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To study the relationship between DNA replication and chromatin assembly, we have purified a factor termed Drosophila chromatin assembly factor 1 (dCAF-1) to approximately 50% homogeneity from a nuclear extract derived from embryos. dCAF-1 appears to consist of four polypeptides with molecular masses of 180, 105, 75, and 55 kDa. dCAF-1 preferentially mediates chromatin assembly of newly replicated DNA relative to unreplicated DNA during T-antigen-dependent simian virus 40 DNA replication in vitro, as seen with human CAF-1. Analysis of the mechanism of DNA replication-coupled chromatin assembly revealed that both dCAF-1 and human CAF-1 mediate chromatin assembly preferentially with previously yet newly replicated DNA relative to unreplicated DNA. Moreover, the preferential assembly of the postreplicative DNA was observed at 30 min after inhibition of DNA replication by aphidicolin, but this effect slowly diminished until it was no longer apparent at 120 min after inhibition of replication. These findings suggest that the coupling between DNA replication and chromatin assembly may not necessarily involve a direct interaction between the replication and assembly factors at a replication fork.  相似文献   

ISWI proteins form the catalytic core of a subset of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling activities in eukaryotes from yeast to man. Many of these complexes have been found to reposition nucleosomes but with different directionalities. We find that the yeast Isw1a, Isw2, and Chd1 enzymes preferentially move nucleosomes toward more central locations on short DNA fragments whereas Isw1b does not. Importantly, the inherent positioning properties of the DNA play an important role in determining where nucleosomes are relocated to by all of these enzymes. However, a key difference is that the Isw1a, Isw2, and Chd1 enzymes are unable to move nucleosomes to positions closer than 15 bp from a DNA end, whereas Isw1b can. We also find that there is a correlation between the inability of enzymes to move nucleosomes close to DNA ends and the preferential binding to nucleosomes bearing linker DNA. These observations suggest that the accessibility of linker DNA together with the positioning properties of the underlying DNA play important roles in determining the outcome of remodeling by these enzymes.  相似文献   

Chromatin assembly factor-1 (CAF-1), a complex consisting of p150, p60, and p48 subunits, is highly conserved from yeast to humans and facilitates nucleosome assembly of newly replicated DNA in vitro. To investigate roles of CAF-1 in vertebrates, we generated two conditional DT40 mutants, respectively, devoid of CAF-1p150 and p60. Depletion of each of these CAF-1 subunits led to delayed S-phase progression concomitant with slow DNA synthesis, followed by accumulation in late S/G2 phase and aberrant mitosis associated with extra centrosomes, and then the final consequence was cell death. We demonstrated that CAF-1 is necessary for rapid nucleosome formation during DNA replication in vivo as well as in vitro. Loss of CAF-1 was not associated with the apparent induction of phosphorylations of S-checkpoint kinases Chk1 and Chk2. To elucidate the precise role of domain(s) in CAF-1p150, functional dissection analyses including rescue assays were preformed. Results showed that the binding abilities of CAF-1p150 with CAF-1p60 and DNA polymerase sliding clamp proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) but not with heterochromatin protein HP1-gamma are required for cell viability. These observations highlighted the essential role of CAF-1-dependent nucleosome assembly in DNA replication and cell proliferation through its interaction with PCNA.  相似文献   

Packaging of the DNA in nucleosomes restricts its accessibility to regulatory factors and enzymatic complexes, making a local remodeling of the nucleosome structure a prerequisite to the establishment of protein-DNA interactions. The use of an experimental system in which one nucleosome is reconstituted on a short linear DNA fragment allows gel fractionation of nucleosomes according to their translational positions, whose locations are dependent on the underlying DNA sequence. Nucleosome mobilization by chromatin remodeling factors is easily detected by observing band disappearance in gel, which in turn provides evidence for histone octamer displacement. Here, we provide methods for chromatin assembly that we have been using in our analysis for nucleosome mobilization by chromatin remodeling factors. These methods are straightforward and easy to follow. Thus, they may provide a good starting assay system for analysis of nucleosome movements by other chromatin remodeling machines.  相似文献   

During chromatin replication and nucleosome assembly, newly synthesized histone H4 is acetylated before it is deposited onto DNA, then deacetylated as assembly proceeds. In a previous study (Perry and Annunziato, Nucleic Acids Res. 17, 4275 [1989]) it was shown that when replication occurs in the presence of sodium butyrate (thereby inhibiting histone deacetylation), nascent chromatin fails to mature fully and instead remains preferentially sensitive to DNaseI, more soluble in magnesium, and depleted of histone H1 (relative to mature chromatin). In the following report the relationships between chromatin replication, histone acetylation, and H1-mediated nucleosome aggregation were further investigated. Chromatin was replicated in the presence or absence of sodium butyrate; isolated nucleosomes were stripped of linker histone, reconstituted with H1, and treated to produce Mg(2+)-soluble and Mg(2+)-insoluble chromatin fractions. Following the removal of H1, all solubility differences between chromatin replicated in sodium butyrate for 30 min (bu-chromatin) and control chromatin were lost. Reconstitution with H1 completely restored the preferential Mg(2+)-solubility of bu-chromatin, demonstrating that a reduced capacity for aggregation/condensation is an inherent feature of acetylated nascent nucleosomes; however, titration with excess H1 caused the solubility differences to be lost again. Moreover, when the core histone N-terminal "tails" (the sites of acetylation) were removed by trypsinization prior to reconstitution, H1 was unable to reestablish the altered solubility of chromatin replicated in butyrate. Thus, the core histone "tails," and the acetylation thereof, not only modulate H1-mediated nucleosome interactions in vitro, but also strongly influence the ability of H1 to differentiate between new and old nucleosomes. The data suggest a possible mechanism for the control of H1 deposition and/or chromatin folding during nucleosome assembly.  相似文献   

Purification of supercoiled DNA of plasmid col E1 by RPC-5 chromatography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Col E1 DNA can be purified to a high degree by RPC-5 chromatography of a partially purified cell lysate with a very shallow linear NaCl gradient at pH 7.8. Electron micrographs demonstrated that the purest fractions were composed of 93% supercoiled (form I) DNA and 7% open circular (form II) DNA. The actual chromatography can be accomplished in 13–14 h and is designed for the production of several milligrams of plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

The influence of reversible protein phosphorylation on nucleosome assembly during DNA replication was analyzed in extracts from human cells. Inhibitor studies and add-back experiments indicated requirements of cyclin A/Cdk2, cyclin E/Cdk2, and protein phosphatase type 1 (PP1) activities for nucleosome assembly during DNA synthesis by chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF-1). The p60 subunit of CAF-1 is a molecular target for reversible phosphorylation by cyclin/Cdk complexes and PP1 during nucleosome assembly and DNA synthesis in vitro. Purified p60 can be directly phosphorylated by purified cyclin A/Cdk2, cyclin E/Cdk2, and cyclin B1/Cdk1, but not by cyclin D/Cdk4 complexes in vitro. Cyclin B1/Cdk1 triggers hyperphosphorylation of p60 in the presence of additional cytosolic factors. CAF-1 containing hyperphosphorylated p60 prepared from mitotic cells is inactive in nucleosome assembly and becomes activated by dephosphorylation in vitro. These data provide functional evidence for a requirement of the cell cycle machinery for nucleosome assembly by CAF-1 during DNA replication.  相似文献   

A minimal amount of extranucleosomal DNA was required for nucleosome mobilization by ISW2 as shown by using a photochemical histone mapping approach to analyze nucleosome movement on a set of nucleosomes with varied lengths of extranucleosomal DNA. ISW2 was ineffective in repositioning or mobilizing nucleosomes with 相似文献   

We report for the first time the use of liquid-liquid counter-current chromatography (CCC) for the preparative scale fractionation of plasmid DNA. Almost complete fractionation of supercoiled and open circular plasmid DNA (6.9 kb) could be achieved using a phase system comprising 12.5% (w/w) PEG 600 and 18% (w/w) K2HPO4. Experiments were carried out on a Brunel J-type CCC machine (100 ml PTFE coil) at a mobile phase flow rate of 0.5 ml min– 1 and a rotational speed of 600 rpm. Compared to conventional HPLC techniques the capacity of CCC is not limited by the surface area of resin available for adsorption. Symbols: C b, Concentration of plasmid in lower phase (g ml–1); C t, Concentration of plasmid in upper phase (g ml–1); CV, Total volume of mobile phase present in the coil and connecting leads (ml); K, Equilibrium solute partition coefficient (K=C t/C b); OC, Open circular plasmid; SC, Supercoiled plasmid; S f, Percentage stationary phase retention (S f=V s/V c); t s, Time for phase separation (s); V b, Volume of bottom phase (ml); V c, Coil volume (ml); V m, Volume of mobile phase present in coil at equilibrium (ml); V r, Volume ratio of two phases (V r=V t/V b); V s, Volume stationary phase present in coil at equilibrium (ml); V t, Volume of top phase (ml); V tot, Total volume of phase system (ml).  相似文献   

To study the alkali denaturation of supercoiled DNA, plasmid pBR322 was treated with gradient concentrations of NaOH solution. The results of gel electrophoresis showed that the alkali denaturation of the supercoiled DNA occurred in a narrow range of pH value (12.88-12.90). The alkali-denatured supercoiled DNA ran, as a sharp band, faster than the supercoiled DNA. The supercoiled plasmid DNA of pBR322, pACYC184 and pJGX15A were denatured by NaOH, and then visualized by atomic force microscopy. Compared with the supercoiled DNA, the atomic force microscopy images of the alkali-denatured supercoiled DNA showed rough surface with many kinks, bulges on double strands with inhomogeneous diameters. The apparent contour lengths of the denatured DNA were shortened by 16%, 16% and 50% for pBR322, pACYC184 and pJGX15A, respectively. All evidence suggested that the alkali-denatured supercoiled DNA had a stable conformation with unregistered, topologically constrained double strands and intrastrand secondary structure.  相似文献   

There is much evidence indicating the importance in gene regulation of the positions of nucleosomes with respect to DNA sequence. Low resolution chromatin structures have been described for many genes, but there is a dearth of detailed high resolution chromatin structures. In the cases where they are available, high resolution maps have revealed much more complex chromatin structures, with multiple alternative nucleosome positions. The discovery that ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling machines are recruited to genes, with their ability to mobilise nucleosomes on DNA and to alter nucleosomal conformation, emphasises the necessity for obtaining high resolution nucleosome maps, so that the details of these remodelling reactions can be defined in vivo. Here, we describe protocols for purifying plasmid chromatin from cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and for mapping nucleosome positions on the plasmid using the monomer extension mapping method. This method requires purified chromatin, but is capable of mapping relatively long stretches of chromatin in great detail. Typically, it reveals very complex chromatin structures.  相似文献   

The nucleosome remodeling factor NURF is a four-subunit, ISWI-containing chromatin remodeling complex that catalyzes nucleosome sliding in an ATP-dependent fashion, thereby modulating the accessibility of the DNA. To elucidate the mechanism of nucleosome sliding, we have investigated by hydroxyl radical footprinting how NURF makes initial contact with a nucleosome positioned at one end of a DNA fragment. NURF binds to two separate locations on the nucleosome: a continuous stretch of linker DNA up to the nucleosome entry site and a region asymmetrically surrounding the nucleosome dyad within the minor grooves, close to residues of the histone H4 tail that have been implicated in the activation of ISWI activity. Kinetic analysis reveals that nucleosome sliding occurs in apparent increments or steps of 10 bp. Furthermore, single nucleoside gaps as well as nicks about two helical turns before the dyad interfere with sliding, indicating that structural stress at this region assists the relative movement of DNA. These findings support a sliding model in which the position-specific tethering of NURF forces a translocating ISWI ATPase to pump a DNA distortion over the histone octamer, thereby changing the translational position of the nucleosome.  相似文献   

To study mechanisms of nucleosome positioning, small circular plasmids were constructed, assembled into chromatin in vivo in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and their chromatin structures were analysed with respect to positions of nucleosomes and nuclease-sensitive regions. Plasmids used include insertions of the URA3 gene into the TRP1 gene of the TRP1ARS1 circular plasmid in the same (TRURAP) or opposite (TRARUP) orientation. The URA3 gene has six precisely positioned, stable nucleosomes flanked by nuclease-sensitive regions at the 5' and 3' ends of the gene. Three of these nucleosome positions do not depend on the flanking nuclease-sensitive regions, since they are formed at similar positions in a derivative plasmid (TUmidL) that contains the middle of the URA3 sequence but not the 5' and 3' ends. These positions are probably due to protein-DNA interactions. In both TRURAP and TRARUP, the positions of the nucleosomes on the TRP1 gene were, however, shifted compared with the positions on the parental TRP1ARS1 circle and TUmidL. These changes are interpreted to be due to changes in the positions of flanking nuclease-sensitive regions that might act as boundaries to position nucleosomes. Thus, two independent mechanisms for nucleosome positioning have been demonstrated in vivo. The ARS1 region contains the 3' end of the TRP1 gene and the putative origin of replication. Since in TRURAP and TRARUP the TRP1 gene is interrupted, but the ARS1 region remains nuclease sensitive, this non-nucleosomal conformation of the ARS1 region probably reflects a chromatin structure important for replication.  相似文献   

Random arrangement of nucleosome on DNA in chromatin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Prunell 《FEBS letters》1979,107(2):285-287

Gene therapy and DNA vaccination cover a variety of applications using viral and non-viral vectors as vehicles of choice for treatment of genetic or acquired diseases. Recently, most therapeutic applications have been performed with non-viral biological agents preparations highly enriched in supercoiled plasmid molecules and it has been concluded that this isoform is more efficient at gene transfection than open circular isoform. This work describes for the first time a new strategy that uses lysine-chromatography to efficiently eliminate Escherichia coli impurities as well as other ineffective plasmid isoforms present in a complex clarified lysate to purify and obtain pharmaceutical-grade supercoiled plasmid DNA. The quality control tests indicated that the levels of impurities in the final plasmid product were below the generally accepted specifications. Furthermore, the delivery of the purified product to eukaryotic cells, the cell uptake and transfection efficiency were also analyzed. The results showed that the transfection efficiency reached with the application of the supercoiled plasmid conformation, purified with lysine-agarose, was higher than the values achieved for other plasmid topologies. Therefore, this study presents a new enabling technology to obtain the completely purified non-viral vector, able to act with good efficiency as gene therapy delivery vehicle in several diseases like cancer.  相似文献   

Ahmad K  Henikoff S 《Molecular cell》2002,9(6):1191-1200
Two very similar H3 histones-differing at only four amino acid positions-are produced in Drosophila cells. Here we describe a mechanism of chromatin regulation whereby the variant H3.3 is deposited at particular loci, including active rDNA arrays. While the major H3 is incorporated strictly during DNA replication, amino acid changes toward H3.3 allow replication-independent (RI) deposition. In contrast to replication-coupled (RC) deposition, RI deposition does not require the N-terminal tail. H3.3 is the exclusive substrate for RI deposition, and its counterpart is the only substrate retained in yeast. RI substitution of H3.3 provides a mechanism for the immediate activation of genes that are silenced by histone modification. Inheritance of newly deposited nucleosomes may then mark sites as active loci.  相似文献   

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