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Phosphorylation at unspecified sites is known to regulate the life cycle (assembly, gating, and turnover) of the gap junction protein, Cx43. In this paper, we show that Cx43 is phosphorylated on S365 in cultured cells and heart tissue. Nuclear magnetic resonance structural studies of the C-terminal region of Cx43 with an S365D mutation indicate that it forms a different stable conformation than unphosphorylated wild-type Cx43. Immunolabeling with an antibody specific for Cx43 phosphorylated at S365 shows staining on gap junction structures in heart tissue that is lost upon hypoxia when Cx43 is no longer specifically localized to the intercalated disk. Efficient phosphorylation at S368, an important Cx43 channel regulatory event that increases during ischemia or PKC activation, depends on S365 being unphosphorylated. Thus, phosphorylation at S365 can serve a “gatekeeper” function that may represent a mechanism to protect cells from ischemia and phorbol ester-induced down-regulation of channel conductance.  相似文献   

This investigation examines tubulin labeling associated with the apical ganglion in a variety of planktotrophic and lecithotrophic opisthobranch larvae. Emphasis is on the ampullary neurons, in which ciliary bundles within the ampulla are strongly labeled. The larvae of all but one species have five ampullary neurons and their associated ciliary bundles. The anaspid Phyllaplysia taylori, a species with direct development and an encapsulated veliger stage, has only four ampullary neurons. The cilia-containing ampulla extends to the pretrochal surface via a long, narrow canal that opens to the external environment through a very small pore (0.1 microm diameter). Cilia within the canal were never observed to project beyond the opening of the apical pore. The ampullary canals extend toward and are grouped with the ciliary tuft cells and remain in this location as planktotrophic larvae feed and grow. If, as has been reported, the ciliary tuft is motile, the pores may be continually bathed in fresh seawater. Such an arrangement would increase sensitivity to environmental chemical stimuli if the suggested chemosensory function of these neurons is correct. In general, ciliary bundles of newly hatched veligers are smaller in planktotrophic larvae than in lecithotrophic larvae. In planktotrophic larvae of Melibe leonina, the ciliary bundles increase in length and width as the veligers feed and grow. This may be related to an increase in sensitivity for whatever sensory function these neurons fulfill. An unexpected tubulin-labeled structure, tentatively called the apical nerve, was also found to be associated with the apical ganglion. This putative nerve extends from the region of the visceral organs to a position either within or adjacent to the apical ganglion. One function of the apical nerve might be to convey the stimulus resulting from metamorphic induction to the visceral organs.  相似文献   

Junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A) is a tight junction–associated signaling protein that regulates epithelial cell proliferation, migration, and barrier function. JAM-A dimerization on a common cell surface (in cis) has been shown to regulate cell migration, and evidence suggests that JAM-A may form homodimers between cells (in trans). Indeed, transfection experiments revealed accumulation of JAM-A at sites between transfected cells, which was lost in cells expressing cis- or predicted trans-dimerization null mutants. Of importance, microspheres coated with JAM-A containing alanine substitutions to residues 43NNP45 (NNP-JAM-A) within the predicted trans-dimerization site did not aggregate. In contrast, beads coated with cis-null JAM-A demonstrated enhanced clustering similar to that observed with wild-type (WT) JAM-A. In addition, atomic force microscopy revealed decreased association forces in NNP-JAM-A compared with WT and cis-null JAM-A. Assessment of effects of JAM-A dimerization on cell signaling revealed that expression of trans- but not cis-null JAM-A mutants decreased Rap2 activity. Furthermore, confluent cells, which enable trans-dimerization, had enhanced Rap2 activity. Taken together, these results suggest that trans-dimerization of JAM-A occurs at a unique site and with different affinity compared with dimerization in cis. Trans-dimerization of JAM-A may thus act as a barrier-inducing molecular switch that is activated when cells become confluent.  相似文献   

The floor plate is located at the ventral midline of the neural tube in vertebrates. Floor-plate development is severely impaired in zebrafish one-eyed pinhead (oep) mutants. oep encodes a membrane-bound protein with an epiblast growth factor (EGF) motif and functions autonomously in floor-plate precursors. To understand the cell behavior and cell-cell interaction during floor-plate development, the distribution and gene expression of wild-type and oep mutant cells in genetic mosaics were examined. When mutant shield cells were transplanted into a wild-type host, an ectopic neural tube with a floor plate was induced. However, the floor plate of the secondary axis was consistently devoid of mutant cells while its notochord was composed entirely of mutant cells. This indicates that oep shield cells adopt only a notochord fate in a wild-type environment. In reciprocal transplants (wild to oep), however, grafted shield cells frequently contributed to part of the floor-plate region of the secondary neural tube and expressed floor-plate markers. Careful examination of serial sections revealed that a mutant neural cell, when located next to the wild-type cells at the ventral midline, inhibited floor-plate differentiation of the adjacent wild-type cells. This inhibition was effective over an area only one- or two-cells wide along the anteroposterior axis. As the cells located at the ventral midline of the oep neural tube are thought to possess a neural character, similar to those located on either side of the floor plate in a wild-type embryo, this inhibition may play an important role during normal development in restricting the floor-plate region into the ventral-most midline by antagonizing homeogenetic signals from the floor-plate cells.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel gene designated CsV03-3 from Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck that encodes a 50 amino acid polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of 5.4kDa and a pI of 3.7. CsV03-3 expression is up-regulated by application of methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid, and abscisic acid as well as by abiotic stress and insect herbivory. CsV03-3 belongs to a small gene family consisting of at least three other closely related members (CsV03-1, CsV03-2, and CsV03-4) whose expression is also responsive to phytohormone application and abiotic stress. Sequence similarity searches of the public databases were unsuccessful in finding sequence homologs to CsV03-3 or any CsV03 family member; however, structural prediction models coupled with model comparison to Protein Data Bank folds indicated that the predicted polypeptide encoded by CsV03-3 has structural similarity to proteins with nucleic acid binding activity. Gel mobility shift assays performed on recombinant CsV03-3 protein demonstrated active binding with dsDNA and, to a lesser extent, ssDNA. Based on the phytohormone-inducible expression patterns, the ability to bind nucleic acids, and the lack of significant sequence homology to public databases, we propose that CsV03-3 and its related homologs defines a new class of nucleic acid binding proteins that are responsive to defense and stress signaling in woody perennials.  相似文献   

The microstructure of keratan sulphate purified from the interglobular domain, the keratan sulphate-rich region and total aggrecan was compared using fluorophore-assisted-carbohydrate-electrophoresis. Keratan sulphate in the interglobular domain was substantially less sulphated than keratan sulphate elsewhere on aggrecan, based on the ratio of unsulphated: monosulphated disaccharides generated by endo-β-galactosidase digestion, and the ratio of monosulphated: disulphated disaccharides generated by keratanase II digestion. The ratio of unsulphated: monosulphated: disulphated disaccharides was 1:4:5 for keratan sulphate from total aggrecan and the keratan sulphate-rich region, but only 1:0.9:0.8 for the interglobular domain. These results show that keratan sulphate in the interglobular domain of pig aggrecan has a microstructure that is distinct from keratan sulphate in the keratan sulphate-rich region.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel gene designated CsV03-3 from Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck that encodes a 50 amino acid polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of 5.4 kDa and a pI of 3.7. CsV03-3 expression is up-regulated by application of methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid, and abscisic acid as well as by abiotic stress and insect herbivory. CsV03-3 belongs to a small gene family consisting of at least three other closely related members (CsV03-1, CsV03-2, and CsV03-4) whose expression is also responsive to phytohormone application and abiotic stress. Sequence similarity searches of the public databases were unsuccessful in finding sequence homologs to CsV03-3 or any CsV03 family member; however, structural prediction models coupled with model comparison to Protein Data Bank folds indicated that the predicted polypeptide encoded by CsV03-3 has structural similarity to proteins with nucleic acid binding activity. Gel mobility shift assays performed on recombinant CsV03-3 protein demonstrated active binding with dsDNA and, to a lesser extent, ssDNA. Based on the phytohormone-inducible expression patterns, the ability to bind nucleic acids, and the lack of significant sequence homology to public databases, we propose that CsV03-3 and its related homologs defines a new class of nucleic acid binding proteins that are responsive to defense and stress signaling in woody perennials.  相似文献   

ARTS (Sept4_i2), is a pro-apoptotic protein localized at the mitochondria of living cells. In response to apoptotic signals, ARTS rapidly translocates to the cytosol where it binds and antagonizes XIAP to promote caspase activation. However, the mechanism of interaction between these two proteins and how it is regulated remained to be explored. In this study, we show that ARTS and XIAP bind directly to each other, as recombinant ARTS and XIAP proteins co-immunoprecipitate together. We also show that over expression of ARTS alone is sufficient to induce a strong down-regulation of XIAP protein levels and that this reduction occurs through the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Using various deletion and mutation constructs of XIAP we show that ARTS specifically binds to the BIR3 domain in XIAP. Moreover, we found that ARTS binds to different sequences in BIR3 than other IAP antagonists such as SMAC/Diablo. Computational analysis comparing the location of the putative ARTS interface in BIR3 with the known interfaces of SMAC/Diablo and caspase 9 support our results indicating that ARTS interacts with residues in BIR3 that are different from those involved in binding SMAC/Diablo and caspase 9. We therefore suggest that ARTS binds and antagonizes XIAP in a way which is distinct from other IAP-antagonists to promote apoptosis.  相似文献   

Investigation of the early phases of the development of primary sensory neurons has been limited to cells obtained from sensory ganglia. Due to the lack of an early, lineage-specific marker for sensory neuroblasts, it has not been possible to use the neural crest, which gives rise to all spinal and some cranial primary sensory neurons, as a source of precursor cells. In the present study, we show that in neural crest derivatives of the quail embryo, the stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1) is expressed specifically by developing sensory neuroblasts. The monoclonal antibodies anti-SSEA-1 and AC4 were used to characterize sensory neuron development in vivo and in neural crest cell cultures. In the rat and mouse, both antibodies recognize the same carbohydrate sequence [galactose beta 1-4(fucose alpha 1-3)N-acetylglucosamine] which characterizes SSEA-1. In the quail embryo, this epitope is a marker with several attractive characteristics. Among neural crest derivatives, it is specific for the sensory lineage and is expressed by all detectable sensory neuroblasts at all spinal axial levels. In addition, the carbohydrate sequence appears early and persists throughout development. Expression of SSEA-1 was also studied in neural crest cell cultures, in which two populations of sensory neuroblasts were observed. One population differentiated before or shortly after explanation into culture; these cells did not emigrate from the neural tube. A second population appeared in older cultures. Forming the leading edge of the emigrating neural crest cells, they became SSEA-1+ 3 days after the nonmigrating SSEA-1+ cells. Double staining experiments revealed no obvious differences between the two populations with regard to morphology, neurofilament expression, and neurotransmitter content.  相似文献   

H+ transport in the collecting duct is regulated by exocytic insertion of H+-ATPase-laden vesicles into the apical membrane. The soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein (SNAP) receptor (SNARE) proteins are critical for exocytosis. Syntaxin 1A contains three main domains, SNARE N, H3, and carboxy-terminal transmembrane domain. Several syntaxin isoforms form SNARE fusion complexes through the H3 domain; only syntaxin 1A, through its H3 domain, also binds H+-ATPase. This raised the possibility that there are separate binding sites within the H3 domain of syntaxin 1A for H+-ATPase and for SNARE proteins. A series of truncations in the H3 domain of syntaxin 1A were made and expressed as glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins. We determined the amount of H+-ATPase and SNARE proteins in rat kidney homogenate that complexed with GST-syntaxin molecules. Full-length syntaxin isoforms and syntaxin-1AC [amino acids (aa) 1–264] formed complexes with H+-ATPase and SNAP23 and vesicle-associated membrane polypeptide (VAMP). A cassette within the H3 portion was found that bound H+-ATPase (aa 235–264) and another that bound SNAP23 and VAMP (aa 190–234) to an equivalent degree as full-length syntaxin. However, the aa 235–264 cassette alone without the SNARE N (aa 1–160) does not bind but requires ligation to the SNARE N to bind H+-ATPase. When this chimerical construct was transected into inner medullary collecting duct cells it inhibited intracellular pH recovery, an index of H+-ATPase mediated secretion. We conclude that within the H3 domain of syntaxin 1A is a unique cassette that participates in the binding of the H+-ATPase to the apical membrane and confers specificity of syntaxin 1A in the process of H+-ATPase exocytosis. soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptor proteins; exocytosis; H++ transport  相似文献   

The reactions of ferric heme-containing fragments with apofragments to form ordered complexes resembling native horse heart cytochrome c have been studied under conditions which resolve the overall process into consecutive second order and first order kinetic steps. In the initial, second order step the two fragments combine to form an intermediate complex which exhibits tryptophan 59 fluorescence quenching similar to native cytochrome c, but which has not yet achieved the native ligation state of the heme iron. The existence of first order processes following the second order step is demonstrated by absorbance changes in the Soret region. the entire absorbance change at 695 nm, relating to ligation of the sulfur atom of methionine 80 to the heme iron, is also associated with these first order processes. Thus, ligation of methionine is a late event in this self ordering of the polypeptide chains. Since the conformational energy is assumed to distinctly decrease in this late process of folding (Parr, G.R., and Taniuchi, H. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 2616-2623), it would follow that small spatial rearrangements of the polypeptide chains in the late stage of folding (as manifested by the ligation of methionine) are associated with a specific decrease in energy.  相似文献   

We identified a novel gene, which encodes a 265-amino-acid sequence with a thrombospondin (TSP) type 1 motif. Unlike the other secretory proteins of the TSP family, this gene encodes no apparent secretion cleavage site, but has a putative nuclear localization signal. Northern blot analysis showed transient expression in the central nervous system (CNS) during development. In situ hybridization showed its expression in the dorsal part of the neural tube on 10 and 12 dpc, especially in the boundary region between roof plate and neuroepithelium. This expression was enhanced in the rostral part. The signals were observed in other tissues such as truncal region neighboring forelimbs and mesenchymal tissues around the nasal cavity. We named this gene R-spondin (roof plate-specific spondin). Transfection of an epitope-tagged R-spondin into COS7 and 293 cells showed its localization in nuclei and medium, suggesting that R-spondin may become secretory or nuclear protein by some processing, while most of other proteins with TSP type 1 domain are secretory proteins. The expression of R-spondin was reduced in Wnt-1/3a double knockout mouse. R-spondin might be a novel marker of the boundary between the roof plate and neuroepithelium and may contribute to the development of dorsal neural tube under the regulation of Wnts.  相似文献   

GCN2 stimulates translation of GCN4 mRNA in amino acid-starved cells by phosphorylating translation initiation factor 2. GCN2 is activated by binding of uncharged tRNA to a domain related to histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HisRS). The HisRS-like region contains two dimerization domains (HisRS-N and HisRS-C) required for GCN2 function in vivo but dispensable for dimerization by full-length GCN2. Residues corresponding to amino acids at the dimer interface of Escherichia coli HisRS were required for dimerization of recombinant HisRS-N and for tRNA binding by full-length GCN2, suggesting that HisRS-N dimerization promotes tRNA binding and kinase activation. HisRS-N also interacted with the protein kinase (PK) domain, and a deletion impairing this interaction destroyed GCN2 function without reducing tRNA binding; thus, HisRS-N-PK interaction appears to stimulate PK function. The C-terminal domain of GCN2 (C-term) interacted with the PK domain in a manner disrupted by an activating PK mutation (E803V). These results suggest that the C-term is an autoinhibitory domain, counteracted by tRNA binding. We conclude that multiple domain interactions, positive and negative, mediate the activation of GCN2 by uncharged tRNA.  相似文献   

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