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To identify subdivisions of the human parietal cortex, we collected fMRI data while ten subjects performed six tasks: grasping, pointing, saccades, attention, calculation, and phoneme detection. Examination of task intersections revealed a systematic anterior-to-posterior organization of activations associated with grasping only, grasping and pointing, all visuomotor tasks, attention and saccades, and saccades only. Calculation yielded two distinct activations: one unique to calculation in the bilateral anterior IPS mesial to the supramarginal gyrus and the other shared with phoneme detection in the left IPS mesial to the angular gyrus. These results suggest human homologs of the monkey areas AIP, MIP, V6A, and LIP and imply a large cortical expansion of the inferior parietal lobule correlated with the development of human language and calculation abilities.  相似文献   

CCM3, also named as PDCD10, is a ubiquitous protein expressed in nearly all tissues and in various types of cells. It is essential for vascular development and post‐natal vessel maturation. Loss‐of‐function mutation of CCM3 predisposes for the familial form of cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM). We have previously shown that knock‐down of CCM3 stimulated endothelial angiogenesis via impairing DLL4‐Notch signalling; moreover, loss of endothelial CCM3 stimulated tumour angiogenesis and promoted tumour growth. The present study was designed to further elucidate the inside signalling pathway involved in CCM3‐ablation‐mediated angiogenesis. Here we report for the first time that silencing endothelial CCM3 led to a significant up‐regulation of EphB4 mRNA and protein expression and to an increased kinase activity of EphB4, concomitantly accompanied by an activation of Erk1/2, which was reversed by treatment with the specific EphB4 kinase inhibitor NVP‐BHG712 (NVP), indicating that silencing CCM3 activates EphB4 kinase forward signalling. Furthermore, treatment with NVP rescued the hyper‐angiogenic phenotype induced by knock‐down of endothelial CCM3 in vitro and in vivo. Additional study demonstrated that the activation of EphB4 forward signalling in endothelial cells under basal condition and after CCM3‐silence was modulated by DLL4/Notch signalling, relying EphB4 at downstream of DLL4/Notch signalling. We conclude that angiogenesis induced by CCM3‐silence is mediated by the activation of EphB4 forward signalling. The identified endothelial signalling pathway of CCM3‐DLL4/Notch‐EphB4‐Erk1/2 may provide an insight into mechanism of CCM3‐ablation‐mediated angiogenesis and could potentially contribute to novel therapeutic concepts for disrupting aberrant angiogenesis in CCM and in hyper‐vascularized tumours.  相似文献   

Heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are known to be crucial for signalling by the secreted Wnt, Hedgehog, Bmp and Fgf proteins during invertebrate development. However, relatively little is known about their effect on developmental signalling in vertebrates. Here, we report the analysis of daedalus, a novel zebrafish pectoral fin mutant. Positional cloning identified fgf10 as the gene disrupted in daedalus. We find that fgf10 mutants strongly resemble zebrafish ext2 and extl3 mutants, which encode glycosyltransferases required for heparan sulphate biosynthesis. This suggests that HSPGs are crucial for Fgf10 signalling during limb development. Consistent with this proposal, we observe a strong genetic interaction between fgf10 and extl3 mutants. Furthermore, application of Fgf10 protein can rescue target gene activation in fgf10, but not in ext2 or extl3 mutants. By contrast, application of Fgf4 protein can activate target genes in both ext2 and extl3 mutants, indicating that ext2 and extl3 are differentially required for Fgf10, but not Fgf4, signalling during limb development. This reveals an unexpected specificity of HSPGs in regulating distinct vertebrate Fgfs.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin receptor signalling is required for normal brain development.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Erythropoietin, known for its role in erythroid differentiation, has been shown to be neuroprotective during brain ischaemia in adult animal models. Although high levels of erythropoietin receptor are produced in embryonic brain, the role of erythropoietin during brain development is uncertain. We now provide evidence that erythropoietin acts to stimulate neural progenitor cells and to prevent apoptosis in the embryonic brain. Mice lacking the erythropoietin receptor exhibit severe anaemia and defective cardiac development, and die at embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5). By E12.5, in addition to apoptosis in foetal liver, endocardium and myocardium, the erythropoietin receptor null mouse shows extensive apoptosis in foetal brain. Lack of erythropoietin receptor affects brain development as early as E10.5, resulting in a reduction in the number of neural progenitor cells and increased apoptosis. Corresponding in vitro cultures of cortical cells from Epor(-/-) mice also exhibited decreases in neuron generation compared with normal controls and increased sensitivity to low oxygen tension with no surviving neurons in Epor(-/-) cortical cultures after 24 hour exposure to hypoxia. The viability of primary Epor(+/+) rodent embryonic cortical neurons was further increased by erythropoietin stimulation. Exposure of these cultures to hypoxia induced erythropoietin expression and a tenfold increase in erythropoietin receptor expression, increased cell survival and decreased apoptosis. Cultures of neuronal progenitor cells also exhibited a proliferative response to erythropoietin stimulation. These data demonstrate that the neuroprotective activity of erythropoietin is observed as early as E10.5 in the developing brain, and that induction of erythropoietin and its receptor by hypoxia may contribute to selective cell survival in the brain.  相似文献   

Avenacins are antimicrobial triterpene glycosides that are produced by oat (Avena) roots. These compounds confer broad-spectrum resistance to soil pathogens. Avenacin A-1, the major avenacin produced by oats, is strongly UV fluorescent and accumulates in root epidermal cells. We previously defined nine loci required for avenacin synthesis, eight of which are clustered. Mutants affected at seven of these (including Saponin-deficient1 [Sad1], the gene for the first committed enzyme in the pathway) have normal root morphology but reduced root fluorescence. In this study, we focus on mutations at the other two loci, Sad3 (also within the gene cluster) and Sad4 (unlinked), which result in stunted root growth, membrane trafficking defects in the root epidermis, and root hair deficiency. While sad3 and sad4 mutants both accumulate the same intermediate, monodeglucosyl avenacin A-1, the effect on avenacin A-1 glucosylation in sad4 mutants is only partial. sad1/sad1 sad3/sad3 and sad1/sad1 sad4/sad4 double mutants have normal root morphology, implying that the accumulation of incompletely glucosylated avenacin A-1 disrupts membrane trafficking and causes degeneration of the epidermis, with consequential effects on root hair formation. Various lines of evidence indicate that these effects are dosage-dependent. The significance of these data for the evolution and maintenance of the avenacin gene cluster is discussed.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle satellite cell-derived myoblasts are mainly responsible for postnatal muscle growth and injury-induced regeneration. However, the cellular signaling pathways that control proliferation and differentiation of myoblasts remain poorly defined. Recently, we found that JAK1/STAT1/STAT3 not only participate in myoblast proliferation but also actively prevent them from premature differentiation. Unexpectedly, we found that a related pathway consisting of JAK2, STAT2, and STAT3 is required for early myogenic differentiation. Interference of this pathway by either a small molecule inhibitor or small interfering RNA inhibits myogenic differentiation. Consistently, all three molecules are activated upon differentiation. The pro-differentiation effect of JAK2/STAT2/STAT3 is partially mediated by MyoD and MEF2. Interestingly, the expression of the IGF2 gene and the HGF gene is also regulated by JAK2/STAT2/STAT3, suggesting that this pathway could also promote differentiation by regulating signaling molecules known to be involved in myogenic differentiation. In summary, our current study reveals a novel role for the JAK2/STAT2/STAT3 pathway in myogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

We previously reported that the STAM family members STAM1 and STAM2 are phosphorylated on tyrosine upon stimulation with cytokines through the gammac-Jak3 signaling pathway, which is essential for T-cell development. Mice with targeted mutations in either STAM1 or STAM2 show no abnormality in T-cell development, and mice with double mutations for STAM1 and STAM2 are embryonically lethal; therefore, here we generated mice with T-cell-specific double mutations for STAM1 and STAM2 using the Cre/loxP system. These STAM1(-/-) STAM2(-/-) mice showed a significant reduction in thymocytes and a profound reduction in peripheral mature T cells. In proliferation assays, thymocytes derived from the double mutant mice showed a defective response to T-cell-receptor (TCR) stimulation by antibodies and/or cytokines, interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-7. However, signaling events downstream of receptors for IL-2 and IL-7, such as activations of STAT5, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, and c-myc induction, were normal in the double mutant thymocytes. Upon TCR-mediated stimulation, prolonged activations of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and Jun N-terminal protein kinase were seen, but activations of ERK, PKB/Akt, and intracellular calcium flux were normal in the double mutant thymocytes. When the cell viability of cultured thymocytes was assessed, the double mutant thymocytes died more quickly than controls. These results demonstrate that the STAMs are indispensably involved in T-cell development and survival in the thymus through the prevention of apoptosis but are dispensable for the proximal signaling of TCR and cytokine receptors.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which events in the angiosperm cell wall are communicated to the cytoplasm is not well characterized. A family of five Arabidopsis wall-associated kinases (WAKs) have the potential to provide a physical and signaling continuum between the cell wall and the cytoplasm. The WAKs have an active cytoplasmic protein kinase domain, span the plasma membrane, and contain an N terminus that binds the cell wall. We show here that WAKs are expressed at organ junctions, in shoot and root apical meristems, in expanding leaves, and in response to wall disturbances. Leaves expressing an antisense WAK gene have reduced WAK protein levels and exhibit a loss of cell expansion. WAKs are covalently bound to pectin in the cell wall, providing evidence that the binding of a structural carbohydrate by a receptor-like kinase may have significance in the control of cell expansion.  相似文献   

In response to starvation, Myxococcus xanthus undergoes a multicellular developmental process that produces a dome-shaped fruiting body structure filled with differentiated cells called myxospores. Two insertion mutants that block the final stages of fruiting body morphogenesis and reduce sporulation efficiency were isolated and characterized. DNA sequence analysis revealed that the chromosomal insertions are located in open reading frames ORF2 and asgE, which are separated by 68 bp. The sporulation defect of cells carrying the asgE insertion can be rescued phenotypically when co-developed with wild-type cells, whereas the sporulation efficiency of cells carrying the ORF2 insertion was not improved when mixed with wild-type cells. Thus, the asgE insertion mutant appears to belong to a class of developmental mutants that are unable to produce cell-cell signals required for M. xanthus development, but they retain the ability to respond to them when they are provided by wild-type cells. Several lines of evidence indicate that asgE cells fail to produce normal levels of A-factor, a cell density signal. A-factor consists of a mixture of heat-stable amino acids and peptides, and at least two heat-labile extracellular proteases. The asgE mutant yielded about 10-fold less heat-labile A-factor and about twofold less heat-stable A-factor than wild-type cells, suggesting that the primary defect of asgE cells is in the production or release of heat-labile A-factor.  相似文献   

The actin filament system is essential for many cellular functions, including shape, motility, cytokinesis, intracellular trafficking, and tissue organization. Tropomyosins (Tms) are rod-like components of most actin filaments that differentially affect their stability and flexibility. The Tm gene family consists of four genes, alphaTm, betaTm, gammaTm (Tm5 NM, where "NM" indicates "nonmuscle"), and deltaTm (Tm4). Multiple isoforms of the Tm family are generated by alternative splicing of three of these genes, and their expression is highly regulated. Extensive spatial and temporal sorting of Tm isoforms into different cellular compartments has been shown to occur in several cell types. We have addressed the function of the low-molecular-weight Tms encoded by the gammaTm gene by eliminating the corresponding amino-terminal coding sequences from this gene. Heterozygous mice were generated, and subsequent intercrossing of the F1 pups did not result in any viable homozygous knockouts. Genotype analysis of day 2.5 morulae also failed to detect any homozygous knockouts. We have failed in our attempts to delete the second allele and generate in vitro double-knockout cells, although 51 clones displayed homologous recombination back into the originally targeted locus. We therefore conclude that low-molecular-weight products from the gammaTm gene are essential for both embryonic development and cell survival.  相似文献   

Vacuolar-type H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) plays a major role in endomembrane and plasma membrane proton transport in eukaryotes. We found that the acidic compartments generated by V-ATPase are present from the one-cell stage of mouse preimplantation embryos. Upon differentiation of trophoblasts and the inner cell mass at the blastocyst stage, these compartments exhibited a polarized perinuclear distribution. PL16(-/-) embryos, lacking the V-ATPase 16-kDa proteolipid (c subunit), developed to the blastocyst stage and were implanted in the uterine epithelium, but died shortly thereafter. This mutant showed severe defects in development of the embryonic and extraembryonic tissues at a stage that coincided with rapid cell proliferation. When cultured in vitro, PL16(-/-) blastocysts could hatch and become attached to the surface of a culture dish, but the inner cell mass grew significantly slower and most cells failed to survive for more than 4 days. PL16(-/-) cells showed impaired endocytosis as well as organellar acidification. The Golgi complex became swollen and vacuolated, possibly due to the absence of the luminal acidic pH. These results clearly indicate that acidic compartments are essential for development after implantation.  相似文献   

Incomplete urethral tubularization (hypospadias) and anorectal abnormalities are two common and poorly understood birth defects that affect the extreme caudal midline of the human embryo. We now show that cell surface molecules essential for proper axon pathfinding in the developing nervous system, namely ephrin-B2 and the ephrin receptors EphB2 and EphB3, also play major roles in cell adhesion events that tubularize the urethra and partition the urinary and alimentary tracts. Mice carrying mutations which disrupt the bidirectional signals that these molecules transduce develop with variably penetrant severe hypospadias and incomplete midline fusion of the primitive cloaca. We further show that animals completely lacking ephrin-B2 reverse signaling present a fully penetrant failure in cloacal septation. This results in severe anorectal malformations characterized by an absence of the terminal-most hindgut (rectum) and formation of a fistula that aberrantly connects the intestines to the urethra at the base of the bladder. Consistent with an apparent requisite for both forward and reverse signaling in these caudal remodeling events, EphB2 and ephrin-B2 are coexpressed at the midline in the fusing urethral/cloacal endoderm and underlying lateral mesoderm of the urorectal septum that migrates toward the caudal midline as the cloaca septates. Our data thus indicate that B-subclass Eph and ephrin molecules play an important role in these clinically significant midline cell-cell adhesion and fusion events.  相似文献   

Calcium signalling has profound implications in the fungal infection of plants and animals, during which a series of physiological and morphological transitions are required. In this article, using a model fungal pathogen, Magnaporthe oryzae , we demonstrate that the regulation of the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]int) is essential for fungal development and pathogenesis. Imaging of [Ca2+]int showed that infection-specific morphogenesis is highly correlated with the spatiotemporal regulation of calcium flux. Deletion of the fungal phospholipase C gene ( M.   oryzae phospholipase C 1, MoPLC1 ) suppressed calcium flux, resulting in a fungus defective in developmental steps, including appressorium formation and pathogenicity. Surprisingly, the PLC-δ1 gene of mouse was able to functionally substitute for MoPLC1 by restoring the calcium flux, suggesting the evolutionary conservation of the phospholipase C-mediated regulation of calcium flux. Our results reveal that MoPLC1 is a conserved modulator of calcium flux that is essential for the regulation of key steps in fungal development and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

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