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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Mrt4 protein is a component of the ribosome assembly machinery that shares notable sequence homology to the P0 ribosomal stalk protein. Here, we show that these proteins can not bind simultaneously to ribosomes and moreover, a chimera containing the first 137 amino acids of Mrt4 and the last 190 amino acids from P0 can partially complement the absence of the ribosomal protein in a conditional P0 null mutant. This chimera is associated with ribosomes isolated from this strain when grown under restrictive conditions, although its binding is weaker than that of P0. These ribosomes contain less P1 and P2 proteins, the other ribosomal stalk components. Similarly, the interaction of the L12 protein, a stalk base component, is affected by the presence of the chimera. These results indicate that Mrt4 and P0 bind to the same site in the 25S rRNA. Indeed, molecular dynamics simulations using modelled Mrt4 and P0 complexes provide further evidence that both proteins bind similarly to rRNA, although their interaction with L12 displays notable differences. Together, these data support the participation of the Mrt4 protein in the assembly of the P0 protein into the ribosome and probably, that also of the L12 protein.  相似文献   

5-Formyltetrahydrofolate (5-CHO-THF) is formed by a side reaction of serine hydroxymethyltransferase. Unlike other folates, it is not a one-carbon donor but a potent inhibitor of folate enzymes and must therefore be metabolized. Only 5-CHO-THF cycloligase (5-FCL) is generally considered to do this. However, comparative genomic analysis indicated (i) that certain prokaryotes lack 5-FCL, implying that they have an alternative 5-CHO-THF-metabolizing enzyme, and (ii) that the histidine breakdown enzyme glutamate formiminotransferase (FT) might moonlight in this role. A functional complementation assay for 5-CHO-THF metabolism was developed in Escherichia coli, based on deleting the gene encoding 5-FCL (ygfA). The deletion mutant accumulated 5-CHO-THF and, with glycine as sole nitrogen source, showed a growth defect; both phenotypes were complemented by bacterial or archaeal genes encoding FT. Furthermore, utilization of supplied 5-CHO-THF by Streptococcus pyogenes was shown to require expression of the native FT. Recombinant bacterial and archaeal FTs catalyzed formyl transfer from 5-CHO-THF to glutamate, with k(cat) values of 0.1-1.2 min(-1) and K(m) values for 5-CHO-THF and glutamate of 0.4-5 μM and 0.03-1 mM, respectively. Although the formyltransferase activities of these proteins were far lower than their formiminotransferase activities, the K(m) values for both substrates relative to their intracellular levels in prokaryotes are consistent with significant in vivo flux through the formyltransferase reaction. Collectively, these data indicate that FTs functionally replace 5-FCL in certain prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Mature macrophages, neutrophils and lymphoid cells do not develop in PU.1(-/-) mice. In contrast, mice lacking the highly related protein Spi-B generate all hematopoietic lineages but display a B-cell receptor signaling defect. These distinct phenotypes could result from functional differences between PU.1 and Spi-B or their unique temporal and tissue-specific expression (PU.1: myeloid and B cells; Spi-B: B cells only). To address this question, we introduced the Spi-B cDNA into the murine PU.1 locus by homologous recombination. In the absence of PU.1, Spi-B rescued macrophage and granulocyte development when assayed by in vitro differentiation of embryonic stem cells. Adherent, CD11b(+)/F4/80(+) cells capable of phagocytosis were detected in PU.1(Spi-B/Spi-B) embryoid bodies, and myeloid colonies were present in hematopoietic progenitor assays. Despite its ability to rescue myeloid differentiation, Spi-B did not rescue lymphoid development in a RAG-2(-/-) complementation assay. These results demonstrate an important difference between PU.1 and Spi-B. Careful comparison of these Ets factors will delineate important functional domains of PU.1 involved in lymphocyte lineage commitment and/or maturation.  相似文献   

ERBB receptors have an important function in mammalian development and normal physiology, but overexpression and poor downregulation of ERBB receptors have been associated with malignant growth. Ligand-induced ERBB receptor signaling is terminated by clathrin-dependent receptor endocytosis, followed by incorporation of activated receptor complexes into multi-vesicular bodies and subsequent degradation in lysosomes. In the case of ERBB1, also known as the EGF receptor, it has been shown that ubiquitination serves as a signal to facilitate internalization and subsequent endosomal sorting, but little is known about the role of ubiquitination of other ERBB receptors. In the present study we investigated the regulation of ubiquitination and deubiquitination of the ERBB4 CYT-1 and CYT-2 isoforms in the context of chimeric EGFR-ERBB4 receptors. We demonstrate that EGFR-ERBB4 CYT-2 chimera shows decreased ligand-induced downregulation and EGF-degradation, as well as enhanced EGF recycling, when compared to EGFR-ERBB4 CYT-1. Moreover we show that the mutation Y1103F in the binding site for Cbl which is present in both CYT-1 and CYT-2, does not influence ERBB4 endosomal trafficking. We further demonstrate that total ligand-induced ubiquitination of CYT-1 is higher than that of CYT-2, whereby CYT-1 ubiquitination is mainly dependent on the PPXY1056 Itch binding site for the E3-ligase Itch which is only present in CYT-1, while that of CYT-2 is dependent on the Y1103 Cbl binding site. The E3-ligase c-Cbl is more efficiently phosphorylated upon EGF stimulation of the CYT-2 than the CYT-1 isoform. Moreover our data show that the pY1103 Cbl binding site is required for K48-polyubiquitination of both CYT-1 and CYT-2, whereas the PPXY1056 Itch binding site is required for K63-polyubiquitination of CYT-1. We further demonstrate that EGF stimulation of EGFR-ERBB4 CYT-1 and CYT-2 does not result in efficient binding to and tyrosine phosphorylation of the ESCRT-0 subunit Hrs. Finally, even though CYT-1 shows ligand-induced K63-polyubiquitination, it is not subjected to deubiquitination by the K63 polyubiquitin-specific AMSH deubiquitinating enzyme, while CYT-1 is slightly deubiquitinated by USP8. We conclude that Cbl and Itch binding sites in ERBB4 CYT-1 and CYT-2 mediate K48- and K63-polyubiquitination, respectively.  相似文献   

ShcA and Grb2 are crucial components in signalling by most tyrosine kinase-associated receptors. How ever, it is not clear whether Grb2 bound directly to the receptor is equivalent to Grb2 associated via ShcA. We have used signalling stimulated by the middle T-antigen (MT) of polyoma virus to address this question. The two known Grb2-binding sites from murine ShcA, 313Y and 239/240YY, could functionally replace the MT ShcA-interacting region in transformation assays using Rat2 fibroblasts. This demonstrates that signal output from membrane-bound ShcA requires only these two sequences and the ShcA-binding site in MT does not recruit other signalling molecules. Two standard Grb2-interacting sequences, either from the EGF receptor or the ShcA 313Y region, could not replace the requirement for ShcA binding to MT, indicating an enhanced role for the ShcA 239/240YY motif. Sos1 and the docking protein Gab1 are brought into the MT complex through Grb2 association and this may be more effective using the 239/240YY sequence.  相似文献   

Recent X-ray crystal structures and solution NMR spectroscopy data for calcium- and integrin-binding protein 1 (CIB1) have all revealed a common EF-hand domain structure for the protein. However, the orientation of the two protein domains, the oligomerization state, and the conformations of the N- and C-terminal extensions differ among the structures. In this study, we examine whether the binding of glutathione or auxiliary Ca2+ ions as observed in the crystal structures, occur in solution, and whether these interactions can influence the structure or dimerization of CIB1. In addition, we test the potential phosphatase activity of CIB1, which was hypothesized based on the glutathione binding site geometry observed in one of the crystal structures of the protein. Biophysical and biochemical experiments failed to detect glutathione binding, protein dimerization, or phosphatase activity for CIB1 under several solution conditions. However, our data identify low affinity (Kd, 10−2M) Ca2+ binding events that influence the structures of the N- and C-terminal extensions of CIB1 under high (300 mM) Ca2+ crystallization conditions. In addition to providing a rationale for differences amongst the various solution and crystal structures of CIB1, our results show that the impact of low affinity Ca2+ binding events should be considered when analyzing and interpreting protein crystallographic structures determined in the presence of very high Ca2+ concentrations.  相似文献   

Two multisubunit protein complexes for membrane protein insertion were recently identified in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER): the guided entry of tail anchor proteins (GET) complex and ER membrane complex (EMC). The structures of both of their hydrophobic core subunits, which are required for the insertion reaction, revealed an overall similarity to the YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 family members found in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. This suggests that these membrane insertion machineries all share a common ancestry. To test whether these ER proteins can functionally replace Oxa1 in yeast mitochondria, we generated strains that express mitochondria-targeted Get2–Get1 and Emc6–Emc3 fusion proteins in Oxa1 deletion mutants. Interestingly, the Emc6–Emc3 fusion was able to complement an Δoxa1 mutant and restored its respiratory competence. The Emc6–Emc3 fusion promoted the insertion of the mitochondrially encoded protein Cox2, as well as of nuclear encoded inner membrane proteins, although was not able to facilitate the assembly of the Atp9 ring. Our observations indicate that protein insertion into the ER is functionally conserved to the insertion mechanism in bacteria and mitochondria and adheres to similar topological principles.

Redirecting the core subunits of the protein membrane insertion complex EMC into mitochondria rescues cells deficient for the mitochondrial Oxa1 system; this supports the hypothesis that the machinery for protein insertion into the ER membrane is functionally analogous to the YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 family of bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The algR2 (also known as algQ) gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa has previously been identified as being necessary for alginate production at 37°C. We have cloned two genes, from a cosmid library of Escherichia coli, which can restore mucoidy to an algR2 mutant of P. aeruginosa. The complementing regions of both cosmids were localized by subcloning restriction fragments. One of the E. coli genes identified here has not previously been described; we have named this gene rnk (regulator of nucleoside diphosphate kinase). It encodes a 14.9 kDa protein with no homo-logy to any other protein. The other gene, sspA, is a regulator involved in stationary-phase regulation in E. coli. Either gene will restore mucoidy to an algR2-deficient strain of P. aeruginosa. AlgR2 has been shown to regulate at least two enzymes, succinyl-CoA synthetase (Scs) and nucleoside diphosphate kinase (Ndk), which form a complex in P. aeruginosa. When we examined the ability of the E. coli analogues to regulate Ndk, we found that rnk but not sspA was able to restore Ndk activity to the P. aeruginosa algR2 mutant. Furthermore, rnk was able to restore growth of the algR2 mutant in the presence of Tween 20, which inhibits other Ndk-like activities.  相似文献   

The catalytic core of methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) is conserved among all life kingdoms but, depending on species origin, is often linked to non-catalytic domains appended to its N- or C-terminus. These domains usually contribute to protein-protein or protein-tRNA interactions but their exact biological role and evolutionary purpose is poorly understood. Yeast MetRS contains an N-terminal appendix that mediates its interaction with the N-terminal part of Arc1p. Association with Arc1p controls the subcellular distribution of MetRS. Furthermore, the C-terminal part of Arc1p harbors a conserved tRNA-binding domain (TRBD) required for the Arc1p-dependent stimulation of the catalytic activity of MetRS. The same TRBD is found directly fused to catalytic domains of plant and nematode MetRS as well as human tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase. To investigate the purpose of Arc1p-MetRS complex formation in yeast, we tested the ability of TRBD to assist the function of MetRS independently of Arc1p. We attached the TRBD directly to the C-terminus of the MetRS catalytic core (MC) by constructing the chimeric protein MC-TRBD. The effect of MC-TRBD expression on yeast cell growth as well as its localization and in vitro aminoacylation activity were analyzed and compared to that of MC alone or wild-type MetRS, both in the absence or presence of Arc1p. We show that MC-TRBD exhibits improved enzymatic activity and can effectively substitute the MetRS-Arc1p binary complex in vivo. Moreover, MC-TRBD, being exclusively cytoplasmic, also mimics the MetRS-Arc1p complex in terms of subcellular localization. Our results suggest that the sole role of the N-terminal appended domain of yeast MetRS is to mediate the indirect association with the TRBD, which, nevertheless, can also function effectively in vivo when directly fused to the catalytic MetRS core.  相似文献   

The ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases consists of four members: the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/ErbB1), ErbB2/HER2/Neu, ErbB3/HER3, and ErbB4/HER4. ErbB2 is an "orphan" for which there is no naturally occurring, soluble ligand. ErbB3 lacks tyrosine kinase activity. Thus, we hypothesized that ErbB2 enhances ligand-induced ErbB family receptor signalling through mass action. In contrast, we hypothesized that ErbB3 reduces ligand-induced ErbB family receptor signalling by forming receptor heterodimers that cannot undergo bidirectional cross-phosphorylation. We tested these hypotheses using three cell lines that express equal levels of ErbB4. One expresses ErbB4 alone, the second expresses ErbB2 and ErbB4, and the third expresses ErbB3 and ErbB4. We treated the cells with the ErbB4 ligands betacellulin (BTC) and neuregulin1beta (NRG1 beta) and assayed ErbB4 tyrosine phosphorylation. ErbB2 and ErbB3 do not affect the amount of ligand-induced ErbB4 tyrosine phosphorylation. We will discuss these findings within the context of a model for ErbB receptor signalling.  相似文献   

The retroviral oncogene v-erbB encodes a truncated form of the receptor for epidermal growth factor, an integral membrane protein-tyrosine kinase. By contrast, the oncogene v-src encodes a protein-tyrosine kinase that is a peripheral membrane protein. The morphologies and spectra of cells transformed by these two oncogenes differ. In an effort to identify the functional determinant(s) of these differences, we constructed and tested first deletion mutants of v-erbB and then chimeras between v-src and v-erbB. As reported previously, the absence of any membrane anchorage eliminated transformation by v-erbB. Anchorage of the cytoplasmic kinase domain of v-erbB to membranes with amino-terminal portions of the v-src protein permitted transformation. The phenotype and spectrum of transformation were those expected for v-erbB rather than for v-src. The transforming chimeras lost their biological activity if the signal for myristylation at the amino terminus of v-src was compromised by mutation. Biochemical fractionations revealed a correlation between transforming activity and the association of chimeric gene products with the membrane fraction of the cell. For reasons not yet apparent, the combined presence of membrane anchorage domains of v-src, and the transmembrane domain of v-erbB in the same chimera typically (but not inevitably) impeded transformation. Our results suggest that the specificity of transformation by v-erbB resides in the selection of substrates by the cytoplasmic domain of the gene product. The protein retains access to those substrates even when anchored to the membrane in the manner of a peripheral rather than a transmembrane protein.  相似文献   

The chloroplastic outer envelope protein OEP24 from pea forms a high-conductance low specificity solute channel as shown by in vitro studies. In order to establish its function also in an in vivo-like system, the gene encoding OEP24 was transformed into a yeast strain which lacks the general mitochondria solute channel porin, also known as voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC). Transformation of the yeast VDAC(-) strain with the OEP24 gene resulted in the recovery of a phenotype indistinguishable from the wild-type. The OEP24 polypeptide is targeted to the mitochondrial outer membrane in this heterologous system. We conclude that OEP24 forms a solute channel in pea chloroplasts in planta.  相似文献   

The U6 spliceosomal snRNA forms an intramolecular stem-loop structure during spliceosome assembly that is required for splicing and is proposed to be at or near the catalytic center of the spliceosome. U6atac snRNA, the analog of U6 snRNA used in the U12-dependent splicing of the minor class of spliceosomal introns, contains a similar stem-loop whose structure but not sequence is conserved between humans and plants. To determine if the U6 and U6atac stem-loops are functionally analogous, the stem-loops from human and budding yeast U6 snRNAs were substituted for the U6atac snRNA structure and tested in an in vivo genetic suppression assay. Both chimeric U6/U6atac snRNA constructs were active for splicing in vivo. In contrast, several mutations of the native U6atac stem-loop that either delete putatively unpaired residues or disrupt the putative stem regions were inactive for splicing. Compensatory mutations that are expected to restore base pairing within the stem regions restored splicing activity. However, other mutants that retained base pairing potential were inactive, suggesting that functional groups within the stem regions may contribute to function. These results show that the U6atac snRNA stem-loop structure is required for in vivo splicing within the U12-dependent spliceosome and that its role is likely to be similar to that of the U6 snRNA intramolecular stem-loop.  相似文献   

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