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Although numerous studies have investigated changes in soil microbial communities across space, questions about the temporal variability in these communities and how this variability compares across soils have received far less attention. We collected soils on a monthly basis (May to November) from replicated plots representing three land-use types (conventional and reduced-input row crop agricultural plots and early successional grasslands) maintained at a research site in Michigan, USA. Using barcoded pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, we found that the agricultural and early successional land uses harbored unique soil bacterial communities that exhibited distinct temporal patterns. α-Diversity, the numbers of taxa or lineages, was significantly influenced by the sampling month with the temporal variability in α-diversity exceeding the variability between land-use types. In contrast, differences in community composition across land-use types were reasonably constant across the 7-month period, suggesting that the time of sampling is less important when assessing β-diversity patterns. Communities in the agricultural soils were most variable over time and the changes were significantly correlated with soil moisture and temperature. Temporal shifts in bacterial community composition within the successional grassland plots were less predictable and are likely a product of complex interactions between the soil environment and the more diverse plant community. Temporal variability needs to be carefully assessed when comparing microbial diversity across soil types and the temporal patterns in microbial community structure can not necessarily be generalized across land uses, even if those soils are exposed to the same climatic conditions.  相似文献   

土壤古菌和真菌在温室生态系统是仅次于细菌的微生物,具有类似于细菌的重要生态功能。通过构建古菌16S rRNA和真菌18S rRNA基因克隆文库,分析温室黄瓜近根土壤古菌和真菌群落结构组成,为开发利用温室这一特殊的生态环境中丰富的微生物资源以及理解微生物与植物间的互作提供参考依据。采用研磨-冻融-溶菌酶-蛋白酶K-SDS热处理以及CTAB处理等理化方法,提取和纯化微生物总DNA,构建古菌16S rRNA和真菌18S rRNA基因克隆文库。利用DOTUR软件将古菌和真菌序列按照相似性97%的标准分成若干个可操作分类单元 (OTUs)。土壤古菌克隆文库主要包括泉古菌门和未分类的古菌两大类,并有少部分广域古菌类群,所有泉古菌均属于热变形菌纲,共45个OTUs;真菌克隆文库包括真菌门的大多数亚门真菌,共24个OTUs,未发现担子菌亚门真菌。古菌多样性比较丰富,且发现少量的广域古菌 (甲烷菌),这一情况可能与温室长期高温高湿,高有机质含量,土壤处于缺氧环境有关;土壤真菌的优势种群为子囊菌,占到土壤真菌的80%以上,这可能与绝大多数植物真菌性病害属于土传病害,通过菌丝体、菌核或子囊壳在土壤病残体中越冬有一定的关系。  相似文献   

石油污染对土壤微生物群落多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤中的微生物主要有细菌、放线菌、真菌三大类群,微生物在石油污染的土壤中发挥着维持生态平衡和生物降解的功能。文中以四川省遂宁市射洪县某废弃油井周围不同程度石油污染土壤为供试土壤,首先对各组供试土壤的基本理化性质进行测定分析;然后采用平板菌落计数法测定了供试土壤中三大类微生物数量的变化,结果表明:相比未被污染的对照土壤,石油污染的土壤中细菌、放线菌、真菌数量均减少,并且土壤中可培养微生物的数量与土壤含水量呈正相关;再采用454焦磷酸测序技术对土壤中的细菌群落多样性及变化进行16S rRNA基因分析。在所有供试的4个土壤样品中,共鉴定出不少于23 982个有效读取序列和6 123种微生物,相比于未被污染的对照土壤,石油污染土壤中细菌的种类更加丰富,主要优势门类为酸杆菌门、放线菌门、拟杆菌门、绿弯菌门、浮霉菌门和变形菌门。但不同土壤样品中优势菌群的群落结构有所差异,石油污染的土壤中,酸杆菌门、放线菌门和变形菌门的数量最多,未被石油污染的土壤中,放线菌门、拟杆菌门和变形菌门的数量最多。  相似文献   

[背景] 人体能量稳态失衡表现为体重过轻、超重和肥胖,肠道菌群与人体能量稳态的维持有关,但不同身体质量指数(Body Mass Index,BMI)人群的肠道菌群特征仍需进一步探究。[目的] 基于美国肠道计划公开数据库,解析4类BMI人群肠道菌群的特征,并探究4类BMI人群肠道菌群共存网络特征及差异,为基于肠道菌群来干预肥胖及体重过轻等不健康状态提供新的理论依据。[方法] 从美国肠道计划数据集中筛选具有BMI信息的肠道菌群样本,并根据世界卫生组织规定的BMI划分标准将筛选后的样本分为4类:体重过轻(BMI<18.5 kg/m2),正常体重(18.5 kg/m22),超重(25 kg/m22),肥胖(BMI>30 kg/m2);通过计算和比较肠道菌群的α多样性和β多样性探究4类BMI人群肠道菌群的整体结构特征及差异;通过多元线性回归模型对不同BMI分类与肠道菌群进行相关性分析,并且将地域、年龄、性别因素作为混杂因素加入到模型中进行校正;采用SparCC分别计算4类BMI人群肠道菌群中菌属相关性,并分别构建肠道菌群共存网络。[结果] 经过Wilcoxon秩和检验,发现体重过轻、超重、肥胖人群的肠道菌群α多样性都显著低于正常体重人群;β多样性分析结果表明4类BMI人群肠道菌群的整体结构存在显著差异;4类BMI人群肠道中厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)的相对含量无显著差异;通过MaAsLin分析,并且将地域、年龄、性别因素作为混杂因素加入到模型中进行校正,共得到49个与BMI类型显著相关的物种;4类BMI人群肠道菌群共存网络的拓扑结构具有一定差异,体重过轻和正常体重人群肠道菌群共存网络的复杂度较高,超重和肥胖人群肠道菌群共存网络的复杂度较低。[结论] 4类BMI人群肠道菌群的多样性、整体结构和共存网络间均存在差异。  相似文献   

In the present study, benthic microbial communities along the Pearl Estuary, a typical subtropical estuary in China subjected to extensive anthropogenic disturbance, were investigated using 16S rRNA gene-based pyrosequencing. The results showed that microbial communities in freshwater samples were clearly distinct from those in saltwater samples, since the relative sequence abundances of Deltaproteobacteria, Thermoplasmata and Marine Group I (MG-I) were higher in saltwater sediments, whereas Chloroflexi, Spirochaetes, Betaproteobacteria and methanogens were more prevalent in freshwater sediments. In addition, bacterial communities showed vertical stratifications in saltwater sediments, but remained constant with depth in freshwater sediments. The total organic carbon and carbon/nitrogen ratio in sediments correlated significantly with the overall community variations. The predominance of various microorganisms in specific niches led to efforts to identify their functional couplings by exploring their co-occurrence patterns. Using network analysis, strong positive correlations were observed between sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, and between SRB and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, indicating the potential interactions of intra-sulfur cycle processes, as well as sulfur and nitrogen cycles, in coastal sediments. Archaeal clades revealed strong and wide correlations between the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group (MCG) and other groups, suggesting a central role of MCG in the coastal benthic environment. Inversely, MG-I displayed negative correlations with other clades, which might indicate that the lifestyles of heterotrophic and autotrophic clades were mutually exclusive. This study presented a detailed outline of the biogeographic patterns of benthic microbial communities along the Pearl Estuary and provided new information regarding the potential interactions of various biogeochemical cycles in coastal sediments.  相似文献   

【背景】现代规模化生产模式下,牛舍环境管理是影响奶牛高效健康生产的重要因素。【目的】探讨牛场不同牛舍土壤细菌群落特征,为奶牛健康生产提供理论依据。【方法】采集宁夏某规模化奶牛场的哺乳犊牛岛、断奶犊牛舍、育成牛舍、低产泌乳牛舍、高产头胎泌乳牛舍、高产经产泌乳牛舍、干奶牛舍和病牛舍这8个不同牛舍的土样,每个牛舍6个重复,共48份土样。利用16S rRNA基因扩增子测序分析细菌群落结构与多样性,并对细菌群落的功能进行预测。【结果】不同牛舍土样细菌群落组成存在差异,并且8个牛舍中高产头胎泌乳牛舍土样的细菌群落多样性最高。哺乳犊牛岛土壤与其他牛舍土壤细菌群落在门水平上差异较大;泌乳期牛舍土样之间的细菌群落结构相似度较高。在门的水平上,拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)是这8个牛舍土样共有的优势菌门。在属的水平上,嗜盐碱的盐单胞菌属(Halomonas)、具有潜在降解特性的Fermentimonas和栖海面菌属(Aequorivita)及致病菌的鸟杆菌属(Ornithobacterium)是犊牛期牛舍土样的优势菌属;嗜盐碱的Truepera是育成牛舍土样的优势菌属;致病菌的不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)和Parapedobacter、耐药菌的Pedobacter是泌乳期牛舍土样的优势菌属。【结论】致病菌和参与硝酸盐呼吸的细菌主要分布在哺乳犊牛岛,嗜盐碱菌主要分布在断奶犊牛舍和育成牛舍,产甲烷的细菌主要分布在高产头胎泌乳牛舍。本研究分析了不同牛舍土壤细菌群落多样性,为奶牛健康生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲盐碱地花生根层土壤菌群结构多样性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
戴良香  康涛  慈敦伟  丁红  徐扬  张智猛  张岱  李文金 《生态学报》2019,39(19):7169-7178
花生属豆科固氮作物,具较强的抗旱耐盐性,土壤微生物在盐碱土生态系统中具有重要的生态功能。以花生平作、花生/棉花间作为对象,通过16S rRNA基因克隆文库技术分析了黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地花生旺盛生长期不同含盐量盐碱地和非盐碱地0—40cm根层非培养土壤微生物群落组成及其多样性,分析了盐碱地花生根层土壤细菌群落与非盐碱地花生根层土壤细菌群落的差异,为揭示盐碱地花生根层土壤微生物的多样性以及土地利用变化与生态环境效应间的关系奠定基础。利用免培养技术直接从土壤样品提取总DNA,针对细菌基因组16S rRNA基因的V3高变区进行PCR扩增;利用焦磷酸测序的方法对V3高变区PCR产物进行高通量测序,并对测序数据进行生物信息学分析。结果表明,(1)黄河三角洲滨海盐碱土较高含盐量土壤中根层土壤微生物种类、优势种群数量和群落功能多样性较非盐碱土壤较为丰富。(2)盐碱土花生平作或花生//棉花间作两种种植方式基本不影响二者0—40cm根层土壤微生物优势类群;不同土壤类型和种植模式下,花生和棉花根层土壤中优势菌群均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)和酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria) 4种菌群,其总丰度为80%—90%。非盐碱土壤中花生根层的酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)丰度是盐碱土壤中的3倍以上,嗜热油菌纲(Thermoleophilia)和放线菌纲(Actinomycetales)丰度远高于各种盐碱土壤花生平作和花生//棉花间作两种植模式下的花生根层土壤;非盐碱土平作花生0—40cm土层中Rubellimicrobium、Pontibacter和Lamia细菌则显著缺失。(3)土壤类型对土壤微生物菌群类型影响较大,聚类分析表明,10个土壤样本依据土壤含盐量高低和根系分布深度聚为3类,即非盐碱土壤归为1类,盐碱土壤根系密集分布层0—20cm、20—40cm各归为1类。  相似文献   

We have begun to examine the basis for incongruence between hot spring microbial mat populations detected by cultivation or by 16S rRNA methods. We used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to monitor enrichments and isolates plated therefrom. At near extincting inoculum dilutions we observed Chloroflexus-like and cyanobacterial populations whose 16S rRNA sequences have been detected in the New Pit Spring Chloroflexus mat and the Octopus Spring cyanobacterial mat. Cyanobacterial populations enriched from 44 to 54°C and 56 to 63°C samples at near habitat temperatures were similar to those previously detected in mat samples of comparable temperatures. However, a lower temperature enrichment from the higher temperature sample selected for the populations found in the lower temperature sample. Three Thermus populations detected by both DGGE and isolation exemplify even more how enrichment may bias our view of community structure. The most abundant population was adap ted to the habitat temperature (50°C), while populations adapted to 65°C and 70°C were 102- and 104-fold less abundant, respectively. However, enrichment at 70°C favored the least abundant strain. Inoculum dilution and incubation at the habitat temperature favored the more numerically relevant populations. We enriched many other aerobic chemoorganotropic populations at various inoculum dilutions and substrate concentrations, most of whose 16S rRNA sequences have not been detected in mats. A common feature of numerically relevant cyanobacterial, Chloroflexus-like and aerobic chemorganotrophic populations, is that they grow poorly and resist cultivation on solidified medium, suggesting plating bias, and that the medium composition and incubation conditions may not reflect the natural microenvironments these populations inhabit.  相似文献   

16S rRNA基因在微生物生态学中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
16S rRNA(Small subunit ribosomal RNA)基因是对原核微生物进行系统进化分类研究时最常用的分子标志物(Biomarker),广泛应用于微生物生态学研究中。近些年来随着高通量测序技术及数据分析方法等的不断进步,大量基于16S rRNA基因的研究使得微生物生态学得到了快速发展,然而使用16S rRNA基因作为分子标志物时也存在诸多问题,比如水平基因转移、多拷贝的异质性、基因扩增效率的差异、数据分析方法的选择等,这些问题影响了微生物群落组成和多样性分析时的准确性。对当前使用16S rRNA基因分析微生物群落组成和多样性的进展情况做一总结,重点讨论当前存在的主要问题以及各种分析方法的发展,尤其是与高通量测序技术有关的实验和数据处理问题。  相似文献   

The influence of long‐term chemical fertilization on soil microbial communities has been one of the frontier topics of agricultural and environmental sciences and is critical for linking soil microbial flora with soil functions. In this study, 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing and a functional gene array, geochip 4.0, were used to investigate the shifts in microbial composition and functional gene structure in paddy soils with different fertilization treatments over a 22‐year period. These included a control without fertilizers; chemical nitrogen fertilizer (N); N and phosphate (NP); N and potassium (NK); and N, P and K (NPK). Based on 16S rRNA gene data, both species evenness and key genera were affected by P fertilization. Functional gene array‐based analysis revealed that long‐term fertilization significantly changed the overall microbial functional structures. Chemical fertilization significantly increased the diversity and abundance of most genes involved in C, N, P and S cycling, especially for the treatments NK and NPK. Significant correlations were found among functional gene structure and abundance, related soil enzymatic activities and rice yield, suggesting that a fertilizer‐induced shift in the microbial community may accelerate the nutrient turnover in soil, which in turn influenced rice growth. The effect of N fertilization on soil microbial functional genes was mitigated by the addition of P fertilizer in this P‐limited paddy soil, suggesting that balanced chemical fertilization is beneficial to the soil microbial community and its functions.  相似文献   


The study of microbial communities in river sediments contaminated by thallium (Tl) is necessary to achieve the information for in-situ microbially mediated bioremediation. However, little is known about the microbial community in Tl-contaminated river sediments. In the present study, we characterized the microbial community and their responses to Tl pollution in river sediments from the Tl-mineralized Lanmuchang area, Southwest Guizhou, China. Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA amplicons revealed that over 40 phyla belong to the domain bacteria. In all samples, Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Actinobacteria were the most dominant phyla. Based on the UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) tree and PCoA (Principal Coordinates Analysis) analysis, microbial composition of each segment was distinct, indicating in-situ geochemical parameters (including Tl, sulfate, TOC, Eh, and pH) had influenced on the microbial communities. Moreover, canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was employed to further elucidate the impact of geochemical parameters on the distribution of microbial communities in local river sediments. The results indicated that a number of microbial communities including Cyanobacteria, Spirochaete, Hydrogenophaga, and Acinetobacter were positively correlated with total Tl, suggesting potential roles of these microbes to Tl tolerance or to biogeochemical cycling of Tl. Our results suggested a reliable location for the microbial community’s diversity in the presence of high concentrations of Tl and might have a potential association for in-situ bioremediation strategies of Tl-contaminated river. Overall, in situ microbial community could provide a useful tool for monitoring and assessing geo-environmental stressors in Tl-polluted river sediments.  相似文献   

王倩  胡欢  范芹  马锐  彭泽惠  刘建国 《微生物学通报》2019,46(11):3084-3090
种植体周围炎是发生在骨性结合种植体周围组织的炎症,是由微生物引发的感染性疾病,可引起种植体周围支持组织丧失而导致种植失败。阐明种植体周围炎生物膜的微生物学基础,可为制定相应防治策略提供理论依据。随着测序技术的发展,基于16S rRNA基因的测序分析技术逐渐应用于与口腔种植体相关的微生物学研究,使人们对种植体周围炎生物膜的微生物群落多样性有了更全面的了解,也进一步认识到种植体周围炎和牙周炎菌斑生物膜的微生物结构存在显著差别。本文根据基于16S rRN基因A序列分析技术的最新研究成果,对种植体周围炎菌斑生物膜的微生物学研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Although open ocean time-series sites have been areas of microbial research for years, relatively little is known about the population dynamics of bacterioplankton communities in the coastal ocean on kilometer spatial and seasonal temporal scales. To gain a better understanding of microbial community variability, monthly samples of bacterial biomass were collected in 1995-1996 along a 34-km transect near the Long-Term Ecosystem Observatory (LEO-15) off the New Jersey coast. Surface and bottom sampling was performed at seven stations along a transect line with depths ranging from 1 to 35 m (n=178). Microbial populations were fingerprinted using ribosomal 16S rRNA genes and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Results from cluster analysis revealed distinct temporal patterns among the bacterioplankton communities in the Mid-Atlantic Bight rather than grouping by sample location or depth. Principal components analysis models supported the temporal patterns. In addition, partial least squares regression modeling could not discern a significant correlation from traditional oceanographic physical and phytoplankton nutrient parameters on overall bacterial community variability patterns at LEO-15. These results suggest factors not traditionally measured during oceanographic studies are structuring coastal microbial communities.  相似文献   

Aeolian soil erosion and deposition have worldwide impacts on agriculture, air quality and public health. However, ecosystem responses to soil erosion and deposition remain largely unclear in regard to microorganisms, which are the crucial drivers of biogeochemical cycles. Using integrated metagenomics technologies, we analysed microbial communities subjected to simulated soil erosion and deposition in a semiarid grassland of Inner Mongolia, China. As expected, soil total organic carbon and plant coverage were decreased by soil erosion, and soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was increased by soil deposition, demonstrating that field simulation was reliable. Soil microbial communities were altered (< .039) by both soil erosion and deposition, with dramatic increase in Cyanobacteria related to increased stability in soil aggregates. amyA genes encoding α‐amylases were specifically increased (= .01) by soil deposition and positively correlated (= .02) to DOC, which likely explained changes in DOC. Surprisingly, most of microbial functional genes associated with carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium cycling were decreased or unaltered by both erosion and deposition, probably arising from acceleration of organic matter mineralization. These divergent responses support the necessity to include microbial components in evaluating ecological consequences. Furthermore, Mantel tests showed strong, significant correlations between soil nutrients and functional structure but not taxonomic structure, demonstrating close relevance of microbial function traits to nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Addition of crystalline cellulose to semi-desert soil shifts the microbial population; this was assessed by following the 16S rRNA gene, glycosyl hydrolase, and measuring its functional diversity in the bacterial population. Quantification of the glycosyl hydrolase gene showed an increase from 1 × 104 g−1 of unamended soil to 3 × 104 g−1 of crystalline-cellulose-amended soil by the 15th day of crystalline cellulose utilization. The indigenous glycosyl hydrolase community in unamended soil was dominated by the clone families that were closely related to the glycosyl hydrolases from Betaproteobacteria and Firmicutes. The addition of crystalline cellulose induced a shift in the glycosyl hydrolase population toward an increase in the relative abundance of the glycosyl hydrolase that was consistent with those of Bacteroidetes and Flavobacteria. The population shift of glycosyl hydrolase was also supported by the comparison of the 16S rRNA gene families in unamended and crystalline-cellulose-amended soil libraries. The most abundant 16S rRNA gene sequences retrieved in the unamended soil were identical to Pseudomonas, Massilia, Paenibacillus, and Bacillus spp., while Cytophaga and Flavobacterium spp. dominated in crystalline-cellulose-amended soil.  相似文献   

不同土壤采样设计下土壤表层微生物α多样性的差异分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
【背景】土壤采样是土壤研究的基础,采样方案的不同可能会对土壤微生物多样性的研究结果产生一定影响。【目的】研究不同的土壤采样设计方案对土壤样品16S rRNA基因高通量测序结果的影响。【方法】对2个不同生境样地的土壤进行网格化采样,对采集的18个土壤样品进行16S rRNA基因测序分析,通过模拟5种常见土壤采样方法,对比不同采样方式所获得的测序结果。【结果】不同采样方式会产生不同的测序结果。在测序深度有效的情况下,细菌总物种数随着采样数的增加而逐渐增长,增长速度在采样数大于5以后趋于平缓;样品中的优势物种(序列数200以上)只需很少的采样数(1-3)即可观察到全部物种;Shannon-Wiener指数与Simpson指数的变化较相似,当采样数由1到3时两指数均有较大增长,之后变化放缓。【结论】土壤细菌微生物测序研究中,土壤样地采样数量低于3个会影响测序结果的可靠性,采样方案选择梅花形采样法或蛇形采样法较为适宜。  相似文献   

Although recent work has shown that both deterministic and stochastic processes are important in structuring microbial communities, the factors that affect the relative contributions of niche and neutral processes are poorly understood. The macrobiological literature indicates that ecological disturbances can influence assembly processes. Thus, we sampled bacterial communities at 4 and 16 weeks following a wildfire and used null deviation analysis to examine the role that time since disturbance has in community assembly. Fire dramatically altered bacterial community structure and diversity as well as soil chemistry for both time-points. Community structure shifted between 4 and 16 weeks for both burned and unburned communities. Community assembly in burned sites 4 weeks after fire was significantly more stochastic than in unburned sites. After 16 weeks, however, burned communities were significantly less stochastic than unburned communities. Thus, we propose a three-phase model featuring shifts in the relative importance of niche and neutral processes as a function of time since disturbance. Because neutral processes are characterized by a decoupling between environmental parameters and community structure, we hypothesize that a better understanding of community assembly may be important in determining where and when detailed studies of community composition are valuable for predicting ecosystem function.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between plant species composition and microbial community diversity and structure, we carried out a molecular analysis of microbial community structure and diversity in two field experiments. In the first experiment, we examined bacterial community structure in bulk and rhizosphere soils in fields exposed to different plant diversity treatments, via a 16S rRNA gene clone library approach. Clear differences were observed between bacterial communities of the bulk soil and the rhizosphere, with the latter containing lower bacterial diversity. The second experiment focused on the influence of 12 different native grassland plant species on bacterial community size and structure in the rhizosphere, as well as the structure of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia community structures. In general, bacterial and phylum-specific quantitative PCR and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed only weak influences of plant species on rhizosphere communities. Thus, although plants did exert an influence on microbial species composition and diversity, these interactions were not specific and selective enough to lead to major impacts of vegetation composition and plant species on below-ground microbial communities.  相似文献   

大港孔店油田水驱油藏微生物群落的分子分析   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
通过多聚酶链式反应温度梯度凝胶电泳(PCRTGGE)和构建16S rRNA基因克隆文库两种方法对比研究了大港油田孔二北断块注水井和采油井的微生物群落结构。16S rDNA V3区PCR扩增产物的TGGE图谱分析表明,这两个油井的微生物群落结构差异很大。注水井样品的TGGE图谱中有6条主要条带,而采油井样品中只有一个条带占绝对优势。同时,建立了两个样品的16S rRNA基因克隆文库,从中分别挑选了108和50个克隆进行限制性酶切片段长度多样性分析(ARDRA)。注水井样品有33个操作分类单元(OUT),其中6个OUT是优势类型;而采油井样品只有8个OUT,有1个OUT在文库中占绝对优势。克隆文库和TGGE的研究结果一致,均表明注水井样品的微生物多样性比采油井丰富很多。每个OUT的代表克隆序列分析结果表明,注水井样品中的细菌主要属于α、β、γ变形菌纲和放线菌纲,尤其是红细菌亚纲(47%)。采油井样品的细菌主要属于α、β、γ变形菌纲,尤其是假单胞菌属(62%)。油藏微生物多样性的分子分析可为开展微生物采油技术研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

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