine interactions which regulate its mature larval diapause. This species is especially suitable for investigating the endocrine control of larval diapause because it ecdyses from a spotted to an immaculate morph at the onset of diapause, and the immaculate morph may undergo up to three stationary ecdyses during diapause. The response of prediapause larvae to a β-ecdysone injection showed that the larvae have the potential to transform into the immaculate morph early in the final larval instar, but under normal conditions this ecdysis occurs after larvae reach maturity. Since a high rate of pupation occurred among early diapause larvae which received a head ligature, followed 17 days later by a β-ecdysone injection, diapause larvae retain active corpora allata. Since a head ligature prevented diapause larvae from responding to repeated topical applications of a juvenile hormone (JH) mimic or JH 1, the intermediate titer of JH associated with larval diapause may inhibit the synthesis or transport of ecdysiotropin, or its release from the corpora cardiaca. Current results suggest, therefore, that an interaction between the cerebral neurosecretory system and the corpora allata regulates the initiation, maintenance, and termination of this larval diapause.  相似文献   

The possible role of juvenile hormone (JH) in the induction and termination of larval diapause in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, was investigated using topical applications of both JH I and a JH mimic as well as by monitoring JH titers with the Galleria bioassay. Neither JH nor the JH mimic ZR515 was capable of influencing diapause termination when administered topically. The Galleria bioassay revealed little or no JH in the hemolymph of mid diapause (>30 days) insects, indicating no demonstrable role for JH in diapause maintenance. When ZR515 was administered to nondiapause, newly ecdysed fifth instar larvae the pupal molting cycle was delayed. By use of photoperiodic regimes we were able to show that the molting delay was not equivalent to diapause induction. The Galleria bioassay showed differences in JH titer profiles between diapause and nondiapause animals during the final larval stadium. The nondiapause insects showed titers that decline rapidly to trace amounts following the molt to fifth instar then rose prior to pupation. The diapause insects had generally higher titers and exhibited a more gradual decline after the molt. No evidence was obtained to support the hypothesis that JH plays a key role in the induction, maintenance, or termination of larval diapause.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The interaction of photoperiod and temperature in the regulation of the induction and termination of the larval diapause of the Southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar (Lepidoptera), was examined. A population originating from south-eastern Missouri had critical daylengths for diapause induction of about 15h 5min (ecological threshold) and llh (physiological threshold). The ecological threshold was more stable than was the physiological threshold at temperatures lower than 25°C. Above 25°C the diapause response was suppressed. The insect appears to measure photoperiods in a stationary manner since a stepwise increase or decrease in photoperiod did not affect the incidence of diapause. In the critical region of the photoperiodic response curve, a higher incidence of diapause was found among females than among males. Females entered diapause later than did males, but resumed active development earlier than males. The rate of diapause development was more temperature dependent than was the rate of diapause induction, yet it was also clearly under photoperiodic control. The temperature coefficient (Q10) for this process was about 4. Several other factors including sex-linkage, age, and geographic adaptations are involved in controlling the rate of diapause development, even more so than they are in controlling diapause induction. In the laboratory, the intensity of diapause declined gradually without larvae being exposed to non-diapause inducing conditions. Incubation of field-collected larvae revealed that their sensitivity to diapause maintaining photoperiods had ended by January. Three generations of selection of a Mississippi population of D. grandiosella at 30°C and LD 12:12 led to the production of an essentially diapause-free strain and a diapause strain.  相似文献   

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